Carlton Pearson - "Human Sexuality & Homosexuality in the 21st Century" Part 3

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 87

  • @demetriuswilliams5620
    @demetriuswilliams5620 6 лет назад +20

    Yall so quick to call this man a false preacher, but are most definitely dealing with most of what he's talking about. It's easy to act so holy but have these exact desires but live in fear because religion has made you feel guilty to not share your experiences. This is exactly why the biggest scandals are going on in the church because that's where it's comfortable to hide behind fake handclaps and emotions from old teachings.

    • @israelsfusion4727
      @israelsfusion4727 5 лет назад +2

      DEMETRIUS WILLIAMS you are so correct ... no one wants to talk about this loaded subject

    • @OperationReapSinners777
      @OperationReapSinners777 5 лет назад

      You obviously do not believe in God, or what is written in the Holy Bible. Carlton Pearson is now a heretic he believes all mankind will be saved without converting from evil deeds.

  • @flutelover1913
    @flutelover1913 8 лет назад +19

    This brother is so deep! I love his logic and his methods of explanation. I myself believe that homosexuality is very common and not a sin. I like this series because it is helping me to broaden my understand of the languages of the Biblical text. This brother is truly enlightened, and the world needs more people in the church like him.

    • @JessicaMitchellEntrepreneur
      @JessicaMitchellEntrepreneur 8 лет назад +4

      +flutelover1913, just because something is logical,deep,provocative or commonplace doesn't make it 'right' in God's eyes. More of this in the church will subtly eradicate the church of Jesus Christ which is the ultimate plan of the illuminati/satanists. The church may still appear to be formed and functioning but many will/have morphed into a meeting place with doctrines of demons feeding congregations with itching ears. Broadening of understanding can be dangerous and this comes from someone who is highly analytical and has a plethora of Bible translations including Apocrypha, Maccabees e.t.c. The KJV with nothing else will do no human being any harm. Jesus said we had to become 'as little children' to enter the kingdom of heaven. The minds of little children are simple and not broadened with understanding and enlightenment. JESUS IS THE LIGHT, THE BROADENED WAY LEADS TO DESTRUCTIONl

    • @flutelover1913
      @flutelover1913 8 лет назад

      +Jessica Mitchell Thanks for sharing your views and opinions.

    • @RS-ey8jf
      @RS-ey8jf 7 лет назад +2

      Yeah, he is profoundly amazing!

    • @DD-yo6cs
      @DD-yo6cs 5 лет назад +1

      1Corinthians 6:9-10 The ungodly will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

  • @guzmanvanda
    @guzmanvanda 9 лет назад +8

    Thank you Bishop so much for your openness to help us all gain knowledge . I honor you and give thanks. I will continue to support your ministry.
    Blessings & love yo you & your family. Vanda

  • @tonym7802
    @tonym7802 3 месяца назад

    Such and awesome and enlightening discourse! Thank you CDP! RIP

  • @excellentanalystsbusinessa8463
    @excellentanalystsbusinessa8463 8 лет назад +21

    This is an example of what happens, when a believer- a former great pastor opens the door to the enemy. I cry for you; you used to lead many to Christ. Great men like Dr Myles Munroe were your close friends. Sir, come back to TRUTH

    • @mrsblue3011
      @mrsblue3011 11 месяцев назад +2

      I know it is so sad. He no longer preaches the word of God. Sad!

  • @juanitatedder1502
    @juanitatedder1502 8 лет назад +3

    This man is intelligent and does not need God. If we know God we love each other and people who love each other do not war against each other. any nation who has left God will suffer because we are not connect or listen to God who created all things and know how God's creation works.
    God is love and if you find something in the bible or world that is not loving you need to pray and ask God why that is until you get a answer that agrees that God is love. seek and you shall find that God is true and freedom is a part of love

  • @deedeemoore7973
    @deedeemoore7973 6 лет назад +3


    • @truthseeker4460
      @truthseeker4460 10 месяцев назад

      I agree. I'm Muslim, and we follow the Holy Quran, which we believe is God's revelation. My Imam was brave enough to tell us that if we catch him doing or speaking against what God reveals, we should stop following him.

  • @mizzhadassa322
    @mizzhadassa322 9 лет назад +9

    I can see, why no one has commented on this. This is bizarre. What happened to you?

    • @JohnnyBabyreggaemusic
      @JohnnyBabyreggaemusic 9 лет назад +2

      +Mizz Hadassa if you listen good he is the best

    • @mizzhadassa322
      @mizzhadassa322 9 лет назад +2

      +Johnny Baby No, I've listened and analyzed all of his videos. I am also knowledgeable concerning Theosophy, Helena Bavatsky and the new age movement. He's from my stomping grounds, COGIC. He was born and raised there. He's intelligent and well educated. I don't know him from Adam, but he's like my brother.
      Yet, the one thing he did was leave himself to open, and allow a woman, who shall remain nameless to lay hands on him, after he was consecrated. And now he's fallen along the lines of "cosmic" Christ and inclusion. I don't like this. I wish he would fall back into the Torah, and just stay there until God speaks to him.

    • @JohnnyBabyreggaemusic
      @JohnnyBabyreggaemusic 9 лет назад +1

      +Mizz Hadassa ok it is your opinion for me coming from a third world country i know there are many lies i was thought

    • @rebeccaparr8305
      @rebeccaparr8305 9 лет назад +4

      +Mizz Hadassa -But that's the thing - God has spoken to him! God has directed me in the same direction. I am discovering a bigger view of God and am seeing that the definitions the church has but on God is like trying to keep God within a boundary. God can not be adequately explained, defined or understood by anyone or any one church or religion.

    • @mizzhadassa322
      @mizzhadassa322 9 лет назад

      It's Marcionism

  • @gingerbread1231
    @gingerbread1231 Год назад +2

    Love how the Bishio breaks this down. At the 19:30 mark I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Tell the truth and shame the devil. LOL

  • @damonemontez
    @damonemontez 8 лет назад +2

    Greetings Doc Pearson, where is the conclusion, (Part 4)? Peace & Blessings

    @CHUCKMORRISIII 6 лет назад +3

    I remember taking a picture of you in Dayton. I say let the Church off the hook like you do everyone else. Your axe will grow dull sniping away at us who have not "evolved". The Body of Christ is vibrant and will never be stagnated!

  • @lytehousemusic111
    @lytehousemusic111 8 лет назад +4

    2 cor. 6:11-18 It is wrong for believers to join with the wicked and profane. The word unbeliever applies to all destitute of true faith. True pastors will caution their beloved children in the gospel, not to be unequally yoked. The fatal effects of neglecting Scripture precepts as to marriages clearly appear. Instead of a help meet, the union brings a snare. Those whose cross it is to be unequally united, without their wilful fault, may expect consolation under it; but when believers enter into such unions, against the express warnings of God's word, they must expect must distress. The caution also extends to common conversation. We should not join in friendship and acquaintance with wicked men and unbelievers. Though we cannot wholly avoid seeing and hearing, and being with such, yet we should never choose them for friends. We must not defile ourselves by converse with those who defile themselves with sin. Come out from the workers of iniquity, and separate from their vain and sinful pleasures and pursuits; from all conformity to the corruptions of this present evil world. If it be an envied privilege to be the son or daughter of an earthly prince, who can express the dignity and happiness of being sons and daughters of the Almighty? we are to embrace sinners but not the sin.

  • @deedeemoore7973
    @deedeemoore7973 6 лет назад +4


  • @administrativelyyour
    @administrativelyyour 8 лет назад +10

    With the utmost respect, isn't the ultimate goal that the flesh be crucified, thus the sexuality part of our human nature become progressively tempered to the image of Christ? I think it's great that you presented this historical/philosophical dialogue to understand our human nature. Some of our natural inclinations are a result of our fallen nature. So, I was waiting to hear the resolve. To contrast our humanity's fallen nature with the boundaries that the Word of God says about sex and how to live by them.

  • @paulafranco6733
    @paulafranco6733 6 лет назад +6

    This is so sad. Lucifer deceived another one. This all started (according to the movie) because he couldn't reconcile these children in Africa, dying and going to hell if they had never heard of Jesus. All he had to do was read Proverbs 24:12: If you say, "But we knew nothing about this,: does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done? This man clearly did not know the Bible and only twisted it up so he could get out of it what he wanted. He also never had real intimacy with the father. He did not know him. Matthew 7:22-23: Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? This I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' God is a perfect, holy and just God. Yes, he is love and abounding in grace and mercy. It was in His mercy and grace that he provided a way for ALL men to be saved. Now, we must come to Him on HIS terms. He laid out the plan for us. That if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved. For without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Hebrews 11:6). This man was caught up in pretentious religion from the start and was arrogant and did not receive Godly council. The devil is such a liar. And I do pray God would open Carlton's eyes to His truth again and would lead him to repentance. This is awful, truly, truly awful. And for those of you who are so concerned with your LGBTQIA loved ones, let me tell you this: God loves them too! Jesus died for them too! And their greatest offense isn't being gay, their greatest offense is simply rejecting Christ. In God's eyes everyone's sin is EQUAL. Whether you told a white lie, stole something, murdered, gossip, are prideful or lusting after the same-sex, it's all the same to God. No one is better than the other. But we must all come to the cross and repent of where we have gone wrong. Jesus is the one that sanctifies us through His Word to make us more like Him. He accepts us the way we are, but loves us too much to leave us the way we are. And fact of the matter is we must all pick up our cross and follow Him. Regardless of what our flesh wants, we must pursue holiness, for He is Holy. And yes hell is there for those that had their chance to submit the Lordship of Jesus but refused and chose not to. Heaven is only Heaven because of WHO is there...Jesus. Why would God bring you up to be with Him for eternity when you made it perfectly clear on this earth you did not want anything to do with Him? Not to mention people that have truly committed evil and vile acts. We all hear the news, don't we? Violence, murder and sex-trafficking, discrimination, etc., if we in our hearts being fallen men and women desire true justice and desire to see some people locked up for the awful things they have done, how much more does our Heavenly Father, a God of JUSTICE desire to see the same. Trust me justice IS coming, but those who have claimed Jesus and have put on Christ are covered in HIS righteousness, so we won't be judged the same way. Our sins are covered, but I pity those who the Father will bring a recount of all their sins and will have no answer or excuse for it. With much love and sincerity I say all this. May we all continue pressing towards the upward call of Christ Jesus and continue to have our understanding enlightened with the light of His truth! God bless!

  • @marvinware9935
    @marvinware9935 7 лет назад +8

    AND THIS 24Therefore (A)God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be (B)dishonored among them.25For they exchanged the truth of God for a (C)lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, (D)who is blessed forever. Amen.26For this reason (E)God gave them over to (F)degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, (G)men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

  • @fothgt8554
    @fothgt8554 4 года назад +2

    Rethink? Maybe many need to RETHINK spending all that money going to Azusa conferences to be strengthened and edified only to be later told to RETHINK!!! All that power, anointing, fellowship and growth many experienced only to be later told to RETHINK? It was never about the messenger, but about the Master. His Name is Jesus.

  • @First-Sips-audreaho8526
    @First-Sips-audreaho8526 7 лет назад +9

    He says he is about God, mentions scripture, but isn't using them. Claiming to have a revelation of God, but scarcely mentions God. God is a Holy God and doesn't except anything and everything.

  • @tanishawilliams7495
    @tanishawilliams7495 11 месяцев назад +1

    Y'all can we please stop making the word of God overly complicated
    Deuteronomy 23:17
    There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

  • @carolynshyne8586
    @carolynshyne8586 7 лет назад +6

    sexual behavior is a preference with people or otherwise though it exists it doesn't make it right God does things decently and in order a husband and wife children are to be protected buy the grown-ups some people might take what you say and Miscropulated it that's why we should always stick to God's plan avoid weirdness, and contrary to God's will.

  • @weslee5621
    @weslee5621 9 лет назад +3

    TRUST, There are more people that are privately VIEWING YOUR CHANNEL than what it appears! AND YES, THEY ARE INTRIGUED AND DON'T WANT NOBODY TO KNOW...TIME WILL TELL! LOL! BE BLESSED!

    • @PiecesOfJenus
      @PiecesOfJenus 2 года назад

      And I believe your statement still rings true today! However, people are still coming out of "sleep" thanks to teachings and enlightenments such as this channel!

  • @KimFromNO1
    @KimFromNO1 5 лет назад +3

    Where is part 4?

    • @truthseeker4460
      @truthseeker4460 10 месяцев назад

      He died of Aids before he could make it

  • @christinepikiti2684
    @christinepikiti2684 11 месяцев назад +6

    No, thank you sir. I won’t reconsider. You came up with another gospel. 😢

  • @missgrannysmithapple3786
    @missgrannysmithapple3786 7 лет назад +4

    I have always liked this hyper intelligent pastor. Either we believe the Word of God or believe man. Man is a liar. We will know the absolute truth in eternity. It is all the same hell regardless of what people indulge in.

  • @joeb.6904
    @joeb.6904 6 лет назад +5

    he's just spewing statistics and not proving anything biblically/spiritually

    • @phylliscarr4942
      @phylliscarr4942 5 лет назад +1

      Exactly! I was waiting to hear scripture.

  • @jenfree2000
    @jenfree2000 5 лет назад +1

    Mr Pearson, I'm unclear. Are you saying that beastiality is normal and ok? You mentioned the Romans, I believe, and pedophilia, do you believe this sexual "preference" is acceptable and should be allowed? Is there a line that you would draw regarding any sexual acts as right or wrong? I think I understand your position but I don't want to mis-judge? I know it's an old feed but I want the people to think about what you seem to be proposing. I don't know if you updated a response but a link would be helpful.

  • @davidberry129
    @davidberry129 3 года назад

    Where is Part 4??? I’ve watched 1,2, and 3 but can’t find part 4...

  • @brennross2447
    @brennross2447 11 месяцев назад +2

    I'm sticking with the Word of God thanks for the other reports/studies.

  • @larrysanders7663
    @larrysanders7663 8 лет назад

    Before YOU can SERIOUSLY Believe,YOU must Literally BELIEVE!

  • @larrysanders7663
    @larrysanders7663 8 лет назад +4

    This guy is mixing scientific studies with the TRUTH of what the BIBLE SAYS....That will never work with a TRUE Holy Ghost filled BELIEVER.Get some HOLY GHOST HELP,doc.

  • @mctime154
    @mctime154 4 года назад +3

    Brother Pearson has called God caustic he has called God a Sociopath
    He has called God demented unless he has repented of these types of things saying he doesn't take The Bible literally he might as well be calling it a false book saying there is no such thing as eternal hell fire damnation You can get into the boat with him with that jive if you want to and be in trouble also when you stand before the throne of Jesus

  • @cerebusinternationalpct3532
    @cerebusinternationalpct3532 Год назад +5

    Is he buying weed from jamal Bryant in Georgia? This man is sick, and is not making any sense.

  • @OperationReapSinners777
    @OperationReapSinners777 5 лет назад +1

    Isa 51:6 Lift up your eyes ( CARLTON PEARSON) to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, AND THE EARTH SHALL WAX OLD LIKE A GARMENT, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.
    Psa 37:9-11 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.
    But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
    Rev 21:24-27 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.
    And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.
    And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.

  • @mammakim8543
    @mammakim8543 6 лет назад +10

    He made his points logically but not biblically. So we are sexual beings so just do it? I don’t buy it.

  • @lytehousemusic111
    @lytehousemusic111 8 лет назад +1

    divine truth supercedes carnal expression.

  • @Charles73358
    @Charles73358 9 месяцев назад

    This is what the Lord would have me to say about this video.
    For the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God because they are foolish to him, neither does he know them because it is spiritually discerned .
    The message that Pearson presented was from a more natural perspective with a little spiritual connotations but the Bible says that those that walk in the spirit of God they are the Sons of God we have to be completely spiritual minded and not carnal for the carnal mind is enmity against God it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be .
    Now when Carlton Pearson was preaching in his early years I was also against that as well because he was a condemning preacher for as the flesh is concerned I wanted him to preach the grace and the love of God and not the condemnation of the flesh.
    He did make that change but he should realize that God does not condone homosexuality and this type of message can give people the impression that he is condoning homosexuality and this is a real dangerous message to present to the body of Christ so some things are not meant to be taught God didn't call us to be School teacher but Gospel preachers for the Bible says to study to be quiet and in this situation he should have kept this message to himself and just preach the grace of God.
    I know the man is deceased now. God bless his soul
    1 Thessalonians 4:11
    11 And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;
    God bless 🙌 🙏
    Amen !

  • @gwendolynjemison7781
    @gwendolynjemison7781 6 лет назад +3

    I still love his teaching today 🐎

  • @Youdidnthearme
    @Youdidnthearme 10 месяцев назад

    He was not talking like this in 2001, lol

  • @edemarex5479
    @edemarex5479 10 месяцев назад +1

    All i see is the devil 😈 speaking

    • @CarltonDPearson
      @CarltonDPearson  10 месяцев назад +1

      Sorry to hear that but he would still love you…. :)

  • @jayane33stanley14
    @jayane33stanley14 7 лет назад +3

    This man has no right carte blanche to indulge their debauchery. He must understand that everything go back to the time when sin entered the world. because these things happened long ago that does not mean its right. Jesus died to turn us back to the original state of man. please dont do that.

  • @stanfisher5220
    @stanfisher5220 Год назад

    repent get saved everyone rave Dolly Parton - Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There (Official Audio)

  • @jaskimjaskim7622
    @jaskimjaskim7622 9 лет назад

    something knew I hear.

  • @percyastronautstatus.8780
    @percyastronautstatus.8780 5 лет назад +1

    A brilliant mind