Annual Meeting 2023, Part 8: What Is Really Behind All the Policy and Doctrinal Changes?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 196

  • @butziporsche8646
    @butziporsche8646 7 месяцев назад +16

    Thank you Eric. Our former religion is looking more-and-more like just another part of Babylon the Great!

  • @reineresser4276
    @reineresser4276 7 месяцев назад +21

    Excellent and eye-opening analysis. Thank you Eric.

  • @ozie4779
    @ozie4779 7 месяцев назад +55

    This is the same reason why I said the next move is to at least "water down" their shunning doctrine. Various governments around the world are starting to see this behavior as inappropriate and more cult-like than christian. Their new light will be Jesus centric. Showing they should show mercy and love to all just as Jesus did. To not be so "dogmatic" about following the Hebrew scriptures. They will now use Christ's example instead. I believe the new light will allow active witnesses to speak to and have contact with disfellowshipped/disassociated family members. As long as those ex members do not try to get the current members to leave the religion. Only time will tell.

    • @aiercooledengine
      @aiercooledengine 7 месяцев назад +11

      When doing the research on the Aid To Bible Understanding now known as Insight On The Scriptures, Raymond Franz revealed the elder arrangement and the adjustment in the disfelloshiping practice that resulted in a more humane and scriptural practice in harmony with the accounts in first and second Corinthians. That scriptural adjustment was not allowed 🚫 to stand and brother Raymond Franz was pursued and subsequently disfelloshiped. Like all totalitarian organizations this cult has pursued that which is beneficial to themselves to the abandonment of the rank and file, the sheep 🐑 that should be loved in the way Jesus Christ showed. By that they have proven they are not followers of Chist.

    • @CelticGypsy-USA
      @CelticGypsy-USA 7 месяцев назад +3

      A few others have said similar. It would be a massive shock if they did this

    • @Wideawake4
      @Wideawake4 7 месяцев назад +4

      I agree. What’s crazy is the elders manual says that a person can associate with a df’d or disassociated family member OUTSIDE the household and will NOT be subject to a judicial meeting as long as it’s not spiritual association. How many witnesses know that!? I was so shocked when I read that. Very interesting that’s in their manual although they would never let it be known and they want people to think otherwise

    • @CelticGypsy-USA
      @CelticGypsy-USA 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Wideawake4 I've heard that but haven't read it. Do you know what chapter or page?

    • @thedrlfter5967
      @thedrlfter5967 7 месяцев назад +1

      I can’t say I’ve read that distinction between family members and non-family members in the cited Greek text.

  • @FirsteMann1929
    @FirsteMann1929 7 месяцев назад +42

    I'm not offended
    The parallel between the organization and the 1st century pharisees and scribes is almost exact

    • @mamajan99
      @mamajan99 7 месяцев назад +2

      "Jesus' 1st committee meeting:" Go and sin no more."

    • @Enceladus007
      @Enceladus007 7 месяцев назад

      I remember a Watchtower magazine article labelling Christendoms priests as modern day pharisees when in fact the governing body and majority of JW's ARE themselves the modern day pharisees. I know because I was one but Jesus saved me in a most extraordinary way 27 years ago.
      I remember the front cover of watchtower magazine posing the question "Are you open minded" When in fact they themselves are close minded. Also I had a relevation from God about when the Pharisees were going to stone Jesus because he claimed to be "a god" with a small G as in the new world translation. Now why would the Pharisees get so uptight if Jesus was only claiming to be "a god". John 10.33 The fact is the pharisees understood that Jesus was claiming to be Yahweh God. So it doesn't make any sense to change God to "a god". There were many gods people worshipped. If Jesus was making himself out to be one of these gods why would the pharisees care to want to stone him. They wouldnt care. But the fact that they got angry shows it was wrong to change God to "a god". A bit difficult to explain but believers will get the point.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +3

      @@Enceladus007 I'm afraid you are falling into the same mindset that has doomed Jehovah's Witnesses, that of cherry picking a verse to suit a predefined theology. Read the context:
      Well at the time, the Festival of Rededication [or Hanukkah] was going on in JeruSalem (it was winter). 23And as Jesus was walking along in the temple among the Columns of Solomon, 24some Judeans gathered around him and asked:
      ‘How much longer are you going to keep us in suspense?
      ‘Just tell us if you’re the Anointed One!’
      25And Jesus replied:
      ‘I [already] told you, but you don’t want to believe it!
      ‘Even though the things I’m doing in my Father’s Name all testify about me, 26you still don’t believe it, because you aren’t my sheep.
      27‘My sheep listen to my voice… I know them all and they follow me, 28so I’m giving them age-long life!
      ‘No, none of them will be lost in this age, because no one can snatch them out of my hands. 29For my Father who gave them to me is greater than everyone, and no one can snatch them from His hands… 30And my Father and I are one!’
      31Then once again, the Judeans picked up rocks to stone him.
      32So Jesus said:
      ‘I’ve shown you all these good things that I did, which came from the Father… So, which of these good deeds are you getting ready to stone me for?’
      33And the Judeans replied:
      ‘We won’t be stoning you for doing good things, but for your blasphemy!
      ‘Although you’re just a man, you’re making yourself [a] god!’
      34Then Jesus asked:
      ‘Isn’t it written in your Law:
      ‘I say that you are gods?’ [Psalm 82:6]
      35‘So if God called those whom His Word spoke against, ‘gods,’... And you can’t void the Scriptures... 36How can you tell me, one who was made holy and sent into the world by the Father, that I’m blaspheming because I say that I’m God’s Son?
      37‘Now, if what I’m doing isn’t my Father’s Will, then don’t believe me! 38But if what I’m [doing really is His Will], then believe in what I’m doing, even if you don’t believe in me!
      ‘For then you’ll come to know, and keep on knowing, that the Father’s in me, and I’m in the Father.’
      Jesus didn't claim to be God Almighty, but rather the son of god. Based on his rebuttal, "a god" is a good translation. If he were actually claiming to be God Almighty, YHWH, then his response to their accusation would make no sense. In Greek, without an indefinite article, either translation can be justified gramatically, so we must go with the context.
      Translation Considerations:
      The verse in question is often translated as follows (from the NIV): “We are not stoning you for any of these, but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
      However, the Unitarian view highlights that the Greek word “theos” (translated as “God”) lacks the definite article (the word “the”) in this context.
      When the definite article is absent, it is more appropriately translated as “a god” or “divine” rather than specifically “God.”
      Contextual Understanding:
      The Jews were upset because Jesus, a human being, was making claims about his divine status.
      They would not have believed that Jesus was somehow Yahweh (the one true God).
      Therefore, it makes more sense that they accused him of claiming to be “a god” or “divine” rather than the supreme God.
      The Word “Anthropos”:
      The NIV translates the Greek word “anthropos” (referring to Jesus) as “mere man.”
      However, “anthropos” generally means “man” and is used throughout the New Testament in that sense.
      The Jews would not have called Jesus a “mere” man; they believed he was a man but with divine status.
      In summary, the Unitarian interpretation emphasizes that Jesus was not claiming to be the supreme God but rather asserting his divine mission and relationship with God. The accusation of blasphemy was based on his perceived elevation to a divine level, not his claim to be the Almighty God

    • @bratmucha
      @bratmucha 5 месяцев назад

      Satan is also a god; did Jesus deserve only the same? John 5:23.
      It's not a question if He is Jehovah or His Son. Everyone knows that the Father is greater. (I hope readers here read the Bible? If not, then don't read my comment - read the Bible)
      Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the Father. Their unity, Their oneness is something more that we can imagine. But many people were trying to tear down Their bond... Psalm 2:3
      The Watchtower unfortunately makes Jesus appear as a mere angel (archangel - ok), but in reality He is so much more. He is Life and everything exists through Him, even gods.

    • @mamajan99
      @mamajan99 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@bratmucha"There is no God but one. For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many so-called gods and lords), yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist. 1Cor 8 After Jesus calmed the sea, His disciples bowed down and worshiped (proskuneo) the Son...and He did not stop them. However, the Revelation angel stopped John from worshiping him many years later. Jesus was made higher than the angels and given all authority in heaven and on earth. Mt 28:18

  • @mamajan99
    @mamajan99 7 месяцев назад +10

    All I can think of is Paul's warning, which I dismissed for far too long: "But savage wolves have risen, distorting the truth to draw away disciples after them. "Be alert. I never stopped warning you night and day with tears." See Acts 20 29

  • @jabez4864
    @jabez4864 7 месяцев назад +27

    My brother. Thank you for this God backed information. I've been awake for a few months now. It seems like many are being shaken awake right now. You are right. Because the spirit speaks through you. The same Spirit I have. So I thank you brother. May Yah and Yeshua continue supporting you. Amen.

  • @CapoPhil1914
    @CapoPhil1914 7 месяцев назад +9

    Thank you Eric, for all of your enlightening podcasts. I've been fully out since 2017. Fully awake since then. But having been raised in since 72 and been in and out throughout the 90s, the exDub movement has helped solidify and justify my beliefs. Honestly, it wasn't until the passing of my psychopathic mother that I found the courage to leave. I still have sisters and elderly father that are in. But mom had a death grip of control on the family. Currently I am very agnostic. But I find that keeping up this the Borg's content changes help me understand why they are part of the antiChrist.

    • @mamajan99
      @mamajan99 5 месяцев назад

      Please be careful my friend that the BORG hasn't accomplished it's mission on you and spit you out! Agnostic "ἀγνωσία" can specifically mean "WILLFUL Ignorance of our Creator. Even Peter claimed to be "agnostic" 3 times: "I don't KNOW Him!" But he returned and Did as Jesus said: "Feed my sheep" You too can use your painful eperience to help others and in doing so be healed yourself! "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 1Cor 1:4 ♥

  • @grotekleum
    @grotekleum 7 месяцев назад +4

    The purpose of the organisation - or any organisation - is not to look after the members or employees, it is to ensure that the organisation remains at all costs.

  • @ivorywilliams7110
    @ivorywilliams7110 7 месяцев назад +4

    Excellent info. I'm shaking my head (smh) how can they claim NEW LIGHT, when jehovah doesn't make mistakes. It appears that GB wants congregations to worship them. And how can they participate in joining the UN in the UK and participate in stocks markets when they claim (we are no part of the world) when they are all the way in every way in the world. It seems gb wants their worshippers to do as they say, not as they friend once told me not long ago "apostates are a threat to the organization"). What she doesn't understand is the apostates are BRINGING NEW LIGHT and exposing how Gb is misleading jws. Apostates are opening the eyes of ppl so they will wake up. How does GB go from being anointed to they are not inspired! Yes all the changes by GB is because they are losing members and contributions!

  • @RiverDanube
    @RiverDanube 7 месяцев назад +10

    Thank you Eric.

  • @valerierimpsey4329
    @valerierimpsey4329 7 месяцев назад +9

    Thought provoking as always; thanks again, Eric.

  • @caroledesjardins7303
    @caroledesjardins7303 7 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you Eric, i think the next thing will be the shunning, best regards Caroline

  • @kevdavecartwright1622
    @kevdavecartwright1622 7 месяцев назад +4

    Yes , well said meleti , I told the elders in our congregation about these things from around 2009 , "reporting " I actually felt was in violation of Jesus words at Matthew 6 verse 1to 4 ,so i refused to do it .I was called an irregular elder , when i had actually led the group out on FS each week . Beards never made sense to me , but it caused huge problems for my family , as my son had one , one elder said ," he was disobedient to the elders " and it was only a little thing to ask so why can't he shave , to which I said if it's only a little thing , why are you so bothered about it ? And said he's not convinced it's from the bible ,,, that was at the elders meeting , lastly though it was the upset caused about my understanding of Matthew 24 v 45 , I said they were appointed over all his belongings at Christ's return ,in the future ,, the reaction was " come on kevin we both know thats not true " , so a few weeks later they held a judicial committee and decided it was time to part company with me , and a few weeks after that new light shone forth and it seems i was correct . The parting words were "the difference between us and you we are dedicated to an organisation and you are not , ah well .

    • @kevdavecartwright1622
      @kevdavecartwright1622 7 месяцев назад +2

      Funny thing they actually got that right , I wasn't !

    • @kevdavecartwright1622
      @kevdavecartwright1622 7 месяцев назад +2

      Just to add briefly the same brother , I remember did a talk on psalm 146 , don't put your trust in earthling man , and asked the congregation , " do we need anything else other than the bible , ? He said "no" ?????

    • @jiriovecka350
      @jiriovecka350 7 месяцев назад

      I remember an elder once told me this organisation is theocratic and goes from up to down and not democratic (from down to up). So everybody must obey elders. I really didnt understand what he said then. But after few years i did. He kissed the bottom of COs and then commanded others in congregation. He really loved the idea - everyone must obey the one above him. So he did everything to be elder and then expected everyone to obey him. And it worked. Few people like me left and others got even more culty. It much reminds the communism era. And people like it because they know it from their youth (eastern europe). It was really strange to watch. People would tell you they are so unhappy and that they dont agree with that elder but then will obey him no matter what because he is the elder.

  • @harp-692
    @harp-692 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for your well-researched videos.

  • @guyplacencio9454
    @guyplacencio9454 7 месяцев назад +4

    It has been has been well worth listening very eye-opening and enlightening thank you for a producing it

  • @antonio8677
    @antonio8677 7 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you yet again Eric. With this information I have to find a loving way to slowly educate my family. As others have noted, there will no doubt be more "adjustments" being made. I in turn hope to gradually "adjust" my family's viewpoint whilst keeping their faith in God and Jesus intact. You've been an incredible help. I still listen to your older lessons from years ago.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад

      @antonio8677- thank you for your kind words. I hope you can help your family wake up.

  • @akingdom4mypeople343
    @akingdom4mypeople343 7 месяцев назад +2

    Absolutely amazing. Being in the organisation for 60yrs dumbed down uneducated and reliant on the spiritual lies fed to myself my wife children and brothers we had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. Thank you for all your hard work.

  • @gabriellagos268
    @gabriellagos268 7 месяцев назад +6

    Abrazos Erick

  • @evvalynnv7414
    @evvalynnv7414 7 месяцев назад +5

    What a gift! Every word was similar to another lie being unwrapped. Thank you, I could only guess before your revelation. It isn't that I delight in the truth being revealed, nor the panic the org. is going through it's that finally we are getting down to the foundations that we escapists knew were there but couldn't get a grip on. I especially admired the manner in which you handled it all. I have a daughter in law still in and she is a kind compassionate woman and yet held by this religion because from birth she has been told to obey the Watchtower, the faithful and discreet slave.

  • @user-wk3jp2ct4q
    @user-wk3jp2ct4q 7 месяцев назад +5

    Excellent thank you Eric 22:37

  • @ivorywilliams7110
    @ivorywilliams7110 7 месяцев назад +1

    I along with many others were wondering why gb Eliminated the counting time but now we know. So as to not lose their charitable status I wish the government would require them to show who exactly they are helping! Because in my opinion they don't really help their worldly communities, and I have read other ppls comments that were witnesses who needed help from organization but were given public resource sheets to help themselves

  • @gregelliott3556
    @gregelliott3556 7 месяцев назад +1

    Wow ... Excellent and informative video Eric, I didn't know about some of that. Thank you for sharing this. 👍👍👍

  • @CelticGypsy-USA
    @CelticGypsy-USA 7 месяцев назад +3

    Very eye opening and well put together Eric

  • @planeclassic7129
    @planeclassic7129 7 месяцев назад +10

    1st century *governing* *body*? That term was never used in the first century. It only gives credence to what the witness organization teaches its members. Watchtower added that term to their Bibles. I have NEVER come across it in the many translations I have referenced.

    • @FirsteMann1929
      @FirsteMann1929 7 месяцев назад

      That's because it's a term used by corporations. It's very apparent that the organization is a totalitarian, bureaucratic man made entity and has nothing to do with faith in God and Jesus Christ

    • @kimberlyerwin7458
      @kimberlyerwin7458 7 месяцев назад +1

      It's an organizational and corporate term. You will find it used in many organizational structures.

    • @joshua-l6m
      @joshua-l6m 7 месяцев назад +1

      Right. The "governing body" of the first 1000 years of Christianity were the council of Bishops and Priests.

    • @planeclassic7129
      @planeclassic7129 7 месяцев назад

      @@kimberlyerwin7458 yes, I’m aware of that. But watchtower has written it into the scriptures and have beaten it into the witnesses heads to give their governing body legitimacy and power over them, as they try to tie and associate themselves with those 1st century followers of Christ. The brainwashing is highly effective to unthinking minds.

    • @ericbulman1752
      @ericbulman1752 3 месяца назад

      ​@@joshua-l6mthere was no governing body in Bible times

  • @user-fc4hm8oh4b
    @user-fc4hm8oh4b 7 месяцев назад +4

    Mega, truly mega! This needs to be broadcast far and wide

  • @denishartley3828
    @denishartley3828 7 месяцев назад +1

    Best video yet exposing Watchtowers devious actions.
    Thanks Eric

  • @Raycho7
    @Raycho7 4 месяца назад

    My God, my God... This one really hit me. I used to study with them and my mother has been in the organization for decades. It's been challenging but I have found Jesus Christ and my eyes have been opened. I have been watching for a while now, thanks for the work you do.

  • @geoffreybunting9837
    @geoffreybunting9837 7 месяцев назад +2

    At 3.35: The organisation is like a nation insofar as it is exactly like a state within a state. The organisation has its Executive, Legislature, and Judicature. The problem is that the Govering Body is all three

  • @nate_gracey
    @nate_gracey 7 месяцев назад +2

    Really appreciate your work. I’ve been with you from the very first video and I gotta say you have been an amazing source of information. Doin gods work! THANK YOU for all of your efforts.

  • @outsidethebox704
    @outsidethebox704 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Erik for such an informative video and your analysis for current changes and causes of it. Your hard work is much appreciated. Please keep up the good work.

  • @haynehifanny8006
    @haynehifanny8006 7 месяцев назад +1

    This Cult is terribly in a well-deserved mess. A despicable organisation it is! Great thanks my deàr Bro. Eric.

  • @stephenletsnot6195
    @stephenletsnot6195 7 месяцев назад +2

    You’re right👍, it’s a contract of work by which you are judged as being fit for position.
    Why can’t they just be honest?
    With that knowledge, ie the legal reasons, the future becomes very interesting 👍

  • @debraalexander9535
    @debraalexander9535 7 месяцев назад +1

    It's another noteworthy video. Packed with clarity of the true reasons why these changes were made within the group. Thanks much for informing us ,as only by this exposure of truth ,speculation about matters will rest.

  • @manueloliveira8062
    @manueloliveira8062 6 месяцев назад

    The new TRUTH was born in the USA
    GB located in great USA
    God has truly blessed USA

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 6 месяцев назад

      Hmmm. Joking, right?

    • @manueloliveira8062
      @manueloliveira8062 6 месяцев назад

      @@vintage6346 what do you think ?

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 6 месяцев назад

      Were you joking?

    • @manueloliveira8062
      @manueloliveira8062 6 месяцев назад

      @vintage6346 me being sarcastic... USA gr8 marketers

  • @azazelsgoat
    @azazelsgoat 7 месяцев назад +1

    This is real new light.

  • @grimlokg
    @grimlokg 7 месяцев назад

    This was very illuminating. Thank you.

  • @suzannemoffitt137
    @suzannemoffitt137 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for sharing this information

  • @ilyahart2446
    @ilyahart2446 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you, brother Eric!

  • @PCB-dg7pt
    @PCB-dg7pt 6 месяцев назад

    Eric looks great he has got his health in order and is a great example of what a Christian should be!!

  • @greenleaf4681
    @greenleaf4681 5 месяцев назад

    Hahahaha! These are the words lawyers use today.

  • @greghowarth7879
    @greghowarth7879 7 месяцев назад

    God bless you ❤😊

  • @nicole-si9ie
    @nicole-si9ie 7 месяцев назад

    😮 I felt like I had experienced their worst hypocrisy but I see that it continues. Thank you Eric

  • @ep6460
    @ep6460 7 месяцев назад

    Hi Eric, so pleased you found the time requirment info useful, take care our friend. We enjoyed it so much. best wishes to the whole team :)

  • @Charleneslife-23
    @Charleneslife-23 7 месяцев назад +2

    This analogy should interest every JW and cause them to think of their actions.
    Going by their narrative of the F&D Slave and that Jehovah has put them in place to lead them to paradise.
    They should think of this. The F&D Slave are the tour guides, the Bible is the map and both are giving to every JW. Jehovah has given the map (bible) to everyone to so they can follow along with the tour guide to ensure they are lead correctly. Suppose an individual is following along in the map and noticed that the tour guide is taking multiple different routes which is leading them in a different direction and in harms way thus veering off course and missing their destination.
    The question to every JW, who is to be blamed if you miss the destination of paradise?

  • @user-nn1yb5ld9h
    @user-nn1yb5ld9h 7 месяцев назад

    Wow! That scripture on the whitewashed graves is SO REFLECTIVE of the GB! Good job!

  • @ticktock3526
    @ticktock3526 7 месяцев назад

    Very insightful! It’s like pealing an onion, well a rotten onion.🤔👍

  • @tim..t175
    @tim..t175 7 месяцев назад

    Excellent video. I will add , regarding Australia, after the ARC, the witnesses were supposed to join a redress scheme, but refused for a number of years. They joined on the last day of the deadline for one reason. They would have lost their tax free status as a charity. But their joining was only for the money of course. Victims who have come forward to try get compensation from the jw’s from this scheme have been ignored

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      Is the Australian governing not going to do something about the WT denying victims their due compensation?

    • @tim..t175
      @tim..t175 7 месяцев назад

      @@BeroeanPickets not sure because i have only read of a few cases wanting compensation and the watchtowers line to media is we can’t comment on individual cases. So i imagine it will be a slow process

    • @fifthdimension1984
      @fifthdimension1984 7 месяцев назад +1

      This is correct. The "official" reason the JW gave to authorities as to why they should NOT be part of any "redress scheme" ( but OK for everyone else) was because they said they didnt have the "institutional settings" meaning that because JW dont run schools, youth groups and such like "institutions" where adults supervise children, so that this should mean that they do not need to be part of any redress scheme. The ARC was looking into child abuse within institutional settings - including churches etc but the JW tried to argue that their structure is NOT the same as OTHER religions. For those with common sense this was all semantics and smoke and mirrors. After much legal obfuscation etc , the federal minister ultimately told the JW that if you dont willingly join the redress scheme.. well ... your charity status will be withdrawn . And lordy, how fast the JW opinions changed after that.

  • @springlove7219
    @springlove7219 6 месяцев назад


  • @Digidab
    @Digidab 7 месяцев назад

    Very interesting inside view !

  • @thrumyeyesmt.6344
    @thrumyeyesmt.6344 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you 🙏

  • @stoobpendous
    @stoobpendous 7 месяцев назад

    As you explain in your book, this slave doctrine was already coming, so the court case in Australia merely unveiled it prematurely.
    I imagine the WatchTower lawyers already saw a weakness as the number of memorial partakers drastically increased.

  • @ivogaspari3398
    @ivogaspari3398 7 месяцев назад

    Good work.

  • @errolcampbell6985
    @errolcampbell6985 7 месяцев назад +1

    The organization is weighed in the balance and found wanting in so many ways...... Jehovah has been very patient with them for over a century...... But I think his patience has ran out......

  • @michelejashinsky8409
    @michelejashinsky8409 2 месяца назад

    Boy they sure have a cash cow going! Get in trouble just conveniently get “ new light” 💡 🙄

  • @davidh5403
    @davidh5403 7 месяцев назад

    Very insightful indeed!! Just another confirmation of the dishonest character of the organization and their motivation of $$$ and power.
    (There's much exjw criticism on line about Steven Unthank ...which appears to be without merit.)

  • @stoobpendous
    @stoobpendous 7 месяцев назад +1

    I can't wait til this fiasco becomes a Hollywood movie. Thanks, Eric! Most exciting video in this series.

  • 7 месяцев назад +1

    Eric, even on full volume this recording was definately faint. please turn up the volume for the next video.

  • @anniesavedbygrace
    @anniesavedbygrace 7 месяцев назад

    Ooo very interesting. Thx

  • @antoinegoode8990
    @antoinegoode8990 7 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you. Can you link the podcast?

  • @j.r.willis3779
    @j.r.willis3779 7 месяцев назад

    Dear Eric, look what is written in the book “Make your family life happy” (1978, Chapter 8/18:), it fits your lecture brilliantly!
    "The Pharisees of ancient times were lovers of rules; they accumulated heaps of them and produced crops of hypocrites."

  • @bourbon_sketcher
    @bourbon_sketcher 7 месяцев назад +1

    Watchtowers great mesh of gaslighting, deceit and manipulation is truly of satanic origin. Such 'dark', changeable and twisted behaviours reflect the 'god' behind their 'power'.
    "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. *It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness* . Their end will be what their actions deserve." 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
    Let us remember, that Jesus spoke of *himself* as "..the way, and the *truth* and the life. *No one comes to the Father except through me* ." John 14:6 (Acts 4:12)
    We didn't walk away from 'the truth'; (as JW's are conditioned to believe, should they dare to leave watchtower); we walked away from a human directed, man-made organisation.
    Thank you Eric, for the part you are playing in this much needed exposure. (Ephesians 5:11)

  • @darianthemede5702
    @darianthemede5702 7 месяцев назад +3

    Can you post a link to the court transcripts from Victoria, Australia please.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад
      They are not online to the best of my knowledge

    • @melissaschnp5193
      @melissaschnp5193 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@BeroeanPickets Well nobody has put them anywhere yet. That's why this story among exjw had been considered a fairytale that is now getting widely spsread...

  • @user-gu3ib9vw2q
    @user-gu3ib9vw2q 7 месяцев назад +1

    the problem with JW is that a lot of their man made teachings, which has no scriptural basis, is shown on the internet for people to dismantle. The internet and videos like this are causing the changes, and now their survival is threatened.

  • @Rupunzelsawake
    @Rupunzelsawake 7 месяцев назад

    All about the money! It's ironic how much "dedicated funds" they spend to spare spending their dedicated funds. That was interesting about the dfference between volunteer workers and volunteers in UK charity law, ie. that an hour requirement formed a contract. How does this affect pioneers who still have an hour requirement? The JW Spanish Branch was in trouble for not contributing to social security for their volunteer workers as required by the government, and their response was to try and shut down Bethel! To sell the Branch! No workers, no payments. I assumed that because they paid a modest stipend to Bethelites, special pioneers, etc, these would be considered "workers". Maybe I've got that wrong . But is it different in the UK?

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      Pioneers and Bethelites are considered Volunteer Workers under contract of some kind.

  • @96t5wagon
    @96t5wagon 7 месяцев назад

    Where can transcripts for the case mentioned on this video be found? I’ve searched and can’t find credible sources to substantiate the statements made.

  • @jaybyrd5556
    @jaybyrd5556 7 месяцев назад

    💰 💰💰💰💰💰

  • @larstenfaelt1859
    @larstenfaelt1859 7 месяцев назад

    Eric. Thanks for a great video. I am missing the link to Steven Unthank's Podcast in the description. Can you provide it???
    I met Steven last summer here in Sweden and he is amazing in a meeting with officials here in Sweden.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1


  • @user-nb4df7uo3h
    @user-nb4df7uo3h 7 месяцев назад +2

    Eric, thank you for the time and effort on these videos and your sincerity. I believe some of your claims need to be backed
    Can you provide details (case names, court documents, or legal records) about the Australian lawsuit that reportedly influenced the Governing Body's doctrinal changes?
    Who is the female lawyer representing the Governing Body in this case, and are there official records or statements confirming her role and court statements?
    Is there concrete evidence (official statements or documents) that links external legal or societal pressures to the Governing Body's doctrinal changes?
    For your biblical exegesis and comparative analysis between the Pharisees and the Governing Body, what are your sources and methodological frameworks?

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      If you would like to know more, please email me providing your real name, phone number, and mailing address to

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 7 месяцев назад

      1 King Dr. Tuxedo Park, NY 10987? :)

    • @LosBereanos
      @LosBereanos 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@vintage6346 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @user-nb4df7uo3h
      @user-nb4df7uo3h 7 месяцев назад

      @BeroeanPickets ,I respect that this is your channel and your approach to how you share information. However, I'm curious: if the claims are supported by sources, why is it necessary for individuals like me to reach out personally? For those of us keen to verify information in the manner of the Bereans, it would be greatly beneficial if you could directly share case names, court documents, or public records. I don't see the problem with this. This would enable all viewers to independently verify these claims without needing personal communication.
      Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your response

    • @vintage6346
      @vintage6346 7 месяцев назад

      In regard to your first question on the identity of the female lawyer and her role, Watchtower should have that information. Have you asked Watchtower for that information?

  • @MichaelSmith-lm5sl
    @MichaelSmith-lm5sl 7 месяцев назад +1

    Overgeneralization: The video draws parallels between the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Pharisees and chief priests of the first century. While comparing behaviors can highlight similarities, it's essential to consider the context and nuances of each situation. Overgeneralization can lead to misleading conclusions if the comparison overlooks significant differences.
    Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (After This, Therefore Because of This): The video implies that doctrinal changes are made primarily due to external pressures or a desire to maintain power and financial stability. This argument may suffer from a post hoc fallacy, assuming that because doctrinal changes follow external pressures, those pressures must be the cause of the changes without sufficient evidence to prove a direct causal relationship.
    False Dilemma: The narrative suggests that the actions of the governing body are either guided by divine inspiration or by self-serving motives to maintain power and financial stability, potentially overlooking other possible motivations. Real-world decisions are often influenced by a complex interplay of factors, and reducing them to a binary choice can oversimplify the situation.
    Ad Hominem: The video critiques the character and motives of the governing body, which might divert attention from the argument's substance. Criticizing the governing body's intentions without addressing the actual content or rationale behind the policy and doctrinal changes can lead to ad hominem reasoning, where the focus shifts from the argument to the person.
    Circular Reasoning: The argument that "new light" is merely a pretense for making self-serving changes assumes that any doctrinal change not understood or agreed upon by the audience is inherently deceitful. This can create a loop where the premise (doctrinal changes are deceitful) is used to support the conclusion (doctrinal changes are made under the guise of "new light").

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад

      1. Overgeneralization: Thank you defining the term, but you fail to show if, when, or how the video engages in this. The comparison between the Jewish religious leaders and the GB relates to the hypocrisy each group is known for and regularly exhibited/exhibits. Also, that each groups main interest was/is to preserve the station and wealth.
      2. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (After This, Therefore Because of This): Could be true. The video presents the argument that we cannot know for sure what is the real motivation. But not knowing what causes something doesn't mean we cannot know what doesn't cause it. Did the Governing Body self-proclaim themselves to be the faithful and discreet slave because they were protect their assets, or did they all get demon inspired dreams, or is this all the result of hubris? Who can say for sure at this point. However, we know from what Jesus says about the slave's appointment that their appointment does not come from him.
      3. False Dilemma: You reason: "The narrative suggests that the actions of the governing body are either guided by divine inspiration or by self-serving motives to maintain power and financial stability, potentially overlooking other possible motivations. Real-world decisions are often influenced by a complex interplay of factors, and reducing them to a binary choice can oversimplify the situation."
      But there is a binary aspect to this: Good vs. evil. There may well be many evil motives for doing what they've done, but they claim that their motivation is that they are being guided by God's spirit, that the changes are from Jehovah. So if that is not true, then they are lying and whatever motivates them is unrighteous. Even if they may feel they are acting with the best of intentions, their doctrinal changes are built on deception.
      Ad Hominem: You reason: "The video critiques the character and motives of the governing body, which might divert attention from the argument's substance. Criticizing the governing body's intentions without addressing the actual content or rationale behind the policy and doctrinal changes can lead to ad hominem reasoning, where the focus shifts from the argument to the person."
      It is not ad hominem to attack the actions of a person if the evidence shows they are acting in bad faith. Jesus criticized and verbally attacked the Pharisees, but he did not engage in ad hominen attacks because his criticism was based on hard evidence.
      Circular Reasoning: You reason: "The argument that "new light" is merely a pretense for making self-serving changes assumes that any doctrinal change not understood or agreed upon by the audience is inherently deceitful. This can create a loop where the premise (doctrinal changes are deceitful) is used to support the conclusion (doctrinal changes are made under the guise of "new light")."
      You have misrepesented what was stated. I think this is what you would term, "a strawman argument."
      Here is what C. T. Russell had to say about "new light".
      If we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us; undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would be regarded as darkness now: But with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, and so it is with truth; any knowledge or light coming from God must be like its author. A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. “New light” never extinguishes older “light,” but adds to it. If you were lighting up a building containing seven gas jets you would not extinguish one every time you lighted another, but would add one light to another and they would be in harmony and thus give increase of light: So is it with the light of truth; the true increase is by adding to, not by substituting one for another. - Zion’s Watch Tower, February 1881.
      If the Organization followed this standard, adding to but never extinguishing light, then your argument might hold water, but the fact is, what you describe as happening is not what they practice.

    • @fifthdimension1984
      @fifthdimension1984 7 месяцев назад

      @@BeroeanPickets I would agree with the above sentiments, however I would summarize the general behavior of the GB , not in "sophisticated" psycho latin babble but in just two words: Self delusion. The recent commentary by GB newcomer Jeffery Winder as to "how does Jehovah reveal" new light (to the GB)" is for me the classic example of self delusion. They all seem to claim to know what Jehovah thinks and his motivations in doing whatever. They cling to Prov 4:18 as their sole scriptural verse to justify the litany of mistakes and abandonments of previous "light" , yet if one reads Prov 4: 16-20, one can see that it has zero reference to Jehovah "progressively revealing truth" to a select few to then disseminate, rather it is simply making the very valid comparison of the life path of a righteous person compared to a waywardly wicked person. The bible shows NO, zero, zilch, nought examples AT ALL of any "prophet" or spokesperson giving a proclamation or interpretation ( from God) during teaching and preaching that later needs to be "cast off" as completely wrong, or being a half truth that needed to be partially discarded. To the contrary, when God guides men to speak truth , there are NO "corrections" made to that truth. CT Russel is absolutely correct in saying.. " A new view of truth NEVER can contradict a former truth. New "light” never extinguishes older “light,” but adds to it. As an example, lets use the "progressive truth" that unfolded regarding the many prophecies concerning Jesus the Messiah. Early on in the Hebrew scriptures, the identity and role of the Messiah was made not fully clear until the last book of Revelation. Yet all the statements that were made about or implying Jesus , from Genesis onwards were absolutely 100% correct. There was no corrections or no discarding of "old" light- it was as Russel said, that new light adds to (the already revealed) old light, it did not REPLACE it. Look at any prophetic statements made by bible writers, Daniel in particular. You will see that NONE of their proclamations or interpretations were changed/altered or discarded later by others with supposed "new light" on the matter. Its complete rubbish. However, the biggest hoodwink by the GB is that they claim they are "not inspired" by God but they ARE "guided" by God ( is that a complete contradiction or what??) and it is God that "reveals" things to them. So we are to believe then that God allows "false" ideas , false interpretations to fester and be taught to the JW flock which then later need to be corrected slowly by " new light" .. because as Bro Winder says, that's how Jehovah reveals truth. Really Bro Winder??? Imagine if that were the case where Jesus forecasted (in Mark and Luke) to his followers the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman some 40 years after Jesus was killed. Was there any part of his forecast that needed "adjustments"? or correction? or casting off? Ok it was Jesus who made the forecast, but the same applies to ANY person authorized to speak on Gods behalf.
      No... the light gets brighter excuse.. whereby we are justified in making make big mistakes, cast off previous teachings as rubbish and "untruths" is purely a hoodwink. There are NO bible precedents to such behaviour. That the body JW believers seem to NOT see that or question that is more a testimony to the controlling nature of the leadership, and being rigorously administered via the "judicial committee's" ( aka star chamber tactics) with disfellowshipment and its resulting consequences (shunning) as being the very effective big stick to punish ANY dissenters. The GB can say literally whatever they want as to " what and how Jehovah thinks ( because they know)" and the JW will naturally agree. But not all.

  • @user-gu3ib9vw2q
    @user-gu3ib9vw2q 7 месяцев назад

    These world religions are man made. The true faith is what we will learn upon Jesus' return. For now follow the moral and civil laws and Jesus's command to get that mark of salvation and your name in the lambs book of life.

  • @roberturt
    @roberturt 7 месяцев назад

    They never refer to the wicked sluggish slave of Luke 12 but of course that is hypothetical.

  • @connormusic9274
    @connormusic9274 6 месяцев назад

    For some reason the volume of this video is much lower than your normal videos. Any idea why??????

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  6 месяцев назад

      @connormusic9274 - Thank you for pointing out the sound problem. We figured out what happened and hope it doesn't happen again.

  • @aljawisa
    @aljawisa 7 месяцев назад +1

    Looks like they lost some minas.

  • @qaz9258
    @qaz9258 7 месяцев назад

    Mr. Erik Could I ask if you could please find a way to up the volume on your videos? I find them substantially more quiet then other videos on youtube. So much so I have to put on head phones to hear.

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      @qaz9258 - There was a special problem with that video. We are trying to get the sound raised up going forward. Thank you for letting me know.

    • @qaz9258
      @qaz9258 6 месяцев назад

      @@BeroeanPicketsThank you. This is the second time I watched this as to be able to have some important facts straight. I can't fathom why Romans 13:1 could have simply been used to spiritually cover some necessary changes, and be more inline with governmental regulations that did not violate any scripture - as nothing I see them asking for is a violation. They are actually very much in line with scripture as to take care of women and children. Yet there is a shaving of the square peg to fit in the round hole.

  • @MouseQueso
    @MouseQueso 7 месяцев назад

    Hey Eric. Could you pop a link to the pod cast you mentioned into the description?

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      Just put it in the description field. Sorry.

  • @geraldsutton9981
    @geraldsutton9981 7 месяцев назад

    WHY the policy change.........????
    "The Great Day of Jehovah is near......???? (Zeph.1:14)
    Are you ready for that day....????

  • @pornocalypse
    @pornocalypse 7 месяцев назад

    Boost your gain. The audio level is way too low.

  • @jason___4010
    @jason___4010 7 месяцев назад

    Where can I find the link to the Barbara Anderson podcast?

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад

  • @fifthdimension1984
    @fifthdimension1984 7 месяцев назад

    I think I much prefer the original group set up by Charles Russel - minus the wacky ideas about pyramidology and such like. If I have have the correct JW theology understanding, when Jesus came to power in 1914 , all the "anointed" (dead) were immediately whisked to heaven in the blink of an eye to be brothers of Christ. So the "anointed" includes the apostles of course but did it not also include ALL the Christians thereafter until the revelation new understanding (new light) of 1935 that there was " great crowd" gathering? and so, after this , any newly converted were 99.9% "of the great crowd"? So two points here 1) If that's the case, then Charles Russel and many associates must be alive and well in the sprit realm looking down upon the JW Ministry of Truth wondering what's going on that they have discarded much of his "truth" extracted with so much sweat and tears and then to discard much of that to the bin of antiquity as "old light" . And of course, presumably, Rutherford will be up there as well wagging his finger at Charles about "that beard", but now finally Charles has the last laugh on "the light" regarding "the beard" (cue angel choir) - and oh lordy lordy now "the beard" is in - expect all anointed in heaven ( men and women) to now follow suit ( more louder angel choir and 2) and the flow on on earth. As many post-1935ers, indeed the baby boomers of the 60's and beyond, have developed the "anointed" feeling and are coming out of the woodwork thereby making the revealed understanding of 1935 fake , the pre-1935ers "up there" must be accusing each other of spreading lies in 1935 and given that Jesus is now in their proximity must be also asking him directly why he fed them "false light"- why in 1935 He couldn't just whisper them the actual truth. Charles would be nodding with approval .."new truth does not replace old revelation.. it only adds to it"....

  • @blindear5303
    @blindear5303 7 месяцев назад

    John 14:30 the ruler of the world is coming and he has no hold on me. John 18:36 my kingdom is no part of the world. Can the WT just walk away from the world or are there too many strings attached? Catering to the world.

    • @bourbon_sketcher
      @bourbon_sketcher 7 месяцев назад

      Maybe their 'handlers' don't wish that they walk away from the world.

  • @yahwehkingdomministry
    @yahwehkingdomministry 7 месяцев назад

    I certainly think that the Christian man of Yahweh should not be using "BS" profanity in their speech!
    DO not you think so Brother Eric?
    No matter how upset a Christian gets, one should never use profanity in their speech.
    Disappointed Br Eric, I certainly hope that you really give a thought to what I am saying here do not just get your ears tickled with all the positive comments.
    Ephesians 4:29 NKJV
    29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
    My best to you.
    Yahweh Kingdom Ministry

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      I appreciate where you are coming from with this counsel, but have you considered the Bible record on the use of strong language? What you would consider to be profane, when applied to Scripture in its original form, would cause the Bible to be put in the adult section of book stores. Consider this for but one example:
      "The apostle Paul was so enrapture by the scandalous grace of God that he came dangerously close to cussing: “I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as skubala, in order that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3:8). The Greek word skubala is more vulgar than crap, but not quite as harsh as s**t. Either way, most translations dim it down by using words like “rubbish,” which means trash, not excrement, or “dung” which is more accurate but far less offensive."
      I got that from an excellent article which you can access here:

    • @yahwehkingdomministry
      @yahwehkingdomministry 7 месяцев назад

      Dear Brother Eric,
      We are not the followers of Apostle Paul, We are the followers of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) as such, we do not imitate Paul's bad behavior as an imperfect person.
      Hebrews 13:7 NKJV
      7 Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the [a]result of their way of life, imitate their faith.
      Did you notice, Paul himself says imitate their faith in Heb 13:7 and not their conduct. Unless this is our lord Yeshua Messiah whom we can freely imitate as an perfect role model for us Christians, every one else as a Christian, we only imitate their good behavior and not bad.
      The strongest word our lord Yeshua used in the Bible when he was upset, he called
      Pharisees offspring of vipers.
      I for one, will stop watching your channel if you continue using vulgar language!
      Yahweh Kingdom Ministry

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      @@yahwehkingdomministry I agree with you that the gratuitous use of vulgar language is inappropriate. That is why I used the initials BS. I don't consider that to be vulgar. Apparently, you do. But we must guard against being righteous overmuch, mustn't we?
      Case in point, you are now finding fault with the writings of the Apostle Paul, a man selected specifically by our Lord Jesus, because he offends your linguistic sensibilities. Did you read the article I shared with you? It's not just the Apostle Paul who speaks and writes in a way that would offend you.
      I don't write any of this to offend you, but iron sharpens iron, and so we must look at what the Bible teaches us throughout the whole of it. Ephesians 4:29 is good counsel, but the words of the prophets quoted in that article I shared with you were written under inspiration and as such were "breathed by God". So we need to balance our interpretation of what constitutes "corrupt words" against that reality.

    • @yahwehkingdomministry
      @yahwehkingdomministry 7 месяцев назад

      @@BeroeanPickets ,
      Dear Brother Wilson,
      It is a jujitsu move to simply redirect the attention from once wrong behavioral speech into an unspoken claim that I found fault with the writings of Paul, perhaps you can quote which part of my discussion was finding fault with writing of Paul?
      The discussion was focused on the fact that Apostle Paul, although an inspired man of Yahweh, used a vulgar language in his speech, which is inappropriate for us Christians, and that we should imitate his faith, and not his bad behavior. Certainly you do not find this explanation "finding fault in Paul's writing do you?"
      Now, consider the audience your videos are targeting. Your videos are designed to help Jehovah's Witnesses to see all of the wrong doing the Watchtower has been involved in, and help them to find courage to leave them. Now, any Jehovah's Witness with the good moral character understands that using vulgar language, regardless of whether it is abbreviated or not, is simply wrong and a sin. Now, they will watch your video until the "B.S" and once they hear your "B.S", they will leave. There you have it, you have lost your audience that these videos are designed for.
      Yahweh Kingdom Ministry

    • @BeroeanPickets
      @BeroeanPickets  7 месяцев назад +1

      @@yahwehkingdomministry Did you not write: "We do not imitate Paul's bad behavior as an imperfect person." You were criticizing his writing, his use of a term that was worse than "crap" in our language according to one article. You refer to is as bad behavior.
      Anyway, I take your point. I thank you for it. I will take it under advisement.

  • @Anónimosinsin
    @Anónimosinsin 7 месяцев назад

    Podrás poner sub,al español, porfavor?😢

  • @FrankMerton
    @FrankMerton 7 месяцев назад +3

    I dunno; my separation from the Witnesses caused me a lot of pain, and set my life back half a decade, but I have since been able to remove the hate I first felt against the founders and leaders of the movement. I now see them as misguided, but then we are all misguided in some way or another -- I pause to think of the many times I have had to change my mind about so many things. I see a lot of hate in some of the ways you express yourself, especially in your efforts to paint the leadership as selfish and vain when in fact they are sincere. Yes, it is true that their teachings often do a lot of harm in the world, such as the blood nonsense and the shunning, but we should put aside hate. It does us more harm than them.

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 7 месяцев назад +13

      ❤. I personally don't see it that way. I was a JW FOR OVER 50 years and left whole souled in 2018. The Bible encourages for everyone to HATE what is bad. The GB have willfully allowed & done what is bad. And with NO REGRETS OR APOLOGIES. Eric wasn't yelling, swearing, bashing, or belittling the GB at all. He was simply stating FACTS. On the other hand, this is far different than how the governing body have spoken against individuals who are whistle blowers. The GB encourages their members to view them as maggots, Satan's people, and as the walking dead who are deserving of the second death. The elders themselves in their so-called judicial meetings with members have brutally abused their members mentally, by stripping their dignity away from them with nasty questions to further shame and embarass them just to DISFELLOWSHIP them anyway and destroy their entire social network with no spiritual help, guidance or programs to get them back into favor with God & the congregation. The leadership considers this a " LOVING ARRANGEMENT ". Even the so-called "worldly people " in a secular work place environment have programs for a functioning alcoholic or drug addicted person to vow to get help, and not lose his job. ❤. The so- called " world" & their government have done more for financial needy JWS than their own organizations, led and ran by the governing body members of Jehovah's Witnesses. Remember the GB have said they don't have a program for that. Although they are a charitable organization and receive a tax exemption status thus far in the United States and other countries. 😮. Watchtower's inhumane practices and sheer greed has finally caught up with them, ONLY BECAUSE OF THE THOUSANDS OF WHISTLE BLOWERS that became BOLD & COURAGEOUS enough to let their voices be heard & to fight for the ones that have no voice due to their leadership silencing them. The scriptures have said: The strong 💪 help the weak. ❤. Have love amongst yourselves. A loving person will always try to do what is good to all humanity in a positive way. It has been said: In order for EVIL to prevail, it is for good men to do NOTHING. Wake Up MY Friend. Watchtower's END is near.

    • @tarantulaclan5025
      @tarantulaclan5025 7 месяцев назад

      Sincere, please look up the definition of sincere. you are mistaking hate for truth!! there is no hate!!! That is Satanic!!! Jesus called out the Jewish leader's of his day for what they were, hypocrites!! Snakes!! having the appearance of Godly men, all the while wolves in sheep's clothing misleading his people!! For that they put our Lord and savior to death!!! In the end they loved the lie rather than the truth!! Yehovah bless🙏 and remember when Paul called out Peter!! We must make a stand for the truth!! Nothing but love💪💯❤ but remember we are either going to Fear God or Men!! Thank you to Brother Eric!!💪💯🙏❤ we must be ready, the darkness draws ever closer, stay on the watch!!

    • @FrankMerton
      @FrankMerton 7 месяцев назад

      That is sad; I kinda feel sorry for you. We all make mistakes in life, but it is best not to blame others. It is also unfortunate that you cherry pick Bible verses that actually contradict the main message of the Gospel in favor of love and forgiveness. I would encourage you to continue posting, but to find a message more likely to be effective.@@tammyg8031

    • @massagegirlmary
      @massagegirlmary 7 месяцев назад

      If you were directly sexually assaulted through out your life and were repeatedly told to go home ,change your attitude toward your step father elder or get thrown out of God's org at 10 for 8 more years then dfed for continuing to hear about and attempt to protect other abused children, you might just be angry too. Those policies are made by the GB. They are liers.

  • @EmancipateitsFree-qt4yq
    @EmancipateitsFree-qt4yq 7 месяцев назад +4

    Thank you, Eric