Post-APEC looting and shooting in Port Moresby (PMC)

  • Опубликовано: 19 ноя 2018
  • PORT MORESBY (Pacific Media Centre). National District Governor Powes Parkop has pledged that it will be business as usual today in the Papua New Guinean capital of Port Moresby as normalcy has been restored in the city after yesterday’s rioting, looting and an assault on Parliament.
    This video was taken - apparently from a police car on patrol in Port Moresby - during the height of the unrest and captures shots being fired and stumbling across looters.
    Security forces protested over the lack of payment of special allowances for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders summit last week by storming Parliament Haus in Waigani and causing damage.
    Video: Camara Geita on Twitter 20/11/2018
    Related news report on Asia Pacific Report:
    (cc) Pacific Media Centre, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand

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