New Light About the Mark of the Beast | Steve Wohlberg and Eric Selchow

  • Опубликовано: 6 июн 2024
  • Many claim to know what the mark of the beast is, yet their conclusions are usually quite speculative. Discover what the Bible itself says about this life-or-death topic.
    Clarification on "Times" at 21:20:
    The Papacy thought to "change" God's "times and laws." Daniel 7:25. Rome removed the second commandment about idols from her catechisms and replaced the biblical Sabbath with Sunday. The word "times" may also apply to "a time, times and half of time" mentioned in the same verse which, based on the day-for-a-year principle (see Nu. 14:34; Ez. 4:6) widely accepted by Protestants, calculates to 1260 years (3 1/2 times = 42 months = 1260 days = 1260 years) of papal supremacy (from 538 AD - 1798 AD) spanning the Dark Ages. Thus Rome not only changed God's holy laws, but through Jesuit scholars has reapplied this monumental prophetic period to a literal 3 1/2 years during which a supposed antichrist will reign after the rapture. Thus Rome not only changed God's law, but also "changed" and reapplied the predicted "times" of her evil rule to a future antichrist in order to hide the correct identity of the little horn from the eyes of men. For more information on the 1260-year prophecy, see Steve Wohlberg's book, End Time Delusions, available from White Horse Media.
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Комментарии • 783

  • @dougblalock5175
    @dougblalock5175 Месяц назад +17

    I am not SDA. It does encourage me when I continue to see people spreading the truth about the world.
    The mark of God was from creation and will never change. Those who love and keep all the commandments of God and follow the teachings of Jesus, will be distinguished from all others.
    I proudly carry this mark by the grace of the Messiah Jesus. Shalom

    • @sanca5982
      @sanca5982 Месяц назад +3

      The "mark" is your character. You will, in essence, mark yourself by choosing whom to obey. Christ sent the Spirit of God to us on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem where His disciples waited. We have that same Spirit with us today. But, there's another spirit (Hebrews 1: 7, 14) who made his domain here on earth (Job 1: 6, 7 and again in Job 2: 2), Satan the adversary. Make sure it's the Holy Spirit.

    • @dirktoyke6611
      @dirktoyke6611 Месяц назад

      I agree. I'm not SDA either. The teaching was very good and very interesting all the way up to the point where they started saying that the Mark of the Beast is "the choice to worship on Sunday instead of Saturday ". That's the part that is absurd to me. That choice does not keep you from buying or selling, so it cannot be the Mark of the Beast.
      Aside from that, the choice to merely "worship " on Saturday (Sabbath) is NOT a full compliance with the command if you want to be technical. To fully comply with remembering the Sabbath, you must do NO WORK.........
      Have a blessed one.
      Thanks for the comments.

    • @GodcaresDube
      @GodcaresDube 29 дней назад

      @@dirktoyke6611it’s the summary please follow the series it will be unpacked 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 but just a snippet when I grew up you wouldn’t buy or sell on a Sunday and banks were closed and if it happens that you work it will be a double pay so that the companies don’t let people work on a Sunday. Even funerals were never conducted on Sunday. So soon they will revive that law and on that time that it will be a mark of the beast when it is legislated just like the decree of praying in Nebuchadnezzar statue and to King Darius during the time of Daniel in Babylon.

    • @sanca5982
      @sanca5982 29 дней назад

      Wonderful, you understand and accept that truth. Jesus who summarized the law called it the Law of love in Matthew 22: 37-39. He quoted Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19: 18. James called it the law of liberty in James 2: 10-12. The law is known as the "law of love and liberty."
      James tells us that the law condemns. It will eventually condemn those who reject the Holy Spirit of God, the "unpardonable sin." Matthew 12: 31, 32. And those who willfully sin and are unrepentant. The forgiveness of sins is not a license to continue to sin willfully.

    • @sanca5982
      @sanca5982 29 дней назад

      @@dirktoyke6611 The point you make is very good and I sort of agree because there will be many Christians in heaven I believe that didn't have that knowledge about God's law in general because the church they went to never taught it to where they can understand it. However, you must keep this in mind: if you keep the spirit of the law, you will easily keep the letter of the law. For example, you're a security guard and security is 24/7. You don't have to always work on a Saturday. Hopefully your employer can be accommodating. If you truly want to keep the Sabbath, it should be out of love for God. God knows your heart and within time He will change your circumstance. I have no doubt, I've experienced that myself, fellow believer. But, you have to ask too.
      How is the law fulfilled? Paul tells us in Romans 13: 10, is the fulfillment of the law (because God is love, 1 John 4: 8).

  • @dwaynewal-e8615
    @dwaynewal-e8615 Месяц назад +22

    This was so deep, 😮 yet was so simple to follow. Glory to God in the highest. 🙏🏾😇🙌🏾

    • @johnwolfram2689
      @johnwolfram2689 21 день назад

      Simple to follow the logic or simple to follow in practice? The logic is absurd. And no one truly follows the practice.
      Why is the logic absurd? The mark is the front part of the brain where we think. Ok. Bible says forehead OR HAND.. do you think with the back of your hand? It is a physical mark.

    • @JOSEPHC777
      @JOSEPHC777 12 дней назад

      And thou shalt love the LORD thy GOD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
      And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
      And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
      And thou shalt bind them for a SIGN UPON THINE HAND, and they shall be as FRONTLETS BETWEEN THINE EYES.
      This speaks of the LAW, and STATUTES of GOD,,
      We fail miserably, often,, Quite like those of old did,,
      Such as DAVID,, he sinned much,,
      But,, He was a man after GOD'S OWN heart,, WHY??
      He felt his SIN,, the conviction of DAVID in his prayers, the admittance of his transgression,,
      And just who he transgressed against,, was like non other,,
      GOD knows we fail,, we ain't good,, whatsoever,, in the flesh,,
      We are no longer judged by law,, in YESHUAH/JESUS,,
      But the law remains,, what's wrong with dwelling on the perfect holy law,?? It's only GOOD,, That is the THOUGHTS,,
      AND THE THOUGHT,, CHANGES OUR HEARTS,, It's written on our hearts,, We still are no where near perfect,, we still fail miserably,,
      But,, we are given grace,,

  • @dianaparks5415
    @dianaparks5415 Месяц назад +13

    Another fascinating study! Thank-you, Steve and Eric!

  • @tettognetwork5729
    @tettognetwork5729 Месяц назад +9

    Greetings, Pastor Steve and team! God bless you all for the fantastic work you're doing. Your in-depth study of scriptures to share light and truth, edifying the church of Jesus Christ, is truly admirable.
    As I watched this episode, I was reminded of the knowledge the Holy Ghost granted me on this subject. Specifically, I was shown that the event in Daniel 3 reflects the event in Revelation 13, just as you taught. The mark represents a law that the beast or horn will enact, requiring everyone to comply or face punishment, often death.
    My insight is that a time is coming when a powerful entity, with both religious and political authority, will become a global leader. This 'beast' will pass anti-God or Christ laws, punishing those who refuse to obey, often with death.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights. May God continue to guide and bless you all.

  • @OmegaOfApostasy
    @OmegaOfApostasy Месяц назад +53

    How is this 'new light'? Adventist have been teaching this for almost 200 years??

    • @harrde
      @harrde Месяц назад +34

      It's not new light for Adventists, but it is for the rest of Christianity; and I believe this is the target audience of this program

    • @cliftonwelsh5878
      @cliftonwelsh5878 Месяц назад +5


    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

    • @dianaparks5415
      @dianaparks5415 Месяц назад +20

      I, personally, have never heard this in-depth study of the parallels between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13, point by point, and how the "thinks to change times a law" parallels with the "mark of the beast"! Fascinating, and certainly new light to me! Now I know how I can answer when someone says to me, "where in the Bible does it say that the "mark of the beast" is Sunday worship?"! Praise God!

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 Месяц назад +6

      Aren't you glad that we (the Body of Christ Church) is not Israel? We are delivered from their law. Amen.

  • @sefatsakhauta2849
    @sefatsakhauta2849 27 дней назад +2

    Thanks for the new light ✨️ i will be spreading it by Gods grace

  • @donnastark906
    @donnastark906 Месяц назад +6

    Very well done White Horse Media ! This was a GREAT video. I will share it. I have many friends who are Protestants and Roman Catholics

  • @Sabbath7thdaySaturday
    @Sabbath7thdaySaturday Месяц назад +8

    The law of the LORD Jesus is eternal❤️

  • @SawEdward-q2l
    @SawEdward-q2l 20 дней назад +1

    Thank you for the new light, I will share this message this Sabbath. I'm blessed and hope they are blessed. God bless.

  • @alexismatanda27
    @alexismatanda27 Месяц назад +5

    Thank you so much Man of God, this is very clear, once again thank you and God bless.

  • @hergar1477
    @hergar1477 Месяц назад +4

    Thank you!! Always blessed by your teaching.🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @cecilialeonora9430
    @cecilialeonora9430 Месяц назад +5

    Praise the Lord for the knowledge He gives you! God bless your ministry WhiteHorse media!

    • @JaimeGalvez7
      @JaimeGalvez7 Месяц назад +1

      @@JamieElison Did Steve said that?

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 Месяц назад

      @JamieElison... How do you know?

  • @garydaugherty2526
    @garydaugherty2526 22 дня назад +1

    Dear Brother Steve and Eric. Your presentation about the "New Light about the Mark of the Beast" is very good. As you were offering scripture reference supporting the deeper view of the Mark being a form of thinking (which is is) I couldn't help but remember CHRIST'S own words in Matthew 5: 17 as "Think not that I am come to destroy the law (GOD'S Commandment Law), or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill" I know that this was an obvious verse, but it gives perfect support to your very point

  • @josephleister9198
    @josephleister9198 Месяц назад +6

    Good video Pastor Steve, thank you .

  • @leadavis3924
    @leadavis3924 Месяц назад +6

    Happy Sabbath

  • @steveclark9788
    @steveclark9788 22 дня назад +4

    I've kind of got one issue with it, where does it come in where you can't buy or sell unless you have the mark. What you can't buy or sell unless you go to church on Sunday. Doesn't make sense to me. And the Sabbath was a token of the Mosaic covenant between God and Israel.

    • @iamnickpommells
      @iamnickpommells 13 дней назад

      Well the "new covenant" was made between God and the house of Israel, would you then say that you are not apart of the house of Israel? Because it would seem the house of Israel is still Israel. However the "mosaic covenant did NOT include the 10 commandments. I believe you must first understand what a covenant is.

    • @jasonfleming8752
      @jasonfleming8752 11 дней назад

      This is really good,i just want to ad one thing,the Catholic Church also has this thing its a symbol or a make called the holy Eucharist i believe to prove you go the church on Sunday and following there laws you will have to have this symbol on your forehead or hand when you go to the store or buy or work ,there is already 2 or 3 country's that are using this system with Sunday laws and people are being arrested for working or even doing yardwork on Sunday... please look this up....there should be a YT video about the holy Eucharist and Sunday laws!!!

  • @d.b.4321
    @d.b.4321 Месяц назад +5

    Yes you are correct about the Sabbath. It is the seventh day of the week & not the first. That day is the day of the sun- a pagan day used by sun worshipers. The Holy Roman Church adopted it.

  • @garysouthwell5762
    @garysouthwell5762 Месяц назад +3

    It seems that God doesn't want to confuse people, but honour those who are willing to put the simple pieces of His Prophecy Jigsaw Puzzle together. AMEN Its so simple!

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST.

    • @lluda44
      @lluda44 Месяц назад +1

      How is it simple?!!
      Colossians 2:16-17 (KJV) Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
      Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

    • @garysouthwell5762
      @garysouthwell5762 Месяц назад

      @@lluda44 Compare similar things with similar things before jumping to conclusions. Daniel helps explain Revelation and explains the symbols, but it needs people willing to read the whole lot and too many people are too lazy to do that and too proud to ask God for help to understand it.

  • @richhava
    @richhava 16 дней назад

    That was some marvelous work.
    When I left evangelicalism in 2014 because YHWH took me by the hand and led me to the Torah as Truth and His Commandments were written on my heart.
    I also concluded that the Mark of the Beast was Sunday Law....
    But, I came across so many other possibilities and many had scriptural support. I did not abandon the Sunday Law but rather stashed it a bit
    But, the past 3 months I can see the writing on the wall and pretty much convinced it will be over the Sabbath Day.....
    All I can say is "Just Bring it"

  • @differentlivessameworld.8973
    @differentlivessameworld.8973 Месяц назад

    That was a phenomenal comparison!

  • @lc5346
    @lc5346 Месяц назад +3

    Thank you 🙏

  • @dazd7502
    @dazd7502 24 дня назад

    Amen great study, God bless.

  • @NKn0ws
    @NKn0ws 29 дней назад

    Thank you pastor! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @LeAnnLaChapelle
    @LeAnnLaChapelle Месяц назад +30

    Saturday is the sabbath I believe and it was changed by the Roman Catholic Church 😡I’ve wanted to go back to that! And start on Friday evening till Saturday night, need to do some research but I had a Jewish boss that followed these things and I really respected it💜

    • @WOODMISER2023
      @WOODMISER2023 Месяц назад +4

      @LeAnnLaChapelle Do you have any thoughts on these statements??
      "If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath Day. In keeping the Sunday they are following a law of the Catholic Church."
      --Albert Smith, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, replying for the Cardinal in a letter, February 10, 1920.
      "Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claims to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first."
      --The Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1900.
      "If we consulted the Bible only, we should still have to keep holy the Sabbath Day, that is Saturday."
      --John Laux, A Course in Religion for Catholic High Schools and Academies, vol. 1 (1936 ed.), p. 51

    • @trevaperes5343
      @trevaperes5343 Месяц назад +4

      @@WOODMISER2023 Wow! Thats a real opener, when the Catholic Church changes a day that God put aside for our worship of Him and to Him, I have never seen th Quote from "The Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia. August 1900"! I had forgotten all this from my studies with the SDAs' back in the 1980s' I think it is time to return. Thank you for a great video and jolt to me to return to Sabbath keeping.

    • @WOODMISER2023
      @WOODMISER2023 Месяц назад

      @@trevaperes5343 I am glad you read this and glad you are interested in knowing all truth. Bless you as you increase your knowledge. There is a very good speaker you can hear live on Sabbath mornings NOT SDA but has the truth. Look up Arthur Bailey Ministries House of Israel He is non denominational

    • @gogogojeff
      @gogogojeff Месяц назад +3

      Amen. When I started studying and genuinely seeking, God kept showing me more truth from the Bible, and how it coincides with history. I had also started to prioritize prayer and especially before studying, inviting the Holy Spirit to help me.

    • @lluda44
      @lluda44 Месяц назад +3

      Colossians 2:16-17 (KJV) Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
      Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

  • @user-ip3cf6nw3l
    @user-ip3cf6nw3l Месяц назад +8

    Truth About The Sabbath is a great book, great source of truth.

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад

      You are misled. You need instead to read the Bible. Legalism will save no one. For by grace we are saved through faith, not by trying, vainly, to keep the law.

    • @user-ip3cf6nw3l
      @user-ip3cf6nw3l Месяц назад

      @@bobrolls3800 Hey Bob. Have you read the book? Are you a murderer? Do you walk around telling lies and gossip? Are you a thief? Do you sleep with other men's wives?

    • @user-ip3cf6nw3l
      @user-ip3cf6nw3l Месяц назад +5

      ​@@bobrolls3800Do you keep any of the commandments?

  • @melvinbush3852
    @melvinbush3852 Месяц назад

    I go by this with many other people to find my Sabbath days

  • @dr.evelineatpsychologyclin4618
    @dr.evelineatpsychologyclin4618 Месяц назад +6

    Very well explained. God bless this ministry

  • @the_Novelist
    @the_Novelist Месяц назад +3

    You're close...
    Wait till you find out the sabbath's are not always on Saturdays, rather they are called out in the old testament by YHWH himself as being the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month.
    Here's a clue...the moon sets the days of the month, not our Gregorian calendar's. Look into the moon cycle each month, it'll tell you when the new month starts, and when the sabbath's are.

    • @tevxta5884
      @tevxta5884 28 дней назад

      Only one sabbath God refers to in His commandment - Exodus 20:8

    • @joannsullivan4959
      @joannsullivan4959 18 дней назад

      The first Sabbath of the year begins the first full day after the spring equinox. At sunset

  • @bobrolls3800
    @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад +3

    Why do we want more light about the mark of the beast? We know it is coming when it comes. We know that God is sovereign over all, so we can be satisfied with what God tells us in His word. We see silly people jumping to conclusions about what the mark is. We will most likely not know what it is until it comes, so what is important now? Live as children of light, be pleasing to the Lord, walk by faith and not sight, occupy until He comes, and fix our hope on our Lord and His coming kingdom.

    • @rollinghillsslo
      @rollinghillsslo Месяц назад +1

      I desire greater knowledge, greater conversion, greater transformation every day as I study God's Word.

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 Месяц назад

      This is a typical Christian response. They think they have all the answers and knowledge already. Professing to be wise they became fools

    • @georgeblevins3391
      @georgeblevins3391 29 дней назад

      We need to be sharing Christ and the good news instead of what the beast might be. People need to know about the righteousness of Christ and God's saving grace given to those that he calls.

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 29 дней назад +1

      @@georgeblevins3391 incorrect. Daniel said in Daniel 7:25 the deceit of the Beast, which will deceive many, is that the Beast will change God's TIMES and law.
      The only surviving copies of Daniel are written in Aramaic. Pull up that word "TIMES" in the concordance of Daniel 7:25. It is the Aramaic word "zeman".
      Zeman means "holy days".
      Aramaic is the sister language of Hebrew. According to Hebrew scholars, the Aramaic word zeman is the Hebrew word MOEDIM.
      God's 8 moedim are listed in Leviticus 23, beginning with the 7th day Sabbath.
      Daniel was saying that the Beast will change God's holy days and law.
      Today, BOTH have already been changed in both the Christian church and the Jewish religion.
      MOEDIM is the key word. As Psalms 104:19 and Ecclesiasticus 43:6-8 both state that the moedim MUST be appointed by the moon. Since God defined his 7th day Sabbath as a MOEDIM 4 seperate times in scripture, it must be appointed by the moon. There is a reason God made the moon as the only luminary in the heavens that has 4 perfect phases of 7 days each, measured by the moons light. That wasn't random.
      The beast has already changed the Sabbath moedim and the whole world wandered after the Beast just like Revelation and Daniel prophesized.
      Deuteronomy 6 says that God's 7th day Sabbath is his SIGN. Genesis 1:14 says that the moon is for SIGNS. Deuteronomy 6 then says "this SIGN will be as a MARK on the forehead and hand of my children to know that I am their God".
      God's MARK is his Sabbath day SIGN, appointed by the moon. The Beasts MARK is a false Sabbath day, not appointed by the moon. Prior to 140ad, neither Rome, Jews, nor Christians even used a solar PLANETARY week. This is historically documented. The word planetary comes from the Greek language. Planetes means "to wander from the correct path". The root word of planetes in Greek is "planao". PLANAO is defined as "to deceive, alter, lead astray, error from the correct path".
      Etmologicly, the planetary week is the week that deceives, per it's very meaning.
      Jesus said this about the beast "make sure no man DECEIVES you". That word deceive in the Bible concordance is the Greek word PLANAO. The root meaning of planetary.
      The Beasts MARK is the false Sabbath day on the planetary week. Which is Saturday. More specifically, the Day of Saturn.
      Where was the day of Saturn mentioned in the Bible? 3 seperate times.
      1. During the Exodus
      2. Amos chapter 5
      3. Acts 7
      In all 3 instances, a false Sabbath day was implied.
      Amos 5:26 and 6:3 of the Septuagint, says that Israel wandered after the Star of Remphan, causing them to "adopt a false Sabbath day". Amos then says this was the very reason God divorced Israel and sent them into captivity.
      So what does "star of Remphan" mean?
      In ancient culture, the word STAR was synonymous (meaning the same as) the word DAY, according to famous Hebrew scholar Nehemiah Gordon and other scholars.
      Star = Day
      Remphan is the Greek word for Saturn.
      Star of Remphan literally means "day of Saturn", also called Saturns day or Saturday in modern day times.
      This is the MARK of the Beast. Saturday false worship on a manmade pagan planetary week. Mentioned 3 times in the Bible as being false worship that led Israel astray.

    • @RobinDale50
      @RobinDale50 21 день назад

      @@-kepha8828 Are you suggesting that seeing Saturday as the Sabbath day is the wrong day and is the mark of the beast?? OR did I misunderstand? And if so, the pray, tell, WHAT day of the week is actual Sabbath, the 7th day of the weekly cycle since the beginning?

  • @mambo78sayi
    @mambo78sayi Месяц назад +2

    Powerful study.
    Interestingly the word HAND is also found in Daniel 7:25!!

  • @isadormoti6977
    @isadormoti6977 29 дней назад +2

    The obvious parallels in Dan. 7 with Rev. 13 are easy to identify and follow, but this "creative" explanation of the mark is truly preposterous.

  • @DRLarkin
    @DRLarkin 23 дня назад +2

    I'm not sold on the connection. A huge stretch. I think they made a conclusion and then found a way to make the Bible fit to their view.

  • @Forseen-vm1qs
    @Forseen-vm1qs 27 дней назад +2

    You can change your thinking , and you have to have the Mark to buy and sell , that indicates you have to have something other than thoughts to show you have the Mark
    , just as you have to have an ID card to show your age , or a citizenship etc etc

  • @will-bi4pj
    @will-bi4pj Месяц назад +1

    tedious development of the obvious but very two have been blessed by GOD...the scales will continue to fall from the eyes of the saints and they will be shocked why they have not seen this truth before...all in due time
    ..GOD has a plan... ' is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of GOD and have the faith of JESUS...' Rev 12, 13 and 14...the word of GOD is clear

    • @annaseoud5212
      @annaseoud5212 Месяц назад

      He has changed times and laws this is the change in Gods calendar.

  • @AdrianoDulay
    @AdrianoDulay Месяц назад +2

    Yes love this new, thinks like a beast

  • @danlast4259
    @danlast4259 19 дней назад +2

    The way to lose salvation is to deny Christ.. defined eternal life for us in John 17:3. That verse says, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” Eternal life is knowing God. Romans 10:9-10
    9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

  • @user-kq7bf2uy1r
    @user-kq7bf2uy1r Месяц назад +6

    Yes, the Mark is what we THINK (mark on forehead- obeying the beast by our thoughts) or what we DO (mark on right hand-obeying the beast by our actions).

    • @timetraveler0002
      @timetraveler0002 Месяц назад

      the full verse includes times & laws

    • @nitarenfrow5967
      @nitarenfrow5967 28 дней назад

      Very happy to see now 9ne claims va x is mark so happy to see people agreeing stop the lies

  • @gabriellelindsay3581
    @gabriellelindsay3581 Месяц назад


  • @rebeljesusnews2279
    @rebeljesusnews2279 19 дней назад

    Good stuff! I would suggest though that the Lamb Beast with two horns of Rev 13 must be a partnership of 2 powers, as the Ram Beast of Dan is (Medea and Persia).

  • @CochranMinistries
    @CochranMinistries 29 дней назад +9

    I taught years ago on several major Christian television networks that Daniel 7 is Rev. 13. This is not new news. However as for the belief the Mark is "thinking" is just plain wrong. Please read the Greek, then take another stab at it.

    • @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761
      @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761 28 дней назад


    • @Wrathofkala
      @Wrathofkala 21 день назад

      Exactly, read the text. You can't think in your right hand. Forehead, ok, but no, it's not just thinking it's a mark as the bible states.

    • @robertmichaeltiller3886
      @robertmichaeltiller3886 19 дней назад

      Lol you can't even support you claim, what a clown.

    • @davidpulsifer9730
      @davidpulsifer9730 15 дней назад

      It's not that the mark is simply thinking, rather what you are thinking or believe.

    • @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761
      @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761 15 дней назад +1

      @@davidpulsifer9730still wrong! This “Mark” is a literal Mark but far from what is being taught!

  • @jamieschneider6186
    @jamieschneider6186 21 день назад

    Luke 6:5…….you guys went off the rails……kookiness!!

    • @eliadanyiramahirwe276
      @eliadanyiramahirwe276 17 дней назад

      I humbly pray that the Lord will explain this verse to all who don't understand it 🙏

  • @ClintonRussell-yu3xt
    @ClintonRussell-yu3xt Месяц назад +1

    By one's action we know what he is thinking!

  • @gregsuitor6712
    @gregsuitor6712 Месяц назад +7

    The mark is believing the deceitful beliefs of satans supported religious organisation and doing what it says as alternative to What God wants. Is the best description I have come across yet.

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST.

    • @markb3786
      @markb3786 Месяц назад

      Putin controls the mark of the beast

    • @sukrull381
      @sukrull381 27 дней назад

      Facts ty

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 27 дней назад

      @@sukrull381 MARK OF THE TEN: Is the mark of the beast, called the OMNI MARK, comes with the temptation of $32,523.
      ALL who take the Mark of the ten shall become lunatics whom eat the flesh of children. Those are the worshippers of money.
      Many of those shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS, NONE of those believe Jesus is God.
      The oMNI shall be branded into your skin, a barcode.
      it is written in the old testament this way:
      The LORD shall smite thee with the Blotch of Egypt, the emerod, and the itch and the scab.
      The OMNI mark is the Abomination of the desolation.
      the ASHES in your souls is the desolation,
      the kingdom of gog and magog,
      your names blotted out of the book of life.
      MOST of you shall take the OMNI, the mark of the beast, the Mark of the ten.
      JESUS shall say to you all I DO NOT KNOW YOU and you shall fall dead in the streets. YOu shall die that JESUS shall REMOVE the VISION from your bellies that JESUS told you to tell.
      You all shall LOOSE everything you own for not telling the vision of the valley from JESUS.
      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

  • @rodneysmith3578
    @rodneysmith3578 Месяц назад +1

    Steve , In all your experience , you must have read an executive summary. It contained everything in the whole proposal. Verse 11 of Revelation 13 only tells us what is to follow. Since the SPEAKING is highlight , look and see who is doing the Speaking . Wise up Brethren!!!!

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад +2

      Anytime anyone picks apart pieces and reshapes them into something foreign to the Bible it is called error. Darby did this when he fabricated his doctrine of dispensationalism, which has no biblical merit. Around the same time frame E.G.White did her share of presenting a fabricated picture devoid of biblical truth.

  • @qhazwel
    @qhazwel Месяц назад +2

    SINCE, internationally, the seventh day has been changed from Saturday and NOW is "technically" Sunday (The international standard ISO 8601), I believe, if we are just thinking out loud here... it is possible that a couple huge deceptions could come to pass when that time comes 1) The Dragon / Beast calls everyone to worship on the seventh day (Sunday by international standard against that of the Bible) and everyone who does not understand the truth will believe it and choose the false Sabbath. 2) The Dragon / Beast will destroy all the statues and idols and call everyone to worship correctly. This will be (just thinking out loud again) to deceive "if possible" even the elect. Be ready for anything. Marantha!

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад

      No, not at all. The seventh day is Saturday. The Church has been given the day of the Lord-Sunday-to worship our Lord, as the gathering for worship in the early Church was on Sunday. You will want to read Acts 15, which shows that the Law was not pressed down on the Gentile believers in which we see only the four-fold admonition to them-abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from anything strangled, and from fornication. Where is the command to keep the Sabbath? Read how Paul scolded Peter in Galatians 2:11-21 for hypocrisy. “For by works of the Law shall no flesh be justified (v16). Peter learned his lesson and concluded, “Now therefore why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers or we have been able to bear?” (Acts 15:10). You are doing the same. By the law no flesh shall be justified. Our righteousness come from Jesus and not our own efforts at keeping law (Ephesians 2:8,9). I worship Jesus on Sunday. God led me to a Sunday-worshiping church. Are you going to argue with God? No, you are wrong when you say that the beast will call everyone to worship on Sunday. Learn your facts. When the beast steps into the temple he will say that he is God. (II Thessalonians 2:4). As for that matter, the beast is future, not at a time in the past. Seventh day confusion comes when people add speculation, opinion and false teaching onto what the Bible teaches. One more thing to put under your hat. It is the false prophet and not the anti-Christ who will institute the mark of the beast. This throws the entire SDA false teaching out the window.

  • @zakila2cute
    @zakila2cute Месяц назад


  • @gdfgggggg
    @gdfgggggg 26 дней назад +1

    In the old testament God told Moses tell the people of Israel to put his mark on their right hand and forehead. So the devil tries to copy God in revelation. This mark is nothing physical. The forehead is your belief thoughts your right hand your actions ...

  • @rodneysmith3578
    @rodneysmith3578 Месяц назад

    Steve , Sorry I missed you !! What happened to Thursday nights ???

  • @sandradodds7451
    @sandradodds7451 Месяц назад +2

    Thanks for your message Steve. I'm wondering if the "time" it mentions actually refers to prophecy. In the book of Revelation in chapter 14, right after chapter 13, it refers to the people of God as those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus which we know is the spirit of prophecy. Is it possible that the "time" referred to in Daniel 7:25 also refers to the changing of prophecy? Especially since in the same verse he mentions that "the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and a half a time." This horn is changing both the commandments of God and the prophecies laid out by God. So it has a duel application- for the time of the Sabbath as well as the times of prophecy.

  • @donaldfloyd9958
    @donaldfloyd9958 19 дней назад

    If you stand on your head, cross your eyes, and say Yaweh 3 times it all makes sense

  • @312countrygirl
    @312countrygirl Месяц назад +7

    Your thoughts and actions! (Mark on the forehead and mark on the hand)

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

    • @realmichaud
      @realmichaud Месяц назад +1

      It is also a system of literal control. The mark of the beast is a real thing not just spiritual. It is a real mark.

  • @user-rx6eg8bl1s
    @user-rx6eg8bl1s 18 дней назад

    why has someone changed the text written on the screen saying ON the head and ON the hand who changed this ?

  • @billpyke7158
    @billpyke7158 Месяц назад +2

    There is a more accurate interpretation of " thinking to change times and laws.". In the Greek and Hebrew the word "times" actually is more in line with prophetic "times." This is exactly what the Papacy tried to do. They came up with through some Jesuit scholars a reinterpretation of the time prophecies. Thus we have the rapture teaching and other theories regarding dispensationalism - futurism and preterism. I believe this is a much more accurate interpretation of that phrase. See some of Pastor Stephen Bohr's material on this.

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад

      The pope does not curry any favor with me but come on, drop this thing about a pope who has been dead and gone for many centuries. The mark of the beast is yet future, as Revelation 13 shows to us. The book of Revelation is yet future, as anyone can see. It has not been fulfilled yet. I do not need to see Stephen Bohr’s material. I have the truth in the Bible.

    • @SteveWohlberg
      @SteveWohlberg Месяц назад +1

      I added this under the description of this video. Take a look.

  • @vexedhermit
    @vexedhermit 19 дней назад

    I enjoyed this video, and found it quite insightful. There is one topic I'd like to briefly expound upon though.
    "G5480 - charagma - Strong's Greek Lexicon
    1) a stamp, an imprinted mark
    1a) of the mark stamped on the forehead or the right hand as the badge of the followers of the Antichrist
    1b) the mark branded upon horses
    2) thing carved, sculpture, graven work
    2a) of idolatrous images"
    The term "charagma" was used by John when writing the Book of Revelation and indicates that the Mark of the Beast will be a physical branding. According to the translation; it's not figurative.

  • @john316loveministry5
    @john316loveministry5 Месяц назад +1

    When was the Sunday worship rule FORCED on all people small and great rich and poor free and bond?? Most people buy and sell freely 7 days of the week anyway regardless whether it is Saturday or Sunday including SDAs😊Man was not made for Sabbath but Sabbath for man these are the very words of our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏

    • @papflower610
      @papflower610 Месяц назад

      It's coming

    • @Perseverance4477
      @Perseverance4477 28 дней назад

      The papacy and world leaders are working on it and it's coming soon. It's called the green Sabbath or the earth sabbath day and they are linking it to climate change and saying we need to Sabbath on Sunday one day a week to curb carbon emissions. America will mandate it by law first then the world will follow. Just like they made us lockdown during the virus and wear a mask etc they will do this again. The mask and lockdowns was a warmup to the mark, we called it the mask of the beast because of how similar it all was/will be to the mark.
      This is why there's a great push to merge church and state in USA just like the Vatican who is church state. Hollywood and Netflix and news stations are all becoming so Christian friendly because they are trying to turn our culture to the conservative Christian side so they will want to merge church and state and then accept the Sabbath rest day. This is why they gave us the worst president in history who has destroyed our country and the liberal media and establishment politicians have fought against trump because they knew it would turn the country on the side of trump and make a bunch of liberal trump haters into conservative trump supporters. It's all an agenda to make a bunch of false Christians following a false Christ so they will accept church state union and laws like the Sunday law.
      The papacy has been working on this for years but the media never reports on it. The remnant church of God keeps up with these things and current events showing this is coming so you should watch sda RUclips channels and get on our websites because we show how close we are to the mark and the end by showing prophecy in scripture and in history and current events.
      God bless

  • @Skully921
    @Skully921 Месяц назад

    What a stretch!

  • @ROS14075
    @ROS14075 14 дней назад

    Bottom Line: DO NOT take the Mark of the Beast full stop! Yes we will be killed for not taking it, but we will live for Eternity with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Our King of Kings. Amen ❤

  • @deavenalajenio6777
    @deavenalajenio6777 Месяц назад +1


  • @jamescole3152
    @jamescole3152 Месяц назад

    1 John 3:23
    And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.

  • @dianaparks5415
    @dianaparks5415 Месяц назад

    Is it possible to get this truth mapped out in a chart?

  • @s.martin4019
    @s.martin4019 Месяц назад


  • @tigersgalore5723
    @tigersgalore5723 Месяц назад +1

    Steve you said you haven't heard any body talk about this observation of Rev 13 and Dan 7, ive been telling people for years about this !!

  • @BrandyBurke-Jesuspeace
    @BrandyBurke-Jesuspeace Месяц назад +1

    And how does this work should I not listen to sermons or read my Bible any other day than Saturday?

    • @SteveWohlberg7
      @SteveWohlberg7 Месяц назад

      We should walk with Jesus everyday, but only "the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord." Ex. 20:10

  • @annmariewalker5500
    @annmariewalker5500 Месяц назад +1

    honest question: so we have close friends who have recently left the faith and and knew the Sabbath truth. They no longer think that its important to keep the 4th commandment...and in essence are 'thinking like the beast"....I wouldn't consider that having the mark of the beast now?? do you??

    • @NateH1984
      @NateH1984 Месяц назад +1

      Not yet, no they have not taken the mark of the beast. When the test regarding the seventh day or the first does come they will have to decide and they will be without excuse at that point since they had followed the truth and then walked away from it.

  • @dollmm23
    @dollmm23 Месяц назад +7

    I would've liked to hear what the guest had to say, but he had very few opportunities to do it. About 90% of the time, he was just listening.

  • @goholmes2510
    @goholmes2510 Месяц назад

    so start thinking like our, God the Father right now 🎉, reading His word is thinking His word.

    • @goholmes2510
      @goholmes2510 Месяц назад

      that's ok just encouraging folks to read 🤗 so many don't know how to read.

    • @goholmes2510
      @goholmes2510 Месяц назад

      @@JamieElison right right now remember what Jesus said he who is not against me........

    • @goholmes2510
      @goholmes2510 Месяц назад

      @@JamieElison you and I know more and we have to help others around us so he's not doing anything to hurt heaven.

  • @godsbulldog1800
    @godsbulldog1800 29 дней назад +1

    I can tell you why things are the way they are in the world, and why there is a growing interest in The Authorized Uersion of The Holy Bible. The Lord's return is near.
    The Only Way to know anything for sure, is to look into the subject for our selues. Men mislead us. Some ignorantly, many arrogantly.

  • @GeekRights
    @GeekRights Месяц назад +3

    I was waiting for the "no one can buy or sell" part. Did I miss it?

    • @sanca5982
      @sanca5982 Месяц назад

      It is a power, perhaps an who has the power to sanction (the second beast of Revelation 13). What do sanctions do? This power has two horns and according to Daniel 7: 24, it is a power and that power has: 1. Civil liberties. 2. Religious freedoms...meaning that it doesn't have a monarchy and a pope.

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад +1

      Good point. The mark has not come around yet. The SDA people are very goofed up in their unfounded speculations.

    • @sanca5982
      @sanca5982 Месяц назад

      @@bobrolls3800 Are you replying to me?

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 Месяц назад

      ..." it is a power and that power has: 1. Civil liberties. 2. Religious freedoms...meaning that it doesn't have a monarchy and a pope"... Hmmmm, there's not a nation on the planet that fits this description. 😉

    • @sanca5982
      @sanca5982 Месяц назад

      @@jo9354 You missed it. The first is from the sea and the second is from the earth. I'll give you one last clue. What is the one nation on earth that has the power of sanctions? What do sanctions do?

  • @brianburlace2171
    @brianburlace2171 Месяц назад

    I was going to ask the same thing. They said they had never heard this by anyone else. Are they Adventists? Or do they genuinely not know This is a common Adventist teaching?

  • @rodneysmith3578
    @rodneysmith3578 Месяц назад +2

    Special Note : A New World Order always comes before the Image of the beast is set up! Study Daniel 1,2 ,and 3 and chapter 6. In the examples of both Babylon and Medo Persia , A New World Order comes first than an Image of the Beast is set up by Law! Thus in Revelation 13 :14-15 , there is a call to set up an Image to the Beast which implies that a New World Order has already been set up!!!!

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад +2

      The false prophet will institute the mark of the beast and his statue in the middle of the Tribulation (Revelation 13:11-17; Matthew 24:15-the beast reveals himself after half of the Tribulation is over). The new world order will begin at the start of the Tribulation. Beastly face will not reveal himself to the world as the anti-Christ until the second half of the Tribulation (II Thessalonians 2:3,4).

  • @joshuamccreary9279
    @joshuamccreary9279 13 дней назад

    Yep, I believe the mark is physical not mental. If it was mental then you couldn’t buy,sell, and trade. Almost had a valid point. Great work though. Don’t forget, hear o Israel the lord our god is one lord!

  • @justfloat1
    @justfloat1 22 дня назад +1

    I asked God to show me, its the Islamic Shahada

    • @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761
      @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761 14 дней назад

      You are right on top of it, "Justfloat1"! But dont try to convince them of this...They are so indoctrinated with EGW that nothing will sway them unless they search for themselves. Jeff

  • @jeffpliskin
    @jeffpliskin 19 дней назад +1

    Saturday or Sunday who cares we are an age where you can make huge gap between churchianity and christianity.
    Many do not go to church period let alone stew over what day to do corporate worship on.
    I doubt the mark as any thing to do with with which day you worship more man made traditions with in the bounds of churchianity.
    Yes it is legalisitic to labour this point also there is no commandment that can be interpreted to say you must attend to corporate worship at all, let alone on what day to do it?
    Remeber where one or two are gathered in Gods name it is fellowship no walls no building required. The more legalist the more like Rome you end up soundng legalism is the spirit of Rome!.

  • @godsbulldog1800
    @godsbulldog1800 29 дней назад

    If we haue the mindset that it doesn't matter which version we use, we are in the same boat. Look into The Authorized Uersion of The Holy Bible. Anyone that will tell us that it doesn't matter, has to be a wolfe in sheep's clothing.

  • @d.b.4321
    @d.b.4321 Месяц назад +1

    And Paul never changes the Sabbath. Later man thought he had the authority to change the laws of God. By the way, the 613 laws were done away with. And the Sacrificial laws were abolished. Jesus Christ is what the sanctuary and it's laws and festivals directed us to. Remember the inner veil torn from top to bottom. A curtain 4" thick. Access to God through Jesus Christ. No more sacrifice of animals in which all pointed to Jesus Christ.

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 Месяц назад

      Jesus said, and I quote "not one jot or one tittle will change from ANY IF THE LAW until heaven and earth ceases to exist".
      Look out your window, is earth still there in existence?

  • @glenosher5748
    @glenosher5748 Месяц назад +1


  • @germangenao9685
    @germangenao9685 Месяц назад

    Hi Steve. God bless you and your ministry. Just wanted to point out that the title may be kind of misleading about a “new light”. It may confuse the public now that we have all kind of sources talking about bible doctrines. In my humble opinion, a better title would be “A Better Understanding about Daniel and Revelation” or “Amazing Parallelism between Daniel and Revelation”.
    Nothing wrong about your explanation and your guest speaker.
    God bless you.

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад

      The SDA does not have any new light. It has never had any light of the truth to begin with for it butchers the Bible and puts E.G.White above the Bible. We cannot keep the law for we are saved by grace and we live by grace. Anyone who attempts to be justified by the law will be condemned for the law condemns.

  • @willem8b873
    @willem8b873 20 дней назад +1

    So how would the antichrist know if you keep the sabbath or not. It says that if you dont have the mark of the beast you wont be able to buy or sell. The antichrist is not omniscient. I think you're wrong about the mark of the beast but we all have our own interpretations. Please do not speak condemnation over those who keeps sabbath on Sundays.

    • @robertprasad6111
      @robertprasad6111 15 дней назад

      The same way they know if you have had your covid vaccine or not.

  • @katenugentsanudo7385
    @katenugentsanudo7385 Месяц назад +2

    What about the mark in the hand? It's more than just thinking like the beast, it's going along even if you don't agree.

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

    • @dianaparks5415
      @dianaparks5415 Месяц назад +1

      True, but that would still be thinking like the beast and not thinking like Jesus!

    • @ihade931
      @ihade931 29 дней назад +1

      The hand stands for acting, things you do.

    • @katenugentsanudo7385
      @katenugentsanudo7385 29 дней назад

      @ihade931 yes, it just seems that the word "thinking" is put forward the most; to the point of Steve saying "and here's the point, they have the mark, they're marked in their minds, because they're thinking just like the beast. It's by thinking like the beast during the final crisis." The problem with that is, people will go along with something out of fear or convenience, but not agree with it. We've seen this over and over, even recently. They are the people who will show allegiance by their actions, but not thinking. He also said, "Yeah, and here's what has impressed me the most; that the issue is how we think."
      This message is "new," but I wouldn't call it "light."

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 28 дней назад

      @@ihade931 THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

  • @synthoelectro
    @synthoelectro Месяц назад

    looking at the website I noticed there is an affiliation with SDA, but in further reading, they are using their ministry to help SDA instead know the truth?

    • @SteveWohlberg7
      @SteveWohlberg7 Месяц назад +1

      We are Adventists. Our goal is to teach the pure Word of God.

  • @FransJCMartins
    @FransJCMartins Месяц назад +2

    Why do you change your spoken word from the scripture from “on the forehead/ hand” to “in the forehead/ hand” On and In has two different meanings.

    • @jamescole3152
      @jamescole3152 Месяц назад +1

      Yes. KJ says in. All of the other bibles say on.

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 Месяц назад

      Think about what you just wrote, and @jamescole3152's answer. Why have there been a flood of new Bible translations within the last 100 years or so? Subtlety is one of the devil's greatest weapons. Start prayerfully examining key verses against the KJV Bible. May God help you see, and bless you.

    • @FransJCMartins
      @FransJCMartins Месяц назад +1

      @@jo9354 Exactly. Their spoken word and their subtitles should match. Not contradict each other. I agree with the KJV version.

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 Месяц назад

      Sorry. Apparently i wasn't paying attention. You're right; consistency is important in studying and presenting scripture.

  • @juanitaswann2796
    @juanitaswann2796 Месяц назад

    What is the image, name ,mark and number in the chapters

    • @bobrolls3800
      @bobrolls3800 Месяц назад

      The number is 666, the number of man (Revelation 13:18). This could be a triumvirate. The image seems to be some kind of statue. We go back to Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a great statue (Daniel 2:31-35). Nebuchadnezzar decided to make a great statue which everyone was forced to worship or be burned alive in a hot furnace (3:1-7). The false prophet makes this image of the beast in the future with the same command-worship this image or be killed (Revelation 13:15).

  • @davidpulsifer9730
    @davidpulsifer9730 12 дней назад

    If the mark was actually a literal mark and that's what everyone believed, who would accept it? Some maybe, but consider how cunning and deceitful the devil is. How far fetched would it be for the mark to in our thoughts as in what we believe and on our hand as in what we do? Think on this and pray for enlightenment.

  • @sallyferguson4615
    @sallyferguson4615 Месяц назад +2

    Good comparison between Dan 7 and Rev 13 but do you not think this extends further, times being God's perfect to the day and hour 'moed' or appointed times set in his natural sun, moon and stars appointments (Gen 3) so perfectly to show his greatness and his glory, Sabbath of course being the gift and foretaste of His Sabbath rest of his perfected 'done' work. And the law is not only the pivotal Sabbath keeping law but all His commandments as you mention in Ps 111. So the beast has changed that holy law, taken out the second commandment and split the last into two? I guess what I'm saying is 'he seeks to change times and law' has been exactly what the roman Church and calendar has done changed God's natural and observed times and seasons, so other holy days appointed by God, as well as the other commandments beside the 4th. I see it as a broader 'mark' disobedience and arrogance against the given creation and law of God, which includes Sabbath observance.

  • @-kepha8828
    @-kepha8828 Месяц назад +1

    Daniel 7:25 is written in aramaic. The word "times" as in "the beast will think to change TIMES and law".
    Time is the aramaic word "zeman".
    Zeman in aramaic is the hebrew word MOEDIM per scholars.
    There are 8 moedim listed in Leviticus 23, beginning with the 7th day sabbath.
    Psalm 104:19 and Ecclesiasticus 43:6-8 bith say "the MOON must appoint the moedim".
    Get it?

    • @poseidon3032
      @poseidon3032 14 дней назад

      So in layman's terms, what day is the Sabbath and how do we know?

    • @-kepha8828
      @-kepha8828 14 дней назад

      @@poseidon3032 I encourage you to comb through the scriptures and look for things you've missed (as I also missed them).
      Genesis 1:14 says the sun and the moon are the two great witnesses for all SINGS, DAYS, MOEDIM, AND YEARS.
      Those 2 witnesses will reveal all of God's time and holy days. A pagan Gregorian calendar and a pagan solar planetary week have nothing to do with God's 2 great witnesses.

  • @Rebecca-1111
    @Rebecca-1111 Месяц назад +1

    The mark is physical and spiritual. Head and hand because you'll worship the beast after the mark. If you want to or not no choice. IMO

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST.

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

  • @Ljoy23
    @Ljoy23 Месяц назад +1

    How about chart of this pastor

    • @MaryMartinez-lm5tv
      @MaryMartinez-lm5tv Месяц назад

      He can't do it there's 11 more chapters he doesn't know anything about

  • @itsspiritual8645
    @itsspiritual8645 Месяц назад +2

    God INSTITUTED the Seventh Day Sabbath at CREATION, SANCTIFIED it, MADE it HOLY, said to REMEMBER it and WROTE it with His finger on STONE TABLETS. Case Closed!
    “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” Genesis 2: 2-3
    How is it that it's the one commandment people want to do away with or change?
    Apparently, Adam and Eve were under grace and sinless when God created, sanctified, and made the Sabbath a holy day.
    Sanctification (or in its verb form, sanctify) literally means "to set apart for special use or purpose", that is, to make holy or sacred

    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST

  • @CD-ct6fc
    @CD-ct6fc 15 дней назад

    The mark is a literal mark. Thinking is not going to control buying and selling.

  • @MessiahJesusLovesYou
    @MessiahJesusLovesYou 12 дней назад

    Earlier today I saw a video by a Rabbi about truth and facts Sabbaths are celebrated on Saturdays instead of the new moon, quarter moon (8th), full moon (15th), 2nd quarter moon (22nd) and the last crescent moon (29th). So, the truth of God's faithful witness (the moon) revealing the Sabbaths isn't in practice yet because the world doesn't see it as Fact yet? Respectfully, does that make every Saturday Sabbath worldly fact without being true?

  • @JoshuaMessiah
    @JoshuaMessiah 26 дней назад

    I've believed this for over 30 years from the teaching of Ernest L Martin but with one difference. The Anti-Christ will claim to be Christ and he will enforce the Sabbath on the world to his own deception and purpose. The trick will be so clever even the saints would nearly be deceived by his deception. They would never be deceived about Sunday worship.

  • @glenosher5748
    @glenosher5748 Месяц назад

    ❤❤❤ 🌹

  • @rodneysmith3578
    @rodneysmith3578 Месяц назад +1

    ASK STEVE: WHO SPEAKS AS A DRAGON, the 2 horn beast , or the creation of the Image of the beast ??? smile

    • @BPJ22211
      @BPJ22211 Месяц назад +1


    • @wesleycurryii3341
      @wesleycurryii3341 Месяц назад

      THE OMNI.....(The Blotch of egypt, the Mark of the beast): BRANDED by laser, a barcode: All taking the OMNI recieve the EMEROD ($32,523 electronic money) The BARCODE has 2 Numbers in the code. One number is your personal ID when you scan your right hand wrist or forehead at the checkout the first time, an account with your name on it appears on screen showing you have $32,523: The other number in the bar code is 666. ALL who take the Mark of the beast, the OMNI shall contract a SKIN DISEASE, the Black, gray itching scabs on their faces and bodies that reveal the ashen state of their souls. ALL who take the OMNI bar mark shall be KILLED by JESUS in that JESUS shall say I DO NOT KNOW YOU and remove the VISION OF THE VALLEY from their souls. The VISION OF THE VALLEY is the Holy Spirit of JESUS and the pearl of great wealth in everyones bellies. MANY MANY shall say JESUS JESUS JESUS who take the $32,523 and the Mark of the beast.....JESUS shall say to them I DO NOT KNOW YOU and all marked shall fall dead on the same day worldwide. ALL who take the OMNI mark are SATAN WORSHIPPERS, lovers of Money....NONE taking the Mark of the beast are baptised, annointed, ministers, teachers, elders, prophets, or believers in JESUS CHRIST.

  • @armstrongautomotive9666
    @armstrongautomotive9666 22 дня назад

    The Lord instituted the Seventh Day Sabbath at Creation when He blessed and sanctified the 7TH DAY (Genesis 2:3). He reaffirmed the Sabbath when He wrote the 10 Commandments with His own finger (Exodus 20) and said to REMEMBER the Sabbath. When the new Heavens and new earth are created, we will keep the Sabbath (Isaiah 66). Yet, most Christians today say the Sabbath has been done away with. If the Lord doesn’t change, why would He institute the Sabbath at Creation, reaffirm it with the 10 Commandments, tell us we will keep it after Jesus returns, but in the meantime He will institute the 1st day as the day of worship? If you don’t think about it, that makes sense…lol.

  • @kosipelitalia1811
    @kosipelitalia1811 Месяц назад

  • @user-fq9ij4we4r
    @user-fq9ij4we4r Месяц назад

    Steve Wohlberg, you apparently have never met Matt Dillahunty.
    Matt Dillahunty is an atheist on atheist experience.
    You would have a time trying to tell him and trying to explain these things to him.

  • @joshuaisrael9554
    @joshuaisrael9554 Месяц назад

    Greetings in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ . Sir's , the Sunday law has already beig passed. This was during the Roman Kingdom or rule. We are now in the age of great deception, as stated by the Jesus Christ in Mathew 24 . There will be no other Earthly kingdom before the coming of the return of Jesus Christ. Blessings.

  • @BrandyBurke-Jesuspeace
    @BrandyBurke-Jesuspeace Месяц назад

    I don’t understand how you won’t be able to buy or sell if this is true ?

    • @johnkariukimungai5211
      @johnkariukimungai5211 Месяц назад +1

      Its obvious there will have to be a form of physical identification in order to segregate people details of which i think will unfold but the basic truth is worship which is more of a spiritual reality with a physical manifestation. God does not just test people on physical things. He test for spiritual things using physical realities----
      "And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. Deuteronomy 8: 1-4

  • @davidcoffman4202
    @davidcoffman4202 9 дней назад

    If it’s in your body it doesn’t matter we’re it’s located it’s evil

  • @cannardhoward9243
    @cannardhoward9243 Месяц назад

    There are two beasts in Revelation 13, which of them is the Papacy?
    and which of them shall enforce a mark upon all the world?

    • @SteveWohlberg
      @SteveWohlberg Месяц назад +1

      The first beast is the papacy. The second beast enforces its mark.