SuperShanko: I would think so because (as explained in a previous episode of Because Science) the hammer can be lifted but not wielded. That would mean that (since Thor’s hammer IS made of metal) with enough magnetic force, Magneto could lift Throg while Throg is lifting his little hammer. Side note-The metal used for Mjolnir is called Uru
I love how powerful some characters are when you put a realistic spin on it. Just with one simple sounding ability like control over magnetic fields they become as powerful as the strongest shit in our universe.
It's not about how powerful the characters become. It's more about how impossible it is for something with the size and structure of the human body to harness that power.
If I had the power to control all magnetic fields I'd call myself Magnetar, because then I could destroy anything by tearing away electrons its their atoms and converting it into a cloud of monatomic ions 😸 I would just take over the universe at that point. But don't worry I'd be a benevolent dictator of the universe. Not like Magneto who thinks mutants are superior, I don't believe anyone is superior, everyone is equal. Equally below me. But all of you are equal :)
*The "Kyle is wrong!" FAQ* 1. At 4:05 I say 10,000. It's 100,000 as written. My bad. 2. I didn't consider the iron injected into the guard to be anything other than iron injected into the blood because Magneto says "too much iron in the blood," and some sci-fi nanoparticle thing is giving this film too much credit, I think. 3. The experiment I showed used PIG's blood, not human blood. Another misspeak. Sorry. (UPDATING) -- KH
Great episode. One Idea I'd like to pitch, I think that your right that Mystic did just inject iron into the Guard's butt and it remained localized there dispersed in his fatty tissue/muscle and Magento then simply moved that elemental iron in order to levitate the guard, killed him by destroying his internal organs with that iron and then pulled the iron out resulting in the accompanying blood mist. I think his statement about "too much iron in your blood" was simply word play or murder humor.
Nerdist my 😑 lack of biology knowledge, but I would have thought he would narrow the electromagnetic field into a directional flow, that he can cancel out any other field bar that one to pull the Fe out of his body, ~ also the National mag labs in Florida has a 45 Tesla electromagnet, last time I looked. Also while I think about it answering a question - it was probably a ferrofluid .
According to lore he can 'control' AND 'manipulate' magnetic fields. so he may not be applying a uniform magnetic field to extract the iron from the blood. Seeing as he is near/omega level, he may be able to oscillate and/or direct the field to only interact with the molecules in the blood.
Going off of his power being able to manipulate magnetic fields and not simply great them wouldn't he simply manipulate the fields of the organic compounds to repel the iron. This would require far less power and be more true to the scene with the iron bursting out from his body.
None of what magneto does is how regular magnetic fields work dude. Point is he makes them behave differently. Think: If magneto used his powers to pull an object towards him, the way magnets ACTUALLY work... every metal object in the same range would be under the same force.. so levitating wolverine like he did would probably lift half the people around him up by their belt buckles and zippers You never do the iron shavings around a magnet experiment in school? (pour a load around a magnet on some paper and they align with the magnetic field so you can actually see it.) A magnet is not simply a straight line force between A and B... Magneto is capable of mono/unipolar magnetism which in itself should be considered freaking amazing.
I always thought it was silly writing in that movie to have Magneto in a plastic cell as a means of preventing him from escaping. His magnetic powers should have enabled him to attract metal from hundreds of miles away so no prison on earth should have been able to hold him. Some sort of power damping device would have made a lot more sense.
Personally, I think Marvel missed a golden opportunity when they named the X-Men's archvillain "Magneto" instead of "Magento". Magento could be a supervillain who can make anything change color to hot-pink, including Wolverine's adamantium claws, causing him to question his masculinity and suffer a complete emotional breakdown.
Or... Mystique could have injected the guard with iron nanopallets coated with a bio-compatible coating. the iron would not react with the blood, and still move through the body
No, no, no and no. Our bodies are great at hoovering up iron when it's in the Fe (II) or Fe (III) oxidation states; but abysmally poor at converting Fe (0) (i.e., iron metal) into a water-soluble form. That process you assume to occur would take months, not merely a couple of hours. Since the injection Mystique applied was grey, not green or red, we know that the iron was indeed in the form of iron metal. We also know that it was in sufficiently small particles that it remained suspended in whatever carrier fluid Mystique used. Since Mystique needed the guard to be fit for work the next day, let's assume it was dextro-saline solution. On this basis, the iron suspension would easily mix with blood in any of the myriad capillaries in the gluteus maximus muscle. Thus, magneto didn't need to be neutron-star strong. The injected iron in the guard's blood would have been as nano-scale particles of metallic iron.
No, the suspension is in his butt muscle, not his circulatory system. It takes time for the body to break up a bolus like the butt iron even as it must clear out the bolus of an intramuscular shot of vaccine, gamma globulin, or other intramuscular injection.
@@ginnyjollykidd So if the guard got an intravenous dose, lets say through an IV it would have been more plausible, although come to think of it, an IV is not as cinematic as a big old Syringe
Still this has left me with one question. What if the iron injected into the guard wasn't pure iron, but instead an iron compound that doesn't react with the body. The magnetic field created by Magneto should be able to extract it as long as the compound is magnetic and does not react to human cells. Right? What that compound consists of? No idea, I'm no chemist.
I thought the same thing. Microscopic beads of iron in a non-reactive liquid agent. After all, Mystique does not inject the guard with molten iron, yet it is clearly a liquid.
How long does it take for the injected 25ml of iron substance to bond with the human molecules to weaken the magnetic force? That iron could still possibly be extracted in a certain amount of time. Out of 25 ml of iron, how much of that iron could be absorbed? Also another question, out of that 25 ml of iron, how much of it was actually iron? Maybe he should have been injected with more to get the 3 iron spheres in the proportions shown in the movie.
A small jacket of an *inert* substance (rubber or silicone) would achieve a similar non binding, but if distributed enough a metal detector would need to be set very high to detect it. Maybe that works.
Me and my friend watching this. Friend: "Why would he make this video? Doesnt this just ruin movies for people who watch this show?" Me: "Analyzing different senses from movies and dissecting what would really happen is magnitudes more fun than just taking the movie at face value." Friend:"I dont get it." Me: "I dont't get you."
I support the ruin of this friendship -- KH But seriously. You notice that I never say that a movie or game or whatever is dumb, bad, or wrong. I prefer to consider what could or would happen, hopefully learning something in the process, and communicating that to you!
Science doesn't care about you, your friend, emotions, or Because Science. Science is truth revealed. How the nature of things effects you depends on your situation. Applying movie physics to real world physics is interesting. It really doesn't take away from a good movie by analyzing it. I'll admit, it does take away from a bad movie to some extent. But, I go to the movies to suspend disbelief-if only for a couple of hours. If the science makes sense it helps sell me the movie. But, I'll watch stuff that doesn't make sense all day long as well. I'll watch a god swing around by throwing a magic hammer. I'll watch Godzilla destroy Tokyo for the tenth time. I can discuss the possibility of theses things happening, and the possibility of them happening the way the movie describes. But, I can turn my brain off long enough to enjoy a good movie and a really, really, really bad movie.
I don't think Magneto is actually magnetic. Since he can manipulate non-magnetic materials, I think it more applies to some sort of Metal-Specific telekinesis. How else would he be able to catch (non-magnetic) bullets?
Magnetokinesis: Magneto has a near-limitless control of all forms of magnetism, whether natural or artificial, to manipulate any metal. He can manipulate magnetic fields at the planetary level. Generating Magnetic Force Fields: He is able to generate a forcefield capable of repelling forces equivalent to a nuclear attack. He has successfully defended himself against Thor and his hammer Mjolnir, Iron Man's impressive array of weapons and the wielders of the Phoenix force. He has single-handedly fought against entire teams of heroes and villains. Magnetic Flight: By connecting himself to the magnetic field of the Earth, Magneto is capable of flight at supersonic speeds. He can also repel himself against the metals in the surface of a planet if the planet has no intrinsic magnetic field. Molecular matter manipulation: His magnetic field manipulations are so powerful he can reorder the molecular structure of matter by manipulating the electromagnetic force bonds. His control of his magnetic powers is so precise, he can manipulate the iron in a human's blood, causing aneurysms, strokes or heart attacks. He is even able to create a magnetic field strong enough to suppress the power of thought by suppressing the brain's electromagnetic field. It is likely the same magnetic field which makes him more resistant to psionic abilities. This is not an all inclusive list of Magneto's powers, it is designed to simply give you a matter of comparison against a device such as an MRI machine; there is NO CONTEST.
In the comics, magneto has reversed the flow of blood and knocked people out. He creates very powerful very localized magnetic fields. I know this isn’t how magnetism works, but he basically is telekinetic when it comes to ferrous materials.
LOVE THIS! I'm using it in my science class. I actually had someone ask me if it was possible when we were talking about magnetism, so now I can provide an answer.
Why do people only stick with magneto's powers as displayed in the film and disregard all the powers he has displayed in the mainline comics. HE CAN BREATH IS SPACE AND FIRE SELF-MADE MAGNETIC REPULSOR BLASTS ALONG WITH MANIPULATING *ANY* METAL!
JamcalX truthfully everything is at least slightly magnetic. If he can generate infinite levels of magnetism and truly control the fundamental force of electromagnetism his powers should be nigh limitless.
He's also created a wormhole to cross from one end of the planet to the other instantaneously in the leadup to House of M. I'm pretty sure destroying molecular bonds to separate iron from blood is within his purview. It just takes surgical application of ridiculous amounts of power.
Magneto's power isn't electromagnetism, he CONTROLS all metal to the melecular level, his daughter Polaris on the other hand has the power of electromagnetism.just a little clarification.
Wow, I know so little about what you were talking about that I was just astounded by the amount of specialized knowledge you presented. I would say it was brilliant, but honestly from the top of my head I could confirm or deny little of what you said. Still, it seemed to make sense -like I know what a neutron star is -kinda. Finally, just wanted to say that Magneto has always been my favorite mutant so thanks for the exposition it was awesome, like Magneto.
I think I have a solution! How about the iron mystique gave the guard didn't have the chance to bond with proteins in the body yet, so that would leave free iron which would require much less teslas. Another thing is maybe the spheres are empty inside so it would require much less volume of iron. But then, that wouldn't be epic lol
C MT he didnt extract the iron from his butt. It was suspended in the blood stream where is mostly stored in the area of the vitals. Where in the movie we see t he most of it exstracted.?
This seems to be the most likely option. his body simply didn't have the time to bond all that iron. As to why it didn't set off the metal detector, while the iron wasn't able to be bonded to his blood yet, it was still injected into his blood stream and spread throughout his body, this diffusing it far enough that it didn't register as any one amount of magnetic substance over whatever the threshold is the scanner can detect.
I've always thought it wasn't Iron per se, but instead some kind of Ferric compound such as Maghemite, or even nano-/micro-particles of iron with some kind of coating to stop it chemically reacting. I'm not sure what that would do to the maths though.
if the iron had some kind of coating, it would just make it pretty easy for magneto, cuz that way he wouldnt have to break bonds, then he would only have to apply a force field strong enough to lift that 20ml +- of iron
yes, I assumed that too. Nanoparticles also have low bioavailability (at least short term), so the guard wouldn't die from iron poisoning. That would also explain that Magneto is not strong enough to rip the natural iron from blood, only the ferromagnetic nanoparticles. There is only one slight plot hole: the guard should have set off ferromagnetic metal detectors...
Wait, what? Did he just thank me for watching or was he talking to Magneto? Freaked me out a bit to hear him say thank you for watching Eric (or Erik). Anyway I like the theory that the goo was just some ferromagnetic compound that didn't integrate with the body and the blood is just the particles covered in blood. Although, when asked how powerful Magneto is, the old Marvel Handbook used to say "While not as powerful as the Silver Surfer in his prime, Magneto's power is for all practical purposes limitless."
Keep in mind Magneto can't just create magnetic feilds, he can also control them. So at the very least he should be able to manipulate the magnetic field so it only affects the area around the guard & nowhere else.
Iron not only binds to hemoglobin (which is the most commonly thought of binding protein), but also binds to 2 other very important proteins: ferritin and transferrin. Ferritin is basically the body's reserve for iron and transferrin help transfer the body's iron stores to wherever it needs the iron. While I know this off the top of my head, I don't know if these two proteins also use the heme molecule to bind them, but if they don't, then this could alter the amount of energy required. Also, your body can only produce so much hemoglobin, transferrin, and ferritin. After a certain amount, iron may fully saturate all of those binding sites and simply accumulate in joints (as seen in hemochromatosis). Just a tid-bit of extra information :P .
I always assumed that the butt-iron was in some sort of mad-"science" suspension liquid that let it float through the body without getting incorporated, since... well as you pointed out. If you can pull iron out of the blood, you can manipulate glass. Still, it's nice hearing exactly how absurd extracting iron from the blood is.
At 7:56 it was stated that everyone within a 2000 km radius is dead, but not necessarily, if magneto wanted to produce a magnetic field of that strength he could manipulate the magnetic flux density in such a way that it would only affect a certain small area like where the guard is.
If most of the Iron was stuck in the guards but, could he just rip that out, and if doing so why not spread it around the guards body a little to levitate his, then rip it out of his body for dramatic effect?
one thing left out which is that magneto controls the size and shape of magnetic fields as well which means when he generates magnetic forces it doesn't leak outside the fields
Magneto says specifically, "too much iron in the blood," and I don't give the movie the benefit of the doubt that they meant some super sci-fi nano metal blah blah -- KH
in a related video, you could work out how much power Magneto has from the opening scenes of X-Men when Magneto is being carried away from his parents. He bends gates etc. Given the inverse square rules his magnetic power would be pretty weak, so if he's bending metal at that range... well...
Mythbusters already tested it. There is basically no shockwave that can noticeably cushion a falling object. The level of explosion necessary to send someone 20 or 30 feet in the air will also cause your internal organs to turn to mush regardless of the armour you are wearing. Look up the experiments of one Colonel John Stapp for the U.S. Air Force.
I love that idea...except it wouldnt. Cause of his bodies protection from friction and when you move with the speedforce you can actually sap kinetic energy from other in essence Flash (Barry Allen to me..always one and only) would be able to cancel out the kinetic energy of the air or other particals and even moving at light speed he wouldnt cause any fission or fusion. I know that it is BS and doesnt work with physics the flashes universe the laws are set so he doesnt have to worry about it. Now maybe superman? Kal-El might have to worry about that. no speed force and all. but could kryptonian physiology allow for particals even sub atomic ones to penetrate him enough to reach a atom to split? lol questions questions.
Pretty much. It's also why the few times there's been a crossover and The Flash ends up in the Marvel Earth where there is no speed force he finds himself having a really hard time using his powers. As to Supes, have we ever seen him reach that sort of speed while in an atmosphere?
Lol lije that one time magneto sucked all the metal out of that gaurds blood stream. Or like ripped all the adamantium from wolverines bones. Hes a pretty op character
Theoretically, yes. All you'd need to do is give the exact opposite amount of force and direction as the hurricane has. This would ultimately be fruitless, as the heat released from such an outpouring of force will eventually create another one in the not too distant future, but it's possible.
The line is actually, "There are things you can't fight. Acts of God. If you see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're in a Jeager, suddenly you can fight the hurricane, you can win." Meaning since Kiaju are so huge they have the power equivalent of a natural disaster, in order to stop a Kiaju, the Jeager's had to be big enough to feel like you could stop a natural disaster.
as i was watching.. this i guess when u asked the question around 4:26 and was right on the line behind 0 lol. Love this guy... i always come here when im too lazy to prove it myself.
SnazzyPanic Unfortunately that wouldn't be possible. The iron is chemically bonded to the molecules in the blood stream, meaning you would have to break the bonds to get sweet sweet buttiron.
SnazzyPanic In that case, Sir Magneto McKellen would still have to create a magnetic field on the level of a neutron star to separate the chemically bonded iron from the guard's bloodstream. With that kind of power, getting that buttiron would be the least of his worries. More likely he would reduce everyone and everything around him to unrecognizable paste and dust. That's the kind of force that warps the universe. Long story short, with power like that you definitely shouldn't fuck with Magneto. Charles can read all the minds he wants, but he can't bend atoms.
Two questions occurred to me while watching this: 1) At what Tesla(s) would Magneto start pulling the iron from the local rocks, considering it would be more magnetic than blood-iron? 2) How had was it to learn how to write backward?
I think, as expressed by other posters, the most likely scenario is that Magneto can interact with metals, allowing him to control them - we assume the force is magnetic because that's how we would control it, but it's possible he detects and controls ferrous compounds directly.
EnazAF A neutron star is what happens when a star collapses but doesnt quite have enough mass to become a black hole. That's the level of density and magnetic power we're talking. Imagine the mass of a fully sized star like our sun or even larger compressed down into a space smaller than Earth.
A magnetar is a particular form, or type, of neutron star. Magnetars are relatively short-lived, eventually decaying into a “normal” neutron star, but while they are still an active magnetar their magnetic fields can be a hundred thousand times stronger than a standard neutron star. Magnetar-level magnetic fields are so strong, they warp the laws of physics. They are almost on the level of black holes, in their ability to warp space-time, but they use magnetism instead of gravity. To give you some perspective, while a standard neutron star can warp the shape of atoms into spindles (as mentioned in the video), a magnetar can turn atoms into long threads, and even split photons (and then rejoin them together again…repeatedly).
Sorry man, this time you got it wrong. Magneto doesn't generate magnetic fields, he manipulates and levitates metals. And even if he did use magnetism in that scene the iron injected by mistique was "metallic", so not bound to any other element therefore unabsorbable by the uman body, and probably in the form of microspheres so easy to locate and move around. On top of that he was actually doing a favour to the guard by killing him because he would anyway have badly died from acute metal intoxication. So in that scene he simply moved the majority of the iron particles to the upper part of the guard's chest and then broke some major vessels to take it out.
Bro im a docter … there is a genatic condition called hemocromatosis that allows excessive iron to accumilate in liver and muscles even skin… soo that mystique narrored that one gaurd with a special genatic defect and inject him with iron that iron would not have been just sitting in the but or blood it would have gone to the liver skin and muscles as it was unable to be excreated n you could have done the job with around 1000T magnet
And surely the government would have chosen that specific guard due to his amazingly fitting illness for the job of protecting this extremely dangerous mutant.
Neat point about adverse biological effects while moving in strong magnetic fields - I was curious about the dynamics involved with combat with a fictional character that could generate a magnetic field comparable to a magnetar, even if a similarly absurd opponent could withstand the whole, getting shredded into atomic micro-needles bit.
Ferrokinesis-the ability to manipulate metal
Warning:may cause death and levitation of nearby frogs
May also cause mutations.
Plot of X-Men 1 explained.
Unfinished Records Actually interesting rather than the handwaving which was done in the film itself.
Would it be enough to lift Thor-Frog if he were still holding his hammer?
SuperShanko: I would think so because (as explained in a previous episode of Because Science) the hammer can be lifted but not wielded. That would mean that (since Thor’s hammer IS made of metal) with enough magnetic force, Magneto could lift Throg while Throg is lifting his little hammer.
Side note-The metal used for Mjolnir is called Uru
I love how powerful some characters are when you put a realistic spin on it. Just with one simple sounding ability like control over magnetic fields they become as powerful as the strongest shit in our universe.
The power of a neutron star in Magneto's case.
It's not about how powerful the characters become. It's more about how impossible it is for something with the size and structure of the human body to harness that power.
If I had the power to control all magnetic fields I'd call myself Magnetar, because then I could destroy anything by tearing away electrons its their atoms and converting it into a cloud of monatomic ions 😸
I would just take over the universe at that point. But don't worry I'd be a benevolent dictator of the universe. Not like Magneto who thinks mutants are superior, I don't believe anyone is superior, everyone is equal. Equally below me.
But all of you are equal :)
Its not only magnetic fields, it The entire EM spectrum, at least it is in the comics. Comics Maggie would wipe the floor with movie Magneto.
Well he does have utter and complete control over one of the fundamental forces of reality itself.
the most epic " Because science " line ever !
I agree!
i watched three times already
Ikr!! The echo effect was perfect!!!!!!!!!!
I want that as a sound bit!
Yes! Big time!! I'm smiling and laughing! What a good show!
6:30 So Magneto could just turn anybody into a mutant anyway?
He didn’t need that machine in the first movie?
Abdega only if you can't suspend your logic for a superhero movie
Magneto could mutate people with his powers, but he probably kill them in the process.
Abdega Turn them into mutants or turn them into cancer patients
AnimeFan9833 Yeah, he's probably several million times more likely to give them cancer.
That honestly makes Magneto even. More terrifying, the idea that he could be so powerful he could manipulate anything at an atomic level.
Death Battle: Magneto vs Tetsuo.
*The "Kyle is wrong!" FAQ*
1. At 4:05 I say 10,000. It's 100,000 as written. My bad.
2. I didn't consider the iron injected into the guard to be anything other than iron injected into the blood because Magneto says "too much iron in the blood," and some sci-fi nanoparticle thing is giving this film too much credit, I think.
3. The experiment I showed used PIG's blood, not human blood. Another misspeak. Sorry.
Nerdist before I watch I’m gong to say 8 Tesla.
I just wanted you to say magnetar ONCE. Just once. But, alas...
Thanks for catching the iron injected point.
Great episode. One Idea I'd like to pitch, I think that your right that Mystic did just inject iron into the Guard's butt and it remained localized there dispersed in his fatty tissue/muscle and Magento then simply moved that elemental iron in order to levitate the guard, killed him by destroying his internal organs with that iron and then pulled the iron out resulting in the accompanying blood mist. I think his statement about "too much iron in your blood" was simply word play or murder humor.
Nerdist my 😑 lack of biology knowledge, but I would have thought he would narrow the electromagnetic field into a directional flow, that he can cancel out any other field bar that one to pull the Fe out of his body, ~ also the National mag labs in Florida has a 45 Tesla electromagnet, last time I looked. Also while I think about it answering a question - it was probably a ferrofluid .
"do you hear that, Charles?!" 😂😂😂
"Fuck off -Logan- Magneto"
Andrew Yeoh *Gross Charles, eww!*
*screams in heavy German accent
Yes I did!
According to lore he can 'control' AND 'manipulate' magnetic fields. so he may not be applying a uniform magnetic field to extract the iron from the blood. Seeing as he is near/omega level, he may be able to oscillate and/or direct the field to only interact with the molecules in the blood.
Tethyseternal true
Tethyseternal Toooo Muuuchh KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!
Going off of his power being able to manipulate magnetic fields and not simply great them wouldn't he simply manipulate the fields of the organic compounds to repel the iron. This would require far less power and be more true to the scene with the iron bursting out from his body.
None of what magneto does is how regular magnetic fields work dude. Point is he makes them behave differently.
Think: If magneto used his powers to pull an object towards him, the way magnets ACTUALLY work... every metal object in the same range would be under the same force.. so levitating wolverine like he did would probably lift half the people around him up by their belt buckles and zippers
You never do the iron shavings around a magnet experiment in school? (pour a load around a magnet on some paper and they align with the magnetic field so you can actually see it.) A magnet is not simply a straight line force between A and B... Magneto is capable of mono/unipolar magnetism which in itself should be considered freaking amazing.
Exactly. It seems the omega level mutaints can manipulate things on a finer, more subatomic level.
I always thought it was silly writing in that movie to have Magneto in a plastic cell as a means of preventing him from escaping. His magnetic powers should have enabled him to attract metal from hundreds of miles away so no prison on earth should have been able to hold him. Some sort of power damping device would have made a lot more sense.
You would still have to put him in the plastic cell
Personally, I think Marvel missed a golden opportunity when they named the X-Men's archvillain "Magneto" instead of "Magento". Magento could be a supervillain who can make anything change color to hot-pink, including Wolverine's adamantium claws, causing him to question his masculinity and suffer a complete emotional breakdown.
you already know theres gonna be some salty sensitive person saying something about pink can be a boys color too
Sure. People can wear whatever the hell they want. But my idea is still hilarious, because pink is SO not Wolverine's color.
yeah I think its hilarious just saying
The most powerful mutation of all!
Or... Mystique could have injected the guard with iron nanopallets coated with a bio-compatible coating. the iron would not react with the blood, and still move through the body
Pretty complicated for the film, tbh -- KH
I really wish i had a slow clap bravo emoticon for this. :)
Then the liquid injection wouldn't look silvery, right?
Nerdist - It would explain why Mystique took months to free him.
i think it would depend on the coating, Titanium would still be shiny, but not bio-reactive
No, no, no and no.
Our bodies are great at hoovering up iron when it's in the Fe (II) or Fe (III) oxidation states; but abysmally poor at converting Fe (0) (i.e., iron metal) into a water-soluble form. That process you assume to occur would take months, not merely a couple of hours.
Since the injection Mystique applied was grey, not green or red, we know that the iron was indeed in the form of iron metal. We also know that it was in sufficiently small particles that it remained suspended in whatever carrier fluid Mystique used. Since Mystique needed the guard to be fit for work the next day, let's assume it was dextro-saline solution. On this basis, the iron suspension would easily mix with blood in any of the myriad capillaries in the gluteus maximus muscle.
Thus, magneto didn't need to be neutron-star strong. The injected iron in the guard's blood would have been as nano-scale particles of metallic iron.
HA nerd
No, the suspension is in his butt muscle, not his circulatory system. It takes time for the body to break up a bolus like the butt iron even as it must clear out the bolus of an intramuscular shot of vaccine, gamma globulin, or other intramuscular injection.
@@ginnyjollykidd So if the guard got an intravenous dose, lets say through an IV it would have been more plausible, although come to think of it, an IV is not as cinematic as a big old Syringe
@@ginnyjollykidd That still means the suspension exists in the person. Said person had enough iron for Magneto to manipulate.
In that case, the iron would have been detected when he passes the scanner.
*They call me the Master of Magnetism. That moniker describes but a fraction of my capabilities.*
I mean the profile pic checks out.😂
Still this has left me with one question. What if the iron injected into the guard wasn't pure iron, but instead an iron compound that doesn't react with the body. The magnetic field created by Magneto should be able to extract it as long as the compound is magnetic and does not react to human cells. Right?
What that compound consists of? No idea, I'm no chemist.
I thought the same thing. Microscopic beads of iron in a non-reactive liquid agent. After all, Mystique does not inject the guard with molten iron, yet it is clearly a liquid.
@@kev3d Exactly. It would have been interesting to find out how powerful Magneto would have to be in order for the scene to make sense as it is.
Then it would have set the alarms off on the metal detector.
How long does it take for the injected 25ml of iron substance to bond with the human molecules to weaken the magnetic force? That iron could still possibly be extracted in a certain amount of time. Out of 25 ml of iron, how much of that iron could be absorbed? Also another question, out of that 25 ml of iron, how much of it was actually iron? Maybe he should have been injected with more to get the 3 iron spheres in the proportions shown in the movie.
A small jacket of an *inert* substance (rubber or silicone) would achieve a similar non binding, but if distributed enough a metal detector would need to be set very high to detect it. Maybe that works.
This video makes this magneto 100× more scarier than I thought it would!!!
"Butt Iron" -- that could be a good band name.
Charles Lee that's Sweet Butt Iron
metal af
I wanna like this comment but it is at 69!
Charles Lee OMG. You beat me to it. Lol
Jack Black would be proud.
Best part of this one:
random interjections of
"Everything is now the same, except a nearby frog is now levitating."
This sounds like a Douglas Adams quote!
...Obviously, he got the line wrong, it was supposed to be "too much iron in your butt"...
@Keylanos Lokj
In comics yes
“Oh yeah and he’ll have a heart attack” no big deal 😂😂😂
E.J Crowe as the guard turned to mush would it still be butt iron? :p
E.J Crowe best understatement...EVER!
I'm more interested in the fact he can mutate people at will.
Me and my friend watching this.
Friend: "Why would he make this video? Doesnt this just ruin movies for people who watch this show?"
Me: "Analyzing different senses from movies and dissecting what would really happen is magnitudes more fun than just taking the movie at face value."
Friend:"I dont get it."
Me: "I dont't get you."
I support the ruin of this friendship -- KH
But seriously. You notice that I never say that a movie or game or whatever is dumb, bad, or wrong. I prefer to consider what could or would happen, hopefully learning something in the process, and communicating that to you!
Science doesn't care about you, your friend, emotions, or Because Science. Science is truth revealed. How the nature of things effects you depends on your situation. Applying movie physics to real world physics is interesting. It really doesn't take away from a good movie by analyzing it. I'll admit, it does take away from a bad movie to some extent. But, I go to the movies to suspend disbelief-if only for a couple of hours. If the science makes sense it helps sell me the movie. But, I'll watch stuff that doesn't make sense all day long as well. I'll watch a god swing around by throwing a magic hammer. I'll watch Godzilla destroy Tokyo for the tenth time. I can discuss the possibility of theses things happening, and the possibility of them happening the way the movie describes. But, I can turn my brain off long enough to enjoy a good movie and a really, really, really bad movie.
You need new friends
I sense the power of r/iamverysmart approaching
It's like he's writing fiction for babby's first Reddit Circlejerk! So cute :)
I don't think Magneto is actually magnetic. Since he can manipulate non-magnetic materials, I think it more applies to some sort of Metal-Specific telekinesis. How else would he be able to catch (non-magnetic) bullets?
This video has the BEST version of the the closing line "Because Science"
Magnetokinesis: Magneto has a near-limitless control of all forms of magnetism, whether natural or artificial, to manipulate any metal. He can manipulate magnetic fields at the planetary level.
Generating Magnetic Force Fields: He is able to generate a forcefield capable of repelling forces equivalent to a nuclear attack. He has successfully defended himself against Thor and his hammer Mjolnir, Iron Man's impressive array of weapons and the wielders of the Phoenix force. He has single-handedly fought against entire teams of heroes and villains.
Magnetic Flight: By connecting himself to the magnetic field of the Earth, Magneto is capable of flight at supersonic speeds. He can also repel himself against the metals in the surface of a planet if the planet has no intrinsic magnetic field.
Molecular matter manipulation: His magnetic field manipulations are so powerful he can reorder the molecular structure of matter by manipulating the electromagnetic force bonds.
His control of his magnetic powers is so precise, he can manipulate the iron in a human's blood, causing aneurysms, strokes or heart attacks. He is even able to create a magnetic field strong enough to suppress the power of thought by suppressing the brain's electromagnetic field. It is likely the same magnetic field which makes him more resistant to psionic abilities.
This is not an all inclusive list of Magneto's powers, it is designed to simply give you a matter of comparison against a device such as an MRI machine; there is NO CONTEST.
That butt iron bit made me laugh so much that I had to explain myself to nearby co-workers! So good.
Doesn't that mean that Risotto is about as powerful as magneto?
Yes, very.
Pretty much!
But Stando Powah makes him too hard to defeat when making him fight non-stand users.
"my dear Doppio..."
@@darkprinceofdorne my cute doppio
This was absolutely great! I was laughing hysterically at the visuals, as you described them. You just earned a follower.
I work at an iron foundry as an iron pourer.. Its amazing how much I get of this. Thanks for the info... Keep up the good work
In the comics, magneto has reversed the flow of blood and knocked people out. He creates very powerful very localized magnetic fields. I know this isn’t how magnetism works, but he basically is telekinetic when it comes to ferrous materials.
i was about to write the same. it is the fine control that rips the blood out and not the strength
Bloodbending anyone?
triadwarfare ayy X-Men the last mutant
Katara tried to ban it but it was FUTILE.
bloodbending is bending the water in the blood not the iron
@@seebsplosion3194 technically metal benders could also blood bend
@@matthewb3358 well depending that we are at the small line of paramagnetic, it's going to be a little difficult to bend the iron in our bloodstream.
Can you do a video on Dr. Manhattan and how Powerful his powers are?
bambino100011 that would be sick. Or the meleculoar man Owen Reese
Best because science I've ever seen
High praise! Thank you -- KH
1:50 that image is burned into my head now
LOVE THIS! I'm using it in my science class. I actually had someone ask me if it was possible when we were talking about magnetism, so now I can provide an answer.
Why do people only stick with magneto's powers as displayed in the film and disregard all the powers he has displayed in the mainline comics. HE CAN BREATH IS SPACE AND FIRE SELF-MADE MAGNETIC REPULSOR BLASTS ALONG WITH MANIPULATING *ANY* METAL!
JamcalX truthfully everything is at least slightly magnetic. If he can generate infinite levels of magnetism and truly control the fundamental force of electromagnetism his powers should be nigh limitless.
Still doesn't change the fact he would have to separate you atomically to get the sweet, sweet buttiron.
Well, his power is electromagnetism. He can do damn near whatever he wants over time with experience and focus.
He's also created a wormhole to cross from one end of the planet to the other instantaneously in the leadup to House of M. I'm pretty sure destroying molecular bonds to separate iron from blood is within his purview. It just takes surgical application of ridiculous amounts of power.
Magneto's power isn't electromagnetism, he CONTROLS all metal to the melecular level, his daughter Polaris on the other hand has the power of electromagnetism.just a little clarification.
He is the living embodiment of the UNIFIED FIELD Theory
Wow, I know so little about what you were talking about that I was just astounded by the amount of specialized knowledge you presented. I would say it was brilliant, but honestly from the top of my head I could confirm or deny little of what you said. Still, it seemed to make sense -like I know what a neutron star is -kinda. Finally, just wanted to say that Magneto has always been my favorite mutant so thanks for the exposition it was awesome, like Magneto.
Gotta respect the way you use the scienciness to tackle the really important questions! 💖
"... Oh and he might have a heart attack.” 😂😂😂
I think I have a solution! How about the iron mystique gave the guard didn't have the chance to bond with proteins in the body yet, so that would leave free iron which would require much less teslas. Another thing is maybe the spheres are empty inside so it would require much less volume of iron. But then, that wouldn't be epic lol
Andres Rebata I think if that was the case that the scan prior to the guard entering the cell would detect a large portion of metal in his but.
C MT good point! We would have to find out the sensitivity threshold of the scanner
C MT he didnt extract the iron from his butt. It was suspended in the blood stream where is mostly stored in the area of the vitals. Where in the movie we see t he most of it exstracted.?
I was responding the the previous idea and what I thought would happen not what actually did happen.
This seems to be the most likely option. his body simply didn't have the time to bond all that iron. As to why it didn't set off the metal detector, while the iron wasn't able to be bonded to his blood yet, it was still injected into his blood stream and spread throughout his body, this diffusing it far enough that it didn't register as any one amount of magnetic substance over whatever the threshold is the scanner can detect.
I've always thought it wasn't Iron per se, but instead some kind of Ferric compound such as Maghemite, or even nano-/micro-particles of iron with some kind of coating to stop it chemically reacting. I'm not sure what that would do to the maths though.
kingtutthefirst yup. That's exactly what I assumed.
I came to say something similar
if the iron had some kind of coating, it would just make it pretty easy for magneto, cuz that way he wouldnt have to break bonds, then he would only have to apply a force field strong enough to lift that 20ml +- of iron
That would make it be feasible.
kingtutthefirst Those particles already exist. They are coated with sugar for instance. They're used for finding cancer with MRI scanners.
Super awesome. Helped me bridge a lesson on History and Chemistry with my homeschooler. Rewatching X-men was bonus!
One of your funniest episodes to date, guys! Awesome delivery, Kyle!
"Lifts a entire stadium"
Me:...i think he has enough power
6:23 Best damn line in the show
If Magneto could create magnetic fields equivalent to a neutron star, could he affect the infinity stones?
Good question.
Real questions
Hmm 🤔🤔🤔
He could kill Thanos by extracting the Iron from his blood. Assuming His blood is Iron based of course.
Liv Miller You're a genius. A genius i say
I love this guy.. I have learned so much from this show. Awesome job...
he can pickup a whole stadium so pretty sure he can pullout iron from his blood the way he wants
always assumed the metallic compound to be magnetite nanoparticles with a hydrophilic covering. but that's just me...
yes, I assumed that too. Nanoparticles also have low bioavailability (at least short term), so the guard wouldn't die from iron poisoning. That would also explain that Magneto is not strong enough to rip the natural iron from blood, only the ferromagnetic nanoparticles. There is only one slight plot hole: the guard should have set off ferromagnetic metal detectors...
Wait, what? Did he just thank me for watching or was he talking to Magneto? Freaked me out a bit to hear him say thank you for watching Eric (or Erik). Anyway I like the theory that the goo was just some ferromagnetic compound that didn't integrate with the body and the blood is just the particles covered in blood. Although, when asked how powerful Magneto is, the old Marvel Handbook used to say "While not as powerful as the Silver Surfer in his prime, Magneto's power is for all practical purposes limitless."
That's insane
Keep in mind Magneto can't just create magnetic feilds, he can also control them. So at the very least he should be able to manipulate the magnetic field so it only affects the area around the guard & nowhere else.
This show is really funny as well as informative. Good work.
I feel like at that point, Magneto could have just pulled ferrous micro impurities out of the plastics all around him!
I think, since Magneto has such a precise control over magnetic fields, he targeted the individual iron atoms, and built the balls that way.
*"Too much iron in your butt"* - Smartboi Thor, 2019
>pulling iron out of blood
Jojo reference confirmed.
The best episode... From your channel. I've had watch all of your episode from 18,02 to 24,02,2019
Iron not only binds to hemoglobin (which is the most commonly thought of binding protein), but also binds to 2 other very important proteins: ferritin and transferrin. Ferritin is basically the body's reserve for iron and transferrin help transfer the body's iron stores to wherever it needs the iron. While I know this off the top of my head, I don't know if these two proteins also use the heme molecule to bind them, but if they don't, then this could alter the amount of energy required. Also, your body can only produce so much hemoglobin, transferrin, and ferritin. After a certain amount, iron may fully saturate all of those binding sites and simply accumulate in joints (as seen in hemochromatosis). Just a tid-bit of extra information :P .
I always assumed that the butt-iron was in some sort of mad-"science" suspension liquid that let it float through the body without getting incorporated, since... well as you pointed out. If you can pull iron out of the blood, you can manipulate glass.
Still, it's nice hearing exactly how absurd extracting iron from the blood is.
I am magnetized to the screen :D
Eitan Alroy you should have that checked out, it could be fatal
I feel like you are forgetting that magneto made a entire planet
God I love watching these videos in the dark on an AMOLED. So trippy .
I don't know why but I found this video so funny that I was short on breath. That earns a my subscription.
Could you please look int-o the Warhammer 40k Universe and do some Because Sience from there? That would be interesting to watch.
Sadly this topic don't have the required amount of potential audience as usual examples "dissected" on this channel.
For the emperor!
He couldnt work with much. Because of the warp, which works mostly just like magic in fantasy.
I’ve recently got into DoW. Good shit
Sorry, but just a very select few know W40K. Comics are known by nearly everyone now because of the movies.
This video was worth watching just to hear you say "butt iron" so many times.
I think the next question is obvious. Can we ever make mutagen ooze just like kranks from tmnt?🔬🔭
pfft, making a living creature is easy! i want to see a real life Flubber! lol
Thanks Kyle. You are the comic book editor I always wanted. Pruno
At 7:56 it was stated that everyone within a 2000 km radius is dead, but not necessarily, if magneto wanted to produce a magnetic field of that strength he could manipulate the magnetic flux density in such a way that it would only affect a certain small area like where the guard is.
What if Iron Mans suit was made from Butt Iron? Would he be *Butt Iron Man* ? ? ? ? ?
The indestructi-butt-le iron man
If most of the Iron was stuck in the guards but, could he just rip that out, and if doing so why not spread it around the guards body a little to levitate his, then rip it out of his body for dramatic effect?
it would be so much cooler to just puppet someone using the iron in their blood. straight up puppetmaster.
Waterbenders can learn that in Avatar.
Straight up white diamond style
one thing left out which is that magneto controls the size and shape of magnetic fields as well which means when he generates magnetic forces it doesn't leak outside the fields
I was briefly terrified after you thanked Erik for watching...
But what if it wasn't iron but(t) another, more magnetic metal that doesn't do chemistry with blood and was only injected by Mystique? :p
Magneto says specifically, "too much iron in the blood," and I don't give the movie the benefit of the doubt that they meant some super sci-fi nano metal blah blah -- KH
Ok good point ;) thx Kyle!
We could pass that off as just a quip, but your other point rings true.
he said iron in move but maybe less reactive compound with iron in it
I thought she injected him with Adamantium
Space 1999 moon Exodus please.
I'm Eric and I'm finally subscribing. lol.
ermatthe right my names Eric too! When he said that I said “what is this deviltry?!?”
wait, is that 100 tesla thing with the dna what he was trying to do in the first movie? I always wondered how that machine was supposed to work.
in a related video, you could work out how much power Magneto has from the opening scenes of X-Men when Magneto is being carried away from his parents. He bends gates etc. Given the inverse square rules his magnetic power would be pretty weak, so if he's bending metal at that range... well...
Pls do if tf2’s rocket jump possible and wat tech or armor would we need to handle the blast force from rocket jumping
Mythbusters already tested it. There is basically no shockwave that can noticeably cushion a falling object. The level of explosion necessary to send someone 20 or 30 feet in the air will also cause your internal organs to turn to mush regardless of the armour you are wearing.
Look up the experiments of one Colonel John Stapp for the U.S. Air Force.
this is too cool.
"That sweet butt iron" LOL
Dying of laughter
"except, a frog that was near by is now levitating..." lol!
I love this show. Seriously. Please keep doing it!
Can you do an episode on how the Flash's speed would literally cause his body's atoms to fuse with the atoms of the air and turn him into a nuke?
Kumquat Lord he cant. The speedforce protects him from our physics laws. Bullshit explanation, but it is one
I love that idea...except it wouldnt. Cause of his bodies protection from friction and when you move with the speedforce you can actually sap kinetic energy from other in essence Flash (Barry Allen to me..always one and only) would be able to cancel out the kinetic energy of the air or other particals and even moving at light speed he wouldnt cause any fission or fusion. I know that it is BS and doesnt work with physics the flashes universe the laws are set so he doesnt have to worry about it. Now maybe superman?
Kal-El might have to worry about that. no speed force and all. but could kryptonian physiology allow for particals even sub atomic ones to penetrate him enough to reach a atom to split?
lol questions questions.
Pretty much. It's also why the few times there's been a crossover and The Flash ends up in the Marvel Earth where there is no speed force he finds himself having a really hard time using his powers.
As to Supes, have we ever seen him reach that sort of speed while in an atmosphere?
Plot armor boi
Lol lije that one time magneto sucked all the metal out of that gaurds blood stream. Or like ripped all the adamantium from wolverines bones. Hes a pretty op character
So in Pacific Rim they say "a hunter could fight a hurricane and win", so my question : is this in any way possible?
Theoretically, yes. All you'd need to do is give the exact opposite amount of force and direction as the hurricane has. This would ultimately be fruitless, as the heat released from such an outpouring of force will eventually create another one in the not too distant future, but it's possible.
Good question, cool as hell quote -- KH
The line is actually, "There are things you can't fight. Acts of God. If you see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're in a Jeager, suddenly you can fight the hurricane, you can win." Meaning since Kiaju are so huge they have the power equivalent of a natural disaster, in order to stop a Kiaju, the Jeager's had to be big enough to feel like you could stop a natural disaster.
This is the most fun I've had in learning physics
as i was watching.. this i guess when u asked the question around 4:26 and was right on the line behind 0 lol.
Love this guy... i always come here when im too lazy to prove it myself.
Luckily Magneto doesn't actually use magnetism to manipulate metal. So we're probably fine...
I assume he created his fields over only the iron itself in stead of his entire body
SnazzyPanic Unfortunately that wouldn't be possible. The iron is chemically bonded to the molecules in the blood stream, meaning you would have to break the bonds to get sweet sweet buttiron.
vsGoliath assuming his powers are at the level metioned in the video that would still be possible?
SnazzyPanic In that case, Sir Magneto McKellen would still have to create a magnetic field on the level of a neutron star to separate the chemically bonded iron from the guard's bloodstream. With that kind of power, getting that buttiron would be the least of his worries. More likely he would reduce everyone and everything around him to unrecognizable paste and dust. That's the kind of force that warps the universe.
Long story short, with power like that you definitely shouldn't fuck with Magneto. Charles can read all the minds he wants, but he can't bend atoms.
But what if the magnetic fields where created very close to the atoms instead?
Are we really taking about what would be possible in scenarios where people are already doing things, that aren’t possible??
"I still need that sweet butt iron."
i think the so called "butt-iron" from the look bound to another chemical to keep it liquid and might of kept it from binding to anyhting short term.
Two questions occurred to me while watching this:
1) At what Tesla(s) would Magneto start pulling the iron from the local rocks, considering it would be more magnetic than blood-iron?
2) How had was it to learn how to write backward?
I think, as expressed by other posters, the most likely scenario is that Magneto can interact with metals, allowing him to control them - we assume the force is magnetic because that's how we would control it, but it's possible he detects and controls ferrous compounds directly.
You said Neutron Star. Is that a Magnetar? Is Magneto’s power comparable to that?
EnazAF A neutron star is what happens when a star collapses but doesnt quite have enough mass to become a black hole. That's the level of density and magnetic power we're talking. Imagine the mass of a fully sized star like our sun or even larger compressed down into a space smaller than Earth.
Yes, but I didn't say magnetar on purpose. There is a difference between the field strength of the two. -- KH
A magnetar is a particular form, or type, of neutron star. Magnetars are relatively short-lived, eventually decaying into a “normal” neutron star, but while they are still an active magnetar their magnetic fields can be a hundred thousand times stronger than a standard neutron star. Magnetar-level magnetic fields are so strong, they warp the laws of physics. They are almost on the level of black holes, in their ability to warp space-time, but they use magnetism instead of gravity.
To give you some perspective, while a standard neutron star can warp the shape of atoms into spindles (as mentioned in the video), a magnetar can turn atoms into long threads, and even split photons (and then rejoin them together again…repeatedly).
Sorry man, this time you got it wrong. Magneto doesn't generate magnetic fields, he manipulates and levitates metals. And even if he did use magnetism in that scene the iron injected by mistique was "metallic", so not bound to any other element therefore unabsorbable by the uman body, and probably in the form of microspheres so easy to locate and move around. On top of that he was actually doing a favour to the guard by killing him because he would anyway have badly died from acute metal intoxication. So in that scene he simply moved the majority of the iron particles to the upper part of the guard's chest and then broke some major vessels to take it out.
Bro im a docter … there is a genatic condition called hemocromatosis that allows excessive iron to accumilate in liver and muscles even skin… soo that mystique narrored that one gaurd with a special genatic defect and inject him with iron that iron would not have been just sitting in the but or blood it would have gone to the liver skin and muscles as it was unable to be excreated n you could have done the job with around 1000T magnet
Mohammad Usman Shakeel cool.
Im no doctor but i think "docter" is spelt doctor
And surely the government would have chosen that specific guard due to his amazingly fitting illness for the job of protecting this extremely dangerous mutant.
Better get ur grammar fixed doc
If you're a doctor, please work on your spelling and grammar, because that terrified me.
“You hear that Charles!”
Neat point about adverse biological effects while moving in strong magnetic fields - I was curious about the dynamics involved with combat with a fictional character that could generate a magnetic field comparable to a magnetar, even if a similarly absurd opponent could withstand the whole, getting shredded into atomic micro-needles bit.