It’s insane how long it took for me to find someone with a down to earth and sane way of describing occult concepts and practices. Cannot recommend your channel enough
I’m having the exact same thoughts. Majority of people that are into occult that I met, are into this bcs it looks cool. Nobody makes actual research about it
As a boss with many employees over the years, I also found out the hard way that it is not a good idea to become chums with workers. Friendly, yes, friends, no. One’s authority becomes diluted, lines get crossed and boundaries get lost.
The very purpose of spirit to manifest in human form is to resolve this conflict of duality, Good vs Bad, Angles vs Demon. When you realize that you are everything and also nothing this duality merges into the one the infinite spirit. But like everyone we all have to overcome the ego-self.
From duality to non-duality To me the non-duality is Ultimate Union. That is....Everything is sacred or everything is not sacred. But to consider it is both at same time. Perfect Union, yes??
@@Sirach-pv5xv Perfect union is a state where you dissolve your ego-mind, Once we are able to achieve it infinite spirit within us will merge our pure consciousness mind with the infinite spirit mind. For example, ICE Cubes are like Ego Mind, When it melts it changes its state to water but if you throw that water into the sea(infinite mind) then there will no trace of this ICE Cube or its water. Duality is the nature of EGO Mind, You might need to practice seeing the spirit in everything.
Demons, angels, gods... Treat them all the same. Be respectful but stand your ground. If you're scared, don't call them. And be prepared to banish. Don't accept "gifts", and always find out what the payment is b4 agreeing to a deal.
In my experiments, so far, angels don’t seem to cause problems so far. If anything, they seem to remove problems or even problem entities when asked. Will I run into ones that do present a problem?
@NateTheGreat b funny Fuuny /ˈfʌni/ adjective 1. causing laughter or amusement; humorous. "a funny story" noun 1. NORTH AMERICAN comic strips in newspapers. "I read the sports page, funnies, and editorial" 2. INFORMAL a joke or witty remark. "I was trying to make a funny, but failed miserably" Thank me later
In the beginning of 2020 before all the craziness, I got some LSD and took some dose for first time in a long time. I watched holy Mountain for the first time it was badass. And I s*** you not, little while after I was done a demon manifested its face to me on the screen. I went to the mirror. I looked at my face and the same demon was there snarling at me. But I wasn't scared. After about a month of devouring every podcast episode on Crowley I wasn't too shocked. And Like 9 months later, I seen the same face on my phone that I skryed on before. I was sober then.
Great subject. Here’s my take.I have now begun realizing is that perhaps what we call demons is a part of this “world mind”. Our thought sphere. Every action, every emotion every behavior of ours is stored as data somewhere. The negative actions is what these “demons” are and it in turns feeds our fears. Since it’s a part of our thought, one can use the same thought to invoke it. Thoughts are extremely powerful and creative. We ourselves are born out of that thought. We as we call ourselves are nothing but thoughts, memories, knowledge which is a cultural input there. Our bodies however are extremely intelligent and are not interested in anything thoughts are interested in. I.e all the sensual things. They are only interested in two things, survival and reproduction. And reproduction not in terms of what we call sex. Sex within thought structure is a sensual and pleasurable thing but not to this body. Every human body is unique in its own way and is directly connected to that universal energy.Thoughts are a hindrance and consume tremendous amount of that energy to maintain its status quo and keeps that energy from manifesting. This is perhaps what religions try to explain as a battle between god and demons.
Excellent video! I was especially interested by your comment that demons are "feral" rather than actually "evil". The reason I personally never had any interest in contacting them is that, like the Godfather in the movie, "the day may come when THEY might want something from ME."
In the Druidic belief system they say that in order to incarnate as a human you are born out of the unconscious and successively experience every single life form, successively moving up the ladder. It’s also present in Buddhism in the teaching of the precious human life. Maybe the word Buddhism is related to the Druidic Bardism but I digress. When you mentioned demons being feral it resonated with me that they are maybe residue from these past experiences that are carried across when we inhabited the human form. Hmm lots of food for thought. Thanks
Nice content.!! My inner demon came to the surface once, and my vision changed. Everything I could see became dark red. Now I know fully understand where the term "he saw red" came from
Some say it depends on the point of view on where you are standing...the angel that a side in a war pray to, might be the demon that makes the other side be afraid of...or as Lon says “It’s all in your head, you just have no idea how big your head is”..Great video FF! I love Doré’s illustrations
This video was much more interesting than I anticipated for whatever reason, your videos are almost always very useful and this one was particularly useful I learned a lot. Thanks.
An interesting and fascinating lesson or commentary from our Fishy friend. I’m not taking up Bell, book and candle yet or even ever but have had some extraordinary experiences in my current life. And starting out with Gustave Doré’s wonderful heady illustrations will always tug my eyes closer to the details within. And so I look forward to more video narratives and I’ll try to tread on the path that’s less foolishly trampled by others in order to enjoy the verdant beauty that beckons. In another words thankyou. And oh I nearly forgot it was the Deaths Head Hawkmoth image that was the initial attraction as it was one of the a select number of the Hawkmoth family that I couldn’t breed as a child in London many many moons ago.
philosophyofthestars That May Change Tomorrow... LoL Nothing Is Absolute, What's "True" Today, May Not Be "True" Tomorrow. Always In The Edge Of Fluctuations... I Would Love To Hear Your Take On That Other Possible Truth.
Is It Possible That Perception Is Only A Reflection Of That ‘Something’? I Do Not Claim To Know For Certain, However I Reason To Suspect That Ones Interpretation Of That ‘Something’ Is Not Constant. Due To The Fractal Nature Of, What We May Call Reality? Every Tangible Substance In Which This World Was Built On, Is Effected By The Flux Of Time. Which Is Still An Abstract Interpretation Of Perception. But Ultimately I Appreciate Your Response, And Cannot Disagree With Your Statement About A Half Truth.
@@sinbaon2154 yes, I think that is a good way of putting it. That perception is the reflection of that something and the reflection/perception varies from organism to organism and sometimes (less so) from individual to individual. A chair will be perceived by you and I as mostly similar but to an octopus or an interdimensional being as something different.
i agree. Christianity uses the definition Demon for anything that is not according to thier beliefs. look at lilith for example, she represents the women of the modern world.
I've had experiences with spirits my entire life and demonics a few times BELIEVE ME there is a coin one side positive and the other side of the coin is negative ying yang dark light, good intent, bad intent, service to others or service to self. These are all examples of the 2 while humanity is in the middle. You find one demon to be a friend like a spirit would do, I'd think stupidity immediately but I'd find a way to get you billions over it since I can't get that kind of money plus you'd never find that "friend" ...same as spirits lol whew go have an experience with both and you tell me again they are the same
@@JRChavesZA Lilith used to be good until Samael the so called lower god of earth created by the feminine aspect of the creator and when she seen him she hid him in a cloud, never understood that until I put the veil and"cloud" together fucked lilith her over before she married adam, before they created eve from Adam since Adam was both masculine and feminine, they did some extractions to separate the 2 into different bodies. That's why the stupid bible used the metaphor by creating even from adams rib,no they were from the same person when Adam was whole. The serpent and the tree of knowledge was simply those from above came taught truth to Adam and his wife, the garden if eden was simply a false paradise which once learned the truth, you leave that false bubble in tbe head. Nobody was kicked out of anywhere. Remote viewing goes a very long ways when having a partner giving you very good targets to look at or find out what REALLY happened. Lilith was ruined by Samael. She was so angry and still holds that energy. I feel bad for her but look, everyone whom has summoned her ended up killing themselves (all men by the way) don't say what you know nothing about, no offense sorry,just mentioning it
I'm mostly Messianic Christian but I do try to keep an open mind when researching these entities. I even look at new age theories for possible explanations. It is hard to create a physical fact book about something you can't see, unless your in a altered state (obe, dreams, etc). Interesting channel, I always saw occultism as being higher on the spectrum of spirituality and theology,
I can see that. I don't practice magic. But I have faced my demon. I believe it's related to alcoholism. I was an alcoholic for 15 years and I gave it up it's over 5 years. That's the biggest demon I've ever conquered in my life. and it's mad at me But I'm interested in theology. Have you ever had any bad experiences. Liked been attacked by demon? I've heard of that happening? Is that some gnarly internal struggle or something?
@@sonofroyalty4113 Perhaps not so "oddly", I've now re-converted to Catholicism! I came to that decision just 1 month after my above comment. I'd been mentally wrestling with the idea of abandoning my magical practise, because of issues unresolved: I wanted to understand the demonic realm from the standpoint of Creation and whether they stood in opposition or cooperation with the angelic realm. Looking over my notes, I concluded I was never going to have this question answered-Not by the demons!!! So I trashed (burned) my notes, tossed books into the river and attended my local church. Have I had bad experiences with demons? Yes. I had magick that backfired and messed my life up for months. Demons attack through your weakness's. My weakness is a quick temper, so I experienced a lot of things going Very wrong, being done by Very incompetent people! Like getting the car serviced and the mechanic forgetting to reinstall the sump plug, so all that new oil leaked out, all over the workshop, delaying when I could pick up my car. Nightmares .... being pursued by "people" intent on causing me Harm, getting lost in streets outside of churches and 'not finding a way in', Being told in dreams that "I'm Very Bad" and unfit for Salvation-in the dreams, being told that "someone looking like a Priest" People in other dreams, looking like loved ones, but abusive where in waking life, they'd be loving ....... demons attack when they perceive, there's a change for the better, in the one, whose attention has been on them. Do I fear demons? NO. When I practised magick, I learned many Banishing rites and learned NOT to Fear anything in the demonic realm, and control my emotions. Now, I know several Old Catholic Banishing rites and have a good supply of charged Holy Water and can and Do, dismiss them! It's still is a struggle, more so SOME days. Once THAT door is opened, it is difficult to slam it shut again, but do it day by day!
@@Cube_Ernator1077 that's cool. I consider myself Christian but not like your average one for sure. I like to study all religions. I've been interested in a occult topics for about 5 years now. In early 2020 I started practicing the lbrp/lirp rituals I was doing it for a few weeks. Then I moved in with my kid's mom during quarantine. She's not really into that stuff it freaks her out. Even though she does yoga. But things didn't work out with us so I'm on my own again I started the ritual back. I was going to keep it secret. But I decided I told her for some reason and she was going to be the only one. She didn't receive it to well. She thinks I'll open doors by doing pentagram ritual. I told her i wouldn't continue with it. But I probably will continue to do lbrp and some minor meditation. But I don't wanna go to deep. I like equip with knowledge though. Is lbrp good for demonic oppression?
@@sonofroyalty4113 The LBRP appears to be both a "Calm" Prayer and a Banishing. I suppose it depends on the intent you hold, while performing it? I suspect, going by my own experiences, the Only thing good for Repeling demons is the Name of Christ. Good luck with your explorations. :-)
🌹💙 I very much appreciate your thoughts regarding Daemons and working with them from the standpoint you elaborate on. I’ve always regarded such as a “respectful working relationship,” and a fair exchange; and because of this, they have always treated me kindly. Bright Blessings! 🌞🙏
I've been seriously thinking that demons are both a part of us internally and have counterparts in the world that are, in some way, both of these. I know it's a paradox, but I decided when I was 14 that much of real truth is found in paradox. It was one of the first moments of clarity I had ever experienced.
The consciousness is actually the subconscious of the universe which is manifest in the ethereal plane of existence. So to transcribe the energies that are willful in nature both physical and metaphysical one has to attain the higher self by communicating with that plane of existence which in and of itself is both dangerous and adventurous. This is both constructive and destructive yet conducive to self realization.
Some “demons” are thought forms as egregores in the vein of the golem. All conscious beings have the ability to create. God created the oldest thought forms but we also have created our own thought forms that are powered by our own collective energies.
Maybe they are also the physical (I can feel them in a physical way unfortunately) manifestation of all of our darkness that gets sucked in the 8th sphere/hell
Asked once if he forces an oath on demons when he writes his amulets, Kaduri replied, "God forbid! It is forbidden to force them to take an oath. I only ask nicely. If they want to listen to me, they listen. Most of the time they respect me because I am so old." Yitzhak Kaduri
I loved this video! Just so you know, I found it pretty funny that English people use the word 'geezer' completely differently than we do in America. Over here, it means a 'crabby old person!'
When I first started off on my path as a witch 20-some years ago, I followed the Wiccan Rede of "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." Now, after deciding to go full-bore into my magickal practice, including chaos magick and angels, this video tickles at a thought I've had regarding my current life circumstance: What about working magick against those who harm others, both for protection of the oppressed and exploited and also empowering consequences? Of course, before I can learn to fly (ie summon a demon to carry out my intention for harming those who have wronged me and others), I must first crawl. This channel's become one of my go-to viewing options for when I need to soak in some good knowledge on the many subjects of my interest.
This was very thought provoking. Funny thought but when I was 14 i found and read a book at the local college library called diary of a drug fiend by aleister Crowley. I knew nothing about him or that it was the same man i came to know through reading about him later. I suffered from addiction for years in my 20's, which is besides the point but just always thought that was funny. As a new comer to reading the lesser keys of Solomon and such i am so intrigued at how old these rites are!
I think that understanding and studying what these creatures are should be the wisest course of action first and foremost before envoking. How can you troubleshoot or min-max something you don't understand? Getting them under our control isn't good enough, personally I do not have the courage to do so without completely understanding the mechanics behind these methods. Sort of like I wouldn't operate a jet because I don't understand enough physics and the jet's mechanisms/controls.
Ooooooh good job man!!! Haha lol. You actually have knowledge. I surmise you are right, everything is inside of us and outside of us. Besides your beautiful books that is the best thing you have said so far that i have seen on your channels. You have obviously been searching out the knowledge of the universe as long as i have. Everything is but a half truth: the kybalion.
I think it depends on the type of self control and discipline and other personality aspects someone has. On the more good side, someone can do favors for you because they genuinely want to serve (for whatever reason) for your benefit. But on the negative end, you can be the boss who's a jerk that no one wants to work with and repay everyone with "do what I say or else". So, some demons may just not wanna work with you because they know they don't get much out of it. Or some entities want to work with you because they relate to you or genuinely want you to succeed.
From my experience, the effects of these beings can be shared by a couple of people simultaneously. So I’m not fully on board that they are a hundred percent internalized. Although I still think this mechanic works since you end up conversing on a very personal level with them anyway. But who knows. Might be that your internalized demon changes how you see the world around you and other people pick up on that.
All my comments and answers to comments were deleted in the process of transferring all my videos to this new channel :( I'm usually quite good at keeping up with viewer questions, so that's quite a lot of info gone, I'm afraid. If you read a question below that you would like a direct response to, don't hesitate to ask it again, I'm actually quite likely to respond :)
Would you consider the thwarting angels of Rudd (ie. the Shemhamphorash angels) as also internal/external to our psyche? And if so, then why not just invoke the thwarting angel and beseech it to constrain it's controlled demon so that the latter (as you have put it) "does not run amuck"? Why then evoke a demon if you can instead beseech/ask the thwarting angel to keep the demon in check?
@@xenoaltrax485 Great (I mean really great) question. Yes, I consider the nature of the thwarting angels to be akin to that of the demons (at least in terms of their plane of existence). I believe that the route you propose can be hugely beneficial. However, consider this: if I tell you NOT to think of a giraffe with a red scarf flying a plane, suddenly it becomes an actual effort not to do so. But if I tell you to think of the colour of your front door, suddenly the flying giraffe is the last thing on your mind. In the same way, getting an angel to keep a demon in check at all times requires great effort from all parties due to natural resistance, but giving a mischievous demon a specific task to do draws it away from its usual nuisance activities. It's basic parenting psychology: 'Can you please stop bashing on the piano!' vs. 'I need fourteen worms from the garden to feed the birds - can you find them for me please...?' 😜 However, having an angel there to keep the demon in check while to assign it's task is very useful.
@@FoolishFishBooks If you allow me to extend your parenting example: the thwarting angel would be like your 16 yr. old son who you've raised to be a paragon of virtue, while the demon would be like his naughty 8 yr. old brother. So this would be like you telling your teenage son to please watch over his younger brother and keep him from bashing on the piano. So instead of you having to "distract" your 8 yr. old son by giving him tasks to do, it would be your older son who would see to it that he keeps his younger brother doing more "productive" things like playing with him on his Xbox. After all he is more mature and of such an angelic nature that he would look after his precocious younger brother so that you're not being bothered. Leaving the parental example for a bit: as for the need for conscious effort to keep a demon in check, if both the demon and angel are also aspects of our psyche then similar to Jungian complexes in our personal unconscious, there is no need for conscious control as these complexes can "have a life of their own" independent of our conscious ego. I would assume that through practice we would have built up this personal unconscious angel complex with sufficient emotional energy such that it truly represents a thwarting angel to the demon complex also within the personal unconscious.
@@xenoaltrax485 yes! There is nothing incorrect with what you've written. But the purpose of magic is to allow us to decide whether the natural tide is to our liking, or if we wouldn't prefer it to veer towards, for example, the life of a non-smoker, or of a person who manages money more productively etc. Also, coming back to the parenting analogy, the thwarding angel doesn't give the naughty demon more productive things to do. That's just the thing actually. It's not how it's designed. It's designed to threaten and 'or else!' the demon into passivity, which can only be safe for a while.
@@FoolishFishBooks About us deciding on the natural tide or veering to a different path: do you mean us deciding for ourselves if we want to evoke demons vs. just invoking angels? Doesn't that just bring us back to the original question: ie. why even evoke demons? If you can ask the thwarting angel to threaten the demon into not doing anything mischievous then why even evoke the demon at all? Or is it just a matter of personal choice: ie. that I evoke a demon because I want to, and not because there's no other way to get the result I seek of keeping the demon in check. If it's all just down to personal choice about the path we choose to take then to each his own I guess. Can't argue about that, whatever floats our boats and all that.
VALE-FAR the 6th spirit of the goetia spirts. This i my gift to you of public recognition for being in my service and helping / making my desires a reality. Genuinely I’m thankful and satisfied with the results
Yes Stephen Skinner goes so far as to say that Demons are not particularly fond of humans so why you would eliminate boundaries as safety precautions the mind boggles. The other thing to consider is your vulnerabilities for instance if you have children in your household. I do not consider conjuring a demon such an intelligent idea in those circumstances at all. Re: Demonic entities Internalised becoming externalised. I don't quite know where I sit with the notion. I grant you even if the operator has an aid as it were there is nothing to suggest that the mind is not powerful enough to cause such an apparition for both parties alike. interesting. Thank you for the content. 😊
I've heard a theory consciousness is like a signal the brain receives from somewhere else like a radio receives a signal. In this instance, saying demons are from within may be like saying the mind, like a radio, receives all signals at once but can be tuned into specific ones.
I completely agree with you. And demons are not dark parts of our psyche. Until you have looked into the eyes of one in form and not they are sadistic and prefer to torture and harm innocence like children. It's arrogant to think otherwise.
Unredeemed Spirits really shouldn't be evoked unless you have had the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel, to do so is to invite disaster in my opinion.
But don't you have to invoke/revoke those same demons to reach your holy guardian angel in the abramelin? And command them to redeem. I'm not a practitioner though I'm just curious.
thank you very much for the nice video. As non profesional in this topic pls give me the answer on my honestly questions. 1. you did not describe what is the payment the Demon require, and why is it necessary to pay? some people does bloody sacrifice for demons too, is that also a kind of payments? 2. can it be that working with demons does charge our Karma in next reincarnation or maybe they ask for payback ? I am so curious to have the answers and thnx in advance
I may have messed up. As I beginner I probably shouldn’t have invoked Azazil. Since I did so… I have tripped more than usual and today a candle broke it’s holder and started catching the wood underneath on fire. I got some holy water… I think I have totally messed up
It is a perfect instruction well commented unique for the novice updated advice for anyone there r many who enlist for the army but also need teaching on what they r going to face and how to defend the self the sun moon an stars is In order if we r going to handle these vast energies then we must have the right knowledge to keep things in order and weald these energies excelent teaching remain bless
I agree, evoking or invoking demons is the same thing as confronting your own inner demons. (This is why I consider this to be an act of high magick and not low magick, because they don't really do much for material benefits. However I do agree that demons or any other deities are not meant to be worshipped, you are your own God.)
Also I don't think anyone fully understands chaos within the occult. Which you should find that embarrassing. Chaos magick can be a form of high magick if you will it so. Because brushing your teeth is a form of chaos, and so to are every action you take. To transcend into a representation of chaos, is to skillfully manipulate chaos as an instrument for making peace with it.
First off, love the low-fi ASMR vibes going on here. Second, that thumbnail.. I read in the comment its a moth, but I saw it as being what has become my nemesis lately, god damn horse flies!! They haunt me. Lol I'm also a spiritual dude (long story short) and I know there's something to this.. they are everywhere these days, and dont seem to bother others around me. I saw your picture, listened to your content, and consider my thoughts provoked! I always see lifes events as teachers, but demons is an interesting twist.. Love when life does that (all the damn time of course lol). Anyways, just wanted to share my weirdness and say thanks. :)
@@avesatanas666 Out of curiosity Mr Beast, why did you feel the need to write "Ok"? What were you hoping to contribute or get from this reply? Not judging, but like I said, very curious..
Thank you for sharing, such timely and informed content If ever I engaged an invocation interaction, I would have to do it tandem with someone like Foolish Fish. There is no way I am presently of constitution to purposelessly “dabble for the fun of it” alone. There are too many reportings where interaction with the occult has gone seriously wrong The human mind is powerful. But immortal minds are much more [ crafty ] For me, for myself there is much more perspective to be researched on this topic. If I never do an invocation, [ throughly ] knowing what this energy type is will be enough
In truth, it's good to have the vinegar to hand 😉 as Jake Stratton Kent says (the most prominent advocate for the honey approach), "you've got to let them know your a geezer".
I have personally been spoken to by a demon-like entity with a low guttural voice that told me to do a specific act. I was in no way shape or form trying to contact anything at all. How would this come about? Can these beings initiate interactions like this without our calling? I really liked your video on this subject, please do more. thank you!
Demons and other non-physical entities are there whether we're trying to contact them or not. This is where ignoring them is more of an ostrich move than the wise, pious attitude many exoteric militants admire...
It kinda depends on what they asked you to do if the act harmed you or others then probably not something you should do but otherwise should be fine and they might be trying to help you with something that they noticed you needed help with
They are only “apart of you” because you continue to their biddings (unknowingly and knowingly) which gives them rights to “invade your privacy” so to speak. Yes we do have demons (all of us) but not because we are a machine that was built with angels and demons. But because our actions (greed,lust,envy,un forgiveness, gossiping, lying etc) has brought them in. They are not an extension of yourself. You are made in the image of their enemy! They do not like you!
@@jacelo I researched that they already inside our 3rd eye which is called the goetia, 72 Demons or Damon's which is feminine energy and 72 angelic which is the masculine. All inside the 3rd eye which called the goetia. I learned they already within us. And they are 2 different energies. Knowledge is hidden once a person understand this , they can learn how to put them to work. (The demons) I learned they need something to do at all times. Angelic is totally different tho the work differently. Low energy high energy .
This is interesting cuz...the first dream I had of a the dream I was sitting on the toilet and all of a sudden I heard a demonic voice speaking to me from behind the shower curtains. I didn't feel afraid, but it was very clear that I was speaking to a demon. The demon asked for a whole pig! In my mind in the dream AND in reality...I didn't know where to get a whole pig from. Mind you, I was NO WHERE into demonology...I was actually more into Occultism, Theology and Angels. Anyways....I slowly tried to pull the shower curtains back to see, but the demon quickly pulled the shower curtains back the other way as if it didn't want to be seen. So...2 days later I received something in front of my apartment that I'm still afraid to even say online till this day! Clearly it was a sign! Yes it had something to do with a PIG! I still have it! This happened at least 5 years ago...a few years later after that I had another dream with me conversing with a demon and she told me her name was Gotecia. I googled it and discovered the Goetia!! Since then, I've been slowly learning more about demons. Even more so since 2021! This video makes A LOT OF SENSE to ME!!!!
I've taken a passing interest in the occult/esoteric, though I dont know much. Thanks for your channel. Where would I begin in actually learning about the occult? I've thought about learning and trying necromancy
if you're a dabbler, just read all you can about it. Necromancy is not mediumship, it's sorcery that raises and engages the dead to one's advantage. Takes some serious study and practice over a number of years while developing spiritual maturity.
I just read a post on forum about datura and one guy said "Once, I meditated on the sigil of the demon Dantalion, of the Ars Goetia, and experienced out of body visions of being in a desert with a camel staring at me with psychedelic colors on its fur, then I was on the coast by a lighthouse with a green light..." i think this happened to him when he mixed microdose of datura with amanita muscaria mushroom, so i decided to do a little research on demons and found your videos, i just started experimenting with microdoses of datura for lucid dreaming, i take 3 seeds a few hours before falling asleep and my dreams are now even more vivid and i remember more, i was going to sea buckthorn berry plantation which is like 1.5km from my house to pick some and on the way i could see daturas everywhere so i took this as a symbol that i should start experimenting with it, it seemed as if someone had planted it there intentionally and now it's really wild and grows even 2km around that area, I have already mastered my subconsciousness and created 7th heaven for myself internally as well as externally through spiritual evolution, do you think i should meditate on the sigil of Dantalion? Probably not right? I was hoping he could give me beautiful vision when i close my eyes and make me even more lucid in reality as well as in my dreams, but i think that demon is like us and would want something appropriate in exchange, i don't think he would do it for me for nothing, so i might as well do it alone now that i am gaining so much knowledge and power. I've heard great things about smoking datura leaves because smoking them is much less toxic, so i'll try it and see how my intense meditations will go and if i see something awesome, last night after i took 3 datura seeds i could see some awesome things in my meditation so i'll try it with smoked leaf today. Also do you know how to use sigils? Is it enough if i just look at it and let it get into my subconsciousness or do i need to meditate upon those symbols? I am from Czech Republic btw, so i might have made some mistakes there.
Datura is very dangerous friend. Be careful to stay modest with your doses. Maybe you do not have as much access to as much information on it as we do here in the United States but it is very dangerous and can easily kill you, if you take one too many seeds. There really is a very small window between "taking a hallucinatory trip" and dying, its usally only a difference of 1 or 2 seeds to many. 100s of people a year die from it here, as it grows naturally in the wild in large regions of the United States and it can also be purchased online. Be very careful also because a large majority of people describe very dark/scary/demonic experiences that go beyond hallucinations and majority of people that do it will never do it again and warn very strongly against it. People dont even talk this bad about meth or heroin which we know are absolutely awful.
Thanks for all the Goetia & Lucifer. 🙏🏼💕Thanks to help me and humanity. 🌍 💕 They are not really bad. They can help u if u need them. Dedicate yourself to them, pick the demons who are suitable with your goals. 👍
I disagree with your conflation of our inner metaphorical demons with “real demons” which most definitely come from without. If we don’t control our inner baser emotions we can open the door to possession….. but the inner turmoil preceding this, is not demonic …. It is a catalyst to the real thing (in my less than well informed opinion 😂😂). p.s love the channel!
In the gospels demons tend to be horrified by the presence of Jesus, do you have an opinion/interpretation of the description of Jesus’ (and Paul’s) interaction with demons? I always thought it was interesting that a storm rose up on Galilee before Jesus released the Gadarene demoniac. Also Paul casts out the “Python” spirit (associated with the Delphic Oracle or regional oracles) when traveling through Greece.
The orthodox see it with tollhouses, Norse dwarves, gnomes and creatures, the celts with the fae and their kin . Theres evidence and arguments for it by Jungian perspectives and archetypes. But this was kept out of alot of public schools in the south. Along with shareable voices like Joseph Campbell.
100% Demons are a part of us, but non-dualistically so is everything as you pointed out 😊. One practice that has really helped me is a form of Demon Alchemy, which I won’t go into the details of. Haven’t had an issue yet but as this is a redemption and caring practice for ‘you’ and ‘them’, it’s pretty unlikely. That said, Kali is on the altar and a good friend. They know her pretty well. 👅 🗡 🔱
Nice. Pity we can’t post pics here cause I’d love to see it. I love her bad-ass energy. Whenever any fear arises, I invoke her and that demon (and any other in my consciousness) soon get the message. Don’t mess with the angry mother! Jai Kali Ma! 😛
Also side note. As a child I lost my source of light. I became dark. Less than a year later I began sleep walking as 3 year old. Before the year is over, grandmama takes me to WITCH doctor. She applies Magick. One month later on a four way intersection I see what looks like Satan. Coming out of a Boulder from a half build construction building. It was hollow inside that's about it. I witness Satan and am taken by awe,wonder, and the urge to punch his chest. Adults soon notice and scream , "Satan, the devil, a demon, RUN!!!!" My grandma runs all the way home. Since then I wondered. What do you make of this ordeal ? (I kept getting interrupted while sleep walking and making circles in dirt and weird symbols with lotion,as far as riding my bicycle around in circles)
What is really frustrating to me about these videos is the lack of specifics. I want to know EXACTLY what you mean when you say that you may “not be pleased with the consequences” of trying to restrain a demon, or that there could be “nasty surprises” when dealing with a demon. What exactly are you referring to? Be specific. What exactly can happen? What exactly have you experienced? Why the generalities?
What's your opinions on Gordon White from that Runesoup site? I think whatever your views on him are shouldn't matter because he has some excellent guests on his podcasts. Just interested to hear your thoughts about the bloke though. Loving your work by the way.
If the demon is so dangerous and you need angels for protection, why would you ask it for help, and why would you be expected not to give anything back?
It’s insane how long it took for me to find someone with a down to earth and sane way of describing occult concepts and practices. Cannot recommend your channel enough
So glad you're enjoying the content!
I’m having the exact same thoughts. Majority of people that are into occult that I met, are into this bcs it looks cool. Nobody makes actual research about it
No aesthetic fluff but straight beautiful art and thoughtful content
As a boss with many employees over the years, I also found out the hard way that it is not a good idea to become chums with workers. Friendly, yes, friends, no. One’s authority becomes diluted, lines get crossed and boundaries get lost.
Thank you. Great advice.
Have you used demons in your practice?
The very purpose of spirit to manifest in human form is to resolve this conflict of duality, Good vs Bad, Angles vs Demon. When you realize that you are everything and also nothing this duality merges into the one the infinite spirit. But like everyone we all have to overcome the ego-self.
Are you talking about the Great Work? Have you done this?
and what then xD?
Right angle?
From duality to non-duality
To me the non-duality is Ultimate Union. That is....Everything is sacred or everything is not sacred.
But to consider it is both at same time. Perfect Union, yes??
@@Sirach-pv5xv Perfect union is a state where you dissolve your ego-mind, Once we are able to achieve it infinite spirit within us will merge our pure consciousness mind with the infinite spirit mind. For example, ICE Cubes are like Ego Mind, When it melts it changes its state to water but if you throw that water into the sea(infinite mind) then there will no trace of this ICE Cube or its water. Duality is the nature of EGO Mind, You might need to practice seeing the spirit in everything.
Demons, angels, gods...
Treat them all the same. Be respectful but stand your ground. If you're scared, don't call them. And be prepared to banish.
Don't accept "gifts", and always find out what the payment is b4 agreeing to a deal.
I'll stand behind that sound advice :)
legba eshu Daniels Or restated: what do we need from ourselves ;)
In my experiments, so far, angels don’t seem to cause problems so far. If anything, they seem to remove problems or even problem entities when asked. Will I run into ones that do present a problem?
there's only one god , and no it's no right to treat a demon or angel like you would treat god , god is in a different league
@@HIasmr33 back to the slave pit with you kid
'Face your demons' = ' Face your (Jungian) Shadow'.
@NateTheGreat b funny
Fuuny /ˈfʌni/
causing laughter or amusement; humorous.
"a funny story"
comic strips in newspapers.
"I read the sports page, funnies, and editorial"
a joke or witty remark.
"I was trying to make a funny, but failed miserably"
Thank me later
@NateTheGreat b oh no
In the beginning of 2020 before all the craziness, I got some LSD and took some dose for first time in a long time. I watched holy Mountain for the first time it was badass. And I s*** you not, little while after I was done a demon manifested its face to me on the screen. I went to the mirror. I looked at my face and the same demon was there snarling at me. But I wasn't scared. After about a month of devouring every podcast episode on Crowley I wasn't too shocked. And Like 9 months later, I seen the same face on my phone that I skryed on before. I was sober then.
Great subject. Here’s my take.I have now begun realizing is that perhaps what we call demons is a part of this “world mind”. Our thought sphere. Every action, every emotion every behavior of ours is stored as data somewhere. The negative actions is what these “demons” are and it in turns feeds our fears. Since it’s a part of our thought, one can use the same thought to invoke it.
Thoughts are extremely powerful and creative. We ourselves are born out of that thought. We as we call ourselves are nothing but thoughts, memories, knowledge which is a cultural input there.
Our bodies however are extremely intelligent and are not interested in anything thoughts are interested in. I.e all the sensual things. They are only interested in two things, survival and reproduction. And reproduction not in terms of what we call sex. Sex within thought structure is a sensual and pleasurable thing but not to this body. Every human body is unique in its own way and is directly connected to that universal energy.Thoughts are a hindrance and consume tremendous amount of that energy to maintain its status quo and keeps that energy from manifesting.
This is perhaps what religions try to explain as a battle between god and demons.
Excellent video! I was especially interested by your comment that demons are "feral" rather than actually "evil". The reason I personally never had any interest in contacting them is that, like the Godfather in the movie, "the day may come when THEY might want something from ME."
It is late, gonna rewatch this tomorrow with a clearer mind.
Ok Fred
@@johnny_blz you are excused sir.
In the Druidic belief system they say that in order to incarnate as a human you are born out of the unconscious and successively experience every single life form, successively moving up the ladder. It’s also present in Buddhism in the teaching of the precious human life. Maybe the word Buddhism is related to the Druidic Bardism but I digress. When you mentioned demons being feral it resonated with me that they are maybe residue from these past experiences that are carried across when we inhabited the human form. Hmm lots of food for thought. Thanks
Nice content.!! My inner demon came to the surface once, and my vision changed. Everything I could see became dark red. Now I know fully understand where the term "he saw red" came from
Mine were black-outs and i would regain control back mid-violent act. Horrifying shit honestly.
@@magicalpro that sounds like dissociation
Some say it depends on the point of view on where you are standing...the angel that a side in a war pray to, might be the demon that makes the other side be afraid of...or as Lon says “It’s all in your head, you just have no idea how big your head is”..Great video FF! I love Doré’s illustrations
I love that quote! 😍
Our heads are tardis,es..he he
This video was much more interesting than I anticipated for whatever reason, your videos are almost always very useful and this one was particularly useful I learned a lot. Thanks.
Thanks for the kind words :) I'm very happy to hear you're finding the content useful! :)
Everything is internal and external at the same time, we receive external thoughts and think them internally.
An interesting and fascinating lesson or commentary from our Fishy friend. I’m not taking up Bell, book and candle yet or even ever but have had some extraordinary experiences in my current life. And starting out with Gustave Doré’s wonderful heady illustrations will always tug my eyes closer to the details within. And so I look forward to more video narratives and I’ll try to tread on the path that’s less foolishly trampled by others in order to enjoy the verdant beauty that beckons. In another words thankyou.
And oh I nearly forgot it was the Deaths Head Hawkmoth image that was the initial attraction as it was one of the a select number of the Hawkmoth family that I couldn’t breed as a child in London many many moons ago.
All The Heavens, Angels, And Demons, Through All Time Are All Within Us.
Sin Baon that is half true
philosophyofthestars That May Change Tomorrow... LoL Nothing Is Absolute, What's "True" Today, May Not Be "True" Tomorrow. Always In The Edge Of Fluctuations...
I Would Love To Hear Your Take On That Other Possible Truth.
@@sinbaon2154 the PERCEPTION and INTERPRETATION takes place within us however there is still 'something' that is being interpreted.
Is It Possible That Perception Is Only A Reflection Of That ‘Something’? I Do Not Claim To Know For Certain, However I Reason To Suspect That Ones Interpretation Of That ‘Something’ Is Not Constant. Due To The Fractal Nature Of, What We May Call Reality?
Every Tangible Substance In Which This World Was Built On, Is Effected By The Flux Of Time. Which Is Still An Abstract Interpretation Of Perception.
But Ultimately I Appreciate Your Response, And Cannot Disagree With Your Statement About A Half Truth.
@@sinbaon2154 yes, I think that is a good way of putting it. That perception is the reflection of that something and the reflection/perception varies from organism to organism and sometimes (less so) from individual to individual. A chair will be perceived by you and I as mostly similar but to an octopus or an interdimensional being as something different.
Spiritual maturity, in my mind, leads to inner illumination and that’s all you really need! I’ll stick with working on my internal eternal 😊
I just like calling them spirits
i agree. Christianity uses the definition Demon for anything that is not according to thier beliefs. look at lilith for example, she represents the women of the modern world.
I had seen someone say that they're actually pagan gods that aren't referred to as god's anymore for whatever reason or another it was
@@shaggylo927 something to do with fallen angels/the fall of lucifer maybe?
I've had experiences with spirits my entire life and demonics a few times BELIEVE ME there is a coin one side positive and the other side of the coin is negative ying yang dark light, good intent, bad intent, service to others or service to self. These are all examples of the 2 while humanity is in the middle. You find one demon to be a friend like a spirit would do, I'd think stupidity immediately but I'd find a way to get you billions over it since I can't get that kind of money plus you'd never find that "friend" ...same as spirits lol whew go have an experience with both and you tell me again they are the same
@@JRChavesZA Lilith used to be good until Samael the so called lower god of earth created by the feminine aspect of the creator and when she seen him she hid him in a cloud, never understood that until I put the veil and"cloud" together fucked lilith her over before she married adam, before they created eve from Adam since Adam was both masculine and feminine, they did some extractions to separate the 2 into different bodies. That's why the stupid bible used the metaphor by creating even from adams rib,no they were from the same person when Adam was whole. The serpent and the tree of knowledge was simply those from above came taught truth to Adam and his wife, the garden if eden was simply a false paradise which once learned the truth, you leave that false bubble in tbe head. Nobody was kicked out of anywhere. Remote viewing goes a very long ways when having a partner giving you very good targets to look at or find out what REALLY happened. Lilith was ruined by Samael. She was so angry and still holds that energy. I feel bad for her but look, everyone whom has summoned her ended up killing themselves (all men by the way) don't say what you know nothing about, no offense sorry,just mentioning it
I'm mostly Messianic Christian but I do try to keep an open mind when researching these entities. I even look at new age theories for possible explanations. It is hard to create a physical fact book about something you can't see, unless your in a altered state (obe, dreams, etc). Interesting channel, I always saw occultism as being higher on the spectrum of spirituality and theology,
Interesting video which explains why so many people are LOST IN THEIR OWN WORLD...
"Demons are a part of us, they are Internal"? A Very Gnostic point-of-view!
glad you said that
I can see that. I don't practice magic. But I have faced my demon. I believe it's related to alcoholism. I was an alcoholic for 15 years and I gave it up it's over 5 years. That's the biggest demon I've ever conquered in my life. and it's mad at me But I'm interested in theology. Have you ever had any bad experiences. Liked been attacked by demon? I've heard of that happening? Is that some gnarly internal struggle or something?
@@sonofroyalty4113 Perhaps not so "oddly", I've now re-converted to Catholicism! I came to that decision just 1 month after my above comment. I'd been mentally wrestling with the idea of abandoning my magical practise, because of issues unresolved: I wanted to understand the demonic realm from the standpoint of Creation and whether they stood in opposition or cooperation with the angelic realm.
Looking over my notes, I concluded I was never going to have this question answered-Not by the demons!!! So I trashed (burned) my notes, tossed books into the river and attended my local church.
Have I had bad experiences with demons? Yes. I had magick that backfired and messed my life up for months. Demons attack through your weakness's. My weakness is a quick temper, so I experienced a lot of things going Very wrong, being done by Very incompetent people! Like getting the car serviced and the mechanic forgetting to reinstall the sump plug, so all that new oil leaked out, all over the workshop, delaying when I could pick up my car.
Nightmares .... being pursued by "people" intent on causing me Harm, getting lost in streets outside of churches and 'not finding a way in', Being told in dreams that "I'm Very Bad" and unfit for Salvation-in the dreams, being told that "someone looking like a Priest" People in other dreams, looking like loved ones, but abusive where in waking life, they'd be loving ....... demons attack when they perceive, there's a change for the better, in the one, whose attention has been on them.
Do I fear demons? NO. When I practised magick, I learned many Banishing rites and learned NOT to Fear anything in the demonic realm, and control my emotions. Now, I know several Old Catholic Banishing rites and have a good supply of charged Holy Water and can and Do, dismiss them!
It's still is a struggle, more so SOME days. Once THAT door is opened, it is difficult to slam it shut again, but do it day by day!
@@Cube_Ernator1077 that's cool. I consider myself Christian but not like your average one for sure. I like to study all religions. I've been interested in a occult topics for about 5 years now. In early 2020 I started practicing the lbrp/lirp rituals I was doing it for a few weeks. Then I moved in with my kid's mom during quarantine. She's not really into that stuff it freaks her out. Even though she does yoga. But things didn't work out with us so I'm on my own again I started the ritual back. I was going to keep it secret. But I decided I told her for some reason and she was going to be the only one. She didn't receive it to well. She thinks I'll open doors by doing pentagram ritual. I told her i wouldn't continue with it. But I probably will continue to do lbrp and some minor meditation. But I don't wanna go to deep. I like equip with knowledge though. Is lbrp good for demonic oppression?
@@sonofroyalty4113 The LBRP appears to be both a "Calm" Prayer and a Banishing. I suppose it depends on the intent you hold, while performing it? I suspect, going by my own experiences, the Only thing good for Repeling demons is the Name of Christ. Good luck with your explorations. :-)
🌹💙 I very much appreciate your thoughts regarding Daemons and working with them from the standpoint you elaborate on. I’ve always regarded such as a “respectful working relationship,” and a fair exchange; and because of this, they have always treated me kindly. Bright Blessings! 🌞🙏
I've been seriously thinking that demons are both a part of us internally and have counterparts in the world that are, in some way, both of these. I know it's a paradox, but I decided when I was 14 that much of real truth is found in paradox. It was one of the first moments of clarity I had ever experienced.
The consciousness is actually the subconscious of the universe which is manifest in the ethereal plane of existence. So to transcribe the energies that are willful in nature both physical and metaphysical one has to attain the higher self by communicating with that plane of existence which in and of itself is both dangerous and adventurous. This is both constructive and destructive yet conducive to self realization.
Some “demons” are thought forms as egregores in the vein of the golem. All conscious beings have the ability to create. God created the oldest thought forms but we also have created our own thought forms that are powered by our own collective energies.
Maybe they are also the physical (I can feel them in a physical way unfortunately) manifestation of all of our darkness that gets sucked in the 8th sphere/hell
Thanks for another thought provoking video.
A very reasoned, measured, sensible response. I have come to Very similar conclusions about this. Thanx for making these videos! ^__^
Asked once if he forces an oath on demons when he writes his amulets, Kaduri replied, "God forbid! It is forbidden to force them to take an oath. I only ask nicely. If they want to listen to me, they listen. Most of the time they respect me because I am so old."
Yitzhak Kaduri
I loved this video! Just so you know, I found it pretty funny that English people use the word 'geezer' completely differently than we do in America. Over here, it means a 'crabby old person!'
Hahaha I was thinking the same thing
Ya old geezer!
When I first started off on my path as a witch 20-some years ago, I followed the Wiccan Rede of "An it harm none, do what thou wilt." Now, after deciding to go full-bore into my magickal practice, including chaos magick and angels, this video tickles at a thought I've had regarding my current life circumstance: What about working magick against those who harm others, both for protection of the oppressed and exploited and also empowering consequences? Of course, before I can learn to fly (ie summon a demon to carry out my intention for harming those who have wronged me and others), I must first crawl. This channel's become one of my go-to viewing options for when I need to soak in some good knowledge on the many subjects of my interest.
Yes, a lot of my magick is aimed at protecting the weak and downtrodden and at thwarting bullies...
I'd highly recommend everyone to read Promethea. That has cleared up A Lot for me in re to Deamons!
I have found out, that giving a homage to the demons within ours "confined space" is actually switching on the part of us with the certain abilities.
also another practitioner was suggesting on his video that the main reason we should invoke a demon is that it will help us to know more about ourself
This was very thought provoking. Funny thought but when I was 14 i found and read a book at the local college library called diary of a drug fiend by aleister Crowley. I knew nothing about him or that it was the same man i came to know through reading about him later. I suffered from addiction for years in my 20's, which is besides the point but just always thought that was funny. As a new comer to reading the lesser keys of Solomon and such i am so intrigued at how old these rites are!
Reasons for Demons is my favorite power metal band
Thank you for all of your posts. Good information. Nice to compare notes, as it were.
THANK YOU for making this clear! I have not been able to wrap my mind around the concept until I was today years old. :)
In this new age we shall shout this from the rooftops.
May I ask out of ignorance why people make deals with Demons instead of Angels?
Some angels don't work with trash. Just a guess of course.
Demons work for egoistic purposes. Angels work for the well being of many.
Thank you for your work
i love that quote about telling a demon that you're a geeza, made my day
I like how your channel is centered around books
I think that understanding and studying what these creatures are should be the wisest course of action first and foremost before envoking. How can you troubleshoot or min-max something you don't understand? Getting them under our control isn't good enough, personally I do not have the courage to do so without completely understanding the mechanics behind these methods. Sort of like I wouldn't operate a jet because I don't understand enough physics and the jet's mechanisms/controls.
Learning from somebody like you would be amazing. Wish you'd take me on as an apprentice.
Hence the saying, "tame your demon."
Precisely 😁
Ooooooh good job man!!! Haha lol. You actually have knowledge. I surmise you are right, everything is inside of us and outside of us. Besides your beautiful books that is the best thing you have said so far that i have seen on your channels.
You have obviously been searching out the knowledge of the universe as long as i have. Everything is but a half truth: the kybalion.
I think it depends on the type of self control and discipline and other personality aspects someone has. On the more good side, someone can do favors for you because they genuinely want to serve (for whatever reason) for your benefit. But on the negative end, you can be the boss who's a jerk that no one wants to work with and repay everyone with "do what I say or else". So, some demons may just not wanna work with you because they know they don't get much out of it. Or some entities want to work with you because they relate to you or genuinely want you to succeed.
From my experience, the effects of these beings can be shared by a couple of people simultaneously. So I’m not fully on board that they are a hundred percent internalized. Although I still think this mechanic works since you end up conversing on a very personal level with them anyway.
But who knows. Might be that your internalized demon changes how you see the world around you and other people pick up on that.
I agree.
Feral is an interesting possibility. I will try to revisit this later when I have actual experience to compare.
All my comments and answers to comments were deleted in the process of transferring all my videos to this new channel :(
I'm usually quite good at keeping up with viewer questions, so that's quite a lot of info gone, I'm afraid.
If you read a question below that you would like a direct response to, don't hesitate to ask it again, I'm actually quite likely to respond :)
Would you consider the thwarting angels of Rudd (ie. the Shemhamphorash angels) as also internal/external to our psyche? And if so, then why not just invoke the thwarting angel and beseech it to constrain it's controlled demon so that the latter (as you have put it) "does not run amuck"? Why then evoke a demon if you can instead beseech/ask the thwarting angel to keep the demon in check?
@@xenoaltrax485 Great (I mean really great) question.
Yes, I consider the nature of the thwarting angels to be akin to that of the demons (at least in terms of their plane of existence).
I believe that the route you propose can be hugely beneficial.
However, consider this: if I tell you NOT to think of a giraffe with a red scarf flying a plane, suddenly it becomes an actual effort not to do so. But if I tell you to think of the colour of your front door, suddenly the flying giraffe is the last thing on your mind.
In the same way, getting an angel to keep a demon in check at all times requires great effort from all parties due to natural resistance, but giving a mischievous demon a specific task to do draws it away from its usual nuisance activities.
It's basic parenting psychology: 'Can you please stop bashing on the piano!' vs. 'I need fourteen worms from the garden to feed the birds - can you find them for me please...?' 😜
However, having an angel there to keep the demon in check while to assign it's task is very useful.
@@FoolishFishBooks If you allow me to extend your parenting example: the thwarting angel would be like your 16 yr. old son who you've raised to be a paragon of virtue, while the demon would be like his naughty 8 yr. old brother. So this would be like you telling your teenage son to please watch over his younger brother and keep him from bashing on the piano. So instead of you having to "distract" your 8 yr. old son by giving him tasks to do, it would be your older son who would see to it that he keeps his younger brother doing more "productive" things like playing with him on his Xbox. After all he is more mature and of such an angelic nature that he would look after his precocious younger brother so that you're not being bothered.
Leaving the parental example for a bit: as for the need for conscious effort to keep a demon in check, if both the demon and angel are also aspects of our psyche then similar to Jungian complexes in our personal unconscious, there is no need for conscious control as these complexes can "have a life of their own" independent of our conscious ego. I would assume that through practice we would have built up this personal unconscious angel complex with sufficient emotional energy such that it truly represents a thwarting angel to the demon complex also within the personal unconscious.
@@xenoaltrax485 yes! There is nothing incorrect with what you've written. But the purpose of magic is to allow us to decide whether the natural tide is to our liking, or if we wouldn't prefer it to veer towards, for example, the life of a non-smoker, or of a person who manages money more productively etc.
Also, coming back to the parenting analogy, the thwarding angel doesn't give the naughty demon more productive things to do. That's just the thing actually. It's not how it's designed. It's designed to threaten and 'or else!' the demon into passivity, which can only be safe for a while.
@@FoolishFishBooks About us deciding on the natural tide or veering to a different path: do you mean us deciding for ourselves if we want to evoke demons vs. just invoking angels? Doesn't that just bring us back to the original question: ie. why even evoke demons? If you can ask the thwarting angel to threaten the demon into not doing anything mischievous then why even evoke the demon at all? Or is it just a matter of personal choice: ie. that I evoke a demon because I want to, and not because there's no other way to get the result I seek of keeping the demon in check.
If it's all just down to personal choice about the path we choose to take then to each his own I guess. Can't argue about that, whatever floats our boats and all that.
Blessed be!!🙏
VALE-FAR the 6th spirit of the goetia spirts.
This i my gift to you of public recognition for being in my service and helping / making my desires a reality. Genuinely I’m thankful and satisfied with the results
Yes Stephen Skinner goes so far as to say that Demons are not particularly fond of humans so why you would eliminate boundaries as safety precautions the mind boggles. The other thing to consider is your vulnerabilities for instance if you have children in your household. I do not consider conjuring a demon such an intelligent idea in those circumstances at all.
Re: Demonic entities Internalised becoming externalised. I don't quite know where I sit with the notion. I grant you even if the operator has an aid as it were there is nothing to suggest that the mind is not powerful enough to cause such an apparition for both parties alike. interesting. Thank you for the content. 😊
I've heard a theory consciousness is like a signal the brain receives from somewhere else like a radio receives a signal. In this instance, saying demons are from within may be like saying the mind, like a radio, receives all signals at once but can be tuned into specific ones.
@@Jim-Mc I'm quite fond of that idea. Its as good a theory as any other. Nice.
I completely agree with you. And demons are not dark parts of our psyche. Until you have looked into the eyes of one in form and not they are sadistic and prefer to torture and harm innocence like children. It's arrogant to think otherwise.
Unredeemed Spirits really shouldn't be evoked unless you have had the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel, to do so is to invite disaster in my opinion.
Good call.
that is called dogma and that doesn't really work in witchcraft and the occult I just evoke with lbrp
But don't you have to invoke/revoke those same demons to reach your holy guardian angel in the abramelin? And command them to redeem. I'm not a practitioner though I'm just curious.
thank you very much for the nice video. As non profesional in this topic pls give me the answer on my honestly questions.
1. you did not describe what is the payment the Demon require, and why is it necessary to pay? some people does bloody sacrifice for demons too, is that also a kind of payments?
2. can it be that working with demons does charge our Karma in next reincarnation or maybe they ask for payback ?
I am so curious to have the answers and thnx in advance
Could you please cover the topic of familiars? Thank you for your content and I really enjoy your coverage of new books and their publications etc.
I'm glad I'm getting a degree in management after hearing about this perspective
I may have messed up. As I beginner I probably shouldn’t have invoked Azazil. Since I did so… I have tripped more than usual and today a candle broke it’s holder and started catching the wood underneath on fire.
I got some holy water… I think I have totally messed up
So you look at it like Solomon. Stories are that Solomon used demons and spirits to do work.
what are your thoughts on elementals
Thanks for sharing ☺️
It is a perfect instruction well commented unique for the novice updated advice for anyone there r many who enlist for the army but also need teaching on what they r going to face and how to defend the self the sun moon an stars is In order if we r going to handle these vast energies then we must have the right knowledge to keep things in order and weald these energies excelent teaching remain bless
This is a great take.
Good Shadow Work.
I agree, evoking or invoking demons is the same thing as confronting your own inner demons. (This is why I consider this to be an act of high magick and not low magick, because they don't really do much for material benefits. However I do agree that demons or any other deities are not meant to be worshipped, you are your own God.)
Also I don't think anyone fully understands chaos within the occult. Which you should find that embarrassing. Chaos magick can be a form of high magick if you will it so. Because brushing your teeth is a form of chaos, and so to are every action you take. To transcend into a representation of chaos, is to skillfully manipulate chaos as an instrument for making peace with it.
@@queerspirit2995 this is a Good explanation-Thanks!!
First off, love the low-fi ASMR vibes going on here. Second, that thumbnail.. I read in the comment its a moth, but I saw it as being what has become my nemesis lately, god damn horse flies!! They haunt me. Lol I'm also a spiritual dude (long story short) and I know there's something to this.. they are everywhere these days, and dont seem to bother others around me. I saw your picture, listened to your content, and consider my thoughts provoked! I always see lifes events as teachers, but demons is an interesting twist.. Love when life does that (all the damn time of course lol). Anyways, just wanted to share my weirdness and say thanks. :)
@@avesatanas666 Out of curiosity Mr Beast, why did you feel the need to write "Ok"? What were you hoping to contribute or get from this reply? Not judging, but like I said, very curious..
@@kennyv.2189 No hard feelings. ✌
I realy liked this thank you for uploading 😊
We used to sing a song in primary school about a: one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater.
Thank you for sharing, such timely and informed content
If ever I engaged an invocation interaction, I would have to do it tandem with someone like Foolish Fish. There is no way I am presently of constitution to purposelessly “dabble for the fun of it” alone. There are too many reportings where interaction with the occult has gone seriously wrong
The human mind is powerful. But immortal minds are much more [ crafty ]
For me, for myself there is much more perspective to be researched on this topic. If I never do an invocation, [ throughly ] knowing what this energy type is will be enough
This was very helpful. Thank you very much
Thank you brother. This was very insightful to me. Blessings
What is your experience from working with using honey instead of vinegar for now?
How did you maintain authority while doing so?
In truth, it's good to have the vinegar to hand 😉 as Jake Stratton Kent says (the most prominent advocate for the honey approach), "you've got to let them know your a geezer".
"Reasons for demons" was my power metal band in high school.
"Putting money in a parking meter is not an act of worship" 😂😂
I have personally been spoken to by a demon-like entity with a low guttural voice that told me to do a specific act. I was in no way shape or form trying to contact anything at all. How would this come about? Can these beings initiate interactions like this without our calling?
I really liked your video on this subject, please do more. thank you!
Demons and other non-physical entities are there whether we're trying to contact them or not. This is where ignoring them is more of an ostrich move than the wise, pious attitude many exoteric militants admire...
@@FoolishFishBooks go the ostrich :))
@@FoolishFishBooks can you explain a bit more ?
It kinda depends on what they asked you to do if the act harmed you or others then probably not something you should do but otherwise should be fine and they might be trying to help you with something that they noticed you needed help with
Timing is interesting
i would love to hear more about this
Seems pretty evil to cause a demon pain in order to do your bidding.
You were spot on on this one.. Fantastic!!!
Heh! Glad you like the opinion 😋👍
Can you imagine paying a parking meter in blood sacrifice 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆
sometimes ekeing out a living (making coin) brings thoughts of blood sacrifice when you have to spend them
@@avicennitegh1377 exactly, we are getting closer everyday imo
Exactly they are apart of us. Facts.....we was taught to be afraid and hate ourselves SMH it's time to wake up people
They are only “apart of you” because you continue to their biddings (unknowingly and knowingly) which gives them rights to “invade your privacy” so to speak. Yes we do have demons (all of us) but not because we are a machine that was built with angels and demons. But because our actions (greed,lust,envy,un forgiveness, gossiping, lying etc) has brought them in. They are not an extension of yourself. You are made in the image of their enemy! They do not like you!
@@jacelo I researched that they already inside our 3rd eye which is called the goetia, 72 Demons or Damon's which is feminine energy and 72 angelic which is the masculine. All inside the 3rd eye which called the goetia. I learned they already within us. And they are 2 different energies. Knowledge is hidden once a person understand this , they can learn how to put them to work. (The demons) I learned they need something to do at all times. Angelic is totally different tho the work differently. Low energy high energy .
@@jacelo good comment tho.
Great explanation. Actually, a Superior one.
In my humble opinion, a mature person should be very comfortable with what you are saying.
This is interesting cuz...the first dream I had of a the dream I was sitting on the toilet and all of a sudden I heard a demonic voice speaking to me from behind the shower curtains. I didn't feel afraid, but it was very clear that I was speaking to a demon. The demon asked for a whole pig! In my mind in the dream AND in reality...I didn't know where to get a whole pig from. Mind you, I was NO WHERE into demonology...I was actually more into Occultism, Theology and Angels. Anyways....I slowly tried to pull the shower curtains back to see, but the demon quickly pulled the shower curtains back the other way as if it didn't want to be seen. So...2 days later I received something in front of my apartment that I'm still afraid to even say online till this day! Clearly it was a sign! Yes it had something to do with a PIG! I still have it! This happened at least 5 years ago...a few years later after that I had another dream with me conversing with a demon and she told me her name was Gotecia. I googled it and discovered the Goetia!! Since then, I've been slowly learning more about demons. Even more so since 2021! This video makes A LOT OF SENSE to ME!!!!
I've taken a passing interest in the occult/esoteric, though I dont know much. Thanks for your channel. Where would I begin in actually learning about the occult? I've thought about learning and trying necromancy
if you're a dabbler, just read all you can about it. Necromancy is not mediumship, it's sorcery that raises and engages the dead to one's advantage. Takes some serious study and practice over a number of years while developing spiritual maturity.
Get "The Mystical Qabalah" on audible. You're welcome and much love
I just read a post on forum about datura and one guy said "Once, I meditated on the sigil of the demon Dantalion, of the Ars Goetia, and experienced out of body visions of being in a desert with a camel staring at me with psychedelic colors on its fur, then I was on the coast by a lighthouse with a green light..." i think this happened to him when he mixed microdose of datura with amanita muscaria mushroom, so i decided to do a little research on demons and found your videos, i just started experimenting with microdoses of datura for lucid dreaming, i take 3 seeds a few hours before falling asleep and my dreams are now even more vivid and i remember more, i was going to sea buckthorn berry plantation which is like 1.5km from my house to pick some and on the way i could see daturas everywhere so i took this as a symbol that i should start experimenting with it, it seemed as if someone had planted it there intentionally and now it's really wild and grows even 2km around that area, I have already mastered my subconsciousness and created 7th heaven for myself internally as well as externally through spiritual evolution, do you think i should meditate on the sigil of Dantalion? Probably not right? I was hoping he could give me beautiful vision when i close my eyes and make me even more lucid in reality as well as in my dreams, but i think that demon is like us and would want something appropriate in exchange, i don't think he would do it for me for nothing, so i might as well do it alone now that i am gaining so much knowledge and power. I've heard great things about smoking datura leaves because smoking them is much less toxic, so i'll try it and see how my intense meditations will go and if i see something awesome, last night after i took 3 datura seeds i could see some awesome things in my meditation so i'll try it with smoked leaf today. Also do you know how to use sigils? Is it enough if i just look at it and let it get into my subconsciousness or do i need to meditate upon those symbols? I am from Czech Republic btw, so i might have made some mistakes there.
Datura is very dangerous friend. Be careful to stay modest with your doses. Maybe you do not have as much access to as much information on it as we do here in the United States but it is very dangerous and can easily kill you, if you take one too many seeds. There really is a very small window between "taking a hallucinatory trip" and dying, its usally only a difference of 1 or 2 seeds to many. 100s of people a year die from it here, as it grows naturally in the wild in large regions of the United States and it can also be purchased online. Be very careful also because a large majority of people describe very dark/scary/demonic experiences that go beyond hallucinations and majority of people that do it will never do it again and warn very strongly against it. People dont even talk this bad about meth or heroin which we know are absolutely awful.
Thanks for all the Goetia & Lucifer. 🙏🏼💕Thanks to help me and humanity. 🌍 💕
They are not really bad. They can help u if u need them. Dedicate yourself to them, pick the demons who are suitable with your goals. 👍
Read some S. Connolly on the matter. Deamonolatry is really interesting topic
I disagree with your conflation of our inner metaphorical demons with “real demons” which most definitely come from without. If we don’t control our inner baser emotions we can open the door to possession….. but the inner turmoil preceding this, is not demonic …. It is a catalyst to the real thing (in my less than well informed opinion 😂😂). p.s love the channel!
Have a go with this to (maybe) see what I'm talking about 😊видео.html
In the gospels demons tend to be horrified by the presence of Jesus, do you have an opinion/interpretation of the description of Jesus’ (and Paul’s) interaction with demons? I always thought it was interesting that a storm rose up on Galilee before Jesus released the Gadarene demoniac. Also Paul casts out the “Python” spirit (associated with the Delphic Oracle or regional oracles) when traveling through Greece.
The orthodox see it with tollhouses, Norse dwarves, gnomes and creatures, the celts with the fae and their kin . Theres evidence and arguments for it by Jungian perspectives and archetypes. But this was kept out of alot of public schools in the south. Along with shareable voices like Joseph Campbell.
100% Demons are a part of us, but non-dualistically so is everything as you pointed out 😊.
One practice that has really helped me is a form of Demon Alchemy, which I won’t go into the details of.
Haven’t had an issue yet but as this is a redemption and caring practice for ‘you’ and ‘them’, it’s pretty unlikely.
That said, Kali is on the altar and a good friend. They know her pretty well. 👅 🗡 🔱
heheh. I've got a huge Kali tapestry in my sewing room. :P
Nice. Pity we can’t post pics here cause I’d love to see it.
I love her bad-ass energy. Whenever any fear arises, I invoke her and that demon (and any other in my consciousness) soon get the message.
Don’t mess with the angry mother! Jai Kali Ma! 😛
Also side note. As a child I lost my source of light. I became dark. Less than a year later I began sleep walking as 3 year old. Before the year is over, grandmama takes me to WITCH doctor. She applies Magick.
One month later on a four way intersection I see what looks like Satan. Coming out of a Boulder from a half build construction building. It was hollow inside that's about it.
I witness Satan and am taken by awe,wonder, and the urge to punch his chest.
Adults soon notice and scream , "Satan, the devil, a demon, RUN!!!!" My grandma runs all the way home.
Since then I wondered. What do you make of this ordeal ?
(I kept getting interrupted while sleep walking and making circles in dirt and weird symbols with lotion,as far as riding my bicycle around in circles)
Demon - that what gives me knowledge.
How to take a control of DEMON INSIDE US? To pray for self to get Light?
I am very familiar with demons and their energy. They don’t scare me I just find them really stupid and irritating
Where did you get the Dante bust?
Dante's house (now a museum) in beautiful Florence.
what would they they desire?
What is the danger posed by a demon? Is it primarily the threat of psychological breakdown? Physical harm?
Either or, quite possibly both.
What is really frustrating to me about these videos is the lack of specifics. I want to know EXACTLY what you mean when you say that you may “not be pleased with the consequences” of trying to restrain a demon, or that there could be “nasty surprises” when dealing with a demon. What exactly are you referring to? Be specific. What exactly can happen? What exactly have you experienced? Why the generalities?
What's your opinions on Gordon White from that Runesoup site? I think whatever your views on him are shouldn't matter because he has some excellent guests on his podcasts. Just interested to hear your thoughts about the bloke though. Loving your work by the way.
Denis what is your favourite occult book of all time(so far)? Keep it up, love the reviews
If the demon is so dangerous and you need angels for protection, why would you ask it for help, and why would you be expected not to give anything back?
What kind of offering can a demon ask for? Can you you refuse his request if you don’t feel comfortable with it and part peacefully?