My personal tip: always trade something. Enemy takes drake? Take herald. Can't take herald? Take turret plates. In duo lane, if the enemy adc kills your supp, you kill their supp or adc if possible. Enemy invades your jungle? Invade their jungle later when you get the chance. Try not to give your enemy team a free advantage over your team
@@thatoneburrito6319 that's why your lanes get behind bro. Take the tax if you know you are snowballing, but if you struggling fumble a gank then steal lane farm, you are the reason for the L
My tip as support: ALWAYS adjust your build for the needs of the current game. Lots of AD on your team? Ardent. Enemy has healing? Morello. Lots of enemy AP champs? Build Locket instead of Meteor(e.g.)
As a support... when an adc is too aggressive when i used up all my mana just to heal and shield the adc but expect me to engage when i am low in mana and spell... then blaming me when he/she dies... Tip: be aware of ur team mates mana and spells before engaging
Dude, you’ve been on fire posting like everyday! Don’t get burnt out! I appreciate that you kept up when pro guides stopped for some reason. Appreciate the tips and couldn’t say how true the one is about if you die 1v1, ITS NOT THE JUNGLER’S FAULT! Every time I play jungle I just sit back and watch people not pilot well, take unnecessary damage, and are way too aggressive. Then they die in the most avoidable way. After about two more deaths they’ll call me out. On the flip side, I understand people have to be aggressive to learn the limits out their champ, but it’s not the junglers fault if you’re pushing on purpose. Keep it up man!
I definitely agree on number 7! I am a jungler main on League since season 2. But on Wild Rift I stopped choosing this position out of sheer frustration of the laners' lack of knowledge with wave management and vision control. And then they'll blame you for dying, be it from a gank or 1v1. So please, put up more content like this to educate them. ^_^
My personal go to tip is always focusing on the mini map and encouraging your team to place wards Information is key I learned this in season 4 in PC and it made me a better player. It's hard at first but as you continue to do it you'll be able to focus on the mini map while playing your best.
also check enemy respawn timing so that u dont give a free kill pushing a tower and dont go anywhere alone if u dont know where the enemy are , becuz a 1v1 can turn into a 1v2 really quick
I totally agree. I’ve turned a complete lose where people starting flaming each other’s, just by keeping calm and give direction. “Clear minions before you go out”. “Baron next. Prepare. Ward heal save ults” etc. It doesn’t have to be perfect macro as long as people are focusing on one thing at the time.
everything in this video is just straight up facts there's 1 part that I love here and it's the jungle not at fault part and yes your jungler isn't at fault that your not respecting the existence of the enemy jungler and die to a gank and it's also not he's fault why he isn't ganking your lane cause you probably suck at wave management and most importantly don't F-ing blame your jungler because he couldn't get any objectives just because your saving up your wards for the next game and couldn't set it up 30 sec before spawn
The best tip to give out to every player would be Dont greed to much and dont over extend in a trade mid max what you can and dont just focus on one item branch it out and most importantly learn the flow of the game and youre champs kit
my tip: dont treat ganks like entitlements more like a reward. no matter what lane you are in. If you are mid and you ping that you get enemy flash, im pathing over. If you have frozen the wave and the enemy has no chocie but to sit in front of your tower, im popping up like a deadbeat uncle at a family cookout. if you are losing lane and another lane is winning, i am a father getting the milk never to return.
My tip would be focus on minimap and ALWAYS WARD. Ppl in low elo are allergic to wards and start the cancerous 1/2v5 everytime. See wat objectives u can take even if u lose a dragon/tower etc. Some low elo are hard stuck cuz they have no awareness of where the enemy is at and when they die they blame everyone. There’s always a way through a losing game but don’t expect much from your randoms, look at kill feed and see who’s worth helping and which enemy sucks during match. Last never be toxic even when others are, u r trying to win the match as a team not the arguments!
Kerx u should start making shorts abt tips like antiheal against soraka cause even in master elo ppl dont know what is anti heal in gm ppl building triforce+ divine sunderer.
Antiheal in wild rift is just a placebo stat in general if only 1 or 2 players take it against champions like soraka, mundo and Fiora, because there's no enough "antiheal" items that give access for all roles to take it and make it really effective like Chemtech Putrifier and its mechanical interaction with Font of Life or Chempunk Chainsword in LOL PC.
@@slashzer001 you are right but not entirely. Yes there are not enough antiheal items in the game to suit different champions in different matchups but ignite is a very big thing when it comes to antiheal. As a support main I make sure to have all the antiheal I can get with ignite in soraka yumi matchups and also the antiheal items. Antiheal is broken in wildrift when compared to the pc version of the game where you can stop thousands of hp from healing and it’s still not enough to stop the massive amount of healing effects in the game.
@@ernigolli9981 ignite has a long cooldown and u can't rely on it in term of antihealing compared to having Morello or Mortal Reminder, and the main goal of this spell is just helping at executing enemies, literally... Also I agree with u, antiheal is broken as a stat but the items that gives it are just so bad.
The 10 second rule: will the gank still work in 10 seconds? How will the lane look in 10 seconds? This helps with considering something that is far away from you.
My personal tip is : if he doesnt deserve it, he doesnt get it. Take matters in to your own hand, dont give resources to the guy that wont make use of it, take it and carry the game yourself
As a riven OTP I normally switch between Demolish or hunter genius depending on who im laning against if they want to stay in lane or if their want to rotate to objectives
QOTD: Always turn off the all chat. Just focus on your gameplay. Before playing a game, review your previous one. It will really help you and your mind set towards your next game.
Imo all chat can be very good info so long as YOURE not the one tilted. If enemy irelia mid is spamming in all chat that her jungler is useless and how she cant carry him (happened last night), you know shes tilted and not going to play well. Take advantage of that by spam ganking mid and tilting her further 😂 now you've completely eliminated the threat of a late game irelia
And on top of that, i counter jungled the hell out of her jungler to capitalize on how bad he was, make him useless, tilt irelia more, making her useless lol
QOTD: Not dying is op. For example let's think of a scenario where you fight the enemy laner and win, but not kill. He wants to recall, but you turret dive kill him then die. Why? You even the gold. Let him recall, take over of the lane and considering vision, position of the jungler and rest laners either clear wave, recall, push, take plates/turret, take an objective etc etc. Don't die unless you absolutely took more than you gave.
QOTD: If I am split pushing please keep the enemies busy. You can either pressure the other lanes or threaten objectives so theyll be forced to rotate. No need to full commit on a 4v5 because you will lose. Just buy me some time and I will give you free towers. If the enemy insists on defending and collapsing to me then you can easily trade objectives because you now have the number advantage over them(because some of them are now coming to me) and I am the one this time who will be distracting them and buying time for you all. It's very simple but I've played with master+ who still failed to do these because some of them get over confident, engage the enemy, commit suicide, and put the blame on me saying they died because I didnt help them **sigh** These scenarios can be the deciding factors of winning the game guys. We can all have amazing early games but if we don't know how to make these kinds of decisions in the lategame we wont climb consistently. Goodluck everyone
Always have this issue with my team. They die and then blame me for not helping because they overextended abs die in team fight while I was split pushing
6:12 as a shen main (mostly river shen) I understand this. I can ult you and a taunt the enemy. I will ping my ult is up and ping the player that i will ult or plan to.
My personal tip: If you're going bot with a Pyke, don't rush into the enemy if you're a melee champion, let Pyke hook them in and gank them. There were waaaaay too many situations where a melee champion scared away a potential kill or assist :(
Understand your champion and how that champion is played best. This is really important to understand what I should pick. For example I am a jungle main and I play 3 champions with another 3-4 I am comfortable picking. I play Evelynn as my main and morgana + olaf. If you don’t understand how your champions wants to play, you won’t know if it’s even possible against the enemy champs. If I have to first pick: Evelynn it is, my main champ. But If I get to pick after most of the enemies have picked, I choose one my 3 champions based on their picks. Playing against a lot of squishy champions and not a lot of cc, I play eve. Against a lot of cc and mostly ad or ap damage, I play olaf. Against a lot of engage, I play morgana. Also you should understand when your champion is strong and how to play around that strength. Olaf: strong early to mid game (1-3 items) when the enemies don’t have enough damage on their carries. Evelynn: strong lategame (3-5 items), can oneshot any backliner with 3+ items. Fastest jungle clear in the game, only gank if you get a kill for sure. Farm if you are not ahead the enemy carries by at least 1 item, taking herold and first tower is a great way to achieve that gap. If you are ahead by a lot, congrats: you most likely won game (if your teammates are not completely braindead).Take the kills, you are the carry. Morgana: strong lategame (3-5 items), can block almost any engage and has a really fast jungle clear to get to her items. Also strong in teamfights and never pick her into an Olaf.
Demolish is the most gold in a good game but sweet tooth seems more consistent 45g per grab. If you get drqgon and constantly bust them allover the place it adds up. Not as much as as fast as demolish if you clear a tower before plates drop. Also in lower elo no one watches lanes i see so many towers lost to minions.. clean lanes up oush when on bad team . It adds gold up fast
In behalf of all junglers... thank you. hahaha the amount of times that my teammates die 1v1 in lane 3 times in a row, and then proceeds to blame the jungler happens too often.
Meta isn't always the answer is true especially in wr, in pc league Bausffs got Korean challenger with inting assasin Sion haha. He Intentionally dies to get ahead in gold.
Dragons are better than heralds in WR only in league do heralds have more impact. Plus the fact the team morale goes down a lot if someone trolls and skips the dragon fight for a herald.
All fax and u said what is always in my mind. kayle is not the champion u can trust, in 99% of the situations she will end up losing lane especially i hate her in baron i know kayle mains gonna hate this comment but guys lets be honest even with riftmaker buff she is not vulnerable to play.
Create a mental cooldown for every spell (usually big spells dont have a low cooldown - at least 40+ depending on levels -> then you can shift that a bit lower with every ult level up!)
I dont play jg often mostly mid adc support but in all three roles i always have ward for first objective watch scuttles.. hell you get a notice now. .. on big objective rights you need protect your jg so he can smite focus disruption their jg at right time so your jg can win smite fight. Ugh can say so much more.. 8ts a team game not one person fault or
Pinoys in my team were having a conversation from start to finish and i said one phrase at the end. Therefore, i got banned for disruptive chat behavior lolz. Boosting in SEA is just normal job now. pls step up ur product!
i have been snowballing in ranked with kayle not because she is broken it's more like i play super safe and farm under tower pre lvl10 and after that i fight in team fights and play more aggressive with ult and when im lvl 15 it's a gg
POV: A noob in the comment section doesn't know that dragons are based on what lanes have prio on it. Your jungler will not be able to solo it if there are 5 enemy there and his laners only prio is spam pings.
IMO. I guess EU is just bad with Kayle. We all know that WR China is the best server as of this time. That Kayle winrate there is something that EU does not know. I mean China > EU. But all of your tips are on point, except for the Kayle part, so yeah.
my tip: watch RUclips videos like these the problem, people are tryhards no life focus grinding they wont do any of this tip XD you can be smart & op thanks to these videos but that doesn't mean the rest of your teammates are the same 🙃
Qotd: Play around team fights rather than og split push and team fight. Go 5v5. Build your team around the team fight. The map here in the game is very small compared to league. If you play right as a team, not even split machine sion wont stand a chance against you. Remember, even though you lost top inhib, one baron can change everything.
Can you upload subtitles on RUclips? Are You write scripts for videos? You can just upload it in subtitles and non-English speaking viewers will be able to understand you better. Thank you! Good Luck!
The "If you die in a gank, it's not your jungler fault is yours" phrase is 50% true and 50% bullshit. Dying in a gank it's your fault, what comes next its entirely on your jungler. I am tired of junglers that see their teammates getting ganked/killed and do nothing because they heard on a RUclips video that it's not their fault. When the enemy ganks a lane you shouldn't afk farming jungle because ItS nOt YoUr fAuLt. You should take advantage of the enemy jungler showing itself. Invade his jungle, gank an other lane, take an objective opposite side of the map, etc etc. If your teammate died and you took something in return then it's 100% his fault. If he died and you did nothing, it's 30% his fault and 70% your fault. Sometimes you can't survive a gank no matter how good you react, but the jungler can always take something!
My tip is abuse champs that ur to way Good. And always ready for a blind pick and if your in last spot always know how to counter. Also always change wards from yellow pink and red if it's cool down whenever u go recall know how to use them all. As a adc main don't contest dragon if ur jungle is else where. And as a main adc my prio is not to die but my mission is to deal more damage, as a support this is must not be ur prio ur prio is to protect your carry at all cost.
My personal tip: always trade something. Enemy takes drake? Take herald. Can't take herald? Take turret plates. In duo lane, if the enemy adc kills your supp, you kill their supp or adc if possible. Enemy invades your jungle? Invade their jungle later when you get the chance. Try not to give your enemy team a free advantage over your team
This is the reason why I take cannon minions with smite. Taxes man taxes
@@arhythmn4551 for me it doesn't even matter if I fail the gank or the enemy escapes, tax is tax
This tactics works on 5man not on solo queue because you cant type or command youre random teamate while playing its hard to focus on the game
Yeah, make everything cost something. Preferably more than they got.
@@thatoneburrito6319 that's why your lanes get behind bro. Take the tax if you know you are snowballing, but if you struggling fumble a gank then steal lane farm, you are the reason for the L
My tip as support:
ALWAYS adjust your build for the needs of the current game.
Lots of AD on your team? Ardent.
Enemy has healing? Morello.
Lots of enemy AP champs? Build Locket instead of Meteor(e.g.)
As a support... when an adc is too aggressive when i used up all my mana just to heal and shield the adc but expect me to engage when i am low in mana and spell... then blaming me when he/she dies...
Tip: be aware of ur team mates mana and spells before engaging
Dude, you’ve been on fire posting like everyday! Don’t get burnt out! I appreciate that you kept up when pro guides stopped for some reason. Appreciate the tips and couldn’t say how true the one is about if you die 1v1, ITS NOT THE JUNGLER’S FAULT! Every time I play jungle I just sit back and watch people not pilot well, take unnecessary damage, and are way too aggressive. Then they die in the most avoidable way. After about two more deaths they’ll call me out. On the flip side, I understand people have to be aggressive to learn the limits out their champ, but it’s not the junglers fault if you’re pushing on purpose. Keep it up man!
I definitely agree on number 7! I am a jungler main on League since season 2. But on Wild Rift I stopped choosing this position out of sheer frustration of the laners' lack of knowledge with wave management and vision control. And then they'll blame you for dying, be it from a gank or 1v1. So please, put up more content like this to educate them. ^_^
My personal go to tip is always focusing on the mini map and encouraging your team to place wards Information is key I learned this in season 4 in PC and it made me a better player. It's hard at first but as you continue to do it you'll be able to focus on the mini map while playing your best.
also check enemy respawn timing so that u dont give a free kill pushing a tower and dont go anywhere alone if u dont know where the enemy are , becuz a 1v1 can turn into a 1v2 really quick
I totally agree. I’ve turned a complete lose where people starting flaming each other’s, just by keeping calm and give direction. “Clear minions before you go out”. “Baron next. Prepare. Ward heal save ults” etc. It doesn’t have to be perfect macro as long as people are focusing on one thing at the time.
My tip ....
As a support, support that player who knows macro and have kills don't stick with adc who's behind the gold or feeding
facts. if the adc is shit, find the one on the team who's doing well and help them snowball
6:44 thank you, ive seen top getting ganked while our jungler was ganking mid (me) then top blames jungler, then loses a 1v1 and still blames jg
everything in this video is just straight up facts
there's 1 part that I love here and it's the jungle not at fault part and yes your jungler isn't at fault that your not respecting the existence of the enemy jungler and die to a gank and it's also not he's fault why he isn't ganking your lane cause you probably suck at wave management and most importantly don't F-ing blame your jungler because he couldn't get any objectives just because your saving up your wards for the next game and couldn't set it up 30 sec before spawn
The best tip to give out to every player would be Dont greed to much and dont over extend in a trade mid max what you can and dont just focus on one item branch it out and most importantly learn the flow of the game and youre champs kit
I ran a test and 90 percent of the time the game was determined by the amount of wards placed. GG
my tip: dont treat ganks like entitlements more like a reward. no matter what lane you are in. If you are mid and you ping that you get enemy flash, im pathing over. If you have frozen the wave and the enemy has no chocie but to sit in front of your tower, im popping up like a deadbeat uncle at a family cookout. if you are losing lane and another lane is winning, i am a father getting the milk never to return.
My tip would be focus on minimap and ALWAYS WARD. Ppl in low elo are allergic to wards and start the cancerous 1/2v5 everytime. See wat objectives u can take even if u lose a dragon/tower etc. Some low elo are hard stuck cuz they have no awareness of where the enemy is at and when they die they blame everyone. There’s always a way through a losing game but don’t expect much from your randoms, look at kill feed and see who’s worth helping and which enemy sucks during match. Last never be toxic even when others are, u r trying to win the match as a team not the arguments!
Kerx u should start making shorts abt tips like antiheal against soraka cause even in master elo ppl dont know what is anti heal in gm ppl building triforce+ divine sunderer.
TRUE - but I can show some screenshots where 5 enemies have anti heal but i still did 2000-3000 heal per minute :D
Antiheal in wild rift is just a placebo stat in general if only 1 or 2 players take it against champions like soraka, mundo and Fiora, because there's no enough "antiheal" items that give access for all roles to take it and make it really effective like Chemtech Putrifier and its mechanical interaction with Font of Life or Chempunk Chainsword in LOL PC.
@@slashzer001 you are right but not entirely. Yes there are not enough antiheal items in the game to suit different champions in different matchups but ignite is a very big thing when it comes to antiheal. As a support main I make sure to have all the antiheal I can get with ignite in soraka yumi matchups and also the antiheal items. Antiheal is broken in wildrift when compared to the pc version of the game where you can stop thousands of hp from healing and it’s still not enough to stop the massive amount of healing effects in the game.
@@ernigolli9981 ignite has a long cooldown and u can't rely on it in term of antihealing compared to having Morello or Mortal Reminder, and the main goal of this spell is just helping at executing enemies, literally... Also I agree with u, antiheal is broken as a stat but the items that gives it are just so bad.
The 10 second rule: will the gank still work in 10 seconds? How will the lane look in 10 seconds? This helps with considering something that is far away from you.
A tip from me would always do something for a reason, any action you make in the game have a reason for it or try to
Listening to the Voice of WildRift talk is the best music there is 💯
My personal tip is : if he doesnt deserve it, he doesnt get it.
Take matters in to your own hand, dont give resources to the guy that wont make use of it, take it and carry the game yourself
Thank you!!!!! I’m a jungler and constantly get cussed out because of the reasons you left
As a riven OTP I normally switch between Demolish or hunter genius depending on who im laning against if they want to stay in lane or if their want to rotate to objectives
QOTD: Always turn off the all chat. Just focus on your gameplay. Before playing a game, review your previous one. It will really help you and your mind set towards your next game.
Imo all chat can be very good info so long as YOURE not the one tilted. If enemy irelia mid is spamming in all chat that her jungler is useless and how she cant carry him (happened last night), you know shes tilted and not going to play well. Take advantage of that by spam ganking mid and tilting her further 😂 now you've completely eliminated the threat of a late game irelia
And on top of that, i counter jungled the hell out of her jungler to capitalize on how bad he was, make him useless, tilt irelia more, making her useless lol
QOTD: Not dying is op. For example let's think of a scenario where you fight the enemy laner and win, but not kill. He wants to recall, but you turret dive kill him then die. Why? You even the gold. Let him recall, take over of the lane and considering vision, position of the jungler and rest laners either clear wave, recall, push, take plates/turret, take an objective etc etc. Don't die unless you absolutely took more than you gave.
QOTD: If you're losing your lane and tower may not save; then it's better to leave and let the tower get destroyed than die with the tower
QOTD: If I am split pushing please keep the enemies busy. You can either pressure the other lanes or threaten objectives so theyll be forced to rotate. No need to full commit on a 4v5 because you will lose. Just buy me some time and I will give you free towers. If the enemy insists on defending and collapsing to me then you can easily trade objectives because you now have the number advantage over them(because some of them are now coming to me) and I am the one this time who will be distracting them and buying time for you all.
It's very simple but I've played with master+ who still failed to do these because some of them get over confident, engage the enemy, commit suicide, and put the blame on me saying they died because I didnt help them **sigh** These scenarios can be the deciding factors of winning the game guys. We can all have amazing early games but if we don't know how to make these kinds of decisions in the lategame we wont climb consistently. Goodluck everyone
Always have this issue with my team. They die and then blame me for not helping because they overextended abs die in team fight while I was split pushing
I haven't been on Wild Rift in a while because of work and the Lillia in the thumbnail got me SO excited smh
blind pickable vid would be really good
Loving all the fun new videos! =D
loved your ekko gameplay! i forgot that there is nashor's tooth in the shop for me to buy when i use these type of junglers lol ty
Never tilt put on party chat XD
6:12 as a shen main (mostly river shen) I understand this. I can ult you and a taunt the enemy. I will ping my ult is up and ping the player that i will ult or plan to.
My personal tip: If you're going bot with a Pyke, don't rush into the enemy if you're a melee champion, let Pyke hook them in and gank them. There were waaaaay too many situations where a melee champion scared away a potential kill or assist :(
Thanks for the tips🖤
Understand your champion and how that champion is played best. This is really important to understand what I should pick. For example I am a jungle main and I play 3 champions with another 3-4 I am comfortable picking. I play Evelynn as my main and morgana + olaf. If you don’t understand how your champions wants to play, you won’t know if it’s even possible against the enemy champs.
If I have to first pick: Evelynn it is, my main champ.
But If I get to pick after most of the enemies have picked, I choose one my 3 champions based on their picks.
Playing against a lot of squishy champions and not a lot of cc, I play eve. Against a lot of cc and mostly ad or ap damage, I play olaf. Against a lot of engage, I play morgana.
Also you should understand when your champion is strong and how to play around that strength.
Olaf: strong early to mid game (1-3 items) when the enemies don’t have enough damage on their carries.
Evelynn: strong lategame (3-5 items), can oneshot any backliner with 3+ items. Fastest jungle clear in the game, only gank if you get a kill for sure. Farm if you are not ahead the enemy carries by at least 1 item, taking herold and first tower is a great way to achieve that gap. If you are ahead by a lot, congrats: you most likely won game (if your teammates are not completely braindead).Take the kills, you are the carry.
Morgana: strong lategame (3-5 items), can block almost any engage and has a really fast jungle clear to get to her items. Also strong in teamfights and never pick her into an Olaf.
My personal tip. Have at least one champion in every role that you know how to play! So you aren't throwing games for no reason
Wow Kerxx This Is Awesome I Love This Vid.
Gg bro good tips
Trust hurts, but losing hurts more. Learn from these tips.
damn that was deep tho
Addapt your builds after your enemies.
Play with confidence !
Please do the best blind picking picks video! 3 champs for each lane!
Lets go blind pick series
Thank you sir for this tips! 🙂
We need MOAAAAR tips video. Also, he is right about dragons.
blindpicking champs guide or smth would be helpful
Demolish is the most gold in a good game but sweet tooth seems more consistent 45g per grab. If you get drqgon and constantly bust them allover the place it adds up. Not as much as as fast as demolish if you clear a tower before plates drop. Also in lower elo no one watches lanes i see so many towers lost to minions.. clean lanes up oush when on bad team . It adds gold up fast
QOTD: Smash everything. ( Sion main )
everyday uploads. good shit
I never blame my jungle when I fail my own lane.
OFC, if jg isn't ganking somewhere else when available, I blame him.
In behalf of all junglers... thank you. hahaha
the amount of times that my teammates die 1v1 in lane 3 times in a row, and then proceeds to blame the jungler happens too often.
How did you get dragon and plant prioritize?
Meta isn't always the answer is true especially in wr, in pc league Bausffs got Korean challenger with inting assasin Sion haha.
He Intentionally dies to get ahead in gold.
well, that doesn't mean just dying. His strat works because he takes cs and towers
Dragons are better than heralds in WR only in league do heralds have more impact. Plus the fact the team morale goes down a lot if someone trolls and skips the dragon fight for a herald.
All fax and u said what is always in my mind. kayle is not the champion u can trust, in 99% of the situations she will end up losing lane especially i hate her in baron i know kayle mains gonna hate this comment but guys lets be honest even with riftmaker buff she is not vulnerable to play.
Really good tutorial
wild rift players always blame jungler if they didn't get dragon or die for to steal dragon.
How do keep track of enemies ult cool down ? Do you need to learn every ult cd length?
Create a mental cooldown for every spell (usually big spells dont have a low cooldown - at least 40+ depending on levels -> then you can shift that a bit lower with every ult level up!)
I dont play jg often mostly mid adc support but in all three roles i always have ward for first objective watch scuttles.. hell you get a notice now. .. on big objective rights you need protect your jg so he can smite focus disruption their jg at right time so your jg can win smite fight. Ugh can say so much more.. 8ts a team game not one person fault or
No matter how many times you day "dragons are not important" I'll always take it over herald
Yo, this narrator sounds like SivHD :o luv him btw
the tuttifrutti turretblock shaped my past :O
Tip: do not die!!
Pinoys in my team were having a conversation from start to finish and i said one phrase at the end. Therefore, i got banned for disruptive chat behavior lolz. Boosting in SEA is just normal job now. pls step up ur product!
Why do you have lillia in the thumbnail?
I agree baron has more impact then anything
2:21 Nautilus is speaking Dutch. Gekoloniseerd
I always ban lee sin because my teams rarely adjust their early laning based on his presence.
My Personal Tip: Aim your skills. Don't button mash...
Qotd : farm >>> kills, farm >>>> gank
Pls do blind picks video
Champion guides pls 😇
i have been snowballing in ranked with kayle not because she is broken it's more like i play super safe and farm under tower pre lvl10 and after that i fight in team fights and play more aggressive with ult and when im lvl 15 it's a gg
people still don't know how to play against kayle hence why she is playable still
I agree
Neither objective is worth if you lose it. Both are team contested if teams are wise. Dragons are valuable dont just let your enemy take them idgi
pov: the talking jungle giving you tips right now is playing in low elo and hasn't gotten first dragon OOF
POV: A noob in the comment section doesn't know that dragons are based on what lanes have prio on it. Your jungler will not be able to solo it if there are 5 enemy there and his laners only prio is spam pings.
Lol Lillia I wish she was in she's my main jg
why lilia on thumbnail thought
Yeah i cant express that enough why tf int for a dragon when they all are gonna die like soloq is horrendous.
What if your teammates have no skills?
Don't give up, farm and yes stop dying and flaming for dragon. 😱
Yess go rift first for plates stop prioritizing first drake specially if ur a scaling comp
Yo what is LILLIA doing on the thumbnail???? Tbh something everybody needs to know what anti heal is only just that
Hello fellow mobiledikehads
Surya bro hamara Wildrift india 🇮🇳ka telegram group hai join karoge kya 😇
IMO. I guess EU is just bad with Kayle. We all know that WR China is the best server as of this time. That Kayle winrate there is something that EU does not know. I mean China > EU. But all of your tips are on point, except for the Kayle part, so yeah.
QOTD:blame your jungler
my tip: watch RUclips videos like these
the problem, people are tryhards no life focus grinding they wont do any of this tip XD
you can be smart & op thanks to these videos
but that doesn't mean the rest of your teammates are the same 🙃
My personal tip:
DO NOT type and flaming in game.😂
Play around team fights rather than og split push and team fight.
Go 5v5. Build your team around the team fight.
The map here in the game is very small compared to league. If you play right as a team, not even split machine sion wont stand a chance against you.
Remember, even though you lost top inhib, one baron can change everything.
Thing is most of the time your background gameplay is distraction, when you teach something new ..
Don’t EVER pay attention to chat. Or even better, turn it off
Can you upload subtitles on RUclips? Are You write scripts for videos? You can just upload it in subtitles and non-English speaking viewers will be able to understand you better. Thank you! Good Luck!
Don’t blind pick Yone* I’ve been beating that guy since he came in the game 😂
Wait… Lilia ?’
Garen is annoying even trying to pick against him
The "If you die in a gank, it's not your jungler fault is yours" phrase is 50% true and 50% bullshit. Dying in a gank it's your fault, what comes next its entirely on your jungler. I am tired of junglers that see their teammates getting ganked/killed and do nothing because they heard on a RUclips video that it's not their fault. When the enemy ganks a lane you shouldn't afk farming jungle because ItS nOt YoUr fAuLt. You should take advantage of the enemy jungler showing itself. Invade his jungle, gank an other lane, take an objective opposite side of the map, etc etc. If your teammate died and you took something in return then it's 100% his fault. If he died and you did nothing, it's 30% his fault and 70% your fault. Sometimes you can't survive a gank no matter how good you react, but the jungler can always take something!
QOTD: Dont follow
My tip is abuse champs that ur to way Good. And always ready for a blind pick and if your in last spot always know how to counter. Also always change wards from yellow pink and red if it's cool down whenever u go recall know how to use them all. As a adc main don't contest dragon if ur jungle is else where. And as a main adc my prio is not to die but my mission is to deal more damage, as a support this is must not be ur prio ur prio is to protect your carry at all cost.
my tip look at the damn map
First have a good team
Aurelion destroy yone so hard.. ez
Bunch of noobs in the comment section mostly laners that doesn't understand the jungle role. No wonder lol.