I'm so disappointed in this episode. It's like they were peer pressuring her. Star just calling this young lady immature, a child and naive just because she doesn't want to have sex constantly. She is really making it seem like something is wrong with her. Then, they tell him nothing is wrong with having a high sex drive yet nobody said it was okay that this girl doesn't have one as high as his; Star invalidated everything she said and chalked it up to immaturity. I hope this young lady does not ignore her own sexual comfort for his needs.
Concur. He should find someone compatible with his sex drive because, as far as I'm concerned, this is a type of sexual abuse!! Sex is only a small but necessary part of a loving relationship!! The fact that he is not going outside of the relationship or engaging in adverse and perverse sexual practices does not mean he's not addicted. The professionals need to come up with a different definition!!
A sexual addiction doesn’t ONLY mean having sex. Addiction to porn, masturbating, etc. is sexual addiction. I’ve been to SA groups when I was achieving my degree. He’s very hyper-sexual. Porn sets unrealistic expectation. He may need someone to match his drive. I would be curious of his childhood as well.
I’m sorry he just a regular type of guy he definitely like sex more than most men but he not a terrible guy as much as yall paint him to be I have porn dvds I used to be in my 20s and guess what I still have them I haven’t watched them in almost 15+ years but ya know,most women don’t like real straight men in this society they want a woman inside a man’s body
Agreed sis! Hearing her validate it annoyed me. It is the demise of many marriages This stuff is not normal. Its because people have gotten away from what sex was meant for.
Or she doesn't have a sexual appetite like he does my daughter's mother used to beg to have sex with me because we were not on the same sexual level the reason she would have to beg me is because soon as she get her she's ready to roll over and go to sleep how do you have sex with somebody and you rushing them to climax always talk about how good something is but you don't even have a drive or the stamina
@bidah007 good point. No consideration for her pleasure. Just jumping up and down like a rabbit. And I bet when she says “I don’t like that,” he says “I know what I’m doing!,” and keeps going. 😂😂
It's sad that they are determining the MATURITY level of this young lady based on her sex drive or desire. This is ridiculous. She actually seemed very mature but naive to some things and her boyfriend seems to want to control the relationship by making her feel immature because she doesn't desire to have sex 24/7. I hope this young lady runs and finds a healthier relationship.
He believed he could have made this young lady into a freak .she sounds very mature for her age, the age difference plays a part and he must have a history from childhood. She has a right to say okay enough but if you know what he wants and that’s how he is then baby girl it’s okay to move on.
@oodief88 she pretended how else would they be together 3 yrs and living together, she said herself he showed her clubbing and partying on a different level she acted like a freak and thought once they move together he would change but little did she no the only reason they moved together because he thought he had an ultimate freak and she wasn't
No, he need to live alone , kick it, party. Find him 3 or 4 women to chill with whenever he wants, I'm sick of these women, than they will hate that he's a player
I don’t like how Judge tried to equate her maturity with her level of sex drive. He’s a sex addict and she’s not period. He needs help! She needs to RUN!
And it's wonderful that we are in the last of the last days. I am so looking forward to the restoration of Paradise on this earth. I understand why you can't stand it. So many people are being hurt by the decadence of our society.
He may live to regret his lifestyle. It's actually a selfish lifestyle without the knowledge or ability to exercise qualities such as restraint or consideration for the needs and desires of others.
Sex is not meant to be an everyday thing. There are times when that happens, but just remember to much of anything is not good. He is boring her by wanting to do it multiple times a day, everyday. Porn and sex materials make many people feel that life is really like that. It’s not.
You can’t say that because you aren’t that person. Ppl have different needs than others. If he wants sex everyday you either give it to him or leave him.
1 Corinth 11 8-9 says For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man. 👀
@Reezy12333 You can do what the hell you want, but don't expect a man to appreciate you. Instead of you arguing what you think I am doing,Stop and read! I was advocating for HER choice NOT to have a man have his way with her until he makes the invest of a HUSBAND. BUT you do you!
@@waltonjones5411 nah, you was telling her what to do. Women have fought for sexual liberation to sleep with whoever and whenever without being judged. Bw aren’t trying to get married. They want good pipe.
Honestly, even as a husband, I don't feel like she should feel obligated to be his sex toy [ultimately]. Just him constantly wanting sex from her, like our bodies and vaginas don't get sore and tired, is a no-go to me. It's like he just wants to get HIS rocks off however often he can, and that's his only concern.
I don’t agree with the judge on this one! he’s older, and excessive. He purposely went for a younger woman who he thought would just do what he wanted. She needs to ruuuuunnnn! They are not married and he just wants a sex toy.
The young lady is saying that she doesn't want to have sex like he wants it; 3 and 4 times a day. Sounds like he has the wrong mate. They are sexually incompatible and there is nothing wrong with her not wanting to have sex 3 to 4 times a day.
Uh uh Judge Star I dont agree with you this time. This girl is young. This dude is older and into polyamoury. What makes him a good catch? Because he seems to no cheat? So she should subject herself to sex 4x a day if she is fundamentally against it? We're not talking about 2x wkly vs 3x wkly. We're talking about 2x wkly vs 4xDAILY. If she isnt into that like that that is torture. And she doesnt have to put up with it. She isnt even married to this guy. No maam.
Trying to feed someone's sexual appetite can be a burden, esp when other needs aren't met. All that fking yet he hasn't qued in on her love language, Sir gon on.
This is the first time I disagree with Judge Star. There is nothing positive about pornography. It's a horrible addiction to have. It sets unrealistic expectations and can cause the other to feel like they're not enough.
Judge Star secured this position bc she's willing to co-sign and condone anything as far as deviancy Notice the moral decline from Toler to Faith to now Star... Never forget Star was married to a bisexual so she's in favor of just about anything
If it was trash she would’ve been left. Let’s be real. She just can’t keep up. Even though most women want a man like this. For some women it’s tooooo much.
The judge made a wise decision, to try to get this couple therapy. Mind u, we heard nothing of cheating, disrespect, financial instability, or abuse in any way. It was just a man who like to have sex. He's waited days until she was ready, I think he said he even waited a month at one point. The willingness to give up on a person/relationship VS being alone or finding someone else, for what can be reconciled, seems so easy today. Women out here that wish the only problem they had with a man, their in a relationship with, is to much sex, when she actually decides to give. If the love is there, I wish them well with therapy.
I do not agree with the advice that Star Jones or the so called therapist gave to that young lady.... She and her boyfriend are not sexually compatible. And that's fine! Don't make her feel bad about it. Maybe it's time for them to break up. He's gonna eventually cheat on her because he likes having sex so much and he's going to blame her for why he cheated.
BOTH JUDGE AND Dr Savage seem to be sex fiends. They acted like this couple is married. Judge is becoming disgusting. Considering her own history. I am getting worried for the young couples who come before her. In this case. I pray this young lady gets away from him and soon. He will eventually break her and have her doing illicit acts. He admitted he likes freak sex. Please young lady run before he puts you on the street. Why are non- married couples coming to divorce court. Just leave. Too many younger and older people are falling into traps because it is a new generation. Judge Jones seems freaky herself.
It sounds as though she feels degraded with some of the things that he “likes” and wants her to do. And he doesn’t seem interested in being considerate of her feelings.
Yes❤ She is and deserves the best. i hope he marries her because sexin with no marriage and he is already doing the most , is kinda scary. Does he have a history of 3somes? she needs to be careful🙏🏿😔
This young lady doesn’t want an extra person in the bedroom, he does. Unfortunately it didn’t work with the previous relationship it ended in divorce. Also you have children in the house be more respectful. Love is more than sex.
@@josweetlove1537 because that's the response most women have to a man on anything now. the thought of perfection has ruined most women because there is no compromise on that. dude could sneeze and there'd be a woman saying red flags and run
She isn’t ready for his sex needs and if he isn’t patient for her to grow into her sexuality they will grow apart. They need to be careful about fertility issues too
That’s what I was thinking, Judge encouraging her to try more sexually but they not even married. She seems like she wants more out of the relationship
Judge Star must just be getting tired of these cases because she hasn’t been handling them the way she used to with logic and understanding. He indeed has an addiction and it’s nothing to do with her age because he chose her at that age too.
i don't really agree with the judge too much in this one, calling her naive because she doesn't want to have sex 6 times in a row every single day is ignorant and untrue. just because you're young doesn't mean your sex drive is going to be insanely high? and she's not naive or immature because she doesn't want to have sex constantly. the problem is expecting that sex 24/7 and having a problem with your partner if they won't, you can always satisfy yourself if your sex drive is that high and your partner isn't in the mood
Her level of maturity has absolutely nothing to do with her not wanting to have back-to-back sex. It's as simple as their sex drives not being compatible.
As a woman, I don’t want to have sex three-four times a day. I don’t think the woman is the issue her man needs to stop looking at all that porn because that is making his sex drive worse and no woman wants to have sex three-four times a day.
I disagree with the judge. Some ppl don’t share the same sexual drive and it has nothing to do with maturity. The question is, can there be a compromise that makes everyone satisfied and comfortable? If not, it’s over
Judge Star once again dropped the ball on another case. I noticed for the past few weeks, she's been trying to make couples stay together, knowing the relationships are doomed. I wonder if they're trying to change the platform to where she has more relationships that stay together for a more positive outlook for the network, or she's just gotten lackadaisical, and not interested in the cases anymore? First and foremost, maturity has nothing to do with a high or low sex drive. The plaintiff is 26. She's a woman, not a immature teenager. She just doesn't like to have sex as often as he does, and that is fine. Nothing is wrong with her at all. On the other hand, he has a high sex drive, and he wants it everyday, multiple times a day. Not sure if he's a sex addict, because he stated it hasn't interrupted his daily life, because that's what an addict is. I think he's just hypersexual. Since they aren't compatible in the sex department? They shouldn't be together, because I guarantee you he's going to cheat if she's not willing to give him sex when he wants it.
People confuse things being common with being normal. Having a sex addiction is highly prevalent in today's society. Though that is the reality, it does not make it okay nor normal. Lust and greed are one in the same. This young lady pretty much said his hunger for sex is insatiable. He is only going to dive deeper into the rabbit hole. And if she doesn't break things off, she will plunge into darkness right along with him. They really need God. The both of them. I hope they come into repentance & heal. Star's lack of discernment is appalling. Her and this "therapist" sent both of them in the wrong direction.
Ew. I would never be with a man like this. He’d end up cheating anyway bc they’re never satisfied. This lady better get gone FAST bc she should not have to do things she’s uncomfortable with to satisfy him so judge trying to convince her disgusts me. Sex ain’t all about the man!!
Her sex drive & his sex drive simply don't match. There is nothing wrong with her & there is nothing wrong with him. They simply don't match. Her drive may never increase, and his may never decrease.
If he likes a committed relationship with 2women so much, then why didn't the last one work 🤔🤔🤔 thats what i would like to know because now you're with someone who isn't into that and you're still not satisfied 🤷🏽♀️
I Really Don't think this Young Man is the One For this Young Lady,🤔 her feelings Matter and if she's Not Comfortable with All the things he wants to Do she has the Right Not to Do it!!! She shouldn't Do Anything that she's Uncomfortable with just to keep him, and when he Mentioned what him and the Ex Use to Do that's A red flag because Ms. Moon isn't her🤔
You're right and I doubt therapy will fix that. It might improve their communicating skills regarding the topic. That's important for future relationships.
I don't think they need to be together. She wants more than just sex. I agree that they should have talked about what the expectations they have in the bedroom, but at the same time she doesn't have to match his expectations when it sounds like he's not matching hers.
The sex is probably just not good. She never said she liked it. She never bragged. She never smiled while talking about it. 26 years old is not young. He doesn't stimulate her mind. The sex might be boring or he isn't satisfying her. He may not be connecting with her mentally. He might not turn her on. Intimacy starts long before the sex. Has nothing to do with maturity.
Run girl. What is going to happen if she gets sick or even when she gets pregnant and start raising a family. It will never be enough. He has a problem
Some men expect all women to be as sexually advanced as they are; however, this is not true. A mature man with a woman who is younger and/or not as sexually advanced as he is should be patient with her a instruct her on how he likes to show intimacy. He has to raise her level off freak at a pace comfortable for her. A lot of women, especially African-American women, were raised to be sexually conservative and/or that sex is nasty. This is a barrier to intimacy & allowing someone to love you. This young lady needs a partner who is encouraging and patient.
I think there was a lot of great advice here. She’s an adult woman and didn’t seem pressured at all. She’s also the one who brought the case. Many couples can gain insight from this episode.
He’s needs counseling. Porn addiction is not normal. U don’t have to do anything u don’t want to Dear. Let this Man go. Once u have kids and more obligations u will have less time. She’s not naive just has boundaries with her body!
I'm not understanding how her not being experienced in different spiritual connections with other people and sexual escapades makes her immature but makes him more seasoned that is a connection and soul catching when you have sex he has so many different Spirits attached to him that he can't get enough and and it's never satisfied so your response is for her to open up and give herself to him the way other women did so then that way she can become turned out and have those sexual spirits attacking her in the same manner SMH I will tell my child to run
It’s clear this man had an issue. I love judge star but judge Lynn would’ve called out his porn-sex addiction issues. If I was dating someone who wanted to have sex all day then I find unlocked box with multiple magazines and porn DVDs I would be bothered as hell. Not tot mention he probably watching porn on his phone too. I can’t believe judge star on this one
A man with some sense. Or maybe he needs to work on they way he's having sex. Maybe he doesn't satisfied her. Is not about only the quantity but the quality.
People need to grow up in the comments. Sexual compatibility is important in relationships! It breaks people up or causes people to cheat. Lmao the judge was very mature about it…😫😂🤦🏾♀️
She may have been violated in the past. Alot of times that put up roadblocks in the minds of women. Even if they come off as promiscuous when they get with someone they love they can shutdown bc sex becomes transactional. So she keeps saying i gave ypu want you want.
I'm wondering how he will feel once she's turned out and his sex drive falls off. She WILL find another man to satisfy her. He thinks he's the shit right now. That will change trust me.
I usually like judge star but she was outta line for this one. Her age has nothing to do with her not wanting sex All the time. This man has a problem. He thought because she's young that she would want it all the time.
Awesome work Judge!!!! Some of these comments make a two legged chair to seat on, No foundation!!! If it was the other way around, and I mean The woman wanting to be sexually satisfied multiple times though she is young the optic would’ve been different and for some of you guys in the comments, you would still think that it would be normal or understandable if she was to cheat for it. This couple needed counseling, to figure where they stand no outside opinion, Them making their own decision with professionals. Great call Judge!
I disagree with the judge. I think she should move on. He can find an older woman to match his sex drive experience and the number of women he desires at one time. Their out there. I would have loved to hear Judge Lynn Toler’s response
Does that make him a terrible man not in my book he need to be single and let the women in his life know he like sex until he ready to tame that beast down I’m 44 trust me he won’t be like that a long time he going to slow down very soon
@@GETBIG4WARD I never said this King was a bad man what are you talking about sir. If two people agree on what type of relationship they are accepting it’s between them period.
I get it, this guy wants to hit it all the time but nobody is asking what this young lady needs from him. Maybe she needs more romance or words of affirmation, her love language being interpreted may help her get on his level.
I'm so disappointed in this episode. It's like they were peer pressuring her. Star just calling this young lady immature, a child and naive just because she doesn't want to have sex constantly. She is really making it seem like something is wrong with her. Then, they tell him nothing is wrong with having a high sex drive yet nobody said it was okay that this girl doesn't have one as high as his; Star invalidated everything she said and chalked it up to immaturity. I hope this young lady does not ignore her own sexual comfort for his needs.
Me too! I was shook
Yesss! Thank you. This was sad.@@Pinkgirlyyyy
I was disappointed. In her effort to appear socially and sexually “woke” she really did the exact opposite.
Concur. He should find someone compatible with his sex drive because, as far as I'm concerned, this is a type of sexual abuse!! Sex is only a small but necessary part of a loving relationship!! The fact that he is not going outside of the relationship or engaging in adverse and perverse sexual practices does not mean he's not addicted. The professionals need to come up with a different definition!!
@@gailsmith836 that's a big part of Star being in that seat. She's fluid. The past judges had limits. Star has no boundaries
A sexual addiction doesn’t ONLY mean having sex. Addiction to porn, masturbating, etc. is sexual addiction. I’ve been to SA groups when I was achieving my degree. He’s very hyper-sexual. Porn sets unrealistic expectation. He may need someone to match his drive. I would be curious of his childhood as well.
I’m sorry he just a regular type of guy he definitely like sex more than most men but he not a terrible guy as much as yall paint him to be I have porn dvds I used to be in my 20s and guess what I still have them I haven’t watched them in almost 15+ years but ya know,most women don’t like real straight men in this society they want a woman inside a man’s body
Exactly! I think Judge Star missed the mark on this one!
Agreed sis! Hearing her validate it annoyed me. It is the demise of many marriages This stuff is not normal. Its because people have gotten away from what sex was meant for.
Did the expert miss the mark also 😂😂😂😂😂
That's a good observation, i wonder if he was really a victim in any of his past relationships
I love her skin color. She’s a Godiva Godess
That’s why her man can’t get enough of her 🤷🏾♂️
she looks royal
If she’s 23 and his sex drive is too much , very intense and too often. It must not be fulfilling and a burden.
Or she doesn't have a sexual appetite like he does my daughter's mother used to beg to have sex with me because we were not on the same sexual level the reason she would have to beg me is because soon as she get her she's ready to roll over and go to sleep how do you have sex with somebody and you rushing them to climax always talk about how good something is but you don't even have a drive or the stamina
@bidah007 good point. No consideration for her pleasure. Just jumping up and down like a rabbit. And I bet when she says “I don’t like that,” he says “I know what I’m doing!,” and keeps going. 😂😂
@@nanaanan4731you can never win with a man like that. I wouldn’t even put myself through this
I think he isn’t pleasing her enough. If he was, she wouldn’t mind the sex
It's sad that they are determining the MATURITY level of this young lady based on her sex drive or desire. This is ridiculous. She actually seemed very mature but naive to some things and her boyfriend seems to want to control the relationship by making her feel immature because she doesn't desire to have sex 24/7. I hope this young lady runs and finds a healthier relationship.
My thoughts exactly! They are not compatible, and Star is trying to base that on her maturity level??? She should be ashamed.
Yes it really upset me. This was not a factor of age
AGREED, it's more to life than having a wet ass 24-7!
Run, girl. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. Run.
Porn addictions need to stop being normalized. Its annoying to hear people validate it. Smh
I agree! It's a horrible addiction.
I think she traded him to be addiction she just being dramatic
All pornography is harmful, whether one is addicted or not.
@@MiguelDLewis 100% agreed
He doesn’t have an addiction. He has a high sex drive and the expert literally proved that it was not an addiction.
He believed he could have made this young lady into a freak .she sounds very mature for her age, the age difference plays a part and he must have a history from childhood. She has a right to say okay enough but if you know what he wants and that’s how he is then baby girl it’s okay to move on.
She pretended she was a freak until she hooked him, like 95% of women
@@lblayde and like 95% of men you opted to assume.
@oodief88 she pretended how else would they be together 3 yrs and living together, she said herself he showed her clubbing and partying on a different level she acted like a freak and thought once they move together he would change but little did she no the only reason they moved together because he thought he had an ultimate freak and she wasn't
He’s immature!
Just cause you desire sex; don’t mean you get it!
He needs counseling
No, he need to live alone , kick it, party. Find him 3 or 4 women to chill with whenever he wants, I'm sick of these women, than they will hate that he's a player
It’s always you bitter old woman that think like that 😂😂😂
Ive been in this situation you gotta leave. It only gets worse the longer you stay
I don’t like how Judge tried to equate her maturity with her level of sex drive. He’s a sex addict and she’s not period. He needs help! She needs to RUN!
We are living in the days where this mess is normal and morals is looked at as not normal. I cant stand it.
And it's wonderful that we are in the last of the last days. I am so looking forward to the restoration of Paradise on this earth. I understand why you can't stand it. So many people are being hurt by the decadence of our society.
They're not compatible sexually. He's not changing and she isn't either. They should end their relationship. Starr got this one wrong.
I agree
He may live to regret his lifestyle. It's actually a selfish lifestyle without the knowledge or ability to exercise qualities such as restraint or consideration for the needs and desires of others.
@@sereneamani1713 or he may not seems like this is wishful thinking because we have no idea what he knows about a lifestyle he's already been in
@@greatone275 I don't quite understand what you mean. Wishful thinking on my part? What knowledge could be missing on his part about his lifestyle?
Sex is not meant to be an everyday thing. There are times when that happens, but just remember to much of anything is not good. He is boring her by wanting to do it multiple times a day, everyday. Porn and sex materials make many people feel that life is really like that. It’s not.
You can’t say that because you aren’t that person. Ppl have different needs than others. If he wants sex everyday you either give it to him or leave him.
Remember ladies its the Man's job to impress you , not the other way around! Aim higher than flowers!
Amen. You hit the nail on the head. Buy your own flowers. Stop giving yourself away for free
Sounds like narcissism 101 because that’s a 2 way street and not only the man smh
1 Corinth 11 8-9 says For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man. 👀
@@Reezy12333 bet you are single! 😭😭😭😭
@@catherinewhitman8333 rather be single than to be treated unfairly. You women are not gods above men. You are human beings.
She shouldn't let some man run through her and he ain't her HUSBAND!
Are you telling women what to do with their bodies now, because last time I checked this is what women have fought for.
@Reezy12333 You can do what the hell you want, but don't expect a man to appreciate you. Instead of you arguing what you think I am doing,Stop and read! I was advocating for HER choice NOT to have a man have his way with her until he makes the invest of a HUSBAND.
BUT you do you!
@@waltonjones5411 nah, you was telling her what to do. Women have fought for sexual liberation to sleep with whoever and whenever without being judged. Bw aren’t trying to get married. They want good pipe.
Honestly, even as a husband, I don't feel like she should feel obligated to be his sex toy [ultimately]. Just him constantly wanting sex from her, like our bodies and vaginas don't get sore and tired, is a no-go to me. It's like he just wants to get HIS rocks off however often he can, and that's his only concern.
I agree Walton, especially when there are things that she's not even comfortable doing.
I don’t agree with the judge on this one! he’s older, and excessive. He purposely went for a younger woman who he thought would just do what he wanted.
She needs to ruuuuunnnn! They are not married and he just wants a sex toy.
Facts! Just objectifying her
Or she’s just pretty?????? Men like pretty women duhh
The young lady is saying that she doesn't want to have sex like he wants it; 3 and 4 times a day. Sounds like he has the wrong mate. They are sexually incompatible and there is nothing wrong with her not wanting to have sex 3 to 4 times a day.
Uh uh Judge Star I dont agree with you this time. This girl is young. This dude is older and into polyamoury. What makes him a good catch? Because he seems to no cheat? So she should subject herself to sex 4x a day if she is fundamentally against it? We're not talking about 2x wkly vs 3x wkly. We're talking about 2x wkly vs 4xDAILY. If she isnt into that like that that is torture. And she doesnt have to put up with it. She isnt even married to this guy. No maam.
Well she need to leave, I'm pretty sure she was doing it at first
Right. and she should know that she can find a better match.
By boy 😮
She should have noticed that in the beginning
the more i watch divorce court the more i am thankful i am single lol
I watch it for that reason. Between DC and crime shows crazy enough it keeps me sane and in my bubble.
His game ain't all he thinks it is. She's like "nah, I'm good."😂
🙅🏾time out below the belt 😂😂😂
Right I’m like is he just asking or is he romancing her?
Sexual discipline is very important. Imagine the outcome in the marriage: if she has to travel or if she gets pregnant and can’t have sex with him.
Exactly and I think he picked a young girl on purpose becuz he expected her to be hyper sexual like him and easy to manipulate into sexual deviance.
Trying to feed someone's sexual appetite can be a burden, esp when other needs aren't met. All that fking yet he hasn't qued in on her love language, Sir gon on.
This is the first time I disagree with Judge Star. There is nothing positive about pornography. It's a horrible addiction to have. It sets unrealistic expectations and can cause the other to feel like they're not enough.
Basically a man should hide it better because one woman is never enough.
Exactly. That's the problem.
I definitely Agree!!🙌🏽🙌🏽 ……. Star don’t know what she talk about 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Then do your part and you’ll be enough y’all new woman are worthless asf 😂😂😂
This man has a sex addiction, and for Judge Star to NORMALIZE it is a wrong against the wife. Run, girl!!!
Yeah I can’t believe she did that. Judge Lynn would’ve called him out on it!
They're not married. From where did you get that info?
They're not married that what's getting me. He wants all this but haven't mentioned marriage at all
Judge Star secured this position bc she's willing to co-sign and condone anything as far as deviancy
Notice the moral decline from Toler to Faith to now Star...
Never forget Star was married to a bisexual so she's in favor of just about anything
Sex addicts ,cheat and have sex with anybody , he's not addicted to sex,
She’s gorgeous. Girl if you don’t ruuun
whole time we don’t even know if the sex is good 😂😂😂 he could be garbage talking all this shit 😂😂😂
He must be 🗑 Sis didn't smile the entire episode 😳
If it was trash she would’ve been left. Let’s be real. She just can’t keep up. Even though most women want a man like this. For some women it’s tooooo much.
they usually trash. Anyway,that's probably why she doesn't want it that much
@@lavidaloca2344 and no one cared to ask her 🙄🙄 he might not even try to make her wet…this case was one sided af…
Judge Toler please come back
Yes, morals
Man yes
Yes! How many times can I hit the thumbs up button
That's why she left!! She wouldn't lean into the agenda
The judge didn't make very wise judgment on this couple. I feel bad for that young lady.
The judge made a wise decision, to try to get this couple therapy. Mind u, we heard nothing of cheating, disrespect, financial instability, or abuse in any way. It was just a man who like to have sex. He's waited days until she was ready, I think he said he even waited a month at one point. The willingness to give up on a person/relationship VS being alone or finding someone else, for what can be reconciled, seems so easy today. Women out here that wish the only problem they had with a man, their in a relationship with, is to much sex, when she actually decides to give. If the love is there, I wish them well with therapy.
Y’all pathetic bitter women need help, it’s funny asf 😂😂😂
I do not agree with the advice that Star Jones or the so called therapist gave to that young lady.... She and her boyfriend are not sexually compatible. And that's fine! Don't make her feel bad about it. Maybe it's time for them to break up. He's gonna eventually cheat on her because he likes having sex so much and he's going to blame her for why he cheated.
BOTH JUDGE AND Dr Savage seem to be sex fiends. They acted like this couple is married. Judge is becoming disgusting. Considering her own history. I am getting worried for the young couples who come before her.
In this case. I pray this young lady gets away from him and soon.
He will eventually break her and have her doing illicit acts. He admitted he likes freak sex.
Please young lady run before he puts you on the street.
Why are non- married couples coming to divorce court.
Just leave.
Too many younger and older people are falling into traps because it is a new generation.
Judge Jones seems freaky herself.
Run from men who are addicted to porn!!! It leads down a dark path. Lust cannot be filled!
go be with the opps or get something false then because all men love it. good luck to you
Y’all be complaining men don’t last long enough or he’s not into yall when he’s tired from work.
Spoken by an unmarried bitter woman 😂😂😂
It sounds as though she feels degraded with some of the things that he “likes” and wants her to do.
And he doesn’t seem interested in being considerate of her feelings.
They not equal in that area they need to go their separate ways he will eventually cheat cause she can’t keep up
I hate when people say that because they make it seem like only one persons feelings matter
He is very insensitive!
@@greatone275 That's not what I get
Leave.😮 he will never be satisfied. She is a beautiful young lady. They are on 2 different pages.
Beautiful Queen
Very very gorgeous
Yes❤ She is and deserves the best.
i hope he marries her because sexin with no marriage and he is already doing the most , is kinda scary. Does he have a history of 3somes? she needs to be careful🙏🏿😔
She is but she’s crazy he should walk away
This young lady doesn’t want an extra person in the bedroom, he does. Unfortunately it didn’t work with the previous relationship it ended in divorce. Also you have children in the house be more respectful. Love is more than sex.
Thank you 🙏🏾 💯💯💯
And I think because she does not want another woman he is in a way punishing her by having an amount of sexual activity that she can’t keep up with.
Girl you better run and fast.
@musicmusic6299 why she got to run? Lots of women would love this guy.
Yes, run ! He definitely has a sex addiction!!! Disgusting!!!
@@josweetlove1537 then you "HOOK UP WITH HIM"
@@josweetlove1537 because that's the response most women have to a man on anything now. the thought of perfection has ruined most women because there is no compromise on that. dude could sneeze and there'd be a woman saying red flags and run
She isn’t ready for his sex needs and if he isn’t patient for her to grow into her sexuality they will grow apart. They need to be careful about fertility issues too
Wait because she doesn’t want sex 3 times a day she’s not sexually mature?
So she supposed to ler him use her up and they not even married. She dont need to step it up she need to run
That’s what I was thinking, Judge encouraging her to try more sexually but they not even married. She seems like she wants more out of the relationship
Blk w don’t even wanna be married to begin with so pls stop using that as excuse for her to give him sex
Y’all bitter women are pathetic asf 😂😂😂
Judge Star must just be getting tired of these cases because she hasn’t been handling them the way she used to with logic and understanding. He indeed has an addiction and it’s nothing to do with her age because he chose her at that age too.
Girl run.
No girl dont work it out, run
She’s beautiful 😍
i don't really agree with the judge too much in this one, calling her naive because she doesn't want to have sex 6 times in a row every single day is ignorant and untrue. just because you're young doesn't mean your sex drive is going to be insanely high? and she's not naive or immature because she doesn't want to have sex constantly. the problem is expecting that sex 24/7 and having a problem with your partner if they won't, you can always satisfy yourself if your sex drive is that high and your partner isn't in the mood
4x/day is just ridiculous for grown people with lives/ kids.
She's beautiful.
Never heard him say he's buying a ring or what her other qualities are. He's feeling himself right now. Father time will catch his ass!!!
Her level of maturity has absolutely nothing to do with her not wanting to have back-to-back sex. It's as simple as their sex drives not being compatible.
As a woman, I don’t want to have sex three-four times a day. I don’t think the woman is the issue her man needs to stop looking at all that porn because that is making his sex drive worse and no woman wants to have sex three-four times a day.
Ewwww for once I don't agree with star Jones. He isn't mature in the bedroom
They are just not sexually compatible. There's nothing wrong with either of them. Just wired differently.
Miss Moon is so pretty she look like she could be a model. She is gorgeous.❤❤❤❤❤
I disagree with the judge. Some ppl don’t share the same sexual drive and it has nothing to do with maturity. The question is, can there be a compromise that makes everyone satisfied and comfortable? If not, it’s over
Judge Star once again dropped the ball on another case. I noticed for the past few weeks, she's been trying to make couples stay together, knowing the relationships are doomed. I wonder if they're trying to change the platform to where she has more relationships that stay together for a more positive outlook for the network, or she's just gotten lackadaisical, and not interested in the cases anymore? First and foremost, maturity has nothing to do with a high or low sex drive. The plaintiff is 26. She's a woman, not a immature teenager. She just doesn't like to have sex as often as he does, and that is fine. Nothing is wrong with her at all. On the other hand, he has a high sex drive, and he wants it everyday, multiple times a day. Not sure if he's a sex addict, because he stated it hasn't interrupted his daily life, because that's what an addict is. I think he's just hypersexual. Since they aren't compatible in the sex department? They shouldn't be together, because I guarantee you he's going to cheat if she's not willing to give him sex when he wants it.
I'm wondering if the men are hesitant to come if they will get beat up. Of course ladies drag men into court the most.😅
A man with a sex addiction will never be satisfied until he gets healed
People confuse things being common with being normal. Having a sex addiction is highly prevalent in today's society. Though that is the reality, it does not make it okay nor normal. Lust and greed are one in the same. This young lady pretty much said his hunger for sex is insatiable. He is only going to dive deeper into the rabbit hole. And if she doesn't break things off, she will plunge into darkness right along with him. They really need God. The both of them. I hope they come into repentance & heal. Star's lack of discernment is appalling. Her and this "therapist" sent both of them in the wrong direction.
I definitely agree, well said. Too much sex out of wedlock.
@@anonymousreview1049most of yall parents have kids out of wedlock so let’s not bring marriage into this
she should not walk but run away from him.
This is ridiculous. P0rn addiction needs to stop being normalized.
Ew. I would never be with a man like this. He’d end up cheating anyway bc they’re never satisfied. This lady better get gone FAST bc she should not have to do things she’s uncomfortable with to satisfy him so judge trying to convince her disgusts me. Sex ain’t all about the man!!
She basically saying he not finna wear her 😻 out!! 🤣😂🤣
I couldnt stomach this one. Shame on Judge Star for making this young woman feel inadequate because she's not bowing to this man's excessive sex needs
So we aren’t going to mention how pretty this young lady is?
Her sex drive & his sex drive simply don't match. There is nothing wrong with her & there is nothing wrong with him. They simply don't match. Her drive may never increase, and his may never decrease.
If he likes a committed relationship with 2women so much, then why didn't the last one work 🤔🤔🤔 thats what i would like to know because now you're with someone who isn't into that and you're still not satisfied 🤷🏽♀️
He probably got kicked out of that one😂
Do any married couples go on the show?
Barely. That "before your vows" lewdness got pushed and normalized fornication.
I noticed this
I Really Don't think this Young Man is the One For this Young Lady,🤔 her feelings Matter and if she's Not Comfortable with All the things he wants to Do she has the Right Not to Do it!!! She shouldn't Do Anything that she's Uncomfortable with just to keep him, and when he Mentioned what him and the Ex Use to Do that's A red flag because Ms. Moon isn't her🤔
I don't see anything wrong with what he likes or wants. They just aren't on the same page.
I agree he need to go do his own thing and let her do her own thing he 10 years older than her and she can’t keep up with him
So she shouldn't be cohered. He should find someone who likes what he likes
You're right and I doubt therapy will fix that. It might improve their communicating skills regarding the topic. That's important for future relationships.
Exactly. She is overwhelmed and needs to move on with someone who has a sex drive equal to her own.
Praying for his healing
I don't think they need to be together. She wants more than just sex. I agree that they should have talked about what the expectations they have in the bedroom, but at the same time she doesn't have to match his expectations when it sounds like he's not matching hers.
The sex is probably just not good. She never said she liked it. She never bragged. She never smiled while talking about it. 26 years old is not young. He doesn't stimulate her mind. The sex might be boring or he isn't satisfying her. He may not be connecting with her mentally. He might not turn her on. Intimacy starts long before the sex. Has nothing to do with maturity.
"To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.”
-1 Corinthians 7:2🙏🏾✝📖
@@BrianaDenea Hallelujah.
Thank you!!! Should’ve not be have sex without marriage.
so men and women should get married before sex then? Not only women.
Someone told her he's pulling her body down and building his self UP
I think the judge was trying to drill in her head that she needs to leave.
Run girl. What is going to happen if she gets sick or even when she gets pregnant and start raising a family. It will never be enough. He has a problem
Some men expect all women to be as sexually advanced as they are; however, this is not true. A mature man with a woman who is younger and/or not as sexually advanced as he is should be patient with her a instruct her on how he likes to show intimacy. He has to raise her level off freak at a pace comfortable for her. A lot of women, especially African-American women, were raised to be sexually conservative and/or that sex is nasty. This is a barrier to intimacy & allowing someone to love you. This young lady needs a partner who is encouraging and patient.
This was a really good episode. Informative
I think there was a lot of great advice here. She’s an adult woman and didn’t seem pressured at all. She’s also the one who brought the case. Many couples can gain insight from this episode.
He’s needs counseling. Porn addiction is not normal. U don’t have to do anything u don’t want to Dear. Let this Man go. Once u have kids and more obligations u will have less time. She’s not naive just has boundaries with her body!
He’s using her as a pin cushion
This judge upholding this crap. I’m sure that this is why no more new episodes come out. She has poor judgment and advice.
Ok firstly that Thumbnail is NAILT 😍 & Sassy 💁🏾♀️ 💅🏾
I think they missed the mark on this one, sex drive and experience doesn't go hand and hand.
I'm not understanding how her not being experienced in different spiritual connections with other people and sexual escapades makes her immature but makes him more seasoned that is a connection and soul catching when you have sex he has so many different Spirits attached to him that he can't get enough and and it's never satisfied so your response is for her to open up and give herself to him the way other women did so then that way she can become turned out and have those sexual spirits attacking her in the same manner SMH I will tell my child to run
It’s clear this man had an issue. I love judge star but judge Lynn would’ve called out his porn-sex addiction issues. If I was dating someone who wanted to have sex all day then I find unlocked box with multiple magazines and porn DVDs I would be bothered as hell. Not tot mention he probably watching porn on his phone too. I can’t believe judge star on this one
A man with some sense. Or maybe he needs to work on they way he's having sex. Maybe he doesn't satisfied her. Is not about only the quantity but the quality.
I agree. He needs to get to the root of why he's so sex driven.
Thank God I found your comment, because I could believe that ALL Man think they need sex 4 times a day.
Girl run to the doctor because if you having sex with two and three different people, that’s a no no🙅🏽🙅🏽♀️🙅🏽♂️
People need to grow up in the comments. Sexual compatibility is important in relationships! It breaks people up or causes people to cheat. Lmao the judge was very mature about it…😫😂🤦🏾♀️
She may have been violated in the past. Alot of times that put up roadblocks in the minds of women. Even if they come off as promiscuous when they get with someone they love they can shutdown bc sex becomes transactional. So she keeps saying i gave ypu want you want.
They aren’t sexually compatible. Period. That’s it.
She look like the girl from Bernie Mac show
Negative 😂 what are your eyes seeing they look nothing alike just because they both chocolate they don't even resemble
@@bigdaddyromeo9631 other people agree they look alike take your goggles off and I’m saying that in a good way she looks GREAT
They getting those labels all the way wrong 😂
I'm wondering how he will feel once she's turned out and his sex drive falls off. She WILL find another man to satisfy her. He thinks he's the shit right now. That will change trust me.
I usually like judge star but she was outta line for this one. Her age has nothing to do with her not wanting sex All the time. This man has a problem. He thought because she's young that she would want it all the time.
Awesome work Judge!!!!
Some of these comments make a two legged chair to seat on, No foundation!!!
If it was the other way around, and I mean The woman wanting to be sexually satisfied multiple times though she is young the optic would’ve been different and for some of you guys in the comments, you would still think that it would be normal or understandable if she was to cheat for it.
This couple needed counseling, to figure where they stand no outside opinion, Them making their own decision with professionals.
Great call Judge!
this episode grossed me out in so many ways
Kick it, flip it , throw it up, and rub it down 😂
I disagree with the judge. I think she should move on. He can find an older woman to match his sex drive experience and the number of women he desires at one time. Their out there. I would have loved to hear Judge Lynn Toler’s response
Mismatched people .
Let him go.
He will cheat, go to prostitutes , ect... Maybe he needs some therapy
I don't think they are even sexually compatible. However,he's not giving anything else other than back to 🔙...wam bam Thankyou mam.
He has a very high sex drive this is why he was able to bring someone else in his first relationship!
Does that make him a terrible man not in my book he need to be single and let the women in his life know he like sex until he ready to tame that beast down I’m 44 trust me he won’t be like that a long time he going to slow down very soon
@@GETBIG4WARD I never said this King was a bad man what are you talking about sir. If two people agree on what type of relationship they are accepting it’s between them period.
@@MrsYoung1989 I didn’t accuse you of saying he was bad ma’am 😁I’m sorry if it came across that way
@@GETBIG4WARDit’s all ❤ front me I’m just here to look and sometimes voice a clear and none contractual opinion. We good @GETBIG4WARD
@@GETBIG4WARDit’s all good I’m just here to listen and occasionally leave and opinion. Drama free we cool friend
I get it, this guy wants to hit it all the time but nobody is asking what this young lady needs from him. Maybe she needs more romance or words of affirmation, her love language being interpreted may help her get on his level.
Getting sex and being satisfied are two different things