This is so great. You are such a great teacher. We are all so blessed to have you! I ❤ listening and learning from you! Todah Rabah Rabbi Tovia Singer!
For those who wanted to know why the flood was not in the mind of the religious Jews, google: "papaSon Academia" click the fisrt link and read the paper titled "SUMER." You're welcome.
For those who wanted to know why the flood was not in the mind of the religious Jews, google: "papaSon Academia" click the fisrt link and read the paper titled "SUMER." You're welcome.
I love Untnapishisctim ...and kinda compare his inner turmoil to the Good Father Jakov in my heart l endeavor to keep the Divine 7 Laws like the lights of the Temple's Menorah ... MAY HASHEM FORGIVE my / our Iniquities and write good things into the Book of our individual lives. 🎉❤ Love You Ravi 😊
@@WunHungLo99 where is the temple st murdered that were deported in los angeles.....may God show them mercy may they find Gods forgive we hope so.theyre natives
Part of the global scope of the flood: presumably, the ark started its journey somewhere down in Mesopotamia, lower than ~1000 m in elevation above sea level, and ended up floating to perhaps 4500 to even 5000 m into the mountain range of Ararat. Well, um, it doesn't look like a local flood would be able to make a sizeable ark take such a journey!
And if the flood was not a global event, why not just have Noah relocate to another country? And why spend so much time building an ark for a local flood?
They have an Anti-Scriptural bias! Therefore, they pick on some details that might be a little off from one account to another. Rather, they ought to realize that the this confirms the basic event, and recollections are not exact. Perhaps they might want to challenge the Torah details, but not the underlying event. For people of faith, the Torah is reliable. For those more skeptical, they should recognize that the Torah has shown itself to be accurate on historical events.
Noah peace be upon him was a great prophet and messenger of GOD,Noah peace be upon him never get drunk nor he use bad language,he was a really pious man,the bible portay prophets as bad people,the prophets of GOD are the best men
@@AdaraBalabusta Noah is a legendary character who serves as an origin story for why there is vineyards in that part of the narrative. The story was recorded during the exile (or post exile) to babylon where there were exposed to the story of the epic of gilgamesh which has an much older flood narrative. The ironic part is that story of Noah is set in the same location as well as the story of Abraham and garden of eden.
@@codeincomplete The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
I like this type of video from the Rabbi, and not just Christian Bashing though sometimes they deserve it. Many ancient cultures all over the planet have talked about a flood and they have found fossils of fish that are only a couple thousand years old that were found where they😅 shouldn't be and the only way they could get there was there was a giant flood. I believe jewish and Christian cultures should be working together and not against each other because the religious world is under assault. More videos like this please
Better question, did Noah really fit two of every animal on earth into a boat 40 cubits long? 2 elephants, hippos, rhinos, lions and tigers and bears (oh my), giraffes, moose, Elks, gnus, yaks, camels llamas etc. mice, rats, squirrels. How did they feed them? Who cleaned up the poop? 40 cubits is really not that big. How did he gather 2 of everything in a month or so,. How did he convince the predators onto the small boat instead of eating him?
Genesis 8:20: "And Noah built an altar to the Lord, and he took of all the clean animals and of all the clean fowl and brought up burnt offerings on the altar." From here we learn that Gentiles do not have any of the other types of scriptural offerings, such as a sin or guilt offering.
@@Tenebris_Sint Dr. Michael Schulman has a Ph.D. in physics. He edited the Divine Code by Rabbi Weiner, the most comprehensive explanation of the 7 Noahide laws ever written.
I believe the Torah was written and preserved for all people of God’s world to read and understand it is not only for the Jews, but it is for all of us Who live by and learn❤
@@marymciver6026 Yes, it is interestingly apparently made for Jews on one level and also for Non-Jews on a compeltely other level🤔 ... God's bestseller author skills are incomparable! 📖🌟🤩
That’s right I always have a question in my mind, how did the animals come from Mount Ararat to other continents during the time of Prophet Noah? it is estimated that this event took place more than 5000 years ago. if you say due to continental drift, then when did the continents start to drift?
I believe it happened but I do find it interesting when studying the field of intertextuality how the style of writing in the ancient world would trouble us today especially when looking at literary connections between the Bible and Ancient Near Eastern text. Example of a literary connection between Ancient Near Eastern Text and the Hebrew Bible Epic of Gilgamesh Tablet 11:145 "The seventh day, when it came, I brought out a dove. I let it loose. Off went the dove, but then it returned. There was no place to land, so back it came to me. I brought out a swallow. I let it loose. Off went the swallow, but then it returned. There was no place to land, so it came back to me. I brought out a raven. I let it loose. Off went the raven. It saw the waters receding, finding food, bowing and bobbing, it did not came back to me." Genesis 8:6-8 (NASB) "Then it came about at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made; 7 and he sent out a raven, and it flew here and there until the water was dried up from the earth. 8 Then he sent out a dove, to see if the water was low on the surface of the land;" Things to keep in mind sometimes the use other text may be used to denote another meaning or simply to keep the original meaning
Enjoyed it & true so much ancient history did not survive, however the Flood Example & principles are very numerous & profound - its 1 of the most famous descriptions of Survival in Bible & History....
Xtians weaponizes the flood as a symbolic parallel to jezeus’ second coming, but little do they know that Noah build the ark, with a count down of only 120 years..then the flood came, while its been more than 2000 years since jezeus died and still he is not back yet.😢😢
Boiling water steaming out from the ground speaks of a magnetic core event. Something affected the planet... Drawing heat to the surface. A magnetron pulled on the Earth...
Would you agree that the text-as-written ALLOWS for either a global or "massive, but local" flood. That "aretz" CAN mean the entire earth, but frequently refers to a given territory (like leaving the "land" of our fathers and going to the "land" of Egypt or Persia ruling over the whole "land" even with other nations clearly outside of its borders. "And the water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered." As in the entire earth. "And the water prevailed more and more upon the land, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the sky were covered." As in the entire inhabited land. As this was only 10 generations from Adam, humanity may not have spread around the globe yet, so wiping out the entire human-inhabited land could have simply been the size of the Zanclean flood, covering every mountain as far as any human eye could see, and that would fit within the text-as-written as well as covering a depth of Mt. Everest from pole to pole.
@@hendrewpenie8640 not all Jews do, many drash on this subject. Rather you believe it's symbolic or true there's many lessons we can learn from these stories. I look at it why did Hashem tell us this story of creation, that as we journey through the Tanalk how we can improve ourselves to reach our full potential, the battle between Ra and tov as we journey through life.
My problem with the flood story as told in Genesis, is one from the world of physics. And yes I've studied some of the flood stories from other cultures. I've read that the Sumerian version preserved on stone tablets predates Genesis by 1,000 years or so. I cannot verify this but this is the opinion of some published scholarship on the subject. Getting to the Torah, perhaps this is a story developed by a more primitive culture, an oral tradition told as one of the times could understand and relate. Perhaps it's symbolic, a metaphor if you will to establish a faith tennent. I'm not a Jew. Was born into Christianity but most of my adult life agnostic. Much if not most of my agnosticism springs from the plethora of miraculous stories both in the old and new testaments, as well as in other religious faiths; Islam, Mormon, JW, etc. In the Nag Hammadi texts, I believe it is a Gospel of peter, Peter gets a smoked fish from a vendor in a Roman square, says a prayer, and the fish appears as it was in it's prime. Peter places the fish in the public fountain pond, where "the amazed people gathered to feed it for many years". But being a true agnostic vs an atheist, here I am in my later years still searching for G~d. Does a union with G~d require belief in the totally supernatural events that are written by ancient people? Noahide makes much sense to me on the spiritual level, but the rational, scientific, logical part of my being (my take is G~d formed me this way) can never truly believe that the flood as well as many other stories in the bible actually happened as described. Perhaps they were just embellished? Is there a solution to this dilemma? BTW I love the videos Rabbi and watch some every day. Thank you.
Sanhedrin 59a: "Rabbi Meir would say: From where is it derived that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? It is derived from that which is stated: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a man does he shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). The phrase: Which if priests, Levites, and Israelites do they shall live by them, is not stated, but rather: “A man,” which indicates mankind in general. You have therefore learned that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest."
Shalom Rabbi I always have a question in my mind, how did the animals come from Mount Ararat to other continents during the time of Prophet Noah? it is estimated that this event took place more than 5000 years ago. if you say due to continental drift, then when did the continents start to drift?
No. The sedimentary record does not support a global flood. There are many sediment layers that you can view with your own eyes that were deposited with thousands of event, not a single flood with one water recession event.
Japanese civilization has no global flood myth. Japan became an island when it broke off due to teutonic plate activity over 450 million years ago. The flood story to me is highly symbolic.
Maybe all the nations are talking about the event from the end of the ice age, and from their perspective is like a global flood, because they didn't know how big the world is ...
The Indigenous Tribes People here talk about the different worlds (Time Periods). The First World (Time Period) was destroyed by fire, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. The Second World (Time Period) was destroyed by the Ice Age. The Third World (Time Period) was destroyed by the Great Deluge/Flood. We are living in the Fourth World (Time Period) right now at the End of Days, before the Fifth World.
A rare case where I disagree with the Rabbi. Global Flood? No. Where did the water come from? It violates basic Physics such as conservation of energy. True, many cultures wrote of floods, but as we know even from current events, this happens on a fairly regular basis and can be incredibly devastating. "Because it says so in a book" = not good enough.
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
@@redmatters9318 _ Inuktitut is the language spoken by the Inuit. Esquimo is a word used by the Whites to designate the Inuit. Like the /N/ word, attributed to Americans with African heritage, or like the /K/ word, used to designate Jews. Please look at a language map made BY actual Northern Peoples. Peace.
@@mikealioto6228 scholars believed Christianity actually started out with Saul (later changed his name to Paul), who went around peddling a story about how he was visited by the spirit of a Jewish preacher who had been executed years earlier. It was only much later some of his followers then started writing various stories describing the life of this Jewish preacher in order to provide some supporting foundational background for Paul’s new movement. These stories were written by anonymous authors and contained as many descriptions of fulfilled prophecies and miracles as they could reasonably fit in, combined with.. perhaps with some actual sayings of that Jewish preacher.. 😂😂😂
Its crazy how many myths about a flood there are around the world, and the name Noah or something similar sounding is the name of the man who saved humanity
In ancient times and with people's limited knowledge of their world, a "flood" would be perceived very differently in those times compared to what people call a flood today. Either the translation is totally incorrect or it's a Myth. I'm not a person of belief or faith, these are vague terminologies. Following Philosophy and Science teaches one a new and different way of thinking and insight.
Almost every culture has an old story or mythical tale of a flood. How do you know it's impossible? Where did the water go indeed? Just because there are unanswered questions as to why your girlfriend cheated on you- does not mean it did not happen.. Seems impossible that she would!
Where did the water come from? A global flood like the one in genesis requires 3x the total water on the earth (including vapour and underground). Then there's the problems of that much rainfall 8n such a short period of time and the fact that the ark was to big for a wooden boat and would have just broken apart. Every aspect of the story is impossible.
As far as the scientific evidence shows there was something like a global flood about 11,800 years ago and the sea level rose about 120m or 400 feet. We are not sure how fast but it could of been several events over a relatively short time because the ice age ended abruptly but it's complicated.
Notice the Old Testament covenant never speaks of people living in heaven and yet the New Testament is all about how to live in heaven. That is because the Old Testament is about how to live in the earthly kingdom and the New Testament is how to get to the heavenly kingdom
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 heaven on earth is impossible if sin and death is still present and if you read Ezekiel sin and death is still present on earth during the millennium
Ummm, ya. But in the China world flood story. Only one man survived. He became the first emperor of China. Yes, many cultures have world flood stories. However, they all have different details. Especially how many people survived. Even more on that. Each story from each area has a person unique from that part of the world survived. That all being said. If we do go by historical documents/history. Then a lot more than just 8 people survived mentioned in Genesis.
This is a wick argument because there are archeological finds that completely disproved the biblical story in Genesis. To be honest, I find the interpretation that the Rambam gave (which by it the floud story is a parebul which shouldn't be taken literally at all) is way more convincing then your argument.
Rabbi, this is pretty urgent. There's this youtube channel coming up in my feed called 'Lapid Judaism'. It seems Christian, but the man speaking is a very rabbinic looking bearded man. Can you please investigate and warn your audience about this? Thank you very much. גמר חתימה טובה.
We have huge libraries of ancient documents preserved on two million clay tablets. These last forever. It is here that we find the Akkadian flood story in the Atra-Hasis epic dated to 1,800 BCE. The story, like other stories found elsewhere, reflects the reality that floods happen, frequently and in many locations around the globe, to this day. Only a fortnight ago we had a flood in Florida brought about by hurricane Helene, and now there's another one coming with hurricane Milton. But there is no geological evidence of a worldwide flood that would have covered simultaneously all continents. Neither is there any evidence in the human genome of our ancestry going through the bottleneck squeezed to just one family. This never happened. There is a genetic bottleneck traced to between 930,000 and 813,000 years ago that reduced the human population to just about 1,280 breeding individuals. Around 70,000 years ago, much more recently, there was another bottleneck that reduced the number of homo sapiens to a few thousand only. That was due to the rapid global cooling caused by the eruption of the Toba supervolcano in Indonesia. The story of Noah was plagiarized from the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, dated to the 7th century BCE, which, in turn, borrowed from the much older Atra-Hasis. The biblical text uses this background to moralize, but when you look at the story itself, it's just nonsense. Why kill all the land animals, while preserving fish and other sea creatures? What have they done to deserve the plight? And how about insects? Has Noah made space for them too?
@@HelloStillRememberMe It's not the Red Sea, it's a mistranslation. It should read Sea of Reeds. We don't know where that might have been, possibly some coastal lowlands.
Do the current Judaism, agree that the muslims, hindus, christians are also the creation of your God , If so how judaism invites them to current judaism. Thanks
@@Jesus-is-a-Muslim1 Prohibitions of (1) idolatry, (2) blasphemy, (3) homicide, (4) forbidden relations, (5) robbery, (6) eating meat that was taken from a still-living animal (cruelty to animals), and the requirement (7) for societies to establish courts of justice.
The epic of Gilgamesh predates Genesis 1-11 by 500 years. The writers of Genesis 1-11 simply borrowed concepts from flood myths they had been exposed to while in Babylonian captivity. Those chapters were then inserted by those Jewish scribes at the front of the Jewish canon. It’s been a source of confusion and error ever since.
The Jewish people have an unbroken historical tradition to the very time of Moses that he is the author of the Torah. Moses wrote these five books by Divine dictation: every word in them was dictated to Moses by God Himself.
Your statement is provably inaccurate. I taught Gilgamesh and have answered this objection every time. I don't have time right now, but perhaps I will next week.
The idea is that since cultures predating the writing of the Torah, mention the global flood and stories about heroes that survive and so on, it is in academic eyes obviously a transmission of mythological, poetic and religious elements from one tribe to another with all kinds of variations in between as it often happened in the ancient world. Therefore it is classified as prehistoric Sumerian mythology that Hebrews and other tribes copied. That's the idea i've heard from many archaeologists.
Not only was there world wide flooding and liquification there was large plasma melting periods yes entire known earth. I cant claim to know how many times . I agree with mr singer on this one
Even if a global flood did happen that would not prove noahs ark story is true. I understand there was also a story the epic of gilgamesh which bears some similarities to noahs ark story and may even at least parts of it predate the biblical noahs story . I read somewhere the noahs ark story and the epic of gilgamesh may have their roots in even older stories. i cant say i believe any of the two stories regardless of which one came first.
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
There are many other similar Flood stories in the world, not only those of the Sumerians, but also those of the Indians, Russians, Chinese, Native Americans, etc., which have evidential force. This event lived not only in the memory of the Hebrews, but the peoples of the whole Earth, since their ancestors were one family who saw these things.
@@EridanuS86 yes it still does not prove the Noah's ark story even if there was a great flood. The Noah's ark story bears some similarities to the epic of Gilgamesh and both may have their roots in even older stories. I dont know if the areas you are referring to had floods in the past but not necessarily the world wide flood you may mean. I was reading that there may have been a large regional flood mesopotamia so there may have been a large flood just not the worldwide flood as depicted.
@@silverfire01 There is geological evidence that the Flood happened; the billions of fossils and layers of coal formed from pre-flood vegetation. Fossils around the world testify that billions of living things died suddenly, due to suffocation and mudslides caused by the Flood.
This dispensation for the last 2000 years God has been dealing mainly with the gentiles through the faith in Jesus covenant and that is why the law is on pause at the moment. The thing the gentiles are doing wrong is they rely so much on the grace covenant to cover sin that they aren’t living holy. Once this dispensation ends God will deal with the Jews mainly for 1000 years. The faith in Jesus will be used for salvation during the millennium that the Jews can be saved also but God will combine the Old Testament covenant of the law for holiness. What is at fault in one dispensation God will correct in the next dispensation and that is why he combines the New Testament covenant of faith in Jesus for salvation with the Old Testament covenant of the law for holiness
@@ariebrons7976 there has to come an end to the levitic priesthood because the purpose of the levitic priesthood is to “cover” unintentional sin. So in order for this priesthhod to be useful then sin and death would have to be eternal to make that priesthood useful. Jesus brings the melchelzedek order priesthood where those who put faith in his one time sacrifice will enter into his kingdom where there is no sin or death. Which kingdom do you prefer?
@@nikered123 "that is why the law is on pause at the moment" How so? Allah commanded us to "keep these laws forever*", Why would an all knowing Being second guess His own commandment? *Parshat Bechuqotai "grace covenant to cover sin " "Once this dispensation ends God will deal with the Jews mainly for 1000 years. " WTF does that even mean? " The faith in Jesus will be used for salvation during the millennium that the Jews can be saved also" But I reject belief in Yoshkah on grounds that it is idolatry. Moreover: it blasphemes against God for a myriad reasons: -Why would God intentionally make an impossible covenant; What does He have to gain from that? -If it is possible to keep His commandments; What is faith in Yoshkah even good for? -If God somehow second guessed His commandments how is He all-knowing? "God will combine the Old Testament covenant of the law for holiness" The old and new covenant fundamentally contradict one another, sometimes blatantly so! What is the use of combining the two; Besides to completely destroy both? "God will correct in the next dispensation" So progressive revelation? That's not Christian Orthodoxy! "combines the New Testament covenant of faith in Jesus for salvation with the Old Testament covenant of the law for holiness" Like what Christianity did to Greek Myth?
@@ariebrons7976 The law covenant was introduced to show that man can not completely maintain keeping the law as Paul stated over and over it was impossible to keep the law and it was a work of the flesh. He also said he tried to do the law but evil was always present. This is how Jesus will make it possible to combine the 2 covenants: first we see Jesus and the saints come back to earth and bind Satan and his cohorts for 1000 years before the millennial kingdom of David begins. With the binding of the evil ones that takes away temptation for sin making it possible to follow the law for holiness. God reinstates the law with the levitic priesthood for the earthly kingdom and a holy people. He combines it with the New Testament of faith in Jesus for salvation. Those who put faith in Jesus will enter into the new heaven and new earth where the higher heavenly melchelzedek priesthood will have dominion and then sin and death are done away with along with the levitic priesthood because the levitic priesthood is only necessary where sin and death abide
There are four dimensions of traditional meaning in the Torah: the simple meaning of the text, the allusions, the hermeneutical interpretations, and the mystical meanings.
Tovia, I am very interested to know your combined interpretation of Isiah 9:5 along with Ezekiel 5:5. Also, what is your opinion of the Christian book of revelation 10:7 warns of the 10/7 events. Isiah 11 also speaks of NETZER and JC came from Natzrat and it seems that Natzroot came from him. Wouldn’t that show he was the real messiah? Although his name should have been Pele (miracle) and I think they got the wrong name because the gentiles heard the Jews call him Yeshua when he entered Jerusalem. Thanks. I would appreciate a response 👍
@@AndreDuncan-e6b As I have said. If such God does exist, things are possible, even Muhammad flying over the Moon. But we now know, that the biblical flood has never happened, that the story was adopted from an earlier Sumerian myth, we know that Tora was most likely created during the Babilonian exile. etc.
Consider this. There is proof that roughly 8,000 years ago, the Black Sea was a Freshwater Lake and that as Global Sea levels rose at the end of the last Ice Age, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed a natural dam at the Bosporus. We know this because the deepest portions of the Black Sea are Anoxic so not only do we see the ancient shoreline, but we have evidence of Human habitation on that shoreline. Now, consider that to a Neolithic population, their "world" was limited to where they traveled by foot. When the Mediterranean Sea overflowed the dam at the Bosporus, local sea levels rose rapidly. A Family/Clan/Tribe of people fleeing that flood for higher ground, probably passed down their story over the generations. Eventually that Family/Clan/Tribe probably migrated in different directions. Some wound up in Greece, others in Sumeria, Mesopotamia, the Levant etc. That's what gives rise to the broadly similar Flood Stories across the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.
The flood is true because some African Lions and Elephants told me they went on special diet and fasting before the trip. They all stopped eating after they bought their tickets in Noah's Ark at 50% off the original price. They stopped eating all the way to the end of the trip. When the flood was over African Lions and Elephants waited for the plants to grow. The elephants where the first to start eating after the plants grow. The lions waited longer because they had to wait for the buffalos to eat the plants, get fat and then feed the Lions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dilemma of the day (erev Yom Kippur)... There are 613 'likes' on this video. Do I click the thumbs up button and ruin that? Or leave it alone because it's 613?
How did cangaroos and koalas get to Australia after a worldwide flood or whatever this event was? The same to lamas and alpacas in the high Andes in South America... and... and... and...
@@Rza383 This simple consideration shows that the biblical account doesn't work properly. But for me that doesn't mean that there was no cosmic event of whatever nature. I'm sure there was something. There are enough artifacts that show that there was a highly developed pre-flood civilization on earth. This doesn't contradict the biblical account. Even if doubts about the biblical account are appropriate and require a necessary distance, I do not doubt HaShem at all.
Not really. The billions of fossils, coal layers around the world are proof that the Flood really happened. The so-called cretaceous, jurassic, etc., fictional ages were actually the age of the antediluvian world, with the dinosaurs and other gigantic creatures, and picturesque, paradisiacal vegetation. The current scientific world is self-deluded and rebels against all religious and mythological things, even though mythology is nothing more than the oral memory of earlier people, because there was no writing back then! Therefore, since they rebelled against all religions (especially the Christianity) and traditional cultures, they created for themselves a fairy tale world about the origin and earliest history of man, so of course it is considered blasphemy for them if someone mentions them, see e.g.: the story of the Flood. Besides even they try to ridicule, twist it, reinterpret it, adapt it to the evolutionist fairy-tale.
Thank you Mr. Singer. Where in Greco-Roman myth does one find a flood story? There is one anecdote about floods is in Plato's Symposium. This being the famous Atlantis flood parable. The story is presented as a fictional story about humility Is there anything I missed?
The first man in the world was Adam no continent at that time.Then came the second man noah who survived the floods through the ark after the people refused to turn and hear the warning from God after 120 years elapsed. The floods was real and occupied the whole world because the bible say all high points like mountains, tall trees were covered with the floods. Then through noah came his 3 sons who occupied the 3 continent then, the north ,the middle east and Africa.from the 3 sons the Messiah would come from one of the lineage. Then came the last man😂😂😂 who is everything and he is Jesus.
@@AdaraBalabusta tell me how you read your bible?go read Genesis 8:8-13 the whole earth was filled with water because noah sent out a dove after one week from the flood the bird came back to noah because there was no place to land.
@@Timmy-bb7ch That's not an answer to my question. You made a statement, now back it up. A church history book isn't a source. It's a book, somebody wrote.
I’m a Christian but being kinda skeptical about it. Like none of it makes sense. The old testament says that the Messiah will come and bring peace but doesn’t say anything about a 2nd coming. At the same time Jesus fulfilled some prophecies of the Old Testament. I’m at a crossroads. Help me understand Rabbi.
The Chinese flood story that happened around the time of Noah did not have an ark and they survived it. I think there was a climate change similar to what we're seeing today where there were major floods around the world, but not a global flood.
Boiling water spewing from the ground speaks of a core event. Something affected the planet... Drawing heat to the surface. A magnetron pulled on the Earth...
@@RandyWinn42 Did you see the copious footage of a ball of flame next to our Sun.... Plenty of footage, not all fake.... Years worth of..... _P_ LANET *_X_*
The Old Testament covenant had no retirement plan and no solution for eternal sin and death. The New Testament corrected the retirement plan with eternal life and a higher melchekzedek priesthood which will dissolve sin and death.
Any Gentile who accepts the Seven Noahide Commandments, and is careful to observe them, is truly a pious individual of the nations of the world, and merits an eternal portion in the future World to Come. (And with this merit, the person will be included in the Resurrection of the Dead). This applies only if he accepts them and does them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah, and made it known through Moses our teacher, that the Children of Noah were previously commanded to fulfill them.
This is so great. You are such a great teacher. We are all so blessed to have you!
I ❤ listening and learning from you!
Todah Rabah Rabbi Tovia Singer!
Thank you Rabbi.
Thank you
May HaShem keep blessing you with strength and patience while bring the truth rabbi tovia your teachings are so appreciated! 🕎
may elohim keep you as well
For those who wanted to know why the flood was not in the mind of the religious Jews, google: "papaSon Academia" click the fisrt link and read the paper titled "SUMER." You're welcome.
May HaShem bless you muchly, dear Red2theBone 📜🤲
Rabbi Singer’s “ Let’s get Biblical “ arrived today. Great start for the new year.
Love you rabbi thank you
For those who wanted to know why the flood was not in the mind of the religious Jews, google: "papaSon Academia" click the fisrt link and read the paper titled "SUMER." You're welcome.
The world was a much smaller place then. To them all the places they knew compromised the world.
Baruch HaShem ❤️
Good evening Rabbi. I am looking forward to watching
May HaShem bless you Susan 🤲 Sending best wishes ✌️
B'H ❤
All praise to Hashem our Heavenly father Almighty
❤ Torah ❤ Hashem ❤ Israel
Lets get biblical 🇺🇸 🕎 🇮🇱
Which prophet taught you to call Hashem your heavenly Father?
G.od bless Israel
ים ישראל חי ✊️
Shalom Alechim Rabbi
Shanah Tova . Baruch Hashem You are great teacher.
I love Untnapishisctim ...and kinda compare his inner turmoil to the Good Father Jakov in my heart l endeavor to keep the Divine 7 Laws like the lights of the Temple's Menorah ...
MAY HASHEM FORGIVE my / our Iniquities and write good things into the Book of our individual lives. 🎉❤
Love You Ravi 😊
Native Americans have flood accounts as well.
Shalom Rabbi, here in the Philippines, lot of giant fossilized clams that are found on the montains still attached to cliffs or upon stones
Yuh, that's because those rocks/mountains used be under the sea. It's called plate tectonics.!!!
@@WunHungLo99 where is the temple st murdered that were deported in los angeles.....may God show them mercy may they find Gods forgive we hope so.theyre natives
Part of the global scope of the flood: presumably, the ark started its journey somewhere down in Mesopotamia, lower than ~1000 m in elevation above sea level, and ended up floating to perhaps 4500 to even 5000 m into the mountain range of Ararat. Well, um, it doesn't look like a local flood would be able to make a sizeable ark take such a journey!
If it wasn’t a global event, why are all humans descendants of Noah?
And if the flood was not a global event, why not just have Noah relocate to another country? And why spend so much time building an ark for a local flood?
@@JoeyBaguez: Noah followed what God instructed him to do.
@@User-x5s3x that has nothing to do with the point
All humans are not descendants of one man within the last 5,000 years. DNA analysis proves that.
@@User-x5s3xDo you know how myths work?
They have an Anti-Scriptural bias! Therefore, they pick on some details that might be a little off from one account to another. Rather, they ought to realize that the this confirms the basic event, and recollections are not exact. Perhaps they might want to challenge the Torah details, but not the underlying event.
For people of faith, the Torah is reliable. For those more skeptical, they should recognize that the Torah has shown itself to be accurate on historical events.
thank you
Noah peace be upon him was a great prophet and messenger of GOD,Noah peace be upon him never get drunk nor he use bad language,he was a really pious man,the bible portay prophets as bad people,the prophets of GOD are the best men
Each and every person has merits and sins.
Noah did get drunk.
@@AdaraBalabusta Noah is a legendary character who serves as an origin story for why there is vineyards in that part of the narrative. The story was recorded during the exile (or post exile) to babylon where there were exposed to the story of the epic of gilgamesh which has an much older flood narrative. The ironic part is that story of Noah is set in the same location as well as the story of Abraham and garden of eden.
@@codeincomplete The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
I like this type of video from the Rabbi, and not just Christian Bashing though sometimes they deserve it. Many ancient cultures all over the planet have talked about a flood and they have found fossils of fish that are only a couple thousand years old that were found where they😅 shouldn't be and the only way they could get there was there was a giant flood. I believe jewish and Christian cultures should be working together and not against each other because the religious world is under assault. More videos like this please
Gentiles should keep the 7 Noahide laws.
Where do I find the full adon olam song you play at the end of your videos?
See the description
@@ToviaSinger1who is the singer of that song? Im trying to find out for a year!!!
@@weeklydaily4775Yossi Azulai. He’s amazing!
Better question, did Noah really fit two of every animal on earth into a boat 40 cubits long? 2 elephants, hippos, rhinos, lions and tigers and bears (oh my), giraffes, moose, Elks, gnus, yaks, camels llamas etc. mice, rats, squirrels. How did they feed them? Who cleaned up the poop? 40 cubits is really not that big. How did he gather 2 of everything in a month or so,. How did he convince the predators onto the small boat instead of eating him?
That was actually 300 cubit long according to the Hebrew traditions, about 120 meters long "ship".
Genesis 8:20: "And Noah built an altar to the Lord, and he took of all the clean animals and of all the clean fowl and brought up burnt offerings on the altar." From here we learn that Gentiles do not have any of the other types of scriptural offerings, such as a sin or guilt offering.
Jews did not exist at time of Noah
@@lightworker4512 Yes, Noah brought up burnt offerings before Jews existed.
Abraham was the progenitor of the Jews ✡️
*Minimalists do everything they can to discredit the Torah.*
@@samfromisrael Because they know for certain that it contains events and stories that occurred from centuries after Moses.
@@Tenebris_Sint That’s Correct, there’s no evidence of a world wide flood.
@@Tenebris_Sint Dr. Michael Schulman has a Ph.D. in physics. He edited the Divine Code by Rabbi Weiner, the most comprehensive explanation of the 7 Noahide laws ever written.
@@Tenebris_Sint Excuse me? You are the one who flexed your physics authority. You did not expect that Orthodox Jews have physics degrees too, huh?
@@Tenebris_Sint I’d say the flood did occur but only covered a certain geographical location but not the entire world as told in Genesis.
I believe the Torah was written and preserved for all people of God’s world to read and understand it is not only for the Jews, but it is for all of us Who live by and learn❤
Torah has 613 commandments for Jews and the 7 for Gentiles.
@@marymciver6026 Yes, it is interestingly apparently made for Jews on one level and also for Non-Jews on a compeltely other level🤔 ... God's bestseller author skills are incomparable!
I have always wondered how the Australian Kangaroo got to the Middle East and back home after the flood .
That’s right I always have a question in my mind, how did the animals come from Mount Ararat to other continents during the time of Prophet Noah? it is estimated that this event took place more than 5000 years ago. if you say due to continental drift, then when did the continents start to drift?
@@Kai-je6sq correct .
He came jumping 😂
I believe it happened but I do find it interesting when studying the field of intertextuality how the style of writing in the ancient world would trouble us today especially when looking at literary connections between the Bible and Ancient Near Eastern text.
Example of a literary connection between Ancient Near Eastern Text and the Hebrew Bible
Epic of Gilgamesh Tablet 11:145 "The seventh day, when it came, I brought out a dove. I let it loose. Off went the dove, but then it returned. There was no place to land, so back it came to me. I brought out a swallow. I let it loose. Off went the swallow, but then it returned. There was no place to land, so it came back to me. I brought out a raven. I let it loose. Off went the raven. It saw the waters receding, finding food, bowing and bobbing, it did not came back to me."
Genesis 8:6-8 (NASB) "Then it came about at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made; 7 and he sent out a raven, and it flew here and there until the water was dried up from the earth. 8 Then he sent out a dove, to see if the water was low on the surface of the land;"
Things to keep in mind sometimes the use other text may be used to denote another meaning or simply to keep the original meaning
*Minimalists tend to be mostly European or American Amalekites.*
Enjoyed it & true so much ancient history did not survive, however the Flood Example & principles are very numerous & profound - its 1 of the most famous descriptions of Survival in Bible & History....
How can a flood that covers the top of mount Ararat be local? Water always finds it level. Water that high would have to be worldwide.
Xtians weaponizes the flood as a symbolic parallel to jezeus’ second coming, but little do they know that Noah build the ark, with a count down of only 120 years..then the flood came, while its been more than 2000 years since jezeus died and still he is not back yet.😢😢
I just realized something from the way u write jesus name . Do u write it like that on purpose?
@@Mohamed-.777 yeah i write it on purpose
Boiling water steaming out from the ground speaks of a magnetic core event.
Something affected the planet...
Drawing heat to the surface.
A magnetron pulled on the Earth...
Would you agree that the text-as-written ALLOWS for either a global or "massive, but local" flood. That "aretz" CAN mean the entire earth, but frequently refers to a given territory (like leaving the "land" of our fathers and going to the "land" of Egypt or Persia ruling over the whole "land" even with other nations clearly outside of its borders.
"And the water prevailed more and more upon the earth, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens were covered." As in the entire earth.
"And the water prevailed more and more upon the land, so that all the high mountains everywhere under the sky were covered." As in the entire inhabited land.
As this was only 10 generations from Adam, humanity may not have spread around the globe yet, so wiping out the entire human-inhabited land could have simply been the size of the Zanclean flood, covering every mountain as far as any human eye could see, and that would fit within the text-as-written as well as covering a depth of Mt. Everest from pole to pole.
We have evidence of human activity around the world from before that.
Those ten generations also had a longer life span.
Why do we make the assumption Adam was the first man
@@hendrewpenie8640 not all Jews do, many drash on this subject. Rather you believe it's symbolic or true there's many lessons we can learn from these stories. I look at it why did Hashem tell us this story of creation, that as we journey through the Tanalk how we can improve ourselves to reach our full potential, the battle between Ra and tov as we journey through life.
@@hendrewpenie8640 also what is interesting, Hashem created a human/man in the image of G-D He created him, male and female He created them.
My problem with the flood story as told in Genesis, is one from the world of physics. And yes I've studied some of the flood stories from other cultures. I've read that the Sumerian version preserved on stone tablets predates Genesis by 1,000 years or so. I cannot verify this but this is the opinion of some published scholarship on the subject. Getting to the Torah, perhaps this is a story developed by a more primitive culture, an oral tradition told as one of the times could understand and relate. Perhaps it's symbolic, a metaphor if you will to establish a faith tennent. I'm not a Jew. Was born into Christianity but most of my adult life agnostic. Much if not most of my agnosticism springs from the plethora of miraculous stories both in the old and new testaments, as well as in other religious faiths; Islam, Mormon, JW, etc. In the Nag Hammadi texts, I believe it is a Gospel of peter, Peter gets a smoked fish from a vendor in a Roman square, says a prayer, and the fish appears as it was in it's prime. Peter places the fish in the public fountain pond, where "the amazed people gathered to feed it for many years". But being a true agnostic vs an atheist, here I am in my later years still searching for G~d. Does a union with G~d require belief in the totally supernatural events that are written by ancient people? Noahide makes much sense to me on the spiritual level, but the rational, scientific, logical part of my being (my take is G~d formed me this way) can never truly believe that the flood as well as many other stories in the bible actually happened as described. Perhaps they were just embellished? Is there a solution to this dilemma? BTW I love the videos Rabbi and watch some every day. Thank you.
Oh hey that’s me!
Yes it is
We may wonder what Adam is going to think of his resurrection, or is he excluded? Was it ever foretold to him?
Why dosen't Rabbi Tovia ever talk about what the Talmud says about people who are non jews? And what the Talmud says about them?
Because the quotes you think you know are fake.
Sanhedrin 59a: "Rabbi Meir would say: From where is it derived that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest? It is derived from that which is stated: “You shall therefore keep My statutes and My ordinances, which if a man does he shall live by them” (Leviticus 18:5). The phrase: Which if priests, Levites, and Israelites do they shall live by them, is not stated, but rather: “A man,” which indicates mankind in general. You have therefore learned that even a gentile who engages in Torah study is considered like a High Priest."
Shalom Rabbi I always have a question in my mind, how did the animals come from Mount Ararat to other continents during the time of Prophet Noah? it is estimated that this event took place more than 5000 years ago. if you say due to continental drift, then when did the continents start to drift?
Yes, the flood happened. They have proof of the flood in sediment.
No. The sedimentary record does not support a global flood. There are many sediment layers that you can view with your own eyes that were deposited with thousands of event, not a single flood with one water recession event.
@@RandyWinn42 the flood lasted days not years... Thus no layer.
Japanese civilization has no global flood myth. Japan became an island when it broke off due to teutonic plate activity over 450 million years ago. The flood story to me is highly symbolic.
Maybe all the nations are talking about the event from the end of the ice age, and from their perspective is like a global flood, because they didn't know how big the world is ...
The Indigenous Tribes People here talk about the different worlds (Time Periods). The First World (Time Period) was destroyed by fire, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. The Second World (Time Period) was destroyed by the Ice Age. The Third World (Time Period) was destroyed by the Great Deluge/Flood. We are living in the Fourth World (Time Period) right now at the End of Days, before the Fifth World.
The lost civilization of Mu is one of the few antediluvian mysteries that remain.... Easter Island is nifty too.
A rare case where I disagree with the Rabbi. Global Flood? No. Where did the water come from? It violates basic Physics such as conservation of energy. True, many cultures wrote of floods, but as we know even from current events, this happens on a fairly regular basis and can be incredibly devastating. "Because it says so in a book" = not good enough.
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 I appreciate your response. We just have a different point of view.
@@ישוע-כ4מThe Flood was global, which is why billions of fossils and layers of coal can be found almost everywhere on earth.
Rabbi Singer: Half my relatives are Inuit.
Please stop using the term Esquimo.
Thank you.
Eskaluet and iIuet. . Think of language groups.😊 G'day from Oceana. Australia 🇦🇺 😊
@@redmatters9318 _ Inuktitut is the language spoken by the Inuit. Esquimo is a word used by the Whites to designate the Inuit. Like the /N/ word, attributed to Americans with African heritage, or like the /K/ word, used to designate Jews. Please look at a language map made BY actual Northern Peoples. Peace.
@redleaf4902 Good. Shalom. People of the 🌎 world unite - we are one, but we are many. Am yisrael chai!
How do i tune in live?
And noah took every specie we have now, of every kind, and for a year provided food and water
Torrah really is the greatest story ever told...
It just captures the world's interest.
Only lesser in status than the real story of YHWH who incarnated in flesh, the Gospels.
@@peruvathoma The "gospels" are fictional, except for the parts stolen from Tanach and a few mentions of public figures.
Jesus Christ is the greatest story ever told. The most famous person ever lived.
scholars believed Christianity actually started out with Saul (later changed his name to Paul), who went around peddling a story about how he was visited by the spirit of a Jewish preacher who had been executed years earlier. It was only much later some of his followers then started writing various stories describing the life of this Jewish preacher in order to provide some supporting foundational background for Paul’s new movement. These stories were written by anonymous authors and contained as many descriptions of fulfilled prophecies and miracles as they could reasonably fit in, combined with.. perhaps with some actual sayings of that Jewish preacher..
Its crazy how many myths about a flood there are around the world, and the name Noah or something similar sounding is the name of the man who saved humanity
Yeah noah and gilgamesh are very similar names.
3:45 when I had that thought. Searching for information. I knew of this channel
In ancient times and with people's limited knowledge of their world, a "flood" would be perceived very differently in those times compared to what people call a flood today. Either the translation is totally incorrect or it's a Myth. I'm not a person of belief or faith, these are vague terminologies. Following Philosophy and Science teaches one a new and different way of thinking and insight.
London! He has a great channel on RUclips
I want to speak with the rabbi please how can I ask my question?
*It’s called a PHONE* ☎️ 📱
With all due respect, there was no historical Biblical flood that covered the whole world. Impossible, where did all the water go?
Almost every culture has an old story or mythical tale of a flood. How do you know it's impossible? Where did the water go indeed? Just because there are unanswered questions as to why your girlfriend cheated on you- does not mean it did not happen.. Seems impossible that she would!
If you believe in the creation story where did the water go then?
It was pulled out of the Earth through earth quake fissures and then it receded back into the Earth.
@@samfromisrael you might find this interesting: Efraim Palvanov teaching on Noah's Ark and the tower of Babel. He a Jewish teacher.
Where did the water come from? A global flood like the one in genesis requires 3x the total water on the earth (including vapour and underground).
Then there's the problems of that much rainfall 8n such a short period of time and the fact that the ark was to big for a wooden boat and would have just broken apart.
Every aspect of the story is impossible.
As far as the scientific evidence shows there was something like a global flood about 11,800 years ago and the sea level rose about 120m or 400 feet. We are not sure how fast but it could of been several events over a relatively short time because the ice age ended abruptly but it's complicated.
Notice the Old Testament covenant never speaks of people living in heaven and yet the New Testament is all about how to live in heaven. That is because the Old Testament is about how to live in the earthly kingdom and the New Testament is how to get to the heavenly kingdom
Judaism will create heaven on earth.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 heaven on earth is impossible if sin and death is still present and if you read Ezekiel sin and death is still present on earth during the millennium
@@nikered123 "Death will be swallowed up forever." (Isaiah 25:8)
Why are there cave paintings that dates back 10,000 B.C.E.?
Ummm, ya. But in the China world flood story. Only one man survived. He became the first emperor of China.
Yes, many cultures have world flood stories. However, they all have different details. Especially how many people survived.
Even more on that. Each story from each area has a person unique from that part of the world survived.
That all being said. If we do go by historical documents/history. Then a lot more than just 8 people survived mentioned in Genesis.
This is a wick argument because there are archeological finds that completely disproved the biblical story in Genesis. To be honest, I find the interpretation that the Rambam gave (which by it the floud story is a parebul which shouldn't be taken literally at all) is way more convincing then your argument.
Rabbi, this is pretty urgent. There's this youtube channel coming up in my feed called 'Lapid Judaism'. It seems Christian, but the man speaking is a very rabbinic looking bearded man. Can you please investigate and warn your audience about this? Thank you very much. גמר חתימה טובה.
I have found Cds that had Messianic content on them.
Manu from ancient india, mannus by Germanic people/myth, Egyptian have something similar starting with Nara..
Nara Manushya/ Manu..
Thank you Rabbi for the beautiful answer. The Quran mentions the flood in detail in several locations, e.g. 11:25-49, so it did happen for sure.
I saw seashells in mitzepe ramon. Nuff said.
Plate tectonics. It's a thing.
Plate tectonics, nuff said.
6:57 I'd pay patron to see 10 min video of that also
We have huge libraries of ancient documents preserved on two million clay tablets. These last forever. It is here that we find the Akkadian flood story in the Atra-Hasis epic dated to 1,800 BCE.
The story, like other stories found elsewhere, reflects the reality that floods happen, frequently and in many locations around the globe, to this day. Only a fortnight ago we had a flood in Florida brought about by hurricane Helene, and now there's another one coming with hurricane Milton.
But there is no geological evidence of a worldwide flood that would have covered simultaneously all continents. Neither is there any evidence in the human genome of our ancestry going through the bottleneck squeezed to just one family. This never happened.
There is a genetic bottleneck traced to between 930,000 and 813,000 years ago that reduced the human population to just about 1,280 breeding individuals. Around 70,000 years ago, much more recently, there was another bottleneck that reduced the number of homo sapiens to a few thousand only. That was due to the rapid global cooling caused by the eruption of the Toba supervolcano in Indonesia.
The story of Noah was plagiarized from the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh, dated to the 7th century BCE, which, in turn, borrowed from the much older Atra-Hasis. The biblical text uses this background to moralize, but when you look at the story itself, it's just nonsense. Why kill all the land animals, while preserving fish and other sea creatures? What have they done to deserve the plight? And how about insects? Has Noah made space for them too?
Well, something certainly happened...
Proof of God? We will know soon enough...
Not everyone perished...
There is mention of survivors...
likewise, scientists till today could not even verify the parting of the Red Sea by Moses..
@@HelloStillRememberMe It's not the Red Sea, it's a mistranslation. It should read Sea of Reeds. We don't know where that might have been, possibly some coastal lowlands.
yea.. till today scientists could not even verify the exact location.. so is it true or just another myth.?
Do the current Judaism, agree that the muslims, hindus, christians are also the creation of your God , If so how judaism invites them to current judaism. Thanks
Judaism has the 7 Noahide commandments for Gentiles.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Does it mean that other people are also your god's creation. If it is not problem can you list those commandments.
@@Jesus-is-a-Muslim1 Prohibitions of (1) idolatry, (2) blasphemy, (3) homicide, (4) forbidden relations, (5) robbery, (6) eating meat that was taken from a still-living animal (cruelty to animals), and the requirement (7) for societies to establish courts of justice.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 thanks for your reply. My main question does gentiles are also the creation of your hashim
@@Jesus-is-a-Muslim1 Hashem created everything including Gentiles.
The epic of Gilgamesh predates Genesis 1-11 by 500 years. The writers of Genesis 1-11 simply borrowed concepts from flood myths they had been exposed to while in Babylonian captivity. Those chapters were then inserted by those Jewish scribes at the front of the Jewish canon. It’s been a source of confusion and error ever since.
The Jewish people have an unbroken historical tradition to the very time of Moses that he is the author of the Torah. Moses wrote these five books by Divine dictation: every word in them was dictated to Moses by God Himself.
Yep pretty much. That’s the best evidence that we have so far according to modern academia.
Plenty of flood stories predates Genesis
Your statement is provably inaccurate. I taught Gilgamesh and have answered this objection every time. I don't have time right now, but perhaps I will next week.
Looking for answers from
Yes, but Al Quran was right about it being a flow into a location and not global.
I looked up the footage for Earth's binary sun...
It was very very visible in 2017... 7 years ago...
I can download it and share it on my channel...
The idea is that since cultures predating the writing of the Torah, mention the global flood and stories about heroes that survive and so on, it is in academic eyes obviously a transmission of mythological, poetic and religious elements from one tribe to another with all kinds of variations in between as it often happened in the ancient world. Therefore it is classified as prehistoric Sumerian mythology that Hebrews and other tribes copied. That's the idea i've heard from many archaeologists.
Isaiah 30: 8-18
3 controlled demolitions and a missile strike on the Pentagon... ?
I will read it over and over for myself. ❤
Not only was there world wide flooding and liquification there was large plasma melting periods yes entire known earth. I cant claim to know how many times . I agree with mr singer on this one
No. There is no evidence of world wide flooding. What does "large plasma melting periods" even MEAN?
Even if a global flood did happen that would not prove noahs ark story is true. I understand there was also a story the epic of gilgamesh which bears some similarities to noahs ark story and may even at least parts of it predate the biblical noahs story . I read somewhere the noahs ark story and the epic of gilgamesh may have their roots in even older stories. i cant say i believe any of the two stories regardless of which one came first.
The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
There are many other similar Flood stories in the world, not only those of the Sumerians, but also those of the Indians, Russians, Chinese, Native Americans, etc., which have evidential force. This event lived not only in the memory of the Hebrews, but the peoples of the whole Earth, since their ancestors were one family who saw these things.
@@EridanuS86 yes it still does not prove the Noah's ark story even if there was a great flood. The Noah's ark story bears some similarities to the epic of Gilgamesh and both may have their roots in even older stories. I dont know if the areas you are referring to had floods in the past but not necessarily the world wide flood you may mean. I was reading that there may have been a large regional flood mesopotamia so there may have been a large flood just not the worldwide flood as depicted.
@@silverfire01 There is geological evidence that the Flood happened; the billions of fossils and layers of coal formed from pre-flood vegetation. Fossils around the world testify that billions of living things died suddenly, due to suffocation and mudslides caused by the Flood.
This dispensation for the last 2000 years God has been dealing mainly with the gentiles through the faith in Jesus covenant and that is why the law is on pause at the moment. The thing the gentiles are doing wrong is they rely so much on the grace covenant to cover sin that they aren’t living holy. Once this dispensation ends God will deal with the Jews mainly for 1000 years. The faith in Jesus will be used for salvation during the millennium that the Jews can be saved also but God will combine the Old Testament covenant of the law for holiness. What is at fault in one dispensation God will correct in the next dispensation and that is why he combines the New Testament covenant of faith in Jesus for salvation with the Old Testament covenant of the law for holiness
How stupid and evil.
@@ariebrons7976 how so?
@@ariebrons7976 there has to come an end to the levitic priesthood because the purpose of the levitic priesthood is to “cover” unintentional sin. So in order for this priesthhod to be useful then sin and death would have to be eternal to make that priesthood useful. Jesus brings the melchelzedek order priesthood where those who put faith in his one time sacrifice will enter into his kingdom where there is no sin or death. Which kingdom do you prefer?
"that is why the law is on pause at the moment" How so?
Allah commanded us to "keep these laws
forever*", Why would an all knowing Being
second guess His own commandment?
*Parshat Bechuqotai
"grace covenant to cover sin "
"Once this dispensation ends God will deal with the Jews mainly for 1000 years. "
WTF does that even mean?
" The faith in Jesus will be used for salvation
during the millennium that the Jews can be
saved also"
But I reject belief in Yoshkah on grounds that
it is idolatry.
Moreover: it blasphemes against God
for a myriad reasons:
-Why would God intentionally make an
impossible covenant; What does He have to
gain from that?
-If it is possible to keep His commandments;
What is faith in Yoshkah even good for?
-If God somehow second guessed His
commandments how is He all-knowing?
"God will combine the Old Testament
covenant of the law for holiness"
The old and new covenant fundamentally
contradict one another, sometimes blatantly
What is the use of combining the two;
Besides to completely destroy both?
"God will correct in the next dispensation"
So progressive revelation?
That's not Christian Orthodoxy!
"combines the New Testament covenant of
faith in Jesus for salvation with the Old
Testament covenant of the law for holiness"
Like what Christianity did to Greek Myth?
@@ariebrons7976 The law covenant was introduced to show that man can not completely maintain keeping the law as Paul stated over and over it was impossible to keep the law and it was a work of the flesh. He also said he tried to do the law but evil was always present. This is how Jesus will make it possible to combine the 2 covenants: first we see Jesus and the saints come back to earth and bind Satan and his cohorts for 1000 years before the millennial kingdom of David begins. With the binding of the evil ones that takes away temptation for sin making it possible to follow the law for holiness. God reinstates the law with the levitic priesthood for the earthly kingdom and a holy people. He combines it with the New Testament of faith in Jesus for salvation. Those who put faith in Jesus will enter into the new heaven and new earth where the higher heavenly melchelzedek priesthood will have dominion and then sin and death are done away with along with the levitic priesthood because the levitic priesthood is only necessary where sin and death abide
I know it’s more of an metaphor allegorical event not an literal historical fact
There are four dimensions of traditional meaning in the Torah: the simple meaning of the text, the allusions, the hermeneutical interpretations, and the mystical meanings.
Tovia, I am very interested to know your combined interpretation of Isiah 9:5 along with Ezekiel 5:5.
Also, what is your opinion of the Christian book of revelation 10:7 warns of the 10/7 events.
Isiah 11 also speaks of NETZER and JC came from Natzrat and it seems that Natzroot came from him. Wouldn’t that show he was the real messiah?
Although his name should have been Pele (miracle) and I think they got the wrong name because the gentiles heard the Jews call him Yeshua when he entered Jerusalem.
Thanks. I would appreciate a response 👍
Rashi explains Isaiah and Ezekiel fine.
The Jesus of the nt didn’t emanate from anywhere but someone’s imagination.
Flood of the known world. However with Adonai all things including possible
Sure. With his help Muhammad could indeed fly on a winged horse around the Moon.
But did he?
@@JarekKrawczyk Elijah was taken up in chariot of fire and horses of fire. With Adonai all things are possible.
@@AndreDuncan-e6b As I have said. If such God does exist, things are possible, even Muhammad flying over the Moon.
But we now know, that the biblical flood has never happened, that the story was adopted from an earlier Sumerian myth, we know that Tora was most likely created during the Babilonian exile. etc.
Consider this. There is proof that roughly 8,000 years ago, the Black Sea was a Freshwater Lake and that as Global Sea levels rose at the end of the last Ice Age, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed a natural dam at the Bosporus. We know this because the deepest portions of the Black Sea are Anoxic so not only do we see the ancient shoreline, but we have evidence of Human habitation on that shoreline. Now, consider that to a Neolithic population, their "world" was limited to where they traveled by foot.
When the Mediterranean Sea overflowed the dam at the Bosporus, local sea levels rose rapidly. A Family/Clan/Tribe of people fleeing that flood for higher ground, probably passed down their story over the generations. Eventually that Family/Clan/Tribe probably migrated in different directions. Some wound up in Greece, others in Sumeria, Mesopotamia, the Levant etc. That's what gives rise to the broadly similar Flood Stories across the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.
Hebrew Scripture.
Book of Leviticus.
The flood is true because some African Lions and Elephants told me they went on special diet and fasting before the trip.
They all stopped eating after they bought their tickets in Noah's Ark at 50% off the original price.
They stopped eating all the way to the end of the trip.
When the flood was over African Lions and Elephants waited for the plants to grow.
The elephants where the first to start eating after the plants grow.
The lions waited longer because they had to wait for the buffalos to eat the plants, get fat and then feed the Lions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dilemma of the day (erev Yom Kippur)... There are 613 'likes' on this video. Do I click the thumbs up button and ruin that? Or leave it alone because it's 613?
Silly question, people spread from the same place. Similar stories.
How did cangaroos and koalas get to Australia after a worldwide flood or whatever this event was? The same to lamas and alpacas in the high Andes in South America... and... and... and...
They took Quantas! The others took PanAm! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This...this is the major hole in the Noah's Ark story. I have faith anyway but that's the part that raises doubts within me.
@@Rza383 This simple consideration shows that the biblical account doesn't work properly. But for me that doesn't mean that there was no cosmic event of whatever nature. I'm sure there was something. There are enough artifacts that show that there was a highly developed pre-flood civilization on earth. This doesn't contradict the biblical account. Even if doubts about the biblical account are appropriate and require a necessary distance, I do not doubt HaShem at all.
Its an allegory just like everything else in the Bible
The simple meaning doesn't change.
Not really. The billions of fossils, coal layers around the world are proof that the Flood really happened. The so-called cretaceous, jurassic, etc., fictional ages were actually the age of the antediluvian world, with the dinosaurs and other gigantic creatures, and picturesque, paradisiacal vegetation. The current scientific world is self-deluded and rebels against all religious and mythological things, even though mythology is nothing more than the oral memory of earlier people, because there was no writing back then! Therefore, since they rebelled against all religions (especially the Christianity) and traditional cultures, they created for themselves a fairy tale world about the origin and earliest history of man, so of course it is considered blasphemy for them if someone mentions them, see e.g.: the story of the Flood. Besides even they try to ridicule, twist it, reinterpret it, adapt it to the evolutionist fairy-tale.
This are people that don't believe
המבול כיסה את הארץ
בְּרֵאשִׁית 6
יז וַאֲנִי, הִנְנִי מֵבִיא אֶת-הַמַּבּוּל מַיִם עַל-הָאָרֶץ, לְשַׁחֵת כָּל-בָּשָׂר אֲשֶׁר-בּוֹ רוּחַ חַיִּים, מִתַּחַת הַשָּׁמָיִם: כֹּל אֲשֶׁר-בָּאָרֶץ, יִגְוָע.
I'm in the ark
I see Batman aka superman open the door
Thank you Mr. Singer.
Where in Greco-Roman myth does one find a flood story?
There is one anecdote about floods is in Plato's Symposium.
This being the famous Atlantis flood parable.
The story is presented as a fictional story about humility
Is there anything I missed?
Noah's flood. Later did cave have glow worms yes, summary glow worms.
Isaiah 54:9 Isaiah believed it and so do I. God Bless!
Ofcouse it did happen. The Bible has recorded the event.
The first man in the world was Adam no continent at that time.Then came the second man noah who survived the floods through the ark after the people refused to turn and hear the warning from God after 120 years elapsed. The floods was real and occupied the whole world because the bible say all high points like mountains, tall trees were covered with the floods. Then through noah came his 3 sons who occupied the 3 continent then, the north ,the middle east and Africa.from the 3 sons the Messiah would come from one of the lineage.
Then came the last man😂😂😂 who is everything and he is Jesus.
Not quite.
@@AdaraBalabusta tell me how you read your bible?go read Genesis 8:8-13 the whole earth was filled with water because noah sent out a dove after one week from the flood the bird came back to noah because there was no place to land.
Bill Maher said Christians and Muslims were upset with that Russell Crowe movie Noah, and if it didn’t make money the Jews would be upset 😂
Do not God say he would never flood the Earth again?
That's right, and He HASN'T ever flooded the entire world again!!
They reckon the Arc is buried and preserved as a fossil at Mt Ararat
"They" who?
It has never been found. There is a geological formation that looks vaguely boat-shaped but it's not the remains of a boat.
no. it was an ancient myth incorporated into bible by scribes never a worldwide flood quran got it right noah floods regional '
And you know this, how?
@@chatisawasteoftime research the mythical worldwide flood story [ church history vol 1]
@@Timmy-bb7ch That's not an answer to my question. You made a statement, now back it up. A church history book isn't a source. It's a book, somebody wrote.
@@chatisawasteoftime aren't all books sources. someone wrote ? o y vey
I’m a Christian but being kinda skeptical about it. Like none of it makes sense. The old testament says that the Messiah will come and bring peace but doesn’t say anything about a 2nd coming. At the same time Jesus fulfilled some prophecies of the Old Testament. I’m at a crossroads. Help me understand Rabbi.
If you are a Gentile, you are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide commandments.
The Jesus of the nt was nothing more than a fictional character.
Its mythology. And its bad mythology
The Chinese flood story that happened around the time of Noah did not have an ark and they survived it. I think there was a climate change similar to what we're seeing today where there were major floods around the world, but not a global flood.
Boiling water spewing from the ground speaks of a core event.
Something affected the planet...
Drawing heat to the surface.
A magnetron pulled on the Earth...
@@samfromisrael There is no evidence of such an event.
@@RandyWinn42 Did you see the copious footage of a ball of flame next to our Sun.... Plenty of footage, not all fake....
Years worth of..... _P_ LANET *_X_*
The Old Testament covenant had no retirement plan and no solution for eternal sin and death. The New Testament corrected the retirement plan with eternal life and a higher melchekzedek priesthood which will dissolve sin and death.
Any Gentile who accepts the Seven Noahide Commandments, and is careful to observe them, is truly a pious individual of the nations of the world, and merits an eternal portion in the future World to Come. (And with this merit, the person will be included in the Resurrection of the Dead). This applies only if he accepts them and does them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah, and made it known through Moses our teacher, that the Children of Noah were previously commanded to fulfill them.
Did you get the story of flood from Gilgamesh