some, others, the others 구분해 볼까요?_[요한복음 영어로 통독 · 암송] 276일차_7권/7과(요 9:9-10)

  • Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
  • 정철의 「요한복음 영어로 통독 · 암송」
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    ✅ 교재 해외 배송 및 주문 문의는 젭스 채널톡 에 남겨주세요😊
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Комментарии • 401

  • @이빛-t8m
    @이빛-t8m 4 года назад +1

    출첵~! spirit full~english good!
    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.
    오늘도 감사드립니다~~!

  • @오병관-o8q
    @오병관-o8q 4 года назад +1

    Spirit full English good wow ~
    Some claimed he was. Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted.
    “I am the man.” “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked. John 9:9~10 Amen~
    Tue 17th Nov.
    有人说:“是他”;又有人说:“不是,却是像他。”他自己说:“是我。” 他们对他说:“你的眼睛是怎么开的呢?” 阿门~

  • @손순임-f7l
    @손순임-f7l 4 года назад

    성령충만 영어능통 감사합니다 건강하세요

  • @HaJihye85
    @HaJihye85 4 года назад

    하늘에 계시는 아버지 우리에게 오늘도 은혜와 성령을 충만하게 부어주소서.
    성령충만 영어능통 와~!!!

  • @kwonesteban257
    @kwonesteban257 4 года назад

    성령충만 영어능통~~~!!!

  • @JwPark-pf
    @JwPark-pf 4 года назад +1

    4학년 박진우 출석완료!
    성령충만 영어능통 와! 👍

  • @최미경-d5y4t
    @최미경-d5y4t 4 года назад

    주님, , 우리기도를 들어주셔서
    감사합니다! 원장님,영어성경 가르쳐주셔서 고맙습니다

  • @김춘원-o7b
    @김춘원-o7b 4 года назад

    성령충만 영어능통 아멘 출석 감사합니다 행복합니다 오직예수 말씀안으로 한걸음더 나아갑니다 샬롬😅

  • @이은미-p5t
    @이은미-p5t 4 года назад

    감사합니다. 오늘도 많은 것들을 가르쳐 주셔서 감사합니다.
    너무 소중한 시간입니다~.

  • @삼손-y7j
    @삼손-y7j 4 года назад +1

    정철선생님 강건하소서

  • @구영수伴奏의秘密
    @구영수伴奏의秘密 3 года назад +1

    John 9,9-10 Some claimed/ that he was. Others said, " No, he only looks/ like him." But he himself /insisted, " I am the man." 10) How then /were your eyes opened?" they asked. 감사드립니다 선생님

  • @김현정-n7q
    @김현정-n7q 4 года назад +1

    Dear, Father in heaven!
    Thank you for the grace and love,
    please have mercy on us,
    and open our eyes and ears,
    so we can know the truth,
    in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

  • @이옥림-u1z
    @이옥림-u1z 4 года назад

    성령충만!!! 영어능통!!!

  • @오숙자-b8e
    @오숙자-b8e 4 года назад

    선생님 덕분에 ~오늘도 행복을 선물로 받아 하루를 시작하네요~~감사드립니다 ㆍ
    John 9:9-10
    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said,
    "No, he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man."
    "How then
    were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.

  • @전효원-t1i
    @전효원-t1i 4 года назад

    즐거운 하루 되시길

  • @이윤술-e1i
    @이윤술-e1i 4 года назад

    출석 합니다 성령충만 영어능통 감사합니다.

  • @노경자-u5d
    @노경자-u5d 5 месяцев назад

    성령충만 영어능통 와 ~~~
    정철선생님께 감사드립니다 사랑합니다 통독암송완료 John 9:9-10
    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him. "But he himself insisted, "I am the man." "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked. Amen

  • @꽁짜유기초영어-이거
    @꽁짜유기초영어-이거 4 года назад +12

    왕초보 학습자를 위한 문법 설명도 남겨드립니다.
    9:9 Some claimed that he was. Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.”
    ■ 그 남자 ⇨ the man
    ■ 그 남자다 ⇨ be the man
    ■ 그가 그 남자다 ⇨ he is the man
    ■ 그가 그 남자였다 ⇨ he was the man
    ■ 그가 그 남자였다고 ⇨ that he was the man
    ■ 그가 그 남자였다고 주장하다 ⇨ claim that he was the man
    ■ 그가 그 남자였다고 주장했다 ⇨ claimed that he was (the man)
    ■ 어떤이들은 그가 그 남자였다고 주장했다 ⇨ Some claimed that he was (the man)
    ■ 그 ⇨ him
    ■ 그 처럼 ⇨ like him
    ■ 그 처럼 보인다 ⇨ look like him
    ■ 그는 그 처럼 보인다 ⇨ he looks like him
    ■ 그는 그 처럼 보일 뿐이다 ⇨ he only looks like him
    ■ 아니, 그는 그 처럼 보일 뿐이다 ⇨ No, he only looks like him
    ■ “아니, 그는 그 처럼 보일 뿐이다”라고 말했다 ⇨ said, “No, he only looks like him.”
    ■ 다른 사람들은 “아니, 그는 그 처럼 보일 뿐이다”라고 말했다 ⇨ Others said, “No, he only looks like him.”
    ■ 그 남자 ⇨ the man
    ■ 그 남자다 ⇨ be the man
    ■ 내가 그 남자다 ⇨ I am the man
    ■ “내가 그 남자다”라고 주장하다 ⇨ insist, “I am the man.”
    ■ “내가 그 남자다”라고 주장했다 ⇨ insisted, “I am the man.”
    ■ 그는 “내가 그 남자다”라고 주장했다. ⇨ he insisted, “I am the man.”
    ■ 그는 스스로 “내가 그 남자다”라고 주장했다. ⇨ he himself insisted, “I am the man.”
    ■ 하지만 그는 스스로 “내가 그 남자다”라고 주장했다. ⇨ But he himself insisted, “I am the man.”
    9:10 “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked.
    ■ 열다(뜨다) ⇨ open
    ■ 열려지다(뜨여지다) ⇨ be opened → “수동태” 설명 참고하세요
    ■ 너의 눈이 뜨여지다 ⇨ your eyes are opened
    ■ 너의 눈이 뜨여졌다 ⇨ your eyes were opened
    ■ 너의 눈이 뜨여졌냐? ⇨ were your eyes opened?
    ■ 어떻게 너의 눈이 뜨여졌냐? ⇨ How were your eyes opened?
    그러면 어떻게 너의 눈이 뜨여졌냐? ⇨ How then were your eyes opened?
    “그러면 어떻게 너의 눈이 뜨여졌냐?”고 그들이 물어봤다. “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked.
    ‘내가 커피를 판다’ 면 커피 입장에선 ‘팔리는’ 것인데 이런 커피의 입장에서의 표현을
    수동태라고 합니다. 수동태의 형식은 “Be + 과거분사(pp)”입니다.
    1) 수동태
    ■ 판다 ⇨ sell
    ■ 팔린다 ⇨ be sold
    ■ 커피는 팔린다 ⇨ coffee is sold
    ■ 커피는 여기서 팔린다 ⇨ coffee is sold here.
    ■ 열다(뜨다) ⇨ open
    ■ 열려지다(뜨여지다) ⇨ be opened
    ■ 너의 눈이 뜨여지다 ⇨ your eyes are opened

    • @조복님-y6g
      @조복님-y6g 4 года назад +1

      친절하게 설명 해 주시니 넘 감사합니다 .😅😊

    • @윤승택-l9w
      @윤승택-l9w 4 года назад +1


    • @이순희-u3d
      @이순희-u3d 4 года назад +1


    • @sopia1737
      @sopia1737 4 года назад +2

      정성선 설명 감사합니다 댓글 첫번째 로 지정해 주시면 좋겠습니다 jebs English 에서

  • @heysunlee2240
    @heysunlee2240 4 года назад

    출석 통독암송 완료!!
    성령충만 영어능통 ~감사합니다.^^

  • @이순례-i8h
    @이순례-i8h 4 года назад

    쌤 오늘도 귀한 은혜 말씀 감사합니다.👍♥️😄
    재미와 은혜가 함께 있어서 즐거운 시간이예요😁
    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said,
    "No he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?"
    They asked.
    쌤 항상 영육 모두 강건하시길 기도합니다.~~~샬롬^^

  • @리우리사네
    @리우리사네 7 месяцев назад

    성령충만 영어능통!!! 와~~~~~~~~~ 감사합니다^^

  • @이주석-g2t
    @이주석-g2t 4 года назад +1

    Shalom^^ Amen! Hallelujah!
    성령충만! 영어능통!
    Thanks for teaching me God's precious words. HAGD^^

  • @이순희-u3d
    @이순희-u3d 4 года назад +1

    Some claimed/that he was. Others said,/
    "No, he only looks/
    like him."
    But he himself/ insisted.
    "I am the man."
    "How then/were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.
    성령충만 은혜충만 영어능통.
    오늘도 감사합니다.
    아 ~ 멘.

  • @박시현-q8q3q
    @박시현-q8q3q 4 года назад

    성령충만! 영어능통! 와~~~~~감사합니다 ~^^♡

  • @박춘화-d4k
    @박춘화-d4k 4 года назад +1

    샬 롬♡감사합니다.
    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No,he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?"they asked.

  • @안문숙-t3v
    @안문숙-t3v 4 года назад

    성령 충만 !! 영어 능통 !!
    출첵 암송 완료 ~♡♡♡
    🌳 단어 어원 공부는 넘 신나고 유익합니다 그림까지 그려주셔서 쏙쏙💕🎶💕감사해요👍
    9:9~10) Some claimed that he was. Other said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "l am the man." "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.

  • @sjeong444
    @sjeong444 4 года назад

    성령충만 영어능틍 와~~ ^^ 날마다 업로드 해주시니, 날마다 공부하게 됩니다. 감사합니다.
    여기에 같이 공부하는 분들이 계셔서 참 좋습니다.
    9) Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man."
    10) "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.

  • @김인옥-m8w
    @김인옥-m8w 4 года назад

    출석체크 감사합니다 꾸벅

  • @youngjunkim8223
    @youngjunkim8223 4 года назад

    출석! 오늘도 감사합니다

  • @박순양-k5w
    @박순양-k5w 4 года назад


  • @soheekim2350
    @soheekim2350 4 года назад


  • @김기출-o5q
    @김기출-o5q 4 года назад

    신이순출첵입니다 감사드림니다

  • @rachellee4867
    @rachellee4867 4 года назад

    성령충만 영어능통 와~
    감사합니다 ^^

  • @seoyeonbest1371
    @seoyeonbest1371 4 года назад

    God bless u
    so thanks-276

  • @eunsuklee7596
    @eunsuklee7596 4 года назад +1

    감사합니다. 😃

  • @Jewelee0127
    @Jewelee0127 4 года назад

    출첵! 감사합니다!!😉☺️

  • @서유나-e3n
    @서유나-e3n 4 года назад


  • @TV-qo4nl
    @TV-qo4nl 6 месяцев назад


  • @joyfami
    @joyfami 4 года назад

    出席チェック 사람의 입을 통해 하나님의 역사를 증거케하시는 주님.

  • @조정열-g4d
    @조정열-g4d 2 года назад


  • @채광석-u7m
    @채광석-u7m 4 года назад +1

    276일(화) Spirit full, English good.
    정철선생님 사랑합니다♡♡♡
    Some claimed that he was, others said, "no he only looks like him " but he himself insisted, "I am the man". How then were your eyes opened, they asked,

  • @sweetp.dicaios2189
    @sweetp.dicaios2189 4 года назад

    샬롬 ~

  • @byunggwijeong2169
    @byunggwijeong2169 4 года назад

    출석했습니다 선생님
    성령충만 영어능통 와 ~

  • @파란하늘-j6t
    @파란하늘-j6t 4 года назад +7

    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said,
    "No, he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man."
    "How then
    were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.

  • @남숙현-k8f
    @남숙현-k8f 4 года назад +1

    샬롬. 찬양을 주님께 모두 올립니다.

  • @윤승택-l9w
    @윤승택-l9w 4 года назад

    영어가 점점 재미있어집니다. 감사합니다.

  • @서경선-s7c
    @서경선-s7c 4 года назад

    출첵 감사합니다

  • @hj0426th
    @hj0426th 4 года назад


  • @hyunjalee2449
    @hyunjalee2449 4 года назад

    정철선생님 감사합니다 ♡

  • @김희연-d3g
    @김희연-d3g 4 года назад

    출석합니다 감사합니다

  • @이영자-i9k
    @이영자-i9k 4 года назад +1

    [John 9:9~10]
    The investigation of the Blind(6)
    Some claimed/ that he was.
    Others said "No , he only looks/ like him. But he himself insisted, "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyrs opened?" Amen

  • @양인경-x4b
    @양인경-x4b 4 года назад +2


  • @구영수伴奏의秘密
    @구영수伴奏의秘密 3 года назад

    John 9,8 His neighbors /and those /who had formerly seen / him begging/ asked, " Isn't this the same man/ who used to/ sit and beg?" 감사드립니다 선생님

  • @조규영-k3n
    @조규영-k3n 4 года назад


  • @깊은샘이목사
    @깊은샘이목사 4 года назад +1


  • @루디아박
    @루디아박 4 года назад +1

    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, "No, he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.

  • @전중심-o2s
    @전중심-o2s 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said,"No, he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted, "I am the man."
    " How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.
    아멘아멘. 감사합니다~^^

  • @진사웅
    @진사웅 4 года назад

    성령충만, 영어능통!

  • @ogumkim4640
    @ogumkim4640 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was.
    Other said,No, he only looks like him."
    But himself insisted, "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.
    Thank you so much and have a great day~!

  • @노랑이-j4g
    @노랑이-j4g 2 года назад

    어제 즐겁게 출첵 했습니다 ㅋ
    댓글을 놓쳤네요ㅠ
    성령충만! 영어능통! 와와와!!

  • @박미인-i8u
    @박미인-i8u 4 года назад

    선생님너무 감사합니다

  • @pyosong
    @pyosong 4 года назад

    출첵~~ 감사합니다!

  • @小野真実-o9v
    @小野真実-o9v 4 года назад +1

    9. Some claimed that he was. Others said,
    “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.”
    10. “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked.

  • @이체리-q4o
    @이체리-q4o 3 года назад +1

    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, "No, he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted, "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?"
    they asked. (John9:9-10) 감사합니다!

  • @ilhwankim2167
    @ilhwankim2167 4 года назад

    출석완료. 감사합니다.

  • @김김정숙-w1j
    @김김정숙-w1j 4 года назад

    출석 감사합니다

  • @김홍분-i4h
    @김홍분-i4h 2 года назад

    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man."
    "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.(John 9:9-10)/ Thank you so much~ May I God bless you~~

  • @박주란-s1y
    @박주란-s1y 4 года назад


  • @eunlee4042
    @eunlee4042 4 года назад

    Thank you, sir

  • @박상비-x8k
    @박상비-x8k 4 года назад

    출석 암송했습니다 감사합니다^^♡

  • @강의순-n6t
    @강의순-n6t 4 года назад

    출석체크 통독완료 낭송완료 감사합니다 ♥️♥️♥️

  • @_esther1585
    @_esther1585 4 года назад

    오늘도 감사드립니다♥
    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man." How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.
    (John 9:9-10)

  • @홍혜숙-u6x
    @홍혜숙-u6x 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted, "I am the man"
    "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.
    Thank you, Teacher~^^

  • @많은물소리H
    @많은물소리H 4 года назад

    오늘도 감사합니다 ^^
    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, ''No, he only looks like him.''
    But he himself insisted, ''l am the man.''
    ''How then were your eyes opened?'' they asked.

  • @ParkEunJu1
    @ParkEunJu1 4 года назад

    감사합니다 암송완료 ^^♡

  • @이달희-r7q
    @이달희-r7q 4 года назад

    출석. 감사합니다

  • @옥자김-v5y
    @옥자김-v5y 4 года назад +4

    John 9:9-10
    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man. "
    "How then were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.

    • @김영주-n4x8o
      @김영주-n4x8o 2 года назад

      Some claimed that he was.
      Others said,
      “No, he only looks like him.”
      But he himself insisted,
      “I am the man.”
      “How then were your eyes opened?”
      they asked.
      통독, 암송, 쓰기 완료

  • @genevatrain1569
    @genevatrain1569 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man." "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.

  • @이성태-i4w
    @이성태-i4w 4 года назад +5

    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, "No, he only looks like him. "
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man. "
    How Then were your eyes opened?"
    they asked.
    John 9:9~10 Amen 🙏

  • @김명희-g2j6c
    @김명희-g2j6c 3 года назад

    Some claimed that he was. Others said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, "I am the man." How then were your eyes opened?" they asked. 감사합니다 선생님

  • @ХонгсинКим
    @ХонгсинКим 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was. Other said, "No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, I am the man." How then were your eyes opened, they asked.오늘도 감사합니다.Спасибо.

  • @sherhah1427
    @sherhah1427 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was Others said No he only looks like him But he himself insisted I am the man How then were your eyes opened? they asked

  • @unitec1208
    @unitec1208 4 года назад +1


  • @patrickheo9341
    @patrickheo9341 4 года назад +2

    출첵합니다. 오늘도 감사합니다.(암송완료) Some claimed that he was. others said, “No, he only looks like him.” but he himself insisted, “I am the man.” “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked.

  • @mieaenam3420
    @mieaenam3420 4 года назад +1


  • @taejunama4441
    @taejunama4441 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was. Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.” “How then were your eyes opened?”, they asked.

  • @GeumBog
    @GeumBog 4 года назад

    통독 완료 했습니다.

  • @기미정-z1u
    @기미정-z1u 4 года назад

    감사합니다 ^^
    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, " No, he only looks like him. "
    But he himself insisted, " I am the man. "
    " How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.

  • @joinparky
    @joinparky 4 года назад

    공부완료 감사합니다 ^^

  • @이종미-s6d
    @이종미-s6d 4 года назад

    Some claimed that he was.
    Others said, "No, he only looks like him"
    But he himself insisted, "I am the man"
    "How then were your eyes opend?"
    they asked

  • @최선주-g5r
    @최선주-g5r 4 года назад

    9:9 Some clamed that he was, others said, " No, he only looks like him." But he himself insisted, " I am the man."
    9:10 "How then were your eyes opened?" they asked.
    암송! Thank you so much~~

  • @이정환-q3v
    @이정환-q3v 4 года назад

    출석합니다 ~

  • @sokyojung4835
    @sokyojung4835 4 года назад


  • @seoninkim8302
    @seoninkim8302 4 года назад

    thank you

  • @inchulhur2404
    @inchulhur2404 4 года назад

    허인철 통독완료 감사합니다

  • @소피아-v1y
    @소피아-v1y 4 года назад

    출석 낭송 완료 👍 👍 👍

  • @진수일-k9h
    @진수일-k9h 4 года назад


  • @신혜경-n1j
    @신혜경-n1j 4 года назад

    ⁹)Some claimed that he was.
    Others said,
    "No ,he only looks like him."
    But he himself insisted,
    "I am the man."
    How then were your eyes opened?" 감사합니다 열공

  • @hongsikcheong764
    @hongsikcheong764 4 года назад

    감사합니다. Some claimed that he was. Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.” “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked.

  • @경선의소소행복
    @경선의소소행복 4 года назад
