I invite you to go to and othe country and don't need no one to spech for you!! Ahhh I forgot you have google translation . My point is, no every body visiting the USA. Is going to spech English. He my spech several languages whi knows???
@@Billyjoe978Elon didn't make Tesla, he didn't even make the company. He was simply a co-owner because he bought shares of the company. So it's not really his own car.
Isn't that shameful for a guy who shoves a phone up people's faces while asking about their cars doesn't know the owner of one of the greatest car companies of the present times?
@@erictalbot1178I am goddamn sure he speaks very well and understands english. this type of rich people speaks their native language only. you can see he is smiling, showing he understands. but not speaking a single word. and if you noticed, he says "he does not speak", not "he cannot". I am pretty sure he can but, you know.
Isn't that shameful for a guy who shoves a phone up people's faces while asking about their cars not knowing the owner of one of the greatest car companies of the present times?
@@rohanraj1745 Except he is from Argentina, so Spanish is his mother tongue. He does speak English, he just pretends he doesn’t to create more of an aloof image.
@@eastielover exactly. It's impossible that a man of that calibre doesn't know the language spoken by almost the whole globe.😅 They just want to inspire their own people that respect and learn your mother tongue. If I have to go to the USA, I must speak English, but if he or Putin will go, they will bring a translator, but they will not talk in English.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahshahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahaahhahahhahaHahhaahahhahaahhahahahahahahahaahhahaahahhaahhahahaahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahhahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhaahahshshahahahahahhaahhahahahhaahaha jk wasn't that funny.
Fun fact, Horacio has vertigo and doesn’t like to drive fast. He’s not a driver and Pagani are not drivers cars. In fact, he and his kids don’t care much for driving. How do I know? My best friends are friends with them.
Bro understood exactly what you said, thats why he smiled. He then told his servant “can you believe this peasant doesn’t know who I am? Embarrass him please.”
Idk if he speaks english or not, but in this video when he kind of faced his son he asked him in spanish "what is this man saying?" ... so yeah, he clearly didn't understand him lol
Ya, ain't no way someone who built an empire and a luxury car doesn't speak a lil bit of English at the very least I wouldn't be surprised if he turned to be fluent
He may be able to understand a little at least what he was asked. Might even speak a little. But then again, he's Italian and may not care about understanding or speaking English at all.
El sucesor del Pagani Huayra tendrá AMG V12, caja manual y una versión eléctrica y por otra parte el sucesor de Horacio Pagani ...su hijo Christopher Pagani....
Pagani was founded cuz of Lamborghini and Lamborghini was founded because of Ferrari not wanting to experiment with carbon fiber.. all legendary car company’s
@@Stolen340iI think you got you’re stories mixed up there, pagani wanted Lamborghini to build their cars out of carbon fibre, and Lamborghini just simply, couldn’t afford it at the time. Lamborghini wanted to team up with Ferrari, to help them build better clutches. As they’re clutches were the same exact ones used on Lamborghini. The clutches didn’t live upto it’s name nor the brands reputation As the “best in the world” Ferrari were using the same exact clutch Lamborghini used on their tractors. they came at just a fraction of the price too, as Lamborghini’s were 15$ and Ferrari’s were 250$
He could’ve k own what he was saying but doesn’t know how to respond in English. You can also speak English but have a hard time understanding it from someone else
With the volume quite high you can hear him asking the guy sitting next to him: “que dice el ….?” (Couldn’t fully understand the last word used to refer to the guy), which basically means: “what does this dude say ?”
The door opens to a room, smoke billows out and you strut in like Vince McMahon as someone on a microphone introduces your name and adds...."HIMSELF!"🤣👍
If anyone wanted to knwo the orchestras name when he said Pagani, its:- Golden wind OST volume 3. If u want the exact time which plays in the music video, its "0:41" Watch Jojos Bizarre adventure show btw thats where most popular songs and music came from.
A lot of Argentines don't like to speak english due to the war with England, this stands with Messi, Maradona, the pope, Pagani, Agüero and so on, one of the only famous Argentines you can actually hear speak fluent english is Anya Taylor-Joy and this is because she's a hollywood actress, usually when you see a famous Argie they would refuse to speak English but they can understand it
@someone9665 Sorry but that's not how it is. That doesn't read as "bad sir" to most people. "My bad, sir apologies..." is very improper and looks bad and confusing. You CAN do "My bad, sir, apologies..." with a comma before and after "sir." But if you are putting only one comma and it is after "bad," that is a very wrong way to do it. I would personally write "My bad sir, apologies..." But it may be more technically proper to have the comma before and after like in my previous example.
He makes cars for rich people. How important is that really to society? Would society still exist tomorrow if he and his company vanished? Yes and you wouldn’t even notice
@@HenryKissinger-l7qis important because his company employ a lot people and brings a lot in taxes and business for his country. This is a very important men
@user-cy9qh6kj6c stop crying about it. You know what he means. He is a rich creator and is famous which translates to influence which then translates to important dumb a$$
If it is a car show full of the wealthiest car enthusiasts from around the world... The LAST person you want to be is the guy who doesn't know who the creator's are, while speaking directly to one of them while driving their own car. Pigani probably understood him, just instantly didn't like him. 😬😭
He also doesn’t speak English so you know it would’ve been pretty awkward for him to say “Sì, in realtà sono l'amministratore delegato di Pagani, ho fatto questa macchina” right?
The way he said “Himself” you know you playing with the big leagues
No freaking doubt. The real ones.
@@Plobbot1974 poor and broke
I understand how you feel
All I kept thinking as well 👌
@@Plobbot1974 it’s called accomplishment and making a name for yourself.
Bro was doing side quests and accidentaly met the final boss
Underrated Comment😂
When someone describe you as “himself” you know you made it
Not sure what you mean you made it quote but I guess you still think money and fame makes people. Lame low key
I invite you to go to and othe country and don't need no one to spech for you!! Ahhh I forgot you have google translation . My point is, no every body visiting the USA. Is going to spech English. He my spech several languages whi knows???
@@MartinJimenez-n2p he may speak several languages but I know you don’t💀💀💀
@@MartinJimenez-n2pyou dont seem to speak even one
What’s even funnier is that the passenger is his son, Christopher
He should have said “we are the paganis”
I think isnt Christopher..
@@sekhanTimika dude, he looks exactly like his dad..
He didn't even bother translating
he really took the phrase “He drives his own car” to a whole new level
Kinda like Elon
@@Billyjoe978Elon didn't make Tesla, he didn't even make the company. He was simply a co-owner because he bought shares of the company. So it's not really his own car.
@@_Ter1an_yeah it is because he is the only reason Tesla didn’t go out of business and he has been ceo long enough to be around for the new models
@@Redstoner34526 for sure
When even the camera man starts speaking, you know shit's real.
U got me laughing even tho its true 😂😂😂
Bro t af😂😂😂
Yes, a real shit ....
Isn't that shameful for a guy who shoves a phone up people's faces while asking about their cars doesn't know the owner of one of the greatest car companies of the present times?
“He is Horacio Pagani…..Himself”
Boss level 💯
The dialogue before the Boss fight:
And the music started to play in the background.
The final boss indeed. 😅
1000rd like
Golden wind 🎶🎶🎶
the background music really makes it stick too. unreal to see!
"he doesn't speak to peasants"
Exactly!! That dude speaks English!
I was like that smile at the start looked like he knew exactly what the man said😂
I was thinking the same thing. 😅
@@TitanicSubGoBoomshockingly, I do not think he speaks English
Lore accurate
With that smile, he knew EXACTLY what he was saying
Seems he knew, just didn’t know exactly how to respond the way he wanted in correct English
@@erictalbot1178I am goddamn sure he speaks very well and understands english. this type of rich people speaks their native language only. you can see he is smiling, showing he understands. but not speaking a single word. and if you noticed, he says "he does not speak", not "he cannot". I am pretty sure he can but, you know.
@@burak.mp4he can for sure speak english and i’m sure there are clips of him speaking english lol.
Isn't that shameful for a guy who shoves a phone up people's faces while asking about their cars not knowing the owner of one of the greatest car companies of the present times?
@@arnavsingh8840why you mad ☠️
He may not speak English but he definitely understood. The way they both smiled lol
These big people respect their own mother tongue and refuses to speak other languages because they have the power and freedom to do so.
@@rohanraj1745 Except he is from Argentina, so Spanish is his mother tongue. He does speak English, he just pretends he doesn’t to create more of an aloof image.
@@eastielover exactly. It's impossible that a man of that calibre doesn't know the language spoken by almost the whole globe.😅 They just want to inspire their own people that respect and learn your mother tongue. If I have to go to the USA, I must speak English, but if he or Putin will go, they will bring a translator, but they will not talk in English.
@@M-uj2tr Nah everyone that knows Pagani on a more personal way, has said that he can speak english perfectly, he just doesn't want to.
Bro thought he was the owner *of a Pagani*
Turns out he was the owner *of Pagani*
So true
Beautiful statement
The use of 'a' especially
He is pagani
nah, bro Is pagani
The fact his son answered his name when asked for the industry he works in says a lot. His name is literally the industry.
i believe he said “he is” before stating his name but whatevs man i’m just splitting hairs
Yeah, he founded and owns a company that makes many sought after million dollar supercars.
@@resist8276 Yeah, the son said that. The guy in the background is the one speaking.
Giving his name is more friendly and informative than saying he works in the auto industry.
Never heard of him, but never really been obsessed with cars either. I would probably still ask what industry he’s in after I got his name.
“So what do you do for a living?”
“I’m Pagani”
“Understandable, have a good day”
When you know a lot of stuff you don't need long answers to know why
Who cares, he makes spaghetti.
@@blyatpotato9484 so he makes spaghetti Os. I can see why you kids get excited.
Numba 6, man *urinates*😈 on fellow *passenger*🗿 for not being allowed to smoke🚬
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahshahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahaahhahahhahaHahhaahahhahaahhahahahahahahahaahhahaahahhaahhahahaahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahhahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhaahahshshahahahahahhaahhahahahhaahaha jk wasn't that funny.
“He is Horacio Pagani” “OH REALLY” *stands up straight and salutes*
1000th like
3.3k likes and only one comment, how is that possible? Well it’s now 2 comments
almost 4k likes and only 2 comments? ill change that
4.5k likes with just 3 comments? Well now 4
You know the deal… 5
*“Hello sir, who are you and what do you do?”*
Interviewer: "Your car is incredible, what do you do for a living?"
Pagani: "Yes"
Yes 😂
He do the living... 😏
@@danamartinez7840 lol
"What do you do for a living"
"The car"
Their smiles. They know what’s up. His voice. You can hear he’s stunned and star struck.
1.1k likes and no replies?
Their smiles they know they’re billionaires
@@puhffy He should've back hand knocked him out and stole the Pagani took it too other countries and get 5 stars GTA style
People should be "star struck" by our Creator Himself, not some silly people who were lucky enough to inherit their family's wealth.
Yeah because it was in the script they read 2 minutes before that
"Say my name"
"You're Horacio Pagani"
"You're goddamn right"
😅😅 underrated comment
@@mickdabzit’s not at all underrated..it has over 200 likes. Way to make a word demeaning. Goofy muppet
@@mickdabzFr lmaooo
More like "He doesn't speak English. Say. His. Name."
Fun fact, Horacio has vertigo and doesn’t like to drive fast. He’s not a driver and Pagani are not drivers cars. In fact, he and his kids don’t care much for driving. How do I know? My best friends are friends with them.
When he asks what he does for a living and the other guy just says his name. That’s levels
that "other guy" is his son
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Lmao “what industry does he work in?”
Henchman: “He is the industry”
He’s not a henchman it’s paganis son hehe
@@Jakze. thought so, they look very alike
Lol Henchman
Jajaja 😜
@@Jakze. My daddy builds supercars but I'm too lazy to translate your question.
Duude really felt the chills in his body when he met the boss lol
1.2klikes and no comments that’s crazy I’ll give you one
@Rick Robert that video link sucked.
Lmao honestly I think it's proper it's like his creation is like one of the rare unicorns on every man's wish list
"He is Horacio Pagani."
*Boss health bar appears*
😂 ready round one fight! Get ready for the last boss! 😂
Daniel mac : iam done 😳
bro is so rich he has someone to speak for him💀
Yeah, his son. 😂
having a translator is free in general
@Traceless916 like Google translate? Lol
@@dano1307 pretty much, it's not 100% accurate, but I've had a 30-minute conversation with a woman in China that I interacted with in Elden ring.
Litteraly christopher😂
Bro was like “hey man nice pagani, who are you?” “Pagani” 😂😂😂😂😂
Rush Hour wants there joke back
I see what you did there..
Lol tysm! Idk what ir who was that lmfao 😭
@@TheWookiee89 i dont get it
@@lemonstrangler it might have been Rush Hour 2 but the confusion about their names joke. "He's me and I'm you"
The Ceo humble asf, atleast he smiled!😂
"He doesn't speak English"
Nigga don’t know what he said hell you would’ve just smiled too 🤣
Who gives a fuck
This video is not funny, I’ve never heard about this paganini brand before.
@@MarcosDemiato Must've been living under a rock
The guy in blue is a BOSS. The way he introduces him is like a movie scene.
Not really he just couldn't speak English so blue translated. Not sure how you get "movie scene" from that but hey maybe you just watch shitty movies
That is his son
@@sexypanda1349 nobody agrees with u and I agree only with the comment
@@sexypanda1349 blue translated what? -_-
dude just simply introduced his boss
@@spurt1390 Actually, that is his son, Christopher Pagani.😁
Bro understood exactly what you said, thats why he smiled. He then told his servant “can you believe this peasant doesn’t know who I am? Embarrass him please.”
That is his son
Weird ass scenario u made up in your head
@@cesj1that’s the human mind for you😂 interesting but also strange
He is from Argentina and lives on Italy, he probably doesn’t speak English.
"Whats his name?"
"Oh, haha, same name as the ca..."
@@oneslap01 why
@@oneslap01 how lmao
Lmfao😂😂 good comment.
@@oneslap01 ?
"what do you do for a living?"
pagani: *smiles in rich*
Smiles in rich ... lovin it
I swear😂🤣😂🤣😩
*super rich.
Batman be like: i bought the bank
''He is Horacio Pagani, Himself.'' *boss bar appears*
Underrated comment 😂
@@emancipatedkuma2868fr, starts up dark souls
“Himself” was hard
Love how the Final Boss Music starts playing when he is revealed
That ain’t final boss music. That’s Giorno Giovanna music. Final bosses tremble at that
both the comment are reply is right
@@bennieficial_9579 But Giorno Giovanna is the Final Boss...
@@KidWithTheNoFace Touché
"I am not in a Pagani. I am the Pagani."🗿
"I am the one who makes Pagani"
You shoul add "owner" after both "pagani"
I was born in the pagani molded by it
He understood English all right. That's why he smiled.
no, I have seen many people who dont speak smile to be friendly.
I can’t imagine Pagani himself don’t speak English
Idk if he speaks english or not, but in this video when he kind of faced his son he asked him in spanish "what is this man saying?" ... so yeah, he clearly didn't understand him lol
I checked. He speaks very little english, his son does the translating in interviews.
Sometimes people can understand but can't speak well enough!
They way he took pause before saying himself speaks volumes 😂
His life's hard work flashed before his eyes
Yoooo aha
Wish I have a moment like that too.
@@xomerxkhanxx9437 great that you have a wish but also work hard for it
I doubt he cares
"what is his name"
"Oh well, i wasn't here" 💀
Who tf even is that
@@Dreuft He made the car that he’s driving
@@ilikepies4877 him specifically or one of the 3rd world country underpaid underage child workers
@@Dreuft he is Pagani. the Founder of Pagani.
@@redfalcon6027yeah and i'm Austin. The founder of Austin, Texas
The guy that said "himself" was Christopher Pagani. The way this man talks about his father you can tell they have a wonderful relationship.
I had no clue who these men were but thank you for acknowledging this and explaining.
I thought they looked similar
I wish I was his son too 😂
@@purpleblackberries6850 Yall still reppin onlyfans on youtube huh? I figured you would be set with all the lonely desperate loosers out there.
So sweet!
When he said "your car is amazing" he had no idea how right he was
He speaks English that's why he was smiling ..he didn't wanna waste any words on this guy
Ya, ain't no way someone who built an empire and a luxury car doesn't speak a lil bit of English at the very least I wouldn't be surprised if he turned to be fluent
I noticed that too.
@@mikaljorge never know.
Nah he was like "look at this idiot. He doesnt even know that i am HORRACIO PAGANI! Ehat kind of idiot doesnt know the great HORRACIO PAGANI!? 🤣
He may be able to understand a little at least what he was asked. Might even speak a little. But then again, he's Italian and may not care about understanding or speaking English at all.
"HIMSELF" gives it next level awesomeness
Yes! Totally! Cool. 😮😊
Huayra is a masterpiece & better looking than Roadster version.
🤮 Elitist trash
He’s probably use to saying himself a lot
You know he is the final boss, when Pagani’s son introduces him instead of himself 😂
Is he really his son?
El sucesor del Pagani Huayra tendrá AMG V12, caja manual y una versión eléctrica y por otra parte el sucesor de Horacio Pagani ...su hijo Christopher Pagani....
I thought I heard boss music when he stepped out of the car 😂
I thought he was his lawyer/accountant, IDK why the ultra rich always traveling with their lawyers
He just smile knowing he doesn't need to introduce 'himself'
His son said though he is "himself'
“What do you do for a living?”
Him: “I am the car”
**Turns into a convertible**
Just casually meets the CEO 💀
@@tayyab2523You can run your own company and automatically become the CEO of that company...
Pagani was founded cuz of Lamborghini and Lamborghini was founded because of Ferrari not wanting to experiment with carbon fiber.. all legendary car company’s
@@Stolen340iI think you got you’re stories mixed up there, pagani wanted Lamborghini to build their cars out of carbon fibre, and Lamborghini just simply, couldn’t afford it at the time. Lamborghini wanted to team up with Ferrari, to help them build better clutches. As they’re clutches were the same exact ones used on Lamborghini. The clutches didn’t live upto it’s name nor the brands reputation As the “best in the world” Ferrari were using the same exact clutch Lamborghini used on their tractors. they came at just a fraction of the price too, as Lamborghini’s were 15$ and Ferrari’s were 250$
when he said "himself" it gave "rejoice peasant" vibe.
At what mark?
This comment made me snort 🤣🤣🤣
the music 😂 you know you are in front of the last boss 😂❤
"Himself" that gave me main character vibes💀I feel like an npc
Same lmao 🤣
We are.
When you get lost on the first level of a video game and accidentally start the final bosses cut scene.
More like the MC himself!
We are compared to him
-Who is he?
No clue 😂🤷🏾♂️
Just checked google 😂
At this moment he knew ...
@@djones3700 dont blame you but if you play any racing game they most likely have a pagani and well you now know who he is.
His smile after hearing the question makes me think that he understands/speaks english but too flattered to answer back lol
He could’ve k own what he was saying but doesn’t know how to respond in English. You can also speak English but have a hard time understanding it from someone else
He was insulted with the question because he didn't recognize him
Of course he understand/speak english. Just doesn't wanted to answer the question. He keeps a low profile in his life. Except driving his cars.
With the volume quite high you can hear him asking the guy sitting next to him: “que dice el ….?” (Couldn’t fully understand the last word used to refer to the guy), which basically means: “what does this dude say ?”
😂😂 I keep rewatching this because of how funny this is 😂
Bro skipped npc’s and went straight to the final boss 💀
Yoooo 😂😂😂😂😂
Lmao.... underrated comment bruh😂
But isn’t the final boss an NPC💀💀💀
What's an NPC, is it a car thing? I am a girl and I have taken the subway my whole life, so go easy on me.
@@NewYorkCityGritty5npc is mean non-player character. Npc is an character in the game controlled by computer
I have a feeling Pagani understood English but he left the intro for the other guy so he doesn't seem proud or whatever 😄
Either that or he doesn't want spare an ounce of word to this guy lol
other guy is actually his son XD
Everyone needs a Davos Seaworth to introduce them properly.
@@msengupta707 yep, same smile lol
@@msengupta707 they actually look alike...with glowing skin
Bro this a legendary moment
Appreciate the likes and for those ready to throw hate I simply won’t reply not worth my energy and time 🫡
Kind of.
@@scarecrow8859 lol when did you meet him??
Check mate life
Ye bro the music aswell
@@loboandy367 😂💀👌
You know you’re famous when you answer “what do you do for a living” with your name
"What do you do for a living?"
Fuckkk. You don't need to introduce your self.
@@HairyJuan Heisenberg
@@HairyJuan Hitl- I mean Kirby... yeah.
@@christiankirby8092 💀
he for sure understood him just didn’t wanna waste his breath
Bro I wanna be introduced as “Himself” one day 💀
So badass
Straight from Riley SFPc Destiny Himself.
You can
.. you can change your pronounce to *CEO of pagani*
He is Peter Kleenex, himself.
The door opens to a room, smoke billows out and you strut in like Vince McMahon as someone on a microphone introduces your name and adds...."HIMSELF!"🤣👍
"My car."
"You own the car, so what?"
"No, idiota. *MY* car."
Owning cars is for plebs. Just own the Automaker.
No idiota 😂
“Himself” just added so much sauce to that 😂
When you are something, that "sauce" comes naturally
His Excellency. BOSS STATUS
That was arrogant of him to say that though.....
@@harveyspecter1855 arrogant is when you say something like that about yourself, not someone else
The himself was more so for the question he asked about what industry he works in
Dude was just saying that he works for himself the video is splice
If anyone wanted to knwo the orchestras name when he said Pagani, its:-
Golden wind OST volume 3.
If u want the exact time which plays in the music video, its "0:41"
Watch Jojos Bizarre adventure show btw thats where most popular songs and music came from.
Dang the way he dipped after finding out his name was like, “oh sorry for breathing your air sir”
Absolutely true 😂
I felt that for him and I would've reacted the same way!
Him smiling when he was asked what he does for a living means he understood the question, probably thought it‘s a troll question lmao
He said he doesn't speak English not hu doesn't understand English
How’s your wife olgierd?
No my grandma did all the time she spoke Spanish
People just smile if they dont understand something
Just like how Japanese people can understand English ,they just don't speak it themselves (more often than not purposely)
His question really was: "How did you get that car?" and the answer was "I designed it myself!"
I built it myself
weakest DIY enthusiast
Hmm probably not himself but yeah.
What was your first job?
„I made it“
A lot of Argentines don't like to speak english due to the war with England, this stands with Messi, Maradona, the pope, Pagani, Agüero and so on, one of the only famous Argentines you can actually hear speak fluent english is Anya Taylor-Joy and this is because she's a hollywood actress, usually when you see a famous Argie they would refuse to speak English but they can understand it
Horacio is a legend he don't speak English to know he's one of the best creators of cars in the world
Big rumours that he actually can but just doesn’t, to avoid interviews etc.
what a king
@@jrmungandr for sure he can…
and he act pretty arrogant imo
Yea, he gets a pass.
@@blackassnight He gets a pass to not speak English?
he “doesn’t “
He fled so fast and I’ve never seen a more relatable reaction 🤣 I would’ve bowed and quickly backpedaled my way to peasant safety 💀
Peasant Safety! 🤣🤣🤣
@@rockcactus5586 Your dad?
That’s so funny bruh😂😂
@@hailhydra9869 that would be impossible sir.
Once he found out who he was he was like:
“My bad sir apologies for entering your space and for breathing your air
@someone9665How did you try to critique his grammar and be more incorrect than him? The comma would go after "sir" 😂😅
@someone9665 Sorry but that's not how it is. That doesn't read as "bad sir" to most people. "My bad, sir apologies..." is very improper and looks bad and confusing.
You CAN do "My bad, sir, apologies..." with a comma before and after "sir." But if you are putting only one comma and it is after "bad," that is a very wrong way to do it. I would personally write "My bad sir, apologies..." But it may be more technically proper to have the comma before and after like in my previous example.
@someone9665 True, that is, probably the best, way, to do it,,
Deadass started backing up hella quick 💀
@@lldunkz4317 Deadass 💀
His smile tells everything ❤
I like how he grins. It’s like he understands and really wants to answer, but he’s got a facade to uphold lol
He laughed because he had no clue what they asked him lol you can hear him say.( que dice el tío?)
He vowed never to speak English. Even though he knows English
@@stephenwangondu3618 how come?
@@dannybarz1785 maybe to preserve his culture or maybe cause he cbf lol
@@LuisHernandez-cd4in bro it’s Italian 😅
I love the “himself” part. Simply puts how important this man is.
He makes cars for rich people. How important is that really to society? Would society still exist tomorrow if he and his company vanished? Yes and you wouldn’t even notice
"... in himself" it's recognition! No worry about society. Every guy loves to be engineer and creats car of gis own :)
Nothing to chellenge poor/rich
@@HenryKissinger-l7qis important because his company employ a lot people and brings a lot in taxes and business for his country. This is a very important men
@@HenryKissinger-l7qat least he’s important to his family unlike you.
@user-cy9qh6kj6c stop crying about it. You know what he means. He is a rich creator and is famous which translates to influence which then translates to important dumb a$$
“Who are you, what do you do, and what are you driving?”
“I’m Pagani, CEO of Pagani, and Pagani”
Good use of a Leslie Nielsen reference, highly approved!
More like who are you, where do you work and what you drive
Reminds me of that cop-coal miner joke.
Cop : who's car is this? Where are you heading? What do you do?
Miner: mine
@@deathstroke7316 😂
When you find the final BOSS before starting the Game😂
That “HIMSELF” gets me everytime
"Sir How did you get one of these cars".
"He is the reason these cars exist"
Man was rejected by Lamborghini and made history.
Lamborghini was rejected by Ferrari
It happens every now and then
@@brownheart1432crazy world 😂😂😂
I was just thinking this shit too wtf 😂 @@brownheart1432
no friend, he worked for many years at Lamborghini.. he learned and started his own business..
@@Unoqualunque0ooAs an employee of Lamborghini, his proposal was rejected… So, he made his own…
when you Rich as f rich you don't have to learn another language... they have to learn your language 😂
He doesn't speak English, he speaks Pagani
Horacio actually speaks English but only whe he needs to, Horacio thought that it wasnt neccesary so hi didnt do it
He is argentinian he speak Argentino and little bit of italian when he work for Lamborghini
@@Matiasvfx bro said “Argentine”
Loved how respectful you were after he said.
HE FINALLY MET THE BOSS LEVEL MAN hahahah the anime music made it even better.
And didn’t know who he was…….
@@michaeljr8615 ya sadly xD
You mean cartoon music
@@ThomasandGuns Bro the Music is from jjba
@@ye0 NO!!! YOU are from JJBA!!🤨
You know it’s big deal when you ask someone what they do for a living and they just reply with their name 💀
you drop the point bro💀💀💀
He designed that car he was sitting in probs
@@pwnwinNo shit
What's your name?
"Mia Khal.."
@@the_scientist548what industry do you work i- Wait mia khalifa? oh f-
If you didn't get it she works in the porn industry
Pagani really looked at him like “ you don’t know who I am ? “
Most people don't
He didn't understand what was being asked. He was kinda surprised. He says to the person next to him "que dice?" whats he's saying?
@@22faka OOOHHHHHHH. You right he did say he can’t speak English
If it is a car show full of the wealthiest car enthusiasts from around the world...
The LAST person you want to be is the guy who doesn't know who the creator's are, while speaking directly to one of them while driving their own car.
Pigani probably understood him, just instantly didn't like him. 😬😭
@@Screech032 he literally said he didn’t understand him in another language
"Who is it?"
"Dude what the fffffff!"
When Horacio smiled away he was probably like "this f*cking peasant" 😂
Definitely felt that kinda vibe. Probably doesn’t like getting filmed either 😬
What I think
Yeah.. the fact the other guy said "himself" as if he were a God is absolutely pathetic in my eyes.
50 million behind his belt he has the right😂
@@BaneOfV It' was pagani, driving a pagani. I dont think that saying "himself" was out of place
My words aren't free young man. 😂
1.1k likes only two comments with emojis? Lemme fix dat
He also doesn’t speak English so you know it would’ve been pretty awkward for him to say “Sì, in realtà sono l'amministratore delegato di Pagani, ho fatto questa macchina” right?
@@butterdragon9355 probably yeah
"He's Horacio Pagani... himself."
* *_Jojo Music Intensifies_* *
I noticed it too lol
jojo reference
I love how he’s standing close to the door and pagani just opens the door as if he’s not right there 💀 INSTANTLY starts backing away
My man pagani has been waiting for this moment for his whole life
Underrated comment
@Akshay Dwivedi not really
@Akshay Dwivedi not really
@@SURO90 My thoughts exactly.. He didn't choose fame
He speaks English too lol
The expression on the guy who talks at first is like "Are you being serious?" then he understood Daniel actually doesn't know 😂
847 likes and 0 comments? l e m m e f i x t h a t
He is his son
@@vish2112 Christopher Pagani
He didn’t know how to speak English, he was surprised at the spontaneous question which he couldn’t understand.
This probably doesn’t happen often for them, most people know who they are. So it was probably amusing and refreshing to have someone genuinely ask .
bro tought he met NPC, ended up facing final boss 😂
i think anyone who owns a pagani aint near npc lvl at all 💀
@@djawad24kbrr compared to Mr pagani himself everyone else driving a pagani is an NPC
No naahh he met another main character, as cameo.
I mean he is the cameo😂😂😂😂😂.
Someone with a Pagani is Someone, you know what i mean 😅
"What do you do for a living?"
"I made my car" 😂
@@The.1.percent.... bro got lost again 💀
Waited his whole life for this moment. Slowly backs away in awe 🤣
They’re looking like “if we told him, who would believe us?”😂😂
If it were any other car they were sitting in probably wouldn’t be as believable 😅
Funny but he's horacio pagani in flesh 💯
Bro met the final boss and didn't even noticed
Bro accidentally met a boss 💀
end boss
He forgot to level up his skill tree first
when doing the side quests first doesn't work
“What do you do for a living?”
*he is the living*
752 likes and no comments? Here's one
oh wow this has gotten a lotta likes I didn’t even see
Any industry he works in??
Son… I am the industry
car industry
Not even in the top 100.
Ya uhh ex-Lamborghini employee
Best comment ever
"What do you for a living?"
"I'm Pagani"
"I'm sorry for wasting your time 😔"
I wish i could smile when someone asks me what I do for a living 😭
😂😂😂😂😂 may god help you B
OMG you so poor, what you do for a living to get such a low income? :p
He doesn't speak English 😂 that was an awkward "I can't understand you" smile
What do you do for a living
he doesn't need english
English needs him
No it doesn't.
@@princeking1562 😐
@@MatLam0000 🤫
W comment 👍🏿
"Who is he"
He is Owner of Pagani cars 😅
I am pagani of pagani driver
Pagani Zonda
Pulls out the Glock and headshots pagani
@@gonzaf250 end up getting two birds with one stone
bro's first time seeing a legend
"what do you work with"
"Bro I'm sitting inside my business card"
Underrated comment.
Hahaha good one
Hahaha, "can I get a business card?"
"Here, take my car."