Prof Getachew Begashaw is a decent man and patriotically dedicated Ethiopian who deserves to have some role in the government. He is among the few I know with positive attitude towards the equality of Ethiopians sourced out of his very moderate outlook.
Concerning English language not only The Addis Abeba University and also The Ethiopian Air Force until 1972 (1979) had used the Englisch language for all its Training and Bereucracy communication.
Thanks for the titbits. Wonder if the 'Anatomy lab', you mentioned, was also your Dissection Room. And where were your Lecture theatres located at? Could you also say who your fellow medics and lecturers were at the time? Were you equally 'politicized' or 'active in the movement' as the 'Arts' chaps were? Would be interesting if you do let us know more about 'life at Med School' in those early days. Perhaps, you might drop in for a chat in one of Elias's future shows about your intriguing times.
It’s really very interesting I’ve family members that told us similar stories what he just explained. I was in the past a bit disappointed in him on his suggestion of regarding GERD on ESAT few years ago. He was opposing the dam. It would be interesting if he still thinks Ethiopia shouldn’t use Abbay (Nile)?
My Brother, Gobena Tamrat met Aboma after graduating Wingate at the Hailessellassie University and was fantacising about meeting Aboma. I left Ethiopia '73 and A few years later my brother has been reported killed/missing. The daunting thing is that none of these thuggs including this guy giving this interview has come through . From listening to this interview i have no doubt he knows. Will we hear fromany of them ? We'll see.
I strongly doubt "Vision Ethiopia" does have any vision for Ethiopia proper. Instead, it should rename as "Vision Amhara" to reflect the reality it stands for.
Mr. Getachew ur very wrong. I was also a student in Arat kilo Science faculty in 1974. Except peoms every rhing was English. Amhara animosty was born in Addis Ababa University ( HMH Haile silase university.)
From the interview only blame the government but didn’t mentioned about the students fault free education you suppose to finish school before you start political revolution understand the people and how government functions and where the money is coming to support your education but you have your future but so many didn’t make it the lost generation
The interviewer is not really interested in digging into the Student Union at the transition from monarchy to a revolution of Ethiopian people in 1974 revolution. He rather concerned about the Union's use of English instead of Amharic in its communique. His tries to inject his opposition to the non-Amhara leaders of the Union to push the use of English in the meetings and communique. He is living in 2023, but reflecting his disappointments with the use of English by the Union in 1974. I think that he is very much backwarded. He should have known the social development and the awareness of the overwhelming majority of the Ethiopian population awareness about their right. He is practically 50 years back and couldn't even update hims self to the awareness level of the University students in 1974.
TPLF, OLF, and EPRP were communist groups, and ommunism requires an enemy, so Amhara was labelled as an enemy by both TPLF & OLF, and indirectly by EPRP as landlords and chauvinists without mentioning the name Amhara. The guest should have not denied these facts.
Absolutly wrong infoemation. I n Arat Kilo Science Campas came Sisay Habete and Atnafu Abate, etc. Only Siya Habe has spoken to us. Mele Tekle has bombared them and they went back to their main station
The name of the Oromo student at HSIU who was the secretary general of the student council was: Abomaa not Obama” it’s a pity that Habasha crowds are ignorant of Oromo names, … as prominent as Abomaa Mitickuu was!! And also, why didn’t you ask him the roll he played to organize the huge Habasha conference “called.. the Invasion of the Gallas”this Getachew claims to have gone through a progressive political culture and was the main instigator to organize such unscholarly anathema undertaking!!
@@NegA-g2i oh well, your solipsistic response is a case in point… of the Habasha crowds cynicism regarding the complaints of non-Abyssinia citizens of the Empire!!
@donpetros8285 0 secondi fa I have participated in similar academic conference as you mentioned above : apart from the name galla the historic event has never been an issue . Call it expansion or invasin matters won't change very much. You may grab some references from Hizkiel Gabissa or Tassama Taa or other several Oromo scholars before you accuse somebody as engaging in unscholarly undertaking with deliberate ignorance of facts on the ground. Do you know why and where Aboma Mitiku was cold-bloodedly gunned down together with five or six of his friends ? Certainly not by Habasha herds !
@@donpetros8285 The said Oromo scholars notwithstanding, I can given u ample evidence written by none-Oromo historians and political scientists! Paul Baxter wrote several articles and published books on Oromo Anthropology and history. Marco Bassi on Borana culture, history and politics. Alessandro Triulzi on the history of Western Oromia (Walagaa) and the peripheral borders of Ethiopia and the Sudan. Enreco Cerulli on several aspects of Oromo history, culture and religion. Eike Haberland, on Oromo democracy, Gadaa culture and institutions… he even suggested that Gadaa is a complex concept and that the Oromo people did not invent it! Go figure that out…? Herbert Lewis on the kingdom of Jimma and the Gibee States. The so called “Galla Invasion” is a figment of Habasha imagination!! The Oromo people are indigenous African/Nubian/Kushite nation!! It was the Abyssinians that crossed the Arabian Peninsula and usurped the Axumite civilization and settled on the African continent!! Not the Oromo people!! You may reference the Nile Valley Civilization of the past ten thousand years… books by Diop, Charles Finch and many others on the Nile Valley Civilizations and people who were makers of Black African Civilization!! Of young and upcoming scholars, on the Kushite history and culture, Dereje Tadesse of HaraMayaa University (formerly Alem Meya) is an example of fresh talent!! The disappointing spectacle that included the who is who of the Habasha academics rambled on about how the Oromo people invaded Northeast Africa!! At any rate, for those of us in the Oromo Nation, these despicable ramblings are inconsequential and hopefully, the Abyssinia community and other citizens of the Empire will have a peaceful coexistence in the parallel world of the Horn of Africa!!
Mr knows it all, of course I know where he was killed! He and four others, Yigazu Bantti, Magarssaa Batii,Muhe’,and Gadaa Gamadaa! They were on an assignment to go to Somalia and request for military material assistance! On the way to Mogadishu, they were confronted by Somalia armed elements and they were demanded to separate themselves according to their religious beliefs…Christian or Islam… they refused to accept the demands and they were murdered together as Oromo revolutionaries!
ኤልያስ ከቻልህ እያሱ አለማየሁን መድረክ ብታዘጋጅለት ብዙ ልንማር እንችላለን
ከያ ትውልድ ትውልዶች በሕይወት ካሉት አንዱ ነውና እድል ስጠው
ኤሉዋ፤ Mission ወስደህ from the horse's mouth እንዲሉ ምታቀርባቸዉ ሰዎች የታሪክ ሰነድ ናቸዉና እናመሰግናለን!
Prof Getachew Begashaw is a decent man and patriotically dedicated Ethiopian who deserves to have some role in the government. He is among the few I know with positive attitude towards the equality of Ethiopians sourced out of his very moderate outlook.
ኤልያስ አወቀ አብዛኛውን ፕሮግራሞችህን ተከታትያለሁ በምትጋብዛቸው እንግዶች ዙርያ ያለህ መረጃ የጥያቄህ ጥልቀት እና ወግ አዋቂነትህ ከሞጋችነትህ ጋር ተደርቦ ሁሌም እንድናይህ የምትጋብዝ ድንቅ ሰው ነህ በርታ ወንድምዓለም
ኤልያስ እናመሠግናለን
Dr Teshome great guy. God bless his soul. I met him at UCLA.
Concerning English
language not only The Addis Abeba University and also The Ethiopian Air Force until 1972 (1979) had used the Englisch language for all its Training and Bereucracy communication.
እናመሰግናለን ከተቻለ የአቦማንና የኢያሱን የትግል ታሪክ ቢያስረዱን?
They are all ehapa from the past generations with birhanemeskel Reda
በጣም ጥሩ ነዉ የ 60 ዎቹት ነባር አብዮተኞች ያሳለፉትን የፈፀሙትን ታሪኩ እንዲነግሩን ማረግህ የሰራነዉ አብዮቱ ጥሩ ነዉ ልክ ነበር ለማለት ሲሉ እዉነቱን በትክክል አያቀርቡም በዉነት ለኢትዮጲያ ያ የነሱ አብዮት ለኢትዮጲያ የሞትና የጥፋት ለዉጥ ነዉ የነበሩንን በጣም ጥቂት ምሁራንን እና ያገር ባለዉለታዎች ጀግና አርበኞቻችንን 50 አመት ሙሉ አገሪቱ ንጉሱ ደክመዉ ያፈራችዉን ትዉልድ አጥፍተዉ እስካሁን መከራ ዉስጥ የከተተ ፀረ አገር ፀረ ህዝብ የነበረ ባእድ የሆነ አስተሳሰብ ዉጤት ነበር
የጥላሁን ግዛውን ሬሳ ከቀኃሥ ሆስፒታል ይዘው የሄዱት የAnatomy lab ወደነበረው ሕንጻ ነበር። ከራስ መኮንን አዳራሽ በስተቀኝ ያለ ሕንጻ ነው። የሁለተኛ ዓመት የPre-Med ተማሪዎች ስለነበርን ከምሽቱ በ፬ሰዓት ላይ ወደዚያ ሄደን ነበር።
ጥጋብ: ስርዓት አልበኝነትና ኢሰብዓዊነት! ተማሪ ማን ሆኖ ነው የሰው አስክሬን የሚሰርቀው? ያለቦታው የሚያንከራትተው?!
Thanks for the titbits.
Wonder if the 'Anatomy lab', you mentioned, was also your Dissection Room.
And where were your Lecture theatres located at?
Could you also say who your fellow medics and lecturers were at the time? Were you equally 'politicized' or 'active in the movement' as the 'Arts' chaps were?
Would be interesting if you do let us know more about 'life at Med School' in those early days.
Perhaps, you might drop in for a chat in one of Elias's future shows about your intriguing times.
ጋሼ ምን አለ እርሱም ብቅ በሉና መግቡን እናንተ ውስጥ ያለውን በገንዘብ የማይገኝ ነው
አቦማ ምትኩ ዋቆ የማህበሩ ሴክሬታሪያት ነበር: ዶ/ር ጌታቸው ፕሬዝዳንት በነበር ወቅት
I know it very well, how was the university was ant- Amhara ever since.
ዛሬም ድረስ ያልነቃ ሰው 😢 አገሩን አፍርሶ የተበተነ ትውልድን ተቀብላ ስራ ሰጥታ: በድጎማና በትንሽ ወለድ ያስተማረችውን አገር አሜሪካን "እንዳንበዘበዝ" ይላል:: ያንኪ ጎ ሆም ብሎ ኢትዮጵያንና አሜሪካን ያጣላ ትውልድ ዞር ብሎ ደግሞ ስንራብ አልመገቡንም ይላል! ውይ ያ ትውልድ! መጥኔ!
እንግሊዝኛ ደግሞ በጊዜው የትምህርት ቋንቋ ከመሆኑም በላይ ፋሽንም ነበር:: ምክንያቱም በእንግሊዝኛ ሀሳብን መግለፅ በራሱ የተማረ ያሰኛልና የክብርም ስሜት ነበረው:: የአማርኛ ጥላቻ የሚባለው ነገር የአሁኑ ዘመን የፖለቲካ ሽኩቻ የወለደው ignorance and arrogance የተጠናወተው ነው:: ፕሮፌሰሩና ጠያቂው በጣም ተመጣጣኝና የሚከባበሩ ናቸው:: ዘመን ተሻጋሪ አስተማሪ ናቸው ፕሮፌሰሩ unlike current Amhara elites.
"ነገሩን ከማቃለል አልፎ፤ ወደ ራስ ሚተኮስ ..."!
አደባባዩ የጥላሁን ግዛው መታሰቢያ እንዲሆን ቢሰየምና የማስተባበር ስራ ቢሰራ!
ኢዜማ አኮ አንዲህ ኣይነት አንጋፋ ምሁራንን ሳይቀር ሽንግሎና ሸውዶ ነው ሄዶ ለብልጽግና ያደረው አረ አነደ ኢዜማ አይነት ከሃዲ በምድር ላይ ታይቶ አይታወቅም
ዝም በል ወሬያም
ኤልያስ እናመሰግናለን ከባለቤቶቹ መረዳትና ማስረዳት የየዘመኑን ትርክት የሚያመሳቅሉትን አደብ ያስገዛል ።
ይሄንን ከንቱ ትውልድ ምን ሰራ ብለህ እየጎተትክ እንደምታመጣ ነው የሚገርመው ለሃገራችን እርግማን እና እዳ ናቸው ያ ትውልድ ሲባል::
ኤሊያስ ለምን የምን የመክፈቻ ሙዚቃህን ቀየርክ ? ያንተ ፕሮግራም መታወቂያ ሆና ነበር አሁን የተጠቀምክበት በጣም የሰለቸ ነው
It’s really very interesting I’ve family members that told us similar stories what he just explained. I was in the past a bit disappointed in him on his suggestion of regarding GERD on ESAT few years ago. He was opposing the dam. It would be interesting if he still thinks Ethiopia shouldn’t use Abbay (Nile)?
አንደኛ ደረጃ የት ነዉ የተማሩት??
Correction:- አቦማ not ኦባማ!
Hi, elias
Can you invite ato eyasu alemayehu please
የትግራይ ተማሪ ብዙ ይሰሙት የነበሩ ስለብርሀነመስቀልንጂ የመለስ ተኽለ እስከምን ድረስ መኖሩ አይገባኝም!! አይወዳደሩም!! ሰውየው የሚያወሩት በጣም ሚዛናዊ ይመስለኛል!!
ኡሉ እያሱ አለማየሁ መርሻ ዬሴፍ ክንፉ አሰፋ አበራ የማነ መላኩብተገኝ ሌሎችንም አንድ ላይ ብታቀርብልን እኔ አሁንብሀማብቱማ ዘምኔን ሙሉ ፅሁፎቹንብአንብቤያለሁብእያሱ መሆኑን አላውቅም ነበር
እርምት ይደረግ። "አቦማ ምትኩ" እንጂ "ኦባማ ምትኩ" አይደልም ትክክለኛ ስሙ።
ስለምታቀርባቸው እንግዶችህ ቀደም ብለህ ጊዜ ወስደህ ጥናት አድርገህ ስለምታቀርብ እጅግ በሳል ጋዜጠኛነትህን አስመስክረሃል። ሌሎችም ከአንተ ልምድ በመውሰድ የሚጠበቅባቸውን የቤት ስራ ቀደም ብለው በመስራት አድማጭ ወይንም ተመልካች ወደሚጠብቀው ቃለመጠይቅ በቀጥታ እንዲከታተል ማድረግ ይገባቸዋል። ብዙ ጋዜጠኛ የሰነፍ ስራ ነው መስራት የሚፈልገው ። እንግዳ ለቃለመጠይቅ አቅርቦ፣ እስቲ ስለራሰዎ ማንነት፣ ምንነት፣መገኘት፣ ምኞት... ይቀጥላል እያለ ግራ ያጋባል። ሌላው ደግሞ አንተ ስለምታቀርበው ሃሳብም ብዙ ዕውቀት እንዳለህ መረዳትበበኩሌ ችያለሁ። በርታ። አመሰግናለሁ
My Brother, Gobena Tamrat met Aboma after graduating Wingate at the Hailessellassie University and was fantacising about meeting Aboma. I left Ethiopia '73 and A few years later my brother has been reported killed/missing. The daunting thing is that none of these thuggs including this guy giving this interview has come through . From listening to this interview i have no doubt he knows. Will we hear fromany of them ? We'll see.
" የአይጥ ምስክር ድንቢጥ " ጌታቸው ስለ ጌታው ኢያሱ አለማየሁ ሲመሰክር ።
ደርግ ወይም መኢሶን ከዚህ አትዝልም
አኝህ ሰዉዬ አሉ እንዴ ምነዉ ከመድረክ ላይ ጠፉ በሰላም ነዉ???
Are kiflu and Iyasu alive?
አቦማ ከማን ጋር ተወዳድሮ ነው የተመረጠው?
ለገሠ ዜናዊ ሃሳቡን ቀይሮ ራሱን ከምርጫ አገለለ
ኦባማ ሳይሆን አቦማ ተብሎ ይስተካከል
Your introductio n of your gusts are too long. Why dont you make short?.
I strongly doubt "Vision Ethiopia" does have any vision for Ethiopia proper. Instead, it should rename as "Vision Amhara" to reflect the reality it stands for.
Then why is he so reactionary???
ፀጉርህን ተስተካከል ከእድሜህ ጋር አይሄድም ተጨማሪም ፋኖ ስላልሆክ
አንዱም መላጣ አንዱም የተስተካከለ ነዉ አይንህን ብትታየዉ 😂😂😂
የወረደ መልክት የቀደሙ ፋኖ ናቸው
ምንድን ናችሁ ምድረ ቁጭራ ትውልድ ምን አይነት ዝንባምብየጎዳና ላይ ትውልድ ነው የመጣብን
አቦማ ምትኩና እኔ ነዉ ማለት የነበረብዎት ፖሮፍ! ይኸ የትህትና፣ የሥልጣኔ ሀሁ ስለሆነ!!!
የእይታ ጉዳይ ንው ችግር የለውም
Is he(Eyassu) alive Now?
አዎ አለ በህይወት
አዎ ፓሪስ ነው
አቦማ ምትኩን ኦባማ ምትኩ ብለህ የጻፍከው በስህተት ነው?
Le tigray tewelaje ayeseram 😂😂
Mr. Getachew ur very wrong. I was also a student in Arat kilo Science faculty in 1974. Except peoms every rhing was English. Amhara animosty was born in Addis Ababa University ( HMH Haile silase university.)
Emelew tiresachew lek ayedelem demo yesekalu😂😂😂?
From the interview only blame the government but didn’t mentioned about the students fault free education you suppose to finish school before you start political revolution understand the people and how government functions and where the money is coming to support your education but you have your future but so many didn’t make it the lost generation
ይሄ የ60ዎቹ ትውልድ እጅግ አወዛጋቢ ነው እስካሁን አገሪቱ ከፍላ የማትጨርሰው ማብቂያ የሌለው የመከራዎች ሁሉ መከራ ነው
Poor understanding of the time and objectives of the struggle
ምን ማለት ነው? እስቲ ግልጽ አድርገው፡፡
ሁሉም በየዘመኑ የሚከውነው ሀገራዊ ስነልቦና መሆኑን የማይገነዘቡ ብኩኖች የ60ዎቹን ከመኮነን ይልቅ የደረሱበትን ተቀብለው ማሻሻል ነው ድርሻችሁ:: እንዲህ ቢሆን ኖሮ የስንፍና ኡኡታ ነው:: ሀገራዊ የለውጥ ጉዞ የቅብብሎሽ መድረክና የሩጫ ሰፊ ሜዳ ናቸው::
ንገሩኝ ባይ ትውልድ!
የቀድሞ ማሪዎቹን የፍትህ፣ የእኩልናነትና የዲሞክራሲ ጥያቄዎችን በማፈን ያን እንቁ ትውልድ በሰላማዊ ትግል ተስፋ ቆርጦ በየመሰለው የፓለቲካ ድርጅት እንዲበተንን እርስ በርስም እንዲባላ ያደረገው ከወታደራዊ ስብእና ውጪ በእውቀት የማይታማውን ደርግ እንጂ ያ ራሱን ለህዝብ መብት አሳልፎ የሰጠው ትውልድ እሁን አገሪቱ ላለችበት ምስቅልቅል ተጠያቂ የሚሆነው በምን ሂሳብ ነው? ላም ባልዋለበት ኩበት ለቀማ እንዳይሆን ያን ትውልድን በጅምላ መርገም።
በኢንፎርሜሽን ዘመን ላይ ሆነህ ከአምሳ አመት በፊት የነበረንብ ትውልድ ሞባይል ፣ኢንተርኔት ተጠቃሚ አልነበረም ብሎ መውቀስ አይሆንም ወይ?
ያ ትውልድም እኮ እድሉ ቢያገኝ
የአሁኑን ትውልድን:-
"የአሁኑ ትውልድ የአብይ አህመድ አይነት ጨቅላ ሌ/ኮለኔል እንደፈለገ አገሪቱን ሲይጨማልቅ ዝም ብሎ የሚተኛ ፣አለያም በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ተደብቆ ከመፎከር ቀላል የማይባለው ደግሞ ለሆዱ ተገዝቶ የሚያጨበጭብ ፣ከሁሉም በላይ ደግሞ ቆምኩለት ለሚለው ዓላማ ይሁን ፍላጉት ራሱ ግንባር ቀደም ሆኖ ሳይሆን ሌሎች መስዋእትነት እንዲከፍሉለት የሚፈልግ፣ ባለቤት አልባ የሆኑ ቁንፅል ቁርጥራጭ ፅሁፎችንና ወሬዎችን መለቃቀም እሱኑን ሳያላምጥ ውጦ መልሶ እንደገደል ማሚቶ የሚያስተጋባ እንጂ ጥልቅና ሰፋፊ ፅሁፎችን የመፃፍ ይቅርና የማንበብ ትእግስት የሌለው፣ወደ ነፈሰበት የሚወዛወዝ ኮምፓስና መልህቅ አልባ ትውልድ ...ወዘተ" እያለ መተቸት ይችላል ። እውነትም ነባራዊው አሁናዊ ሁኔታ ይኸው ነውና።
ኢፍትሃዊው ኋላቀር የዘውድ አገዛዝንና ስልጣንን በአፈሙዝ ነጥቆ አገሪቱን የደም አበላ ያለበስን የወታደሮች ስብስብ መቃወም ብቻ ሳይሆን ህይወቱን አሳልፎ የሰጠን የያኔው ትውልድ ስልጣንን ብቻ ሳይሆን ፒኤቺዲን በሴራ ነጥቆ የያዘ፣ የእናቴ ውቃቤ "ንጉስ ትሆናለህ ብሎኛል" የሚል ንግርት ወይም ጥንቆላን እንደ ፓለቲካ ፕሮግራም የሚቆጥርና ይህን የቀን ቅዠቱን ለመተግበር ሚልዬኖችን አስጨፍጭፎ ሲያበቃ በሙታን ላይ ሳይቀር "ፀሃይ እንዳይመታቸው ጥላ የሚሆናቸውን ዛፍ እየተከልኩላቸው ነው" ብሎ የሚሳለቅ ፣ለስልጣን ሲል የአገርን ክብርና ሉኣላዊነት አሳልፎ ለመሸጥ እንደ ጠላ ቤት የጣሳ ምልክት ለጥፎ የሚያሻሽጥ አገዛዝን ተባብሮ ለመጣል ይቅርና ለጋራ አላማ አንድነት ፈጥሮ ለመታገል ወኔና ብቃት ባጣ ትውልድ እንዴት ነው የሚሻቀጠው? ንገሩኝ ባይ! አሉ እማማ ትርፌ!
መተቸት የለበትም እያልኩ ግን አይደለም። በተለይ የእድሜ ልክ ቂመኛ ኞነቱ እጅግ ሊኮነን ይገባል። አሁንም ድረስ የሙጥኝ ብሎ የያዘው ብቻ ሳይሆን ለአዲሱ ትውልድ እያጋባ ያለ ብዙ አለና።
ያ እና ይኸ ትውልድ ንገሩኝ ባይ ባይሆኑ
የቀድሞ ተማሪዎቹን የፍትህ፣ የእኩልናነትና የዲሞክራሲ ጥያቄዎችን በማፈን ያን እንቁ ትውልድ በሰላማዊ ትግል ተስፋ ቆርጦ በየመሰለው የፓለቲካ ድርጅት እንዲበተንን እርስ በርስም እንዲባላ ያደረገው ከወታደራዊ ስብእና ውጪ በእውቀት የማይታማውን ደርግ እንጂ ያ ራሱን ለህዝብ መብት አሳልፎ የሰጠው ትውልድ እሁን አገሪቱ ላለችበት ምስቅልቅል ተጠያቂ የሚሆነው በምን ሂሳብ ነው? ላም ባልዋለበት ኩበት ለቀማ እንዳይሆን ያን ትውልድን በጅምላ መርገም።
በኢንፎርሜሽን ዘመን ላይ ሆነህ ከአምሳ አመት በፊት የነበረንብ ትውልድ ሞባይል ፣ኢንተርኔት ተጠቃሚ አልነበረም ብሎ መውቀስ አይሆንም ወይ?
ያ ትውልድም እኮ እድሉ ቢያገኝ
የአሁኑን ትውልድን:-
"የአሁኑ ትውልድ የአብይ አህመድ አይነት ጨቅላ ሌ/ኮለኔል እንደፈለገ አገሪቱን ሲያጨማልቅ ዝም ብሎ የሚተኛ ፣አለያም በማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ተደብቆ የሚመፎክር ፣ቀላል የማይባለው ደግሞ ለሆዱ ተገዝቶ የሚያጨበጭብ ፣ከሁሉም በላይ ደግሞ ቆምኩለት ለሚለው ዓላማ ይሁን ፍላጎት ራሱ ግንባር ቀደም ሆኖ ሳይሆን ሌሎች መስዋእትነት እንዲከፍሉለት የሚሻ፣ ባለቤት አልባ የሆኑ ቁንፅል ቁርጥራጭ የማህበራዊ ሚድያ ፅሁፎችንና ወሬዎችን በመለቃቀም ሳያላምጥ ውጦ መልሶ እንደገደል ማሚቶ የሚያስተጋባ እንጂ ጥልቅና ሰፋፊ ፅሁፎችን የመፃፍ ይቅርና የማንበብ ትእግስትም ብቃትም የሌለው፣ወደ ነፈሰበት የሚወዛወዝ ኮምፓስና መልህቅ አልባ ትውልድ ...ወዘተ" እያለ መተቸት ይችላል ። እውነትም ነባራዊው አሁናዊ ሁኔታ ይኸው ነውና።
ኢፍትሃዊው ኋላቀር የዘውድ አገዛዝንና ስልጣንን በአፈሙዝ ነጥቆ አገሪቱን የደም አበላ ያለበስን የወታደሮች ስብስብን መቃወም ብቻ ሳይሆን ህይወቱን አሳልፎ የሰጠን የያኔው ትውልድ ስልጣንን ብቻ ሳይሆን ፒኤቺዲን በሴራ ነጥቆ የያዘ፣ የእናቴ ውቃቤ "ንጉስ ትሆናለህ ብሎኛል" የሚል ንግርት ወይም ጥንቆላን እንደ ፓለቲካ ፕሮግራም የሚቆጥርና ይህን የቀን ቅዠቱን ለመተግበር ሚልዬኖችን አስጨፍጭፎ ሲያበቃ በሙታን ላይ ሳይቀር "ፀሃይ እንዳይመታቸው ጥላ የሚሆናቸውን ዛፍ እየተከልኩላቸው ነው" ብሎ የሚሳለቅ ፣ለስልጣን ሲል የአገርን ክብርና ሉኣላዊነት አሳልፎ ለመሸጥ እንደ ጠላ ቤት የጣሳ ምልክት ለጥፎ የሚያሻሽጥ አገዛዝን ተባብሮ አደብ ለማስያዝ አለያም አብዝቶ ከሚያመልከው ዙፋኑ መንግሎ ለመጣል ይቅርና ለጋራ አላማ አንድነት ፈጥሮ ሉታገለው ወኔና ብቃት ባጣ ትውልድ እንዴት ነው የሚበሻቀጠው? ንገሩኝ ባይ! አሉ እማማ ትርፌ!
ልብ በሉልኝ መተቸት የለበትም እያልኩ ግን አይደለም። በተለይ የእድሜ ልክ ቂመኛነቱ (በተለይ እርስ በራሱ) እጅግ ሊኮነን ይገባል። አሁንም ድረስ የሙጥኝ ብሎ የያዘው ብቻ ሳይሆን ለአዲሱ ትውልድ እያጋባ ያለ ሁለ መናው ቂም በቀል የሆነ በርካታ የያኔው ትውልድ ቅሪት አለና። አንዳንዱም ሁሉም ነገር "በኛ ጊዜ ቀረ" እያለ ራሱ የፈጠረውን የዘመኑን ትውልድ የሚኮንና በእሱ ጊዜ የነበረውም በግዜዉ ላይመለስ ማክተሙና አዲስ ትውልድ ብቻ ሳይሆን አዲስ ዘመንም መሆኑን የሚዘነጋ በነበረበት ዘመን ቆሞ ወይም ቀንጭሮ የቀረ መሆኑ ሃቅ ነው። የሰው ልጅ ራሱ ወልዶ በተሻለ ዘመን ያሳደገው ይቅርና እራሱ የሰራው ኮምፒተርም ከሰው የተሻለ ብቃት የሚያሳይበት መስክ መኖሩን መቀበል ግድ ይላል።
ሰውይወን ቆለልከው
ምን ማለት ነው አንተ በማናናቅ ፒኤች ዲግሪ ያለህ ትውልድ
አዎ በጣም ደፋር ነህ!
Yes not this two but also 3lencho bate 4dawed ebsa adanech ababe shemels abdesa in pp opdeo party as hole
አይ አቶ ኤልያስ ምርጥ አእምሮ ሁሉ ከድሮ ዘመን የሚቀዳ ይመስልሀል? ትገርማለህ አሁን ስንት ምርጥ አእምሮዎች እንዳሉ አታዉቅም።ቀሽም።የድሮ ናፉቂ።
The interviewer is not really interested in digging into the Student Union at the transition from monarchy to a revolution of Ethiopian people in 1974 revolution. He rather concerned about the Union's use of English instead of Amharic in its communique. His tries to inject his opposition to the non-Amhara leaders of the Union to push the use of English in the meetings and communique. He is living in 2023, but reflecting his disappointments with the use of English by the Union in 1974. I think that he is very much backwarded. He should have known the social development and the awareness of the overwhelming majority of the Ethiopian population awareness about their right. He is practically 50 years back and couldn't even update hims self to the awareness level of the University students in 1974.
Unlike most Amhara elites a fair minded person!!
TPLF, OLF, and EPRP were communist groups, and ommunism requires an enemy, so Amhara was labelled as an enemy by both TPLF & OLF, and indirectly by EPRP as landlords and chauvinists without mentioning the name Amhara. The guest should have not denied these facts.
Iwneta ? What a joke. So it’s ok to let them lie because their victims can’t speak for themselves ?
Absolutly wrong infoemation. I n Arat Kilo Science Campas came Sisay Habete and Atnafu Abate, etc. Only Siya Habe has spoken to us. Mele Tekle has bombared them and they went back to their main station
The name of the Oromo student at HSIU who was the secretary general of the student council was: Abomaa not Obama” it’s a pity that Habasha crowds are ignorant of Oromo names, … as prominent as Abomaa Mitickuu was!!
And also, why didn’t you ask him the roll he played to organize the huge Habasha conference “called.. the Invasion of the Gallas”this Getachew claims to have gone through a progressive political culture and was the main instigator to organize such unscholarly anathema undertaking!!
@@NegA-g2i oh well, your solipsistic response is a case in point… of the Habasha crowds cynicism regarding the complaints of non-Abyssinia citizens of the Empire!!
Pantomime dame theatrics!
0 secondi fa
I have participated in similar academic conference as you mentioned above : apart from the name galla the historic event has never been an issue . Call it expansion or invasin matters won't change very much. You may grab some references from Hizkiel Gabissa or Tassama Taa or other several Oromo scholars before you accuse somebody as engaging in unscholarly undertaking with deliberate ignorance of facts on the ground. Do you know why and where Aboma Mitiku was cold-bloodedly gunned down together with five or six of his friends ? Certainly not by Habasha herds !
The said Oromo scholars notwithstanding, I can given u ample evidence written by none-Oromo historians and political scientists!
Paul Baxter wrote several articles and published books on Oromo Anthropology and history.
Marco Bassi on Borana culture, history and politics.
Alessandro Triulzi on the history of Western Oromia (Walagaa) and the peripheral borders of Ethiopia and the Sudan.
Enreco Cerulli on several aspects of Oromo history, culture and religion.
Eike Haberland, on Oromo democracy, Gadaa culture and institutions… he even suggested that Gadaa is a complex concept and that the Oromo people did not invent it! Go figure that out…?
Herbert Lewis on the kingdom of Jimma and the Gibee States.
The so called “Galla Invasion” is a figment of Habasha imagination!! The Oromo people are indigenous African/Nubian/Kushite nation!! It was the Abyssinians that crossed the Arabian Peninsula and usurped the Axumite civilization and settled on the African continent!! Not the Oromo people!! You may reference the Nile Valley Civilization of the past ten thousand years… books by Diop, Charles Finch and many others on the Nile Valley Civilizations and people who were makers of Black African Civilization!!
Of young and upcoming scholars, on the Kushite history and culture, Dereje Tadesse of HaraMayaa University (formerly Alem Meya) is an example of fresh talent!!
The disappointing spectacle that included the who is who of the Habasha academics rambled on about how the Oromo people invaded Northeast Africa!!
At any rate, for those of us in the Oromo Nation, these despicable ramblings are inconsequential and hopefully, the Abyssinia community and other citizens of the Empire will have a peaceful coexistence in the parallel world of the Horn of Africa!!
Mr knows it all, of course I know where he was killed! He and four others, Yigazu Bantti, Magarssaa Batii,Muhe’,and Gadaa Gamadaa! They were on an assignment to go to Somalia and request for military material assistance!
On the way to Mogadishu, they were confronted by Somalia armed elements and they were demanded to separate themselves according to their religious beliefs…Christian or Islam… they refused to accept the demands and they were murdered together as Oromo revolutionaries!
ይህ ሆዳም ትገል ሻች አሁን ሰዉ ሆኖ ይዋሻል
ይሄ ከንቱ እርባና-ቢስ ቅሪላ : ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተማሪ ሆኖም በኢህአፓ ውስጥም : ሆኖ በግል ፍላጎቱ የጦዘ: የVision Ethiopia መሪና መስራች ነኝ እያለ በአኢትዮዽያ አየር መንገድና በታላቁ ሕዳሴ ግድብ ላይ ሲያሟርት ዕድሜውን የጨረሰ ❗️
"ነገሩን ከማቃለል አልፎ፤ ወደ ራስ ሚተኮስ ..."!