@coganLollins I really love your videos I was wondering if you can cover the werewolves, Skinwalkers, Vampires/Strigoi and Wendigo from Lost tapes too It's a found footage horror show that aired on Animal planet and probably their best show
my thoughts on big john is that he's a vampire, everyone knows he is but he was one the founding members of the organisation and that's why everyone trusts him so much, I think it fits better and gives a bit more depth to his character the side characters and the story overall
I don’t think so we see him in day light he doesn’t show the extreme physical gifts vampires do AND at the end of the movie he got bit and had a strip of neck flesh torn away, he didn’t heal AND his blood was human red not vampire black. Personally I think maybe he’s decendes from a founder or and this is my fav theory HES JUST THAT FUCKING GOOD BABY!!
I also enjoyed that they had different species of vampire. Dave Franco was great in this, the only thing I didn’t really like was the pants wetting scenes lol
Really, really enjoyed this movie. Love anything vampire, and having Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco made it pretty damn great. Also great 90s rap, too. Highly recommend this movie. Also, I don't think I've written on your channel before, but I've been subscribed for a few months and really enjoy your content. One of the most entertaining channels on this platform. Keep up the great work!
@@coganLollins Audrey draining the life force from the roses and plants: there's a few vampires and witches who this.. eastern ability. It's called "Siph" meaning to take out lights(light comes in many forms from Enlightenment meaning Knowledge,Oxygen meaning Air and Regeneration meaning healing) are of these are light based essences. A long time ago Satan the Cherub or Arc-Angelic was known as the Bringer of Light: it has many names. But for Audrey this is the ability she has(vampires also have no concept of time) they live outside of it,that's why statues can see them(statues are made of Earth Essence they have a life force as well) but they are trapped to watch and bear witness,nothing more. As more and more vampiric books and lore come out in the next 30 years,all the comments I've made will be true enough .. watch y'all see Exactly what I mean..
While the theory that Big John = El Jefe is pretty good, I wouldn't be surprised if Big John was someone else entirely. A Van Helsing like figure, who's lived for far longer than is evident, maybe as a hunter, who's been elongating his life to fight the vampires. This could explain how he was able to survive getting bitten AND getting away from the explosion.
@@pvt.reefer6163 honestly we see Audrey using sunscreen and because el jefe is supposedly 700 years old maybe the older you become the less affected by the sun you are
The Nazarian Brothers need a spinoff sequel. Scott Adkins also did that flip kick as Snoop, near the end, can't fool me, Scott's kicks are what he's famous for.
Its possible that El Jefe might be related in some way to Dracula, perhaps the one who turned Dracula into a vampire in the first place, seeing as El Jefe predates Dracula by over a century. What’s much more clear however is that unlike Audrey, he seems to be more comfortable with taking over the drug trade, rather than making himself known and taking action, probably because he realizes that vampires are outnumbered severely and should they attempt to make their existence known to the world at large, it would be a pretty simple matter for them to get hunted to extinction what with the fact that weapons tech has greatly improved over the centuries.
I think they didn't have enough time for the El Jefe character without having to change the story of the script , but where hoping to making make a sequel with him in it and now the union has the help of some vamps, or a new union run by big John and using vamps who do still have their human side to them? Really liked the different kinds of vampires and would be cool for more indepth backgrounds for them . The spider vampires movements were amazing the choreography was something else. I think having some vampire films that aren't to dark or serious can be a good thing to get people back into them without it being to much. The humour is good in this film and snoop dog is great as big John and the vampires having spies as well very good film
@coganLollins hi, I just think the origin of each species would be really interesting and how they came about. We know they are 4 kinds but what if it was like a curse or born that way or infection or something it leaves so much options open to explore. Would be really cool to see a prequel even with big John. But a sequel explaining more amount the difference between the 4 types would be really cool and maybe final see El Jefe.
Daybreakers, along with 30 Days of Night, really impressed me since they each took the extremely overdone vampire genre and were able to find a new story to tell.
cool little fun fact this isn't the only vampire movie Peter Stormare has been in , Peter Stormare voiced the legendary count himself Dracula in the 2005 animated movie The Batman Vs Dracula 🧛🦇
Surprised you didn’t see the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Easter Egg during the JJ announcement scene (1:50 in the video). It’s on the left wall where you see a portrait of Lincoln with 2 axes on each side of the portrait (his weapon) implying the events of the novel or movie happened in the movie’s world as well.
I liked this movie a lot, came out at the right time too, cause a lot of stuff around the same time was super dissapointing or bland. Mostly like the fact that, even though the movie felt sort of short, we had so much lore and basics on world building. I hope they expand into this universe even further with more movies or perhaps a TV series.
Fun movie, a Netflix sequel to Dayshift (aka Nightshift) would be a fun way to further explore the films lore and character development. Maybe El Jefe abducts Big Jon in exchange for the union giving him Jablonski and team for taking out a chunk of his California families.
At the beginning of the video, when you talk about the reference to the director of the movie, I think there is another easter egg: the painting of Lincoln with the two axes. It seems like a reference to the movie "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire hunter".
Great video! I'd love if you could cover Cainites/Kindred from the World of Darkness/Vampire The Masquerade setting. They're a great mix of a ton of different vampire myths and stories, and have some really cool lore behind them.
When Netflix first recommended this to me, I thought it was a series and I was super excited. I was so bummed to find out it was a movie because it could have done so well as a tv show. Hoping this gets a sequel be this was a fun movie to watch
Supposedly, they’re gonna make a part two to this, I remember reading it on multiple websites reputable website. But the party is going to be half prequel and the other half following the story of the first film at the end. Not sure how they gonna play that words like flashbacks? But that’s how it’s gonna be and it’s not gonna be here until sometime fall 2025.
I reccomend covering the vampires, Strigoi, Skinwalkers, Wendigo, and Werewolf from lost tapes horror show on Animal planet. Also the show is very good and scary Also I really love your videos
Love your videos excellent content respect and keep up the epic work. Can you do a video on The Werewolfs and other Creatures from The Teen Wolf Series please.
As long as he lists in the powers to be teen high school drama as a power then he will be accurate. It's what fucking annoyed me after a while in the MTV Teen Wolf series. Also the 2023 is a movie spin off of the series you already mentioned. Odd you separated those. Even with a small time lapse in them they are still related fully
When Audrey walks past the roses she uses a vampire power called: Whither. Some very old Vampires have ways to absorb the life force or essence of any living thing. Usually a very old vampire has to hold the thing is wants to absorb but some can make the motion of holding it and they get the same effect. Some can even shroud the thing in their own shadow and it will whither away. Sometimes humans have a streak of white hair due to this power. I think Audrey is much older than 200 yrs old? You just need to take the ages and go back to how old they might of been when the daughter was born? It could've been the 1700s when the daughter was born. Say 1720. Then Audrey gets bit in 1725 and has to leave the town alone and loses her daughter? Audrey arrives in the US in 1800, age 120/ Vamp 100yrs. Daughter 75. She has minions find the daughter and bring her to the US. Daughter 80yo, year 1900, Audrey is 200, in 1925 she's been a vamp 200yrs, in 2000 Audrey is 300 in 2025 she is a Vampire 300 yrs, Daughter is 85 in appearance but has been a vampire 100 yrs..so that fits?
Thank you, also your refer to whither reminded me of Rogue from the X-men. Her ability to touch people and absorb their life force among other things makes me think she has some derivative gene that passed down through the bloodline of the undead… maybe?
Your math and my math don't add up. Here's my thinking; Audrey's daughter is physically somewhere between 70 and 90, and her teeth are said to be about 90 years old. Let's round the teeth up to 100, and then pretend that she (daughter) was closer to 90 years old when she was turned, that only gives us 190 years maximum since the daughter was born. Audrey herself looks to be somewhere in her 30s physically, so let's round up and pretend she was 40 when she was turned. Women are usually fertile between the ages of approx 15 to around 35 or so. We'll round that up again to 40. This means that at MOST, Audrey is 40 years older than her daughter (who can't be older than 190), therefore Audrey can't be any older than around 230 years.
@@coganLollins that would be great dude! Subspecies 2 and 3 are the best ones, part one is decent though. There's a part 4 and part 5 that will be a prequel comes out in June...I don't know when the new Salem's Lot will come out, the release date keeps getting changed..
For sure El Jefe is suppose to be Vlad The Impaler aka Dracula. The only thing that doesn't fit is the 700 year reference since Vlad "died" in 1476. It COULD be the vampire that actually made Dracula.
Vlad could have been just younger more famous guy in organisation of vampire like Hitler and himmler but Hitler never shows his faces and make himmler do all the work
I'm still waiting on you to do Nosferatu. A bit late to do it on its 100th anniversary, which was last year, but it paved the way for a lot of the common vampire myths, notably vampires dying in sunlight. Unlike Dracula in the novel, the Count also casts a shadow (and has a reflection. This is seen at the end of the movie and may not have been intentional.) Since it's a short film, you could also combine the video with "Shadow of the Vampire." If you do this, you'll definitely need to read the script for the film. There's a subplot involving a female vampire that provides more depth to Max Shreck. In the movie, he constantly quotes a poem about a man who got immortality to live with a goddess, but he continued to age, despite living forever. It's basically about him, since he aged and got old and ugly, but the cut vampire woman remained young and beautiful. I dunno, I love Nosferatu and I'm excited to see the remake, so I think it would be cool. Hit me up if you need any resources lol
Heyo. Good video as always. Your channel satisfies a special interest... I know a movie you might want to look at. It's called We Are The Night. It's a German movie (called "Wir sind die Nacht") about Vampires in Berlin. The movie seems to be forgotten, and I have never seen anyone even mention it. Also there is a Remix by Covenant, that includes quotes from the German version of the movie.
The following is pure theory on my part. If vampires in the Day Shift universe are of the undead variety then we could assume the first vampires were humans who died under very specific circumstances, or certain conditions occured post death to result in them turning. Doesn't necessarily have to be supernatural but Audrey's "death aura" is particularly hard to explain with pseudoscience. Following human expansion across the globe these first generation vampires spread the curse/virus to new regions and different environmental conditions, resulting in new vampire variants evolving. I would also guess that some form of worldwide support network exists to help vampires, supplying blood, safehouses, and willing familiars.
Some say it was marrsellus's soul👻😂. Tarantino says it's what ever you want it to be . The story would not change whether you knew what was in the case or not but the mystery keeps you interested in the movie 🍿🎥
It's awesome that they have more than one species of vamp in this movie. Makes it more interesting that they are the same but different at the same time. All the same weaknesses, but some have to be taken out in a certain way. Like how they say Ubers can recover from being beheaded unlike the others
I enjoyed this movie and hope it gets a sequel (my guess is El Jefe will be the antagonist in it if it gets one). I love vampires and other monsters, so much so that I'm writing a similar story to this. It's set in the modern day and has people hunting vampires. However, my vampire hunters are also cops, police detectives to be specific. They've been on the job for almost 30 years but just learned that vampires are real. Something I find odd about the movie is that a 90-year-old vampire is close to being considered an "elder". Maybe in human years but 90 for a vampire is nothing. In my story, there are vampires that have been around since the dawn of civilization (these are considered ancients). They are few and far between but exist (mostly as urban legends amongst the organized vampires). The more common of the "elders" in my story come from between the rise of the Roman Empire and the height of the Renaissance in the 15th century. Elders sound like vampires that have lived long enough to see nations rise and fall. 700 years is more of what I'd consider an elder. I'm gonna take a guess about what each vampire species is based on. The Spider Vampire I'm unsure of but my best guess is that it's based on the Japanese yokai Jorōgumo which is a large spider with a woman's head. This could be why they're all women. The Eastern Vampires are likely based on Eastern European vampire lore. The same folklore that Stoker based Dracula on. Eastern European vampires are way most of the vampire lore comes from. The Southern Vampires have to be a reference to True Blood and the books it's based on. The Originals is also set in the South. Vampire Dairies might be also. It seems to just be a reference to the "southern vampire" trope. I still have some worldbuilding to do for my story. Mostly, how vampires are organized and what exactly they do. I want them to be sapient but still monsters most of the time.
My suspicion with El Jeffe(sorry if the spelling is awful), they wanted to leave something in there for a potential sequel... or they just thought it was something that sounded cool to flesh out the world building. Personally I don't think most of the world building they did really worked. It made the movie feel bloated, with the plot not having enough time to really be fleshed out that well.
Hear me out... Big John is a Dhampir. Great backstory for him would be something along the lines of Blade's - mother bitten whilst pregnant (by El Jeffe possibly). Buth then that would cause people to flip out as it would be basicaly ripping off Blade
My theory is that “the boss” is actually much older than 700 and could possibly be Cain OR Judas. (or another historical figure associated with betrayal). Highly unlikely to be Dracula.
you know you missed a ester egg right as they are walking into the union hq you see a portrait of Abraham Lincon with a set of axes hanging on ether side that's straight out of the movie/book where hes a hunter and a silver edged axe is his weapon of chose, and it would help your run by the goverment theory sense he brought in a few of his staff into it during the civil war
Cogan Lollins , I don't know if you have ever played Legacy of Kain and Soul Rever games but their Vampires are personally my favorite and maybe do a video game vampire video.
I know it's not a good show, but maybe Netflix "The Order" could be interesting. I found the concept of the werewolves (human beings that have bonded with a Hide) interesting for some reason. Fingers crossed for 100k
Anyone else notice at about 2:03 time stamp there’s a picture of Lincoln with some axes on each side of him wasn’t there a movie about him being a vampire hunter
I have a theory that humans didn’t turn on vampires due to a sudden realization that they were monsters, but instead due to the colonization If their place of origin is America some hundreds or thousands of years ago, it’s likely that the biggest turning point for the continent in that timeframe would’ve been the colonization
I think vampires are buying the teeth as replacements for lost ones. It also makes a great cover, a cabal of vampires that runs the vampire hunting business from the shadows, maybe vampires have to regularly replace their teeth after a millenia or if they become damaged
10:33 doesn't make any sense. Those fangs are not indestructible, so a vampire's lifespan is then directly tied to the durability of those fangs. And since you can burn the fangs, they're not even that durable since 1000-1400C heat can destroy them. All in all, practically speaking, a vampire would only survive for pretty much the same duration a regular human would. Even if they brush carefully and take extreme care, decades of use will eventually grind their teeth to nothing. That's why so many predators can re-grow their teeth.
I’d think Netflix should do make a sequel of dayshift so we could see more in their lore
there's been a day shift sequel confirmed for late 2023 or early 2024
I agree! They way they talked about all the lore was like it was setting up the world for other movies
@coganLollins I really love your videos
I was wondering if you can cover the werewolves, Skinwalkers, Vampires/Strigoi and Wendigo from Lost tapes too
It's a found footage horror show that aired on Animal planet and probably their best show
I’d hope so
@@bearthedevil9675 No, Netflix has not confirmed a sequel.
my thoughts on big john is that he's a vampire, everyone knows he is but he was one the founding members of the organisation and that's why everyone trusts him so much, I think it fits better and gives a bit more depth to his character the side characters and the story overall
I don’t think so we see him in day light he doesn’t show the extreme physical gifts vampires do AND at the end of the movie he got bit and had a strip of neck flesh torn away, he didn’t heal AND his blood was human red not vampire black. Personally I think maybe he’s decendes from a founder or and this is my fav theory HES JUST THAT FUCKING GOOD BABY!!
I like that idea!
He’s seen in the daylight guys rewatch the movie specially the end…it’s shows when he becomes a vamp… bt dope concept eitherway
Yes, Big John is like Engels. Born into the vampire class but committed his life to fighting for the proletariat
That doesn’t make much sense. We’ve seen him in the daylight multiple times.
Dave Franco and The twins were my favorite characters. I like how they had different species of Vamps that probably originated from different regions
I think that's James Francos brother
@@eddiegodzillagonzalez2537you’re right idk why I put James. Yea he’s Dave franco
if you like the different species, maybe you should give the „anerican vampire“ comics a try :)
I also enjoyed that they had different species of vampire. Dave Franco was great in this, the only thing I didn’t really like was the pants wetting scenes lol
I feel the same way it gets old overtime
Really, really enjoyed this movie. Love anything vampire, and having Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco made it pretty damn great. Also great 90s rap, too. Highly recommend this movie.
Also, I don't think I've written on your channel before, but I've been subscribed for a few months and really enjoy your content. One of the most entertaining channels on this platform. Keep up the great work!
I really hope a part 2 comes out for this film. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Me too it got so much hate but I really hope so to I loved it 💛thank u it distraction from grieving was a win for me
there has been a day shift 2 confirmation, its meant to come out late 23 or early 24, i think big john will have a bigger role this time
@@bearthedevil9675 awesome! I hope they do it and this doesn't turn into another Constantine 2 situation
What is the name of the movie
@@vejdinozan5026 Day Shift. I mean it's in the title of this video....
This made me appreciate Day Shift more and want to rewatch it. Thanks man.
European and considered "The Boss", El Jefe could be Dracula himself
That’s a cool theory!
The accent on the phone is also eastern european so it's most likely Dracula
@@coganLollins Audrey draining the life force from the roses and plants: there's a few vampires and witches who this.. eastern ability. It's called "Siph" meaning to take out lights(light comes in many forms from Enlightenment meaning Knowledge,Oxygen meaning Air and Regeneration meaning healing) are of these are light based essences. A long time ago Satan the Cherub or Arc-Angelic was known as the Bringer of Light: it has many names. But for Audrey this is the ability she has(vampires also have no concept of time) they live outside of it,that's why statues can see them(statues are made of Earth Essence they have a life force as well) but they are trapped to watch and bear witness,nothing more. As more and more vampiric books and lore come out in the next 30 years,all the comments I've made will be true enough .. watch y'all see Exactly what I mean..
@@jebVlogs556u Kno too much I'm calling vamp.
While the theory that Big John = El Jefe is pretty good, I wouldn't be surprised if Big John was someone else entirely. A Van Helsing like figure, who's lived for far longer than is evident, maybe as a hunter, who's been elongating his life to fight the vampires. This could explain how he was able to survive getting bitten AND getting away from the explosion.
He could just be a vampire tbh.
Not El Jefe but just a vampire who had some logical trauma and thus started hunting other vampires.
Big John walks around in the daylight. How is it even a theory?
@@pvt.reefer6163 honestly we see Audrey using sunscreen and because el jefe is supposedly 700 years old maybe the older you become the less affected by the sun you are
The Nazarian Brothers need a spinoff sequel. Scott Adkins also did that flip kick as Snoop, near the end, can't fool me, Scott's kicks are what he's famous for.
Its possible that El Jefe might be related in some way to Dracula, perhaps the one who turned Dracula into a vampire in the first place, seeing as El Jefe predates Dracula by over a century. What’s much more clear however is that unlike Audrey, he seems to be more comfortable with taking over the drug trade, rather than making himself known and taking action, probably because he realizes that vampires are outnumbered severely and should they attempt to make their existence known to the world at large, it would be a pretty simple matter for them to get hunted to extinction what with the fact that weapons tech has greatly improved over the centuries.
I think they didn't have enough time for the El Jefe character without having to change the story of the script , but where hoping to making make a sequel with him in it and now the union has the help of some vamps, or a new union run by big John and using vamps who do still have their human side to them? Really liked the different kinds of vampires and would be cool for more indepth backgrounds for them . The spider vampires movements were amazing the choreography was something else.
I think having some vampire films that aren't to dark or serious can be a good thing to get people back into them without it being to much. The humour is good in this film and snoop dog is great as big John and the vampires having spies as well very good film
I agree with everything you said! I also would like some more information on the different species if they make a sequel
@coganLollins hi, I just think the origin of each species would be really interesting and how they came about. We know they are 4 kinds but what if it was like a curse or born that way or infection or something it leaves so much options open to explore. Would be really cool to see a prequel even with big John. But a sequel explaining more amount the difference between the 4 types would be really cool and maybe final see El Jefe.
This movie was a surprisingly fun romp! I'm glad I gave it a chance! Thanks a lot for covering this. 😉
anyone notice the Abraham Lincoln painting in the union office?
Thats a vampire hunter reference
I saw that too, pretty cool 😎
Even his axe is beside the painting.
Fredrick Douglas too.
Daybreakers, along with 30 Days of Night, really impressed me since they each took the extremely overdone vampire genre and were able to find a new story to tell.
cool little fun fact this isn't the only vampire movie Peter Stormare has been in , Peter Stormare voiced the legendary count himself Dracula in the 2005 animated movie The Batman Vs Dracula 🧛🦇
Also voiced Godbrand in the Castelvania Netflix series
@@pastsammr oh yeah I forgot that one
That’s really cool I never knew that, and I’m a big fan of Peter stormare!
I loved his Volkswagen commercials "VDub"
Randomly got recommended your videos on my youtube homepage, now I gotta plow through your backlog of content
Thank you so much for covering this show.
Surprised you didn’t see the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Easter Egg during the JJ announcement scene (1:50 in the video). It’s on the left wall where you see a portrait of Lincoln with 2 axes on each side of the portrait (his weapon) implying the events of the novel or movie happened in the movie’s world as well.
The main reason I initially watched Day Shift was to see Snoop Dogg kill vampires. But overall it's a fantastic film.
i watched it for peter stormare and i wasnt disappointed, i love that guy
That was also one of the reasons I watched the film lol. But it was very enjoying and I always love seeing Peter Stormare!
I liked this movie a lot, came out at the right time too, cause a lot of stuff around the same time was super dissapointing or bland.
Mostly like the fact that, even though the movie felt sort of short, we had so much lore and basics on world building. I hope they expand into this universe even further with more movies or perhaps a TV series.
I love when strong vampires walk past things and they die or warp. The vampire Hunter d opening is one of my favorite showings
I think the reference is biblical. Jesus cursed a fig tree and caused it to wilt or die in Mathew. 2000 yr old fan fiction 😂❤
The vampire teeth is like the elephants tusk valuable but the only difference is the vampire teeth is the only thing that could turn someone
Fun movie, a Netflix sequel to Dayshift (aka Nightshift) would be a fun way to further explore the films lore and character development. Maybe El Jefe abducts Big Jon in exchange for the union giving him Jablonski and team for taking out a chunk of his California families.
At the beginning of the video, when you talk about the reference to the director of the movie, I think there is another easter egg: the painting of Lincoln with the two axes. It seems like a reference to the movie "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire hunter".
Man I love your videos I think this might be weird but I feel so calm when I watch your videos thank u
Great video! I'd love if you could cover Cainites/Kindred from the World of Darkness/Vampire The Masquerade setting. They're a great mix of a ton of different vampire myths and stories, and have some really cool lore behind them.
Seen this a couple of time. Love this movie. I REALLY would love it if they made a sequel! It really would be fangtastic!
I like the abraham lincoln portrait hanging in the vampire slayer hq makes me think it was a nod to that movie
at 1:24/1:49
When Netflix first recommended this to me, I thought it was a series and I was super excited. I was so bummed to find out it was a movie because it could have done so well as a tv show. Hoping this gets a sequel be this was a fun movie to watch
I went into this movie thinking it would be trash but I had a hell of a lot of fun watching it lol
I wouldn't mind it becoming a series
Seeing a picture of Abraham Lincoln was a nice fictional Easter egg.
I can't believe you missed the Lincoln portrait in the union offices... Best vampire movie imo
I like how Netflix releasing a vampire movies every halloween, let's see:
Vampires in the Bronx (2020)
Night Teeth (2021)
And Day Shift (2022)
Jamies name is Jablonski. Which tells me this script has probably been hanging out since before Charles Bronson died😂❤
Thank you so much for this video! I was so confused! Even with all the explanation in the film I was lost on all the different types of vamps!
Supposedly, they’re gonna make a part two to this, I remember reading it on multiple websites reputable website. But the party is going to be half prequel and the other half following the story of the first film at the end. Not sure how they gonna play that words like flashbacks? But that’s how it’s gonna be and it’s not gonna be here until sometime fall 2025.
I've not heard of this film, I will have to check this out. Great video, thanks for creating/uploading this ;-)
It’s really good it’s on Netflix, check out night teeth as well.
@@realist6482 Brilliant, thanks ;-)
I reccomend covering the vampires, Strigoi, Skinwalkers, Wendigo, and Werewolf from lost tapes horror show on Animal planet. Also the show is very good and scary
Also I really love your videos
Love your videos excellent content respect and keep up the epic work.
Can you do a video on The Werewolfs and other Creatures from The Teen Wolf Series please.
Thanks I appreciate that a lot! And yes I definitely want to cover something teen wolf related soon
Here's a list Teen wolf 1985 , Teen wolf too 1987 , Teen wolf 2011-2017 , Teen wolf 2023
oh shit i’ve never heard of teen wolf too, boutta watch that rn😂
you cant put the classics with the reboot, their two completely different type of creatures
@@bearthedevil9675not everything on the list has to be the similar
As long as he lists in the powers to be teen high school drama as a power then he will be accurate. It's what fucking annoyed me after a while in the MTV Teen Wolf series.
Also the 2023 is a movie spin off of the series you already mentioned. Odd you separated those. Even with a small time lapse in them they are still related fully
Haha that’s a great list! I definitely want to cover some teen wolf because I havnt got the chance yet!
I think you're putting more thought into the different types of vampire than the filmmakers did.
I love your videos, could you do a video on the supernatural creatures from the Teen Wolf series.🐺🌕
When Audrey walks past the roses she uses a vampire power called: Whither. Some very old Vampires have ways to absorb the life force or essence of any living thing. Usually a very old vampire has to hold the thing is wants to absorb but some can make the motion of holding it and they get the same effect. Some can even shroud the thing in their own shadow and it will whither away. Sometimes humans have a streak of white hair due to this power. I think Audrey is much older than 200 yrs old? You just need to take the ages and go back to how old they might of been when the daughter was born? It could've been the 1700s when the daughter was born. Say 1720. Then Audrey gets bit in 1725 and has to leave the town alone and loses her daughter? Audrey arrives in the US in 1800, age 120/ Vamp 100yrs. Daughter 75. She has minions find the daughter and bring her to the US. Daughter 80yo, year 1900, Audrey is 200, in 1925 she's been a vamp 200yrs, in 2000 Audrey is 300 in 2025 she is a Vampire 300 yrs, Daughter is 85 in appearance but has been a vampire 100 yrs..so that fits?
Thank you, also your refer to whither reminded me of Rogue from the X-men. Her ability to touch people and absorb their life force among other things makes me think she has some derivative gene that passed down through the bloodline of the undead… maybe?
Your math and my math don't add up.
Here's my thinking; Audrey's daughter is physically somewhere between 70 and 90, and her teeth are said to be about 90 years old. Let's round the teeth up to 100, and then pretend that she (daughter) was closer to 90 years old when she was turned, that only gives us 190 years maximum since the daughter was born. Audrey herself looks to be somewhere in her 30s physically, so let's round up and pretend she was 40 when she was turned. Women are usually fertile between the ages of approx 15 to around 35 or so. We'll round that up again to 40.
This means that at MOST, Audrey is 40 years older than her daughter (who can't be older than 190), therefore Audrey can't be any older than around 230 years.
The age of Audrey is 190 to 220 years old.
Great video brother as usual, I would still love to see you do the Subspecies movies and Salem's Lot since new movies are coming out soon, thanks!
Thanks a lot 🙏 I don’t think I’ve seen the subspecies movies so I will check them out! And I will cover salems lot for sure it’s a classic
@@coganLollins that would be great dude! Subspecies 2 and 3 are the best ones, part one is decent though. There's a part 4 and part 5 that will be a prequel comes out in June...I don't know when the new Salem's Lot will come out, the release date keeps getting changed..
Night shift is so underrated. Vampires in the Bronx is great too
Been waiting so long for this cover. I've commented it so many times 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you...your videos are the best!
For sure El Jefe is suppose to be Vlad The Impaler aka Dracula. The only thing that doesn't fit is the 700 year reference since Vlad "died" in 1476. It COULD be the vampire that actually made Dracula.
never thought of that but that would be pretty sick for the second movie thats confirmed for late 2023 or early 2024
Vlad could have been just younger more famous guy in organisation of vampire like Hitler and himmler but Hitler never shows his faces and make himmler do all the work
Fun movie, a sequel going into the origins would be cool.
there's been a day shift sequel confirmed for late 2023 or early 2024, hasnt been confirmed as a prequel but will still most likely feature jamie fox
Day Shift would've been even better as an ongoing series.
I'm still waiting on you to do Nosferatu. A bit late to do it on its 100th anniversary, which was last year, but it paved the way for a lot of the common vampire myths, notably vampires dying in sunlight. Unlike Dracula in the novel, the Count also casts a shadow (and has a reflection. This is seen at the end of the movie and may not have been intentional.)
Since it's a short film, you could also combine the video with "Shadow of the Vampire." If you do this, you'll definitely need to read the script for the film. There's a subplot involving a female vampire that provides more depth to Max Shreck. In the movie, he constantly quotes a poem about a man who got immortality to live with a goddess, but he continued to age, despite living forever. It's basically about him, since he aged and got old and ugly, but the cut vampire woman remained young and beautiful.
I dunno, I love Nosferatu and I'm excited to see the remake, so I think it would be cool. Hit me up if you need any resources lol
Good video as always. Your channel satisfies a special interest...
I know a movie you might want to look at. It's called We Are The Night. It's a German movie (called "Wir sind die Nacht") about Vampires in Berlin. The movie seems to be forgotten, and I have never seen anyone even mention it. Also there is a Remix by Covenant, that includes quotes from the German version of the movie.
Need Nazarian Brothers Spin off Movie....!!!
Thank you great video now I'm going to watch the movie again!
You should do from the show Supernatural! There’s a lot of supernatural creatures there. I love that show. Glad I found your page I love this stuff
Need a Day Shift Sequel
The following is pure theory on my part.
If vampires in the Day Shift universe are of the undead variety then we could assume the first vampires were humans who died under very specific circumstances, or certain conditions occured post death to result in them turning. Doesn't necessarily have to be supernatural but Audrey's "death aura" is particularly hard to explain with pseudoscience.
Following human expansion across the globe these first generation vampires spread the curse/virus to new regions and different environmental conditions, resulting in new vampire variants evolving.
I would also guess that some form of worldwide support network exists to help vampires, supplying blood, safehouses, and willing familiars.
El jefe is a Macguffin. Just like the brief case in pulp fiction . Just something to move the plot
I STILL wish I knew what was in the briefcase! I think they also serve to keep people talking about the movie
Some say it was marrsellus's soul👻😂. Tarantino says it's what ever you want it to be . The story would not change whether you knew what was in the case or not but the mystery keeps you interested in the movie 🍿🎥
It's awesome that they have more than one species of vamp in this movie. Makes it more interesting that they are the same but different at the same time. All the same weaknesses, but some have to be taken out in a certain way. Like how they say Ubers can recover from being beheaded unlike the others
i’d love to see you do a video on the vampires from chapelwaite, it’s an interesting show based on a Stephen King short story
El jefe is pretty clearly (in my opinion) referencing Dracula.
I enjoyed this movie and hope it gets a sequel (my guess is El Jefe will be the antagonist in it if it gets one). I love vampires and other monsters, so much so that I'm writing a similar story to this. It's set in the modern day and has people hunting vampires. However, my vampire hunters are also cops, police detectives to be specific. They've been on the job for almost 30 years but just learned that vampires are real.
Something I find odd about the movie is that a 90-year-old vampire is close to being considered an "elder". Maybe in human years but 90 for a vampire is nothing. In my story, there are vampires that have been around since the dawn of civilization (these are considered ancients). They are few and far between but exist (mostly as urban legends amongst the organized vampires). The more common of the "elders" in my story come from between the rise of the Roman Empire and the height of the Renaissance in the 15th century. Elders sound like vampires that have lived long enough to see nations rise and fall.
700 years is more of what I'd consider an elder.
I'm gonna take a guess about what each vampire species is based on. The Spider Vampire I'm unsure of but my best guess is that it's based on the Japanese yokai Jorōgumo which is a large spider with a woman's head. This could be why they're all women.
The Eastern Vampires are likely based on Eastern European vampire lore. The same folklore that Stoker based Dracula on. Eastern European vampires are way most of the vampire lore comes from.
The Southern Vampires have to be a reference to True Blood and the books it's based on. The Originals is also set in the South. Vampire Dairies might be also. It seems to just be a reference to the "southern vampire" trope.
I still have some worldbuilding to do for my story. Mostly, how vampires are organized and what exactly they do. I want them to be sapient but still monsters most of the time.
The union also has a picture of Abraham Lincoln. Possible reference to Abraham Lincoln being a Vampire Hunter?
Snoop Dog as a Western-styled vampire hunter is something I was unaware of and am now very much enjoying haha
My suspicion with El Jeffe(sorry if the spelling is awful), they wanted to leave something in there for a potential sequel... or they just thought it was something that sounded cool to flesh out the world building.
Personally I don't think most of the world building they did really worked. It made the movie feel bloated, with the plot not having enough time to really be fleshed out that well.
Amazing work again eould love a dive into the vampires from what we do in the shadows
On point! Hopefully there will be sequels.
there's been a day shift sequel confirmed for late 2023 or early 2024
Definitely an entertaining movie. A sequel would be nice
1st wow great job Cogan Lollins always a great video!
You should make a video about all of the monsters and demons and angels in the TV series supernatural
Need to see this...looks really good
Hear me out... Big John is a Dhampir. Great backstory for him would be something along the lines of Blade's - mother bitten whilst pregnant (by El Jeffe possibly). Buth then that would cause people to flip out as it would be basicaly ripping off Blade
I just noticed the President Lincoln picture with the axes flanking them.
at 1:24 to the left.
My theory is that “the boss” is actually much older than 700 and could possibly be Cain OR Judas. (or another historical figure associated with betrayal). Highly unlikely to be Dracula.
U missed a reference to Abraham Lincoln vampire slayer
you know you missed a ester egg right as they are walking into the union hq you see a portrait of Abraham Lincon with a set of axes hanging on ether side that's straight out of the movie/book where hes a hunter and a silver edged axe is his weapon of chose, and it would help your run by the goverment theory sense he brought in a few of his staff into it during the civil war
There needs to be a Day Shift 2.
Cogan Lollins , I don't know if you have ever played Legacy of Kain and Soul Rever games but their Vampires are personally my favorite and maybe do a video game vampire video.
we need a video on the power and abilities on the new series interview with a vampire PLSS 😛
Love the video mate! Have you ever done Wer from 2013? Would love to see a video on it
At 1:55 on the left, you can see Abraham Lincoln’s portrait and I think there’s an ax next to him, but I could be wrong
Cogan lollins happy to years of your channel 😊
Scott Adkins was a pleasant surprise in this movie.
Could you do the vampires from the movie Prowl (2010) ?
Peter Stormare 🤘 "Steh Auf"
Love that guy!
1:49 look at the picture between the axes, I'm pretty sure that's an Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter reference :D
This was a banger
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.
I’d like to see this movie continue
Would love a video on Preacher.
I also like the Easter egg of Lincoln and the axes
I know it's not a good show, but maybe Netflix "The Order" could be interesting. I found the concept of the werewolves (human beings that have bonded with a Hide) interesting for some reason. Fingers crossed for 100k
Anyone else notice at about 2:03 time stamp there’s a picture of Lincoln with some axes on each side of him wasn’t there a movie about him being a vampire hunter
make a video about the JIANGSHI the hopping vampires from the movie RIGOR MORTIS (2013)
I'd recommend looking into Russian Vampires. Like in "Карамора", "Вампиры Средней Полосы", and many more.
I enjoyed watching the films I have learnt new things about vampires most probably their teeth, I wish to learn more though your films.
I have a theory that humans didn’t turn on vampires due to a sudden realization that they were monsters, but instead due to the colonization
If their place of origin is America some hundreds or thousands of years ago, it’s likely that the biggest turning point for the continent in that timeframe would’ve been the colonization
I think vampires are buying the teeth as replacements for lost ones. It also makes a great cover, a cabal of vampires that runs the vampire hunting business from the shadows, maybe vampires have to regularly replace their teeth after a millenia or if they become damaged
10:33 doesn't make any sense.
Those fangs are not indestructible, so a vampire's lifespan is then directly tied to the durability of those fangs.
And since you can burn the fangs, they're not even that durable since 1000-1400C heat can destroy them.
All in all, practically speaking, a vampire would only survive for pretty much the same duration a regular human would. Even if they brush carefully and take extreme care, decades of use will eventually grind their teeth to nothing.
That's why so many predators can re-grow their teeth.