《Understanding the Challenges in Parent-Child Communication》

  • Опубликовано: 27 июн 2024
  • 1. Sources of Emotional Pressure in Communication:**
    (1) Gap Between Expectations and Reality: Parents have certain expectations regarding their children's behavior and performance, but when children fail to meet these expectations, parents may feel disappointed and frustrated.
    (2) Life Stress: Pressures from work, finances, and social relationships can affect parents' emotions, which in turn impacts parent-child communication.
    (3) Influence of Past Experiences: Parents' own upbringing and parenting style can affect their expectations and communication with their children. If parents experienced negative parenting styles in their childhood, they might unconsciously repeat these patterns.
    (4) Misunderstandings in Communication: Children’s language abilities and ways of expression differ from those of adults, which can easily lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in communication.
    2. Psychological Characteristics and Communication Needs of Children at Different Ages:**
    (1) Early Childhood (0-6 years):
    - *Psychological Characteristics:* During the dependency phase, they need a sense of security and stable attachment relationships. Their language abilities are developing gradually, with limited understanding and expression capabilities.
    - *Communication Needs:* They need simple and concrete language expressions, and communication through games and stories. Parents need more patience and care to help children feel safe and loved.
    (2)School Age (6-12 years):
    - *Psychological Characteristics:* Self-awareness gradually strengthens, they are curious about the world, and start developing learning abilities and social skills. They can understand more complex language but still need specific guidance and explanations.
    - *Communication Needs:* They need clear and concrete guidance and encouragement. Parents should provide positive feedback and help them solve problems.
    (3) Adolescence (12-18 years):
    - *Psychological Characteristics:* Self-identity and independence become stronger, they begin to challenge authority and explore themselves. Emotional fluctuations are common, and they are easily influenced by peers.
    - *Communication Needs:* They need respect and understanding, and parents should communicate with teenagers as equals, encouraging them to express their views and feelings. Building mutual trust and avoiding excessive control and blame is crucial.
    3. Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions in Parent-Child Communication:
    (1) Over-Control: Parents wish for children to act according to their wishes, neglecting the children’s autonomy and independence, which can lead to resentment and resistance.
    (2) Ignoring Feelings: Parents may focus only on behavior and grades, neglecting the children’s emotional needs, leading to children feeling misunderstood and unsupported.
    (3) Blame and Criticism: Excessive blame and criticism can undermine children's self-confidence, creating gaps and mistrust in the parent-child relationship.
    (4) Improper Communication: Parents may use extreme words and actions during emotional fluctuations, leading to failed communication and tense relationships.

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