Andrew, thanks for showing this process! I had someone comment on one of my VN750 videos inquiring about an overheating issue with their VN750. One of the resources I provided them was this video so they can test their's.
Well, let's say that water doesn't just boil at 100°C.. it depends on it's pressure, it could start boiling at 85°C or 200+°C depends on it's pressure, this means that depends if you are living in a mountain or at the same level than water this could variate +- 15-20 °C
Andrew, thanks for showing this process! I had someone comment on one of my VN750 videos inquiring about an overheating issue with their VN750. One of the resources I provided them was this video so they can test their's.
Well, let's say that water doesn't just boil at 100°C.. it depends on it's pressure, it could start boiling at 85°C or 200+°C depends on it's pressure, this means that depends if you are living in a mountain or at the same level than water this could variate +- 15-20 °C
video titie should be "How to test your thermometer".
Just a little science, and whaddya know! Time for a new thermostat and meat thermometer!
Well gollleeeee
Can anyone tell me where the thermostat is located?
Status,,? Did you test the new T sat ? Bro,, hope you don’t do that to your wife !! HA
The thermostat should NOT be touching the bottom of the pan, it should be suspended in the water.
maybe you live high in the mountains
What about the new one, Did work at 84?
I haven't gotten one yet, sort of set this project to the side for a while.
What bike dit it come off ?
Kawasaki Vulcan 750
Does it matter what way the thermostat goes in?? There is a small hole on it ? Don’t know if it needs to be up top or below?
I don't think it's orientation(rotationally) in the housing matters.
@@Garage_Tinkerer thanks for replying!
U make it look complicated.
terrible video, he acts like he does not it's being filmed
Pardon me?