The Hippocratic Oath

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2020
  • The exhausted doctors and nurses fighting the coronavirus are our best hope, unwavering in their sacred task to tend the sick and suffering, even as they put themselves in danger, says Lee Cowan.
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Комментарии • 54

  • @karlshaner2453
    @karlshaner2453 2 года назад +6

    There is a medical practice in our small town that is now a members-only club. He is turning out the poor and elderly who have gone to the clinic for years.

  • @minedoimperija
    @minedoimperija 2 года назад +14

    Can this reporter talk normally without raising his voice every second?

  • @gamingrex2930
    @gamingrex2930 2 года назад +35

    POV: You're an American currently experiencing a heart attack.

    • @seanrowshandel1680
      @seanrowshandel1680 Год назад +5

      Remember when Hippocrates founded Communism and saved Greece from the carbohydrates?
      you know, rather than being the founder of Communism, Hippocrates was the only capitalist ever

  • @moneymatters983
    @moneymatters983 Месяц назад +2

    Perhaps you should expand your short documentary on the what, why, and who,changed from the original document?

  • @m.layfette6249
    @m.layfette6249 4 года назад +36

    I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

    • @johnnysun6495
      @johnnysun6495 3 года назад +1

      I will share the privacy of my patients, for their problems are of course disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with clumsiness in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, I will not do it. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with absolutely no humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must make god mad.

    • @Growingwiser550
      @Growingwiser550 2 года назад +2

      The next time you go to your doctor ask him if he believes in the God of the Bible. If he says yes then that’s the doctor you want to take care of you.

      @YELLTELL Год назад

      @@johnnysun6495 I will 🙏 for u

  • @QueenZenaTheFirst
    @QueenZenaTheFirst 4 года назад +6


  • @awarenessvillage
    @awarenessvillage 4 года назад +2


  • @seymorbytes1506
    @seymorbytes1506 Год назад +4

    My mother has been belittled and mistreated by doctors since puberty started and unveiled a whole host of issues my mother would have to deal with until the end of time, constantly called crazy or medicated for the wrong conditions all the while not being taken seriously as if it were possible to fake the frequent gut-wrenching pains. Self-advocacy and prevention over treatment were things I'd been taught since a young age, my mother never wanting me to go through what she had to. My mother is no longer with us, and the conditions which she suffered are still as of yet largely unresearched, still no cure and all treatments available are still only experimental. Sometimes I wonder if it could have been caught and effectively cared for if they'd only listened to her, yet I still don't know why; maybe it's because she had darker skin, maybe it's because she was a woman, maybe it's because she was young or the doctors she saw simply hadn't done their homework when the information finally started to come out, maybe they just hoped throwing pills at the problem would make her shut up. Whatever the reason, and years of seeing people denied healthcare or treated poorly because of race, ethnicity/immigration status, gender identification, biological sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, lack of insurance, religion/personal beliefs/lifestyle choices, or where the person was from; I have insurmountably high doubts the Hippocratic oath is even recited in hushed whispers anymore. I'm not even sure it's understood what that looks like anymore, to value the words of Hippocrates. To swear on the oath of another and then do the exact opposite of the oath you swore is no longer Hippocratic, it's hypocritical.

  • @francismausley7239
    @francismausley7239 4 года назад +20

    Much of modern medicine no longer respects Hippocrates. “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” "Medical science is only in its infancy, yet it has shown that our natural diet is that which grows out of the ground. The people will gradually develop up to the condition of this natural food." ~ 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Bahai Faith

  • @khizarahamed698
    @khizarahamed698 3 года назад


  • @SeaJay_Oceans
    @SeaJay_Oceans 5 месяцев назад +1

    The Eugenics Oath reads a little differently than the original Hippocratic Oath.
    But the ends justify the means, according to the Eugenicists.

  • @LondonPower
    @LondonPower 2 года назад +3

    Ὄμνυμι Ἀπόλλωνα ἰητρὸν, καὶ Ἀσκληπιὸν, καὶ Ὑγείαν, καὶ Πανάκειαν, καὶ θεοὺς πάντας τε καὶ πάσας, ἵστορας ποιεύμενος, ἐπιτελέα ποιήσειν κατὰ δύναμιν καὶ κρίσιν ἐμὴν ὅρκον τόνδε καὶ ξυγγραφὴν τήνδε.
    Ἡγήσασθαι μὲν τὸν διδάξαντά με τὴν τέχνην ταύτην ἴσα γενέτῃσιν ἐμοῖσι, καὶ βίου κοινώσασθαι, καὶ χρεῶν χρηίζοντι μετάδοσιν ποιήσασθαι, καὶ γένος τὸ ἐξ ωὐτέου ἀδελφοῖς ἴσον ἐπικρινέειν ἄῤῥεσι, καὶ διδάξειν τὴν τέχνην ταύτην, ἢν χρηίζωσι μανθάνειν, ἄνευ μισθοῦ καὶ ξυγγραφῆς, παραγγελίης τε καὶ ἀκροήσιος καὶ τῆς λοιπῆς ἁπάσης μαθήσιος μετάδοσιν ποιήσασθαι υἱοῖσί τε ἐμοῖσι, καὶ τοῖσι τοῦ ἐμὲ διδάξαντος, καὶ μαθηταῖσι συγγεγραμμένοισί τε καὶ ὡρκισμένοις νόμῳ ἰητρικῷ, ἄλλῳ δὲ οὐδενί.
    Διαιτήμασί τε χρήσομαι ἐπ’ ὠφελείῃ καμνόντων κατὰ δύναμιν καὶ κρίσιν ἐμὴν, ἐπὶ δηλήσει δὲ καὶ ἀδικίῃ εἴρξειν.
    Οὐ δώσω δὲ οὐδὲ φάρμακον οὐδενὶ αἰτηθεὶς θανάσιμον, οὐδὲ ὑφηγήσομαι ξυμβουλίην τοιήνδε. Ὁμοίως δὲ οὐδὲ γυναικὶ πεσσὸν φθόριον δώσω. Ἁγνῶς δὲ καὶ ὁσίως διατηρήσω βίον τὸν ἐμὸν καὶ τέχνην τὴν ἐμήν.
    Οὐ τεμέω δὲ οὐδὲ μὴν λιθιῶντας, ἐκχωρήσω δὲ ἐργάτῃσιν ἀνδράσι πρήξιος τῆσδε.
    Ἐς οἰκίας δὲ ὁκόσας ἂν ἐσίω, ἐσελεύσομαι ἐπ’ ὠφελείῃ καμνόντων, ἐκτὸς ἐὼν πάσης ἀδικίης ἑκουσίης καὶ φθορίης, τῆς τε ἄλλης καὶ ἀφροδισίων ἔργων ἐπί τε γυναικείων σωμάτων καὶ ἀνδρῴων, ἐλευθέρων τε καὶ δούλων.
    Ἃ δ’ ἂν ἐν θεραπείῃ ἢ ἴδω, ἢ ἀκούσω, ἢ καὶ ἄνευ θεραπηίης κατὰ βίον ἀνθρώπων, ἃ μὴ χρή ποτε ἐκλαλέεσθαι ἔξω, σιγήσομαι, ἄῤῥητα ἡγεύμενος εἶναι τὰ τοιαῦτα.
    Ὅρκον μὲν οὖν μοι τόνδε ἐπιτελέα ποιέοντι, καὶ μὴ ξυγχέοντι, εἴη ἐπαύρασθαι καὶ βίου καὶ τέχνης δοξαζομένῳ παρὰ πᾶσιν ἀνθρώποις ἐς τὸν αἰεὶ χρόνον. παραβαίνοντι δὲ καὶ ἐπιορκοῦντι, τἀναντία τουτέων.

    • @onlyonewaymon2060
      @onlyonewaymon2060 11 месяцев назад

      Excellent my good man, someone who whom knows the original authentic dark wicked pagan oath. Giving praise and allegiance to Apollo, whom is Ha'satan, whom is Gadre'el, whom is devil, whom is the serpent in the garden that beguiled, seduced and deceived Horuh(Eve).....whom today is, ready.....the orangejanusmantipof thejezuitarrowmantfrump!

    • @francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734
      @francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734 Месяц назад

      Beautiful 🕊💖🕊
      Time for Thy Kingdom Come...Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...
      Letter to the politicians...
      Isn't it time to hit the middle road and stop weaving left and right and just do what is right by all...
      Time to stop meandering through stagnant failures and water falling profits in one direction,
      Stop damming the water, Stop damming the flow...
      Open up the reservoirs of wealth,
      Melt the icebergs of fear
      Let abundance flow to the people...
      Make waves of contentment
      Tsunamis of opportunities
      Raise the tide mark for prosperity
      Sift out the sewage and let people surf to a prosperous new world....
      #Timeforheavenonearth as promised for The Promised Land to come...Come...
      #Loveisnotacortisol stress hormone created by lies, betrayals, corruption, division and abuse, all of which God classes as sin which pays the wages of death of God's Spirit... Revival time...
      HalleluYah 🕊💖🕊✨✨✨✨

  • @chriszablocki2460
    @chriszablocki2460 10 месяцев назад +1

    Physicians have always needed to be held to a higher level of accountability.

  • @hohenheimvsama6290
    @hohenheimvsama6290 Месяц назад +2

    How dare you insinuate that any situation is a valid reason to break an oath. you should adjust your message.

    • @hohenheimvsama6290
      @hohenheimvsama6290 Месяц назад +2

      Big difference between a selfish money maker and a selfless humanitarian.

  • @blueraccoon1088
    @blueraccoon1088 2 года назад +1

    I've heard a representative of this in transformers rescue bots academy medix would help anyone regardless the alliance they are in

  • @johnnysun6495
    @johnnysun6495 3 года назад +6

    I will share the privacy of my patients, for their problems are of course disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with clumsiness in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, I will not do it. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with absolutely no humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must make god mad.

  • @sannimcable
    @sannimcable 3 года назад +5

    Doctors should Abide by this always

  • @cyanideOwO
    @cyanideOwO 4 часа назад


  • @burnedbreadrice655
    @burnedbreadrice655 Год назад

    ...] then.. when the patient woke up, his SKELETON was missing and the doctor was never heard from AGAIN!
    anyway, that's how I lost my medical license....

  • @RugbyFootballer
    @RugbyFootballer 2 года назад

    It’s a joke especially the medical doctors I experienced I had in my lifetime especially being a Kaiser patient my lifetime.

  • @yaraviera4444
    @yaraviera4444 Год назад

    I saw a movie called John q. By denzel Washington. Where his son is dying because no insurance or because of his color or economy status

  • @owensmith2844
    @owensmith2844 2 года назад

    Do no harm

  • @shawnlibby675
    @shawnlibby675 Месяц назад +1

    Some of them believe in the art of death

  • @douglaspinsak1246
    @douglaspinsak1246 11 месяцев назад +5

    “and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.”
    I think administering something that causes myocarditis, strokes, blood clots, and autoimmune disorders violates this portion of the oath.

  • @SoCoolScience
    @SoCoolScience 9 месяцев назад

    "...and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody, nor will I suggest such a coarse..."
    Americas healthcare system oath
    "I will only save the wealthy, even though this is an injustice and I will administer healthy fines upon those who can not pay, setting a coarse which ends with a legal suit for which I will atrociously win."

  • @Jkstolz
    @Jkstolz 2 года назад +4

    Ivermectin works.

  • @Growingwiser550
    @Growingwiser550 2 года назад +1

    A part of the original hypocritical oath reads like this:
    I will give no deadly medicine to any one if
    asked, nor suggest any such counsel;
    and in like manner I will not give a
    woman a pessary to produce
    How far our morality has fallen. How can we excuse such depravity when people are depraved by nature.

  • @Dominucastro47
    @Dominucastro47 2 года назад


  • @Juggernaut-fg2up
    @Juggernaut-fg2up 4 года назад +10

    Oath Doesn’t mean anything! I am permanently drug injured from doctors, one who would tell the young girls at the gym my private information. I don’t trust them at all

  • @sagegelegonya6267
    @sagegelegonya6267 Год назад

    Hippocates talked of fasting first and foremost. You take an oath and dont even realize anything he spoke of.. complete ignorance for his principles.

  • @Fc3s808
    @Fc3s808 2 года назад +2

    Imagine Hippocrates being afraid of a sickness with a mortality rate of

  • @fashionluva98
    @fashionluva98 4 года назад +5

    There is a cure, malaria shot...and the willingness to distribute this antidote

  • @Phlegethon
    @Phlegethon 4 года назад +8

    Hipoocratic oath huh? Tell that to the hong kong lackey doctors and nurses that decided to go on strike instead of help the sick.