Try the storm challenge: Super storm: Druid: Jerome Glue storm: Glue: Mr Libby Snow storm: Ice Monkey: Dropsy And banana farms bcs I can't think of more storms but If u want u can do maelstrom: Sry Cappy B Try and go for round 110 Pls like so Jerome can see this :)
"Could you imagine if this content was scripted" *Flashback to that one video where the editor forgot to edit out some stuff in the scripted prank video*
@@ErosAngel OGs would know. I think he might have actually took it down and re-upload it with proper editting, don't quote me on that but I remember it was a lucky block race prank for Steve and he ask if Steve was ok before continuing with the script.
Yourself challenge: Jerome: pat fusty as a bacca dropsy: alchemist top route as hot tea vale: bomb shooter as captain blast’em Steve: Druid bottom route for his attitude Get to round 80 and you can use Benjamin and Jerome can use 2 farms.
The 5 hour challenge - Druid (top route) - Druid (top route) - Druid (top route) - Druid (top route) You must get all four of them to tier 5 Banana farms and Benjamin are allowed Make it to wave 100
summoning challenge I really hope you see this. I would love to see this challenge Comanche defence-summons more Wizard necromancer - summons more bloons Wizard mid- summons Phoenix Sun temple- summons those helping things Farms-ONLY UP TO PLANTATION STEVE druid- top route
the money maker challenge Only towers are: Sniper monkey-middle route helicopter pilot-middle route alchemist-bottom route monkey pirate-bottom route Benjamin banana farms are allowed you can do any 2 on the other routes though but you have to follow the routes P.S. don't tell Steve about the farms
Dark Magic challenge Ezili- As the dark hero Druid- going the bottom route. Wizard Monkey- going the bottom route Alchemist- going the middle route Super monkey- going the bottom route because THE NIGHT Banana farms are allowed Beat round 100 As many towers as you want
The fortress challenge. Use monkey villages to survive. (Might need to use a tower in the beginning). Any route Farms are aloud but limited to three each. Try survive as long as u can. Good luck.
dc villains black adam- druid of the storm poison ivy- druid of the jungle brainiac - tech terror captain cold- ice monkey bottom route 2 villages 4 banana farms per person
2v2 Star Wars Challenge- Light Side- Spirit of the forest- Yoda Archmage- Obiwan Kenobi Dart Monkey- clone troopers (as many as you want) Heli Pilot and Monkey Ace- starfighter (as many as you want) XXXL Trap- It's a Trap! Dark Side- Prince of Darkness- Palpatine Avatar of Wrath- Darth Vader Poplust- Inquisitors (up to 12) Heli Pilot and Monkey Ace- starfighter Dart Monkey- Stormtroopers (as many as you want)
Wizardry and steampunk challenge: Only towers allowed are alchemist, apprentice, and engineer. You can do banana farms, but you can only go BIA route. Engineer must be placed in the middle of the map to pop purples, so plan for that. Love the vids, and I think this would be an awesome and difficult challenge.
Age of war challenge Like so they can see You are only allowed one tower per person but you are allowed one support tower and everyone must have different towers. You have to start from one primary and when you get a tier 5 sell it and place only one military tower, get it to tier 5 and then change to a magic tower Support tower for Steve: 1 Monkey village Support tower for Jerome: 1 Spike factory Support tower for Dropsy/Vale: 1 Banana farm Support tower for Blade: 1 Engineer monkey Jerome: 1 Dart monkey, to 1 Sniper, to 1 Supermonkey Steve: 1 Glue monkey, to 1 Heli pilot, to 1 Ninja Dropsy/Vale: 1 Bomb tower, to 1 Monkey Buccaneer, to 1 Alchemist/Wizard monkey Blade: 1 Boomerang monkey, (Cause he’s a boomer) to 1 Mortar monkey, to 1 Druid Keep going until you get 4 tier 5 magic towers
The Knockoff challenge Batman: the knight King kong: pat Gandalf: archmage Apache planes: apache prime Goal is to get to road 100 but as a extra challenge keep going on and get all of the towers before wave 100 banana farms are allowed and only get one of each tower. I love your amazing bloons td 6 challenges
THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR CHALLENGE 1 to 21 too choose which tower you will be using 1 to 3 for the route of that tower You can use banana farms but you have to use a number generator from 1 to 10 to see how many banana farms you can get. Also love your vids😁
The death challenge Striker jones (biker skin) Wizard (necromancer) Tack shooter(tack zone(it has a skull on it)) Glue gunner (bloon solver) You can use farms if you want And for camo purple I think undead balloons can pop them if not use villages You can have multiple necromancers Try for round 100 if it’s not possible go to 80 if you go for round 100 use 1,3,0 villages for DDT’s
The money maker challenge -Banana farm(any) -Alchemist(down route) -Sniper(middle route) -Monkey bucaneer(down route) benjamin and monkey village are allowed make it to wave 100 and survive as long you can
Heros only challenge. Everyone gets to pick their favourite hero. You are allowed banana farm and Monkey villages. Try and get to round 100. Goodluck :)
Mannequin challenge; Top route sniper, Bottom route heli and super Middle path ice, Top path bomb, Top path mortar And top + bottom route tack shooter for good damage. Up to 3 farms a person/ 12 farms total, And villages if you want. Beat round 150 Please like so Jerome can see P.S. I don’t care who is which tower.
the one route tower challenge jeromeasf: any tower you want but of course THE NIGHT is recommended bladehell: same for jerome but THE MORNING is recommended dropsy: the druid cause its the cutest tower and she seems like she likes cute things captain blastem: the only tower for the captain is the BLASTEM towers so i recommend the bomb tower RULES: you each have to choose one tower you can put as many down as you want but you can only upgrade the tower to one route 3 farms each still the one route each got to go each way GOAL: beat round 100
2 vs. 2 the KNIGHT vs the MORNING The Knight: The legend of the KNIGHT and the monkey ace for the batwing (top route or bottom route) and the heli pilot for the batcopter(top route) The Morning: Adora(you can sacrifice) and Super monkey (top route) (You can sacrifice other towers , just try to have them to do the least damage possible) Everyone in the challenge can use banana farms and villages
Money challenge Jerome: sniper monkey middle route Steve: helipilot middle route (you can collect more lives) Vale: banana farm any route Dropsy: druid monkey jungle bounty route (I forgot Wich route it is. and also you use this tower for vale
The disappearing challenge: use monkeys that would make stuff disappear, regardless of the pop count/requirement (like so Jerome can see) Engineer monkey: XXXL trap Obyn greenfoot: wall of trees Legend of the night: portal at the end Pat fusty: big squeeze Farms are allowed, but only 2 farms per person, so chose wisely what you would buy, and no Benjamin. Get to round 105: good luck!
superhero challenge Jerome : super monkey as batman Dropsy : archmage as shazam Blade : laser blasters as superman Steven libby : pat fusty as hulk also please play fly or die like so jerry sees and like then subscribe to JeromeASF
the Moab challenge pat fusty pirate-middle route sniper-top route bomb shooter-middle route and your aloud banana fram -one bottom route and three top route good job on your video's keep it up Jerome
The godzilla challenge Godzilla total transformation Everyone with churchill 1 flying fortress and have as many operation dart storms as you want Banna farms top route are allowed.
The morning vs the evening vs the night 2v2v2challenge The morning is the top route of super monkey P1:blade P2:cappy b The evening I the middle route of the super monkey P1:steven P2:random The night is the bottom route of the super monkey P1:Jerome P2:dropsy Ps u can use banana farm and villages and 2 cash drop is allowed
Town of Salem theme Juggernaut- Pat Fusty Necromancer- Wizard Bottom route Poisoner- Alchemist top route PM- Alchemist (not full top route) Arsonist- Gwendolin or Tack shooter top route Plauguebearer- Glue gunner middle route Vigilante- Quincey or crossbow master Trapper- Engineer Bottom route Werewolf- Druid Bottom route Pestilence- True Sun God (lol) Round 100 Farms + Benjamin allowed
Slow&stop challenge Jerome-Glue gunner-bottom route Captain Blastem-Bomb tower-top route Steve (cuz why not?)-ice tower-any route ofc Dropsy-Mortar monkey-top route Up to 90-100 U can use benjamin (the other three) U can use monkey village And jerome be banker with banana farm And this is different from this challenge cuz this is slow&stop Thats knockback
Godboosted Challenge: Either top route spike factory or tack zone ( only 1 of either factory or tack ) boosted by 4 engineers, permanent brew, homeland defense and energizing totem
camo lead challenge(monkeys that can hit camo leads within the first 2 upgrades on 2 routes): - Jerome: Super monkey, bottom and top routes - Wizard Monkey, center and bottom routes - Monkey Buccaneer, center and bottom routes - Sniper Monkey, top and center routes - make it to round 100
Money challenge: Any one: monkey buccaneer bottom rout Also anyone: monkey farms (only 2 allowed) Another person: Druid middle rout The last person sniper middle rout (If too har dean use villages) Get to round 80
Magic challenge Jerome as the super monkey. Dropsy as the wizard monkey. Steve as the druid monkey . Captain blastem as the ninja monkey. Try to make it to round 80 One banana farm each You can all use alchemist to the top row
2v2 military vs navy navy: any route of the sub monkey buccaneer - airfield military: striker jones captain churchill elite defender apache prime 1 village per player each person allowed 2 banana farms but you can have just one person with 4 banana farms to make it fair if you want to only use one hero
I hope you try this or at least see this Fairy tail challenge (sorry it's an anime) Towers you can use: Natsu-wizard mid route Zeref- wizard bottom route Gray-ice monkey any route Elfman- pat fusty Mira jane- alcamest mid route Happy- that one cat hero person Laxus- druid stop at lightning Warren- village You can use Benjamin or monkey wallsreet
nick name Challenge jerome=pat fusty for boca captainblastem=bomb tower for blast stemusic=wizard lord phoenix for libby machine plus summon phoenix blade= captain churchill for his grumpy mood sometimes
Minecraft challenge Skeleton: Quincy Enderman: legend of the night Enderdragon:Flying Fortress Tree: banana farm Get all tier 5 by round 100 Benjamin allowed as notch/an admin
the boomboomballs challange four players use the spike factory top route and see how far they can get upgrade spike factory 5-2-0 everybody can have two 4-2-0 banana farms please like my comment, so we can see more boomboomballs...
The BIG STORM -Druid super storm (top path) -glue Gunner glue storm (middle path) -spike factory spike storm (middle path) -monkey ace operation dartstorm (top path) -ice monkey snow storm (middle path) Can use banana farms and 3rd tier village try to get all tier 5s Goal:round 100
You should do the dart challenge You get the idea use every one that uses darts or nails or tacks but they have to use tacks or nails or darts the whole game
Laser TAG challenge Heli Apache prime (top route) Engineer sentry patregon (top route) Super monkey Sun God (top route) You can use banana farms and anything else with LASERS - I just remembered there is something called the Anti Bloon so every one can place down 1 tech terror unless if you are the person who owns the Anti Bloon the you can put down 5 -banana farms are allowed but only top route and a monkey city is allowed - and every person can put down 3 plasma monkeys Try to make it to round 135 good luck
The ability challenge Jerome-all standard ability routes Blade-all military ability routes Steve- all magic ability routes Droopsy-all support ability routes Wave 110 Benjiman allowed
Long range challenge Ninja-bottom route (throws bombs over the map) Boomerang-bottom route (their 5 throws to the start) Sniper - any ( if you don’t know why... ...get gud) Monkey ace - bottom route (spectre and tier 5 can shoot any where) Since it may be hard you can all get banainai farms I really likey your vids plz do this challenge
2 vs 2 vs 2 challange Dropsy and matt gets the top route Steve and blade gets the middle route And Jerome and vale gets the bottom route You can use any tower Whoever lasts longer wins,banana farms and Benjamin is allowed,but no other heroes
One of a kind Challenge : Glue gunner (only primary can't attack 000 Monkey Buccaneer : Only military can't attack everywhere Ninja monkey : Only magic can attack purples all paths Banana Farms : Only primary can't attack somehow
3 vs 3 Dark vs Light challenge Team Dark: Jerome = The Knight Dropsy = Pirate Lord Sundee = Necromancer Team Light: Steve = True Sun God Vale = Adora Tewity = Super Storm Ben+Farms allowed Like if u want Jerome to see this
I have a challenge that is a little different than most challenges. I hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------ The Stay Clean Challenge! ------------------------------------------------ The challenge is really simple. Here is who you can use. Gwendolin with the scientist skin, working on cures to viruses and bacteria. Alchemist as Permanent Brew, assisting Gwendoling with creating cures. Engineer monkey going middle route using cleansing foam to clean the surfaces. and The monkey sub going top route as Energizer to eliminate diseases. Gwendolin and the Alchemist have to be placed next to each other so they can work on the cure! The person running the engineer monkey must have at least 5 cleansing foams! The engineer is allowed to upgrade to Ultraboost! Farms are allowed, but you have to upgrade the bottom route to prevent the spread of diseases through the bananas! Try and make it to round 100 but if you cant, make it to 80. Have fun, and like so Jerome can see!
The Hybrid v2. challenge. Monkey village. Sniper Buccaneers. Helicopter. Basically, these towers can make money, hit camouflage, and hit all types of balloons. Only 1 farm in total bottom route. Second possible challenge. The Line. First, the front line. Ninja, tack shooter, bomb, alchemist monkey. Middle line. Helicopter, aces, buccaneers, engineers. Last line. Spike factory, druids, wizards, boomerang. The support. Farms, villages, top path subs, shimmer. These are the options for the roles.
Teenage mutant ninja turtles challenge: Master splinter - grandmaster ninja Shredder - glaive lord Krang - the anti-bloon Baxter stalkman - total transformation Each allowed 1 tier 4 crossbow monkey as 1 of the ninja turtles each Try to get to round 100 Farms are up to you 10th day as asking
Extra UNIT Challenge: Super-Monkey Fan club Engineer Sentry Paragon Helicopter Special Poperations Buccaneer Aircraft Carrier Farms: Yes Multiple Towers: Yes Villages: Yes Bend Rules (if needed): I guess so Play to 100 These are all towers that spawn other towers (except for the super monkey fan club). Does anyone have suggestions of other towers?
you guys should do the mony challange each 1 mil money dropsy-heli pilot mudle rout stive-sniper monkey midle rout yale-druid midle rout jarome-banana farms village midle rout allowd and benjamins alowed
2 challenges: 1) Money challenge *Each person cannot have more than 10 farms while one person can have unlimited amounts of farms *You only go to round 100 2) High round challenge *No rules or restrictions unless you’d like to add some, easy difficulty, just go as high as possible. Maybe a livestream or multi part series
Space challenge Astronaut-anti balloon Black hole-THE NIGHT has to be Jerome Space shuttle-monkey ace any route Sun-adora Plants they are bringing into space- banana farm Must pass round 100 go as far as you like from there
OG VS Newer towers 2v2 OG team: dart monkey, super monkey (only tier 4), bomb tower, Newer towers: engineer monkeys heli pilot, and monkey ace Rules for OG TEAM: only 5 dart monkeys (teir 4 only bottom and top route) super monkey (only teir 4 top and bottom route) bomb tower (can go to tier 5 and only bottom and top route) Rules for newer tower: engineer monkey (aloud to go to tier 5) heli pilot (only tier 4) monkey ace (only tier 4) Goal: Round 100 but can go farther Farms and villages (camo detection only) (only 4 farms for each team)
The Bacca challenge: Chewbacca himself : Dart monkey (top route ONLY 1) Other Baccas : Alchemist (middle route - you can have as many as you want) Han solo: Sniper (top route ONLY 1) The Bacca planet: Banana plantation (2 to the top 2 to the middle - You can have as many as you want)
Goggles Challenge - glue all routes - sniper mid route - alchemist all routes - engineer top route May use farms but only the bottom route Villages are allowed since its impossible w/out
Fastest Tack shooter challenge Tack shooter- going full bottom Alchemist- Going full top route Engineer- going full middle Monkey Village- One going top one going mid (For DDT's and leads and camos) Farms- Only banks (just three mid and two top) Try to get to round 101
Air only challenge Jerome- monkey ace Matt- helicopter Dropsy- druid top route Captain Blastem- wizard monkey middle route Everyone can have banana farms going top and bottom route.
Minecraft challenge Village bottom route any one can use this=Minecraft village Farm= wheat farm any one can use this one also Bomb tower any route=creeper Plane top route=phantom Alchemist top route= witch Boomerang any route=skeleton
Steve challenge JEROME- dark Steve-The knight Someone- light Steve-adora Someone- origin Steve- dart monkey middle route Someone- town of Steve- monkey village bottom route. Round 100, you can use farms, use energizing totem
The Rage Challenge: Druid (Bottom route) Pat Fusty Super Monkey(Middle route) Alchemist (Middle route) Banana farms are allowed Monkey villages are allowed Go as far as you can
Time consuming challenge: Glue gunner: Full bottom rotue Druid: Full top rotue Heli Pilot: Full middle rotue Super monkey: Knockback with any rotue you want And farms and monkey villages are allowed
The rage vs zen challenge Blade and steve are rage(for obvious reasons) And jerome matt or dropsy on the zen team Rage team get anti bloon monky (the robo monky in the middle 5th tier) And druid of wrath. When you get thess guys you can add 3 more of the same rout The zen team get druid nature of the forist (middle route) And the KNIGHT because he is batman, batmzn is always calm You also can get 3 more after you get all 5th tiers You can get 3 banana farms per person Difficulty normal and you have to got to 100 and if you can which you should be got to wave 120!!!! If you cant welp no hard feelings. good luck
Worker challenge Dropsy (banks) Jerome (nail gunner)Bottom path Sitemussic88 (monkey ace)bottom path captainblaste (dart monkey)Top path. I picked these because flying fortress is a plane,Nail gunner is the constuction worker,banks is a bank worker and dart monkey is a wrecking ball.
one shot towers vs weakness towers Team 1 (one shot) (go 200) Jerome-top route sniper Cabby B-bomb shooter middle route Tewtey-alchemist bottom route Dropsy-engineer bottom route Team two (weakness)(go 100) Blade-ice monkey(middle path banned) Steve-wizard(bottom path banned) Matt-engineer(middle path banned) Saber-tack shooter(top path banned) team 1 is allowed monkey villages,Benjamin and farms But team 2 is allowed the same stuff except monkey villages(have fun👍)
Challenge idea physics fun THE NIGHT = black hole Absolute zero ice monkey = the zeroth law of thermo dynamics Adora = special relativity The top route of dart monkey = brownian motion Rules: You can use farms You can use villages 0-3-0 May use multiple dart monkeys You may use one cash drop but all the money goes to the first farm Goal: as far as possible since this is about science and experimentation
emoji challenge - Jerome needs to have a simple challenge but he can only talk to the others with emojis and they must complete the challenge with the right towers and routes by the end
11:54 Dropsy says " Oh why didnt you get IFR dropsy" IM DEAD😆😆
Pat clusty
Pat crusty
@@privatepybr0 PAT CRUSTY!!!!! PAT PAT PAT PAT
No it is not there it’s about end at as soon as 12:00 starts
Try the storm challenge:
Super storm: Druid: Jerome
Glue storm: Glue: Mr Libby
Snow storm: Ice Monkey: Dropsy
And banana farms bcs I can't think of more storms but If u want u can do maelstrom: Sry Cappy B
Try and go for round 110
Pls like so Jerome can see this :)
Spike Storm?
Bomb rain=mortar mid route
Wizard, tornado route
PentoTheMomento this game dosn’t have tornado anymore
Tornado is on Druid now
"Could you imagine if this content was scripted"
*Flashback to that one video where the editor forgot to edit out some stuff in the scripted prank video*
Which one?
@@ErosAngel OGs would know. I think he might have actually took it down and re-upload it with proper editting, don't quote me on that but I remember it was a lucky block race prank for Steve and he ask if Steve was ok before continuing with the script.
Do you have the link?
John Saitramвидео.html this one is fixed so you won’t see the mistake
@@johnsaitram7861 What Corrupted Devil sent you is the right video. Although the video was fixed, some of the comment remembered the "incident".
Yourself challenge:
Jerome: pat fusty as a bacca
dropsy: alchemist top route as hot tea
vale: bomb shooter as captain blast’em
Steve: Druid bottom route for his attitude
Get to round 80 and you can use Benjamin and Jerome can use 2 farms.
Reece McMartin it’s Baka
Haha haha Steve
Reece McMartin yes
-random anime character, 20??
And it’s baka
Jerome I love it when you say THE KNIGHT it got me to round 100
It got me to round 5000
What about the teir 10 dark legend fusion mod
Did you know that if you place every tier 5 Tower and get to190 it just crashes on mobile
Steven: my cat is scared of my dads slippers
Me:buy your dad new slippers and put the old ones on your router
Golem Guy yes bro
I think Jerome's dad has something to tell him giving him dad slippers
True true
libby chalenge do it pls libby chooses everything but you guys must do four top route druids in the front and make it pass round 110
The Blox Master, wut?
weird but cool
Plus u would need a village
@@crissplayzgames2763 ye
The 5 hour challenge
- Druid (top route)
- Druid (top route)
- Druid (top route)
- Druid (top route)
You must get all four of them to tier 5
Banana farms and Benjamin are allowed
Make it to wave 100
That's Torture.
all of them should be in the front
Village needs to be included
Connor daca u should make the goal like 76 bc that is a giant regrow farm round
summoning challenge
I really hope you see this.
I would love to see this challenge
Comanche defence-summons more
Wizard necromancer - summons more bloons
Wizard mid- summons Phoenix
Sun temple- summons those helping things
druid- top route
the sun temple has little sun avatars
@Tropical Dragon it's just something Libby has to understand
@@rexxie6486 I couldn't remember what they were called
@@alexgalati5680 your welcome i looked in the game I'm rank 49
@Alex Galati what round tho
the money maker challenge
Only towers are:
Sniper monkey-middle route
helicopter pilot-middle route
alchemist-bottom route
monkey pirate-bottom route
banana farms are allowed
you can do any 2 on the other routes though but you have to follow the routes
P.S. don't tell Steve about the farms
they already did a challenge like this
Delx Clips BMA makes you lose money
Delx Clips they have already done this
they already did a challenge like this and you didn't say what round to get to
Delx Clips they did that a while back
The favorite tower challenge:
You all pick your favorite towers and try together to wave 150
I know what Jerome is picking
We ALL know what Jerome is picking
willi4m127 I see you are a KNIGHT of culture
That means they are probaly going to go to round 200 because jerome the night!
Dark Magic challenge Ezili- As the dark hero Druid- going the bottom route. Wizard Monkey- going the bottom route
Alchemist- going the middle route
Super monkey- going the bottom route because THE NIGHT
Banana farms are allowed
Beat round 100
As many towers as you want
The fortress challenge.
Use monkey villages to survive. (Might need to use a tower in the beginning).
Any route
Farms are aloud but limited to three each.
Try survive as long as u can.
Good luck.
How would this work? The monkey village cant pop balloons, so they would need to put more than just one tower.
dc villains
black adam- druid of the storm
poison ivy- druid of the jungle
brainiac - tech terror
captain cold- ice monkey bottom route
2 villages
4 banana farms per person
I don’t even know any of these villains but probably only 2 banana farms per person just so it is harder
Alicia Kirwan i get brainiac and black adam but how do u not know captain cold
Alpha 0210 I like this one i might do it my self
unearthed_rage thx
They did this already
What Up Love These Vids
2v2 Star Wars Challenge-
Light Side-
Spirit of the forest- Yoda
Archmage- Obiwan Kenobi
Dart Monkey- clone troopers (as many as you want)
Heli Pilot and Monkey Ace- starfighter (as many as you want)
XXXL Trap- It's a Trap!
Dark Side-
Prince of Darkness- Palpatine
Avatar of Wrath- Darth Vader
Poplust- Inquisitors (up to 12)
Heli Pilot and Monkey Ace- starfighter
Dart Monkey- Stormtroopers (as many as you want)
Wizardry and steampunk challenge:
Only towers allowed are alchemist, apprentice, and engineer.
You can do banana farms, but you can only go BIA route.
Engineer must be placed in the middle of the map to pop purples, so plan for that.
Love the vids, and I think this would be an awesome and difficult challenge.
Age of war challenge
Like so they can see
You are only allowed one tower per person but you are allowed one support tower and everyone must have different towers.
You have to start from one primary and when you get a tier 5 sell it and place only one military tower, get it to tier 5 and then change to a magic tower
Support tower for Steve: 1 Monkey village
Support tower for Jerome: 1 Spike factory
Support tower for Dropsy/Vale: 1 Banana farm
Support tower for Blade: 1 Engineer monkey
Jerome: 1 Dart monkey, to 1 Sniper, to 1 Supermonkey
Steve: 1 Glue monkey, to 1 Heli pilot, to 1 Ninja
Dropsy/Vale: 1 Bomb tower, to 1 Monkey Buccaneer, to 1 Alchemist/Wizard monkey
Blade: 1 Boomerang monkey, (Cause he’s a boomer) to 1 Mortar monkey, to 1 Druid
Keep going until you get 4 tier 5 magic towers
The Knockoff challenge
Batman: the knight
King kong: pat
Gandalf: archmage
Apache planes: apache prime
Goal is to get to road 100 but as a extra challenge keep going on and get all of the towers before wave 100 banana farms are allowed and only get one of each tower. I love your amazing bloons td 6 challenges
1 to 21 too choose which tower you will be using
1 to 3 for the route of that tower
You can use banana farms but you have to use a number generator from 1 to 10 to see how many banana farms you can get.
Also love your vids😁
The death challenge
Striker jones (biker skin)
Wizard (necromancer)
Tack shooter(tack zone(it has a skull on it))
Glue gunner (bloon solver)
You can use farms if you want
And for camo purple I think undead balloons can pop them if not use villages
You can have multiple necromancers
Try for round 100 if it’s not possible go to 80 if you go for round 100 use 1,3,0 villages for DDT’s
The money maker challenge
-Banana farm(any)
-Alchemist(down route)
-Sniper(middle route)
-Monkey bucaneer(down route)
benjamin and monkey village are allowed
make it to wave 100 and survive as long you can
Heros only challenge.
Everyone gets to pick their favourite hero.
You are allowed banana farm and Monkey villages.
Try and get to round 100.
Goodluck :)
Mannequin challenge;
Top route sniper,
Bottom route heli and super
Middle path ice,
Top path bomb,
Top path mortar
And top + bottom route tack shooter for good damage.
Up to 3 farms a person/ 12 farms total,
And villages if you want.
Beat round 150
Please like so Jerome can see
P.S. I don’t care who is which tower.
the one route tower challenge
jeromeasf: any tower you want but of course THE NIGHT is recommended
bladehell: same for jerome but THE MORNING is recommended
dropsy: the druid cause its the cutest tower and she seems like she likes cute things
captain blastem: the only tower for the captain is the BLASTEM towers so i recommend the bomb tower
RULES: you each have to choose one tower you can put as many down as you want but you can only upgrade the tower to one route
3 farms each still the one route each got to go each way
GOAL: beat round 100
stream creek for blade it says Jerome so if you want to fix it your welcome
What about Steve
@@brksaj steve just sts there and squeezes his llama in the backround
2 vs. 2 the KNIGHT vs the MORNING
The Knight:
The legend of the KNIGHT and the monkey ace for the batwing (top route or bottom route) and the heli pilot for the batcopter(top route)
The Morning:
Adora(you can sacrifice)
Super monkey (top route)
(You can sacrifice other towers , just try to have them to do the least damage possible)
Everyone in the challenge can use banana farms and villages
Money challenge
Jerome: sniper monkey middle route
Steve: helipilot middle route (you can collect more lives)
Vale: banana farm any route
Dropsy: druid monkey jungle bounty route (I forgot Wich route it is. and also you use this tower for vale
It is middle route
0 4 0
The disappearing challenge: use monkeys that would make stuff disappear, regardless of the pop count/requirement (like so Jerome can see)
Engineer monkey: XXXL trap
Obyn greenfoot: wall of trees
Legend of the night: portal at the end
Pat fusty: big squeeze
Farms are allowed, but only 2 farms per person, so chose wisely what you would buy, and no Benjamin.
Get to round 105: good luck!
Cool challenge
Hope Jerome do it
Yeh I know right
superhero challenge
Jerome : super monkey as batman
Dropsy : archmage as shazam
Blade : laser blasters as superman
Steven libby : pat fusty as hulk
also please play fly or die
like so jerry sees
and like then subscribe to JeromeASF
gamepod they did the night super hero challenge and pat as the hulk
@@prek5821 I known but i don't care
the Moab challenge
pat fusty
pirate-middle route
sniper-top route
bomb shooter-middle route
and your aloud banana fram
-one bottom route and three top route
good job on your video's keep it up Jerome
I was waiting the entire time for Jerome to shout “The Night!”
Summoner Challenge:
Wizard Lord Phoenix: Dropsy
Sentry Paragon: Blade
Prince of Darkness: Jerome
Comanche Commander: Captain Blastem
The godzilla challenge
Godzilla total transformation
Everyone with churchill
1 flying fortress and have as many operation dart storms as you want
Banna farms top route are allowed.
The morning vs the evening vs the night 2v2v2challenge
The morning is the top route of super monkey
P2:cappy b
The evening I the middle route of the super monkey
The night is the bottom route of the super monkey
Ps u can use banana farm and villages and 2 cash drop is allowed
Town of Salem theme
Juggernaut- Pat Fusty
Necromancer- Wizard Bottom route
Poisoner- Alchemist top route
PM- Alchemist (not full top route)
Arsonist- Gwendolin or Tack shooter top route
Plauguebearer- Glue gunner middle route
Vigilante- Quincey or crossbow master
Trapper- Engineer Bottom route
Werewolf- Druid Bottom route
Pestilence- True Sun God (lol)
Round 100
Farms + Benjamin allowed
Plz do
Juggernaut, Pat Futsy
Werewolf, Druid bottom route.
@@oneandonlytonic I can see it
Slow&stop challenge
Jerome-Glue gunner-bottom route
Captain Blastem-Bomb tower-top route
Steve (cuz why not?)-ice tower-any route ofc
Dropsy-Mortar monkey-top route
Up to 90-100
U can use benjamin (the other three)
U can use monkey village
And jerome be banker with banana farm
And this is different from this challenge cuz this is slow&stop
Thats knockback
Godboosted Challenge:
Either top route spike factory or tack zone ( only 1 of either factory or tack ) boosted by 4 engineers, permanent brew, homeland defense and energizing totem
That's too easy then this is a slightly harder challenge
camo lead challenge(monkeys that can hit camo leads within the first 2 upgrades on 2 routes):
- Jerome: Super monkey, bottom and top routes
- Wizard Monkey, center and bottom routes
- Monkey Buccaneer, center and bottom routes
- Sniper Monkey, top and center routes
- make it to round 100
Money challenge:
Any one: monkey buccaneer bottom rout
Also anyone: monkey farms (only 2 allowed)
Another person: Druid middle rout
The last person sniper middle rout
(If too har dean use villages)
Get to round 80
BOOM challege:
Jerome: Cannon tower :all 3 routes (teir 5)
Dropsy: Monky buccaneer :middle route cannon ship (teir 3)
Vale: Monky ace :middle route and bottom route (teir 5)
Steve: Monky heli :top route apache prime (teir 5)
Farms aloud
Jerome: that was my sprinkler
Me seeing him do it oh really
Magic challenge
Jerome as the super monkey. Dropsy as the wizard monkey. Steve as the druid monkey . Captain blastem as the ninja monkey.
Try to make it to round 80
One banana farm each
You can all use alchemist to the top row
2v2 military vs navy
any route of the sub
monkey buccaneer - airfield
striker jones
captain churchill
elite defender
apache prime
1 village per player
each person allowed 2 banana farms but you can have just one person with 4 banana farms
to make it fair if you want to only use one hero
military has the advantage
Alexandru Burlea not that many navy related towers
@@Alpha0210 true but maybe get rid of the heroes to make it a little more fair
They already did this challenge though
Sorry I was this thinking of the navy vs pirates challenge they did
I hope you try this or at least see this
Fairy tail challenge
(sorry it's an anime)
Towers you can use:
Natsu-wizard mid route
Zeref- wizard bottom route
Gray-ice monkey any route
Elfman- pat fusty
Mira jane- alcamest mid route
Happy- that one cat hero person
Laxus- druid stop at lightning
Warren- village
You can use Benjamin or monkey wallsreet
I know a challenge, win with Steve being the banker
nick name Challenge
jerome=pat fusty for boca
captainblastem=bomb tower for blast
stemusic=wizard lord phoenix for libby machine plus summon phoenix
blade= captain churchill for his grumpy mood sometimes
Minecraft challenge
Skeleton: Quincy
Enderman: legend of the night
Enderdragon:Flying Fortress
Tree: banana farm
Get all tier 5 by round 100
Benjamin allowed as notch/an admin
Elemental challenge:
Super Storm: Dropsy (Lightning)
Snow Storm: Blade (Ice)
Wizard Lord Phoenix: Jerome (Fire)
Prince of Darkness: Captain Blastem (Darkness)
the boomboomballs challange
four players use the spike factory top route and see how far they can get
upgrade spike factory 5-2-0
everybody can have two 4-2-0 banana farms
please like my comment, so we can see more boomboomballs...
The mini clone challenge
Everyone gets a
Helicopter locked in place out of range
Can use farms , villages and boosts if you want to
Please do the hero only challenge
Farms allowed for level up
Easy mode
And tech bots too
Also villages
Anyone they choose
-Druid super storm (top path)
-glue Gunner glue storm (middle path)
-spike factory spike storm (middle path)
-monkey ace operation dartstorm (top path)
-ice monkey snow storm (middle path)
Can use banana farms and 3rd tier village try to get all tier 5s
Goal:round 100
You should do the dart challenge
You get the idea use every one that uses darts or nails or tacks but they have to use tacks or nails or darts the whole game
Air Strike Challenge:
Aircraft Carrier: Captain Blastem
Flying Fortress: Jerome
Sky Shredder: Dropsy
Tsar Bomba: Blade
Wave 100+
Does anyone have the link to the shell shock video where Ryan/Tewity wouldn’t stop making noises? Plz I need this in my life
Adam Ferris i was wondering that t
Laser TAG challenge
Heli Apache prime (top route)
Engineer sentry patregon (top route)
Super monkey Sun God (top route)
You can use banana farms and anything else with LASERS
- I just remembered there is something called the Anti Bloon so every one can place down 1 tech terror unless if you are the person who owns the Anti Bloon the you can put down 5
-banana farms are allowed but only top route and a monkey city is allowed
- and every person can put down 3 plasma monkeys
Try to make it to round 135 good luck
The ability challenge
Jerome-all standard ability routes
Blade-all military ability routes
Steve- all magic ability routes
Droopsy-all support ability routes
Wave 110
Benjiman allowed
Long range challenge
Ninja-bottom route (throws bombs over the map)
Boomerang-bottom route (their 5 throws to the start)
Sniper - any ( if you don’t know why...
...get gud)
Monkey ace - bottom route (spectre and tier 5 can shoot any where)
Since it may be hard you can all get banainai farms I really likey your vids plz do this challenge
This is my pet vale dont feed him at midnight
Vale: DoNt FEed mE AftEr MidNIght
2 vs 2 vs 2 challange
Dropsy and matt gets the top route
Steve and blade gets the middle route
And Jerome and vale gets the bottom route
You can use any tower
Whoever lasts longer wins,banana farms and Benjamin is allowed,but no other heroes
Me: **sees the tittle**
@Bob Moles blame autocorrect
It was right until autocorrect changed it
One of a kind Challenge :
Glue gunner (only primary can't attack 000
Monkey Buccaneer : Only military can't attack everywhere
Ninja monkey : Only magic can attack purples all paths
Banana Farms : Only primary can't attack somehow
3 vs 3 Dark vs Light challenge
Team Dark:
Jerome = The Knight
Dropsy = Pirate Lord
Sundee = Necromancer
Team Light:
Steve = True Sun God
Vale = Adora
Tewity = Super Storm
Ben+Farms allowed
Like if u want Jerome to see this
I have a challenge that is a little different than most challenges. I hope you enjoy!
The Stay Clean Challenge!
The challenge is really simple. Here is who you can use.
Gwendolin with the scientist skin, working on cures to viruses and bacteria.
Alchemist as Permanent Brew, assisting Gwendoling with creating cures.
Engineer monkey going middle route using cleansing foam to clean the surfaces.
and The monkey sub going top route as Energizer to eliminate diseases.
Gwendolin and the Alchemist have to be placed next to each other so they can work on the cure!
The person running the engineer monkey must have at least 5 cleansing foams!
The engineer is allowed to upgrade to Ultraboost!
Farms are allowed, but you have to upgrade the bottom route to prevent the spread of diseases through the bananas!
Try and make it to round 100 but if you cant, make it to 80.
Have fun, and like so Jerome can see!
I like how jerome said views instead of likes then it just cuts a everyone just ignores it when they cut back
The Hybrid v2. challenge.
Monkey village.
Basically, these towers can make money, hit camouflage, and hit all types of balloons.
Only 1 farm in total bottom route.
Second possible challenge.
The Line.
First, the front line.
Ninja, tack shooter, bomb, alchemist monkey.
Middle line.
Helicopter, aces, buccaneers, engineers.
Last line.
Spike factory, druids, wizards, boomerang.
The support.
Farms, villages, top path subs, shimmer.
These are the options for the roles.
Anyone else notice about how much he blinks in the intro
Stop challenge:
Mortor monky top route / the ninja bottom route
Bomb tower top route
Ice monkey middle route or bottom route
Glue gunner bottom route
Teenage mutant ninja turtles challenge:
Master splinter - grandmaster ninja
Shredder - glaive lord
Krang - the anti-bloon
Baxter stalkman - total transformation
Each allowed 1 tier 4 crossbow monkey as 1 of the ninja turtles each
Try to get to round 100
Farms are up to you
10th day as asking
Extra UNIT Challenge:
Super-Monkey Fan club
Engineer Sentry Paragon
Helicopter Special Poperations
Buccaneer Aircraft Carrier
Farms: Yes
Multiple Towers: Yes
Villages: Yes
Bend Rules (if needed): I guess so
Play to 100
These are all towers that spawn other towers (except for the super monkey fan club). Does anyone have suggestions of other towers?
Commache commander
Pascale Harris I’ve added others in future comments
you guys should do the mony challange
each 1 mil money
dropsy-heli pilot mudle rout
stive-sniper monkey midle rout
yale-druid midle rout
jarome-banana farms
village midle rout allowd
and benjamins alowed
2 challenges:
1) Money challenge
*Each person cannot have more than 10 farms while one person can have unlimited amounts of farms
*You only go to round 100
2) High round challenge
*No rules or restrictions unless you’d like to add some, easy difficulty, just go as high as possible. Maybe a livestream or multi part series
When did you start RUclips videos Jerome
good question
Probably 2010 somewhere there
Space challenge
Astronaut-anti balloon
Black hole-THE NIGHT has to be Jerome
Space shuttle-monkey ace any route
Plants they are bringing into space- banana farm
Must pass round 100 go as far as you like from there
The uno reverse challenge
Any towers to use?
“It’s a reverse robbery, TAKE MY MONEY”
“Oh, uh okay.”
2 views 17 coments😂😂
OG VS Newer towers 2v2
OG team: dart monkey, super monkey (only tier 4), bomb tower,
Newer towers: engineer monkeys heli pilot, and monkey ace
Rules for OG TEAM: only 5 dart monkeys (teir 4 only bottom and top route) super monkey (only teir 4 top and bottom route) bomb tower (can go to tier 5 and only bottom and top route)
Rules for newer tower: engineer monkey (aloud to go to tier 5) heli pilot (only tier 4) monkey ace (only tier 4)
Goal: Round 100 but can go farther
Farms and villages (camo detection only) (only 4 farms for each team)
top 50 first likes
The Bacca challenge:
Chewbacca himself : Dart monkey (top route ONLY 1)
Other Baccas : Alchemist (middle route - you can have as many as you want)
Han solo: Sniper (top route ONLY 1)
The Bacca planet: Banana plantation (2 to the top 2 to the middle - You can have as many as you want)
yousof issa
I am fast and old
Goggles Challenge
- glue all routes
- sniper mid route
- alchemist all routes
- engineer top route
May use farms but only the bottom route
Villages are allowed since its impossible w/out
Fastest Tack shooter challenge
Tack shooter- going full bottom
Alchemist- Going full top route
Engineer- going full middle
Monkey Village- One going top one going mid (For DDT's and leads and camos)
Farms- Only banks (just three mid and two top)
Try to get to round 101
Jerome: I think the fire is still goin'!
Ceramic and Purple rush: I'm about to end this man's whole career.
Air only challenge
Jerome- monkey ace
Matt- helicopter
Dropsy- druid top route
Captain Blastem- wizard monkey middle route
Everyone can have banana farms going top and bottom route.
Minecraft challenge
Village bottom route any one can use this=Minecraft village
Farm= wheat farm any one can use this one also
Bomb tower any route=creeper
Plane top route=phantom
Alchemist top route= witch
Boomerang any route=skeleton
Steve challenge
JEROME- dark Steve-The knight
Someone- light Steve-adora
Someone- origin Steve- dart monkey middle route
Someone- town of Steve- monkey village bottom route.
Round 100, you can use farms, use energizing totem
The Rage Challenge:
Druid (Bottom route)
Pat Fusty
Super Monkey(Middle route)
Alchemist (Middle route)
Banana farms are allowed
Monkey villages are allowed
Go as far as you can
Time consuming challenge:
Glue gunner: Full bottom rotue
Druid: Full top rotue
Heli Pilot: Full middle rotue
Super monkey: Knockback with any rotue you want
And farms and monkey villages are allowed
The rage vs zen challenge
Blade and steve are rage(for obvious reasons)
And jerome matt or dropsy on the zen team
Rage team get anti bloon monky (the robo monky in the middle 5th tier)
And druid of wrath. When you get thess guys you can add 3 more of the same rout
The zen team get druid nature of the forist (middle route)
And the KNIGHT because he is batman, batmzn is always calm
You also can get 3 more after you get all 5th tiers
You can get 3 banana farms per person
Difficulty normal and you have to got to 100 and if you can which you should be got to wave 120!!!!
If you cant welp no hard feelings.
good luck
Cyborg challenge:
Player1: boomerang monkey middle route.
Player2 : super monkey middle route.
Engineer monkey top route.
Churchill skin.
Smart challenge
M-Monkey nomics
A-apachie prime
R-radar scanner
T- the biggest one or THE KNIGHT
dartmonkey: bottom route
heli: bottom route
plane: top route
get many bananas
Future Challenge
-SuperMonkey Robo Route
-Engineer Paragon Route
-Village Homeland defense Route
-Banana Farms Top route
-Robo Quincy Skin
Worker challenge
Dropsy (banks)
Jerome (nail gunner)Bottom path
Sitemussic88 (monkey ace)bottom path
captainblaste (dart monkey)Top path.
I picked these because flying fortress is a plane,Nail gunner is the constuction worker,banks is a bank worker and dart monkey is a wrecking ball.
one shot towers vs weakness towers
1 (one shot) (go 200)
Jerome-top route sniper
Cabby B-bomb shooter middle route
Tewtey-alchemist bottom route
Dropsy-engineer bottom route
Team two (weakness)(go 100)
Blade-ice monkey(middle path banned)
Steve-wizard(bottom path banned)
Matt-engineer(middle path banned)
Saber-tack shooter(top path banned)
team 1 is allowed monkey villages,Benjamin and farms
But team 2 is allowed the same stuff except monkey villages(have fun👍)
stuning challenge
-bom tower (top route)
-sniper monkey (top route)
-ninja monkey (down route)
-mortar monkey (top route)
Challenge idea physics fun
THE NIGHT = black hole
Absolute zero ice monkey = the zeroth law of thermo dynamics
Adora = special relativity
The top route of dart monkey = brownian motion
You can use farms
You can use villages 0-3-0
May use multiple dart monkeys
You may use one cash drop but all the money goes to the first farm
Goal: as far as possible since this is about science and experimentation
The big bucks chalange
Oben greenfoot
Banana farms any root
Engineer XXL trap
Sniper monkey supply drops
emoji challenge - Jerome needs to have a simple challenge but he can only talk to the others with emojis and they must complete the challenge with the right towers and routes by the end