habits by Republica - Gabor Maté in conversation with Gabriel Cicu | Part 2

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • In a conversation facilitated by the Romanian media platform habits by Republica, Dr. Gabor Maté, renowned speaker and bestselling author, discusses trauma, addiction and a new medical paradigm with Romanian psychiatrist Gabriel Cicu, the founder of the Color Mind clinic in Bucharest.
    habits by Republica is a media platform focused on healthy habits supported by UniCredit Bank & REGINA MARIA - The Health Private Network.
    #GaborMate #habitsByRepublica

Комментарии • 22

  • @enacheanton5334
    @enacheanton5334 2 года назад +2

    Discuția aceasta este necesară în mentalul românesc. Poate nu întâmplător a ajuns sa aibă loc. Many thanks!

  • @MarcoVB
    @MarcoVB 2 года назад +11

    pt o intalnire cu un astfel de invitat poate ar trebui intrebarile sa fie mai bine pregatite, cu totzii avem probleme cu engleza dar poate ca un pic de pregatire si frazare mai simpla ar ajuta.

  • @raouloctav
    @raouloctav 2 года назад +3

    Multumesc. Foarte frumos explicate niste lucruri, mi-a placut la nebunie comparatia cu ghinda.

  • @anetavalceanu1460
    @anetavalceanu1460 Год назад

    Multumesc frumos! Numai bine!

  • @Lakshmi235Lakshmi
    @Lakshmi235Lakshmi Год назад

    Multumesc mult 🎩🙏🤗

  • @mihav5722
    @mihav5722 2 года назад +7

    Gabor Mate super ca de fiecare data dar tipul care i a intervievat a fost praf 🙈 păcat… cu un asemenea invitat trebuia sa fie mai bine pregătit

  • @raperecovery
    @raperecovery 2 года назад

    Normal, social construction. RD Laing wrote about this.Great conversation.

  • @rockyfjord3753
    @rockyfjord3753 2 года назад

    The Spanish Philosopher Ortega y Gasset [died in 1955] wrote about how men at the
    apogee of a civilization's culture, that is, highly cultured men, then became barbarians.
    It wasn't the Germanic tribes that brought down Rome, because the decay had set in
    already in the 3rd century at the high Antonine culture which was a historical crisis.
    For all the economic problems after WWI [caused largely by American mistakes with
    the Treaty of Versailles], Germany was still a highly rational culture with an intellectual
    history. And yet they became barbarians. WWII wasn't even over before the US picked
    up the mantle from the Nazi's and soon they also became barbarians, which is evident
    to this very generation that began in 2022.

  • @radicalhonesty3628
    @radicalhonesty3628 2 года назад +1

    as I watch this video, here's what arises in me...
    pain, pain, pain.
    paralyzing emotional pain.
    I'm an INFJ, an Old Soul, an empath,
    with severe C-PTSD,
    minor SPD, and some OCD tendencies.
    this makes living in this world,
    on this planet, extremely hard.
    I have diabetes, I have a debilitating back injury.
    I have never had a friend.
    I have never been in a relationship.
    all of this makes me wish to die.
    I can't bear it.

    • @susansherlock6934
      @susansherlock6934 2 года назад +1

      So, now you have despaired of yourself, you need to build yourself back up...

    • @simobechmak5066
      @simobechmak5066 2 года назад +2

      I'm sorry that you have to feel such pain, as i am sorry that i have to feel the same pain. All i will say is be with the pain, stay with it and try to open up to as to understand why it feels that way, let it teach you what it is that you need in your life, and what you need to let go of. Much love 💕 my thoughts are with you.

    • @simobechmak5066
      @simobechmak5066 2 года назад +2

      If you need someone to have a conversation with just hit me up.

  • @maritmeijer8269
    @maritmeijer8269 2 года назад +1

    I'm not sure, my trigger is aggression. aggressive sounds aggressive faces and aggressive gestures. In a way it's good that it makes me feel something.I think the bigger problem is if you don't feel. Somehow it's good that it hurts my hard...

    • @patad2205
      @patad2205 2 года назад

      Well said.

    • @raperecovery
      @raperecovery 2 года назад

      I am same age as you Gabor. Recently realised I have spent my life trying to prove myself. Traumatized by rapes, grief etc. I was a work alcoholic, I looked after others. Found your books a few years ago. Turned many lights on. Thanks.❤

  • @christinebadostain6887
    @christinebadostain6887 2 года назад

    I don't think lack of abortion is the root cause of romanian orphanages---we must get to root causes to resolve problems---that child did not have a choice in being created but the child should have the right to live out its life within the womb and without. Otherwise LOVE to listen to Mr. Mate. He really hits the bullseye about healthy/normal. I'd even add that just because abortion has become normal doesn't make it healthy.

    • @alvodin6197
      @alvodin6197 2 года назад

      The root cause is people have been fucking without birth control.

    • @Irida24
      @Irida24 Год назад

      When a foetus is not created consensually and it is not going to be raised by both the people who created it, no one has the right to state that one person has to carry a child, go through the trauma of labour, and raise a child on their own under detrimental conditions. A foetus is a clamp of cells that can not develop or survive before xy amount of weeks outside the womb and 1/4 of pregnancies end up in miscarriages that a large percentage of women do not even realise. A woman (beyond exceptions) can only give birth once a year but men can impregnate 10 women a day if they wish to. If people want to talk about abortions they would also discuss about the preconditions that lead to those.

    • @christinebadostain6887
      @christinebadostain6887 Год назад

      @@Irida24 Thank you for sharing your point of view and I agree there are always going to be situations where abortion is the most viable option

  • @herbertjuliette762
    @herbertjuliette762 2 года назад


  • @AlexAlex-hq6gi
    @AlexAlex-hq6gi 2 года назад

    Da' ce stie Gabor despre Ceausescu ca sa aiba pareri?