HighSobriety Podcast - Episode 7

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Welcoming Harrison Griffiths to the Highsobriety Podcast !
    Nottingham born Harrison Griffiths has had an eventful yet exciting life to date.
    Growing up in the academy football system until 17, where he was then scouted to be a model. Outwardly things have always seemed like everything was amazing and opportunities always came his way. Yet Harrison was always battling internally with two huge addictions.
    Gambling and in and around bookies from 15 years old with a disposable income from the age of 17 and moving to London. It was a recipe for carnage and destruction! Whilst Harrison’s modelling career was taking over, living all over the world and working with some high end brands. Harrison could never find peace and always needed to have something to escape his own mind.
    He found cocaine and gambling worked well together for a short time to alive himself of his non existent inner-peace. Things would soon become unmanageable and cocaine took control of the person he was when he finally got help with his gambling addiction.
    After trying to take his own life 18 months ago, Harrison has been clean and sober since then. His last bet was 5 years ago and he continues to work on himself and help others who find themselves lost in the spotlight of being a model.

Комментарии • 3

  • @daniel123991
    @daniel123991 5 месяцев назад


  • @daniel123991
    @daniel123991 5 месяцев назад +1

    clean of heroin and coke 2 years plus glad i did it while still got my health