Hi! 🦾 Thank you very much for reaching out to us. Could you please send us an email with your request at info@bionitlabs.com, or fill out this form bionitlabs.com/es/contacto/ providing us with all the relevant information? This will help us find the best solution for you. Thank you!
Hi! 🦾 Thank you very much for reaching out to us. Please, send us an email with your request at info@bionitlabs.com, or fill out this form bionitlabs.com/es/contacto/ providing us with all the relevant information about your limb difference. This will help us find the best solution for you. Thank you!
Hola por favor necesito una prótesis hace 10 años perdí mi brazo derecho
Hi! 🦾 Thank you very much for reaching out to us. Could you please send us an email with your request at info@bionitlabs.com, or fill out this form bionitlabs.com/es/contacto/ providing us with all the relevant information? This will help us find the best solution for you. Thank you!
Puedo pagar de $500 mensuales hasta pagar toda la prótesis soy escasos recursos económicos ayúdenme por favor
Olá. May. Name. Is. Markin. Im. Lives. In. Brazil. May. Drens. Put. Mecânica. Hand. More. Less. Trinta. Anos. Atheta. Valor. Não. Faço. Ideia.
Hi! 🦾 Thank you very much for reaching out to us. Please, send us an email with your request at info@bionitlabs.com, or fill out this form bionitlabs.com/es/contacto/ providing us with all the relevant information about your limb difference. This will help us find the best solution for you. Thank you!