@cherry-blossom-111 proove that is mccartney this one grew 3 inches from 66 to 67 nose got longer how do you know for certain that is him you have always known this one you can't remember pre 66.so proove it is Paul mccartney Colombo?????
stop mucking around in these tinfoil hat sites that prey on the easily fooled convincing them that they are the "Critical Thinkers" and that the rest of us are the unthinking sheep.* *Going into these scammer's sites is not doing "research". I can't stress this enough.* *I was watching Michael Williams "investigation" into how it would be impossible for them to write and record and arrange Rubber Soul from October 12th to November 15th.* *But what he conveniently forgot to mention was the June recordings before they went into the October recordings dry.* *That's how I know he's a scammer. As he knows that you all only get your info from those scamming sites so he left out that very well known fact from actual research from books with citations (the world is not always lying to you. We have some check sand balances. Or we use to lol)* *And on Justice for James she actually passed off Paul's Stage IEM as a prosthetic ear and you all were dumb enough to eat that up. Lol* *There are many many pre-1966 pictures where he has a long face. As many as the round face. It's as if you are brand new to this planet. Different angles will give you different looks. Even with pictures of yourself. Faulers are missing that nuance gene. Though his mop top did a lot of the work rounding out his face too.* Paul has the same scar on his lip to this day since his famous ***December 26th 1965 moped accident*** which has naturally changed over a lifetime. *A plastic surgeon would have had cut deep and rip open "Faul's lip in 1966 and we know that didn't happen as we would've noticed how deep and fresh it was. Like it was in 1965 again. Placing scars on lips to last a lifetime which changes over time (which it did) is not like putting on a never changing Lego piece.* *And there is the little matter of your so called lookalike who needed plastic surgery to look more like Paul (according to all the varying logistically impossible malleable fantasies) yet somehow has a son James in 1977 with the***same droopy eyes, raised eyebrows and exact chin and that distinctive arched line under his brow and above his eyelids as 1963 Paul had. Stella and Mary too also have that distinctive line above their eyelids*** *And at 20 James looks exactly like 1963 Paul but with his mother's blonde hair. And then when James becomes an older man is a doppelganger to Paul's brother Michael.* *James and Stella gets their strawberry blond reddish light features from Linda. Not from Vivian Stanshall.* *How can James look like a disguise? Lol* *As that is what Vivian and Faul are supposed to be. Faul with surgeries and daily latex sessions every time he goes out that his kids never seemed to have noticed (lol) and Vivian with strawberry blond reddish wigs and Hollywood prosthetics. Lol.* *As according to your own malleable theory William is supposed to most resemble his first character Phil Avrill, bahahaha, even having to say "his first character" lowered my IQ by 50 points, lol).* Oh and Paul's ***"Granny"*music as John liked to call it picks up at times in the 70s. His dad's music hall influences growing up (he even records his dad's only song that his dad lied about and gives it to him in the 70's as a present). His dad at Paul's 1969 small private wedding and pictures of them together. *Michael and Paul way in the background going to lunch not even knowing they are in the shot in Get Back* *Paul buying that Scotland farm on June 17, 1966, etc* *Tons of pictures him and his dad laughing together in the late 60s and 70s.* *Google The Beatles Sweden Press conference. You'll see 1964 lefthanded Paul smoking mostly with his right hand. Also a video on Paul Is Not Dead channel of over 100 pictures of him using both hands before and after 66. Just a product of living in a right-handed world. Most prevalent in older generation lefthanders like myself and Paul.* ==== *He only got better at bass from 1966 onward because the times and music called for more complicated riffs.* *And a lot of the time you are comparing a baby fat Paul at 22 to a Paul with no baby fat in his mid then to late 20s. Also his style and hair changed as so did the rest of our culture did in 66 onward.* *And saying Paul is shorter than Faul is borderline simple. Every single photo that these tin foil hat sites bring forward are forced perspective illusion photos which is a natural phenomenon when people are standing beside each other and one is standing slightly in front of each other. Take a photography course sometime as it happens every day* *Also Google The famous mockers interview in 64 where young Paul says he is 5 foot 11. Whereas you Faulers always say that Faul is 5 11 and that Paul was only 5 foot 8.* *Do you really think they and all his friends and family are that stupid to call him Billy whenever cameras are around? It's part their dry British humor. But mostly their nickname for him since back in the day when he would sign into hotels and recording sessions as Billy Martin.* *The logistics of what you're proposing is straight out of the mind of an adolescent child or a 60s Bond film. Any conspiracy that needs multiple doubles is a very weak conspiracy indeed.* *If you reply TLDR I'll give you my bored yawn now.*
I've read the book Turn Me On Dead Man, which suggests, despite Maccas';s exasperation here, that The Beatles left more than enough 'clues' to suggest they were being naughty and having fun with this.
One thing I see: Macca looks uneasy. And while he is explaining to JC what happened in 1969, his eyes constantly move to the left. Many criminology research projects show that when somebody is using their memory, that person's eyes dart towards the right. And when someone is fabricating something to appear that they are using their memory a person's eyes dart towards the left. With that being said, watch the video again and watch how Macca's eyes move.
the reason he teamed up with Denny Laine for wings is because they had known each other for a long time, they were bandmates in 'denny laine and the diplomats' - - (he went by the name Phil Ackrill at the time)
Heard after the original died, they used the lookalike, which is him, to test the fans in England. It eventually worked. October of 1966. “All The Worlds A Stage.” William Shakespeare
Paul McCartney died in 1966 and the smoking gun is this! In the 1967 film Magical Mystery Tour "Paul" stated "I am 30 years old" which puts his birth year at 1937 which is strange because the real Paul McCartney was born in 1942. The imposter named Billy Campbell will be 87 years old this year while the deceased Paul would have been 82 this year.
show " billy campbell "'s birth certificate, & show his fingerprints that were taken when arrested in 1980 @ japan - then compare those to (original) paul mccartney's fingerprints that were taken when arrested in 1960 @ germany *prove all of it with irrefutable forensic evidence...or STFU ('cuz you got nothin')
I'm sorry but I have good points and many points that refute your arguments, for example Paul, who you call a faul, knew a lot about the Beatles before 1966. Also, he has pictures of his family and information about his family, this is information that he is not a fake Paul. Also, there were times when Paul when he played the guitar, he looked like Paul from recently, and I can research and show you in your face that the characteristics are perfect. In addition, there are some photos of Paul after 1966 and before 1966, and there are some photos where we can see a lot of similarity, see the photo of young Paul from 1959 and compare it with 1967, They are the same! Furthermore, in December 1965 Paul suffered a motorcycle accident, affecting some areas of his face, mainly his eyebrows and mouth, in other words, very important information! He may have had plastic surgery at that time so that his face would not be deformed by the accident, which is why we see the difference in his face. Do some research and find out more. Hugs from Brazil, and don't be misinformed. 🕊️
@@justiceforjamespaulmccartney I just want to inform you, and if possible, I will make a video refuting your arguments and making people aware not to believe in your theories without concrete basis. My comment can be read by people who will look at your comment, and see the responses, that's why I decided to comment, this as a response to you as a way of informing people. And what I'm doing is freedom of expression, I can say whatever I want here, so I wanted to tell the truth to your face in front of everyone.
Billy is a great mimic and a highly talented musician. He also played the part of Vivian Stanshall from the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. The truth is out there but sadly we PID believers are ridiculed as conspiracy theorists. You should read The Memiors of Billy Shears. You'll be amazed by its shocking revelations
So EVERY person who was ever close to the 'real' Paul McCartney is either dead (apparently murdered) or has kept their mouth shut tight all these years? You'd have to be completely deluded to believe in such a tale. Why would ANYBODY bother to go to such lengths to conceal somebody's death - even if they could miraculously find such a closely matched substitute? Why not simply acknowledge the person's demise and find a replacement, the same as happened with Brian Jones and Bon Scott, or call it quits as Led Zeppelin did when John Bonham died? The Beatles weren't even at their real peak, musically, which happened with the recording and release of SPLHCB - supposedly after this 'Billy Shears' character magically came along. The fact is, the Beatles themselves often alluded to this nutty conspiracy theory (such as with back-masked messages and visual hints on their albums) because it suited their sense of humour to do so (and it also generated extra interest in every new release post-1966, and thereby made them lots of money). If it had been the great dark secret the PID rabble believe, there's NO WAY the Beatles would have been allowed to include all these visual and aural clues in their albums. Their bosses simply would not have allowed it to happen - at least, not after the first time. After all, even MI5 were supposed to have been involved in this kooky affair.
If you listen carefully (possibly slow down) at exactly 2:11 minutes he says "Will Campbell, thats me" or at least something that sounds like it. For some reason, someone says something just then which makes it barely audible. A type of sound that sounds like "Aueee". It would be great if someone with audio filtering skills could frequency separate what he's saying from that "Aueee" sound. Almost sounds like it's imposed afterwards to hide what he's actually saying. Do you guys hear this too?? ruclips.net/video/9_dCei3xwko/видео.html
Nobody who's ever lived in England would do that on a hot day. It makes no sense per se, anyway. Wasn't too jot for the others, though It's a tall tale, and that's why he keeps getting called out on it.
I read the news today oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad Well, I just had to laugh I saw the photograph He blew his mind out in a car He didn't notice that the lights had changed A crowd of people stood and stared They'd seen his face before Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords I saw a film today, oh boy The English Army had just won the war A crowd of people turned away But I just had to look Having read the book I'd love to turn you on Woke up, fell out of bed Dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup And looking up, I noticed I was late Found my coat and grabbed my hat Made the bus in seconds flat Found my way upstairs and had a smoke And somebody spoke and I went into a dream I read the news today, oh boy Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire And though the holes were rather small They had to count them all Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall I'd love to turn you on
Never made sense to me that if it was so hot that he wanted his sandals off, would it not be a very, hot walk, barefooted, across asphalt? Makes no logical sense.
Apparent "heat" is a combination of temperature and humidity. We rely on lower humidity to improve the cooling done by perspiration. Now here in AZ, in the summer, the pavement would be too hot (can't even walk dogs) but the low humidity - what we call 'dry heat' allows for efficient sweating so even 120F (48.8C) is doable with plenty of hydration.
It was more about not looking ridiculous walking in sandals on the photo. There are photos of McCartney during the shoot where he can be seen wearing the sandals. They look too uncool. It would be like wearing slippers. Just imagine how shitty the cover would have looked with him in sandals.
Why would you kick off sandals because its too hot? And walk barefoot on the hot pavement? That really makes no sense at all. I never bought into the whole "paul is dead" conspiracy, until right now. That is a ridiculous reason for him to be barefoot. No?
Yeah it’s just a silly reason he made up and repeats over and over again to make it seem true. Him and the Beatles were definitely into making subliminal messages in the album because why not. It became a game and they were all in on it.
Mike Williams pointed out Billy's left eye prosthesis, you can really notice it here. I don't know why people get so upset if Paul was replaced...I think Billy is much cuter anyway♥
makes more sense than a bands member dying in a car crash so they hire a body double who is equally if not more talented than the actual member to pretend to be him whilst putting sublime messages across their work to hint at his death instead of flat out denying it or admitting it.
When a record company owns a band as big as the Beetles it would significantly effect everything. They replace celebrities all the time these days, there's a huge list of people they have done this with so Paul is not the only example of this and to think powerful people wouldn't or couldn't replace someone is just Nieve at best. Most politicians have body doubles like Adolph and other SS, the queen, etc. this is quite common with the elites.
Here’s the thing, their are photos from the photoshoot of abbey road and their are photos with him wearing sandals and without, also remember the heat is a lot different in the uk so when you put it like that him taking his sandals of makes more sense.
If you dont have autoplay on or anything, the words "James Im dead!" being the last words of this video and then dead silence makes the rumor so much creepier 😅
PID is such a red herring It’s all about Occult Ringo, folks Occult Ringo easily outdoes Lost Boy John, Paul Is Dead and Mystic George by a English Countryside mile His stage name alone suggests a direct connection with Saturn… The God of Time… A deep rabbit hole… but Ringo emerges as an avatar for every magical mystery aspect of that band… and that time… Roll Up Roll Up… Apart from all that, Ringo is the master of timing… If you still listen to Beatles records it’s probably because Ringo’s performances are so great… as much as the songwriting, vocals and impeccable production… Ringo’s drumming keeps their wild, innovative ideas together… In essence, That band were going nowhere, man, without Richard Starkey… (Star Key… Key to Stardom) He was the last to join 1962 He was the first to quit 1968 He was the Beatle who decided they would perform on the roof in 1969… ruclips.net/video/R_YtyGQ8sEM/видео.html Of all The Beatles, Ringo is the most hell raising Rock’n’Roller… successfully skirting life and death with dangerous unhealthy style and glamour… He easily ran as hard as Keiths Richards and Moon in the 1970s alcoholic narcotic stakes… His son is the drummer with The Who and Oasis…his 1977 disco album is great because it’s the worst He’s The Beatle who lives in LA and Monte Carlo… He was coked up to the gills at The Rock’n’Roll Hall Fame ceremony in 1988… When he returned to live performance in 1989, he was straight, sober and brought “The Last Waltz” on the road with him… Genius move… He has pretty much conquered and mastered the demons he encountered along the way… Peace and Love, indeed…
Paul wished he was dead to get out of hanging with cordon. Edit: I paused and made the joke and then hit play only to find out that Paul made the joke already.
This whole theory is ridiculous, if this was true "the fake Paul"'s whole family, friends, etc wouldn't notice he was missing? And McCartney's family would just go along with it?
Everyone is aware that Paul did die late 1966 and that the replacement William took his place. And Paul's father and brother went along with it. There is a reason why Jane Asher refuses to talk about her time with Paul McCartney.
Man, the people who believe that Paul is dead have not seen the get back documentary. I mean there are hours and hours of the man just being himself what other proof do you want
@@jorgeantoniosantibanezrebo7232it’s well documented and if you had eyes and a brain you could see it’s not the same guy. Simple as that. The Beatles had 2 Paul McCartneys. One guy just took over the stage name.
The cover photo was pre-planned. It's a funeral procession! Billy wore sandals because they would be easy to remove. He knew that he would be barefoot in the photo!
William is not from England and he did not look the part his first years in Beatles. William was being groomed for the part. He was there behind the scenes.
@scottishlady1474 actually no ... if you had uncomfortable footwear you wouldnt wear them ... neither would I .... im not sure about that statement :-/ take care ...
The reason why it's stupid is because the fake Paul would have to know all of Paul's memories which is impossible, Paul literally brings up things that the fake couldn't possibly know about, which is why it's stupid to believe in
William making up things on the spot does not make him Paul McCartney. Have you ever heard of the concept of lying ? You are not an expert on McCartneys history. William hints all the time that he is not Paul McCartney.
His band mates and managers told him everything he needed to know and if he doesn’t then he makes it up on the spot. That’s why your comment is stupid. And you’re stupid to believe in this imposter.
Tbh it doesn’t really matter either way, if this is an imposter, it means he was good enough to write on everything from Revolver to Let It Be, which is an incredible resume regardless of if it being Paul or some other guy (It’s Paul 100%)
To all you PID Believers, watch the "James Paul McCartney" TV special 1973, (here on RUclips for everyone to see) at the 20 minutes mark there's a McCartney family get together in a Liverpool pub, they're all getting pissed (drunk) singing along with him and showering him with kisses! Now how is it that his Dad, aunties, uncles and cousins can not see it's not their Paul the one they have grown up with, the one they have always known, but he's in fact an imposter named Billy!
@@OlskZeri-tc5ni Oh, but I have done research. I was 14 at the time and a big fan. Forget about the clues. Do you know the odds of them finding a guy that looks EXACTLY like Paul, a guy with the same speaking and singing voice AND a guy who turns out to be an extraordinary talent, too boot??? About a billion trillion to 1. But you go ahead and think what you want.
@@KarlLaFong-v2qyou’re deceived. It’s actually very possible. William was talented and also got plastic surgery. It’s called being a good ACTOR. Look into it normie.
Worse thing is;so many ppl.actually believe this to be true...Vivien stanshall story to the fangirl hitchhiking in the rain.Of course it was marketing;a good one too lol.
Ok so we all know that the real Paul McCartney died in a car crash in the fall of 1966. That is why in August of 1966 the Beatles preformed in their last real concert. Everyone know this who has an open and informed mind. So if enough people knew this fact the comments would be cut off by RUclips, just like the Kamala Harris comments have been turned off. We know this and we know much more important "impersonation" facts than this. Love to ALL humanity!
If you want to perpetuate a good conspiracy, you have to try to get the dates right. He supposedly died in November. You have to double-check your kooky research.
If you know that on SGT Pepper, you know that you hold up a mirror and it says, "Elleven-Nine He Die". If you recall in England regarding dates they usually to by day first then year. Therefore, 11-9 could be September 11th, which is basically the fall and yes one can say the fall does not start until the Autumnal Equinox. Not to sound pedantic, but I have done much research. Sorry to trigger you. I respect your opinion, it is your choice to respect mine. Thank you and I hope you have a great day.
They did get along with it. Lennon the hypocrite did let William become the new bandleader of Beatles. And Harrison had a complicated relationship with "Billy".
No normie. Ringo is NOT "Billy Shears". It all comes down to the song "I'm the greatest". In the song Ringo sings: "Now I'm 32 and all i want to do is bogaloo." That is connected with the song "Back off boogaloo". Ringo would not attack himself in a song. Ringo is telling "Billy Shears" (William) to back off. And the Frankensteins monster in that video represents the dead man who is made of body parts. Like William who represents the "living corpse" in his role as "Paul McCartney".
For anybody to believe that Paul McCartney died in 1966, they must also believe that a double for him - in appearance, voice and musical ability - was quickly located and easily integrated into the band without any serious impediments getting in the way. They must also believe that, to this day, friends and family have kept quiet about the death and Paul’s replacement by an imposter. Nothing short of PURE IDIOCY is required to accept such a tall story.
William was behind the scenes for years being groomed to be the new Paul McCartney. When JPM died and William came into the light he took over the bandleader role from John. And thanks to William they stopped doing "silly love songs" and became a 100 percent studioband. Friends and thoose close to JPM choosed to be quiet. Mal Evans death was a warning example what could happen if one decided to speak out about JPM's death. And PID is an intellectual subject that requires research before dismissing it.
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce "thoose close to JPM choosed to be quiet" Yes, well, an "intellectual subject that requires research before dismissing it" is obviously beyond your capabilities.
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce Mal Evans death? You probably think John was executed because he was going to 'spill the beans'...and George was poisoned because he was going to 'speak out'...
It's amazing how many people are still obsessed with HC. Meanwhile, Trump can spew out all manner of lies whilst his legion of brain-dead, fawning supporters crawl over one another to get a glimpse of their idiotic leader.
If this were true then, when Paul sued the Beatles, all they would have had to say is, "He can't sue us. He's not Paul."
Ha ha! Brilliant answer
Good one 💯🖌 lol
No because they would of been in deep trouble lying to people for years it would of ruined them ?
@cherry-blossom-111 proove that his him inspector cluseo???
@cherry-blossom-111 proove that is mccartney this one grew 3 inches from 66 to 67 nose got longer how do you know for certain that is him you have always known this one you can't remember pre 66.so proove it is Paul mccartney Colombo?????
Absolutely fascinating to me, just to see Paul McCartney talking with Allerton Road flashing by through the car window.
It is even better when you recognise the background isn't it?
@@BrightmoonLiverpool I suppose it's because they are the streets of his own youth.
0:48 a millions of legends... and the white car on paul's Head.
If the real Paul had been sitting there he would just have smiled about it.
"For years I've been able to fool people" It's RIGHT THERE
Ha ha!!
You forgot your meds
stop mucking around in these tinfoil hat sites that prey on the easily fooled convincing them that they are the "Critical Thinkers" and that the rest of us are the unthinking sheep.*
*Going into these scammer's sites is not doing "research". I can't stress this enough.*
*I was watching Michael Williams "investigation" into how it would be impossible for them to write and record and arrange Rubber Soul from October 12th to November 15th.*
*But what he conveniently forgot to mention was the June recordings before they went into the October recordings dry.*
*That's how I know he's a scammer. As he knows that you all only get your info from those scamming sites so he left out that very well known fact from actual research from books with citations (the world is not always lying to you. We have some check sand balances. Or we use to lol)*
*And on Justice for James she actually passed off Paul's Stage IEM as a prosthetic ear and you all were dumb enough to eat that up. Lol*
*There are many many pre-1966 pictures where he has a long face. As many as the round face. It's as if you are brand new to this planet. Different angles will give you different looks. Even with pictures of yourself. Faulers are missing that nuance gene. Though his mop top did a lot of the work rounding out his face too.*
Paul has the same scar on his lip to this day since his famous ***December 26th 1965 moped accident*** which has naturally changed over a lifetime.
*A plastic surgeon would have had cut deep and rip open "Faul's lip in 1966 and we know that didn't happen as we would've noticed how deep and fresh it was. Like it was in 1965 again. Placing scars on lips to last a lifetime which changes over time (which it did) is not like putting on a never changing Lego piece.*
*And there is the little matter of your so called lookalike who needed plastic surgery to look more like Paul (according to all the varying logistically impossible malleable fantasies) yet somehow has a son James in 1977 with the***same droopy eyes, raised eyebrows and exact chin and that distinctive arched line under his brow and above his eyelids as 1963 Paul had. Stella and Mary too also have that distinctive line above their eyelids***
*And at 20 James looks exactly like 1963 Paul but with his mother's blonde hair. And then when James becomes an older man is a doppelganger to Paul's brother Michael.*
*James and Stella gets their strawberry blond reddish light features from Linda. Not from Vivian Stanshall.*
*How can James look like a disguise? Lol*
*As that is what Vivian and Faul are supposed to be. Faul with surgeries and daily latex sessions every time he goes out that his kids never seemed to have noticed (lol) and Vivian with strawberry blond reddish wigs and Hollywood prosthetics. Lol.*
*As according to your own malleable theory William is supposed to most resemble his first character Phil Avrill, bahahaha, even having to say "his first character" lowered my IQ by 50 points, lol).*
Oh and Paul's ***"Granny"*music as John liked to call it picks up at times in the 70s. His dad's music hall influences growing up (he even records his dad's only song that his dad lied about and gives it to him in the 70's as a present).
His dad at Paul's 1969 small private wedding and pictures of them together.
*Michael and Paul way in the background going to lunch not even knowing they are in the shot in Get Back*
*Paul buying that Scotland farm on June 17, 1966, etc*
*Tons of pictures him and his dad laughing together in the late 60s and 70s.*
*Google The Beatles Sweden Press conference. You'll see 1964 lefthanded Paul smoking mostly with his right hand. Also a video on Paul Is Not Dead channel of over 100 pictures of him using both hands before and after 66. Just a product of living in a right-handed world. Most prevalent in older generation lefthanders like myself and Paul.*
*He only got better at bass from 1966 onward because the times and music called for more complicated riffs.*
*And a lot of the time you are comparing a baby fat Paul at 22 to a Paul with no baby fat in his mid then to late 20s. Also his style and hair changed as so did the rest of our culture did in 66 onward.*
*And saying Paul is shorter than Faul is borderline simple. Every single photo that these tin foil hat sites bring forward are forced perspective illusion photos which is a natural phenomenon when people are standing beside each other and one is standing slightly in front of each other. Take a photography course sometime as it happens every day*
*Also Google The famous mockers interview in 64 where young Paul says he is 5 foot 11. Whereas you Faulers always say that Faul is 5 11 and that Paul was only 5 foot 8.*
*Do you really think they and all his friends and family are that stupid to call him Billy whenever cameras are around? It's part their dry British humor. But mostly their nickname for him since back in the day when he would sign into hotels and recording sessions as Billy Martin.*
*The logistics of what you're proposing is straight out of the mind of an adolescent child or a 60s Bond film. Any conspiracy that needs multiple doubles is a very weak conspiracy indeed.*
*If you reply TLDR I'll give you my bored yawn now.*
@@oleggorky906 The blind-folded sheep (those who believe Paul McCartney is alive) can't take any clues to them.
@@NaaHvahe is alive, but ok!
I've read the book Turn Me On Dead Man, which suggests, despite Maccas';s exasperation here, that The Beatles left more than enough 'clues' to suggest they were being naughty and having fun with this.
Definitely. They loved it!
Weird how if he did die in 66 the imposters written better songs
Very good point!
You think there are no talented people in the world that are able to write good music 😂
@@AnyluckProduction are you thick
What if John wrote them all? I mean the imposter can just take credit for something he didn’t do
@@Spooderman_287 well he didnt
1:20 Faul said it was a hot day so he kicked off his sandals because it was hot and walked barefoot on boiling hot tarmac road? OK.
Doesn't make sense does it?
@@BrightmoonLiverpool Of course, he a replacement for Paul, watch Paul play bass and then watch this guy and you see the difference.
One thing I see: Macca looks uneasy. And while he is explaining to JC what happened in 1969, his eyes constantly move to the left. Many criminology research projects show that when somebody is using their memory, that person's eyes dart towards the right.
And when someone is fabricating something to appear that they are using their memory a person's eyes dart towards the left.
With that being said, watch the video again and watch how Macca's eyes move.
I like McCartney's comeback to Corden about how the being dead rumour could have gotten him out of this carpool with James Corden.
Great line!
That's not Paul. He died in 1966 and was replaced with Billy Shepherd.
You need to go back into your padded cell. You know doubt think the earth is flat too. @@NaaHva
Too hot to wear sandals but not too hot to walk barefooted across asphalt????
I know, makes no sense
I said "something wrong"
Masterfully speaking isa real art form
the reason he teamed up with Denny Laine for wings is because they had known each other for a long time, they were bandmates in 'denny laine and the diplomats' - - (he went by the name Phil Ackrill at the time)
Heard after the original died, they used the lookalike, which is him, to test the fans in England. It eventually worked. October of 1966.
“All The Worlds A Stage.” William Shakespeare
Way to go David! Had not seen this! You have done it again! Keep up all of brilliant work. Best Liverpool Beatles sleuth there is…
Beatles detective for hire!!
" i m not Paul, you don t want a fake" literaly telling the world the truth...
“It coulda got me outta this.” 💀
Did not deny it once, not in this interview , not before... just circled around it with masterfull speaking.
He literaly says it here " i m not Paul, you don t want a fake"...in your face
Paul McCartney died in 1966 and the smoking gun is this! In the 1967 film Magical Mystery Tour "Paul" stated "I am 30 years old" which puts his birth year at 1937 which is strange because the real Paul McCartney was born in 1942. The imposter named Billy Campbell will be 87 years old this year while the deceased Paul would have been 82 this year.
Thanks for clearing that up. Let's organise a party for Billy!
show " billy campbell "'s birth certificate, & show his fingerprints that were taken when arrested in 1980 @ japan - then compare those to (original) paul mccartney's fingerprints that were taken when arrested in 1960 @ germany
*prove all of it with irrefutable forensic evidence...or STFU ('cuz you got nothin')
I have always wonder how people this stupid actually exist.
that's a movie mate you are delusional
proof that paul is dead: a fictional movie
James Paul McCartney died in car crash on September 11 1966 and was replaced by William (Billy). This is the truth no matter what!
How do you explain that after 1966 this desgusting man Was 5 inches taller than Paul ?? And so much weird things !
Take your meds
I'm sorry but I have good points and many points that refute your arguments, for example Paul, who you call a faul, knew a lot about the Beatles before 1966.
Also, he has pictures of his family and information about his family, this is information that he is not a fake Paul.
Also, there were times when Paul when he played the guitar, he looked like Paul from recently, and I can research and show you in your face that the characteristics are perfect.
In addition, there are some photos of Paul after 1966 and before 1966, and there are some photos where we can see a lot of similarity, see the photo of young Paul from 1959 and compare it with 1967, They are the same!
Furthermore, in December 1965 Paul suffered a motorcycle accident, affecting some areas of his face, mainly his eyebrows and mouth, in other words, very important information!
He may have had plastic surgery at that time so that his face would not be deformed by the accident, which is why we see the difference in his face. Do some research and find out more.
Hugs from Brazil, and don't be misinformed. 🕊️
@@Tortilho_Azul Which part of "This is the truth no matter what!" don't you understand it?
@@justiceforjamespaulmccartney I just want to inform you, and if possible, I will make a video refuting your arguments and making people aware not to believe in your theories without concrete basis.
My comment can be read by people who will look at your comment, and see the responses, that's why I decided to comment, this as a response to you as a way of informing people.
And what I'm doing is freedom of expression, I can say whatever I want here, so I wanted to tell the truth to your face in front of everyone.
Billy is a great mimic and a highly talented musician. He also played the part of Vivian Stanshall from the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. The truth is out there but sadly we PID believers are ridiculed as conspiracy theorists. You should read The Memiors of Billy Shears. You'll be amazed by its shocking revelations
Thanks for putting us straight!!!
Don't "DREAM of PAUL" as the book suggests, that;s how they got to original Macca
I wonder what fake wrote that book. Filly Shears, perhaps? There's always plenty of money to be bled from the deceived.
He was also Angela Landsbury's stand-in on several plays.
So EVERY person who was ever close to the 'real' Paul McCartney is either dead (apparently murdered) or has kept their mouth shut tight all these years? You'd have to be completely deluded to believe in such a tale. Why would ANYBODY bother to go to such lengths to conceal somebody's death - even if they could miraculously find such a closely matched substitute? Why not simply acknowledge the person's demise and find a replacement, the same as happened with Brian Jones and Bon Scott, or call it quits as Led Zeppelin did when John Bonham died? The Beatles weren't even at their real peak, musically, which happened with the recording and release of SPLHCB - supposedly after this 'Billy Shears' character magically came along.
The fact is, the Beatles themselves often alluded to this nutty conspiracy theory (such as with back-masked messages and visual hints on their albums) because it suited their sense of humour to do so (and it also generated extra interest in every new release post-1966, and thereby made them lots of money). If it had been the great dark secret the PID rabble believe, there's NO WAY the Beatles would have been allowed to include all these visual and aural clues in their albums. Their bosses simply would not have allowed it to happen - at least, not after the first time. After all, even MI5 were supposed to have been involved in this kooky affair.
Welp Pepper backwards yields "It was a fake mustache"
There was a lot more than just the shoes pointing at his death.
If you listen carefully (possibly slow down) at exactly 2:11 minutes he says "Will Campbell, thats me" or at least something that sounds like it. For some reason, someone says something just then which makes it barely audible. A type of sound that sounds like "Aueee".
It would be great if someone with audio filtering skills could frequency separate what he's saying from that "Aueee" sound. Almost sounds like it's imposed afterwards to hide what he's actually saying.
Do you guys hear this too??
I haven't heard it - technology eh?
@@BrightmoonLiverpool ruclips.net/video/9_dCei3xwko/видео.html&lc=UgxcByiStxlYSwR2NuZ4AaABAg.A1tEFzn5iNJA21Z8CHypMc
in that link.
Was a hot day ,then he decided to remove his sandals and walk over a very hot surface,it-wasn’t make any sense ……?!?!
It is masterful speaking by William. Just like when he lied about running out of red roses.
I know!!!
@404TVfryeah and he did "ran out of red roses". Stop making excuses for William. He hints all the time he is not Paul McCartney.
Nobody who's ever lived in England would do that on a hot day. It makes no sense per se, anyway. Wasn't too jot for the others, though It's a tall tale, and that's why he keeps getting called out on it.
That photo was pre planned as a funeral procession. Billy is lying about the "hot day" nonsense!
" It could haven gotten me out of this." LOL
to be fair he does react here as if he has something to hide
😂😂Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my 🙈
Ya no hayas que inventar. Hasta cuando van a crrer en esa tonteria estupida de paul is dead.
Billy Shears, well and alive
William is 87 years old.
Hmm… sounds like something an impostor would say
Ha ha!! 😂
Hiding in plain sight
Or something Paul McCartney might say 🤔
@jackied4381 that's just what he would say ..... whoever he is!
"there are people on the internet who are really passionate about this". Yes, this comment section is absolutly proving that.
It is good that there is people out there being aware that "Sir Paul" (William) is not James Paul McCartney.
Very true!
Of course, he a replacement for Paul, watch Paul play bass and then watch this guy and you see the difference.
hey isnt that billy shears?
Looking PRETTY uncomfortable there "Paul".
I read the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well, I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph
He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords
I saw a film today, oh boy
The English Army had just won the war
A crowd of people turned away
But I just had to look
Having read the book
I'd love to turn you on
Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
And somebody spoke and I went into a dream
I read the news today, oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
I'd love to turn you on
It’s too hot for sandals so I’ll kick them off and walk on hot pavement
"It could've got me out of this" 😅
Even Paul doesn't like James Corden 😅
100% !
Please, change your drug dealer.😂
You actually like others believe he is mccartney 😅😅😅@@SorayaEsfandiary_
Dana Carvey accidentally calling him Billy is the best video
Love it Bill!!!!!????
this can’t be true because in pictures of them when they’re young and all dresssed the same i can’t tell any of the beatles apart except paul
Never made sense to me that if it was so hot that he wanted his sandals off, would it not be a very, hot walk, barefooted, across asphalt? Makes no logical sense.
Beatles stories and logic don't always go together 😎
Apparent "heat" is a combination of temperature and humidity. We rely on lower humidity to improve the cooling done by perspiration. Now here in AZ, in the summer, the pavement would be too hot (can't even walk dogs) but the low humidity - what we call 'dry heat' allows for efficient sweating so even 120F (48.8C) is doable with plenty of hydration.
It was more about not looking ridiculous walking in sandals on the photo. There are photos of McCartney during the shoot where he can be seen wearing the sandals. They look too uncool. It would be like wearing slippers. Just imagine how shitty the cover would have looked with him in sandals.
Why would you kick off sandals because its too hot? And walk barefoot on the hot pavement? That really makes no sense at all. I never bought into the whole "paul is dead" conspiracy, until right now. That is a ridiculous reason for him to be barefoot. No?
William is just masterfully speaking.
The last thing you do is take your shoes off . I know im Spanish .
Yeah it’s just a silly reason he made up and repeats over and over again to make it seem true. Him and the Beatles were definitely into making subliminal messages in the album because why not. It became a game and they were all in on it.
Mike Williams pointed out Billy's left eye prosthesis, you can really notice it here. I don't know why people get so upset if Paul was replaced...I think Billy is much cuter anyway♥
Paula died, but this guy did one well of a job filling in 😂
That's not James Corden, that's 'Jaul'...The real James Corden died a few months ago in an unfortunate joke plagiarism accident,
If only!! 😂
Notice that they never show his feet in the entire clip! Conclusive proof, right there
Paul McCartney died in car crash on September 11 1966 and was replaced by William. This is THE TRUTH no matter what.
I heard he wasn't happy with restaurant service and picked the wrong chef to argue with.
can’t you see he is not the same person? the most visible difference is on the nose. and his face shape is a bit longer instead of rounder
Yeah, it's called the aging process. Gravity.
I did enjoy this show at the time especially the paul's performance in the Philharmonic pub , Classic ! L!6 👍👍🎸😎🎸BB
It was superb. Best PR Paul ever did 👍👍
"i showed up in sandals, it was a very hot day so i just kicked them off, & walked across the hot concrete road barefoot" (that makes no sense)
Doesn't make sense to me either!
makes more sense than a bands member dying in a car crash so they hire a body double who is equally if not more talented than the actual member to pretend to be him whilst putting sublime messages across their work to hint at his death instead of flat out denying it or admitting it.
When a record company owns a band as big as the Beetles it would significantly effect everything. They replace celebrities all the time these days, there's a huge list of people they have done this with so Paul is not the only example of this and to think powerful people wouldn't or couldn't replace someone is just Nieve at best. Most politicians have body doubles like Adolph and other SS, the queen, etc. this is quite common with the elites.
My thoughts exactly.
Poor excuse. He’s Paul but not that good at lying. If it was hot out he’d be keeping the sandals on not taking them off. It was all marketing.
All clever and how iconic too. It worked.
Beatles did not need a gimmick to sell albums. They invented PID themselves and have never explained why. They have just lied about the clues.
Occult agenda, Billy is fan of Crowely@@OlskZeri-ip1xr
Here’s the thing, their are photos from the photoshoot of abbey road and their are photos with him wearing sandals and without, also remember the heat is a lot different in the uk so when you put it like that him taking his sandals of makes more sense.
@@BrightmoonLiverpoolRight place at the right time that’s all.
If you dont have autoplay on or anything, the words "James Im dead!" being the last words of this video and then dead silence makes the rumor so much creepier 😅
Definitely!! 😂
is such a red herring
It’s all about Occult Ringo, folks
Occult Ringo
easily outdoes
Lost Boy John,
Paul Is Dead and
Mystic George
by a English Countryside mile
His stage name alone suggests
a direct connection with Saturn…
The God of Time…
A deep rabbit hole…
but Ringo emerges as an avatar
for every magical mystery aspect
of that band…
and that time…
Roll Up Roll Up…
Apart from all that,
Ringo is the master of timing…
If you still listen to Beatles records
it’s probably because Ringo’s performances are so great…
as much as the songwriting,
vocals and impeccable production…
Ringo’s drumming keeps
their wild, innovative ideas together…
In essence,
That band were going nowhere, man, without Richard Starkey…
(Star Key…
Key to Stardom)
He was the last to join 1962
He was the first to quit 1968
He was the Beatle who decided they would perform on the roof
in 1969…
Of all The Beatles,
Ringo is the most
hell raising Rock’n’Roller…
skirting life and death
with dangerous unhealthy style
and glamour…
He easily ran as hard as Keiths
Richards and Moon
in the 1970s alcoholic narcotic stakes…
His son is the drummer
with The Who
and Oasis…his 1977
disco album is great because it’s the worst
He’s The Beatle who lives in LA
and Monte Carlo…
He was coked up to the gills
at The Rock’n’Roll Hall Fame ceremony
in 1988…
When he returned to
live performance in 1989,
he was straight, sober and brought
“The Last Waltz”
on the road with him…
Genius move…
He has pretty much conquered
and mastered
the demons
he encountered
along the way…
Peace and Love, indeed…
Faul is doing ok.
That's something that a doppelganger would say.
(Nah, I do actually believe that Paul McCartney is still alive.)
No one is claiming that "Sir Paul" (William) is dead. PID is also about the replacement of Paul McCartney late 1966.
Lennon used mock the fans while on stage. He thought the fans were spastic so adding fuel to this was fun for him.
Where is that mole on his left side of his face according anther video the real paul had one
Plastic surgery?
U don't fool us faul
Paul wished he was dead to get out of hanging with cordon.
Edit: I paused and made the joke and then hit play only to find out that Paul made the joke already.
But worth repeating!!! 😂
This whole theory is ridiculous, if this was true "the fake Paul"'s whole family, friends, etc wouldn't notice he was missing? And McCartney's family would just go along with it?
Everyone is aware that Paul did die late 1966 and that the replacement William took his place. And Paul's father and brother went along with it. There is a reason why Jane Asher refuses to talk about her time with Paul McCartney.
I wouldn’t be surprised if I died a few years ago and I’m an imposter. I don’t know which side is true but hell I don’t even know how a toaster works.
Ha ha!! Best response!!
A pleasure
Paul doesn’t exactly deny the conspiracy.
That is because William is not Paul McCartney. Because he hints all the time that he is not Paul McCartney.
Man, the people who believe that Paul is dead have not seen the get back documentary. I mean there are hours and hours of the man just being himself what other proof do you want
William is not himself in that documentary. He is just playing the role of "Paul McCartney". The real JPM was not bossy or a controlfreak.
@@OlskZeri-tc5ni oh yeah I forgot you met "the real" Paul Mccartney
@@jorgeantoniosantibanezrebo7232it’s well documented and if you had eyes and a brain you could see it’s not the same guy. Simple as that. The Beatles had 2 Paul McCartneys. One guy just took over the stage name.
WHY would you kick off SANDALS on a HOT day to walk BAREFOOT on pavement?? There is much more to the story, obviously.
The cover photo was pre-planned. It's a funeral procession! Billy wore sandals because they would be easy to remove. He knew that he would be barefoot in the photo!
He said "level crossing" not "zebra crossing"!!
Where was the train? 🤣🤣
My question is what are the odds that they would find a guy who looks exactly like Paul, can sing, can play music, and is from England.
William is not from England and he did not look the part his first years in Beatles. William was being groomed for the part. He was there behind the scenes.
Wow. You people just really thought the crap out of that theory, didn’t you?
@@ilovefilm17he is just sick
He's William Shepard.
Why did you delete this scene?
1;41 I'm not PAUL
@PedroHenrique-x7c masterfull speaking, a tenent of Crowley
@@PaulFormentos Yes! And there are many examples of Billy doing it!
One of the many examples of Billy masterfully speaking! "I'm not Paul"
He says...
So that's it. Made it
James Corden reminds me of my hairdresser almost
If he was wearing sandals (cool on the feet) why would he kick them off to walk barefoot on the hot road ?
In other interviews he said they were too tight. He often went barefoot.
I did not know that .... funny how some people can remember details from 50 years ago ... I cant remember yesterday 😂 take care ..
@scottishlady1474 actually no ... if you had uncomfortable footwear you wouldnt wear them ... neither would I .... im not sure about that statement :-/ take care ...
Paul is fibbing. The Beatles were staging a funeral procession.
shouldn't he explain how he survived 1966 prang
he ought to say at least if there was any accident in 1966, what he did with the aston martin etc.
Funny stuff
Cansado y resignado a aguantar esa tontería.
The reason why it's stupid is because the fake Paul would have to know all of Paul's memories which is impossible, Paul literally brings up things that the fake couldn't possibly know about, which is why it's stupid to believe in
William making up things on the spot does not make him Paul McCartney. Have you ever heard of the concept of lying ? You are not an expert on McCartneys history. William hints all the time that he is not Paul McCartney.
His band mates and managers told him everything he needed to know and if he doesn’t then he makes it up on the spot. That’s why your comment is stupid. And you’re stupid to believe in this imposter.
Its funny because this is Billy
You are right, it is Billy, no doubt, I have 100% proof that no one can argue with.
It's William
son of the magician@@OldSchoolVibes1978
Hé doesn’t Even sound him!!
Tbh it doesn’t really matter either way, if this is an imposter, it means he was good enough to write on everything from Revolver to Let It Be, which is an incredible resume regardless of if it being Paul or some other guy
(It’s Paul 100%)
Revolver was the last album with the real Paul McCartney.
@@OlskZeri-tc5ni Billy was at those sessions as per Memoirs
@@OlskZeri-tc5ni Oh, there he is. I was wondering when he would chime in...
Of course it matters. We realize that Billy was talented, but this is about deception and fraud!
He seems like a liar to me
Billy Shears.
To all you PID Believers, watch the "James Paul McCartney" TV special 1973, (here on RUclips for everyone to see) at the 20 minutes mark there's a McCartney family get together in a Liverpool pub, they're all getting pissed (drunk) singing along with him and showering him with kisses! Now how is it that his Dad, aunties, uncles and cousins can not see it's not their Paul the one they have grown up with, the one they have always known, but he's in fact an imposter named Billy!
Damn! There's always one person who wants to apply logic.
@@komradepistoff6584Applying Logic to this is to realize that "Sir Paul" (William) is not Paul McCartney.
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce OK so explain the James Paul McCartney TV special 1973
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce I'm prompted to ask, how do you define 'logic'?
@404TVfr and you need to research more!
Yes he is Billy Shear the fake Paul
Impossible theory.
No normie. If you actually do the research you will reach the conclusion that JPM were replaced late 1966.
@@OlskZeri-tc5ni Oh, but I have done research. I was 14 at the time and a big fan. Forget about the clues.
Do you know the odds of them finding a guy that looks EXACTLY like Paul, a guy with the same speaking and singing voice AND a guy who turns out to be an extraordinary talent, too boot??? About a billion trillion to 1. But you go ahead and think what you want.
@@KarlLaFong-v2qyou’re deceived. It’s actually very possible. William was talented and also got plastic surgery. It’s called being a good ACTOR. Look into it normie.
2 complete deceivers.
You could tell hes paul tho lmao, the dead guy looks like paul but hes not
William did not look the part his first years a Beatles new "Paul McCartney".
It's not Paul. It's Elvis.
@@scootron2000 no wrong twice it's billy
Probably the dumbest conspiracy theory of all time
How true!
Paul McCartney died in car crash on September 11 1966 and was replaced by William. This is THE TRUTH no matter what.
Worse thing is;so many ppl.actually believe this to be true...Vivien stanshall story to the fangirl hitchhiking in the rain.Of course it was marketing;a good one too lol.
Explain Macca sanctioned Memoirs where he says it's ALL TRUE with an occult agenda to boot@@BrightmoonLiverpool
You Need to look at a lot of videos with proof then ?
Ok so we all know that the real Paul McCartney died in a car crash in the fall of 1966. That is why in August of 1966 the Beatles preformed in their last real concert. Everyone know this who has an open and informed mind. So if enough people knew this fact the comments would be cut off by RUclips, just like the Kamala Harris comments have been turned off. We know this and we know much more important "impersonation" facts than this. Love to ALL humanity!
What planet are you on?
@@mrratnyhe is on planet earth normie.
@@OlskZeri-ip1xr Oh. Is that the one that is between your left ear and the right ear? That's alot of empty space.
If you want to perpetuate a good conspiracy, you have to try to get the dates right. He supposedly died in November. You have to double-check your kooky research.
If you know that on SGT Pepper, you know that you hold up a mirror and it says, "Elleven-Nine He Die". If you recall in England regarding dates they usually to by day first then year. Therefore, 11-9 could be September 11th, which is basically the fall and yes one can say the fall does not start until the Autumnal Equinox. Not to sound pedantic, but I have done much research. Sorry to trigger you. I respect your opinion, it is your choice to respect mine. Thank you and I hope you have a great day.
Drain bramage
There is no way John…and especially George would have gone along with this…
They did get along with it. Lennon the hypocrite did let William become the new bandleader of Beatles. And Harrison had a complicated relationship with "Billy".
Had no choice
Theres a rumour cordens still alive.worse luck!!!!!!
Ha ha!! 😂
A ridiculous but funny story.
No he ain't?
@@johnsaunders8021 YES HE IS ...WTF ARE YOU ON ABOUT ,BRO ....FUCKING WEIRDO 👍😲🤔
Stupid conspiracy, Billy shears is actually ringo...
No normie. Ringo is NOT "Billy Shears". It all comes down to the song "I'm the greatest". In the song Ringo sings: "Now I'm 32 and all i want to do is bogaloo." That is connected with the song "Back off boogaloo". Ringo would not attack himself in a song. Ringo is telling "Billy Shears" (William) to back off. And the Frankensteins monster in that video represents the dead man who is made of body parts. Like William who represents the "living corpse" in his role as "Paul McCartney".
asking paul mcartney that question is just full disrespect
William cannot answer that honestly anyways.
For anybody to believe that Paul McCartney died in 1966, they must also believe that a double for him - in appearance, voice and musical ability - was quickly located and easily integrated into the band without any serious impediments getting in the way. They must also believe that, to this day, friends and family have kept quiet about the death and Paul’s replacement by an imposter. Nothing short of PURE IDIOCY is required to accept such a tall story.
William was behind the scenes for years being groomed to be the new Paul McCartney. When JPM died and William came into the light he took over the bandleader role from John. And thanks to William they stopped doing "silly love songs" and became a 100 percent studioband. Friends and thoose close to JPM choosed to be quiet. Mal Evans death was a warning example what could happen if one decided to speak out about JPM's death. And PID is an intellectual subject that requires research before dismissing it.
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce "thoose close to JPM choosed to be quiet" Yes, well, an "intellectual subject that requires research before dismissing it" is obviously beyond your capabilities.
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce And I say that after polishing off 500ml of Beefeater, my friend.
@@OlskZeri-qm4ce Mal Evans death? You probably think John was executed because he was going to 'spill the beans'...and George was poisoned because he was going to 'speak out'...
If you listen to recordings of Donald Trump's speeches in reverse, they make more sense.
Is that you Hillary?
It's amazing how many people are still obsessed with HC. Meanwhile, Trump can spew out all manner of lies whilst his legion of brain-dead, fawning supporters crawl over one another to get a glimpse of their idiotic leader.