Beautifully said, Alison -- and beautifully presented [as always], Don Caron! "The Boxer" is among my favorite of Simon and Garfunkel's works, so I listened even more closely than usual -- and you've made me re-think a couple of my own "truths." Something that massages my brain whilst delighting my ears gets through even thick walls. God bless you!
If only the 74M who voted for “Tango man” only watched these videos, they would learn more of the actual truth of what has happened in America these last 4 years,
I don't think any words of praise can do justice to your lyrics. I just know that they are brilliant, factual, and so needed to be heard. Bravo once again.!!
Old hippie here. Just found you and subscribed. I'd forgotten how powerful the music of our era was. Updating them is brilliant. THAT'S what the young uns need to do. It hits you in the gut & moves millions. Thank you for the important work you do.
Don, you're brilliant and have made me feel better about the sh*t storm around us. And i can't stop hoping I don't die here, in this democratic apocalypse. It is comforting that you are here, dispelling the lies. Thank you
Again an incredibly beautiful song with lyrics that hit straight home. This Indonesian has tears in her eyes, and says THANK YOU from the bottom of her heart. God bless you.💖🌹💖❣
How is it possible that every one of your videos gets better and better? Somebody please get this one to the attention of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel! Want to see them touring with this until November. Seriously.
"A wasted vote is when you choose a candidate that goes against your personal beliefs!" Thank you! Brings tears of gratitude to hear it said by someone besides myself. NO MORE LESSER EVILS Shared on Twitter, as usual.
That line really resonated with me too. All of Don's songs are great parody, but this one seems particularly heartfelt, right down to the way the two versions of himself looked at each other at the end.
Outstanding!💖 You left me in tears with the sad honesty of our current situation. This is one of your finest yet (though I still love 'Confounds the Science' best). ☠️
You scored again! Thank you so much! As we weave through the lies from all sides, the only quiet place with truth is in the heart. I hope we can all find that place, listen, and VOTE!
OMG! This is brilliant! As an Australian I am riveted by what is going on in the US. Here down under we are also having a worrying lurch to the right and I fear that where the US goes. Australia has always been far too keen to follow. Your recent history provides the most terrifying cautionary tale. I hope the November elections will steer a path back to decency, rationality and kindness. And if they do, you will have played a huge role in righting the ship of state. Thank you so much, Manuela 🇦🇺
G'day Manuela, WA here. As we have an election ahead of us ourselves, we have to decide on Australia's future, and make some very serious choices. While getting out the vote is not an issue, getting voters to make rational decisions is a horse of a different color. The behavior of our so called leaders is not much more adult or honest than that of most countries at this point in time. We need to not only look beyond the nastiness of those in office, but we must not settle for the likes of Pauline or Katter and their ilk. And this changing PM's every few months has to stop. Having alternate choices to the pre selected sheep who are shoved down our electoral throats is a good idea, until you find your ballot paper (Oz still does it with paper) a meter long and containing the names of people and parties one has never heard of. In many cases the only thing we know about those parties and candidates is handed to us as we run the gauntlet of volunteers handing out how to vote cards to get to the poll. There has to be a middle ground. We are being fed the same lies by the same mobs. Australia needs to elect some grownups to Parliament before it is too late. With China on one side and the USA on the other, we MUST have adults running the show, not a mob of toddlers name calling each other and making promises they have no intentions of keeping. This song speaks as much to Australia (and the rest of the world) as it does to the USA. The time is now. WE the PEOPLE must educate ourselves about who it is that runs the country, and who wants to run it, and elect the best. As far as I can see, that is neither Labor nor Liberal. This election I would like to see a whole new crop. Note: This was rather simplistic, but as much as I could do with an onscreen keyboard and a mouse. =o)
First off that was a beautiful parody/rendition filled with truth. The sad part is our once beautiful country has just died from corporate cancer. R.I.P America 7-4-1776 to 1-6-2021. You will be truly missed.
I am a big fan of Simon and Garfunkel too. Their music was intended to provoke people to think about what kind of world we live in. You guys have made the message still ring very true.
you do realize it is just one man with a very creative mind. a very impressive individual by my standards. not every one is over the fence but this one is in the parking lot of everybody's home field.
It's just one guy, but don't feel bad. I made the same mistake first time I posted a comment, then realized my mistake and quickly changed it. Just one brilliant, creative, hard working Don Caron. You can support him by going to his website and hitting the "Support Button!
Am writing from NYC...where there are no "huge crowds of supporters" surrounding the court where #45 is currently seated for his 1st trial. Your song is a welcome addition to counteract his "lies, lies,lies"....THANKS!!!
One of my fav tunes, love both the original lyrics and this parody which is as relevant today and it was first posted 5 yr ago. Well done by All the artists. Very clever.
Without a doubt, this is your most powerful production to date. My personal admiration for the route you have chosen to prod essential messages to all ... is boundless. To share a talent, and to pay it forward .. is priceless. Thank you~
"A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal in satisfying his vices." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1880 “We don't have a run-of-the-mill liar in the White House. We have a pathological liar. This is a man who lies on personal matters, political matters, domestic, international. He lies morning, noon, and night. And it just is never -- never-ending. … We have never had a president who lies so pathologically, and lies so needlessly often. …The other thing is the number of people in this country who believe in the lies, who have accepted them. This has tremendous damaging effects on the political and civic culture of the country. A self-governing nation can't run if you can't have a common set of facts, if you can't agree on common realities. What you have got is a man in the White House who is engaged in not just an assault on truth, but an effort to annihilate truth. It's not just the lies. It's that he's trying to destroy the categories of truth and falsity. And that's really why he goes after the media, right, because the media has always been the institution in American life that has kept presidents accountable when it comes to what's true and what's not. And he knew from the outside of his presidency that he had to delegitimize the media, so he could get away with this kind of thing. And this has an enormous seepage effect in the life of a country. - Peter Wehner, Republican, Senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington DC. July 25, 2018,видео.htmlm1s “People will just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you.” - Donald Trump to Billy Bush after Bush called Trump out for lying about his TV ratings for The Apprentice, 2005 "The truth" is whatever people will believe." - Roger Ailes, president of Fox News Channel "Donald Trump lies so much I can’t stand him anymore. He changes his mind so often, you know. He sometimes says things and does things, that he says it just for the change. He does not think about the consequences." - Mike Brindock, Former Trump supporter, Atlanta, Georgia, December 15, 2017 “This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth.” - Senator Ted Cruz, Republican, May 3, 2016, MSNBC,видео.htmlm25s "It's easier to lie and deceive people than it is to convince them that they have been lied to and deceived." - Dr. Christina J. S. Jones "Of all the things President Trump has done to destroy civil norms, his debasement of language is the most chilling and poisonous. For it has now reached down to every level, allowing people who are supposed to be societal pillars, or even role models, to act as if reality has no foundation. …The worst of the trickle-down Trump effects is the way he’s opened the door for other public figures to get away with making things up. When a president is applauded for lying, why should a head football coach, or a cabinet secretary, feel any shame for doing the same thing?" - Timothy Egan, Pulitzer Prize recipient, June 22, 2018 Tell the truth or someone will tell it for you. - Stephanie Klein Lying is a disease. Truth is the cure. - Dr. Christina J. S. Jones "Lying has become one of the principal political currencies of our time. Donald Trump is a reflection of the crisis that is at the heart of our democracy. He's a liar." - Professor Eddy Glaude, Princeton University, 2018 "Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." - Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 26, 1939
It’s all about the money, the love of money lie, lie, lie & more lies. Both sides pathetic. Your lyrics are brilliant. You are the best in parody music. Wake up, wake up, wake up & listen to what the Spirit of God has to say. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to waking up people all around God’s green earth. #Trump2020LandSlide 🇺🇸🇮🇱🙏⭐️⭐️⭐️ #WWG1WGA
Isn't Trump the corporate shill? The man who installed an oil lobbyist as the head of the EPA and threatens to sell out our parks and forests to mining companies? :(
Absolutely brilliant as always. While I may personally disagree on a few minor points I still see your genius and talent and must say you have me reevaluating my opinion. Thank you God bless you
omg thank you for this song! You are spot on. As long as we vote for a party and not for the person they will continue to play us. Cant tell you how mjuch shiit i took for voting for the best candidate rather than choosing the lesser of an evil.
Perfection isn't the point. l'm not going to vote for a Democrat that votes like a Republican. That message needs to be sent to the DNC. They can't run candidates in the pockets of big money and expect us to support them. Otherwise they just keep doing it, as they currently are.
Your S & G parodies are so clever! They'd probably get a kick out of them if they ever heard them. Nice how you take the ugliness of politics and soften it with great music & lyrics...put a whole load of these together on a playlist to enjoy :)
The structure of the system currently forces towards there only being two viable parties. The primaries are over so the options for the general have been selected for this time around. After the election (as in the very next day) is when to start the project of weakening the grip the 2 parties have. At the same time, you can also work to make the next set of primaries make a better set of options for the general.
You guys are amazing. Teaching with music. What a calling. What a responsibility.....,....Thank you!
4 года назад
Beautiful. You continue to blow me away. To mangle any song into a parody with JUST THE RIGHT WORDS, to get the truth across. Thanks Parody Project for shining a light.
Just how long have you spent watching these guys' movements and mannerisms?! You were spot on both of them. Art included all of the ways he stands, holds his mic in the stand, puts his hands in his jeans' pockets, fiddles with his shirt cuffs! Perfect! Simon is easier as he plays the guitar with a facial expression of passive boredom and shifty eyes. This is a great job, my friend! AGAIN! (just had to watch it again-this one is on of my top 5 "Parody Project" gifts to us! Thanks Don...I always love to hear YOUR lyrics more than nearly all of those of the original artists.
Thanks Don. Another master piece. it is sad that USA seems to think only in terms of only red and blue. Where I live, we also have independent people of quality who stand, with community support, to help break the political lock between red and blue type party systems. These are sincere honest people who go back to their communities for consultation on issues. These independent people represent the people in the upper and lower sections of government. It does work, but it requires more community involvement in politics by the common woman and man. It also requires ordinary people to be educated, not dumb to politics. Compulsory voting should be encouraged. The national media needs to be more honest and open. It is a pity Rupert Murdoch has such power. P.S. a National Health Care System is not the end of the world, it should be every USA persons' right and duty. Wealthy people and and all well to do people should help the poor people. it is an investment, not an expense. Take car of your country.
That is a masterpiece! I listen to it a lot because it gives me a lift every time. Yes there are so many lies, but the question is do I know the truth from a lie? Both sides lie, but do I turn a blind eye? Thanks Don Caron, you put a lot into this!
I hope you know how much your genius is appreciated. You nail it each time you crate a parody. Please don’t stop putting it out there about the lies, the money that buys politicians, and the corruption. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.
finally !! playing your songs is making son was singing it the way you rewrote it,he is turning from the dark side.if not for true facts in your songs,he wouldnt question why I dont support has opened a dialogue that isnt an argument now. thanks again for your hard work.making America great again,one song at a time.
You blokes are fucking brilliant I am from Australia and just can't believe whats happening in the US. The US used to be the leader of the free world and it stood for human values and for the greater good. How has it gone so far off the rails.
Midfielder Centre - End result of Citizens United, mate. Whatever you do, don't let your courts decide that 'corporations are people', or any other BS that allows your politicians to be legally bought and paid for by the rich and international corporations. The rest of it is purposeful distraction. The super rich are not stupid, and know that if we the people ever stop fighting each other over race and politics and take a good look at what they are doing, with the help of their pet politicians, there would be open revolt. This is how the .1% continue to leech off of the masses without reprisal. Please let what is happening here serve as a lesson to you. I got to spend a few weeks in Aus back in 2008 and fell in love with your country. Don't let yourself believe it can't happen there, as so many believed it couldn't happen here.
Thats very sad, there is a push in Australia to ban all donations to political parties and people running for public office. There are two key issues people are struggling with is first how do you fund existing parties, and the system recommended is struggling to get general support and as always everyone looks to there our position first. whats being kinda recommended [but not on a strong sense] is that existing parties receive a certain amount based on the last election voting i.e. the more votes you get the more you will be funded but only the parties in power want it. The other issue is how you control special interest groups and we have two examples over the last hhhhmmm say 16 years where in on election the union ran a brilliant series of ads and the labour [say left] party won... at another election the big mining companies & banks ran ads and the Libs [say right] won... It will happen but how you do it seems to be outside their creative abilities.
Hey, I think you must have been working on this one when I suggested it in a comment thread of one of your other parodies! This song was a natural for your work. Good job!
The beautiful harmony softens the hard truth... "lie lie lie"... Thank you, Don Caron...
Beautifully said, Alison -- and beautifully presented [as always], Don Caron! "The Boxer" is among my favorite of Simon and Garfunkel's works, so I listened even more closely than usual -- and you've made me re-think a couple of my own "truths." Something that massages my brain whilst delighting my ears gets through even thick walls. God bless you!
Agreed, the juxtaposition of message and melody is jarring #resist
And it's nice to hear the original verses - before the Music Industry got a hold of it and made S&G sing those other words.
If only the 74M who voted for “Tango man” only watched these videos, they would learn more of the actual truth of what has happened in America these last 4 years,
To that for sure and every video is a little different and they're all right at point best i've ever heard😊
I don't think any words of praise can do justice to your lyrics. I just know that they are brilliant, factual, and so needed to be heard. Bravo once again.!!
I found myself unable to find sufficient words either, Amy.
And yet another brilliant song, thank you for putting the truth out there
Another one out of the park!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻
Once again amazing. I appreciate your hard work.
Don Caron: the musical medicine for our time! Brilliant!!!!
Old hippie here. Just found you and subscribed. I'd forgotten how powerful the music of our era was. Updating them is brilliant. THAT'S what the young uns need to do. It hits you in the gut & moves millions. Thank you for the important work you do.
Hi, I am an old hippie, too. Love these parodies. I'm in WA state. Where are you?
@@ElaineVance-fz9nv -Ca
Don, you're brilliant and have made me feel better about the sh*t storm around us. And i can't stop hoping I don't die here, in this democratic apocalypse. It is comforting that you are here, dispelling the lies. Thank you
Hits in gut; makes the tears. As it should. We can't thank you enough, Don Caron.
Again an incredibly beautiful song with lyrics that hit straight home. This Indonesian has tears in her eyes, and says THANK YOU from the bottom of her heart. God bless you.💖🌹💖❣
How is it possible that every one of your videos gets better and better? Somebody please get this one to the attention of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel! Want to see them touring with this until November. Seriously.
Great job again, Mr. Caron.
Thank you, Woman of Substance!
"A wasted vote is when you choose a candidate that goes against your personal beliefs!" Thank you!
Brings tears of gratitude to hear it said by someone besides myself.
Shared on Twitter, as usual.
That line really resonated with me too. All of Don's songs are great parody, but this one seems particularly heartfelt, right down to the way the two versions of himself looked at each other at the end.
Outstanding!💖 You left me in tears with the sad honesty of our current situation. This is one of your finest yet (though I still love 'Confounds the Science' best). ☠️
You scored again! Thank you so much! As we weave through the lies from all sides, the only quiet place with truth is in the heart. I hope we can all find that place, listen, and VOTE!
I can't get enough! Thanks for all you do
Thanks Lee, appreciate you watching.
Damn dude , you are on 🔥🔥🔥🔥!
Canada sending Respect and Support … 🇨🇦🇺🇸
OMG! This is brilliant! As an Australian I am riveted by what is going on in the US. Here down under we are also having a worrying lurch to the right and I fear that where the US goes. Australia has always been far too keen to follow. Your recent history provides the most terrifying cautionary tale. I hope the November elections will steer a path back to decency, rationality and kindness. And if they do, you will have played a huge role in righting the ship of state.
Thank you so much,
Manuela 🇦🇺
G'day Manuela, WA here.
As we have an election ahead of us ourselves, we have to decide on Australia's future, and make some very serious choices. While getting out the vote is not an issue, getting voters to make rational decisions is a horse of a different color. The behavior of our so called leaders is not much more adult or honest than that of most countries at this point in time. We need to not only look beyond the nastiness of those in office, but we must not settle for the likes of Pauline or Katter and their ilk. And this changing PM's every few months has to stop.
Having alternate choices to the pre selected sheep who are shoved down our electoral throats is a good idea, until you find your ballot paper (Oz still does it with paper) a meter long and containing the names of people and parties one has never heard of. In many cases the only thing we know about those parties and candidates is handed to us as we run the gauntlet of volunteers handing out how to vote cards to get to the poll. There has to be a middle ground.
We are being fed the same lies by the same mobs. Australia needs to elect some grownups to Parliament before it is too late. With China on one side and the USA on the other, we MUST have adults running the show, not a mob of toddlers name calling each other and making promises they have no intentions of keeping.
This song speaks as much to Australia (and the rest of the world) as it does to the USA. The time is now. WE the PEOPLE must educate ourselves about who it is that runs the country, and who wants to run it, and elect the best. As far as I can see, that is neither Labor nor Liberal. This election I would like to see a whole new crop.
Note: This was rather simplistic, but as much as I could do with an onscreen keyboard and a mouse. =o)
Use the power of prayer for all of us. It really works.
you dumb fool..............
AWESOME! !!!!!!! THIS IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE NOW! !!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! !!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
First off that was a beautiful parody/rendition filled with truth. The sad part is our once beautiful country has just died from corporate cancer. R.I.P America 7-4-1776 to 1-6-2021. You will be truly missed.
... as a huge fan of S & G, I found this not only wonderful in message but vocally/musically spot on... wonderful indeed!
I am a big fan of Simon and Garfunkel too. Their music was intended to provoke people to think about what kind of world we live in. You guys have made the message still ring very true.
I agree with everything these guys say, but this is the best one I have heard yet. this one should be heard everywhere!
One guy
you do realize it is just one man with a very creative mind. a very impressive individual by my standards. not every one is over the fence but this one is in the parking lot of everybody's home field.
It's just one guy, but don't feel bad. I made the same mistake first time I posted a comment, then realized my mistake and quickly changed it. Just one brilliant, creative, hard working Don Caron. You can support him by going to his website and hitting the "Support Button!
kay becker it is only one guy.
Their the same guy look closer. Haahaaa
Am writing from NYC...where there are no "huge crowds of supporters" surrounding the court where #45 is currently seated for his 1st trial. Your song is a welcome addition to counteract his "lies, lies,lies"....THANKS!!!
Truth to power! Epic!
One of my fav tunes, love both the original lyrics and this parody which is as relevant today and it was first posted 5 yr ago. Well done by All the artists. Very clever.
One of your best so far Sir. truly a work of art.
And the winner is:
Without a doubt, this is your most powerful production to date. My personal admiration for the route you have chosen to prod essential messages to all ... is boundless. To share a talent, and to pay it forward .. is priceless. Thank you~
You are marvelous. Thank you, Don.
We the sheeple!
Your best work so far, again! Glad you enjoyed the history of CAPT. Houston, left you another reply there.
"A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal in satisfying his vices." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1880
“We don't have a run-of-the-mill liar in the White House. We have a pathological liar. This is a man who lies on personal matters, political matters, domestic, international. He lies morning, noon, and night. And it just is never -- never-ending. … We have never had a president who lies so pathologically, and lies so needlessly often. …The other thing is the number of people in this country who believe in the lies, who have accepted them. This has tremendous damaging effects on the political and civic culture of the country. A self-governing nation can't run if you can't have a common set of facts, if you can't agree on common realities. What you have got is a man in the White House who is engaged in not just an assault on truth, but an effort to annihilate truth. It's not just the lies. It's that he's trying to destroy the categories of truth and falsity. And that's really why he goes after the media, right, because the media has always been the institution in American life that has kept presidents accountable when it comes to what's true and what's not. And he knew from the outside of his presidency that he had to delegitimize the media, so he could get away with this kind of thing. And this has an enormous seepage effect in the life of a country.
- Peter Wehner, Republican, Senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington DC. July 25, 2018,видео.htmlm1s
“People will just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you.”
- Donald Trump to Billy Bush after Bush called Trump out for lying about his TV ratings for The Apprentice, 2005
"The truth" is whatever people will believe." - Roger Ailes, president of Fox News Channel
"Donald Trump lies so much I can’t stand him anymore. He changes his mind so often, you know. He sometimes says things and does things, that he says it just for the change. He does not think about the consequences."
- Mike Brindock, Former Trump supporter, Atlanta, Georgia, December 15, 2017
“This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth.”
- Senator Ted Cruz, Republican, May 3, 2016, MSNBC,видео.htmlm25s
"It's easier to lie and deceive people than it is to convince them that they have been lied to and deceived."
- Dr. Christina J. S. Jones
"Of all the things President Trump has done to destroy civil norms, his debasement of language is the most chilling and poisonous. For it has now reached down to every level, allowing people who are supposed to be societal pillars, or even role models, to act as if reality has no foundation. …The worst of the trickle-down Trump effects is the way he’s opened the door for other public figures to get away with making things up. When a president is applauded for lying, why should a head football coach, or a cabinet secretary, feel any shame for doing the same thing?"
- Timothy Egan, Pulitzer Prize recipient, June 22, 2018
Tell the truth or someone will tell it for you. - Stephanie Klein
Lying is a disease. Truth is the cure. - Dr. Christina J. S. Jones
"Lying has become one of the principal political currencies of our time. Donald Trump is a reflection of the crisis that is at the heart of our democracy. He's a liar."
- Professor Eddy Glaude, Princeton University, 2018
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 26, 1939
Well said !!!
It is sad when we have reached a point where we cannot think for ourselves . We just follow blindly one or the other .
It’s all about the money, the love of money lie, lie, lie & more lies. Both sides pathetic. Your lyrics are brilliant. You are the best in parody music. Wake up, wake up, wake up & listen to what the Spirit of God has to say. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to waking up people all around God’s green earth. #Trump2020LandSlide 🇺🇸🇮🇱🙏⭐️⭐️⭐️ #WWG1WGA
Isn't Trump the corporate shill? The man who installed an oil lobbyist as the head of the EPA and threatens to sell out our parks and forests to mining companies? :(
Truth, truth, truth....Thank you! Don Caron!
Absolutely brilliant as always. While I may personally disagree on a few minor points I still see your genius and talent and must say you have me reevaluating my opinion. Thank you God bless you
This is why we need to get rid of the electoral college, and start ranked choice voting.
Beautiful -but terrifying. Well done as always!
Absolutely excellent, and a good reason to earn a Master of Fine Arts to carry on.
It just blows my mind how much this guy sounds like Simon and Garfunkel!
Listening from Melbourne Australia. Wow, where has all this been hiding. Love and support.
You have rocked perfection in this rendition.
You've got the hand gestures of Art Garfunkel down perfect.
omg thank you for this song! You are spot on. As long as we vote for a party and not for the person they will continue to play us. Cant tell you how mjuch shiit i took for voting for the best candidate rather than choosing the lesser of an evil.
So if neither candidate is perfect, you don't vote at all?
Perfection isn't the point. l'm not going to vote for a Democrat that votes like a Republican. That message needs to be sent to the DNC. They can't run candidates in the pockets of big money and expect us to support them. Otherwise they just keep doing it, as they currently are.
Your S & G parodies are so clever! They'd probably get a kick out of them if they ever heard them. Nice how you take the ugliness of politics and soften it with great music & lyrics...put a whole load of these together on a playlist to enjoy :)
AMAZING! I wouldn't call this a "parody," because it's truth.
Damn, Don Caron, you ARE GOOD!!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 maybe on the verge of EXCELLET!
Wow! Just....WOW! I think this is your best yet. Thank you. Cheers! =o)
Great lyrics and incredible singing. I am a die hard S&G fan and your performance is as good.
Hey Don never stop! You are the voice of sanity, in a insane world! The world needs you more then ever!
Another beauty--thank you for tour talents!
Fabulous !! Sadly even more spot on in this year of 2023... A "Thank you" to all involved in this undertaking!
This is like being in New York City's Central Park on September 19,1981.
Beautiful in all respects. So well done! My favourite of all your work
Brilliant, well sung and said! Love your harmony and intelligent words. Thank You!
Talent and truth with comedy!
This guy is truly a gem! His music and lyrics are outstanding!❤
2024 now and still perfect!
Again we THANK YOU, for your thoughtful articulation ...........
Love it! Keep singing. Truth to Power. Truth to Perfidy.
Wow Don that one was deep. I think that is the deepest so far. Don't stop now, get onto Kavanaugh next.
Beautiful vocals! LOVE THIS!
Sheer brilliance! Very moving and truthful. Thank-you for the work you do.
Great video yet again, you are totally right, what we need several major parties, not just 2
The structure of the system currently forces towards there only being two viable parties. The primaries are over so the options for the general have been selected for this time around. After the election (as in the very next day) is when to start the project of weakening the grip the 2 parties have. At the same time, you can also work to make the next set of primaries make a better set of options for the general.
Fantastic! Great music and great message! Keep up the good work, Parody Project.
An amazing parody of an iconic song.
I wish there were more like buttons! Excellent parody of my favorite folk artists.
You guys are amazing. Teaching with music. What a calling. What a responsibility.....,....Thank you!
Beautiful. You continue to blow me away. To mangle any song into a parody with JUST THE RIGHT WORDS, to get the truth across. Thanks Parody Project for shining a light.
Just how long have you spent watching these guys' movements and mannerisms?! You were spot on both of them. Art included all of the ways he stands, holds his mic in the stand, puts his hands in his jeans' pockets, fiddles with his shirt cuffs! Perfect!
Simon is easier as he plays the guitar with a facial expression of passive boredom and shifty eyes.
This is a great job, my friend! AGAIN! (just had to watch it again-this one is on of my top 5 "Parody Project" gifts to us! Thanks Don...I always love to hear YOUR lyrics more than nearly all of those of the original artists.
Brilliant, ever so sharp lyrics.
Love this oh, so true. I've been a Simon and Garfunkel fan from way back oh, so the great singing and great guitar playing wonderful
Thanks Don. Another master piece.
it is sad that USA seems to think only in terms of only red and blue. Where I live, we also have independent people of quality who stand, with community support, to help break the political lock between red and blue type party systems. These are sincere honest people who go back to their communities for consultation on issues. These independent people represent the people in the upper and lower sections of government. It does work, but it requires more community involvement in politics by the common woman and man. It also requires ordinary people to be educated, not dumb to politics. Compulsory voting should be encouraged. The national media needs to be more honest and open. It is a pity Rupert Murdoch has such power.
P.S. a National Health Care System is not the end of the world, it should be every USA persons' right and duty. Wealthy people and and all well to do people should help the poor people. it is an investment, not an expense. Take car of your country.
That is a masterpiece! I listen to it a lot because it gives me a lift every time. Yes there are so many lies, but the question is do I know the truth from a lie? Both sides lie, but do I turn a blind eye? Thanks Don Caron, you put a lot into this!
And truer words were never sung. Bravo ! Bravo ! (and hugs of thanks)
Thanks very much, Daryl!
The best of the best!
Compelling, important, kind of gut wrenching, and very fascinating. Lordy. Thank you--
Why didn't hear about him before???? That's so great. I now watched 10 videos by Don Caron - and they are all extraordinary. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
You guys are hit or miss with these, but this is a hit!
You guys are the bomb! This one is the best so far
Don you have produced another brilliant work of art.
Be Safe my brother.😎
Gorgeous music....sad story, but well put.
I hope you know how much your genius is appreciated. You nail it each time you crate a parody. Please don’t stop putting it out there about the lies, the money that buys politicians, and the corruption. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us.
A jewel to add onto the crown of Parody Project.
Beautiful choice of song, with meaningful lyrics, and the S&G wigs to top it off. Thanks.
finally !! playing your songs is making son was singing it the way you rewrote it,he is turning from the dark side.if not for true facts in your songs,he wouldnt question why I dont support has opened a dialogue that isnt an argument now. thanks again for your hard work.making America great again,one song at a time.
You are amazing! Thank you!
Just brilliant! - I had goose bumps all the way through this song! (and I am Australian!) - Don is so clever and talented . .
So sincere, so noble, so heartfelt....SO FUNNY!
Soooo TRUE!!!
and spectacular voices...
You blokes are fucking brilliant I am from Australia and just can't believe whats happening in the US. The US used to be the leader of the free world and it stood for human values and for the greater good. How has it gone so far off the rails.
Midfielder Centre - End result of Citizens United, mate. Whatever you do, don't let your courts decide that 'corporations are people', or any other BS that allows your politicians to be legally bought and paid for by the rich and international corporations.
The rest of it is purposeful distraction. The super rich are not stupid, and know that if we the people ever stop fighting each other over race and politics and take a good look at what they are doing, with the help of their pet politicians, there would be open revolt. This is how the .1% continue to leech off of the masses without reprisal.
Please let what is happening here serve as a lesson to you. I got to spend a few weeks in Aus back in 2008 and fell in love with your country. Don't let yourself believe it can't happen there, as so many believed it couldn't happen here.
Thats very sad, there is a push in Australia to ban all donations to political parties and people running for public office.
There are two key issues people are struggling with is first how do you fund existing parties, and the system recommended is struggling to get general support and as always everyone looks to there our position first. whats being kinda recommended [but not on a strong sense] is that existing parties receive a certain amount based on the last election voting i.e. the more votes you get the more you will be funded but only the parties in power want it.
The other issue is how you control special interest groups and we have two examples over the last hhhhmmm say 16 years where in on election the union ran a brilliant series of ads and the labour [say left] party won... at another election the big mining companies & banks ran ads and the Libs [say right] won...
It will happen but how you do it seems to be outside their creative abilities.
so nice GREAT work guys lets hope those who do not understand your song will WAKE up some day
My favourite Simun and Garfunkle song, probably now my favourite Don Caron song. Very well done.
One of your best, guys, and that's saying a lot!✊🏼 On a lighter your eye for detail in the mimicking of the duo's mannerisms on stage!😄
Yes really funny -mimicry of S & Gs body language etc.
Thank you. ❤️🙏🏻
Hey, I think you must have been working on this one when I suggested it in a comment thread of one of your other parodies! This song was a natural for your work. Good job!
Hi Trish, actually your comment was why I pulled it up and used it. Thanks for the great suggestion!
You're very welcome!
Brilliant as always. Pointed message to a great tune. Thank you
Each one gets better and better - kudos!!!!!