英語に翻訳しました。 The way I think about it, love is nothing but a world of fantasy. To put it bluntly, it's stupid. You giving it you're all? It's a nuisance and it's troublesome when I get stared at. It's not just like you didn't lend me your notes. You talk about romance and love, but it's a terrible misunderstanding, so it's not like trying's gonna get you somewhere. I can't stand the likes of you. You're always following me around, and you pester me saying, "I like you". It troubles me when things are expected of me, but if I show you that I like you, it'll be over. It's boring if I show you too soon, right? So not yet! Basically, falling in love is weird even just to look at, and it's a very stupid sickness. Indeed, those elated kids that looks like they're sick in the head should go to hospital straightaway. "I like you", "I love you the most", Sorry, the meaning is unclear to me, so if you take some medicine and go straight to bed, maybe you'll get better. Truth is, I know that love isn't all that bad. I get it, but still, it's dangerous to tamper with the settings. If I show you that I like you, it'll be over. It's boring if I show you too soon, right? So not yet! I can't stand the likes of you. You're always following me around, and you pester me saying, "I like you". It troubles me when things are expected of me, but if I show you that I like you, it'll be over. It's boring if I show you too soon, right? So not yet!
10年前くらい、小学生のときに3DSのソフト内で購入してエンドレスリピートしてました😭 今聴いてももちろんかわいい😭💛
ボクが思うに 愛なんて
空想の中 だけでしょ
ハッキリ言って くだらない
気合十分? 迷惑で
見つめられても 困るし
ノートを貸した だけじゃない
恋とか 愛とか キミは言うけど
とんだ 勘違い だから
頑張れば どうにかなるような ことじゃない
大嫌いだよ キミなんて
いつも しつこく つきまとって
「好きだよ」なんて うるさいし
期待 されても 困るんだけど
デレを見せたら そこで終わり
すぐに 見せたら つまらないでしょ? まだダメ!
基本的には 恋なんて
見てるだけで おかしくて
とてもバカげた 病気だし
いかにも頭 悪そうに
ルンルンしてる 子たちは
とりあえずすぐ 病院へ
好きとか 一番 愛してるとか
ゴメン 意味不明 だから
薬でも 飲んですぐに寝たら 治るかな
知ってるんだよ 本当は
愛も そんなに 悪くないって
わかってるけど これだけは
設定だけは イジるとヤバイ
デレを見せたら そこで終わり
すぐに 見せたら つまらないでしょ? まだダメ!
大嫌いだよ キミなんて
いつも しつこく つきまとって
「好きだよ」なんて うるさいし
期待 されても 困るんだけど
デレを見せたら そこで終わり
すぐに 見せたら つまらないでしょ? まだダメ!
ほんま可愛い 天才の歌詞
Len is so freaking adorable in glasses... 😭💖
The way I think about it, love
is nothing but a world of fantasy.
To put it bluntly, it's stupid.
You giving it you're all? It's a nuisance
and it's troublesome when I get stared at.
It's not just like you didn't lend me your notes.
You talk about romance and love,
but it's a terrible misunderstanding,
so it's not like trying's gonna get you somewhere.
I can't stand the likes of you.
You're always following me around,
and you pester me saying, "I like you".
It troubles me when things are expected of me,
but if I show you that I like you, it'll be over.
It's boring if I show you too soon, right? So not yet!
Basically, falling in love
is weird even just to look at,
and it's a very stupid sickness.
Indeed, those elated kids
that looks like they're sick in the head
should go to hospital straightaway.
"I like you", "I love you the most",
Sorry, the meaning is unclear to me, so
if you take some medicine and go straight to bed, maybe you'll get better.
Truth is, I know
that love isn't all that bad.
I get it, but still,
it's dangerous to tamper with the settings.
If I show you that I like you, it'll be over.
It's boring if I show you too soon, right? So not yet!
I can't stand the likes of you.
You're always following me around,
and you pester me saying, "I like you".
It troubles me when things are expected of me,
but if I show you that I like you, it'll be over.
It's boring if I show you too soon, right? So not yet!
Thank you!