Bwipo goat. Translating the gameplay of the VOD to general folk, easly understandable for Open minded players - good job. Brings me back ot me watching Froggen streams/vods back in the day to soak whatever i can. Literally feels like cheating watching these Bwipo coaching sessions, because you learn so much "little" optimisation stuff, that you gonna learn if you play(to improve) a lot. on your own. Anyway, really impressive.
This level of coaching is absolutely insane. No idea how much you charge for this but the value is at least $300 mate if you’re looking to do this seriously
From what I remember I think it's like 200 for 2 hours. He said that he thinks 300 it's an insane amount of money to ask for coaching, especially for 1 hour sessions. That being said idk how things changed as he has a huge demand. Also I think he only coaches high elo players.
The ball placement has one more layer of complexity to it. Placing the ball far out into the lane closer to LB allows you to step back away from her combo when she tries to herrass so the ball instantly snaps back onto oriana without having to travel all the way back to her. The ball gives MR, She was at 37 MR without the ball in that moment and 44 with it on her body. This Also allows her to shield if needed instantly rather than waiting for the ball to travel back. That ball position ultra optimized for the trade. Chovy is a nightmare.
Going by jousting logic, Vex is one of the absolute best midlaners at that right? Against melees you get fear w into eq before they can follow up on the engage you cancelled, against mages your fear e q hits before their stuff if you get first hit or even you both start, and ult into fear w eq is the definition of “me go first”
i am used to attack moving with spacebar and playing with locked camera, frequently using Y to unlock it. have now tried to use unlocked camera wich centering with spacebar and it feels like im wearing no pants.
Bwipo is better version of LS (coaching wise). I love how he get horny for Chovy vs Showmaker. This is what I feel about Ruler vs Peyz, and Knight vs Chovy during this MSI.
@@lussor1LS isnt that good as Bwipo. Here is the analogy for you. In mma there are awesome coaches who never competed or were not good in competition. LS coached Bwipo in the past.
Trick to beat ranked anxiety is limit testing every single thing constantly. I havent looked at LP gains since S6 which is the first season I hit challenger. Only recently I've been looking at LP again and it's only because of the mmr controversy everyone keeps talking about. Just play to flex on ur opponent, find reasons to compliment urself when it calls for it, find reasons to put urself down when it calls for it. Play arrogantly but be humble in defeat. That is how I got better. I slammed my head against the wall until the wall gave way, when i did well i hyped myself up, when i got punished i reminded myself that i had a long way to go to be where i want to be.
ive actually learned that overcoming ranked anxiety is as simple as queuing ranked, ultimately. The more ranked you play, the less appealing norms seems. Eventually it becomes second nature and you start your first game of the day with a ranked game.
@@EladOSRS oh, thx, I think i never experienced it. I just was quite stressed and excited at my first 1-3 games back in s1 or s2. I later stopped playing normal games since they were boring and felt pointless and played only ranked games :D
For your first point, how far back would you go for watching pro examples? Like Im learning Morgana jungle at the moment, and no pro’s played that in a while. Am I better off getting the master tier example or watching MSI from 3 years ago?
It's hard getting good examples on champs that are fringe, and Morgana has been nerfed in jungle to the point that she's only a niche counter pick, not a contested one. Best experience would be A. Playing other junglers similar to Morgana (not Fiddle for example, despite being AP junger, neither Karthus, because their playstyles aren't similar) and B. Playing Morgana herself. Support is okay, but support doesn't farm and maxes Q, while JG and Mid Morgana max W, so mid lane is better option. And lastly C. Understanding the match ups, as in understanding into whom and more importantly WHY is Morgana good into X junglers. Experience in mid but now more importantly support morgana can help you. Which junglers despise ganking morgana support? There's probably a reason for it, maybe they lose 1v1 into her too. But don't get overzealous in equating those two, because some junglers might hate Morgana support for her E but still win 1v1 against her in jungle roles, so you ought to know theory of which champions lose all ins into morg and which ones lose skirmishes. Usually it goes like this: Champs that HAVE to go in but don't have staying power in fight are worst into anti carries (Morgana is anti carry, so is Malzahar for example) so despite Udyr hating to waste his evoked E just to run through morgana Q, does he lose 1v1 in prolonged fight? Can you 100 to 0 someone with enough CC. Talon has to go in to deal damage, but he might just hop across the wall moment you R him. Is that good enough? Is trading Rs winning for you. Hecarim has to go in but he'll choose Phase Rush into Morgana, if you Q him he might R through it, if you R Zhonya then he might just run away with PR. Look at sites with stats, sure, Morgana JG isn't perma picked in pro, but surely there's coupe of thousands games on her across the servers. See the match ups, understand why does she have couple of % higher win rate into some champs. But after all is said and done, all that theory can only shorten the time you need to master the pick, you still need couple hundreds games minimum to play out and get used to all the match ups. Sure you might not need a 1000 if you had no guides and had to brute force info yourself, but even with all the theorycrafting you still need to get out there on the Rift and pay the match ups out.
Thanks for the tips! Honestly I think I also just need to work on fundementals, I only just picked up jungle as a role. One big plus of morg that Ive found is Ghost + R is super strong, even champs like ahri and ezreal can often be run down and E makes it so they cant stop you with CC. Unfortunately this only works like twice because you quickly become too squishy to pull it off. Thats my other issue with her - her third item is tricky. Damage items dont really give you that much damage and defense items rarely save her from dying. Ive started building abyssal mask third a lot because its the only item ive felt make a noticeable difference
@@lipat97 Flash feels like too much of a play making to be missed out. Have you tried using Nimbus Cloak+Approach Velocity (Although this combination forces you to go Sorcery+Inspiration trees, which can be limiting)? Those two runes can sort of replace ghost for short term chases with R, without sacrificing Flash playmaking potential. Since you're in Sorcery, you might try out PR as keystone too, not sure Morgana benefits too much from regular damage keystones compared to utility ones. Abyssal seems fine for the stats, especially into AP treats, but the biggest plus of abyssal is capability of building catalyst in lane, which is borderline useless in jungle. Have you tried Rylai's third item? It's a bit redundant with Q and R, since they already root/slow, but it could help you W someone into slow, that allows you to guarantee slow moving Q hitting them. Another option would be going for more Diana style build, like Demonic embrace (I assume youre building Liandry first on her) imitating Maokai, getting you some HP and AP while ignoring mana part since you take Blues. After Demonic you could go Zhonya since it's so valuable with Morgana's kit (something I think you're going 2nd item already) but as a third item, since you went Demonic and not Mythic, you could try out Jack'Sho. It all depends on when you need to spike up, Liandry stand alone is most definitely worse on any jungler compared to Demonic, simply because HP>Mana, mana resource is way more important in lane management. But Liandry+Zhonya could be better power spike compared to Demonic+Zhonya, since you get Mythic passive on 2nd item too. Lastly, if you go Demonic first, you NEED to go mythic as 3rd item, because if you don't, you'll be sacrificing way too much potential stats, while Liandry first could allow you to get 3rd item Abyssal or Rylai. tl;dr Don't box yourself with set build paths in first 2 items, there's even possibility of Zhonya 2nd being wrong in certain match ups, despite ''feeling good'' on Morgana.
His logic and teaching process didnt change at all between coaching a platinum player and a pro academy player in the sense of enforcing whats important
If you are getting coaching, then you want to improve and climb, so you should not see this as a "platinum player". Also you can rewatch the vod, you don't need to absord all the information at once.
"Coaching is for people that are open minded" - but unfortunately not for broke people tho xD I'm open minded and would love a coaching but I can't afford it xD
@@Ryxzer443 Surprise, I work - but compared to someone like you I have to pay my own rent, my own food, heating and gas and a lot more and don't have a few 100 euros left for 2 hours of coaching 🥴
@@itsjustgod9034 So you want to tell me you never pay for something you dont need to live? Never a new PC Part, never going into the cinema, no spotify or netflix, nothing?
BTW Zilean Scales differently depending on lane Zilean is mid game monster on both but he is teribble very late compered to other midlaners but he is teribble early game on both roles great midgame winrate 56% 20-25 min and 48% winrate aftter 40 min for mid but 52% winrate for Support.
Last 20 games this guy played, he played 12 unique champs. Sadly he is not going to improve. Wasting 30 mins teaching him Panth laning and mechanics with him basically saying nothing is useless asf too. He says he wants to play meta but meta does not exist in plat.
This is the first time since oldschool LastShadow coaching sessions I see someone properly coach laning mechanics without imls's pointless additional digressions and analogies. ZenCoaching goes into this at great detail too, but he is imls copycat. CoachCurtis touches this too, but a tiny bit, not into great detail, but he is a great youtuber. Watching anyone else coaching mid lane is just a waste of time. Feel free to change my mind, but don't think it will happen because I watched literally everyone since season 2.
"you can call it what you want". We can start with "brain dead". Pantheon is the ultimate noober champ. Wins almost everything. Even if he loses lane he still wins. Cuz there's really no counter play to his style.
No hate towards the guy being trained here, but how is he plat?? I’m a jg/supp main in gold and know way more than this guy at laning lmao. Gives me hope I guess.
No hate towards you, but you probably don't vod review your games and dont notive your mistakes + are not mindflooded by a pro player telling you what to do and overthinking the instructions
One thing to keep in mind, in the chess world, the best players NEVER teach because it is known and statistically proven to harm your chess. Ince you start teaching, you drop rating and nevwr contend for a world championship again. Just simething to keep in mind, i am certain it would apply to League also
@@albiewitz2686 it does. no good player is coaching in chess. they post courses of theory, they stream but they do not coach. and if they do, it's a high rated player that they're coaching
@@ssenkrad67 coaching doesn't make you worse at what you do. The only reason why a top competitor would want to avoid it is because it's taking time away that they should be using to drill what they actually need. Not everything is chess despite what chess players like to believe
Correlation is not causation. Players who do not want to compete as much may take up coaching, players who coach have less time for practice, players who coach have more than 1 source of revenue and aren't driven as much by monetary incentive. They're not giving away talent, they're diversifying their interests
It's sad that this guy doesn't realize the value of this coaching. He should be on his toes, indulging in every piece of information with joy and excitement but it seems like he doesn't want to learn. "I just dodge" and "I know" attitude. Either way, well done Bwipo.
Has to be told to use q on wave, not backing n instead trying to poke under enemy tower with no mana…. Weakest mechanics. Ppl who are higher rank than me still are behind in mechanics by so much wtf
Your videos are some of rhe best league coachings i have seen on RUclips. Thank you for uploading these for everyone
Bwipo goat. Translating the gameplay of the VOD to general folk, easly understandable for Open minded players - good job. Brings me back ot me watching Froggen streams/vods back in the day to soak whatever i can. Literally feels like cheating watching these Bwipo coaching sessions, because you learn so much "little" optimisation stuff, that you gonna learn if you play(to improve) a lot. on your own. Anyway, really impressive.
"We get a Chovy vs. Showmaker VOD? My goodness we're eating good tonight." Cracked me up real good
30min in the vod and already a banger coaching i am soaking knowledge
Finish it and quality content
Yo! This is absolutely the best coaching content. Bwipo has to be the goat when it comes to knowledge and willingness to teach.
The passion you have for this game is unreal. I salute you king!
this is really good. It's really insightfull seeing a pro player coaching 😁
I learned loads from this, subbed to your channel. Thanks for uploading!
I'm eating these sessions like candy. Thanks Mr. Bwipo!
This level of coaching is absolutely insane. No idea how much you charge for this but the value is at least $300 mate if you’re looking to do this seriously
I think the price is 300-350 from what Ive heard but I totally agree
From what I remember I think it's like 200 for 2 hours. He said that he thinks 300 it's an insane amount of money to ask for coaching, especially for 1 hour sessions.
That being said idk how things changed as he has a huge demand. Also I think he only coaches high elo players.
@@andreiflamindu5188 This guy is plat so he coaches low elo too?
@@TimmehTRP any role any elo
who the f actually pays 300$ for a hour of coaching to climb out of platinum?
insane value you have given here, thank you bwipo
The ball placement has one more layer of complexity to it. Placing the ball far out into the lane closer to LB allows you to step back away from her combo when she tries to herrass so the ball instantly snaps back onto oriana without having to travel all the way back to her. The ball gives MR, She was at 37 MR without the ball in that moment and 44 with it on her body. This Also allows her to shield if needed instantly rather than waiting for the ball to travel back. That ball position ultra optimized for the trade. Chovy is a nightmare.
Thx for the video bwipo , the best coaching I’ve ever seen by far .
great stuff, thanks for sharing this coaching! I watched everything
Youre so good as a coach Bwipo! Thanks for the video!
Learning lots from these. Thanks a lot
Very informative, loved it!
You were looking at Swain support. Sharp pick up on pure instinct though, noticed something wrong with the curve
Thanks mr. Bwipo
Is there a video of u breaking down some blitzcrank sup like this
He fucks up the panth combo like twice haha
wait like everytime
missing the auto
Going by jousting logic, Vex is one of the absolute best midlaners at that right? Against melees you get fear w into eq before they can follow up on the engage you cancelled, against mages your fear e q hits before their stuff if you get first hit or even you both start, and ult into fear w eq is the definition of “me go first”
Vex hits first, but she definitely doesn't hit last
@@ChizypuffShe has insane range. It's almost Impossible for most champs to answer her poke - which also outdamages 99% of midlaners.
@@Chizypuff 5 second half screen Q begs to differ
Bwipo has Trinity Force in real life. He's a great player, he has good ways to teach other people and his personality is amazing.
i am used to attack moving with spacebar and playing with locked camera, frequently using Y to unlock it. have now tried to use unlocked camera wich centering with spacebar and it feels like im wearing no pants.
Get good
Are your pants back on by now?
Bwipo is better version of LS (coaching wise). I love how he get horny for Chovy vs Showmaker. This is what I feel about Ruler vs Peyz, and Knight vs Chovy during this MSI.
Well LS isnt good at the game, i have seen he never got out of diamond
@@lussor1LS isnt that good as Bwipo. Here is the analogy for you. In mma there are awesome coaches who never competed or were not good in competition. LS coached Bwipo in the past.
That asmongold at the start ICANT
great content thanks a lot!!!
51:43 did he just tell him to... kys? 😮
good vid
Trick to beat ranked anxiety is limit testing every single thing constantly. I havent looked at LP gains since S6 which is the first season I hit challenger. Only recently I've been looking at LP again and it's only because of the mmr controversy everyone keeps talking about.
Just play to flex on ur opponent, find reasons to compliment urself when it calls for it, find reasons to put urself down when it calls for it. Play arrogantly but be humble in defeat. That is how I got better. I slammed my head against the wall until the wall gave way, when i did well i hyped myself up, when i got punished i reminded myself that i had a long way to go to be where i want to be.
ive actually learned that overcoming ranked anxiety is as simple as queuing ranked, ultimately. The more ranked you play, the less appealing norms seems. Eventually it becomes second nature and you start your first game of the day with a ranked game.
What the hell is ranked anxiety
@@PinkeySuavo feeling of wanting to improve your rank but not feeling like you're good enough to play it so playing only causes you to derank.
@@EladOSRS oh, thx, I think i never experienced it. I just was quite stressed and excited at my first 1-3 games back in s1 or s2. I later stopped playing normal games since they were boring and felt pointless and played only ranked games :D
For your first point, how far back would you go for watching pro examples? Like Im learning Morgana jungle at the moment, and no pro’s played that in a while. Am I better off getting the master tier example or watching MSI from 3 years ago?
Jungle got changed since 3 years ago so you're better off watching high elo... if you must play morg jungle xD
It's hard getting good examples on champs that are fringe, and Morgana has been nerfed in jungle to the point that she's only a niche counter pick, not a contested one. Best experience would be A. Playing other junglers similar to Morgana (not Fiddle for example, despite being AP junger, neither Karthus, because their playstyles aren't similar) and B. Playing Morgana herself. Support is okay, but support doesn't farm and maxes Q, while JG and Mid Morgana max W, so mid lane is better option. And lastly C. Understanding the match ups, as in understanding into whom and more importantly WHY is Morgana good into X junglers. Experience in mid but now more importantly support morgana can help you. Which junglers despise ganking morgana support? There's probably a reason for it, maybe they lose 1v1 into her too. But don't get overzealous in equating those two, because some junglers might hate Morgana support for her E but still win 1v1 against her in jungle roles, so you ought to know theory of which champions lose all ins into morg and which ones lose skirmishes. Usually it goes like this: Champs that HAVE to go in but don't have staying power in fight are worst into anti carries (Morgana is anti carry, so is Malzahar for example) so despite Udyr hating to waste his evoked E just to run through morgana Q, does he lose 1v1 in prolonged fight? Can you 100 to 0 someone with enough CC. Talon has to go in to deal damage, but he might just hop across the wall moment you R him. Is that good enough? Is trading Rs winning for you. Hecarim has to go in but he'll choose Phase Rush into Morgana, if you Q him he might R through it, if you R Zhonya then he might just run away with PR. Look at sites with stats, sure, Morgana JG isn't perma picked in pro, but surely there's coupe of thousands games on her across the servers. See the match ups, understand why does she have couple of % higher win rate into some champs. But after all is said and done, all that theory can only shorten the time you need to master the pick, you still need couple hundreds games minimum to play out and get used to all the match ups. Sure you might not need a 1000 if you had no guides and had to brute force info yourself, but even with all the theorycrafting you still need to get out there on the Rift and pay the match ups out.
Thanks for the tips! Honestly I think I also just need to work on fundementals, I only just picked up jungle as a role. One big plus of morg that Ive found is Ghost + R is super strong, even champs like ahri and ezreal can often be run down and E makes it so they cant stop you with CC. Unfortunately this only works like twice because you quickly become too squishy to pull it off. Thats my other issue with her - her third item is tricky. Damage items dont really give you that much damage and defense items rarely save her from dying. Ive started building abyssal mask third a lot because its the only item ive felt make a noticeable difference
@@lipat97 Flash feels like too much of a play making to be missed out. Have you tried using Nimbus Cloak+Approach Velocity (Although this combination forces you to go Sorcery+Inspiration trees, which can be limiting)? Those two runes can sort of replace ghost for short term chases with R, without sacrificing Flash playmaking potential. Since you're in Sorcery, you might try out PR as keystone too, not sure Morgana benefits too much from regular damage keystones compared to utility ones. Abyssal seems fine for the stats, especially into AP treats, but the biggest plus of abyssal is capability of building catalyst in lane, which is borderline useless in jungle. Have you tried Rylai's third item? It's a bit redundant with Q and R, since they already root/slow, but it could help you W someone into slow, that allows you to guarantee slow moving Q hitting them. Another option would be going for more Diana style build, like Demonic embrace (I assume youre building Liandry first on her) imitating Maokai, getting you some HP and AP while ignoring mana part since you take Blues. After Demonic you could go Zhonya since it's so valuable with Morgana's kit (something I think you're going 2nd item already) but as a third item, since you went Demonic and not Mythic, you could try out Jack'Sho.
It all depends on when you need to spike up, Liandry stand alone is most definitely worse on any jungler compared to Demonic, simply because HP>Mana, mana resource is way more important in lane management. But Liandry+Zhonya could be better power spike compared to Demonic+Zhonya, since you get Mythic passive on 2nd item too. Lastly, if you go Demonic first, you NEED to go mythic as 3rd item, because if you don't, you'll be sacrificing way too much potential stats, while Liandry first could allow you to get 3rd item Abyssal or Rylai.
tl;dr Don't box yourself with set build paths in first 2 items, there's even possibility of Zhonya 2nd being wrong in certain match ups, despite ''feeling good'' on Morgana.
@boredwisdom jungle pets and double leashing was changed
you sound completely different than what i thought you would, not in a bad way
This Video is insane spacing like that with ori and buying tier 2 boots early is so huge. Now I understand why pros always say ori is a lane bully!
1:32:23 Chovy's W usage was so good omg
Bwipo robbing LS and VeigarV2 with his pricing compared to the insane amount of information that he is giving.
It’s funny LS critiqued Bwipo coaching at start and he’s miles ahead already a better coach
omg, does bwipo play path of exile?
i have a big juicy subscription button press for a certain coach who coaches an ADC or support botlane game :-)
Directions unclear, got Iron 4🧇
Blipo coaching lol
-edit after watchingfor a bit its good
no one cares
Where can I join to the Bwipo Academy? 👀
mfw LS started saying jousting season4
Bwipo coaching is very detailed and high level but I wonder if it’s necessary for a Platinum player?
His logic and teaching process didnt change at all between coaching a platinum player and a pro academy player in the sense of enforcing whats important
If you are getting coaching, then you want to improve and climb, so you should not see this as a "platinum player". Also you can rewatch the vod, you don't need to absord all the information at once.
Based username
"Coaching is for people that are open minded" - but unfortunately not for broke people tho xD I'm open minded and would love a coaching but I can't afford it xD
Just work...
Surprise, I work - but compared to someone like you I have to pay my own rent, my own food, heating and gas and a lot more and don't have a few 100 euros left for 2 hours of coaching 🥴
@@itsjustgod9034No what you mean is you dont want to pay for coaching. You got the money but other stuff is more important for you.
Yeah, maybe I don't pay for food next time to get a coaching 🧐
@@itsjustgod9034 So you want to tell me you never pay for something you dont need to live? Never a new PC Part, never going into the cinema, no spotify or netflix, nothing?
Bwipo do u take ADHd medication
BTW Zilean Scales differently depending on lane Zilean is mid game monster on both but he is teribble very late compered to other midlaners but he is teribble early game on both roles great midgame winrate 56% 20-25 min and 48% winrate aftter 40 min for mid but 52% winrate for Support.
Im just waiting for someone getting coached on jungle role
Last 20 games this guy played, he played 12 unique champs. Sadly he is not going to improve. Wasting 30 mins teaching him Panth laning and mechanics with him basically saying nothing is useless asf too. He says he wants to play meta but meta does not exist in plat.
bro bwipo has my same yt reccomends wtf
This is the first time since oldschool LastShadow coaching sessions I see someone properly coach laning mechanics without imls's pointless additional digressions and analogies.
ZenCoaching goes into this at great detail too, but he is imls copycat.
CoachCurtis touches this too, but a tiny bit, not into great detail, but he is a great youtuber.
Watching anyone else coaching mid lane is just a waste of time. Feel free to change my mind, but don't think it will happen because I watched literally everyone since season 2.
CoachCurtis is bad.
"you can call it what you want". We can start with "brain dead". Pantheon is the ultimate noober champ. Wins almost everything. Even if he loses lane he still wins. Cuz there's really no counter play to his style.
spoken like a true silver
No hate towards the guy being trained here, but how is he plat?? I’m a jg/supp main in gold and know way more than this guy at laning lmao. Gives me hope I guess.
No hate towards you, but you probably don't vod review your games and dont notive your mistakes + are not mindflooded by a pro player telling you what to do and overthinking the instructions
One thing to keep in mind, in the chess world, the best players NEVER teach because it is known and statistically proven to harm your chess.
Ince you start teaching, you drop rating and nevwr contend for a world championship again.
Just simething to keep in mind, i am certain it would apply to League also
Lmao that makes no sense. Do musicians stop being world class if they accept a teaching gig at a top university or conservatory?
@@albiewitz2686 it does. no good player is coaching in chess. they post courses of theory, they stream but they do not coach. and if they do, it's a high rated player that they're coaching
@@ssenkrad67 coaching doesn't make you worse at what you do. The only reason why a top competitor would want to avoid it is because it's taking time away that they should be using to drill what they actually need.
Not everything is chess despite what chess players like to believe
@@ssenkrad67 way to not address my counter example in any way though
Correlation is not causation. Players who do not want to compete as much may take up coaching, players who coach have less time for practice, players who coach have more than 1 source of revenue and aren't driven as much by monetary incentive.
They're not giving away talent, they're diversifying their interests
It's sad that this guy doesn't realize the value of this coaching. He should be on his toes, indulging in every piece of information with joy and excitement but it seems like he doesn't want to learn. "I just dodge" and "I know" attitude. Either way, well done Bwipo.
Has to be told to use q on wave, not backing n instead trying to poke under enemy tower with no mana….
Weakest mechanics. Ppl who are higher rank than me still are behind in mechanics by so much wtf
Ones sense of skill level is heavily biased and Inflated.
Send your VODS then.
Coping so hard haha
@@aosmaner I walk u down 1v1. XD
They are higher elo so they are a better player overall regardless if you think you’re better. If you were better you’d be higher elo