Divinely Inspired Writings?

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Clip from "Is Seventh Day Adventism a Cult?"
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Комментарии • 176

  • @melchisedec.
    @melchisedec. 3 месяца назад +18

    “Divinely Inspired Writings” simply means God spoke a Message through someone.

    • @healthiswealth6831
      @healthiswealth6831 2 месяца назад

      she was a false prophet, therefore it was not divinely inspired.

  • @weimarscr
    @weimarscr 3 месяца назад +5

    sound's like misinformation and clickbait

  • @elijahrodgers416
    @elijahrodgers416 3 месяца назад +11

    From Ellen White herself:
    The Spirit was not given-nor can it ever be bestowed-to supersede the Bible; for the Scriptures explicitly state that the word of God is the standard by which all teaching and experience must be tested. Says the apostle John, “Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1. And Isaiah declares, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20.
    Our faith, and our position in the world as commandment keepers is based on the Bible. Never should the Testimonies be brought in to take a high place than the Bible.
    The more we look at the promises of the Word of God, the brighter they grow. The more we practice them, the deeper will be our understanding of them. Our position and faith is in the Bible. And never do we want any soul to bring in the Testimonies ahead of the Bible.

  • @zimladyj84
    @zimladyj84 3 месяца назад +19

    This is PR for SDAs someone is going to look into it and be converted.

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад +4

      Do you know for sure, if you were to die today, where you would spend eternity?
      Have you kept the commandments perfectly?
      Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect.

    • @ketty4534
      @ketty4534 3 месяца назад +1

      100 %

    • @Healthyone-yc8uf
      @Healthyone-yc8uf 3 месяца назад +4

      Amen. This continuous lying and twisting of SDA beliefs is just seed for true believers to come out of false doctrine and follow the truth. Their will be souls converted from these negative and hurtful podcasts. God be praised.

    • @prayerpower1585
      @prayerpower1585 3 месяца назад

      ​​@@Elizabeth-rk3doThose who are saved get to spend eternity with God. Those who are not saved do not get an eternity to spend anywhere. Revelation talks about the second death. That's what happens to those who are lost.

    • @jayt2257
      @jayt2257 2 месяца назад

      @@Elizabeth-rk3doYes, as an SDA I have assurance. No one on this side of heaven will ever know what thet are doing perfectly, but God keeps the commandments perfectly and Jesus kept them perfectly while on earth , and it is He that worketh in us both to will and do His good pleasure. This is the evidence(fruits)of His grace

  • @jwesKeys
    @jwesKeys 3 месяца назад +14

    Are there not wrong interpretations of scripture in churches today? Sure they currently disagree with the SDA church but are all other Christian churches aligned on scripture? Clearly not so someone has to be wrong.
    Commentaries are written with the authors interpretation and study on scripture all the time but if the SDA church says that there are wrong interpretations that need to be corrected then we are a cult?
    Notice that Elce did not share quotes from Ellen White where she states that her writings aren't even needed or that the Bible is the only source of truth to judge things by and not her writings.

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад

      The SDA church teaches lies.
      1. Jesus Christ entered the Most Holy Place on October 22, 1844. (Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of God for 2,000 years now.)
      2. God is clueless and must do an Investigative Judgment to figure out those who are saved. (Such blasphemy should shock and appall you.)
      3. Jesus Christ started the Investigative Judgment on October 22, 1844.
      4. The door to heaven was shut on October 22, 1844.
      5. Once the National Sunday Law goes into effect everyone who worships God on the Sabbath will be killed. Scary, eh?
      6. Those who worship God on Sunday will take the mark of the beast.
      7. God will destroy with fire 🔥 those who worship him on Sunday. Scary, eh? 😨
      8. People are not immortal. 😰
      9. Hell is not eternal.
      10. The 2300 days mean years and the years started in 457 BC
      If you read the Bible, you wouldn't find these things.

    • @BelovedofYahua
      @BelovedofYahua 3 месяца назад

      @@jwesKeys The Holy Spirit is the only one that can reveal the True Word. The discerning spirit within each believer will always let you know if the truth is being uttered. The enemy of God hates the Word of God and will keep twisting the True Word by changing little things or words which can make someone that does not fully know the True Word or the person that wants to do his own thing to FALL. Examples of the enemy 's twisted versions of the True Word are:
      1. When Jesus Christ was tested after fasting for 40days by the enemy - Matthew 4v3-10.
      2. When the enemy tempted Eve in Gen 3:1-7
      The enemy knows the truth and will not deny that God indeed uttered the words but will twist those words to get you to do your own thing.
      Man usually succumbs to the twisted words without confirming the truth because he could have been thinking along those areas. Man must not entertain any deviation from the Word of God and the Holy Spirit is needed to confirm the Truth. When one is uncomfortable in any way when it relates to the Word, please go back to the Bible to confirm and ask the Holy Spirit to confirm as well.
      James 1:12-16
      12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
      13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
      14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
      15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
      16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.

    • @jayt2257
      @jayt2257 2 месяца назад +1

      @@BelovedofYahuaexactly and this is the SDA position, in fact Ellen White famously said, “If you had made God’s word your study, with a desire to reach the Bible standard and attain to Christian perfection, you would not have needed the testimonies.”

  • @simonl4076
    @simonl4076 3 месяца назад +12

    As someone who values fair and respectful dialogue, I urge all Seventh-Day Adventists who support the WiththePerrys ministry to consider discontinuing their support for this channel. Please keep them in your prayers. It is evident that they are not committed to a balanced discussion, as they have not invited active, recognized, and respected SDA pastors to participate in the conversation. (I will stand corrected when the Perrys publicly correct this with the name(s) & date(s) of near future planned conversations.) Instead, they continue to produce content that damages and slanders the Seventh-Day Adventist Church by labeling it a cult. This is disappointing and contrasts sharply with their treatment of other faiths on the channel.
    Mason's repeated use of outdated rhetoric and false claims, which the SDA Church has addressed with reasonable biblical apologetics over the years, is particularly concerning. This behavior appears to be a strategy to increase social media views and revenue rather than fostering genuine understanding at this point. Seems to me as if they are just reading from exAdventist sources/books and presenting it as truth to confuse those who do not know what SDA's believe (within and out of the faith). A strategy I see here being employed quite a bit is the use of strawman arguments - misrepresenting or twisting subtly what SDA's believe to then refute it. This is a logical fallacy in argument. If they continue to segment their videos like this one or continue to slander the churches name by calling it a "cult" we will know everything we need to about this ministry and it's agenda.
    NOTE: as of 6/24 it seems my comments to @jlewis8145 are being deleted. No surprise there.

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад

      The entire Bible contradicts the teachings of the LDS church.
      The Investigative Judgment is blasphemy.
      Then there are the lies.
      1. Jesus Christ entered the Most Holy Place on October 22, 1844.
      2. The soul is not eternal.
      3. Jesus never said that hell was eternal.
      4. The National Sunday Law.
      5. God will destroy with fire those who worship God on Sunday.
      6. The door to heaven was shut on October 22, 1844.
      7. Jesus Christ started the Investigative Judgment on October 22, 1844.
      8. Jesus Christ is returning on March 1, 1843.
      9. Jesus Christ is returning on October 22, 1844.
      10. You can never have assurance of salvation.
      11. The 2300 days means years and the years started in 457 BC.
      12. The day of worship is going to be the great dividing issue at the end of time.
      13. Those who worship God on Sunday will take the mark of the beast.
      If you read the Bible, you wouldn't come up with all these things.
      Revelation 21:8 All liars will have their part in the lake which burneth with fire.

    • @Healthyone-yc8uf
      @Healthyone-yc8uf 3 месяца назад +2

      Amen my brother.

    • @sweetrose123
      @sweetrose123 3 месяца назад +4

      @simonl4076 I agree. SDAs keep trying to give the Perrys the benefit of the doubt. However, at this point, I do not believe they are seeking for truth, I believe that they are in the SDA bashing business. They had Eric Mason back on to double down on his point and to save face for his ignorance in his previous video.

    • @simonl4076
      @simonl4076 3 месяца назад

      @@sweetrose123 1000%

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад

      @sweetrose123 The true and living God is omniscient. God already knew those who would be saved before he created the world. Ephesians 1:4 God never needs to investigate anything ever. To say otherwise is blasphemy, breaking the third commandment.
      Jesus Christ never started the Investigative Judgment on October 22, 1844. That was just made up to cover-up the failed prophecy of Jesus returning on October 22, 1844. It is a lie, breaking the ninth commandment.
      From reading the Bible, we know that Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah, Moses, Stephen, the thief on the cross, etc., were already in heaven long before October 22, 1844.
      When I die, I will immediately be with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No Investigative Judgment needed.
      2 Cor. 5:8 To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. 💕

  • @rosehydrangea8095
    @rosehydrangea8095 Месяц назад +3

    Perrys have you considered what if the Seventh day Adventist doctrines are Biblical and Truth? Have you studied for yourself what is the doctrine? Have you considered what if Thunder and Mason are bearing false witness against the truth? The attacks against Christ and the early believers came from leaders in the church and from false witnesses. Saul why persecutest thou me?

  • @daughterofgod777
    @daughterofgod777 3 месяца назад +3

    I see nothing wrong with that statement.
    Aren’t pastor commentaries and preaching of the word supposed to uplift scripture? They are not scripture itself, but uplift the truth that is already written in scripture? One who is fully surrendered to God and not speaking from their flesh, should be led by the spirit and be divinely inspired to uplift the prophecies and doctrines in the Word of God.
    And shouldn’t we all “correct” misinterpretations of scripture? How many RUclipsrs and Christian’s are correcting those who are twisting scripture to justify an unbiblical understanding of marriage to appease culture? How many are correcting unbiblical actions such as praying to Mary, that have been justified because it’s tradition?
    Every denomination does it. What’s wrong when she does it? She never called herself a prophet, and she told all to use the Bible as their standard, and you can find that in her writings as well.

  • @kylontobias
    @kylontobias 3 месяца назад +4

    It certainly does not feel good to be misrepresented by other people of influence.
    What would Jesus do if He was misrepresented?
    How do we think the Angel Gabriel felt when from 1844 to 2024 many Millerites have and SDAs continue to misrepresent the angelic interpretation given in Daniel 8:15-27 to explain Daniel 8:9-14?
    In 1844 when the churches who rejected the false date setting of the Millerite Movement, those churches were misrepresented by being called Babylon. They were also misrepresented as having no more salvation by a "shut door." Why? Because they believed Jesus' words which said:
    “¶But of that DAY and that HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” (Mark 13:32, KJV)
    And when nothing happened on October 22nd 1844, how did God feel when Ellen White seemed to suggest that God was the Author of Mistakes and Lies?
    "I have SEEN that the 1843 chart was DIRECTED BY THE HAND OF THE LORD, and that it should not be altered; that the FIGURES WERE AS HE WANTED THEM; that HIS HAND was over and HID A MISTAKE in some of the figures, so that none could see it, until His hand was removed." {Early Writings, 74.1}
    EGW was saying that she saw in vision, that God directed false dates, and hid those false dates with His hand. According to the Bible narrative, was God ever the Author of Lies? Or is He always the Author of truth?
    “That by two immutable things, in which it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that WITHIN THE VEIL; Whither the forerunner IS FOR US ENTERED, even Jesus, made an HIGH PRIEST for ever after the order of Melchisedec.” (Hebrews 6:18-20, KJV)
    If one claims to believe the Bible narrative, then one would definitely have to admit that long before 1844, the Bible writer of Hebrews was teaching that Messiah entered the Most Holy Place "within the veil" before 70AD, which is over 1774 years before 1844 AD.
    Which means that God has been misrepresented from 1844 to 2024 by Ellen White in particular. Some repented of the misrepresentations saying:
    The person who first wrote out the 1844 Shut Door, Investigative Judgment teaching, ORL Crozier, HUMBLY discarded his old teachings and admitted:
    "On account of our ignorance of the scriptures my argument was more fully and more widely accepted than it deserved to be."
    The 1844 Investigative Judgment prophetess said:
    "William Miller had no sympathy with those influences that led to fanaticism." GC 396.2
    What did Miller have to say which showed that he clearly rejected Ellen White and all the so called "light" that they taught?
    On August 1st, 1845, Miller confessed:
    "We expected the personal coming of Christ at that time; and now to contend that we were not (1)MISTAKEN, is DISHONEST. We should never be ashamed FRANKLY to confess our (1)ERRORS. I have no confidence in any of the new theories that grew out of that movement, namely, that (2)Christ then came as the BRIDEGROOM, (3)that the DOOR OF MERCY WAS CLOSED, (4)that there is NO SALVATION FOR SINNERS, (5)that the seventh trumpet then sounded, or that it was a (6)FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY IN ANY SENSE." WMAD 28-30
    "The *CALLING OF ALL CHURCHES* , that do not embrace the doctrine of the advent, *BABYLON,* I before remarked, was the means of our not being listened to with candor; and also, that I regarded it as *A PERVERSION OF SCRIPTURE.* This I think all will see who compare Revelation 14 and 18., and observe the chronology of the fall of Babylon." WMAD 30.2
    (Pages 28-30 of the pdf found at: archive.org/details/william-millers-apology-and-defence-august-1)
    Fellow Adventists, please do not complain about feeling misrepresented, because as a lifelong SDA, I am saddened by how our SDA ministries often misrepresent Bible writers to teach our own Eisegetical Doctrines. And those very teachings are indeed cultish. Sadly.

  • @allthingsandee8756
    @allthingsandee8756 Месяц назад +2

    "Testimonies for the Church," Volume 5: "I am instructed to say that the Word of God is the only rule of faith and practice. Let every soul that claims to be a follower of Christ test the doctrine and the teachings of the Bible by this rule."

  • @dkas24
    @dkas24 Месяц назад +2

    Reported this video as misinformation. This is terrible.

  • @Proverbs-vw2sc
    @Proverbs-vw2sc 3 месяца назад +13

    You guys are just as bad a Hardly Initiated. Anything to get a view. Unsubscribed!!!

    • @breemapry
      @breemapry 3 месяца назад +4

      I encourage you to watch the entire hour episode. Not just a mere 90 seconds.

    • @surgtechbae
      @surgtechbae 3 месяца назад +9

      Yes. I agree! They just keep reposting snippets of this video. They have an agenda. They have been doing it all over IG as well.

    • @surgtechbae
      @surgtechbae 3 месяца назад +9

      They deleting comments as well.

    • @Proverbs-vw2sc
      @Proverbs-vw2sc 3 месяца назад +9

      @@surgtechbae They need to learn about the very soon coming Sunday law. The law about the 10 Commandments in Louisiana just opened the gate for it. We must stay prayed up!

    • @mignonnicolson8900
      @mignonnicolson8900 3 месяца назад +4

      ​@@breemapryI encourage you to read/study the Bible for yourself, then you will see that you are listening to deceivers😊

  • @BelovedofYahua
    @BelovedofYahua 3 месяца назад +5

    Don't fight or get angry over man's words but seek the truth
    Romans 8 says:
    There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
    2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
    3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
    4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

  • @sweetrose123
    @sweetrose123 3 месяца назад +2

    Based upon the name of this clip and what this so called Pastor and ex-SDA are saying, I have a verse from the Word of God for these lies that are being leveled against SDAs, and please pay close attention to the latter part of the phrase.
    But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all LIARS, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.... Rev. 21:8

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад

      Amen! I'm surprised you would quote that verse.
      Do you know for sure, if you were to die today, that you have forgiveness of sins and eternal life?

  • @JT-ix8ku
    @JT-ix8ku 3 месяца назад +11

    Rev Elce:Here is the quote from the official SDA website.
    SDA: I’ve never heard of that
    SDAs see this as an opportunity to learn your denomination’s doctrine. Sorry, your feelings and experience does not define Adventism.

  • @scriptureoursafeguard7900
    @scriptureoursafeguard7900 2 месяца назад +1

    Dear Jackie and Preston Perry.
    I want to first of say thank you for your ministry….Im a seventh day Adventist and I came across your ministry few years ago when I saw Jackie’s testimony and I was touched and encouraged at how you boldly you shared your testimony on how Christ changed your life and how he has been leading you as it is so clear you love God and that is so so encouraging in a word where Christian’s often shy away from truth for men’s applause. I have sometimes watched your podcasts however, I must say on this topic I was really really disappointed by the way you handled this discussion. You didn’t give due diligence in finding a Seventh-Day Adventist to give a balanced view on defend our beliefs and this this was not unfair. You should have found someone to defend our beliefs before continuing with part 2. I do hope you do a part 3 and instead of a ‘debate’ you should simply have a discussion with an adventist on what we believe. If you are genuinely wanting to know the truth then a debate style discussion may lead to arguments and people loosing the message on what Adventists believe and therefore not able to defend the doctrines we uphold.
    This discussion should only be entered into by people with an unbiased humble heart and spirit wanting to know the truth from
    the word of God. Rather than debating with people that are already set in their views. I know of many seventh day adventists who would be happy to have this discussion like my husband …if you are HUMBLE and GENUINE in your search for truth @withtheperrys @preston_n_perry .

  • @alastairchung-jones3296
    @alastairchung-jones3296 3 месяца назад +5

    I dont see my comment. I just commented some actual truth in regard to the Statement of Confidence but I can't find it. Something's fishy...

    • @alastairchung-jones3296
      @alastairchung-jones3296 3 месяца назад +4

      Well I'll try to do it again here.
      I hope everyone's doing their research. I went on the website and typed in Statement of Confidence and got some totally different information. I will post the Full Statement of Confidence in another comment (if this post stays) but first here is a quote (on the website) from the highest decision-making body in regards to the Statement of Confidence:
      “I believe some of our critics will latch onto the phrase “inspired guide” and will claim that we read that she is our normative interpreter to scripture,” he explained. “We do not believe that, though. Ellen White herself said that scripture interprets itself, and that the Bible is the only rule to faith and doctrine.”

    • @alastairchung-jones3296
      @alastairchung-jones3296 3 месяца назад +1

      Here is the Full Statement of Confidence in the Writings of Ellen G. White:
      "We express our deep gratitude for God’s prophetic guidance of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Aiming to live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4, NKJV; cf. Luke 10:16), we take seriously the biblical passages that teach the abiding nature of the gift of prophecy (Rom 12:6 ; 1 Cor 12:10,28; Eph 4:11-14) and promise its end-time manifestation (Joel 2:28-31; Rev 12:14; 19:10, 22:9). We recognise the gift of prophecy in the life and ministry of Ellen G White (1827-1915).
      We believe that the writings of Ellen G White were inspired by the Holy Spirit and are Christ centred and Bible based. Rather than replacing Scripture, they uplift its normative character, safeguard the church from "every wind of doctrine" (Eph 4:14), and offer an inspired guide to Bible passages without exhausting their meaning or preventing further study. They also help us to overcome the human tendency to accept from the Bible what we like and to distort or disregard what we do not like.
      We commit ourselves to prayerfully study the writings of Ellen G White with hearts willing to follow the councils and instructions found therein. Whether individually, in the family, in small groups, in the classroom, or in the church, we believe that the study of her writings bring us closer to God and His infallible Word-the Scriptures-providing us a transforming in faith-uplifting experience.
      We rejoice in the Lord for what has already been accomplished in the global and local circulation of the writings of Ellen G White in both printed and electronic format, including egwwritings.org and related apps. We encourage the continued development of both worldwide and local strategies to foster the circulation and study of her writings in as many languages as possible. The study of these writings is a powerful means to strengthen and prepare God's people to face the challenges of these last days as we approach Christ's soon return."

    • @alastairchung-jones3296
      @alastairchung-jones3296 3 месяца назад +1

      And here is SDA's full statement about the Bible:
      "We express our conviction that the Bible is the inspired and revealed Word of God. Through the Holy Scriptures, God has revealed Himself and His will to humanity. The whole Bible is inspired and must be understood as a whole in order to arrive at correct conclusions as to the truth on any revealed topic. The Bible is reliable in what it affirms. Its record of creation in six literal days, the fall of human beings, a global flood to destroy wickedness and preserve a remnant, Christ’s early life, death and resurrection, as well as God’s numerous interventions in history for the salvation to human beings are trustworthy reports of God’s acts in history (Luke 24:27; Heb 1:1,2; Pet 1:21). Prophetically, the fulfillment of predicted events in accordance with prophetic time periods establishes confidence in the Bible as a unique witness to divine truth unlike any other religious book (Isa 46:9,10; Dan 2,7,8; Luke 22:22; 2 Pet 1:19,20).
      We believe that the Bible is the prophetic Word of God and through the prophets of the Old Testament, the apostles of the New Testament, and especially through His Son, Jesu Christ, God has revealed how He will act for the salvation of human beings and executive judgment on wickedness.
      We commit ourselves to prayerfully study and follow the Bible, the living and effective Word of God. It is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. It stands forever as a witness to God’s will, His law, His thoughts, and His purposes for human beings and for our world, and contains the treasures of eternal wisdom and grace (Isa 40:8; 1 Thess 2:13; 2 Tim 3:16,17). Its principles and teachings are applicable in all times, all places, all languages, and all cultures for all people. It speaks credibly and relevantly today as it has in the past and will continue to speak as long as time shall last.
      We also believe that the Bible leads us to a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ. And by the Holy Spirit the Bible speaks directly to each person to reveal the plan of salvation and restore believers into the image of God. Thus, the Bible stands as the norm for all religious experience inasmuch as it reveals and teaches the truth and explains how its effects are manifested on the intellect, feelings and affections (Heb 4:12; Gal 5:22,23).
      We express our deep gratitude to the Lord because in the Scriptures we find hope to live amidst the challenges of the world. The Bible tells of God’s plan to bestow immortality on His people at the second coming of Christ and ultimately, after the millennium in heaven, to put an end to sin and sinners forever and establish righteousness in the new earth (Ps 119:105; Rom 15:4; Heb 4:12; James 1:18)."

    • @Miles_305
      @Miles_305 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@alastairchung-jones329 so why is she even in the picture?

    • @alastairchung-jones3296
      @alastairchung-jones3296 3 месяца назад +3

      ​​@@Miles_305 TL;DR: because her writings were helpful, believed to be inspired/given by Holy Ghost, and SDA never stopped giving her credit for writing them down.
      Because she wrote so much that was believed to be inspired or given by the Holy Spirit and the writings were pivotal for helping SDAs understand their mission/purpose as a newer denomination. But they also were helpful to anyone for growing closer to Christ, digging deeper into Scripture, improving Christian living, improving health, understanding how to raise a child in a Godly household, and so much more.
      I personally don't take her words like Scripture and just do everything they say or recommend, but I think anyone can get something from her writings that helps in their Christian walk, if they're not reading it with a hidden agenda.
      And so her name continues to be associated with the SDA church because they never stopped giving her credit for writing down all this helpful Christian/SDA information that was believed to be given or inspired by the Holy Spirit.

  • @jenniferoleary7525
    @jenniferoleary7525 Месяц назад

    If we associate more with the identity of “SDA,” rather than “Christian,” or one who was redeemed by the blood of Christ, then is it safe to say that there could potentially be some idolatry there?
    If we think the Perry’s are misinformed, then instead of persecuting, why not volunteer to shed light and represent your denomination?
    Treating them like enemies isn’t what God would want. And I say this out of love-not judgmental rebuke. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. The goal is to get out the Gospel. And that’s the message that needs to get out. The world looks at us and we quarrel one with another.
    If we feel persecuted, God doesn’t call us to persecute in retaliation.
    God have mercy on us all.

  • @mercychitx
    @mercychitx 2 месяца назад

    Dear Jackie and Preston Perry.
    I want to first of say thank you for your ministry….Im a seventh day Adventist and I came across your ministry few years ago when I saw Jackie’s testimony and I was touched and encouraged at how you boldly you shared your testimony on how Christ changed your life and how he has been leading you as it is so clear you love God and that is so so encouraging in a word where Christian’s often shy away from truth for men’s applause. I have sometimes watched your podcasts however, I must say on this topic I was really really disappointed by the way you handled this discussion. You didn’t give due diligence in finding a Seventh-Day Adventist to give a balanced view on defend our beliefs and this this was not unfair. You should have found someone to defend our beliefs before continuing with part 2. I do hope you do a part 3 and instead of a ‘debate’ you should simply have a discussion with an adventist on what we believe. If you are genuinely wanting to know the truth then a debate style discussion may lead to arguments and people loosing the message on what Adventists believe and therefore not able to defend the doctrines we uphold.
    This discussion should only be entered into by people with an unbiased humble heart and spirit wanting to know the truth from
    the word of God. Rather than debating with people that are already set in their views. I know of many seventh day adventists who would be happy to have this discussion like my husband …if you are HUMBLE and GENUINE in your search for truth

  • @syrettaajoku2495
    @syrettaajoku2495 3 месяца назад +4

    This is only a minute of the entire episode. Watch the whole thing. Then you’ll see the truth.

    • @elijahrodgers416
      @elijahrodgers416 3 месяца назад +3

      This is total lies. Their whole presentation was full of lies. Why would someone claiming to be a follower of Jesus make such bold-faced lies?

  • @hyphyking650
    @hyphyking650 Месяц назад

    Y’all scared
    Y’all scared
    Y’all scared

  • @PrayWithPurpose2023
    @PrayWithPurpose2023 3 месяца назад +2

    Was Nathan the prophet words inspired?

    • @jlewis8145
      @jlewis8145 3 месяца назад +1

      Yes Did Nathan the prophet ever have a false prophecy?

    • @PrayWithPurpose2023
      @PrayWithPurpose2023 3 месяца назад +1

      @@jlewis8145 Not that I know of.

    • @prayerpower1585
      @prayerpower1585 3 месяца назад +1

      ​​@@jlewis8145He didn't have a false prophecy per se, but he encouraged David to do build the temple (2 Samuel 7) assuming that God would approve and then after he spoke to David, God told him, No, I don't want David to build me a temple.

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад

      ​@@PrayWithPurpose2023 Ellen White had many false prophecies.

  • @BelovedofYahua
    @BelovedofYahua 3 месяца назад +1

    Please take time to read the Word of God and align what you know or heard against the Bible or the True Word spoken by Christ.

    • @Elizabeth-rk3do
      @Elizabeth-rk3do 3 месяца назад +1

      Where does the Bible say that Jesus Christ entered the Most Holy Place on October 22, 1844?
      Where does the Bible say that Jesus Christ started the Investigative Judgment on October 22, 1844.

    • @BelovedofYahua
      @BelovedofYahua 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Elizabeth-rk3do I do not know and have no idea. I am just a believer that loves the Truth which comes comes from the Word of God. Christ as I know paid the price for the human race as stated in Isaiah 53: 3-5
      He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
      4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
      5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
      He died over 2000 years ago and rose from the dead with his body and bones intact (no blood). He went to see the Father after he rose and this was done by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11), so entering the Most Holy Place must have been done then or before. In Hebrew Hebrews 9:12 it says
      12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
      Christ Jesus did not enter the Most Holy Place on the 22nd of October 1844. This is wrong and not from God Almighty.

    • @BelovedofYahua
      @BelovedofYahua 3 месяца назад

      @@Elizabeth-rk3do Nothing in the Bible, so this information is wrong and comes from the father of lies, the enemy that hates God

    • @Healthyone-yc8uf
      @Healthyone-yc8uf 3 месяца назад

      ​@Elizabeth-rk3do The 2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel. You can study the dates and history for yourself. To study it you must understand the Sanctuary system thoroughly and know your dates in history. God will lead you. It is all in the Bible. Be Blessed.

    • @jlewis8145
      @jlewis8145 3 месяца назад

      @@Healthyone-yc8uf The 2300 days is a historical event that occurred from 167 BC until 161 BC. Antiochus Epiphanes greatly persecute the Jews and desecrated the temple. For 2300 days there was no morning or evening sacrifice.
      Judas Maccabeus eventually defeated Antiochus and the priests cleansed the sanctuary. So miraculous was this event that Jesus celebrated it every year. John 10 The Feast of Dedication. Today it is called Hanukkah.
      For someone to say that the days mean years and the years started in 457 BC., shows their lack of Bible training and lack of understanding the history of the nation of Israel.