There's def a value of swaping cards around on old machines, that's part of the experience of owning a modular computer! It's cool people still put up with headaches like this, I feel it's keeping something about these machines alive.
I love it that we see the man behind the videos! Here’s some perhaps unwanted feedback on the shot with your handsome face in it: the background is a bit too light maybe? Make it a bit darker so there’s a bit more contrast between you and the background. Also, hairlight in the back? Thanks for the informative video’s!
I've found that I have to do everything like I did back in the day or I skip steps. That's right, I have to read every manual and add things one at a time or I get into trouble. It seems its the assigns that I always mess up. Sigh... I guess that's Amiga life
I got stung by the Amiga USB mouse adapters. The USB connector came loose on mine and it shorted. The design of them is bad. And I also had bad luck with a (flatscreen) Vertical Line Remover video adapter. I removed it when my A1200 was turned on. That killed the +5V output on VIdeo output. I fixed that with a bodge wire from +5V on connector next to Video connector.
One thing that gets me are "data miner / hoarders / System flippers" in thee scene. Here is the scenario. A system flipper acquires something like a video toaster flyer and has no idea how to use and configure it. The person proceeds to get all kinds of free configuration advice and favors on configuring the system with the intent to sell it to thee highest bidder all under the guise of "salt of the earth Amiga fanatic". I had two fully functional Video Toaster flyer outfits back in the day and they were a pain to run BACK THEN. I'm kind of done sharing info that flippers will use to make a profit. You wan to learn? RTFM...Be very cautious where and how you share your knowledge and ensure you are compensated for it.
Ok that is interesting. I understand the frustration. Heck I've watched "freepair" videos Dr. Chris has done only to find out the person who sent it in then later flips it on Ebay for stacks of cash. Keeping it all. Dr. Chris keeps going though. AmigaLife is more important to save and share. Even with those "bad actors" or lazy folk. I guess that's why I keep going. part.
Is AGA really better for the Lightwave interface than ECS? The interface doesn't really use the extra colour depth. Maybe you can set up an AGA/ECS side-by-side comparison using 8 & 16 colour interfaces. Of course AGA would provide an advantage of ECS for displaying renders.
Its not the colors its the speed of the gui feedback. Ive demonstrated this. LW in the more ideal 8 color mode is rather sluggish on ECS. AGA's extra bandwidth really helps increase the interactivity.
Your "double tap" power on issue has ALL the hallmarks of your PSU not being all there anymore, or simply not being able to handle the starting load. A new PSU would be the best fix but failing that I'd just take second best. You have 3 inductive loads in there, the HD and two fans (noctua and PSU). Not much you can do about the HD other than replacing it with some IDESSD or IDECF, but the fans, maybe. IIRC the PSU fan isn't connected to any monitoring on the PSU so it should be safe to run them both from an external power source and the noctua can absolutely be ran from external. Guess it would be nice if some of the hw guys came up with a ATXAmiga power converter, should be pretty trivial compared to other stuff, and good quality ATX PSU's are plentiful.
@@HoldandModify All PSU's eventually do this, unless they die catastrophically. You can delay it by simply over sizing the PSU a fair bit, but even that only pushes it farther into the future. Inductive loads (motors, inductors, etc) amplify the issue because their starting current is A LOT higher than their running current, and can lead to a lot of "can't cold start" situations.
Beware of recap scammers. The scam goes like this... "Hey I do recaps for a (insert fair price here) thing is when you send in the system it becomes a repair from hell. All kinds of problems are found and your machine is hijacked until you agree to pay for replacement chips / repairs. Fully photograph and document stuff before shipping it out.
It's cool but I like to do it with upgrades that make sense. IT gets too expensive when you get a separate sound, gfx, networking, accelerator, and hard drive controller from back in the day. So Vampire and Pistorm make the most sense. Dropping a slow and expensive 030/040/ 060 card makes zero sense to me.
I like seeing those old real world cards doing their thing. Also the '060 was a bit of an Amiga Unicorn back then. Being able to finally get one cheap years later (before the Amiga price explosions) was such a treat!
@@HoldandModify There was a sweet spot back in the day where I acquired A3000T, A4000T and every Amiga oddity you can imagine for a song. A big part of this was that Amiga Inc and Amiga IP pretenders always did a good job of dangling the "Next Gen" Amiga carrot over the scene. This devalued th 68K Amigas. Now things are full circle. 68K is next gen and NG is a joke, vaporware / unobtanium.
@Hi, just thought if you had an early buster can cause bus problems and this might have been the cause of your 4000 problems. In regard to the ramsey 7 i know in 3000 you are meant to upgrade your to a dmac 4 if you upgrade the ramsey.
@HoldandModify ah. I haven't kept up with my YT subscribe feed lately, been a busy month. Any recommendations to max out a 1200 with a Blizzard1230-IV for usefulness (3.1 original roms), a stock 1200 (3.0), and a 2000 with 2.04 rom/Vektor Professioanl SCSI/A2286? Yes, the 2000 will be my main retro creative workstation.
@HoldandModify Is what I'm thinking. B1230 machine will go to a friend who wanted an A1200 and won't be doing fancy stuff on it (still wish I could find an affordable BSCSI for it). The 3.0 machine I inherited from a late friend would have PiStorm. Then there's figuring out what else to get for the 2000 after it's repaired.
Two things making me poor. Central bank raising interest rates. Amiga gear on Ebay.
Good job you’re not on Amibay… A lot of good stuff to be bought on there. I’m poor now… 😔😬😉🤣
@ Yes I avoid that place ON PURPOSE.
There's def a value of swaping cards around on old machines, that's part of the experience of owning a modular computer! It's cool people still put up with headaches like this, I feel it's keeping something about these machines alive.
It might be keeping me alive with all the spikes to my blood pressure.
I love it that we see the man behind the videos! Here’s some perhaps unwanted feedback on the shot with your handsome face in it: the background is a bit too light maybe? Make it a bit darker so there’s a bit more contrast between you and the background. Also, hairlight in the back?
Thanks for the informative video’s!
Finally! The info I was hoping for! :)
(yes for real though, good advice and I'm months pass due for hair work)
I've found that I have to do everything like I did back in the day or I skip steps. That's right, I have to read every manual and add things one at a time or I get into trouble. It seems its the assigns that I always mess up. Sigh... I guess that's Amiga life
I got stung by the Amiga USB mouse adapters. The USB connector came loose on mine and it shorted. The design of them is bad. And I also had bad luck with a (flatscreen) Vertical Line Remover video adapter. I removed it when my A1200 was turned on. That killed the +5V output on VIdeo output. I fixed that with a bodge wire from +5V on connector next to Video connector.
ohh no! Yup sad to see that but that's a classic example of "AmigaLife"
The A1000 had a keyboard parking spot, the A4000 has a mouse parking spot!!!
Lol! i like that way of putting it!
What am I doing seeing a video of hardware upgrade of 40 years ago? haha
welcome aboard
Always a wild ride!
What Light wave version do you use?
5.0. Last Amiga version. Check out my vids for THRILLING LW action. ;)
One thing that gets me are "data miner / hoarders / System flippers" in thee scene. Here is the scenario. A system flipper acquires something like a video toaster flyer and has no idea how to use and configure it. The person proceeds to get all kinds of free configuration advice and favors on configuring the system with the intent to sell it to thee highest bidder all under the guise of "salt of the earth Amiga fanatic". I had two fully functional Video Toaster flyer outfits back in the day and they were a pain to run BACK THEN. I'm kind of done sharing info that flippers will use to make a profit. You wan to learn? RTFM...Be very cautious where and how you share your knowledge and ensure you are compensated for it.
Ok that is interesting. I understand the frustration. Heck I've watched "freepair" videos Dr. Chris has done only to find out the person who sent it in then later flips it on Ebay for stacks of cash. Keeping it all. Dr. Chris keeps going though. AmigaLife is more important to save and share. Even with those "bad actors" or lazy folk. I guess that's why I keep going. part.
@@HoldandModify Chris is a prince. (I mean that in a good way)
Is AGA really better for the Lightwave interface than ECS? The interface doesn't really use the extra colour depth. Maybe you can set up an AGA/ECS side-by-side comparison using 8 & 16 colour interfaces. Of course AGA would provide an advantage of ECS for displaying renders.
Its not the colors its the speed of the gui feedback. Ive demonstrated this. LW in the more ideal 8 color mode is rather sluggish on ECS. AGA's extra bandwidth really helps increase the interactivity.
12 minutes... you are getting close to 10MARC territory.
yeah, don't break those simm sockets, those a bear to replace.
I need to win the lotto to build my own Amiga store.
Hah. Yeah no doubt. I'm glad I got most of them before the crazy prices. At least some of them.
Real hardware = Real error's, as long as you enjoy its all good :)
Pretty much ... most of the time. haha
Your "double tap" power on issue has ALL the hallmarks of your PSU not being all there anymore, or simply not being able to handle the starting load. A new PSU would be the best fix but failing that I'd just take second best. You have 3 inductive loads in there, the HD and two fans (noctua and PSU). Not much you can do about the HD other than replacing it with some IDESSD or IDECF, but the fans, maybe. IIRC the PSU fan isn't connected to any monitoring on the PSU so it should be safe to run them both from an external power source and the noctua can absolutely be ran from external.
Guess it would be nice if some of the hw guys came up with a ATXAmiga power converter, should be pretty trivial compared to other stuff, and good quality ATX PSU's are plentiful.
the PSU is scruffy a newer unit. Modded PC I believe. Now it too is OLD and yes could be that it is on its final years. Thanks for the info!
@@HoldandModify All PSU's eventually do this, unless they die catastrophically. You can delay it by simply over sizing the PSU a fair bit, but even that only pushes it farther into the future. Inductive loads (motors, inductors, etc) amplify the issue because their starting current is A LOT higher than their running current, and can lead to a lot of "can't cold start" situations.
stop say sorry about the cable mess. thats the way its made to be. if its not a mess, something is wrong.
lol! Good point!
Beware of recap scammers. The scam goes like this... "Hey I do recaps for a (insert fair price here) thing is when you send in the system it becomes a repair from hell. All kinds of problems are found and your machine is hijacked until you agree to pay for replacement chips / repairs. Fully photograph and document stuff before shipping it out.
It's cool but I like to do it with upgrades that make sense. IT gets too expensive when you get a separate sound, gfx, networking, accelerator, and hard drive controller from back in the day. So Vampire and Pistorm make the most sense. Dropping a slow and expensive 030/040/ 060 card makes zero sense to me.
I like seeing those old real world cards doing their thing. Also the '060 was a bit of an Amiga Unicorn back then. Being able to finally get one cheap years later (before the Amiga price explosions) was such a treat!
@@HoldandModify There was a sweet spot back in the day where I acquired A3000T, A4000T and every Amiga oddity you can imagine for a song. A big part of this was that Amiga Inc and Amiga IP pretenders always did a good job of dangling the "Next Gen" Amiga carrot over the scene. This devalued th 68K Amigas. Now things are full circle. 68K is next gen and NG is a joke, vaporware / unobtanium.
@ Good point.
Does it have a buster 11?
It does. What I don't know is what Ramsey it has. It ideally should be a 7.
@Hi, just thought if you had an early buster can cause bus problems and this might have been the cause of your 4000 problems. In regard to the ramsey 7 i know in 3000 you are meant to upgrade your to a dmac 4 if you upgrade the ramsey.
# Amigalife :-)
Holy shit, face reveal!
Actually my last two videos as well. :)
@HoldandModify ah. I haven't kept up with my YT subscribe feed lately, been a busy month. Any recommendations to max out a 1200 with a Blizzard1230-IV for usefulness (3.1 original roms), a stock 1200 (3.0), and a 2000 with 2.04 rom/Vektor Professioanl SCSI/A2286? Yes, the 2000 will be my main retro creative workstation.
@ That's a good setup as is. If you want blazing speeds for the 1200, the PiStorm32 for is the best thing going.
@HoldandModify Is what I'm thinking. B1230 machine will go to a friend who wanted an A1200 and won't be doing fancy stuff on it (still wish I could find an affordable BSCSI for it). The 3.0 machine I inherited from a late friend would have PiStorm.
Then there's figuring out what else to get for the 2000 after it's repaired.
I don't *need* that terriblefire 030 buuuuuuuuttttt
It's that itch.. that must be scratched!