HK wife and kiwi husband. We returned to New Zealand since 2014. We have relatives in Sidney and Gold coast. Thank you for your sharing. May God guide you in His love and care. 😇🤓Learn Hong Kong Cantonese.
47 years in Australia. Started from high school when parents migrated. University, working. Children grown up and started leaving home with their own house. Working 29 hours a week because I can have a good work/life balance. Will be too bored if I retire and do nothing. Working for 36 years, never any problem with employment. It is fun to visit HK from time to time and see old school friends.
尤記得Tony Abbott 在接受一次訪問時是這樣説“不論你是何時到達澳洲成為公民、 澳洲都會一視同仁、 不會因為你是土著而你的公民地位就不同、澳洲只有同一等的公民 不管你是何時到來.” 他形容澳洲 what's Australia. "It's a country with an Indigenous heritage, a British foundation and an immigrant character". What a great Prime Minister of Australia .
People should accept paying higher taxes is not always a bad thing because the money is used to fund Medicare and all other government benefits like age pension etc to make the society fairer for all.
One thing I do not understand is that you seem to care about the RACE a lot.Why do you care about the “Chinese race” influence in Australian political circle unless you are feeling inferior being a Chinese race. When I vote for a political party, I only care their political view and what they can do to our country of Australia regardless of their race, gender or sexual preference. I did not vote for Penny Wong cos I do not agree with her political view even though she is half Chinese.One of my HK friend who is very pro China as he only has Chinese friend especially from Chinese mainland. I think He feels deeply inferior to be a Chinese race after living in Australia for 30 years. He never really integrate into the Australia life.
I do not understand why you hate people to say bad thing about HK govt just because you were born there. It is like you cannot speak negative about your parent just because they are your parent regardless what they have done. It is very old school and feudalist.. You sound like to own a typical CCP mentality which only care about WHO, rather WHY AND WHAT..
Little clarification: I would replace your word “hate” with “don’t like” to represent my Cantonese saying in the clip. What I mean is I don’t like “their opinion” but not hate the people who made it. Definitely you and I would have different view to HK. Yet, I would treasure our discussion but not hate you. It’s a matter of rooting. I prefer a constructive way to make HK good rather than damaging it (it won’t help indeed). Yes, you can say I belong to old fashion (kidding).
@@HKAussie Constructive ??? Maybe you do not realize the old Hong Kong is nearly dead when the New Xiang Gang is born. I cannot bear to see the current state there right now. All the young generation of my family had already fled XG a few years ago to UK by uprooting everything. They are pleased with the decision right now as they were able to sell the HK property near the peak then. Their young kids are at least safe in UK and not to be brainwashed by the govt.
多謝分享 😊
Excellent ! 多謝分享。😊
@@vincentleung6167 好詩!
好喜歡聽你講述在澳洲生活的點滴. 希望你繼續拍多些片.
🙋🏻♂️36 years in Australia. Have been here since I was a kid. This is home.❤👍🏻
Thanks for sharing 😊
多謝分享!好好享受自由的天空。信仰下無分種族,文化可以保留傳𠄘,不同的價值觀分别不同的政治理念。多方面接觸不同的媒體和朋友, 20:47 建立自己的獨立思考。在這地球是暫時寄居,天國才是永恆。🙏
Thanks 😊
Very informative and absolutely brilliant channel which I have been watching for a few years.
Thanks 😊
HK wife and kiwi husband. We returned to New Zealand since 2014. We have relatives in Sidney and Gold coast. Thank you for your sharing. May God guide you in His love and care. 😇🤓Learn Hong Kong Cantonese.
Thanks for sharing 😊
Thanks 😊
本人來了澳洲四十年,也談談個人感受。本人在澳洲感覺良好,際遇比在香港還好。辨公室政治少,適合本人個性。找朋友也不難: 本地人,各地移民都頗易,問題係要主動。至放與社會同步,本人選擇了 Sydney Morning Herald, 除了讀其新聞及社論外亦閱讀其他讀者的 comments, 我亦有寫 comments, 每每都有登出,算是有互動吧。至於歧視問題,本人無受過。發覺華人多有個先入為主的誤會: 每有不顺遂際遇或不如意事發生,第一主觀就係"人地歧視我",唔會深入揾出真正原因。本人已退休,所以亦淺談澳洲的退休政策。澳洲政策是先問退休者有無需要,不問他退休前交過多了税。要知道退休者有無需要就當然有審查: 資產審查及入息審查。這是大概。衣食住行這些,澳洲與其他市場經濟地區一樣,豐俭由人,無乜特别。民主自由, 澳洲都ok嘅。民主就局限於选個地區議員,每每是由兩大政黨指派往選區才由選民二選一。選後谁人做首相或閣員,選民差不多係"無聲出"。此制度好与否? 你話啦。就講住咁多先。
Well said. Totally agree.
I have been here for more than 30 years and now I call Australia home.
47 years in Australia. Started from high school when parents migrated. University, working. Children grown up and started leaving home with their own house. Working 29 hours a week because I can have a good work/life balance. Will be too bored if I retire and do nothing. Working for 36 years, never any problem with employment. It is fun to visit HK from time to time and see old school friends.
Thanks for sharing 👍
尤記得Tony Abbott 在接受一次訪問時是這樣説“不論你是何時到達澳洲成為公民、 澳洲都會一視同仁、 不會因為你是土著而你的公民地位就不同、澳洲只有同一等的公民 不管你是何時到來.” 他形容澳洲 what's Australia. "It's a country with an Indigenous heritage, a British foundation and an immigrant character". What a great Prime Minister of Australia .
you don't know the real australia, how everything work? especially in the government and politics
Yes, I don't know, please share.
Very informative!! Please keep it up! Cheers 😊
稅係重,但現在澳洲物價,以同質素黎計,平過香港。現在香港買斤豬肉起碼80蚊,為起澳紙成20 一公斤,唐舖都唔洗。
you must kidding. finding work is not easy unless you have qualifications in medical fields, engineers, kinds that the community needed
For retirement, it is only suitable for rich peoples come to Australia
People should accept paying higher taxes is not always a bad thing because the money is used to fund Medicare and all other government benefits like age pension etc to make the society fairer for all.
謝謝你真誠的分享! 我剛到埗3個月,始終未有歸屬感,只是過客而已!已一把年紀,現在要由零開始,實在不容易!
有d rsl club 有痲雀打。澳華公會同d同鄉會都有好多活動。
Hi, Wilson,
我非常同意你話同鄰居關係好會容易容入社區。令代想起,我1990 年來雪梨,住了一年apartment, 便買了一間屋,我入伙後便買一箱红白酒向對面前後左右附近多間屋的鄰居拍門自我介紹是幻嚟到步的香港人,因鄰居大部分是澳洲人,容易接擉,有居住問題時問他們 11:51 ,亦十分友善幫忙,如下大雨時提醒成我要放泳池水出街以免水浸,我剪草機無兩種油時方便借出 11:51 他們在車房的油用住先,有次我前院有棵就快死的樹,我不知如何處理(一般要向council 申請,批准了才能砍樹的), 對面的JP鄰居立刻用他電椐幫忙處理,一般澳洲人對園藝或區議會條例十分了解。澳洲的JP人數 比香港多,各行各業各民族亦有不少JP, 了能有的是做藥房,買豬肉,做會計,地產都有不少。當年華人做地產很多人比本地人努力,及非常盡力幫買家,如安排搬屋,租買電器,申報文件水電,保險報學校等等,交易後亦會常問候報告區內政府將會有甚麼新發展或會影响業主等等。在家靠兄弟,出外靠朋友,一般正常澳洲人都會幫助新移民習惯澳洲生活的。Wilson 兄的資讯對新移民十分有用,加油。👍
Thanks 😊
Thanks 😊
多謝分享 😊
想請問你如果我海外人士身份買樓,將來子女攞到PR之後用饋贈方式是否可以?如果可以我需要付CG T嗎?
基本认同。👍唯一说的太平洋地域问题:小国岛屿国不认同是大哥大,也影响不了整个地缘格局,相对和平友好。我们来自美丽的新西兰,与澳洲是相通的世界,语言 文化、经济等。
好有用的生活分享 。 -HP 舊同事
Thanks 😊
very reasonable comment, good
Thanks 😊
黎了多少年都可以談感受、 有人初到步也可談談自己的感受、有人來了40 年也可談感受 、沒有早與晚才可 談自己的感受! 其本上任何時段都可談感受、 當然最好就是唔好留到臨終 時才談自己來澳洲的咸受 就是了、 希望那位先生或女仕見諒.
多謝你分享,我係NZ citizen 現在生活在香港,想帶大兒子先去澳洲讀書,想睇下那一個地方比較好?
1. Melbourne U
2. Sydney U in Sydney
3. Australian National U in Canberra
Support u!
在政府做野係白人至上,高職位通常係白人,不過大家都吳會講出口,因為會是race discrimination, 講出口犯法。連在澳洲出生Australia born chinese 都認為。 However , they have no where to go , so depressed
Santa Fe Relocation Hong Kong
+852 2574 6204
澳洲屋,是否容易被break in? robbed? 住屋安全吗?
Thanks. ☺
@@chanwahtim2924 你估中咗好多, 我教過兩年中學Physics, 然後轉行做咗10年公務員. 😊
One thing I do not understand is that you seem to care about the RACE a lot.Why do you care about the “Chinese race” influence in Australian political circle unless you are feeling inferior being a Chinese race. When I vote for a political party, I only care their political view and what they can do to our country of Australia regardless of their race, gender or sexual preference. I did not vote for Penny Wong cos I do not agree with her political view even though she is half Chinese.One of my HK friend who is very pro China as he only has Chinese friend especially from Chinese mainland. I think He feels deeply inferior to be a Chinese race after living in Australia for 30 years. He never really integrate into the Australia life.
Because my channel is relating to: HK Chinese -> transition -> Australian.
What they see and how they feel.
Keep speaking to your grand kids in Cantonese, at least they will understand.
Thanks 😊
澳洲係乜問題都自己解決,乜都拖,bye bye
I do not understand why you hate people to say bad thing about HK govt just because you were born there.
It is like you cannot speak negative about your parent just because they are your parent regardless what they have done.
It is very old school and feudalist..
You sound like to own a typical CCP mentality which only care about WHO, rather WHY AND WHAT..
Little clarification: I would replace your word “hate” with “don’t like” to represent my Cantonese saying in the clip. What I mean is I don’t like “their opinion” but not hate the people who made it. Definitely you and I would have different view to HK. Yet, I would treasure our discussion but not hate you.
It’s a matter of rooting. I prefer a constructive way to make HK good rather than damaging it (it won’t help indeed). Yes, you can say I belong to old fashion (kidding).
人地話你屋企你都唔鍾意啦, 好正常。
@@HKAussie Constructive ??? Maybe you do not realize the old Hong Kong is nearly dead when the New Xiang Gang is born. I cannot bear to see the current state there right now. All the young generation of my family had already fled XG a few years ago to UK by uprooting everything. They are pleased with the decision right now as they were able to sell the HK property near the peak then. Their young kids are at least safe in UK and not to be brainwashed by the govt.
Thanks for your sharing 😊
@@HKAussie評論香港好與否,如是中肯,就算係主觀亦可,總之是駡,無中生有,為反而反就得。香港的言論自由度係頗高的。我本人對香港社會的一些現象及香港政府的一些做法都有微言,對於其他人的 negative comments 我不會唔锺意或反感。在網上每每有些對香港頗為不堪的指責,我不知真正错,所以最近返香港時就問過兩個好友: " 香港人是否生活在水深火熱的環境?", 可幸兩個答案都係 "no way",聽後深感安慰。
才7年就要谈感受 也太早了吧 !
定期 update 总是要的😊
好欣賞你 考唔考慮搞個見面會 ?
為何说"寄人籬下"? 在澳洲,人人平等,以前有白澳政策,現已冇咗好耐。除咗土著,人人都係移民或移民後代,大家咁高咁大。首先唔好自卑,自認比人低。寄人籬下之心態要不得。要自重,抬頭做人。澳洲還算是個平等社會。祝好 !!
希望香港可谷底反彈。 好多義人被囚,自由受限。 我只能沉默,不忍踩多幾腳亦不能幫手說好香港故事。
@@wingheikwok5554 你繼續做你的大灣區自由居民。 我就搵下移民資訊找真正自由之地。用腳投票最和平。
@@wenliyang9745 香港出入自由,去那裏都可以,當然如果你不喜香港沒人留你,回來也不歡迎你
@@wingheikwok5554 今時今日仲講香港好自由。不是蠢 就是壞。 實在不用無良知的人歡迎。你繼續享受在鳥籠裏的自由吧
Daily News and Guardian 都係左膠報! 😂
@@HKAussie They biased towards the Greenie, woke issues, that's what I mean.
@@mayhk8622 Got it. Thanks for your input.😊
有一分周报SATURDAY paper ,是有原SMH的深资编辑们退出SMH后发行的报子,立场比较偏中间。美国籍澳洲人墨道克掌控了澳洲90%的报子传。
無神就無圈子 無朋友!原來神真係好重要。
邊個才是真神?你話你嘅,佢話佢嘅!人人都話自己信嗰個才是真神😮 結果埋堆,搞小圈子,最後對抗,我話你係異端,佢話我係異端,天下大亂!中東就係典型例子!基督真神,回教真神,鬥過死活!
@@yau7639 多謝留言
@@martinleung212 同意