Topical Preaching vs Verse by Verse Preaching || Read the Bible every day - Paul Washer


Комментарии • 83

  • @chrismarimon
    @chrismarimon Год назад +59

    Thank you for this, a young Christian who is into body building, this has reminded me of the importance of spiritual mass over physical mass, for what good is it if I gain the approval of man and woman for my body but lose my soul in the process by not seeking His Word daily, thank you 🙏🏼

    • @StallionFernando
      @StallionFernando Год назад +4

      Nothing wrong with building a nive physique or working out. Just have to make sure we have our priorities in check and God always comes first.

    • @BrianPruett
      @BrianPruett Год назад

      Let’s goooo brother 💯

    • @blizzard1646
      @blizzard1646 Месяц назад

      But don’t forget It gives that example of physical workout and health bc it’s like the second most important thing in life. Keep your health good and you can serve God a lot longer in life and more abundantly. People don’t wanna take care of themselves selves and workout then when they get sick it’s oh Jesus heal me help me and he’s probably thinking well you should of took care yourself but you neglected it. And yes I do understand we can and will get sick even if we do workout but if we strive in that area we can a lot more for God. The body is our temple to the lord so we need to care for it.

  • @briarpatchson3039
    @briarpatchson3039 Год назад +13

    ✝ 2 Timothy 2:15
    "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

  • @ronnycarney4719
    @ronnycarney4719 3 года назад +17

    Knowledge puffs up love builds up understanding brings life and it is the spirit who gives us an understanding thank you father thank you for your son just like Isaiah said unless the Lord has left us descendants we would’ve become like Sodom we would’ve been like Gomorrah thank you father for your son the Christ peace be with you🍷🍞

  • @marcusburnett936
    @marcusburnett936 2 месяца назад +1

    I am on my 2nd pass of this reading plan. I plan to do it every year! It has been a blessing!

  • @jeffreyelya9996
    @jeffreyelya9996 Год назад +25

    What Paul is describing here is the idea that you have to read, and re-read scripture. What's hard for me to see is that I will come across professing believers who clearly tell me they haven't read the Bible all the way through. I'm not trying to single him out, but my roommate hasn't read it all the way through. I never bothered to write down questions when I went through it the first two to three times, but what I'm finding out now is that whenever the lead pastor at the church gets the audience to join in on a verse, w/o help on the screen, the verse comes out automatically.
    Currently, I've actually lost count as to how many times I've read it all the way through. Last I checked it was to 13 or 14, but the point is, write it on your heart. The more I think about it, the more it changes me. The more I think about it, I am finding that I care less about the things of this world, and more about Christ.

    • @jvnd2785
      @jvnd2785 Год назад +4

      Indeed, brother. Write the Scripture on your heart and then act accordingly. We are to be more than just readers of the Bible. We are to be doers of the Word. The old Hebraic view was like this: you can only demonstrate your faith by acting it out, not by talking/thinking about. Merely talking and thinking is the Hellenistic approach which was/is at odds with the approach of the biblical Israelites. One has to DO God's will and obey His law.

    • @Rp-wt7uz
      @Rp-wt7uz Год назад +5

      That’s good brother, do not be prideful about it though, we are all at different points in our faith.

    • @godzoo18
      @godzoo18 8 дней назад

      Really? People, includiing many of the greatest minds that have ever walked this earth and been reading and re-reading it for 3,000 years and still can't get even the simplest basics right or agree on anything.

    • @chrisdiaz577
      @chrisdiaz577 7 дней назад

      ​@@godzoo18 because you dont need a great mind or to be super smart to read and understand the Bible. You need the Holy Spirit.

    • @godzoo18
      @godzoo18 7 дней назад

      @@chrisdiaz577 Almost right, that is in fact the ONLY way to learn anyhitng at all, It's by invitation only... you only need God.. then he sends His holy spriit (active force) to reveal and open the scriptures for you. Hope you don't make the fatal mistake of assuming the holy spirit is part of some pagan triune, Hindustan godhead and acts independently of the Creator.

  • @geniesmith7319
    @geniesmith7319 6 месяцев назад +1

    Ive being following the M'Cheyne Bible reading plan for 3 years now and will continue to use it.

  • @journeyfortwo5211
    @journeyfortwo5211 Год назад +1

    Awesome. I love that notebook of questions idea

  • @1Thessalonians5.21
    @1Thessalonians5.21 Год назад

    Thank you. Very important, solid advice.

  • @BibleAndFriends
    @BibleAndFriends Год назад +1

    Great advice from Paul on reading the Bible!

  • @abbylavacque7389
    @abbylavacque7389 7 месяцев назад +1

    I wrote down questions as I read but often looked for answers elsewhere after reading but I absolutely love that there will be an answer somewhere else in the text!!! Thank you for that!!!!!

  • @ccribbon
    @ccribbon 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing the words of this blessed man ❤

  • @joesongba89
    @joesongba89 Год назад +1

    Blessed 🙏

  • @connaitredieu_
    @connaitredieu_ Год назад

    Thank you so much for this video. It helps me a lot!

  • @ronnycarney4719
    @ronnycarney4719 3 года назад +6

    When you read the Bible you’re reading letters you read from the beginning to the end of that one letter and the spirit brings the message that he wants you to have and then go back and get confirmation time looking stuff up because the spirit is the teacher peace be with you🍷🍞

  • @laundrybest2290
    @laundrybest2290 Год назад +1

    Good answers

  • @roberttrevino62800
    @roberttrevino62800 2 года назад +1

    Much wisdom

    • @freshliving4199
      @freshliving4199 Год назад

      Which part is wise?

    • @dancooper6447
      @dancooper6447 Год назад

      @@freshliving4199 - I may be mistaken, but I take the comment as meaning that, rather than to skip around in the Bible to become familiar with one particular topic (topical reading), read the entire Bible (expository reading). I agree with the previous post; by reading it all, you do develop more/much wisdom.

  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 Год назад +3

    Study ( not just read ) to show thyself approved of God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth. 2 Timothy 2:15. Yes read scripture for it will never return void. However we are commanded to Study scripture only to seek approval from God alone. Then we are to work at this study always " rightly dividing" - Greek word " Orthotoméo " - to disect perfectly to line oneself up perfectly in that truth! Surgeon said: " Study scripture like a miner digging for gold"

  • @narrowgate4498
    @narrowgate4498 Месяц назад

    Topical preaching vs expository verse by verse teaching. Two different things.

  • @earifin
    @earifin Месяц назад

    I agreed that topical bible study is the best way to have a holistic and objective understanding, including contradictions, missunderstanding and mistakes committed by bible writers. Indeed God did not prevent bible writers make mistakes, indeed He provides more than one writers, so the readers could vaildate and verify. It dfollows the same principle of RAID storage technology to preserve data integrity.
    However topical study method is only cover a skin deep of the quest in finding God's truth, the truth that will set you free from deceptions,and religious non sense,
    1. Lay down your inherited brainwashed dogmas, this is the most difficult part. first the presumption that all books selected and canonised by men contain nothing else but truth, secondly presumptions that the writers could not be wrong (infaliiable), cause they were inspired by Holy Spirit.
    2. How obsessed are you to know God's truth ? true worshipper is worshipping God in Spirit and Truth. Most Christians have a very subjective truth, Let yes be yes and No be No other than that comes from the devil. Are you able to say this is false or this is true, for the verse found in your bible ?
    3. Test yourself, Truth or False "The root of ALL evils is the love of money ?". if you say true because you want to stick to the doctrines (of men), well this will impacting you in your bible study, because you unable to discern false truth inside. Your bible study conclusions is just a fabricated man's made fantasy.,
    4. You don't need to learn Old Testaments, AS if tomorrow will be a judgment day, the urgency is to understand Jesus own teaching, Learn like the first disciples, at the end through Holy Spirit they could understand the scripture (old testaments) as well.
    5. Follow Jesus advise, let Holy Spirit guide you to understand His words, delivered in flesh., That's the only way to understand Jesus teaching, the gospel of Kingdom of God. If you simply rely on your brain power and somebody else devotions, it will quickly turned into false teaching.
    6. Verify all your conclusion and understanding to Jesus own words, Jesus teaching is the cornerstone of Christian believe, Every teachings should be verify to His words. Jesus words could only be verified to His own words, thats the nature of cornerstone.
    if you followed and passed all of these then you will experience spiritual growth, the living water will become a well and produce more living water from inside, It's easy to teach and preach the gospel of Kingdom of God, and answering all questions about Jesus teaching.
    Most people stucked in step 3. Good luck.

  • @redfaux74
    @redfaux74 Год назад +2

    The biggest problem with Christians today is they follow what man SAYS about the Bible more than what the Bible SAYS about the Bible. Isa. 2:11

  • @laundrybest2290
    @laundrybest2290 Год назад

    Pointing and kicking can point that Clear. BuT bible reading teach it like Hardly a long way.

  • @freshliving4199
    @freshliving4199 Год назад +2

    You could read one line in the Bible and spend a year understanding that line.
    Layer within layer of never ending understanding.
    Cramming the Bible into your head daily closes you off to this understanding.
    Knowledge vs understanding.
    Which one would you rather have?

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda Год назад +2

      Cramming the Bible into my head - all the holy words of God are necessary, or God wouldn't have given them.

    • @Lili-Benovent
      @Lili-Benovent Год назад

      All of the words and prophecies in your book of fairy tales (bible) mean exactly what you want them to mean and if they mean something different to another person then that alternative meaning is just as legitimate as yours.
      The biblical phrases and predictions are so ambiguous and vague that you can turn to any part of this fanciful book of scribblings and claim that it refers to any modern event or political scenario. The so called and mostly self appointed experts at deciphering this gobbledegook become so tied up with their interpretations that they refuse to believe that the nonsense they are reading could mean anything else other than what they think, most of the things written don`t mean anything, they are just the musings of demented authors.
      But the experts will always find hidden meanings in the largely imaginary and contradictory stories. Anybody who bases their knowledge of history on the bible does themselves an injustice, E.G. there are no records of the world being flooded in Asia, Europe or anywhere else except the Middle East, all the nonsensical stories in the bible are confined to the Middle East and the Christian God cult.

    • @jameelhambrick9041
      @jameelhambrick9041 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​​@@Lili-Benovent I feel sad for your soul if you believe the Bible is fairy tales, it makes no logical sense to believe that.
      There's so much objective, historical, divine truth that unbelievers will never know due to their extreme ignorance, not knowing that you live in a world ran by the devil and evil that hates God, the Bible or anything related.
      No matter how much you think you're not deceived, that's the whole point.
      Why do you think Jesus and Christianity is the most mocked religion?.. because if this is the devil's world, why would he waste any time mocking any other religion that doesn't have power, he wouldn't, he would mock, shove down and attack the only truth in order to keep people from it, which is why the Bible is so controversial, and banned in certain places, because it is a holy book from God.
      Now if it was a book of actual fairy tales or fiction, no one would care and it wouldn't have so much power now would it?.. I think not.
      I don't expect you to receive this because as smart as you think you are, without God revealing it to you, you will only reject what I'm telling you. The Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and it also says that the preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing.
      2 Corinthians 4:4
      4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

  • @dalebowley
    @dalebowley 2 года назад +5

    How much of scriptures is God-breathed? All of it. Topical studies is by far better than verse by verse because you get the most information out of it. Example: there are many verses that speak about salvation / being saved, or some form of “saved” speak. They’re not all in one book or chapter.

    • @vusumzingceke6518
      @vusumzingceke6518 Год назад +3

      Verse by verse does not always mean being locked in, in one passage without enriching your message through other verses. I do verse by verse because of the necessary connections that must be known. I enrich my tesching with other verses and illustrations from old Testament.

    • @freshliving4199
      @freshliving4199 Год назад

      Where does the understanding come from?

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 3 месяца назад

    the Bible is not set up as a verse, by has to dip into several verses, and Books, to make any conclusion...

  • @bobreese4807
    @bobreese4807 Год назад +1

    Topical preaching is for preachers who are 1. Too busy with other matters. 2 LAZY. 3. Have a case of Alethophobia. 4 Is still in the ROM 8:7 mode. 99% of preachers are modern bible warping/neglecting Pharisees. If you disagree, then you are out of touch with the Holy Spirit and reality.

    • @freshliving4199
      @freshliving4199 Год назад +1

      99% of preachers are talkers of the Word.
      1% are living witnesses of the Word.

    • @earlysda
      @earlysda Год назад +1

      "If you disagree, then you are out of touch with the Holy Spirit and reality."
      1Cor 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 Год назад

      @@earlysda typical ad hominem. You pick this approach by hanging around the SDA crowd. I know SDA jargon.

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 Год назад

      @@freshliving4199 The problem with almost ALL preachers is they don't know how to equip the saints for the work of ministry (How to outreach/work practically). They just throw out religious lingo/cliches to brow beat listeners. Sermons bottom line= YOU SUCK TRY HARDER!!

    • @bobreese4807
      @bobreese4807 Год назад

      The problem with almost ALL preachers is they don't know how to equip the saints for the work of ministry (How to outreach/work practically). They just throw out religious lingo/cliches to brow beat listeners. Sermons bottom line= YOU SUCK TRY HARDER!!

  • @GeorgeThePorge-xh1zo
    @GeorgeThePorge-xh1zo 6 месяцев назад


  • @jameszapata8290
    @jameszapata8290 Год назад

    A true Christian person. The apostles did not Minister from a Bible. The Apostle Minister the spirit when the spirit gave them utterance. Only Satan's Children Minister from the Bible.

    • @kylepatrick5135
      @kylepatrick5135 Год назад +11

      You should examine your faith that is probably one of the most foolish things I’ve read in a while…

    • @jameszapata8290
      @jameszapata8290 Год назад

      @@kylepatrick5135 no Kyle it's not foolish. The apostles never ministered from a Bible book. Kyle you're in a Bible delusion. The Bible is just a recorded history of what God and Jesus told the apostles and others what to do. The Bible is not the word of God. The Bible has thousands of lies in it and contradictions. If God and Jesus gave you a Bible it wouldn't have any lies in it. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit don't lie. You have a veil over your face known as the Bible. You have to rip that Veil off your face. So you can see the real truth. Your faith is in the Bible. It's not in the living Jesus Christ. You just proved it to me. You don't have the Holy Spirit In You

    • @lisaj4248
      @lisaj4248 Год назад +1

      Did you know the bible had 40 different authors, written over a span of 1500 years and written on 3 different continents.

    • @jameszapata8290
      @jameszapata8290 Год назад

      @@lisaj4248 . No Lisa I didn't know that. All I know is a bunch of wicked Kings and Constantine got up the Bible scrolls. They also change the writings in those Scrolls and change it into a law book to keep you under his authority and to put you under the old Covenant. They voted the word of God in. They also said the Bible is Holy. God said the holy spirit is Holy . No one can vote the word of God in. God never gave us Bible Scrolls or Bible books. God only poured out his holy spirit to lead us and guide us and tell us what to do.

  • @martioneal3482
    @martioneal3482 2 месяца назад

    I've listened to both, and I love Verse by Verse Ministries by the late Steven Armstrong. He taught the entire scripture, giving historical and cultural context. I've sat in different churches and never again will I walk back into those churches. They didn't teach anything but money, money, and money. They were not a shepherd at all. Hypocrites at best and the same with the majority of these on-line preachers. Every one of them have an agenda, make them rich while lying to you. I prefer verse by verse because it breaks it all down so that people like me can better understand what I'm reading. I go where God tells me to go and not only that, just because someone may not necessarily agree with one's teachings does not always mean it's wrong. The Holy Spirit will tell you if you're in the right place. Reading your Bible every day is the true key of learning who God is. It's the foundation of learning who God is and learning to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit. I'm not saying anything is wrong with traditional preaching, as long as they teach the entire Bible. Not just what they want to say or what it is they want from you.