Thank you for doing this video. In addition to being a vital piece of information, asking about it lets your doctor know that you are a thoughtful, involved, and alert patient, which, for me, gets better advice.
No, the most important issue is that the whole allopathic medical system was created solely for profit. All anyone has to do is look at Rockefeller/Carnegie medicine and the Flexnor Report.
I wish I had $1 for every doctor who doesn't understand this!
Thank you for doing this video. In addition to being a vital piece of information, asking about it lets your doctor know that you are a thoughtful, involved, and alert patient, which, for me, gets better advice.
Wow. Very informative and helpful. Thank you so much!
Great videos, but please refrain of using music throughout the video. Maybe at the start of the video music is ok, but then it gets just annoying...
These videos are good but having dramatic music in the background is distracting and ill-judged
This. The music lessens the credibility of this serious message.
No, the most important issue is that the whole allopathic medical system was created solely for profit. All anyone has to do is look at Rockefeller/Carnegie medicine and the Flexnor Report.
You’re being tactful. This is deliberate obfuscation in order to make more money.
I think Emily might be an INFJ
She seems imaginative visionary, sensitive and reserved. 😃
I think Emily might be an INFJ
I think Emily might be an INFJ