this is a simulation video of my homemade steam engine. You can see more details about the manufacturing process of this steam engine at;видео.html
🔴 What Is Islam? ⚠️ 🔴 Islam is not just another religion. 🔵 It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. 🔴 Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. 🔵 It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. 🔴 It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. 🌍 The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as: 📖 { “Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.”} (Quran 112:1-4)[4] 📚 🔴 Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus. 🔵 Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.
I didn't understand also. The shock absorber aniway should have holes in the piston or a leak in the seals to slide viscously. They does not completely seal in the piston part. So steam can go from the back to the front of the piston.... But, how does this can produce a reciprocating effect? If there is a valve in the end it could go like this. Hot steam come in from the back and extend the piston, then the steam condenses in the cold cilinder and the piston in sucked back. Than the water can partially go through the piston and maybe the steam could also extend again the shaft, but.. I really don't know for sure
Ich finde es toll, wie man es in den Schwellenländern immer wieder schafft, die Physik neu zu erfinden! Ne Dampfmaschine OHNE Steuerung mit nur EINER Einströmöffnung und ohne Dampfaustritt,... und sie läuft trotzdem. Ich warte echt auf das Perpetuum Mobile!
Ich verstehe den Ansatz der Kritik, Richtung "freie Energie gibt es nicht" - was ja auch stimmt. Hier wird ja auch Energie umgewandelt. Verstanden habe ich bloß nicht, warum es einer Steuerung bedürfte? Es gibt einen Dampfeintritt und einen Dampfaustritt, warum sollte diese Konstruktion also nicht funktionieren?
HAHAHA his smart! empty a shock absorber of all oils and gas .you have a piston and pressure valve in one if you understand how a shock works . You can set the valve in or on the piston to any pressure you want on some shocks . And your question on the exhaust its the second hose near the shaft with what looks like a breather maybe a one way valve but I see a flaw in this no lubrication to the piston and valve so give it a week or two and big slow down but who knows? Some materials will withstand temps of steam as oil heats up in shocks too. Gotta try it on the farm lol potential to run a generator bigger flywheel maybe? All folks in the cold climate's have a hot stove going most of the day
@@forloop7713 A boiler w/o a way to vent excess pressure is a bomb. Ask anyone who was present for a steam boiler explosion how much fun it was. If they are even alive.
@jacob smith Take a thermodynamics university level course, to even begin to understand what's up. People who play with homemade bombs(of ANY description) get blown up for their troubles.
Интересно, если эту конструкцию собрать в реальности, она хотя бы с места сдвинется? Судя по оборотам устройства и по объему расходуемого пара, вода в "котле" должна кипеть ключом, а для этого "котел" должен прогреваться двумя-тремя кровельными горелками. А не этой свечкой. Такое пламя может вызвать кипение, про которые домохозяйки говорят "на медленном огне". Наверное можно при этом накопить пара на один оборот колеса. Но не больше. Данная съемка не более, чем постановка. Идея верная в принципе, но в деталях вряд ли работает.
@@dmitryk2123 Вы бы лучше обратили внимание: а где пар, выходящий из цилиндра? Или автор пытается уверить публику, что пар собирается в эту маленькую коробочку, которую он приткнул к цилиндру на 0:27?
Wow now I understand how steam engines work. I feel like a cheater from so much easily obtainable knowledge I'm able to grasp from genius RUclips channels.
На оси маховика должен быть клапан, который по очереди подаёт пар то в одну трубку, то в другую. Этот аппарат работает от электродвигателя, а пар из котла создаёт сопротивление вращению - чем больше пара подаётся, тем медленнее крутится устройство.
SEEMS TO BE A CON. I WAS REALLY INTREEGEDBY THE CONCEPT AN LOOKED FOR THE DETALES 1: Heat source appears far to small. 2: No steam from exhaust device. 3: NO VALVING TO CONTROL STEAM THROUGH CYLANDER. Have I got it wrong if so show how the valve system works ! WOULD LOVE TO REPLICATE
I like your comment bro. You are very analytical and i believes you are competent to give advises. I would like to ask if it's practical and run sustainably using pneumatic tool such a tire wrench connected to steam instead of using compressed air ? Your advice very much appreciated sir. Thank you.
@@damantrip2874 First thoughts yes. BUT as always the devil lies in the details. Practical PROBABLY NOT without a quite a few mods. First off steam is HOT. Air motors COOL THEMSELVES (Expanding Air cools and takes heat away). PS I was an electronic engineer and but I liked the concept of repurposing
@@cameronbruce1862 as I finished watching the video I ran to my garage to check if my spent absorber still around which I had changed last week. The video very convincing until I read your comment. Thank you. As for your opinion appreciate it you are rightfully says this is about psi but not necessarily the machines always run at specified amount of psi because machines designed with operation temperature in consideration. Anyway to fullfil my curiosity I would try it out in future if I have time to build a boiler. I have a hydraulic wrench which cost me about usd 25. China made. If it'll sustain hot temperature operation it's produces 600nm tork at 85 psi which i think decently powered a bike or a cart with steam. Thank you .
Раз понятно, то объясните другим, я вот например нихера не понял, например зачем нужна та белая штука в конце верхнего шланга, и не понятно, за счёт чего происходит сжатие?
в паровом двигателе, пар после того как прошёл цикл в цилиндре двигателя, выходит наружу, по этому паровозы испускают не только продукты горения угля, но и пар. а тут просто крутится маховик и всё.
É mais fake que uma nota de 3 reais mano. Um amortecedor de carro não serve como pistão pois ele é furado em seu embolo n consegue impedir o vapor de correr de um lado ao outro, mesmo se ele trocasse o embolo teria q colocar um sistema de valvula para liberar o vapor para retomar o ciclo, provabelmente tem um motor eletrico atraz daquela roda onde prende o "pistão". Alem do que todo e qualquer motor a vapor gera vapor como resultado da exaustão, ia ficaria tudo "esfumaçado" igual um trem antigo
Колись в чем фокус? Это не паровой двигатель, ни один из его типов. Можно было бы предположить что это Стирлинг. Но это тоже не совсе так. Ты на монтаже что то скрыл. Например откачку воздуха из паровой части системы. Это при условии что оно работает вообще. Может с другой стороны привод который крутится. В смысле + это не является тем что ты показал, и как это должно выглядеть. Это фокус, обман.
@@konstantinhuwa3064 Какое рабочее тело движется не циклично? Что подразумевается под рабочим телом? Пар? Сжиженный газ? Сжатый газ? Масло? Что? Для того чтобы давление пара толкало поршень каждый раз, пар должен из цилиндра выйти. Или как у Стирлинга система. Здесь ничего этого нет. Подогрев постоянный. Следовательно поршень должен дойти до ВМТ и стать под давлением. Вторая трубка с пустой коробочкой это вообще - пустая трубка с пустой коробочкой. Какая у нее функция? Этот ролик фейк.
How is this working though? How is the steam pressure being switched to push the piston back in once it reaches the end of the outwards stroke? Is there a two way valve inside on the piston?
It's single-action. Meaning, the ram can only push, not pull. The flywheel makes sure the motion is perpetual. I guess the pressure is just relieved at the end of the stroke, lowering the pressure of the vessel, and letting the flywheel return to its original position.
I am VERY familiar with the monotube strut design (which is truly, what this it was originally designed for the F150 pickup)...that said, it was NEVER designed to be a 'pressure vessel' of any type...and while it had a Nitrogen charge, it is quite clear you are using a flywheel for momentum on the 'return' rotation (locomotive-style, single acting)...the piston seal is a simple viton seal...not metal rings. Rather quickly, I would expect it to have a seal failure, possibly resulting in a catastrophic failure at either the piston, or the upper rod seal... This is the way that death-and-dismemberment happen...I would not recommend anyone repeat this effort, as a shock-absorber or strut is designed to convert mechanical motion into heat, and through surface area, dissipate the heat is NOT a 'hydraulic pressure cylinder' designed to use hydraulic force to move the ram. This isn't even modeled in dynamic testing in the lab (to stroke the unit 8-10 inches, possibly multiple times a second)...even in its proper implementation, this would cause an overheating event in moments! Also, the oil that SHOULD BE in the cylinder acts as a lubricant. If you have vacated the oil, to turn this into a true 'steam ram', then all potential cooling fluid has been removed, compounding the problem!
@@timtravasos2742 probably not afraid of a shadow but probably afraid of having his face melted off. That's a fair thing to be afraid of isn't it tough guy?
Вам промывают мозги зеленой энергетикой. Засоряйте природу одноразовые автомобилями и бытовой техникой. Надо делать автомобили с ресурсом в 3-5 миллионов километров. И сроком службы по 30 лет. А не менять батареи в электрокарах каждые 3 года. Которые загрязняют в сотни раз сильнее выхлопа. И хвалиться непонятно чем. Переходить надо на газ для предприятий, и на спирт для автомобилей. Остальное - лицемерие.
I build miniature steam engines with plans for a farm railroad where is the pressure release safety valve and how is this thing even running because in it's current configuration the steam would just press the piston to top dead center and stay that way there are no valves even if it was used as a wobbler cylinder engine like it hardly resembles ,there is still no valve plate which that kind of engine has if you try this all you are going to do is blow up the pressure vessel possiblity injuring yourself and others
If you observe him "throttling" it up and down, it's not linear. I assume he has an electric motor running it. To be honest, it's sketchy as all hell. He is giving people an idea to make a pressure bomb. Anyone with a brain should want this video taken down. Yet RUclips promotes things like this 🤔
@@shenaniganswhatsoever363 I know right there are ways to do something like this someone sent me a link to a video of one of these junk part engines actually running but this is not the way you are exactly right this is how to seriously hurt one's self by accident
@73Datsun180B how does someone who has steam engine content who as obviously been around steam not realize you cannot build a running engine out of the valves in a shock , and on a side note do reports of harmful and dangerous acts mean nothing anymore if I took a boiler built out of any material not allowed to any of the model steam clubs around the ohio river valley id be booted from the premises and not welcome back for endangerment of others 5m views on this video how many people did this and come close to detonating bomb in front of them
@@wesbrackmanthercenthusiast4695 Well I agree it is unlikely to run and I certainly do not want to waste my time building such a piece of inefficient (boiler & engine) crap just to find out. I was just speculating why it may have ran. I am both a full-sized and model engineer! I also couldn't understand how it was running and there is no steam OR condensation!
Me parece peligroso, la carcasa del compresor no tiene una "válvula de seguridad" absolutamente necesaria para estos tipos de calderas. Si por alguna razón se obstruyen las vías de escape del vapor, la presión puede hacer explotar la carcasa del compresor y eso no sería bueno... Lo veo peligroso.
Y tanto, cierra la llave de paso completanente… y el desastre está asegurado, hubiese sido MUY FACIL, acoplar una valvula de seguridad en el propio tapon de llenado
@@ea5tt sabes cuantos aviones han volado sin válvulas de escape? Y esos cobran por subirte Eyyy tranquilo Camilo jajajaja muchas cosas que tenemos los inventores y descubridores pagaron Altos precios. Ejemplo los esposos Curie . Me imagino Aprendistes a montar te English bicicleta Con casco y almodillas por todos lados.
The plastic line only sees steam temperature. Since the device is working, I’m guessing it’s not hot enough to melt it. The boiler will explode when there’s just a little water in there but it’ll still be producing steam up to the moment of explosion.
Hola RUclipsrs, Alguien sabe ¿Qué es ese dispositivo blanco y para que sirve?. Ya que pregunté, y no he recibido respuesta. Agradecería mucho la información.
Ese dispositivo se llama baipas en algunos países es como un gusanillo de bicicleta pero invertido su función es botar botar el vapor por hay cortando la succion a ver te explico la mangera de arriba llena el pisto de vapor lo estira pero para que se pueda contraer debe hacer succion la mangera de más arriba gracias a la polea que viene siendo el cigüeñal ayuda a que se contraiga más rápida y el bota el vapor pero bota y ya no entra nada solo sale por eso te digo como el de bicicleta le echas aire y entra pero no sale aquí es al revés es un diafragma de goma busca como hacerlo es facil
There is no exhaust steam. And no condenser either. No condenser would be an open system where you just keep adding water so tons of steam. With a condenser it's a closed loop so no steam. This has neither. Its bogus. What bothers me is like the pipefitter guy said this kind of stuff is dangerous even doing it right. I'd hate to see someone try this bullshit in the garage and get hurt. Probably real bad.
Engaño total. No se ve la salida del vapor, tampoco las válvulas de apertura y cierre del vapor y las mangueras no soportarían la temperatura. Detrás del volante o "cigüeñal" está oculto el motor eléctrico junto a sus baterías y la aceleración se da por la liberación de presión desde la válvula de apertura instalada en la "caldera".
Sadly, this is apparently fake. I get the extend auction but not the retract action. The white box at the retract hose is? No answers from the uploader so until then I regard this as fake. Still, someone COULD do this provided some valve system (safety and efficiency issues omitted)
Хіба що для приколу,контенту. А так то нормальних амортів за помірну ціну фік знайдеш для автошки. Уявлю надійність всього механізму-плакати захочеться) Час все неактуальне здає на металоприйомку. А от гєну на такій конструкції можна було б ват на 200 зібрати тільки з ватметром....звісно теж для приколу.
Я так полагаю это конструкция работать не будет, должены стоять перепускные клапана,а также обратное давление перегретого пара,, а в данном механизме опратнопоступательное движение невозможно
this is a simulation video of my homemade steam engine.
You can see more details about the manufacturing process of this steam engine at;видео.html
Ma non era per sfottere , la domanda è stata educata non in tono cattivo , forse hai travisato tu , mi cancello dal canale
🔴 What Is Islam? ⚠️
🔴 Islam is not just another religion.
🔵 It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham.
🔴 Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God.
🔵 It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone.
🔴 It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine.
🌍 The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as:
📖 { “Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.”} (Quran 112:1-4)[4] 📚
🔴 Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus.
🔵 Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.
I can't understand how it works, but it seems to be working. Could you explain?
This could be used for a 12V charging system. Nice idea.
Or a solar panel
@@SharkFishSF solar doesn't work when it's dark.
@@shaymus1968 battery
@@SharkFishSF I have four. But, this idea is great for charging over night or on cloudy days when the power output isn't that strong.
@@shaymus1968 but this is just cosmetic, I doubt it has any torque required to rotate a generator.
I think the constant steam pressure would keep shaft extend. I don’t see how it’s exhausting on the return stroke.
Don't shock absorbers have a return spring in them?🤔
The exhaust goes into the tiny white box, which likely has a filter in it, hence the lack of steam being released.
I didn't understand also. The shock absorber aniway should have holes in the piston or a leak in the seals to slide viscously. They does not completely seal in the piston part.
So steam can go from the back to the front of the piston.... But, how does this can produce a reciprocating effect?
If there is a valve in the end it could go like this.
Hot steam come in from the back and extend the piston, then the steam condenses in the cold cilinder and the piston in sucked back.
Than the water can partially go through the piston and maybe the steam could also extend again the shaft, but.. I really don't know for sure
Momentum from the fly wheel pushes it back in before the next stroke
Well spotted. It's a fake
There's no mechanism for inlet or exhaust.
Ich finde es toll, wie man es in den Schwellenländern immer wieder schafft, die Physik neu zu erfinden! Ne Dampfmaschine OHNE Steuerung mit nur EINER Einströmöffnung und ohne Dampfaustritt,... und sie läuft trotzdem. Ich warte echt auf das Perpetuum Mobile!
Ich verstehe den Ansatz der Kritik, Richtung "freie Energie gibt es nicht" - was ja auch stimmt.
Hier wird ja auch Energie umgewandelt.
Verstanden habe ich bloß nicht, warum es einer Steuerung bedürfte?
Es gibt einen Dampfeintritt und einen Dampfaustritt, warum sollte diese Konstruktion also nicht funktionieren?
Страная система без распределителя с впускным и выпускным клапаном ,где они ?
Возможно в аммортизаторе
Это фальшивка. Крутится скорее всего от постороннего привода. Сделано ради просмотров.
Интересно,а куда деваться конденсат с этого амортизатора?
Амортизатор как минимум надо перевернуть, чтобы уходил конденсат
Я тоже об этом гаварю.
Темболее выхлап должен отлетать в разные стороны
I always thought about shock absorber as a steam engine, good job mate, making it a reality.
Where is the exhaust going? You cannot get a reciprocating piston if there is no outlet.
HAHAHA his smart! empty a shock absorber of all oils and gas .you have a piston and pressure valve in one if you understand how a shock works . You can set the valve in or on the piston to any pressure you want on some shocks . And your question on the exhaust its the second hose near the shaft with what looks like a breather maybe a one way valve but I see a flaw in this no lubrication to the piston and valve so give it a week or two and big slow down but who knows? Some materials will withstand temps of steam as oil heats up in shocks too. Gotta try it on the farm lol potential to run a generator bigger flywheel maybe? All folks in the cold climate's have a hot stove going most of the day
@@r0bkills 🤦♂️
@@r0bkills Nice punctuation...
@ ta! thanks
@@pauls3117 fly on your face?
As a boilermaker I can tell you this is dangerous as can be.
Yep, no safety pressure let off device.
Who cares. Nothing ever gets done playing it safe. Tell our forefathers who have died in the name of science.
@@forloop7713 A boiler w/o a way to vent excess pressure is a bomb. Ask anyone who was present for a steam boiler explosion how much fun it was. If they are even alive.
@jacob smith Take a thermodynamics university level course, to even begin to understand what's up. People who play with homemade bombs(of ANY description) get blown up for their troubles.
Интересно, если эту конструкцию собрать в реальности, она хотя бы с места сдвинется?
Судя по оборотам устройства и по объему расходуемого пара, вода в "котле" должна кипеть ключом, а для этого "котел" должен прогреваться двумя-тремя кровельными горелками. А не этой свечкой. Такое пламя может вызвать кипение, про которые домохозяйки говорят "на медленном огне". Наверное можно при этом накопить пара на один оборот колеса. Но не больше.
Данная съемка не более, чем постановка. Идея верная в принципе, но в деталях вряд ли работает.
А распределитель где?
Мне вообще показалось, что видео фейковое. Скорее всего котёл для отвода глаз, а маховик вращает электродвигатель.
@@dmitryk2123 Вы бы лучше обратили внимание: а где пар, выходящий из цилиндра? Или автор пытается уверить публику, что пар собирается в эту маленькую коробочку, которую он приткнул к цилиндру на 0:27?
Почему идея верная? Я что то не пойму как это работает...
@@serega64229 да никак это не работает. Распределителя нет. Котел ещё бы на спичках грел.
Wow now I understand how steam engines work. I feel like a cheater from so much easily obtainable knowledge I'm able to grasp from genius RUclips channels.
Sáng tạo hay quá anh like,
ok thanks bạn nhiều nhé
Beautiful nice idea. The people we need in the world.
thank you i love you
I don't see any valves controlling the steam. Can you please explain how this works?
Imagination! That’s what powers it 😂. And possibly an electric motor
Its the red hand valve on the top of the boiler
На оси маховика должен быть клапан, который по очереди подаёт пар то в одну трубку, то в другую. Этот аппарат работает от электродвигателя, а пар из котла создаёт сопротивление вращению - чем больше пара подаётся, тем медленнее крутится устройство.
Its Old and New idea!! Very Nice.!!
1: Heat source appears far to small.
2: No steam from exhaust device.
Have I got it wrong if so show how the valve system works !
I like your comment bro. You are very analytical and i believes you are competent to give advises.
I would like to ask if it's practical and run sustainably using pneumatic tool such a tire wrench connected to steam instead of using compressed air ? Your advice very much appreciated sir. Thank you.
@@damantrip2874 First thoughts yes. BUT as always the devil lies in the details. Practical PROBABLY NOT without a quite a few mods. First off steam is HOT. Air motors COOL THEMSELVES (Expanding Air cools and takes heat away).
PS I was an electronic engineer and but I liked the concept of repurposing
@@cameronbruce1862 as I finished watching the video I ran to my garage to check if my spent absorber still around which I had changed last week. The video very convincing until I read your comment. Thank you.
As for your opinion appreciate it you are rightfully says this is about psi but not necessarily the machines always run at specified amount of psi because machines designed with operation temperature in consideration.
Anyway to fullfil my curiosity I would try it out in future if I have time to build a boiler. I have a hydraulic wrench which cost me about usd 25. China made. If it'll sustain hot temperature operation it's produces 600nm tork at 85 psi which i think decently powered a bike or a cart with steam. Thank you .
Not enough moving parts, just kidding this is Flippin awesome
عزيزي يقال إن الفكره تصنع المحتوي احسنت فأنا من عشاق الأفكار البسيطه
Nice création congratulation 👏👏👏
merci pour le partage
Simple and effective..great job
حلو استمر🌹💪👍🔔
А где парораспределитель ?
Где клубы пара ?
Как по мне, это очередной перпетум мобиле, только аммортизатор вместо свечи...
Вот в том то и дело что пар нигде не выходит. Значит это чуш.
Отличное видео!Как все просто и понятно показано.Лайк.
По мне так нихрена не понятно
Раз понятно, то объясните другим, я вот например нихера не понял, например зачем нужна та белая штука в конце верхнего шланга, и не понятно, за счёт чего происходит сжатие?
в паровом двигателе, пар после того как прошёл цикл в цилиндре двигателя, выходит наружу, по этому паровозы испускают не только продукты горения угля, но и пар. а тут просто крутится маховик и всё.
А где клапан и выход использованого пара ?
Que experimento top! Parabéns pela iniciativa e criatividade!
É mais fake que uma nota de 3 reais mano.
Um amortecedor de carro não serve como pistão pois ele é furado em seu embolo n consegue impedir o vapor de correr de um lado ao outro, mesmo se ele trocasse o embolo teria q colocar um sistema de valvula para liberar o vapor para retomar o ciclo, provabelmente tem um motor eletrico atraz daquela roda onde prende o "pistão".
Alem do que todo e qualquer motor a vapor gera vapor como resultado da exaustão, ia ficaria tudo "esfumaçado" igual um trem antigo
Колись в чем фокус? Это не паровой двигатель, ни один из его типов. Можно было бы предположить что это Стирлинг. Но это тоже не совсе так. Ты на монтаже что то скрыл. Например откачку воздуха из паровой части системы. Это при условии что оно работает вообще. Может с другой стороны привод который крутится.
В смысле + это не является тем что ты показал, и как это должно выглядеть. Это фокус, обман.
Вспомните, как работает амортизатор, приглядитесь, зачем он трясёт этими штуцерами и зачем именно цилиндр совершает движения.
@@konstantinhuwa3064 о есть- это разводняк, правильно?))
@@almelnik74 нет, подумайте, дам подсказку, рабочее тело движется не циклично, точнее не возвратно поступательно.
@@konstantinhuwa3064 Цилиндр совершает движения потому что нет шатуна.
@@konstantinhuwa3064 Какое рабочее тело движется не циклично? Что подразумевается под рабочим телом? Пар? Сжиженный газ? Сжатый газ? Масло? Что?
Для того чтобы давление пара толкало поршень каждый раз, пар должен из цилиндра выйти. Или как у Стирлинга система.
Здесь ничего этого нет. Подогрев постоянный. Следовательно поршень должен дойти до ВМТ и стать под давлением.
Вторая трубка с пустой коробочкой это вообще - пустая трубка с пустой коробочкой. Какая у нее функция?
Этот ролик фейк.
How is this working though? How is the steam pressure being switched to push the piston back in once it reaches the end of the outwards stroke? Is there a two way valve inside on the piston?
Electric engine behind the wheel ;)
It is just a actual ticking time bom cause the ticking is the so called 'steam motor' and the bom the steam vessel
Al though I know about the fact there is no steam so no bom
It's single-action. Meaning, the ram can only push, not pull. The flywheel makes sure the motion is perpetual. I guess the pressure is just relieved at the end of the stroke, lowering the pressure of the vessel, and letting the flywheel return to its original position.
@@cia9315 still where is the steam then
A safety valve would have been good idea in that water fill plug
Exactly, that thing is practically a bomb without it
I am VERY familiar with the monotube strut design (which is truly, what this it was originally designed for the F150 pickup)...that said, it was NEVER designed to be a 'pressure vessel' of any type...and while it had a Nitrogen charge, it is quite clear you are using a flywheel for momentum on the 'return' rotation (locomotive-style, single acting)...the piston seal is a simple viton seal...not metal rings. Rather quickly, I would expect it to have a seal failure, possibly resulting in a catastrophic failure at either the piston, or the upper rod seal...
This is the way that death-and-dismemberment happen...I would not recommend anyone repeat this effort, as a shock-absorber or strut is designed to convert mechanical motion into heat, and through surface area, dissipate the heat is NOT a 'hydraulic pressure cylinder' designed to use hydraulic force to move the ram. This isn't even modeled in dynamic testing in the lab (to stroke the unit 8-10 inches, possibly multiple times a second)...even in its proper implementation, this would cause an overheating event in moments! Also, the oil that SHOULD BE in the cylinder acts as a lubricant. If you have vacated the oil, to turn this into a true 'steam ram', then all potential cooling fluid has been removed, compounding the problem!
Not to mention a steam pressure vessel . Does the boiler have a safety valve ?
Based on the compressor housing being used as a boiler, a bolt as the lid and no pressure gauge i think it’s safe to say he don’t care about no safety
Это же просто прикол
Afraid if your shadow?
@@timtravasos2742 probably not afraid of a shadow but probably afraid of having his face melted off. That's a fair thing to be afraid of isn't it tough guy?
This made me so happy, that is brilliant buddy 😂
Damn, So many ideas pouring thru my brain now. Thanks!
Build this and you will have steel shards pouring through your brain
Very good recommendation for the next 10 years
Why after 150 years we are still interesting about steam engine?
Because it will work independly of any expensive fuels....
Вам промывают мозги зеленой энергетикой. Засоряйте природу одноразовые автомобилями и бытовой техникой. Надо делать автомобили с ресурсом в 3-5 миллионов километров. И сроком службы по 30 лет. А не менять батареи в электрокарах каждые 3 года. Которые загрязняют в сотни раз сильнее выхлопа. И хвалиться непонятно чем. Переходить надо на газ для предприятий, и на спирт для автомобилей. Остальное - лицемерие.
Thank God you wake up after 100 years.......👍👍
How does it exhaust the used Steam
Are you kidding? That is clearly shown in the video.
❤❤sejauh ini Chanel ini yang paling jauh luar biasa content nya bermanfaat sekali semangat❤❤
Waaaaay easier looking than retrofitting a lawn mower engine
Yep. But, a lawnmower engine won't spray steam in your face.
Best. Idea .Free. power ..we. can. Use. this. For. So. Many. Works. In rural. Area . Thanks. For. Idea .
What electric engine is behind the wheel? Thanx bro.
Now What are vehicle u r bike and car....does it run steam, electrical r petroleum
Ахуительно ! 😉👍
Varee good ansh tain.. 🤣🤣
A simple light vehicle for one person can be created with this, with a safe release valve to avoid explosions
Скорее всего сзади маховика стоит электродвигатель.
Very nice project
Ciao amico , ma la sua utilità? Quale?
I think it works pretty well
In the midle of jungle you Will have the answer
Great Idea. Congratulations!
Kreatip 👍👍👍💖💖💖
Buat bg untuk naikin air sumur
21 век, Россия шарит в ЖИГУЛЯХ! 👍
If that's a car shock then I would hate to be a passenger in your car.🤣🤣🤣
Güzel icat 👏👏👍👍
I build miniature steam engines with plans for a farm railroad where is the pressure release safety valve and how is this thing even running because in it's current configuration the steam would just press the piston to top dead center and stay that way there are no valves even if it was used as a wobbler cylinder engine like it hardly resembles ,there is still no valve plate which that kind of engine has if you try this all you are going to do is blow up the pressure vessel possiblity injuring yourself and others
If you observe him "throttling" it up and down, it's not linear. I assume he has an electric motor running it. To be honest, it's sketchy as all hell. He is giving people an idea to make a pressure bomb. Anyone with a brain should want this video taken down. Yet RUclips promotes things like this 🤔
@@shenaniganswhatsoever363 I know right there are ways to do something like this someone sent me a link to a video of one of these junk part engines actually running but this is not the way you are exactly right this is how to seriously hurt one's self by accident
shock absorbers have valve inside
@73Datsun180B how does someone who has steam engine content who as obviously been around steam not realize you cannot build a running engine out of the valves in a shock , and on a side note do reports of harmful and dangerous acts mean nothing anymore if I took a boiler built out of any material not allowed to any of the model steam clubs around the ohio river valley id be booted from the premises and not welcome back for endangerment of others 5m views on this video how many people did this and come close to detonating bomb in front of them
@@wesbrackmanthercenthusiast4695 Well I agree it is unlikely to run and I certainly do not want to waste my time building such a piece of inefficient (boiler & engine) crap just to find out. I was just speculating why it may have ran. I am both a full-sized and model engineer! I also couldn't understand how it was running and there is no steam OR condensation!
Good proof of concept, but YIKES MAN!
Me parece peligroso, la carcasa del compresor no tiene una "válvula de seguridad" absolutamente necesaria para estos tipos de calderas. Si por alguna razón se obstruyen las vías de escape del vapor, la presión puede hacer explotar la carcasa del compresor y eso no sería bueno...
Lo veo peligroso.
A mí me gustó pero me hubiera gustado tener más explicación del amortiguador y agregar la válvula esa que dices xD
Y tanto, cierra la llave de paso completanente… y el desastre está asegurado, hubiese sido MUY FACIL, acoplar una valvula de seguridad en el propio tapon de llenado
@@ea5tt sabes cuantos aviones han volado sin válvulas de escape?
Y esos cobran por subirte
Eyyy tranquilo Camilo jajajaja muchas cosas que tenemos los inventores y descubridores pagaron Altos precios. Ejemplo los esposos Curie .
Me imagino Aprendistes a montar te English bicicleta
Con casco y almodillas por todos lados.
@@jorgeruizortega6077 La ignorancia es muy atrevida, tú mismo… y que tu Angel de la Guarda no te pierda de vista!
@@ea5tt jajajaja empezamos el Club de los iluminados.
Ya somos dos jajaja
good 👍👏🇵🇱 regards
дружище, а подробнее покажи, как это сделано. (лайк, подписка, Россия)
Ето фейк братан
Я тоже думаю что фейк, больно просто
Someone is very brave, would not want to be anywhere near to this.
Patrimônio cultural mundial do nosso Brasil.
Nice safety valve :D
Hook a alternator up have free electricity anywhere where there's water
And Wood to burn
Super génial 😅 bravo 🎶 👏 😎
Parabéns amigo ótima ideia! 😃 da pra Criar várias outras emcima dessa!
Whatever honked like that during the video, I would have tried to chase them down. Noise pollution is one thing, but obnoxious is another. Good video.
It was a locomotive lmfao!
@@73Datsun180B Oh lol I'm in KY we got "rednecks" here that stack train horns to troll places passing by.
@@73Datsun180B That's unfortunate, here there are people who stack train horns to troll.
@@MrQuick999 I love air horns, but some people are just wankers!
Question to the engineers, wouldn't the plastic line rupture and relieve pressure long before pressure got high enough to blow up an iron pot?
He got a bal volve on it.......
If you only open the volve like 1/3 the preasue in the pot wil be much higer
The plastic line only sees steam temperature. Since the device is working, I’m guessing it’s not hot enough to melt it. The boiler will explode when there’s just a little water in there but it’ll still be producing steam up to the moment of explosion.
that's great. If the steam returns to the boiler? it would be a way to keep a continuous movement. Good Joob Budddy
Muy bueno, saludos, genio.
OK thank you very much
Сделаю такую соседям снизу на радость😉
Hola Nice Creation. ¿Qué es ese dispositivo de color blanco que conectas en la segunda manguera?. Y ¿Qué función tiene?. Gracias
Também quero saber!
Hola RUclipsrs, Alguien sabe ¿Qué es ese dispositivo blanco y para que sirve?. Ya que pregunté, y no he recibido respuesta. Agradecería mucho la información.
@@humbertooffrede9692 Hola Humberto, quizá pronto nos saquen de la duda. Saludos desde 🇨🇷 Costa Rica.
Это белое можно и убрать... Просто бачёк с отверстием... Роли никакой не играет... И без него всё будет работать... Привет из России🇷🇺
Ese dispositivo se llama baipas en algunos países es como un gusanillo de bicicleta pero invertido su función es botar botar el vapor por hay cortando la succion a ver te explico la mangera de arriba llena el pisto de vapor lo estira pero para que se pueda contraer debe hacer succion la mangera de más arriba gracias a la polea que viene siendo el cigüeñal ayuda a que se contraiga más rápida y el bota el vapor pero bota y ya no entra nada solo sale por eso te digo como el de bicicleta le echas aire y entra pero no sale aquí es al revés es un diafragma de goma busca como hacerlo es facil
Умный человек,сразу бы обратил внимание на то что шлаг от пара не согнулся!!!все это фуфло!
What you have done is build a mini bomb, if that “pressure vessel” was to get real pressure it would blow up pretty hard
True should have a simple safety release put on it somewhere in a future design. Still cool concept made from junk.
Definitely not a bomb lol, did you see the hoses he used? You think they would hold up until the pressure reaches a breaking point? Think again lol
Cool 😎 now we can recycle ♻️ old shocks into home made EV chargers.....
That system doesn't work, where is the exhaust going?
Brilliant just goes to show how little water you need to generate steam
Установи противовес через ось пневмоцилиндра чтобы уменьшить влияние инерции штока
А что за коробочка на конце шлангочки через которую выходит газ?
@@НесторМахно-м3н обратный воздушный клапан
Nice job 👍
How does the exhaust steam escape? What is the gadget fixed at the top end and what's its function?
There is no exhaust steam. And no condenser either. No condenser would be an open system where you just keep adding water so tons of steam.
With a condenser it's a closed loop so no steam. This has neither. Its bogus.
What bothers me is like the pipefitter guy said this kind of stuff is dangerous even doing it right. I'd hate to see someone try this bullshit in the garage and get hurt. Probably real bad.
Bravo müdür bey.
Merak ediyorum
Bunu tek başınıza mi yaptınız?
Boa noite amigo muito bom gostei
Exelente buen video muchas Gracias
Engaño total. No se ve la salida del vapor, tampoco las válvulas de apertura y cierre del vapor y las mangueras no soportarían la temperatura. Detrás del volante o "cigüeñal" está oculto el motor eléctrico junto a sus baterías y la aceleración se da por la liberación de presión desde la válvula de apertura instalada en la "caldera".
Something neat about you using a compressor casing as a boiler aha
What is the voktahe of this electric engine hidden behind the wheel? :)
Только далёкий человек поверить в то что этого огня хватит для того чтобы запустить этот цилиндр.....
Pessoal maravilhoso; O mundo não vive sem ele!! Ala' Aca' e Acolá!
I'm not an engineer but this reminds of 19th century trains
Brother ,have you
Removed the inside installed piston calyender, motor from the refrigerator compressor ?
Good work man
Gostaria de saber a onde está a válvula de entrada e a de saída do vapor adimisão e escape
There's should be a bit explanation, it would make easy to understand it.
Great project! I'm inspired. Please tell us what is the white thing on the hose where the steam exhausts?
Looks like a breather not to revert back. And it looks like its cool enough not to show heat/Steam?
Sadly, this is apparently fake. I get the extend auction but not the retract action. The white box at the retract hose is? No answers from the uploader so until then I regard this as fake. Still, someone COULD do this provided some valve system (safety and efficiency issues omitted)
Very simply made, works fine. Yup,! G-G 😃😆😀
Muito 👍 bom
Хіба що для приколу,контенту.
А так то нормальних амортів за помірну ціну фік знайдеш для автошки.
Уявлю надійність всього механізму-плакати захочеться)
Час все неактуальне здає на металоприйомку.
А от гєну на такій конструкції можна було б ват на 200 зібрати тільки з ватметром....звісно теж для приколу.
You meant how to show a steam engine
This is the simulation I have left the video details in the comments below
Very good!!!
oh wow no dislikes
must be totally legit video
Прикольный фокус! Электромоторчик за маховиком стоит?
thanks you
Я так полагаю это конструкция работать не будет, должены стоять перепускные клапана,а также обратное давление перегретого пара,, а в данном механизме опратнопоступательное движение невозможно