This is my way to take Mr.Elliot's classes in RUclips. 1. Choose a class for the day 2. click 엄지 척 first 3. watch or wait until advertisements over 4. focus, concentrate, and learn 5. repeat
27일차 오늘도 감사합니다! 1. mistake: 실수, (사람을)착각하다 - I made a mistake. - I mistook time for my friend. 2. misstep: 헛딛다(비유적으로 자주 사용함) - It was a misstep that the company never recovered from. 3. mistreat: 착취하다, 학대하다 -During his tenure, he was notorious for mistreating his employees. - People shouldn't mistreat animals. 4. mishear: 잘못 듣다 - I think I may misheard you earlier. 5. misinform: 잘못 알려주다 - It seems like you've been misinformed. 6. misplace: 잃어버리다 - I've misplaced my keys 7. misbehave: (주로 어린아이에 대해) 버릇없이 행동하다 - That student has been continuously misbehaving in class. 8. miscalculation: 오산 - Assuming his opponent would give up easily was a major miscalculation. 9. miscommunication: 오해 - A miscommunication during contract negotiations led them to scrap the whole deal. 10. misconception: 틀린 생각, 잘못된 정보 * common misconception: 널리 알려진 잘못된 정보 - It's a common misconception that Napoleon was a short man.
2018.1.29. Note-taking * mistake n. (동사 make와 어울려) 실수 ex) He made a mistake. 그는 실수를 저질렀다. ex) Mistakes were made. (책임을 회피하는 것처럼 의역하면) 뭔가 실수가 있었나 봅니다. v. (mistook의 형태로) 오해하다, 착각하다 ex) 「The man who mistook his wife for a hat」 「아내를 모자로 착각한 남자」 ex) I mistook him for my friend. 나는 그 사람이 내 친구인 줄 알았다. * misstep 실족, 헛디딤, 실수 ex) It was a misstep that the company never recovered from. 그 기업이 복구되지 못한 것은 실책이었다. * mistreat 갑질하다 (≒ exploit 노동력을 착취하다), 학대하다 ex) During his tenure, he was notorious for mistreating his employees. 그는 임기 동안 [직원들에게 갑질하는 / 직원들을 노예처럼 부리는] 것으로 악명이 높았다. ex) People should never mistreat animals. 인간들은 동물들을 학대해선 안 된다. * mishear 잘못 듣다, 착각해서 듣다. ex) I think I may have misheard you earlier. 이전에 하신 말씀을 제가 잘못 알아들은 것 같아요. ex) I never said that. You must have misheard (me). 난 그런 말 한 적 없어. 네가 잘못 들었겠지. * misform 잘못된 정보를 알리다 ex) It seems like you've been misinformed. 잘못된 정보를 들으셨나 봐요. * misplace (물건을) 잃다 ex) I've misplaced my keys. 열쇠 잃어버렸어. * misbehave (대체로 나이 어린 사람들에게 사용) 버릇없이 행동하다 ex) That student has been continually misbehaving in class. 저 학생은 수업 시간에 계속 태도가 불량하다. * miscalculation 오산, 착오 ex) Assuming his opponent would give up easily was a major miscalculation. 상대편이 쉽게 포기할 것이라는 예상은 크나큰 오산이었다. * miscommunication (대화상의) 오해 ex) A miscommunication during contract negotiations led them to scrap the whole deal. 계약 협상 중에 발생한 오해가 거래 전체를 무산되도록 만들었다. * misconception 그릇된 생각(≒myth) ex) It's a common misconception that Napoleon was a short man. 나폴레옹이 키 작은 사람이었다는 것은 그릇된 통념이다. < Tip > 나는 여기가 좋아. I really like this place. (O) I really like it here. (O) I really like here. (X) < Voca > * tenure 임기, 재임, 신분 보장권, 보유권 * scrap n. 조각, 조금 v. 버리다, (계획 등을) 파기하다
마이클선생님 질문이 하나 있는데요. 제가 외국에 자주 가는데 외국에서 들을만한 라디오 프로그램이 너무 궁금합니다. 특히 배철수 음악캠프 같은 미국 라디오 프로그램이 있나요?가장 대중적이면서도 모든 장르를 다 다루고 여러 subsection이 있어서 다양한 컨텐츠를 다루는 누구나 알만한 영어 라디오 프로그램 이런거 유튜브 비디오로 만들어도 좋을 것 같아요.추천 좀 부탁드릴게요
1.Maybe I made a lot of mistake but it's just another pass old and past story 2.I mistook them for good friends 3.Mistakes were made I've got nothing to say 4.Initial misstep can be your worst endless nightmare you ever seen 5.Some times you might be mistreat your stuff 6.I brought this recorder in case I misheard boss's announcement 7.He never said that this machine is working I think you misinformed 8.when I 10 years old I misplaced a lots of pencil and when I 16 I always misplaced my stuff 9.any of school there are always exist misbehaving students 10.They are finally realized that they've been miscalculated for society is how works 11.First we have to make sure do not making miscommunication 12.In "Legend of Zelda" Many people have been misinformed the main playable character's name is "Zelda" But but main playable character's name is "Link" It's a common misconception of Nintendo games
I misheard something and I've misinformed about that others. Even though I'm staving to death I'm not working with him. He is notoriously mistreating for a person who's new to a field. We got off on the worng foot that was an initial misstep.
'Mis'로 시작되는 중요한 어휘! 1. mistake make a mistake : 실수하다 He made a mistake Mistakes were made mistake : 사람을 착각하다 The man who mistook his wife for a hat I mistook him for a good friend 2. misstep : 헛디딤, 실수 It was a misstep that the company never recovered from An initial misstep 3. mistreat: 막 대하다, 착취하다 (exploit) During his tenure, he was notorious for his mistreating his employees People should never mistreat animals It sounds like he's been mistreating you 4. mishear : 잘못듣다 I think I have misheard you earlier I think I have misheard his statement from earlier I never said that. You must have misheard (me) 5. misinform : 잘못알려주다 I misinformed him It seems like you've been misinformed Well, I guess I was misinformed 6. misplace : 잃어버리다 It looks like I've misplaced my keys/cell phone/ school books/ bag 7. misbehave : 버릇없이 굴다 That student has been continually misbehaving in class He's been misbehaving again 8. miscalculation : 오산 Assuming that his opponent would give up easily was a major miscalculation It was a fatal miscalculation 9. miscommunication : 오해 There was a miscommunication A miscommunication during contract negotiations led them to scrap (버리다) the whole deal 10. misconception : 잘못된 생각 common misconceptions It's a common misconception that Napoleon was short
이번 녹화는 바로 일상에서 사용할 단어/ 용법이네요. 배우고 바로 사용했습니다. 감사합니다.
This is my way to take Mr.Elliot's classes in RUclips.
1. Choose a class for the day
2. click 엄지 척 first
3. watch or wait until advertisements over
4. focus, concentrate, and learn
5. repeat
감사 감사요❤
선생님,늘 감사드립니다. 영어뿐아니라 정말 "스승"이십니다. 구독자를 학생으로 생각하고 강의 올려주시는 정성에 매번 감동합니다. 일 잘하고 돌아오시길 기다리겠습니다. 선생님 계신 곳도 추운가요?
미국에서도 애써주셔서 감사합니다. 감기 조심하세요.^^
감사합니다. 미국에 계시니 확실히 여유로워 보이셔서 보기 좋습니다.^^
GRE 강의 항상 기대하고 있습니다.
Thank you.
전치사별로 주요 표현 정리하는 건 어떨까요? 전치사감을 잘 잡을 수 있을 것 같아서요!!>< 매일 올려주셔서 항상 감사한 마음입니다. 친구들에게도 추천할게요!
Eik plus도 방금 구독 했습니다
정말 고마습니다
영포자들의 영웅이세요 ㅎㅎ
Thank you~~~^^ 푹 쉬시고 빨리 오세용~~^^
마이클 쌤 덕분에 요즘 매일 영어 공부하게 되네요!!!감사합니다!!!👍👍👍
수업내용 일상회화에서 자연스럽게 쓸수 있는 유용한 표현들이어서 다른 분들의 강의보다 더 좋아요.항상 감사드려요.
27일차 오늘도 감사합니다!
1. mistake: 실수, (사람을)착각하다
- I made a mistake.
- I mistook time for my friend.
2. misstep: 헛딛다(비유적으로 자주 사용함)
- It was a misstep that the company never recovered from.
3. mistreat: 착취하다, 학대하다
-During his tenure, he was notorious for mistreating his employees.
- People shouldn't mistreat animals.
4. mishear: 잘못 듣다
- I think I may misheard you earlier.
5. misinform: 잘못 알려주다
- It seems like you've been misinformed.
6. misplace: 잃어버리다
- I've misplaced my keys
7. misbehave: (주로 어린아이에 대해) 버릇없이 행동하다
- That student has been continuously misbehaving in class.
8. miscalculation: 오산
- Assuming his opponent would give up easily was a major miscalculation.
9. miscommunication: 오해
- A miscommunication during contract negotiations led them to scrap the whole deal.
10. misconception: 틀린 생각, 잘못된 정보
* common misconception: 널리 알려진 잘못된 정보
- It's a common misconception that Napoleon was a short man.
쌤 미드나 외국인 친규랑 대화하는데 쌤이 갈쳐준 표현이 아주 자주 나와서 ^^정말 감사합니당 쌤 아님 평생 모르고 답답해햇을거에요...
항상 감사합니다 :)
이제 이번달도 얼마 안남았네요 하루 일정시간에 꾸준히 한다는게 정말 힘드네요 선생님을 응원할게요 그리고 저 자신도 힘을 내봅니다
1시간 정도 되는 영상을 찍느라 많이 고생하셨겠어요. 한편으로는 필기할 생각으로 조금 걱정되긴 하지만, 선생님께서 전부 떠먹여 주시는 거니까 감사하는 마음으로 조금씩 열심히 해보겠습니다. 감사합니다.
2018.1.29. Note-taking
* mistake
n. (동사 make와 어울려) 실수
ex) He made a mistake.
그는 실수를 저질렀다.
ex) Mistakes were made.
(책임을 회피하는 것처럼 의역하면) 뭔가 실수가 있었나 봅니다.
v. (mistook의 형태로) 오해하다, 착각하다
ex) 「The man who mistook his wife for a hat」
「아내를 모자로 착각한 남자」
ex) I mistook him for my friend.
나는 그 사람이 내 친구인 줄 알았다.
* misstep 실족, 헛디딤, 실수
ex) It was a misstep that the company never recovered from.
그 기업이 복구되지 못한 것은 실책이었다.
* mistreat 갑질하다
(≒ exploit 노동력을 착취하다), 학대하다
ex) During his tenure, he was notorious for mistreating his employees.
그는 임기 동안 [직원들에게 갑질하는
/ 직원들을 노예처럼 부리는] 것으로 악명이 높았다.
ex) People should never mistreat animals.
인간들은 동물들을 학대해선 안 된다.
* mishear 잘못 듣다, 착각해서 듣다.
ex) I think I may have misheard you earlier.
이전에 하신 말씀을 제가 잘못 알아들은 것 같아요.
ex) I never said that. You must have misheard (me).
난 그런 말 한 적 없어. 네가 잘못 들었겠지.
* misform 잘못된 정보를 알리다
ex) It seems like you've been misinformed.
잘못된 정보를 들으셨나 봐요.
* misplace (물건을) 잃다
ex) I've misplaced my keys.
열쇠 잃어버렸어.
* misbehave (대체로 나이 어린 사람들에게 사용) 버릇없이 행동하다
ex) That student has been continually misbehaving in class.
저 학생은 수업 시간에 계속 태도가 불량하다.
* miscalculation 오산, 착오
ex) Assuming his opponent would give up easily was a major miscalculation.
상대편이 쉽게 포기할 것이라는 예상은 크나큰 오산이었다.
* miscommunication (대화상의) 오해
ex) A miscommunication during contract negotiations led them to scrap the whole deal.
계약 협상 중에 발생한 오해가 거래 전체를 무산되도록 만들었다.
* misconception 그릇된 생각(≒myth)
ex) It's a common misconception that Napoleon was a short man.
나폴레옹이 키 작은 사람이었다는 것은 그릇된 통념이다.
< Tip >
나는 여기가 좋아.
I really like this place. (O)
I really like it here. (O)
I really like here. (X)
< Voca >
* tenure 임기, 재임, 신분 보장권, 보유권
* scrap n. 조각, 조금
v. 버리다, (계획 등을) 파기하다
저도 EiK 구독했어요~~^^
10:36 처럼 미묘한 차이까지 알려주시니 너무 감사해요^^
GRE도 영어뉴스도 너무 기다려져요.
it is a common misconception that speaking
english is hard, but it is easy to understand with eik.....
Great tips!
마이클선생님 질문이 하나 있는데요. 제가 외국에 자주 가는데 외국에서 들을만한 라디오 프로그램이 너무 궁금합니다. 특히 배철수 음악캠프 같은 미국 라디오 프로그램이 있나요?가장 대중적이면서도 모든 장르를 다 다루고 여러 subsection이 있어서 다양한 컨텐츠를 다루는 누구나 알만한 영어 라디오 프로그램 이런거 유튜브 비디오로 만들어도 좋을 것 같아요.추천 좀 부탁드릴게요
1.Maybe I made a lot of mistake but it's just another pass old and past story
2.I mistook them for good friends
3.Mistakes were made I've got nothing to say
4.Initial misstep can be your worst endless
nightmare you ever seen
5.Some times you might be mistreat your stuff
6.I brought this recorder in case I misheard boss's announcement
7.He never said that this machine is working I think you misinformed
8.when I 10 years old I misplaced a lots of
pencil and when I 16 I always misplaced my stuff
9.any of school there are always exist misbehaving students
10.They are finally realized that they've been miscalculated for society is how works
11.First we have to make sure do not making miscommunication
12.In "Legend of Zelda" Many people have been misinformed the main playable character's name is "Zelda"
But but main playable character's name is "Link"
It's a common misconception of Nintendo games
마이클샘 어디 가셨어요?
I misheard something and I've misinformed about that others.
Even though I'm staving to death
I'm not working with him.
He is notoriously mistreating for
a person who's new to a field.
We got off on the worng foot that
was an initial misstep.
'Mis'로 시작되는 중요한 어휘!
1. mistake
make a mistake : 실수하다
He made a mistake
Mistakes were made
mistake : 사람을 착각하다
The man who mistook his wife for a hat
I mistook him for a good friend
2. misstep : 헛디딤, 실수
It was a misstep that the company never recovered from
An initial misstep
3. mistreat: 막 대하다, 착취하다 (exploit)
During his tenure, he was notorious for his mistreating his employees
People should never mistreat animals
It sounds like he's been mistreating you
4. mishear : 잘못듣다
I think I have misheard you earlier
I think I have misheard his statement from earlier
I never said that. You must have misheard (me)
5. misinform : 잘못알려주다
I misinformed him
It seems like you've been misinformed
Well, I guess I was misinformed
6. misplace : 잃어버리다
It looks like I've misplaced my keys/cell phone/ school books/ bag
7. misbehave : 버릇없이 굴다
That student has been continually misbehaving in class
He's been misbehaving again
8. miscalculation : 오산
Assuming that his opponent would give up easily was a major miscalculation
It was a fatal miscalculation
9. miscommunication : 오해
There was a miscommunication
A miscommunication during contract negotiations led them to scrap (버리다) the whole deal
10. misconception : 잘못된 생각
common misconceptions
It's a common misconception that Napoleon was short