The original ending gives hope where none may not come. Stephen King gave readers a desperate longing for the characters to survive and the ending was a way for them(readers) to hope. Without revealing what actually happens after, the last word of the novella made the greatest impact on the characters as well as the readers. The movie ending was far more fitting(as well as shocking) for a movie because viewers does not get the same impact when watching a movie than reading a book. I personally loved both endings because both fit well into their respective mediums.
Yes, finally an observation I can totally agree with. Being an avid reader (And King being one of my favorites), loved the book, and now the movie, and loved both endings...wasn't going to watch it, as I'm usually disappointed in his adaptations, ran across it yesterday when I had nothing to read or watch (home sick with a bad cold), what a gem!
Funny thing is, when King was presented the script, his reaction to the movie's ending was basically 'why didn't I think of that' and it was his approval that actually cinched which ended made it to the final cut.
I first saw the film having never read the novella, but in the scene where they're on the highway and see that gigantic creature walk by, my immediate thought was: "The world has truly ended, and there's no escape. They're not just going to drive a few dozen more miles and get clear of the mist. If there are things like _that_ roaming the countryside, then the world belongs to them now and we're just the bugs under their feet. It's all over." With that in mind, and knowing that almost everyone else who'd set foot outside had been eaten or worse, and they were now stranded out on the highway miles from shelter, the decision to turn the gun on themselves makes a lot of sense. Shame they didn't talk it over for five more minutes, though...
To clarify: I probably wouldn't shoot myself, even if I figured I was going to die anyway, because a slim chance of survival beats no chance at all. But I can understand why they did.
+Rob Pegler There are a lot of cast members from Walking Dead in this movie and none of the characters in this movie would make it long in that world. They see one dinosaur like bug in this movie and go "well forget this, i'm out." They would probably take one look at 10 zombies and do the exact same thing.
It's funny that Andrea is probably one of those people, who also plays one of the actors of the mist, as she tries to kill herself in the first season.
probably why I didnt enjoy this movie.. its like the writers were just thinking "this guy's pretty f*cked up now. hmmm. let's fck him up some more just for the heck of it hehe". No sense to whats happening whatsoever. if they were trying to pull a "this is how humans are at desperate situations" route. the Road did it so much better.
I remember after watch this movie on video i suggest my sister to watch this movie and i said to her this film had great ending, watching my sister reaction i have a good laugh after the depression
I read the book as a teenager and always wanted them to make a movie out of it..and when I saw the movie it surpassed all of my expectations....except the ending, which was the single most WTF moment I ever experience in watching a movie ever...I was shocked, upset, angry, and horrified all at the same time....yet I applaud the writer for changing it, the new ending totally fit into the Stephen King mindset and had me thinking for days afterward...
Agreed. I rarely think that tge changes a movie does to the source material is even as good as the book's. It's both absolutely heart-rending and tragic and yet says, "Don't ever give up. It's only then that you're certain to fail." If anything, the film's ending is more Stephen King that Stephen King's ending.
The original ending of the movie was shocking and very powerful. It's hard to say I "enjoyed" it, but it was very effective and has stayed with me...but even though things end horribly for Thomas Jane and his group, humanity survives; the mist is receding, and the Army is beating back the monsters. In this alternate ending (closer to what King wrote) the mist wins, enveloping the entire earth. What hope do the "survivors" have in a world over run with nightmarish monsters? This ending is actually far more depressing, if you think about it.
sorry but no way... this ending leave space for hope! the ending I saw is just a bunch of losers that accept suicide and kills a kid, instead of trying to defend him;
I like the novella, but I like the film's ending more. The film's ending is so black, ruthless, bitter, brutal, and nihilistic that it actually flies right over the head of absurdity and lands in the court of terrifyingly poignant. It's refreshing to see a movie with some balls.
Mike Zilla so true! despite all the hate it gets this film ending so darkly actually makes it a better film in my opinion! and yes i have read the novella
So incorrect. Pointless out of the blue twist ending, neatly lifted from night of the living dead, albeit far less believable. The original novella is far better, but too open ended and subtle for Hollywood I guess.
Mike Zilla Had they all died then it would have had some balls. What they did there was a giant middle finger to the audience. The 'Oh if he had just waited 10 more minutes everyone would have been fine' trick. It did succeed in actually making me angry which is something I suppose. In the end, given how much I loved the novella I felt like this ending was a giant f*ck you.
The movie did exactly what it was intended to do, get you emotionally invested. Of course you want the survivors to keep on surviving, but the the fact that they commit suicide minutes from rescue is pure torture. On one hand i dislike that it was a "shock value" ending, and on the other its a rare change from the boring old "happily ever after" ending. Obviously people did escape the mist and did have a happy ending, but when they made the movie they wanted to have a message and that is that if you give up, you guarantee your failure. Getting ripped to shreds by a giant monster would absolutely suck, but of course they could have survived, like "carol" (lol) did. I think thats the message, that they shouldn't have given up.
The problem is that it's out of character. They spent the whole film struggling, why give up just because they ran out of gas when they could siphon more and were under no immediate threat? Just unbelievable, as is the idea that the military would roll up out of nowhere, the entire situation contained, mere minutes after the shooting.
I can see your reasoning for the overwhelming despair, but then it only undermines the credibility of the sudden triumph of the military even more. How did they destroy the giant beast? And all without being seen or heard? Interesting how color can change the tone, I havnt seen the black and white but I'll have to check it out.
David ( the main person ) hears a word in the radio, but we don't know what it is- then i think he drives with the people you see in the movie ( exception to the other guy in the back of the seat, he died ) and then mutters two words to his son. Then the book ends.
would have preferred to a guy slaughtering people he cares about just to find that the mist is just now lifting and the army arrives. Its stupid to torture a character like that.
The ending was one of the most impactful endings I have ever seen. It physically hurt and was one of the most psychologically disturbing scenes I have witnessed.
we talk about this ending frequently at work as one of the worst endings ever... Not bad like the writing being bad, but bad as in worst possible outcome and how much that would suck
i think the end made a good point of not giving up. No matter what the situation is, suicide is never the answer. but then again if you are in a world filled with big bugs and monsters like this movie who the fuck knows what ill do.
Dylan Kennedy The director of this movie, Frank Darabont, is the Writer, Creator and part-time Director of The Walking Dead. Probably has a good standing relationship with his actors.
Dave G And? All of those characters were introduced in the first season of TWD. When Darabont was in control. Just because you fire the guy that brought the actors to the stage light doesn't mean you have to fire all the actors too.
Even though the ending was shocking the message was strong - that one should never give up in the face of adversity. The ending is a brilliant piece of work and refreshing compared to the formulaic crap we get all the time. And also to address the truth of the film and story and what it was truly about - is that it is us in the end who are the true monsters when we allow fear to take control as what was depicted in the supermarket and with the terrible choice the protagonist took at the end of the movie. Bravo to both King's initial concept of the story and Darabont's execution of what he felt the essence of the story was. We don't get strong movies like this anymore.
That wasn't the message of the movie, it was standard NWO crap utilizing sci-fi for it's agenda of a one world government. They've used sci-fi since the 50's, seeding the mind with an out of our world threat, and how we all must put our differences aside and "unite" under one banner obediently to survive. See the videos "William Cooper lost interview" and "Bill Cooper Alien Agenda"
There is no money in a united world government dude. The only people getting rich and invested in keeping things the way they are are bankers and arms dealers.
Shadowcub69 They don't need money, they have all they need, money from arms dealing is small change. All that the elite want is to own is our lives, and have total control. A united world prison, where they can never be usurped under any circumstances. That's why their pets keep calling for unity, all unified and equalized in a global prison.
Jim O'Neil- Yeah, whatever. I can get that "never give up" shit anywhere I want. And find better versions of it, too. Fuck the film ending to "The Mist" and everyone who thought it was a good idea, and that includes King if he approved. Even he doesn't appreciate the greatness of some of his work, and the importance of not fucking around with it when it is translated to film. So many times a good book has been lost because someone had to change all this shit in the movie.
I like the ending they chose to go with much more. It was far dramatic and interesting, IMO. You already got the distinct impression that the mist is everywhere in the story. An ending that simply reveals that 'yep, the mist really is everywhere' is kinda anti-climatic.
Ya, but the whole point is that they dont know that (and we dont know that as the audience until the end reveal) They literally kill themselves because the mist seems to have no end
David Butler- Really? Explain "seems pretty clear", because I watched the movie and read the book and we have no indication, no direct word, that the mist is somehow confined to one single county in the state of Maine. What did it do? Reach the county line and say "Whup! Gotta hold up here!"?
@@Jurassic0Al - Stephen King HATED the movie, "The Shining." Stanley Kubrick as director or not. King made it perfectlt clear the main character was insane from the first chapter. - Stanley-boy made it seem the mansion caused him to go bonkers. NOPE! King hates that movie because the storyline was all screwed around.
The ending to the movie version had me in tears the first time I saw it, I put myself into his shoes and asked myself "what would I have done if I were in his place? And King loved the re-write by Darabont, a quote from him, King stated, "Frank wrote a new ending that I loved. It is the most shocking ending ever and there should be a law passed stating that anybody who reveals the last five minutes of this film should be hung from their neck until dead." It was so tragic but one hell of a twist.
Didnt like the movie ending? It got us all talking, if it had been generic "all go to disneyland and live happily ever after" then we would not remember or talk about it at this magnitude now would we, that means ending was good even if it was bad :).
UndefinedGamer But it doesn't make sense and honestly it's a bit annoying. They showed the child wake up as though they were going to hold off shooting until the child had fallen back asleep. Even the voice of the child would have been a voice of reason not to do it. On top of that, they did it so quickly, rather than talking for a few moments and reasoning like they have THE ENTIRE TIME. They've always been the voice of reason, so it just doesn't make any sense. Honestly it's gotten to the point where both endings are cliche whether they're sad or happy, so I feel like endings in these times need more reason and conclusion. I've found myself, at the end of every movie like this, saying "Don't let it be one of those endings, just let them live."
This to me is one of the best endings to date in a film, The fact that you guys have been commenting about this for so long and its received over 370k views (amazing when I uploaded this really to test out this youtube channel) just shows, love it or hate it, its a good discussion topic
I'm someone who sees things coming in films very often and I can usually guess what's going to happen, but the ending to "The Mist" definitely took me by surprise.
This ending seems worse then the movie, the whole earth is taken up by the mist so really no hope for anyone. I believe Half-life the game by Valve is based on and develops this story line, just where the animals come from
yes indeed their is always a price to pay with Stephen king good to see Clint Eastwood has picked up the mantle Mystic river million dollar baby gran torino
Mad Maxx Aye, that is actually one of if not my favorite endings in any movie. Great movie. You should check out The Gift. Saw it a couple days ago at theater... same sort of thing highly recommended.
I like it! I got chills from watching you're ending. The music the quote from the novella, it all meshed perfectly with the shots of the Earth. Great Job!
I like the real movie ending a lot more. I love it when an ending hits you in the face. This is just "meh". Stephen King prefers the movie's ending over the one in his original novella, and I agree.
I also agree. The movie ending was much more tragic, dark, and fucked up. I love that sense of "you did it for nothing" in horror movie endings, even if it made no sense why they would suicide.
fireluigi12- I couldn't possibly disagree more. Fuck the ending to the film of "The Mist", and as for King, well, even he can be wrong as hell sometimes. He's just a guy and even he can miss the point now and then. What a goddamned disappointment this movie turned out to be.
So then. Would you rather be gangraped by spiders, digested while being attacked by centipede tentacles, torn to shreds by giant crab beasts, get stomped on by a skyscraper sized alien moose, stung with an excruciatingly painful venom, etc? I would take a bullet to the head any day, had I not known that the military would then show up out of nowhere seconds later. But the point of the ending was actually very simple, help was right beyond the mist had they waited just a tad longer. But the father gave up hope cause they were out of gas, did not know what to expect, and the sounds of the surrounding beasts just kept getting closer to them. Either way, the message was that you should never give up hope even in the face of an agonizing undignified death. Though I am also interested in hearing what you were expecting from the ending aside from what we got.
Ocram Immorto- I can only assume you were addressing me. If not, go ahead and disregard whatever you want. I will write as if you did address me. You misunderstand me. The fact that the spiders never try to initiate sexual relations at all aside, none of those deaths suggested are more preferable than another. They all involve dying and not too pleasantly either. I thank you for taking the time to give that explanation, but it was unnecessary. For one, I knew that. For another, I have seen and heard that message many times before, in better works of fiction and the most authentic examples possible in history and in modern life. Audie Murphy and the British soldiers at the Battle of Rourke's Drift, through their actions, tell me plenty about not giving up. They even made a movie about both of those examples. This movie gave us nothing original on that score, even if some hail it as a stroke of genius. Most people are not that smart, nor are they experts or analysts, so the average chump hailing something as genius means little. I wanted to see the book's mystique, its suspense and its ambiguity, its far more subtle message about managing to hold up in the face of the unthinkable even though it is extremely hard. I wanted to see its open-ended closing, where we are uncertain of what will happen next- for the occupants of David Drayton's Scout, the people of Maine and the US and the world- translated to film. I wanted to see that 1 in 10 occurrence where some prick movie director doesn't defile a great Stephen King work with his own "ideas". And as for King approving of the movie's ending, well, he must not realize how great an ending it was in the book of this work. So rich, so detailed, and so respectful of our intelligence, leaving us to make up our own minds as to what happened next. Instead we get "The US Army killed the giant bugs with flamethrowers and apart from the chump in the SUV, everybody was fine." What a waste.
So this is just how you personally feel then. I thought the film for the most part had all the mystique and build up, but you were just disappointed by the way it ended. I guess I can understand that, if not agree. I mean if the entire globe was engulfed in mist as the book showed at the very end, hope would be more scarce than ever. I actually thought the way the father realized his mistake was so viscerally executed (I honestly felt awful for him out of everything they went through leading up to that moment, I had a genuine emotional reaction to his predicament, not over the top, but still genuine). But of course, you don't get perfection in everything either. The new It film didn't capture too much of what King wrote as important in that novel either, but still maintained the spirit and vision King had in his story. As long as there is a message to an ending like Darabont's Mist that is clear and truthful, I am personally fine with it. The ending to the book while hopeful, was predictable and yet at the same time unfulfilling. You basically don't care what happens to them after that cause they just drive off in the SUV and that's that. If you ask me, that is a wholly example of a lazy conclusion, unless if you don't discount the fact that the rest of the world was in mist, in which it would not "make them any less dead" whether they got to an outpost or not XD Yet it was still an abrupt ending with little to no thoughtful ambiguity, just style. The ending to the film felt more real and relatable. I'm not dissing on Stephen King either, we have gotten a handful of marvelous works of film that were great not just by the filmmaking but the general material derived from his books, Shawshank, Green Mile, Shining, Misery, Deadzone.
snitty j, although there is no movie on that subject, there is a game. It's called Half-Life. I'm guessing you've heard the name. But yeah, Valve has stated in the past that The Mist was a big inspiration for the first Half-Life, and at one point in development, the working title for Half-Life was Quiver, a reference to the Arrowhead base mentioned in The Mist.
Well, if the military hadn't opened a thinny, this wouldn't have happened. Thinnies lead the a place called 'Todash Space'. What came out are some of the LEAST nasty things living there.
The ending was truly devastating. And somehow beautiful. Truthful. The most is indeed my favorite SK adaption. I believe this ending would have moved me also.
I seem to be one of a few people who hate the movie ending. I get what they were going for, but the inclusion of the woman who ran into the mist in the first act ruined it. She did everything wrong, per the rules of the mist, yet she lives AND rescues her kids. But the people who attempt to learn the rules of their new environment and respond logically and based on available evidence get screwed. If they had left it at mass suicide, Army shows up, horror sets in, roll credits - that's OK. But having her show up ruins the investment in the main character's struggles, because everything they did literally didn't matter. The whole thing became director fiat. Obviously I'm in the minority, and that's fine. Most folks love the ending, and that's fine for them. But I didn't see what they saw.
What i like about the film is it's journey and adventure leading up to the ending and it felt so homemade with the lack of music which makes it so much better.
I find it so comical how everyone says they should have "just pulled over for gas" like it was that simple. Throughout the entire film, people are killed by these creatures in mere seconds, and you expect the main character to just wait outside pumping gas in plain sight, even when it's doubtful there would be any gas anyway? And after everything they experienced, seeing several people die painful, horrific deaths from these creatures, what do you honestly expect them to do when their car runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere? As mentioned before, anyone who ventures outside is killed almost instantly. I think after seeing that behemoth, and not knowing what else was waiting for them outside, they just reached their breaking point, and figured a quick gun shot to the head was a better fate than slowly starving to death or getting brutally mauled by one of those terrifying creatures. It's easy to say in a safe secure location you wouldn't have done the same thing, and honestly I'd consider myself a fairly optimistic person, but I'm not so sure I wouldn't have done the same thing in that situation as well. The ending they ended up using was MUCH better anyway, This ending is totally forgettable and would have left no impact on the audience whatsoever. The real ending makes The Mist an infinitely more memorable film, and is one that sticks with you for a very long time.
forman208 I know this is an old comment, but I gotta add to this. I first saw this movie today with the subtitles on. It's hard to hear in the audio, but the subtitles actually said that when they were just sitting there, in that car, the monsters were roaring nearby. So, in their minds, the end was near anyway. It was either die by their own terms and with the least amount of pain possible or wait to be eaten. I honestly think the noise they heard was the military, but they didn't know that. Or, it COULD have been those creatures. Either way, there was no hope left.
From a logical point of view, the main guy shot them all and then left to die from the monsters and waited for his faith. He could have just got out to get gas,and either die from a monster while the people in the car wait with the gun and if he came back with gas, they could keep going and if he died then they had enough bullets to off themselves.
I honestly like both endings, I like the fact that the original novella ending gives you some sort of hope that the characters you invested so much time in will hopefully make it out okay... On the other hand, I love the film version because it does the exact opposite, it's uncomfortable and doesn't give the viewer peace of mind, it's more real and brutal and from a film makers perspective much more satisfying. It's art, which shouldn't always be safe, that being said, I really like both versions.
its because lots of people in the west have fragile minds and only can digest happy endings or they get depressed. read stories form other cultures and you'll see bad endings are much more common.
bekhele I figured...but I loved the tragic ending much more. I probably wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way. It makes you remember the movie because it had such a strong impact on you, and in my opinion, that's what an ending should be like.
***** i totally agree,it takes makes more balls and courage for such, with the typical normal happy ending this would have been one of the those movies which story in its basics we have seen a gazillion times over. also it makes stories simply also much more real, in reality drama of the worst tragedies happen en there is simply not always a hero around the corner pulling of some miracle to save the day.
Nice idea to show book ending. I actually loved the movie ending as it really put a punch to the gut to the hero and was not the happy ending. It was more of a Twilight Zone.... "I have a library full of books but I broke my glasses..." kind of twist, which I really loved. Thanks for the alt version, though. :-)
The ending that they ended up going with was absolutely terrible but this one wasn't much better. Getting rescued by the military convoy would have been just fine.
"Two words that sound a bit alike - one of them is 'Hartford', the other is 'Hope'... much like 'spoon' and 'pancake'. Y'know, words that sound almost alike because they involve the same letters." - Stephen King
I've seen this elsewhere, but would just like to offer my kudos for an excellent job of restoring the original ending the story for those of us who enjoyed reading it. Nicely done!
I read online that the movie version was "darker". How is that? According to this, in the book the entire world is engulfed in the mist and it never gets fixed. Ok, so (spoiler) in the movie they just committed suicide, that's pretty dark, but at least the army came in after and showed that they were fixing the problem. There was hope for everyone else, that's not nearly as dark.
Its just the fact that in the film version the father had to not only kill 3 people he as fought side by side with but also his own child. And he embraces death only to see that it's over. Now he has to live with killing his child and the others. It's psychologically fucked up and beautiful at the same time.
+Omar Khatib You're right. It's actually a much darker version than the movie's original ending. A couple people dying VS the entire world being engulfed in mist for which i can only assume wipes out the entire human race. No fucking contest
+Madz DK the problem is we never saw the "entire world being engulfed in mist" so we honestly don't care. It has more impact to see the horrors. Maybe if they do some quick shots of what happens on the entire world, not only a big ass shot of the earth engulfed in the mist.
TVegaC They are both dark endings but the whole world possibly being eradicated vs some guys family dying is not a debate. It's clear which ending is darker. You just happen to relate to the guy and his family while It's easier to not think about the world which you yourself confirmed by saying "Maybe if they do some quick shots of what happens on the entire world". I mean do they really need to show shots of what's going on in the mist around the world? You watched the movie and you know what happens in the mist bro. So It's safe to assume millions upon millions of deaths would be worse. But yeah, i get that you relate to the guy and his family more.
Madz DK I agree. I think I didn't say it correctly. The original ending is worse, that's true. But, as you said, I related more (and probably many people too) with the characters (what we actually see). So the impact of the real ending is stronger.
The atmosphere of this movie was amazing! The mist with the creatures and all in it was just phenomenal. The ending was the coolest the mist is so thick even with the headlights on with 4 fog lights, 4 off road lights and a spot light on you still can't see while driving
This ending seems far more bleak than the original ending. The original ending breaks your heart because of the fact that they were just on the verge of being saved... But this, it's so bleak. The entire world has been engulfed, it's doubtful if they'll survive for long, and even if they do... What the hell could be done to keep them alive now that the world has been completely overrun.
I saw this movie years ago.,..but even after my initial shock that I had for days after seeing the movie the first time.....I have never felt the same....something touched my soul like no other movie ever has... and I still feel whatever was planted there as for example now....out of nowhere the I'm thinking of that powerful music that came with that ending...I tell you...I just daze in shock still
Loved this movie. I give it a 10/10. The realism was on point, and I'm glad they killed of the woman who was trying to stop them from taking food.. The ending though was super ironic and sad.
After realizing the women who begged for someone to help her get to her kids at the beginning made it and was safe with them at the end while the main character let fear overcome his convictions. I now love the ending.
0:31 imagine you see there, in front of you, a gigantic monster that you just could have imagined in your dreams. The faces of the people in the car is "WTF, THIS IS SO REAL AND IT'S HAPPENING IN FRONT OF OUR NOSES".
The most unfair and terrifying ending I've witnessed in years. I wanted to Scream from the bottom of my lungs the moment I tried to empathize with the protagonist. Amazing storytelling.
I don't know why, but the military should've gassed the monsters, and the sun should've burned all the mist away rather than letting it cover up 🌎. 🤒🤕😢
I've just finished the novella at 3 in the morning. Now I understand why Stephen King preferred this original movies ending. Although I appreciate both endings. Can't wait to read another Stephen King novel!
The women who no one would help at the beginning was on the passing army truck safe with her kids. She didnt let fear win. That makes the ending perfect.
I could say the opposite for me. I hated it because I could already predict what would happen in such a desolate and hopeless situation. I also hated it because of everything else.
This ending has a poetic touch and leaves you with a sense of hope against all odds. The other one literally hit me unexpectedly and left me speechless. In all honesty, I prefer the latter however I like this one as well.
People who say the movie ending sucks obviously just wanted a happy ending that never came. You weren't supposed to love it, it was supposed to impact you, that everytime you watch it, even if you know the ending, you somehow think he's gonna wait a few minutes. Regret is what it is.
How is a cliche story supposed to impact me? I could tell what was going to happen pretty early on. I wanted to be surprised, but that never happened. I wanted the end to shock me, after all I've heard about it. But I already knew that the only thing to do was put people out of their misery in a quick and painless way. And the "waa waa waaa" timing with the tank was beyond stupid. I felt like I was being hit over the head with the plot saying "You get it? Everything's better now but he shot everyone he cared about! What bad timing, ammi rite?" And what I didn't know going into this was that this is a Stephen King adaptation. I despise Stephen King for reasons you guys wouldn't agree with so I won't bother bringing them up. If I knew that The Mist was a Stephen King story, I wouldn't have bothered with it. It's too early to say if I regret watching the film entirely, because I appreciate the good nature vs bad nature debate, as well as the centrality of Toby Jone's character (he's a great English actor). But after seeing the film, all I can say is that Stranger Things and Arrival are the better versions of these monsters, and The Maze Runner series and Lord of the Flies are the better versions of the good nature vs bad nature debate.
A lot of people complained about the ending but that ending is what everyone remembers. Otherwise you would have forgotten about the film. So the ending worked in a way.
I ran across this novella while reading King's "Skeleton Crew". The story stayed with me from then on. Such a fascinating mythology he created in just a few pages. I still enjoy imagining what actually happened and how involved the Arrowhead Project was with this disaster. Enthralling story. Thank you Stephen King.
Personally I like the novella's ending more. It's more interesting and not jsut about being "OMG SO SAD! SO FUCKING SAD!" The ending of the Novella makes me thing that humanity has been booted to a second class animal. The entire world is likely covered, and there is no known defense.
Flamethrowers, bunkers, moutains, armoured vehicles, napalm, assault rifles.. Might be some good defense. Now it would be easy to guard a moutain not covered by the mist, or even a bunker below the mist, but notto retake the world I agree.
I was going down the stairs in the cinema heading to the exit, and everybody was calm and silent, no one joked or laughed as usually people do after the movie, that was totally unexpected and odd feeling.
I like this ending better than the one in the film which betrays the character's strength throughout the movie. I don't think the main character would have given up. Also, the idea that the entire planet is engulfed in the mist is terrifying similar to the Walking Dead. In fact, this could become a mini-series on Netflix.
Seeing this ending makes me wonder what happened to all the animals of the world, such as dogs, cats, and even bears, just to name a few of the many animals out there.
They were probably slaughtered if anything the oceanic animals might’ve faired better than land animals unless the Mist contained deadly creatures that could swim
@@RedPyramid-lf4sb movies tend to skip over what happens to animals which is annoying seeing how they live amongst us, if something like this were to happen they’d get decimated right alongside us since the creatures in the mist relied on smell they’d easily target animals Although some animals might put up a serious fight, imagine a fight between a lion and one of those spiders ooooweee that would be epic especially if the lion is able to sneak up on one
***** It felt like someone threw the baby out with the bathwater at the last minute. I've read this story at least a couple times and they were supposed to end up at a hotel. were we should have left them, but left worrying about them. How's this: we take take you for your favorite meal, you are salivating over digging in, a test tried and true little gem of culinary delight that you pine for, daily, and just as you are about to dig in they tell you that they have made a small that you will hardly even notice, but you do notice, and it changes the entire meal. I mean there's no doubt that the wild kingdom is wild, and that woes of man are of our own making, but if they were trying to honor to the story they needed to leave this open for a continuing story. Not that a pocket-hole in the mist here and there would make much difference if we had an expanding Pandora's box scenario. From a literary point of view they have given up many of the character arcs which people are connected to. Having another "gunslinger" is alright and a story easier to tell, but Tom's already proved that he fits in the role of Frank Castle. I like complexity and variation in the movies I watch. I don't want them to throw cold water on the fire, i want them to stoke it until I'm on the edge of my seat and folding my toenails back against the floor. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.
I read this novell in the 80s and I loved it...30 years later the movie came as a surprise for me. I love Frank Darabont and I love Stephen King so for me it was Christmas:) The scene when they take off in the end ( the escape) is for me the best scene. The music is great!! Haunting! I love the end in the novell and I love the end in the movie....Just perfect! Sorry for my bad english...I am from Sweden :)
They were out of fuel. The outside, which is miles away from anywhere, is covered in Mist and crawling with nightmare monsters. It's either die horribly by having acid sprayed into your face by some spider monster and having bugs grown in your gut while still alive, or die instantly and painlessly by gunshot. Choose.
@@thomasvleminckx I think when I made the comment, it was meant to be more of a joke. I know that there was no way for him to know a rescue crew was going to show up minutes later :)
I wish I could upvote this video a million times. Screw that movie ending, and especially screw that woman from Walking Dead who walked into the Mist and survived to ride with the army at the end. You don't get a pass just because you have a kid at home!
Just saw this movie for the first time yesterday, and I loved it... but that ending!!! I'm still thinking about it, trying to wrap my head around it. I think it will linger in my brain for a long time to come... So glad Darabont changed it though. I think it tied in so much better with the rest of the story.
No recordaba el nombre de la película, pero al ver la escena, recordé como me dejo marcada esa parte, lo doloroso que fue, realmente dolió infinitamente, la impotencia, muchos sentimientos encontrados.
+ARMI VALDEZ This movie has 2 different endings. This one and then another one which has a huge spoiler alert to it, so in case you haven't seen that version yet I won't spoil it for you. The only thing I will say is that Carol from The Walking Dead is in that ending. You need to keep your eyes open for her, though, because she only shows for like 2 seconds. She was also in the opening parts of the movie when the group was locking themselves up in the store. She ran out fairly early on to save her kids.
Fun fact Thomas Jane actually was the first choice for the role but he was too big of a name at the time and therefore too expensive so they couldn't afford him so they went with Andrew Lincoln who at the time wasn't as big of a name and therefore alot cheaper. So yeah you would be right in that he would have been good in the role seeing as the Rick for season 1 was pretty much written with him in mind.
This is indeed the ending as written by Stephen King in his short story, but even he admitted he preferred the movie's ending and stated he'd wished he'd had the courage to end his story with the same ending as the film.
what a terrible ending... it was predictable what was going to happen after he shot the old couple and the son. I don't understand how he drove all that way however never passed a petrol station or a mcdonald's. I could think of 10 better ways to end the film than this.
Are you insane? Three of them were killed by just trying to make it to the vehicle to leave the supermarket.. Do you really believe they would have time to pump gas? And you have to remember the power was out in town.. The supermarket was on a generator..
It is absolutely NOT a good ending it defies the awe inspiring amount of character build up these characters are survivors nd were not in imminent danger so why would they give up there weren't pressed up against the wall a much better ending would've been them finding a gas station and a monster attacks and right before we see the son eaten we hear a bullet ring and it fades to black leaving you with the choice of which he shot his son out of mercy or the monster for the slim chance of his sons survival
Who said mine wasn't unhappy although it was ambiguous and that's not a bad thing it allows the viewer to come to his own conclusion and if they were hopeless from the start why didn't they kill themselves at the start! Also NO it doesn't make sense they were survivors they fought through monsters and crazy religious people then all of a sudden they lose gas "oh well let's just kill ourselves" it's totally out of character and separates us from the relation with the characters
The original ending gives hope where none may not come. Stephen King gave readers a desperate longing for the characters to survive and the ending was a way for them(readers) to hope. Without revealing what actually happens after, the last word of the novella made the greatest impact on the characters as well as the readers.
The movie ending was far more fitting(as well as shocking) for a movie because viewers does not get the same impact when watching a movie than reading a book.
I personally loved both endings because both fit well into their respective mediums.
Amen to that! All of these people are here arguing, but what you said is the only thing that made sense!
Yes, finally an observation I can totally agree with. Being an avid reader (And King being one of my favorites), loved the book, and now the movie, and loved both endings...wasn't going to watch it, as I'm usually disappointed in his adaptations, ran across it yesterday when I had nothing to read or watch (home sick with a bad cold), what a gem!
I don't understand how the ending couldn't work for the movie
Funny thing is, when King was presented the script, his reaction to the movie's ending was basically 'why didn't I think of that' and it was his approval that actually cinched which ended made it to the final cut.
I first saw the film having never read the novella, but in the scene where they're on the highway and see that gigantic creature walk by, my immediate thought was: "The world has truly ended, and there's no escape. They're not just going to drive a few dozen more miles and get clear of the mist. If there are things like _that_ roaming the countryside, then the world belongs to them now and we're just the bugs under their feet. It's all over."
With that in mind, and knowing that almost everyone else who'd set foot outside had been eaten or worse, and they were now stranded out on the highway miles from shelter, the decision to turn the gun on themselves makes a lot of sense.
Shame they didn't talk it over for five more minutes, though...
+Rob Pegler there is always hope for one you could not be pussy and fight also alot of thing are bigger than us and we are still ontop
To clarify: I probably wouldn't shoot myself, even if I figured I was going to die anyway, because a slim chance of survival beats no chance at all. But I can understand why they did.
+Rob Pegler There are a lot of cast members from Walking Dead in this movie and none of the characters in this movie would make it long in that world. They see one dinosaur like bug in this movie and go "well forget this, i'm out." They would probably take one look at 10 zombies and do the exact same thing.
It's funny that Andrea is probably one of those people, who also plays one of the actors of the mist, as she tries to kill herself in the first season.
probably why I didnt enjoy this movie.. its like the writers were just thinking "this guy's pretty f*cked up now. hmmm. let's fck him up some more just for the heck of it hehe". No sense to whats happening whatsoever. if they were trying to pull a "this is how humans are at desperate situations" route. the Road did it so much better.
I made the mistake of watching this movie while getting ready for work...the ending ruined my entire day. SMH It still was a great movie.
I remember after watch this movie on video i suggest my sister to watch this movie and i said to her this film had great ending, watching my sister reaction i have a good laugh after the depression
It takes you two hours to get ready for work?
I read the book as a teenager and always wanted them to make a movie out of it..and when I saw the movie it surpassed all of my expectations....except the ending, which was the single most WTF moment I ever experience in watching a movie ever...I was shocked, upset, angry, and horrified all at the same time....yet I applaud the writer for changing it, the new ending totally fit into the Stephen King mindset and had me thinking for days afterward...
I feel your pain man
Agreed. I rarely think that tge changes a movie does to the source material is even as good as the book's. It's both absolutely heart-rending and tragic and yet says, "Don't ever give up. It's only then that you're certain to fail."
If anything, the film's ending is more Stephen King that Stephen King's ending.
Wade Howlett Agreed!!
RiftWalker That's the truth! Please recommend any films or books you've enjoyed!
Wade Howlett please recommend me any books or films you have enjoyed!
The original ending of the movie was shocking and very powerful. It's hard to say I "enjoyed" it, but it was very effective and has stayed with me...but even though things end horribly for Thomas Jane and his group, humanity survives; the mist is receding, and the Army is beating back the monsters. In this alternate ending (closer to what King wrote) the mist wins, enveloping the entire earth. What hope do the "survivors" have in a world over run with nightmarish monsters? This ending is actually far more depressing, if you think about it.
Nice job Dr.Phil XD,
Rambo Jhon Again, you're welcome, Oprah.
Yeah... everything for humanity, eh? It's a fuckin' horror movie, not sci-fi, you philosopher-wannabe fuckin' dumbass!
sorry but no way... this ending leave space for hope! the ending I saw is just a bunch of losers that accept suicide and kills a kid, instead of trying to defend him;
StygianTraveler141 I kinda think it was a mix of horror and sci-fi with the monsters from space thing.
I like the novella, but I like the film's ending more.
The film's ending is so black, ruthless, bitter, brutal, and nihilistic that it actually flies right over the head of absurdity and lands in the court of terrifyingly poignant. It's refreshing to see a movie with some balls.
I tought the camera looking at how empty and scary the world is now and then showing that the hole world was like that, i think thats also prety dark
Mike Zilla so true! despite all the hate it gets this film ending so darkly actually makes it a better film in my opinion! and yes i have read the novella
So incorrect. Pointless out of the blue twist ending, neatly lifted from night of the living dead, albeit far less believable. The original novella is far better, but too open ended and subtle for Hollywood I guess.
Mike Zilla Had they all died then it would have had some balls. What they did there was a giant middle finger to the audience. The 'Oh if he had just waited 10 more minutes everyone would have been fine' trick. It did succeed in actually making me angry which is something I suppose. In the end, given how much I loved the novella I felt like this ending was a giant f*ck you.
+Gunner4477 Steven King is on record saying that he vastly prefers the bleak, cinematic ending and wishes he had thought of it for the original story.
The movie did exactly what it was intended to do, get you emotionally invested. Of course you want the survivors to keep on surviving, but the the fact that they commit suicide minutes from rescue is pure torture. On one hand i dislike that it was a "shock value" ending, and on the other its a rare change from the boring old "happily ever after" ending. Obviously people did escape the mist and did have a happy ending, but when they made the movie they wanted to have a message and that is that if you give up, you guarantee your failure. Getting ripped to shreds by a giant monster would absolutely suck, but of course they could have survived, like "carol" (lol) did. I think thats the message, that they shouldn't have given up.
Couldn't have said it better man
The problem is that it's out of character. They spent the whole film struggling, why give up just because they ran out of gas when they could siphon more and were under no immediate threat? Just unbelievable, as is the idea that the military would roll up out of nowhere, the entire situation contained, mere minutes after the shooting.
I can see your reasoning for the overwhelming despair, but then it only undermines the credibility of the sudden triumph of the military even more. How did they destroy the giant beast? And all without being seen or heard? Interesting how color can change the tone, I havnt seen the black and white but I'll have to check it out.
I thought he shot them??? ...... They committed suicide
+tmarsh6 It wasn't suicide. To add to the macabre and grim tone of the film, it wasn't suicide. David Drayton was damned forever for euthanasia.
If the movie had ended like the book, everybody would have hated this movie.
How did it end in the book?
Open ending. The main character hears one word on the radio and that renews his hope and then... the story ends.
David ( the main person ) hears a word in the radio, but we don't know what it is- then i think he drives with the people you see in the movie ( exception to the other guy in the back of the seat, he died ) and then mutters two words to his son. Then the book ends.
would have preferred to a guy slaughtering people he cares about just to find that the mist is just now lifting and the army arrives. Its stupid to torture a character like that.
The ending was one of the most impactful endings I have ever seen. It physically hurt and was one of the most psychologically disturbing scenes I have witnessed.
Wanna a hug?
Yes ;-;
Alright, come here.. Here, good boy.. Everything is fine, everything is fine..
AmongDancingZombies I agree 100 percent
we talk about this ending frequently at work as one of the worst endings ever... Not bad like the writing being bad, but bad as in worst possible outcome and how much that would suck
The end is so sad, what is it like to be alone on the whole earth, you will have no parents, no son, no wife...
I remember this watching as a child. I really was traumatized by this ending scene. I still can't bare to watch it..Really disturbing.
Same here! I haven't watched since is was 8. I'm 13 now
XxTHEBLADExX u r 16 now
@Desmond Jolly Dang man!!😧
MMA MeatHead she’s gonna be 18 soon
How’s college?
i think the end made a good point of not giving up. No matter what the situation is, suicide is never the answer.
but then again if you are in a world filled with big bugs and monsters like this movie who the fuck knows what ill do.
I'd rather the world be overrun by zombies then covered in this mist like shit
+Jacob Johnson The undead are much easier to handle than immense beasts and insect swarms.
+Mexico hetalia I'll gladly go with you
At least the mist apocalypse had an ending unlike zombies
I have a serious fear of zombies, like I can't watch the walking dead without thinking"what would I do in an apocalypse"
So I'd rather have the mist
Andrea, Carol & Dale are in this movie
Dylan Kennedy The director of this movie, Frank Darabont, is the Writer, Creator and part-time Director of The Walking Dead. Probably has a good standing relationship with his actors.
Dave G And? All of those characters were introduced in the first season of TWD. When Darabont was in control. Just because you fire the guy that brought the actors to the stage light doesn't mean you have to fire all the actors too.
Dave G He's still technically the Creator and Writer of TWD. Otherwise his name wouldn't be in the beginning credits for 7 years.
Not to me. It was clear what he was saying
J CMD Thank you. I didn't think it was too unclear.
Even though the ending was shocking the message was strong - that one should never give up in the face of adversity. The ending is a brilliant piece of work and refreshing compared to the formulaic crap we get all the time. And also to address the truth of the film and story and what it was truly about - is that it is us in the end who are the true monsters when we allow fear to take control as what was depicted in the supermarket and with the terrible choice the protagonist took at the end of the movie. Bravo to both King's initial concept of the story and Darabont's execution of what he felt the essence of the story was. We don't get strong movies like this anymore.
***** well they kinda are. Atheist masterrace reporting in
That wasn't the message of the movie, it was standard NWO crap utilizing sci-fi for it's agenda of a one world government. They've used sci-fi since the 50's, seeding the mind with an out of our world threat, and how we all must put our differences aside and "unite" under one banner obediently to survive. See the videos "William Cooper lost interview" and "Bill Cooper Alien Agenda"
There is no money in a united world government dude. The only people getting rich and invested in keeping things the way they are are bankers and arms dealers.
Shadowcub69 They don't need money, they have all they need, money from arms dealing is small change. All that the elite want is to own is our lives, and have total control. A united world prison, where they can never be usurped under any circumstances. That's why their pets keep calling for unity, all unified and equalized in a global prison.
Jim O'Neil- Yeah, whatever. I can get that "never give up" shit anywhere I want. And find better versions of it, too. Fuck the film ending to "The Mist" and everyone who thought it was a good idea, and that includes King if he approved. Even he doesn't appreciate the greatness of some of his work, and the importance of not fucking around with it when it is translated to film. So many times a good book has been lost because someone had to change all this shit in the movie.
I like the ending they chose to go with much more. It was far dramatic and interesting, IMO. You already got the distinct impression that the mist is everywhere in the story. An ending that simply reveals that 'yep, the mist really is everywhere' is kinda anti-climatic.
BigBennKlingon No, this ending doesn't say "yep, the mist is everywhere", it says "no, the mist isn't going anywhere".
Yeah it seems pretty clear that the mist was confined to at most, the county.
Ya, but the whole point is that they dont know that (and we dont know that as the audience until the end reveal) They literally kill themselves because the mist seems to have no end
David Butler- Really? Explain "seems pretty clear", because I watched the movie and read the book and we have no indication, no direct word, that the mist is somehow confined to one single county in the state of Maine. What did it do? Reach the county line and say "Whup! Gotta hold up here!"?
@@Jurassic0Al - Stephen King HATED the movie, "The Shining."
Stanley Kubrick as director or not. King made it perfectlt clear the main character was insane from the first chapter. - Stanley-boy made it seem the mansion caused him to go bonkers.
NOPE! King hates that movie because the storyline was all screwed around.
The ending to the movie version had me in tears the first time I saw it, I put myself into his shoes and asked myself "what would I have done if I were in his place? And King loved the re-write by Darabont, a quote from him, King stated, "Frank wrote a new ending that I loved. It is the most shocking ending ever and there should be a law passed stating that anybody who reveals the last five minutes of this film should be hung from their neck until dead." It was so tragic but one hell of a twist.
Didnt like the movie ending? It got us all talking, if it had been generic "all go to disneyland and live happily ever after" then we would not remember or talk about it at this magnitude now would we, that means ending was good even if it was bad :).
i like it even though it was sad
im here because im curious
i fucking loved the movie ending
Putzlumpen Cant say I loved the ending but it has gone on record as the most fucked up ending I've ever witnessed in a movie...I guess that's unique.
UndefinedGamer But it doesn't make sense and honestly it's a bit annoying. They showed the child wake up as though they were going to hold off shooting until the child had fallen back asleep. Even the voice of the child would have been a voice of reason not to do it. On top of that, they did it so quickly, rather than talking for a few moments and reasoning like they have THE ENTIRE TIME. They've always been the voice of reason, so it just doesn't make any sense.
Honestly it's gotten to the point where both endings are cliche whether they're sad or happy, so I feel like endings in these times need more reason and conclusion. I've found myself, at the end of every movie like this, saying "Don't let it be one of those endings, just let them live."
@JohnACorp782 no u
This to me is one of the best endings to date in a film, The fact that you guys have been commenting about this for so long and its received over 370k views (amazing when I uploaded this really to test out this youtube channel) just shows, love it or hate it, its a good discussion topic
I'm someone who sees things coming in films very often and I can usually guess what's going to happen, but the ending to "The Mist" definitely took me by surprise.
This ending seems worse then the movie, the whole earth is taken up by the mist so really no hope for anyone. I believe Half-life the game by Valve is based on and develops this story line, just where the animals come from
***** Things turned out pretty well in KIng's "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon."
yes indeed their is always a price to pay with Stephen king good to see Clint Eastwood has picked up the mantle Mystic river million dollar baby gran torino
R C Nelson I liked that book. I still get freaked out when I think of the Bat from From a Buick 8... I can see it so clearly in my head!
Love movies without the stereotypical happy ending. Makes them so much more memorable.
Andrew Phillips very true, just like the movie Seven
Mad Maxx Aye, that is actually one of if not my favorite endings in any movie. Great movie. You should check out The Gift. Saw it a couple days ago at theater... same sort of thing highly recommended.
I disagree
Love both, when executed properly.
movies that leave you with cliffhangers are trash
That ending shot of the earth covered in the mist is just WOW 😮
That ending of the earth blew me away instead of, "Well, we're out of gas. Who dies first?"
I like it! I got chills from watching you're ending. The music the quote from the novella, it all meshed perfectly with the shots of the Earth. Great Job!
I like the real movie ending a lot more. I love it when an ending hits you in the face. This is just "meh".
Stephen King prefers the movie's ending over the one in his original novella, and I agree.
I also agree. The movie ending was much more tragic, dark, and fucked up. I love that sense of "you did it for nothing" in horror movie endings, even if it made no sense why they would suicide.
fireluigi12- I couldn't possibly disagree more. Fuck the ending to the film of "The Mist", and as for King, well, even he can be wrong as hell sometimes. He's just a guy and even he can miss the point now and then. What a goddamned disappointment this movie turned out to be.
So then. Would you rather be gangraped by spiders, digested while being attacked by centipede tentacles, torn to shreds by giant crab beasts, get stomped on by a skyscraper sized alien moose, stung with an excruciatingly painful venom, etc? I would take a bullet to the head any day, had I not known that the military would then show up out of nowhere seconds later. But the point of the ending was actually very simple, help was right beyond the mist had they waited just a tad longer. But the father gave up hope cause they were out of gas, did not know what to expect, and the sounds of the surrounding beasts just kept getting closer to them. Either way, the message was that you should never give up hope even in the face of an agonizing undignified death. Though I am also interested in hearing what you were expecting from the ending aside from what we got.
Ocram Immorto- I can only assume you were addressing me. If not, go ahead and disregard whatever you want. I will write as if you did address me.
You misunderstand me. The fact that the spiders never try to initiate sexual relations at all aside, none of those deaths suggested are more preferable than another. They all involve dying and not too pleasantly either. I thank you for taking the time to give that explanation, but it was unnecessary. For one, I knew that. For another, I have seen and heard that message many times before, in better works of fiction and the most authentic examples possible in history and in modern life. Audie Murphy and the British soldiers at the Battle of Rourke's Drift, through their actions, tell me plenty about not giving up. They even made a movie about both of those examples. This movie gave us nothing original on that score, even if some hail it as a stroke of genius. Most people are not that smart, nor are they experts or analysts, so the average chump hailing something as genius means little.
I wanted to see the book's mystique, its suspense and its ambiguity, its far more subtle message about managing to hold up in the face of the unthinkable even though it is extremely hard. I wanted to see its open-ended closing, where we are uncertain of what will happen next- for the occupants of David Drayton's Scout, the people of Maine and the US and the world- translated to film. I wanted to see that 1 in 10 occurrence where some prick movie director doesn't defile a great Stephen King work with his own "ideas". And as for King approving of the movie's ending, well, he must not realize how great an ending it was in the book of this work. So rich, so detailed, and so respectful of our intelligence, leaving us to make up our own minds as to what happened next. Instead we get "The US Army killed the giant bugs with flamethrowers and apart from the chump in the SUV, everybody was fine." What a waste.
So this is just how you personally feel then. I thought the film for the most part had all the mystique and build up, but you were just disappointed by the way it ended. I guess I can understand that, if not agree. I mean if the entire globe was engulfed in mist as the book showed at the very end, hope would be more scarce than ever. I actually thought the way the father realized his mistake was so viscerally executed (I honestly felt awful for him out of everything they went through leading up to that moment, I had a genuine emotional reaction to his predicament, not over the top, but still genuine). But of course, you don't get perfection in everything either.
The new It film didn't capture too much of what King wrote as important in that novel either, but still maintained the spirit and vision King had in his story. As long as there is a message to an ending like Darabont's Mist that is clear and truthful, I am personally fine with it. The ending to the book while hopeful, was predictable and yet at the same time unfulfilling. You basically don't care what happens to them after that cause they just drive off in the SUV and that's that. If you ask me, that is a wholly example of a lazy conclusion, unless if you don't discount the fact that the rest of the world was in mist, in which it would not "make them any less dead" whether they got to an outpost or not XD Yet it was still an abrupt ending with little to no thoughtful ambiguity, just style. The ending to the film felt more real and relatable.
I'm not dissing on Stephen King either, we have gotten a handful of marvelous works of film that were great not just by the filmmaking but the general material derived from his books, Shawshank, Green Mile, Shining, Misery, Deadzone.
Wait so the mist covered up the whole earth and now the rest of humanity is fucked?
But wait, there's more! Plant life begins to die from the greatly reduced sunlight! Fungi are probably screwed too! Good times!
Billy Mays+ Can't tell which is the worst of the two endings.
snitty j, although there is no movie on that subject, there is a game. It's called Half-Life. I'm guessing you've heard the name. But yeah, Valve has stated in the past that The Mist was a big inspiration for the first Half-Life, and at one point in development, the working title for Half-Life was Quiver, a reference to the Arrowhead base mentioned in The Mist.
Billy Mays actually it's unclear if it just happened to that city or the country...
Well, if the military hadn't opened a thinny, this wouldn't have happened. Thinnies lead the a place called 'Todash Space'. What came out are some of the LEAST nasty things living there.
Just imagine if this existed in real life. Soooo much nope.
Cruun I'd KMS instantly.
The lady used the flame thrower ONCE... that's like Harry Potter books using time travel ONCE :P
Gotta get the flamethrower.
It's becoming somewhat like it now. Covid everywhere
@Stop tagging me lmao y’all got no lives that was a year ago get over it
The ending was truly devastating. And somehow beautiful. Truthful. The most is indeed my favorite SK adaption. I believe this ending would have moved me also.
I seem to be one of a few people who hate the movie ending. I get what they were going for, but the inclusion of the woman who ran into the mist in the first act ruined it. She did everything wrong, per the rules of the mist, yet she lives AND rescues her kids. But the people who attempt to learn the rules of their new environment and respond logically and based on available evidence get screwed. If they had left it at mass suicide, Army shows up, horror sets in, roll credits - that's OK. But having her show up ruins the investment in the main character's struggles, because everything they did literally didn't matter. The whole thing became director fiat.
Obviously I'm in the minority, and that's fine. Most folks love the ending, and that's fine for them. But I didn't see what they saw.
What i like about the film is it's journey and adventure leading up to the ending and it felt so homemade with the lack of music which makes it so much better.
I find it so comical how everyone says they should have "just pulled over for gas" like it was that simple. Throughout the entire film, people are killed by these creatures in mere seconds, and you expect the main character to just wait outside pumping gas in plain sight, even when it's doubtful there would be any gas anyway?
And after everything they experienced, seeing several people die painful, horrific deaths from these creatures, what do you honestly expect them to do when their car runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere? As mentioned before, anyone who ventures outside is killed almost instantly. I think after seeing that behemoth, and not knowing what else was waiting for them outside, they just reached their breaking point, and figured a quick gun shot to the head was a better fate than slowly starving to death or getting brutally mauled by one of those terrifying creatures. It's easy to say in a safe secure location you wouldn't have done the same thing, and honestly I'd consider myself a fairly optimistic person, but I'm not so sure I wouldn't have done the same thing in that situation as well.
The ending they ended up using was MUCH better anyway, This ending is totally forgettable and would have left no impact on the audience whatsoever. The real ending makes The Mist an infinitely more memorable film, and is one that sticks with you for a very long time.
forman208 I know this is an old comment, but I gotta add to this. I first saw this movie today with the subtitles on. It's hard to hear in the audio, but the subtitles actually said that when they were just sitting there, in that car, the monsters were roaring nearby. So, in their minds, the end was near anyway. It was either die by their own terms and with the least amount of pain possible or wait to be eaten. I honestly think the noise they heard was the military, but they didn't know that. Or, it COULD have been those creatures. Either way, there was no hope left.
From a logical point of view, the main guy shot them all and then left to die from the monsters and waited for his faith. He could have just got out to get gas,and either die from a monster while the people in the car wait with the gun and if he came back with gas, they could keep going and if he died then they had enough bullets to off themselves.
@Emma Madison There were cars they could have got the gas from, siphon some from the cars along the way
The fact that all you guys are discussing the ending reflects how effective and powerful it is. (be it either in a good or bad way)
We're still discussing the Holocaust. Doesn't mean we wanted it in our lives.
I honestly like both endings, I like the fact that the original novella ending gives you some sort of hope that the characters you invested so much time in will hopefully make it out okay... On the other hand, I love the film version because it does the exact opposite, it's uncomfortable and doesn't give the viewer peace of mind, it's more real and brutal and from a film makers perspective much more satisfying. It's art, which shouldn't always be safe, that being said, I really like both versions.
well said
10 years later and this movie is still impactful as ever. To bad the new show didn't follow in its trail.
Why doesn't anyone like the ending? I thought this was a spectacular movie and ending with a great, strong impact on the viewer.
i like this ending alot gives you hope for the characters.....
WENEEDBACKUPNOW if this happened in the film, im sure less people will talk about it
its because lots of people in the west have fragile minds and only can digest happy endings or they get depressed. read stories form other cultures and you'll see bad endings are much more common.
bekhele I figured...but I loved the tragic ending much more. I probably wouldn't have wanted it to end any other way. It makes you remember the movie because it had such a strong impact on you, and in my opinion, that's what an ending should be like.
i totally agree,it takes makes more balls and courage for such, with the typical normal happy ending this would have been one of the those movies which story in its basics we have seen a gazillion times over.
also it makes stories simply also much more real, in reality drama of the worst tragedies happen en there is simply not always a hero around the corner pulling of some miracle to save the day.
is that Andrea?
Yes, and Dale
And Carol, in the truck
+riflemanusa fuck carol
Ik im late but yasssssss that is Andrea,I wasn't watching TWD at the time I watched so when I saw this I was like "ANDREA!!"
+naomi cummings lol who's still watching twd?
Nice idea to show book ending. I actually loved the movie ending as it really put a punch to the gut to the hero and was not the happy ending. It was more of a Twilight Zone.... "I have a library full of books but I broke my glasses..." kind of twist, which I really loved. Thanks for the alt version, though. :-)
The ending that they ended up going with was absolutely terrible but this one wasn't much better. Getting rescued by the military convoy would have been just fine.
"Two words that sound a bit alike - one of them is 'Hartford', the other is 'Hope'... much like 'spoon' and 'pancake'. Y'know, words that sound almost alike because they involve the same letters."
- Stephen King
I hope he was quoting someone, because otherwise I need to give him some pointers on how a narrator should "Talk" through their words.... :P
I've seen this elsewhere, but would just like to offer my kudos for an excellent job of restoring the original ending the story for those of us who enjoyed reading it. Nicely done!
Wow. Superb editing skills.
I read online that the movie version was "darker". How is that? According to this, in the book the entire world is engulfed in the mist and it never gets fixed. Ok, so (spoiler) in the movie they just committed suicide, that's pretty dark, but at least the army came in after and showed that they were fixing the problem. There was hope for everyone else, that's not nearly as dark.
Its just the fact that in the film version the father had to not only kill 3 people he as fought side by side with but also his own child. And he embraces death only to see that it's over. Now he has to live with killing his child and the others. It's psychologically fucked up and beautiful at the same time.
+Omar Khatib You're right. It's actually a much darker version than the movie's original ending.
A couple people dying VS the entire world being engulfed in mist for which i can only assume wipes out the entire human race. No fucking contest
+Madz DK the problem is we never saw the "entire world being engulfed in mist" so we honestly don't care. It has more impact to see the horrors. Maybe if they do some quick shots of what happens on the entire world, not only a big ass shot of the earth engulfed in the mist.
They are both dark endings but the whole world possibly being eradicated vs some guys family dying is not a debate. It's clear which ending is darker. You just happen to relate to the guy and his family while It's easier to not think about the world which you yourself confirmed by saying "Maybe if they do some quick shots of what happens on the entire world".
I mean do they really need to show shots of what's going on in the mist around the world? You watched the movie and you know what happens in the mist bro. So It's safe to assume millions upon millions of deaths would be worse.
But yeah, i get that you relate to the guy and his family more.
Madz DK
I agree. I think I didn't say it correctly. The original ending is worse, that's true. But, as you said, I related more (and probably many people too) with the characters (what we actually see). So the impact of the real ending is stronger.
It was one of the best ending I've ever seen. I loved that movie a lot.
The atmosphere of this movie was amazing! The mist with the creatures and all in it was just phenomenal. The ending was the coolest the mist is so thick even with the headlights on with 4 fog lights, 4 off road lights and a spot light on you still can't see while driving
the ending gave this movie much much much more value and the reason why this movie is one of the best I've ever watched
This ending seems far more bleak than the original ending. The original ending breaks your heart because of the fact that they were just on the verge of being saved... But this, it's so bleak. The entire world has been engulfed, it's doubtful if they'll survive for long, and even if they do... What the hell could be done to keep them alive now that the world has been completely overrun.
I saw this movie years ago.,..but even after my initial shock that I had for days after seeing the movie the first time.....I have never felt the same....something touched my soul like no other movie ever has... and I still feel whatever was planted there as for example now....out of nowhere the I'm thinking of that powerful music that came with that ending...I tell you...I just daze in shock still
*"To you, 2000 years from now."*
Aot reference
Loved this movie. I give it a 10/10.
The realism was on point, and I'm glad they killed of the woman who was trying to stop them from taking food..
The ending though was super ironic and sad.
After realizing the women who begged for someone to help her get to her kids at the beginning made it and was safe with them at the end while the main character let fear overcome his convictions. I now love the ending.
0:31 imagine you see there, in front of you, a gigantic monster that you just could have imagined in your dreams. The faces of the people in the car is "WTF, THIS IS SO REAL AND IT'S HAPPENING IN FRONT OF OUR NOSES".
The most unfair and terrifying ending I've witnessed in years.
I wanted to Scream from the bottom of my lungs the moment I tried to empathize with the protagonist.
Amazing storytelling.
My and my buddies laughed our asses off at the actual ending. Dude blew their brains out with a pistol just to fucken get saved.
"Fight! If you win, you live!" - Eren Jaegar
Thank God they changed it.
I don't know why, but the military should've gassed the monsters, and the sun should've burned all the mist away rather than letting it cover up 🌎. 🤒🤕😢
They should of left the Apocalypse thing but the other ending is better
Holy crap, I never knew the mist blanketed the whole Earth. That's crazy
Amazing film
As a fan of the short story I prefer this ending aka "The Real" ending. The alternate ending was purely for Cinema shock value...
I remember watching this on television i didn't have any idea because i didn't watch any clips and the ending was so unexpected such a good movie
The original endings is one of the best and bravest in cinema history.
I've just finished the novella at 3 in the morning. Now I understand why Stephen King preferred this original movies ending. Although I appreciate both endings. Can't wait to read another Stephen King novel!
This ending means never give up hope even in an impossible end you cant get out of alive never give up
The women who no one would help at the beginning was on the passing army truck safe with her kids. She didnt let fear win. That makes the ending perfect.
This is the version of the ending I've seen in the theaters when it first came out. I prefer this version.
One of the best movies I've ever seen.
I could say the opposite for me. I hated it because I could already predict what would happen in such a desolate and hopeless situation. I also hated it because of everything else.
Styrofoam cups, gasoline and bottles would have come to mind early on if the main character knew it was giant insects....
This ending has a poetic touch and leaves you with a sense of hope against all odds. The other one literally hit me unexpectedly and left me speechless. In all honesty, I prefer the latter however I like this one as well.
The music is so beautiful. It really captures the feeling of hope.
People who say the movie ending sucks obviously just wanted a happy ending that never came. You weren't supposed to love it, it was supposed to impact you, that everytime you watch it, even if you know the ending, you somehow think he's gonna wait a few minutes. Regret is what it is.
No, I wanted intelligent ending.
thevil i'm sorry if your comment is ancient but, what do you mean by 'intelligent ending'... ?
How is a cliche story supposed to impact me? I could tell what was going to happen pretty early on. I wanted to be surprised, but that never happened. I wanted the end to shock me, after all I've heard about it. But I already knew that the only thing to do was put people out of their misery in a quick and painless way. And the "waa waa waaa" timing with the tank was beyond stupid. I felt like I was being hit over the head with the plot saying "You get it? Everything's better now but he shot everyone he cared about! What bad timing, ammi rite?" And what I didn't know going into this was that this is a Stephen King adaptation. I despise Stephen King for reasons you guys wouldn't agree with so I won't bother bringing them up. If I knew that The Mist was a Stephen King story, I wouldn't have bothered with it. It's too early to say if I regret watching the film entirely, because I appreciate the good nature vs bad nature debate, as well as the centrality of Toby Jone's character (he's a great English actor). But after seeing the film, all I can say is that Stranger Things and Arrival are the better versions of these monsters, and The Maze Runner series and Lord of the Flies are the better versions of the good nature vs bad nature debate.
A lot of people complained about the ending but that ending is what everyone remembers. Otherwise you would have forgotten about the film. So the ending worked in a way.
This f'ed me up so bad the 1st time I saw it. If only they'd waited a few more minutes....😢
This one is the best closures I've ever seen until now, it's rarely happened when we watch a movie that we keep thinking of it until we go to sleep..!
"While scanning the radio, I thought I heard a single word" - Maine
I ran across this novella while reading King's "Skeleton Crew". The story stayed with me from then on. Such a fascinating mythology he created in just a few pages. I still enjoy imagining what actually happened and how involved the Arrowhead Project was with this disaster. Enthralling story. Thank you Stephen King.
Personally I like the novella's ending more. It's more interesting and not jsut about being "OMG SO SAD! SO FUCKING SAD!" The ending of the Novella makes me thing that humanity has been booted to a second class animal. The entire world is likely covered, and there is no known defense.
Flamethrowers, bunkers, moutains, armoured vehicles, napalm, assault rifles.. Might be some good defense. Now it would be easy to guard a moutain not covered by the mist, or even a bunker below the mist, but notto retake the world I agree.
This is the ending that would have made it a flawless film. Flawless. I still enjoy it.
I preferred that ending. The world as they knew it had ended, but they still had hope of life.
Years later I still don't know whether to love or hate this movie
The Mist easily had one of the best movie endings ever. SO much better than the book.
How does the book end?
This was a fan-made ending despite the actual words from King's book used. The movie ending is brilliant. Still gets to me even to this day.
I was going down the stairs in the cinema heading to the exit, and everybody was calm and silent, no one joked or laughed as usually people do after the movie, that was totally unexpected and odd feeling.
“And Ollie returned safe and sound, the end”
I like this ending better than the one in the film which betrays the character's strength throughout the movie. I don't think the main character would have given up. Also, the idea that the entire planet is engulfed in the mist is terrifying similar to the Walking Dead. In fact, this could become a mini-series on Netflix.
Now, that Netflix idea is capital. I hope they do make it a series, I'd definitely watch it!
they have its not good
Original ending had a hopeful and terrifying feeling.
The new ending gives off security and dread.
2:34...get to a mountain-top!!!
Seeing this ending makes me wonder what happened to all the animals of the world, such as dogs, cats, and even bears, just to name a few of the many animals out there.
Probably came to the point of being an endangered species.
They were probably slaughtered if anything the oceanic animals might’ve faired better than land animals unless the Mist contained deadly creatures that could swim
@@brizzle3903 If that's the case, it's a major drag.
Both the land part and the aquatic part.
@@RedPyramid-lf4sb movies tend to skip over what happens to animals which is annoying seeing how they live amongst us, if something like this were to happen they’d get decimated right alongside us since the creatures in the mist relied on smell they’d easily target animals
Although some animals might put up a serious fight, imagine a fight between a lion and one of those spiders ooooweee that would be epic especially if the lion is able to sneak up on one
@@brizzle3903 Lions might not stand a chance.
The creatures from the mist can smell and hear.
Ton Jane should have been saying these lines at the end. The ending we got stuck with doesn't do it justice.
It felt like someone threw the baby out with the bathwater at the last minute. I've read this story at least a couple times and they were supposed to end up at a hotel. were we should have left them, but left worrying about them. How's this: we take take you for your favorite meal, you are salivating over digging in, a test tried and true little gem of culinary delight that you pine for, daily, and just as you are about to dig in they tell you that they have made a small that you will hardly even notice, but you do notice, and it changes the entire meal. I mean there's no doubt that the wild kingdom is wild, and that woes of man are of our own making, but if they were trying to honor to the story they needed to leave this open for a continuing story. Not that a pocket-hole in the mist here and there would make much difference if we had an expanding Pandora's box scenario. From a literary point of view they have given up many of the character arcs which people are connected to. Having another "gunslinger" is alright and a story easier to tell, but Tom's already proved that he fits in the role of Frank Castle. I like complexity and variation in the movies I watch. I don't want them to throw cold water on the fire, i want them to stoke it until I'm on the edge of my seat and folding my toenails back against the floor. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.
the fact that he kills them makes him more of a monster then the thing that walks by all g
Nah man...
+Isaac G NOT AT ALL!
Seriously, if we're ever in that situation, I'd give you the permission to blow my brains all over the car.
+Isaac G But he has promised his son to protect him from monsters.
Dude he thought like the world was fuckt
I read this novell in the 80s and I loved it...30 years later the movie came as a surprise for me. I love Frank Darabont and I love Stephen King so for me it was Christmas:) The scene when they take off in the end ( the escape) is for me the best scene. The music is great!! Haunting! I love the end in the novell and I love the end in the movie....Just perfect! Sorry for my bad english...I am from Sweden :)
But noooooo, he decided to shoot everyone instead...
They were out of fuel. The outside, which is miles away from anywhere, is covered in Mist and crawling with nightmare monsters. It's either die horribly by having acid sprayed into your face by some spider monster and having bugs grown in your gut while still alive, or die instantly and painlessly by gunshot. Choose.
@@thomasvleminckx I think when I made the comment, it was meant to be more of a joke. I know that there was no way for him to know a rescue crew was going to show up minutes later :)
I wish I could upvote this video a million times. Screw that movie ending, and especially screw that woman from Walking Dead who walked into the Mist and survived to ride with the army at the end. You don't get a pass just because you have a kid at home!
The Walking Dead cast hehe
I see Andrea and Dale, but who is the Third?
Ashton Brown Carol
Kherbouche Wassim Also the one soldier who hung himself Morales, played the character Morales in Season 1
Ah, true
plus Dale and Andrea are in the car XD
Just saw this movie for the first time yesterday, and I loved it... but that ending!!! I'm still thinking about it, trying to wrap my head around it. I think it will linger in my brain for a long time to come... So glad Darabont changed it though. I think it tied in so much better with the rest of the story.
No recordaba el nombre de la película, pero al ver la escena, recordé como me dejo marcada esa parte, lo doloroso que fue, realmente dolió infinitamente, la impotencia, muchos sentimientos encontrados.
This is much better than the "National Guard friendly fire on protagoinst's jeep" idea my friends came up with, come to think of it.
2 casts of The Walking Dead here. Wow.
+ARMI VALDEZ you mean 3
Oh, really? Who was the 3rd one? I did not notice.
+ARMI VALDEZ Dale or jeffrey demunn
+ARMI VALDEZ This movie has 2 different endings. This one and then another one which has a huge spoiler alert to it, so in case you haven't seen that version yet I won't spoil it for you. The only thing I will say is that Carol from The Walking Dead is in that ending. You need to keep your eyes open for her, though, because she only shows for like 2 seconds. She was also in the opening parts of the movie when the group was locking themselves up in the store. She ran out fairly early on to save her kids.
I was so distraught over the original ending I had to lay down in my room for half an hour just so I didn't scream.
Fun fact: Stephen King liked this ending better than the one in his own novella!
Thomas Jane would have been a good Rick Grimes in the walking dead I wonder if he was ever considered
Fun fact Thomas Jane actually was the first choice for the role but he was too big of a name at the time and therefore too expensive so they couldn't afford him so they went with Andrew Lincoln who at the time wasn't as big of a name and therefore alot cheaper.
So yeah you would be right in that he would have been good in the role seeing as the Rick for season 1 was pretty much written with him in mind.
What a great novel by Stephen King - and WOW - what a great choice of this music and not to forget the the Movie-Ending - that´s real art.
This is how Cloverfield happened! Lol
no cloverfield happened from using alt energy and ripping a hole in the dimensions
no that never happened. We DO NOT TALK ABOUT cloverfield paradox.
I like to think cloverfield original happened because of great Cthulhu or the OLD ONES.
VeganVaperCrossFitter But you don’t found any Lovecraftian concepts in Cloverfield, so it is definitely not by Cthulhu.
@@dmin5782 True I see it as probably more into cosmic horror.
This is indeed the ending as written by Stephen King in his short story, but even he admitted he preferred the movie's ending and stated he'd wished he'd had the courage to end his story with the same ending as the film.
what a terrible ending... it was predictable what was going to happen after he shot the old couple and the son. I don't understand how he drove all that way however never passed a petrol station or a mcdonald's. I could think of 10 better ways to end the film than this.
It was terrible.... i would of rather seen him starve to death or get eaten by the monsters than anything else
Are you insane? Three of them were killed by just trying to make it to the vehicle to leave the supermarket.. Do you really believe they would have time to pump gas? And you have to remember the power was out in town.. The supermarket was on a generator..
It is absolutely NOT a good ending it defies the awe inspiring amount of character build up these characters are survivors nd were not in imminent danger so why would they give up there weren't pressed up against the wall a much better ending would've been them finding a gas station and a monster attacks and right before we see the son eaten we hear a bullet ring and it fades to black leaving you with the choice of which he shot his son out of mercy or the monster for the slim chance of his sons survival
Who said mine wasn't unhappy although it was ambiguous and that's not a bad thing it allows the viewer to come to his own conclusion and if they were hopeless from the start why didn't they kill themselves at the start! Also NO it doesn't make sense they were survivors they fought through monsters and crazy religious people then all of a sudden they lose gas "oh well let's just kill ourselves" it's totally out of character and separates us from the relation with the characters
Terrible you say?
The ending is fantastic because it's on realistic side. And happy endings are too mainstream.
Seeing this ending makes me wonder what happened to all the animals of the world: dogs, cats, horses, etc.
Not even condors in the air would be safe.