In my country, we Christians about 1 percent of the population. We are very few, after reading your comment I’m glad that there are a lot of Christians. God bless all Christians and let Christ reign forever! Amen
The English Bible gospels were translated into English by William Tyndale. From the Greek, the language of gospels. Changing English and England for ever. This is beautiful beyond measure. The curtain is lifted and we get a glimpse of heaven. Greetings from Yorkshire at Easter.
I'm a Roman Catholic from Malaysia 🇲🇾 where the majority here are Muslims and it's very common to hear Arabic Islam prayer but my faith in Jesus doesn't make me feel anything about it but hearing this beautiful chant in Arabic just touched me beautifully 🙏🏾❤️✝️ God keep guiding us
Приходи в Православную Веру и всё почувствуешь, брат! Католики впали в ересь, поэтому идёт деградация у католиков. Про мусульман я вообще молчу, истинная ересь антихристова вера!
I'm not any Religion and when I heard this I started crying and I heard a voice tell me everything will be alright and that they will always be here with me... I don't know who the voice was but I felt at peace for once in my life so thank you for this video..
I have a God's voice as well. After I accepted Him, I have His voice almost every day, comforting me and speaking with me. God has spoken to you for a reason. Accept Him, resist the sin and be with your Father for eternity. Just imagine being eternal...
Ja sam pravoslavne hrišćanske vjere. Već dugo nisam čula ovako lijepe anđeoske glasove. Veliki pozdrav za sve pravoslavne hrišćane širom svijeta. Molimo se svi zajedno da nam Bog sačuva razum i pravu vjeru. Pozdrav iz Crne Gore, iz Podgorice ☦️☦️☦️
Love to Ethiopian Christians who kept the fire of light for all these centuries, faithfully. Im Iranian convert to the Christian faith. And I love Ethiopia very specially. Be blessed, full of the Holy Spirit 💟✝️💟
Ideea unui salvator al prostiei noastre umane există în orice populație ,dar a tot făcătorul de ce ne -a făcut ,creat proști ,ca să albă jucării atunci când se plictișește??
Unitate? Pai voi v-ați despărțit de adevăratul Dumnezeu ați părăsit, biserica adevărată .Ca să vă uniți cu noi ortodocși trebuie sa va botezați in ortodoxie .Noi nu dorim unirea cu catolici și cu nici o alta religie sau secta .Cine vrea sa vina la adevăr și la adevăratul Dumnezeu singura modalitate este sa se convertească la ortodoxie . Noi nu avem nevoie de unitate cu nici o secta.Cat de curând voi Catolici, si musulmani ,evrei și toți păgâni va veți face o unitate și o religie mondială .Care va fi a lui Antihrist.Noi nu ne vom uni cu voi niciodată nici măcar sa ne rugăm împreună .Petru noi toate bisericile inafara ortodoxiei sunt eretice și păgâne iari canoanele ne interzic unire cu voi.
@MyAnimalNation I am Orthodox too. There is absolutely nothing comparable to Orthodox Christianity in feeling your God and Maker Jesus Christ running throughout your body like blood. He is King 👑 of kings and Lord of lords.✝️. 🐊🌴🇵🇬
Ύψιστος βυζαντινός ύμνος, νομίζω ότι θα είναι άδικο για κάποιον που θα περάσει απο αυτόν τον κόσμο και δεν θα ακούσει αυτές τις αγγελικές φωνές. Είχα την τιμή να ακούσω ζωντανα τον πάναγνο αυτό ύμνο από την "χορωδία" των μοναχών της Σιμωνόπετρας στο Άγιο Όρος. Καταπληκτική ερμηνεία. Όμως εδώ τα οι παιδικες φωνές είναι θεσπέσιες. Είμαστε τυχεροί που είχαμε πριν από εμάς εναν άγιο υμνουργό τον Αγιο Νεκτάριο... Καλή αντάμωση αδέρφια! Την αγάπη μου!
Ο οικουμενικός μας άγιος Νεκτάριος που έγραψε αυτό το αριστούργημα! Την ευλογία του να έχουμε, και η χάρη της Παναγίας μας να σκεπάζει την οικουμένη. Ωραία χορωδία! Αγγελικές φωνές.
Αν και το μορφωτικό μου επίπεδο είναι πολύ κατώτερο και απ' του San Diego και απ' του Mitika Avadani, θα διαφωνήσω και με τους δύο. Κανένας δε σε καλεί και κανείς δεν είναι αυτός που θα σου υποδείξει το σωστό, παρά μόνο η λογική και η καρδιά σου. Ο Χριστός δεν χρειάζεται προσήλητους, αλλά συνειδητοποιημένους ανθρώπους που γνωρίζουν για ποιόν λόγο τον ακολουθούν.
🙏✝️🙏. A Hymn written in 1912 by Saint Nectarios of Aegina in Greece. For Our Virgin Mary Mother of God Jesus Christ. Let the Cross ✝️ unite us all. Love from Greece✝️🇬🇷✝️
@@vladodobleja748as a coptic orthodox, my church got bombed in 2019, although it's not as common now, but there are some muslim fanatics that bomb churches, rape Christian women, and kill Christians in general. It's horrible. But not all muslims are like that. I don't blame them for it, their religion teaches it.
Vlad, ești un înger. Să te țină Dumnezeu așa toată viața. Tu faci oamenii mai buni prin harul dat ție de la Domnul! Fii binecuvântat!! Te iubește o mamă cu trei băieți ❤
Today is the Feast day, the day we commemorate Saint Nektarios in the Orthodox Church. Thank you for this divinely blessed hymn he created for the The Theotokos, for all of humanity, it is beautiful. MAY THE THEOTOKOS PROTECT ALL OF US AND ESPECIALLY THE INNOCENT CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD.
Short history of Christianity:видео.html Finding and learning about the Christian Orthodox Church:видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html The Holy Fire:видео.html The Christian Orthodox Church is God's choice! See "Religion of the Apostles" by Father Dr. Stephen De Young
I'm a Hindu from India. I feel love and reverence in my heart listening to this. May the divine unite us all sentient beings. May we all celebrate again the divinity that is life. ♡
@@maribelminayadiaz9322 Jesus Christ is the symbol of life/being. The Lord is life itself, as it says in the Bible - "life" as in consciousness/awareness/knowledge. If the real Christ were among us today, I'm absolutely certain he wouldn't be engaging in a vain, narcissistic self-exaltation by hating the other - in this case "other" being other religions and cultures. Rather, he would be epitomising the one singular awareness that is the ground of all being. Alas, most people do not get the symbolism and allegory of the message of the Holy One! And this ignorance of the masses is further exploited by the Devil to advance its own agenda, which is to keep catalysing chaos and division! Try to "know" God, to you I say. Experience Godliness. And the world will be better for it.
@@maribelminayadiaz9322 Christ is the archetype of the Hero. Yes, he is the Saviour and the King. And the One to redeem humanity. Christ is homo totus, the complete, whole or integrated man. He symbolises what the Buddhists have described as Dzogchen (great perfection or completion). He personifies "wholeness" - the same wholeness that finds mention in the following Hindu mantra: oṁ pūrṇam-adaḥ pūrṇam-idaṁ pūrṇātpūrṇamudacyate । pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ॥ oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥ English translation: “That is the Whole, this is the Whole; from the Whole, the Whole arises; taking away the Whole from the Whole, the Whole remains.” Anyway, I wish you the best and hope that you actually get to experience God personally. That'll lay to rest all doubt and fear of what seems like the "other". May Christ's grace guide you in your journey. God bless you. Namasté
@@anakeinI would like to express my gratitude to you for this message full of wisdom. I read and reread it. I meditated on it. It was very beneficial to me. Hearing messages of wisdom like this this is always a relief to the soul of believers. Thank you so much. Be blessed. 💙🕊 (From Paris, France)
@@XxOursChannelX4875you get that jesus is god right? Along with the fact that we should show love to the person with loved, Raised, sacrificed, and protected our god.
Потрясающе, я никогда арабский вариант не слышала!!!!!Просто удивительно и как красиво!!!!!Спаси Господи всех!!!!!!!!Из России 🇷🇺☦️☦️☦️с любовью и Божьим благословением от всех святых в земле российской просиявших!!!
يا يسوع صديق القلب الضعيف والمنزوي، أنت سمائي، أنت سلامي، أنت خلاصي، أنت هدوئي في وقت التجارب والمِحن. أنت النّور الساطع الذي ينير طريقي. أنت طبيب قلبي ونفسي الفقيرة والضعيفة، أنت تدركُ ضعفي وحقارتي، ومن سواك يا إلهي شفائي! أنت غذائي وحياتي. أشكرك على كلّ النعم يا ربّي، أشكرك على رحمتك الإلهيّة اللامنتاهية. سبّحي الربّ يا نفسي من أجل كلّ شيء، ومجّدي رحمته لأنّ صلاحه لا نهاية له. كلّ شيء يزول ما عدا رحمته، فلا حدود لها ولا نهاية. لا قياس للرحمة الإلهية. يا إلهي، برحمتك ومحبتك حرّرنا من العقاب الأبديّ. يزداد حنان الله لنا بقدر ما نزداد تواضعاً. إنّ الأزهار التي أنشرها على أقدام الله هي ممارسة الصمت والتأمّل. إبتهجي، أيتها الخلائق كلّها، ومجدي اسم الرب. آمين 🙏🇮🇶
Took me to heaven and back . Luckily I was born in Middle East and raised in this type of environment. Priceless! My ultimate treasure. Bless you brothers and sisters 🙏
@@maryoo7131Bizde Hanefi Ortodoks müslüman olarak sizi İslam'a davet ediyor ve Kur'an'ı Kerim'i okumanızı ve Kur'an'ı Kerim'in ne kadar aydınlatıcı ve açıcı olduğunu gormeye davet ediyoruz. ☪️
As an Indian 🇮🇳 Christian ✝️ , I'm delighted to hear this heavenly voice. May God bless the whole world and protect it from evil. May the world realize the truth, path, and life as taught by our Jesus Christ. ❤️
المسيح قام .. حقا قام .. المجد للاب والابن والروح القدس ، امين. تحيا الارثوذوكسية التي تجمعنا وتوحدنا بالمسيح .. الرب يبارك شعبه انا ارثوذوكسي من سوريا ... ستبقى سوريا مهد المسيحية الاول ، منها انطلق بولس الرسول الى العالم ليكرز بالمسيح ، ومنها يوحنا الذهبي الفم الذي كتب هذا الايمان الارثوذوكسي القويم ،،، في سوريا انشأ القديس حنانيا (احد تلاميذ الرب) ، اول كنيسة في التاريخ ، وعلى ضفاف بحيرة طبريا في سوريا مشى السيد المسيح على المياه واصطاد بطرس والتلاميذ السمك فيها .... سوريا للمسيح .. وستبقى للمسيح مهما اشتدت الحروب فيها. . . امين
@@DiosYlosProfetas If you truly knew that is a huge sin to change the word of Jesus Christ as the "Religions" have done, the only way to be in the way of our Lord is by the way of Orthodox Christianity, you soon find out why..
Doamne ajută ! Felicitări ! Dumnezeu să vă dea putere să ne puteți încântă auzul încă multă vreme ! Preasfânta Născătoare de Dumnezeu să vă ocrotească !
Even an ignorant Scandinavian like me can hear, that this must be one of the most beautiful psalms ever written. Deserves to be heard by spiritually minded people from the entire world.
Degeaba aveți inima și sufletul ortodoxe dacă voi sunteți botezați catolici până nu veți boteza ortodocși, veți fi în minciuna ,puteți sa aveți inima si sufletul unde vreți ca sunteți pe lângă gard.Singura modalitate să-l Simțiți pe Dumnezeu este sa va botezați sa va spovediti și sa luati Sfânta Împărtășanie .Atunci puteți sa spuneți ca sunteți și cu inima și cu sufletu ortodocși. Dar un catolic nu are cum sa simtă ce înseamnă sa fi ortodox. Cum de nu vedeți ca religia catolica este cea mai mare secta din care au ieșit sute de secta mai mici?. precum protestanți mormoni adventiști etc .botezați vă și veniți la adevăr.
@@deliavalentina4000the first schism was between Rome (Catholic) and Constantinople (Orthodox). The second schism was between Roman Catholicism and Protestant. All the others you mentioned are splinters from the Reformed Churches, not from Roman Catholic. The Orthodox churches are not fully united either. A house divided cannot withstand the storm. It’s time to put aside our differences and live together as brothers and sisters in Christ because we are in a major storm.
Greetings from Serbia to the Orthodox brothers and sisters from Ethiopia, the rest of Africa and to those who speak the Aramaic language of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Greetings to Orthodox Christians in Georgia, Armenia, Egypt, South Sudan, Orthodox Arabs, the Middle and Far East, India, South America, North America, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia and also a big greeting to Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians! God is with us! 🇷🇸❤️☦️
@@hope4all69 the word in the comment is θεοτόκος, which is not translatable directly to one word. In American English, Orthodox Christians simply say the word ‘Theotokos’, which doesn't exactly mean ‘mother of God’, but more ‘bearer of God’. I hope you don't think Gabriel lied to Mary. 😂
Ο πιο όμορφος ύμνος…! Σ’αγαπω Παναγια μ.. προστάτεψέ μας…σε χρειάζεται όλος ο κόσμος σκέπασέ τον με την αγκαλιά σου μην αφήσεις άλλους να πεθάνουν άδικα ή να ταλαιπωρηθούν
Ascult zilnic.Imi da putere,speranta,liniste sufleteasca, iubire curata chiar daca lacrimile curg siroaie ,ele spala tot raul la care suntem obligati sa traim.Multumim ca existati!
I was almost overwhelmed with tears at 6:18 when everyone joined in. I don’t speak the language or understand any of the words, but I sure can feel it emotionally.
Macht nichts. Ich verstehe auch fast nichts. Aber: Es hört sich so schön an. Wenn die Musik Dein Herz berührt, haben die Künstler schon 100 Prozent erreicht... Hab ein schönes Wochenende 😀
@@karlfreiha4745*Stop.* Doesn't matter what denomination you are. If you love Christ, if you've asked Christ for forgiveness, if you're re-dedicated your life to following and living for The Lord, thats what matters on Judgement Day. Not denomination, but the condition of your heart.
I'm a Buddhist and I'm pretty sure that I was Romanian, Arab, and Greek in some of previous lives because I strongly feel connection and love when I'm listening to every song of each language in this video.
@@hayaowennaga I'm sorry, I don't think you believe in demons, just that everything you accomplish in buddhism is done by satan. I recommend the book "The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios."
Συγχαρητήρια πολλά !!!!!! Απο μια Ελληνιδα που ζει στην Γερμανια. Είστε υπεροχει ολοι ❤❤❤❤❤❤
This Chant makes you cry! Respect from Orthodox Albania! 🇦🇱☦️🇦🇱
do you like greece?
Glad to know that not only Muslims in Albania
What plasm is it?
@@yuropolthis is not a psalm, but a chant dedicated to Virgin Mary❤
It’s not a psalm, it’s an hymn dedicated to the Holy Mother of God written by Saint Nektarios ❤
أشعر أنني في السماء بحضرة الرب يسوع المسيح..
تحية محبة من سوري أورثوذوكسي إلى كل أورثوذوكس العالم❤❤
Ευχαριστούμε αδερφέ. Ο Κύριος μας, μαζί μας 😊
Sa ne mantuiasca Domnul! Ce greutati aveti ?! Sf. Tecla sa va ajute!
Bunu Dumnezeu a înzestrat o asa frumoasa si inteleapta fata arabă
In my country, we Christians about 1 percent of the population. We are very few, after reading your comment I’m glad that there are a lot of Christians. God bless all Christians and let Christ reign forever! Amen
Jesus is our Lord!
is a seminar to make you blind.. enjoy the music.. women are treated like shit.. is Romania!
Darf ich fragen, wo?
Dein Name ist Deutsch.
The English Bible gospels were translated into English by William Tyndale. From the Greek, the language of gospels. Changing English and England for ever. This is beautiful beyond measure. The curtain is lifted and we get a glimpse of heaven. Greetings from Yorkshire at Easter.
Im a Greek Orthodox Christian! But to be true the Arab voices are like are made from angels! Be blessed!
Also the Romanian choir is majestic!
Άκουσε σε παρακαλώ το "αγνή παρθένε Δέσποινα" από τους μοναχούς της Σίμωνος Πέτρας....Άγγελοι επί γης❤
I'm a Roman Catholic from Malaysia 🇲🇾 where the majority here are Muslims and it's very common to hear Arabic Islam prayer but my faith in Jesus doesn't make me feel anything about it but hearing this beautiful chant in Arabic just touched me beautifully 🙏🏾❤️✝️ God keep guiding us
Приходи в Православную Веру и всё почувствуешь, брат! Католики впали в ересь, поэтому идёт деградация у католиков. Про мусульман я вообще молчу, истинная ересь антихристова вера!
Ce se întâmpla daca fata punea o esarfa pe cap,asa cum spune sf apostol Pavel?...of....frumos cantat..❤
Amin .
Because its the true religion the original one.
It is an Orthodox Christian song in Arabic,Romanian and Greek language The girl is an Arab Christian
God bless you and your family 🙋♂️ 🙏 🙏 🙏 ☦️ 👨👩👦👦 🤗!!!
thank you!
God bless you and your loved ones ❤️☦️
Ki ri e e le i so ne
May God bless you, and your family! Love from Greece.
I'm not any Religion and when I heard this I started crying and I heard a voice tell me everything will be alright and that they will always be here with me... I don't know who the voice was but I felt at peace for once in my life so thank you for this video..
Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life
Seek him and you will find peace
God is love, and you are of Him, remember that
That's wonderful friend. Welcome the voice and the feeling. I've been there. If it feels good then we know where it comes from. ✝️🙏
I have a God's voice as well. After I accepted Him, I have His voice almost every day, comforting me and speaking with me. God has spoken to you for a reason. Accept Him, resist the sin and be with your Father for eternity. Just imagine being eternal...
Respect from orthodox Greece🤍🇬🇷☦️
Ja sam pravoslavne hrišćanske vjere. Već dugo nisam čula ovako lijepe anđeoske glasove. Veliki pozdrav za sve pravoslavne hrišćane širom svijeta.
Molimo se svi zajedno da nam Bog sačuva razum i pravu vjeru.
Pozdrav iz Crne Gore, iz Podgorice ☦️☦️☦️
Greetings from Orthodox România!
Σε χαιρετώ αδελφέ από την Κύπρο!
God bless you all from Ethiopia ☦️🇪🇹
Love to Ethiopian Christians who kept the fire of light for all these centuries, faithfully.
Im Iranian convert to the Christian faith. And I love Ethiopia very specially. Be blessed, full of the Holy Spirit 💟✝️💟
God bless you! May God always be with you. Love from Greece.
Благословит вас Господь, братья
@@DarioMagno God bless you may he keep you safe and give you a long blissful life and accept you in the glory of the afterlife
Glory to god … hello to Ethiopian brothers ☦️💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
This girl have out of earth sound 😳😍, god bless you all my Orthodox brothers my greetings from Egypt ❤❤
Είμαι Ελληνοκύπρια Ορθοδοξη σας επαινώ για το υπέροχο έργο σας να είστε όλοι καλά καλά Χριστούγεννα σε όλους τους χριστιανούς και ορθόδοξους ✝️🇨🇾🇬🇷
Ideea unui salvator al prostiei noastre umane există în orice populație ,dar a tot făcătorul de ce ne -a făcut ,creat proști ,ca să albă jucării atunci când se plictișește??
Καλησπέρα σας. Χρόνια πολλά! Συγχαρητήρια. Χαιρετισμούς από Ελλάδα!!!
I am a Roman Catholic, but I love the different cultures of my brothers and sisters In Christ and pray for Unity.
Мы с католиками не когда в месте не будем
Come to Orthodox if you want unity... No other way
sorry but we are not brothers in Christ, unless catholics admit their heresy and come back to the truth they left officially in 1054
Unitate? Pai voi v-ați despărțit de adevăratul Dumnezeu ați părăsit, biserica adevărată .Ca să vă uniți cu noi ortodocși trebuie sa va botezați in ortodoxie .Noi nu dorim unirea cu catolici și cu nici o alta religie sau secta .Cine vrea sa vina la adevăr și la adevăratul Dumnezeu singura modalitate este sa se convertească la ortodoxie . Noi nu avem nevoie de unitate cu nici o secta.Cat de curând voi Catolici, si musulmani ,evrei și toți păgâni va veți face o unitate și o religie mondială .Care va fi a lui Antihrist.Noi nu ne vom uni cu voi niciodată nici măcar sa ne rugăm împreună .Petru noi toate bisericile inafara ortodoxiei sunt eretice și păgâne iari canoanele ne interzic unire cu voi.
потому что ума у вас для этого не хватает. и образования. подучиться бы уж вам. а то ведь весь мир уже достали. прости, Госспади... @@IvanSergeev-f4u
I'm an orthodox brother one of you from Cyprus! God bless you all ! Christian Orthodox of the world United! 🙏
@MyAnimalNation I am Orthodox too. There is absolutely nothing comparable to Orthodox Christianity in feeling your God and Maker Jesus Christ running throughout your body like blood. He is King 👑 of kings and Lord of lords.✝️. 🐊🌴🇵🇬
ارحمنا يارب برحمتك واغفر لنا اذكرنا بملكوتك شكرا يارب على هالاصوات الحلوه الدافئة الله يزيدكو من نعيمه ويبارك فيكو
Ύψιστος βυζαντινός ύμνος, νομίζω ότι θα είναι άδικο για κάποιον που θα περάσει απο αυτόν τον κόσμο και δεν θα ακούσει αυτές τις αγγελικές φωνές.
Είχα την τιμή να ακούσω ζωντανα τον πάναγνο αυτό ύμνο από την "χορωδία" των μοναχών της Σιμωνόπετρας στο Άγιο Όρος.
Καταπληκτική ερμηνεία.
Όμως εδώ τα οι παιδικες φωνές είναι θεσπέσιες.
Είμαστε τυχεροί που είχαμε πριν από εμάς εναν άγιο υμνουργό τον Αγιο Νεκτάριο...
Καλή αντάμωση αδέρφια! Την αγάπη μου!
Molim vas dragi grčki brate da poslušate srpsku pravoslavnupevačicu Divnu Ljubojević. Hristos Voskrese
I am Syro Malankara Catholic from India.Prayers for our Orthodox Brethren.
2 Lungs - 1 Breath
Pray for Reunification
Ave Maria!
Vivat Christus Rex!
where exactly from India my brother?
@@chingchenghanji9732Syro Malankara based in Kerala, catholic but with the orthodox tradition.
@@chingchenghanji9732iam christian from 🇮🇳
Kerala. And of course me too
Ο οικουμενικός μας άγιος Νεκτάριος που έγραψε αυτό το αριστούργημα! Την ευλογία του να έχουμε, και η χάρη της Παναγίας μας να σκεπάζει την οικουμένη. Ωραία χορωδία! Αγγελικές φωνές.
I am not Christian but idk what's happened to me when i hear it it's just like it's healing me 😢 😢
Ψάξε στην καρδιά σου και θα βρεις την απάντηση.
Jesus Christus is calling you
Treci la ortodoxie. Ortodoxiea este dreapta credință.
Αν και το μορφωτικό μου επίπεδο είναι πολύ κατώτερο και απ' του San Diego και απ' του Mitika Avadani, θα διαφωνήσω και με τους δύο. Κανένας δε σε καλεί και κανείς δεν είναι αυτός που θα σου υποδείξει το σωστό, παρά μόνο η λογική και η καρδιά σου.
Ο Χριστός δεν χρειάζεται προσήλητους, αλλά συνειδητοποιημένους ανθρώπους που γνωρίζουν για ποιόν λόγο τον ακολουθούν.
Primește ortodoxia In inima ta...e greu urcușul...dar sus te așteaptă Domnul.❤
🙏✝️🙏. A Hymn written in 1912 by Saint Nectarios of Aegina in Greece. For Our Virgin Mary Mother of God Jesus Christ. Let the Cross ✝️ unite us all. Love from Greece✝️🇬🇷✝️
Evharisto poli.Amin.
I'm an Orthodox from Greece. God bless you all! Bravo!
شكر وسلام علي هذا التسبيح الرائع نحن الارثوذكس الايمان المستقيم محبة لكم من قبطي ارثوذكسي🇾🇪
Is it true that Muslim Egyptians terrorise Coptic Orthodox Christians in Egypt?
Quite the opposite actually
@@vladodobleja748as a coptic orthodox, my church got bombed in 2019, although it's not as common now, but there are some muslim fanatics that bomb churches, rape Christian women, and kill Christians in general. It's horrible. But not all muslims are like that. I don't blame them for it, their religion teaches it.
@@vladodobleja748 نعم كل يوم يحرقون كنائس لنا ويخطفون شباب وبنات لنا ولكن الرب يسوع موجود يتصرف فيهم
Vlad, ești un înger. Să te țină Dumnezeu așa toată viața. Tu faci oamenii mai buni prin harul dat ție de la Domnul! Fii binecuvântat!! Te iubește o mamă cu trei băieți ❤
Ангельское пение🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤Православным христианам всего мира наилучших пожеланий из Санкт-Петербурга.
Dacă asa se aude pe pământ, nu îmi pot imagina cât de frumos ar trebui sa cânte îngerii în cer.
Les croisés en entendant les chants monté de Constantinople disaient que les anges avaient pris place dans les cœurs de chant
Bine spus 🤔 😏 🙄 😔...
God bless you may you hear the voice of Angels in heaven just as you serenade us here on Earth. From Ethiopia orthodox 🇪🇹✝️
@Gigi-ho2qk And?
بركة أم النور الحنونه أم الفادي.. ..القديسه العذراء مريم....فلتكن معانا جميعأ أمين +++++أمين ❤❤❤......
آمين 🙏
Amen! 😇
I'm Ethiopian orthodox God bless all of you
Pozdrav i tebi brate naš u Hristu.Etiopija,lepa zemlja i lep narod a mnogo napaćen.
God bless, dеar brothеr
Greetings to you as well, our brother in Christ. Ethiopia, a beautiful country and a beautiful people who have suffered a lot.
We expected this in Greece. Always be well!
Thessaloniki, Greece
Прелепо! Христос посреди нас! Поздрав из Србије
Јесте и биће ❤
Привет братья сербы! Привет от русских!
Από την Ελλάδα 🇬🇷 Καλή Χρονιά στα αδέλφια μας, Σέρβους 🇷🇸 και Ρώσους 🇷🇺!
@@CasperCooper-ur6swNet voyne,mir v mire ot rumynskogo pravoslavnogo brata!!!
Есть и будет
Αγγελική φωνή !!! Χαιρετισμούς από την Ορθόδοξη Ελλάς.
Greetings from lebanon 🇱🇧
Orthodox Greece!?
Maybe Lgabct+ Greece.
@@ionut988Οι Έλληνες προδότες πολιτικοί δεν εκφράζουν το Ελληνικό Εθνος με τις αποφάσεις τους. ΙC XΡ ΝΙKA. O KAΙΡΟC ΓΑΡ ΕΓΓΥC (ΕΡΧΕΤΑΙ Ο ΚΑΙΡΟΣ).
@@ionut988 ο Ελληνικός λαός δεν συμφωνεί με τους πολιτικούς.
Glory to God! Hello from Texas ☦️
Blessings from a Greek Orthodox Christian in Florida!! 🙏✝️
Привет из Москвы, дорогие братья!
@@dystopian2153❤️❤️❤️Also here! ❤️❤️❤️
@@ivvgra❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻all the bestAmen❤
@@ivvgra❤❤❤🙏🏻May God be always with you!
Today is the Feast day, the day we commemorate Saint Nektarios in the Orthodox Church. Thank you for this divinely blessed hymn he created for the The Theotokos, for all of humanity, it is beautiful. MAY THE THEOTOKOS PROTECT ALL OF US AND ESPECIALLY THE INNOCENT CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD.
I am from India punjab...God Bless all of you. ❤❤
Thank you so much for posting this. Much love from a Coptic Orthodox Christian 🇪🇬❤️
U r Egyptian
unfortunately the copts are not Orthodox, they belong to the non-chalcedonian schism. May they return to Orthodoxy
the whole chalcedonian schism is a mistranslation of the same teachings
Va rrdpect pe voi copti va ascult mult Doambe ajuta 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Short history of Christianity:видео.html
Finding and learning about the Christian Orthodox Church:видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html
The Holy Fire:видео.html
The Christian Orthodox Church is God's choice!
See "Religion of the Apostles" by Father Dr. Stephen De Young
I'm a Hindu from India. I feel love and reverence in my heart listening to this. May the divine unite us all sentient beings. May we all celebrate again the divinity that is life. ♡
La divinidad y la única salvación es Jesucristo!!!! Abandona el paganismo y confiesa a Jesucristo para salvar tu alma. Saludos
@@maribelminayadiaz9322 Jesus Christ is the symbol of life/being. The Lord is life itself, as it says in the Bible - "life" as in consciousness/awareness/knowledge.
If the real Christ were among us today, I'm absolutely certain he wouldn't be engaging in a vain, narcissistic self-exaltation by hating the other - in this case "other" being other religions and cultures. Rather, he would be epitomising the one singular awareness that is the ground of all being. Alas, most people do not get the symbolism and allegory of the message of the Holy One! And this ignorance of the masses is further exploited by the Devil to advance its own agenda, which is to keep catalysing chaos and division!
Try to "know" God, to you I say. Experience Godliness. And the world will be better for it.
@@anakein Jesucristo no es ningún símbolo. Él es el Redentor y Salvador de la humanidad. Viva Cristo Rey!
@@maribelminayadiaz9322 Christ is the archetype of the Hero. Yes, he is the Saviour and the King. And the One to redeem humanity. Christ is homo totus, the complete, whole or integrated man.
He symbolises what the Buddhists have described as Dzogchen (great perfection or completion). He personifies "wholeness" - the same wholeness that finds mention in the following Hindu mantra:
oṁ pūrṇam-adaḥ pūrṇam-idaṁ pūrṇātpūrṇamudacyate । pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ॥ oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥
English translation:
“That is the Whole, this is the Whole; from the Whole, the Whole arises; taking away the Whole from the Whole, the Whole remains.”
Anyway, I wish you the best and hope that you actually get to experience God personally. That'll lay to rest all doubt and fear of what seems like the "other".
May Christ's grace guide you in your journey. God bless you.
@@anakeinI would like to express my gratitude to you for this message full of wisdom.
I read and reread it. I meditated on it. It was very beneficial to me.
Hearing messages of wisdom like this this is always a relief to the soul of believers.
Thank you so much.
Be blessed.
(From Paris, France)
That sweet girl’s voice is probably the most beautiful I have ever heard 😢❤
I am Muslim, whenever i hear this it heals and refill me with positive energy
Beacuse one of them is singing instead praising marry or Jesus,some of them deep inside praising The father,The only true God
@@XxOursChannelX4875Search for this verse and I hope you find the right path :
surah an nisa verse 157
@@XxOursChannelX4875you get that jesus is god right? Along with the fact that we should show love to the person with loved, Raised, sacrificed, and protected our god.
There is one God. You call him Allah. Different ways, but one aim, one goal. We are all one. Be blessed!
يسوع يسلم هل الصوت ويحمي ريبال الصوت الملائكي ❤
Da, asa este. Domnul sa ne mantuiasca pe toti!
فليبارك الرب جميع المسيحيين في العالم .. ايها الرب يسوع ارحمنا وساعدنا وخلصنا ☦️❤️✝️
Потрясающе, я никогда арабский вариант не слышала!!!!!Просто удивительно и как красиво!!!!!Спаси Господи всех!!!!!!!!Из России 🇷🇺☦️☦️☦️с любовью и Божьим благословением от всех святых в земле российской просиявших!!!
يا يسوع صديق القلب الضعيف والمنزوي، أنت سمائي، أنت سلامي، أنت خلاصي، أنت هدوئي في وقت التجارب والمِحن.
أنت النّور الساطع الذي ينير طريقي. أنت طبيب قلبي ونفسي الفقيرة والضعيفة،
أنت تدركُ ضعفي وحقارتي، ومن سواك يا إلهي شفائي!
أنت غذائي وحياتي.
أشكرك على كلّ النعم يا ربّي، أشكرك على رحمتك الإلهيّة اللامنتاهية.
سبّحي الربّ يا نفسي من أجل كلّ شيء، ومجّدي رحمته
لأنّ صلاحه لا نهاية له.
كلّ شيء يزول ما عدا رحمته، فلا حدود لها ولا نهاية.
لا قياس للرحمة الإلهية.
يا إلهي، برحمتك ومحبتك حرّرنا من العقاب الأبديّ.
يزداد حنان الله لنا بقدر ما نزداد تواضعاً.
إنّ الأزهار التي أنشرها على أقدام الله هي ممارسة الصمت والتأمّل.
إبتهجي، أيتها الخلائق كلّها، ومجدي اسم الرب.
آمين 🙏🇮🇶
Doamne Iisuse Hristoase miluieste-ne pe noi pacatosii
The first gentlemans voice is just something else.
Christian from Kurdistan here! Respecting the most complete, most configured and beautiful religion
so you are Catholic... not christian...
this chant is nice to the ears but it's heresie..
@@jean-michelb7290 why is it heresy
@Prousty-s3e fam don ta yeule coliss t'as lair d'un democrate qui crie comme un perdu parce qu'il a perdu.
@@jean-michelb7290 schizophrenic?
Took me to heaven and back . Luckily I was born in Middle East and raised in this type of environment. Priceless! My ultimate treasure. Bless you brothers and sisters 🙏
I'm Muslim and i enjoyed listening to this masterpiece ❤ i send greetings to you and to all Christians 🙏
We invite you to ☦️Orthodox-Christianity!☦️ There is a drop of hope for you to come from the darkness, on the right path of Orthodoxy☦️ Amin!🙏🏻☦️🙏🏻
@@maryoo7131Bizde Hanefi Ortodoks müslüman olarak sizi İslam'a davet ediyor ve Kur'an'ı Kerim'i okumanızı ve Kur'an'ı Kerim'in ne kadar aydınlatıcı ve açıcı olduğunu gormeye davet ediyoruz. ☪️
I am Orthodox from Greece.....Jesus is the only truth .......
The god is one
The Way,the Truth and Life.Amin.
Ο υπέροχος υμνος στην Παναγία μας γραμμένος αποτον Άγιο Νεκτάριο.
I didn't know this master piece was writen by Saint Nektarios, wow. One of the greatest that have walked on this earth.
I'm a Muslim and I adore hearing this sound❤
The beauty of voices celebrating God calls all of us.
I'm Catholic, but I can sit and listen to Quran recitation for hooouurs. ❤️🇵🇸
@@elizabethclackum333you love listening to a false god recitation for hours? And you say you're catholic
@@flndde Jesus is muslim prophet
True heaven on earth! Love from Cyprus
Αδέλφια πολύ χαίρομαι που σας ακούω!!! Η Παναγία κοντά σας 🙏🥀🙏🇬🇷🙏🥀🙏
من اجمل 9دقايق شكرا لكي صوتي سماوي اكثر من رائع تحيا لكي من مصر
She's always A M A Z I N G..
As an Indian 🇮🇳 Christian ✝️ , I'm delighted to hear this heavenly voice. May God bless the whole world and protect it from evil. May the world realize the truth, path, and life as taught by our Jesus Christ. ❤️
Ador vocea ei ,mi se face pielea de gaina de câte ori o ascult ,o voce angelica. Superb.Felicitari Ribale!!❤
that young boys voice is angelic
What's his name?
المسيح قام .. حقا قام .. المجد للاب والابن والروح القدس ، امين.
تحيا الارثوذوكسية التي تجمعنا وتوحدنا بالمسيح .. الرب يبارك شعبه
انا ارثوذوكسي من سوريا ... ستبقى سوريا مهد المسيحية الاول ، منها انطلق بولس الرسول الى العالم ليكرز بالمسيح ، ومنها يوحنا الذهبي الفم الذي كتب هذا الايمان الارثوذوكسي القويم ،،، في سوريا انشأ القديس حنانيا (احد تلاميذ الرب) ، اول كنيسة في التاريخ ، وعلى ضفاف بحيرة طبريا في سوريا مشى السيد المسيح على المياه واصطاد بطرس والتلاميذ السمك فيها ....
سوريا للمسيح .. وستبقى للمسيح مهما اشتدت الحروب فيها. . . امين
Greetings from ortodox Serbia.❤
Orthodox Christianity , the only and true faith, that carries the Word of our Lord as He taught it.
Спасибо всем христианам что мы едыны
Si la fe para ti es la religión y no la creencia en Jesucristo te eras al fuego 🔥 del 😈
@@DiosYlosProfetas If you truly knew that is a huge sin to change the word of Jesus Christ as the "Religions" have done, the only way to be in the way of our Lord is by the way of Orthodox Christianity, you soon find out why..
Благослови вас Господь 🙏 Из России с любовью 🕊
@@honesty3440 ❤️
Net voyne,mir v mire ot rumynskogo pravoslavnogo brata!!!
Romania is 90% Christian Orthodox ☦️
your angelic voice purifies the soul, removes sorrows, and increases humility. God bless you Ribale
Blessed Christmas to everyone! From Russia with love and best wishes. Радуйся, Невесто Неневестная!
And peace for the world.
Net voyne,mir v mire ot rumynskogo pravoslavnogo brata!!!
Bravo, congratulations from Bulgaria!❤❤❤
Voci divine, iti inalta sufletul catre Dumnezeu. Multumiri!
S' ljubavlju i poštovanjem .Veliki pozdrav za našu Pravoslavnu braću iz Crne Gore.❤
Хере Нимфи анимфефте...Браво от Българската Православна Църква.Имате живот и благодат ,и се радвам за вас!
И ми се радујемо за вас,православна Србија❤
@@nikmoj1522Love both Bulgaria and Serbia from Orthodox România!
Love both Bulgaria and Serbia from Orthodox România!
Слава Господу Богу.
Православная из России
Doamne ajută ! Felicitări ! Dumnezeu să vă dea putere să ne puteți încântă auzul încă multă vreme ! Preasfânta Născătoare de Dumnezeu să vă ocrotească !
Even an ignorant Scandinavian like me can hear, that this must be one of the most beautiful psalms ever written. Deserves to be heard by spiritually minded people from the entire world.
Be blessed all of you. I'm a Catholic but my heart and my soul is orthodox
Same Here!!!
Old School Catholic, and my Soul & Heart is Orthodox!!!!
God Bless you ALWAYS and to your Family.
Degeaba aveți inima și sufletul ortodoxe dacă voi sunteți botezați catolici până nu veți boteza ortodocși, veți fi în minciuna ,puteți sa aveți inima si sufletul unde vreți ca sunteți pe lângă gard.Singura modalitate să-l Simțiți pe Dumnezeu este sa va botezați sa va spovediti și sa luati Sfânta Împărtășanie .Atunci puteți sa spuneți ca sunteți și cu inima și cu sufletu ortodocși. Dar un catolic nu are cum sa simtă ce înseamnă sa fi ortodox. Cum de nu vedeți ca religia catolica este cea mai mare secta din care au ieșit sute de secta mai mici?. precum protestanți mormoni adventiști etc .botezați vă și veniți la adevăr.
We are Catholic too; attend the Liturgy if you can. 🙏 @@carlosgarcia9020
@@deliavalentina4000the first schism was between Rome (Catholic) and Constantinople (Orthodox). The second schism was between Roman Catholicism and Protestant. All the others you mentioned are splinters from the Reformed Churches, not from Roman Catholic. The Orthodox churches are not fully united either. A house divided cannot withstand the storm. It’s time to put aside our differences and live together as brothers and sisters in Christ because we are in a major storm.
@@deliavalentina4000"adevăr" poate pentru tine. adevărul ăsta e cam subiectiv, deci automat nu prea e adevăr
Greetings from Greece!
Love from Serbia ❤️ Slava Bogu!
Dumnezeu să te binecuvânteze,toate cele bune din România Ortodoxă!
Greetings from Serbia to the Orthodox brothers and sisters from Ethiopia, the rest of Africa and to those who speak the Aramaic language of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Greetings to Orthodox Christians in Georgia, Armenia, Egypt, South Sudan, Orthodox Arabs, the Middle and Far East, India, South America, North America, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia and also a big greeting to Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians! God is with us! 🇷🇸❤️☦️
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze această voce de aur , și pe toți cei ce o ascultă , SLAVĂ TATĂLUI ȘI FIULUI ȘI SFÂNTULUI DUH AMIN! ❤
Αγγελικες φωνές τις ευλογίες τις Θεοτόκου, Κύπρος
The "mother of God"???
Where do we find this in the Bible?
I take it you don't believe Jesus is God then.
@@hope4all69 the word in the comment is θεοτόκος, which is not translatable directly to one word. In American English, Orthodox Christians simply say the word ‘Theotokos’, which doesn't exactly mean ‘mother of God’, but more ‘bearer of God’.
I hope you don't think Gabriel lied to Mary. 😂
Η Παναγία μας κοντά σας ευχαριστούμε 🙏🥀🙏🥀🙏🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Once day Greec will win for Hazia Safia, we support for the holy act
@@ajaychristosshah.2431 If you say you will win against Türkiye. You continue your sleep. This only happens in your dreams.
Ο πιο όμορφος ύμνος…! Σ’αγαπω Παναγια μ.. προστάτεψέ μας…σε χρειάζεται όλος ο κόσμος σκέπασέ τον με την αγκαλιά σου μην αφήσεις άλλους να πεθάνουν άδικα ή να ταλαιπωρηθούν
Αγγελικές φωνές. Μιλούν στις καρδιές μας.Ευγε!!!!
Благодарение и респект от България!
Благодарење и из Сербије :)
од Николе,за Николу
Dumnezeiesc!!! Bravo!!! Minunat!!! Bucurați.vă!!! Multumim frumos!!! Dumnezeu Sa Va binecuvanteze!!!
Bellissima e magica atmosfera!!!
Ascult zilnic.Imi da putere,speranta,liniste sufleteasca, iubire curata chiar daca lacrimile curg siroaie ,ele spala tot raul la care suntem obligati sa traim.Multumim ca existati!
Slavă lui Dumnezeu pentru toate!
Dumnezeu sa ne binecuvinteze pe toți!
Ce chant est divin, magnifiquement interprété ! Merci beaucoup.
De France.
I am Romanian and the event took place in Romania.I wish i was there.Beautiful song
Благодаря, скъпи братя православни християни! Бог да е с всички вас! ✝️
И с Вами. 🌹🙏❤🕊️⛪🕊️❤🙏🌹 Христос посреди нас...
Ainsi qu'avec toi mon frère ❤
Брат у православных другой крест 👉☦🥹 у тебя католический!!
Holy Mother , pray for our souls to our Beloved Jesus 🫂🕊️🪔🇹🇩📖☦️⛪🙏🏻🛐👑🥰😇👑
I am so happy that 20 minutes ago I song on the same stage whit her . ❤
Super 🙏😇🍀
Doamne ajuta! Foarte frumos!☦️🙏
I was almost overwhelmed with tears at 6:18 when everyone joined in. I don’t speak the language or understand any of the words, but I sure can feel it emotionally.
Macht nichts. Ich verstehe auch fast nichts. Aber: Es hört sich so schön an.
Wenn die Musik Dein Herz berührt, haben die Künstler schon 100 Prozent erreicht...
Hab ein schönes Wochenende 😀
6:18 ribale eşlik edince hocanın gururlu sevgi dolu bakışları 🎉
I am a maronite from lebanon yet my orthodox brothers have the best chants ✝️❤️
الله على الجمال هل حناجر بشرية أم آلات موسيقية ؟يزيدها جمالاً الأداء الروحاني وروح الصلاة والتسبيح 🎶🎵💝🎵🎶🤲💐
That's why in the Christian Orthodox church chants there are no instruments. Only voices.
God gave us his finest instruments, and we glorify him first with those.
Greetings from Brazil to all orthodox brothers and sisters ☦️🇧🇷
Молодці. Просто ангельські голоса. Спаси вас Господи.
👏👏👏 minunat!!! Mulțumesc Ribale Wehbe!!! Întotdeauna o onoare să te ascult!
God bless you all my brothers in Jesus Christ ! Greatings from Turkey / Protestant Christian
repent protestant
@@karlfreiha4745*Stop.* Doesn't matter what denomination you are. If you love Christ, if you've asked Christ for forgiveness, if you're re-dedicated your life to following and living for The Lord, thats what matters on Judgement Day. Not denomination, but the condition of your heart.
Greetings from the USA! May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and yours my Brother in Christ. Rabbimiz İsa tüm Türk Hıristiyanlarını kutsasın
Minunate voci. Mulțumim. Doamne ajută tuturor.
Благословени гласове,издигат Душата ни към Небесата. Благодаря ви!
I'm a Buddhist and I'm pretty sure that I was Romanian, Arab, and Greek in some of previous lives because I strongly feel connection and love when I'm listening to every song of each language in this video.
That's God calling you, not your previous lives that only exist in your mind because demons planted it there.
@@Maria-Ortodoxa you jumped to call other belief demon, just because it’s something you don’t belong to? it clearly shows what kind of person you are.
@@hayaowennaga I'm sorry, I don't think you believe in demons, just that everything you accomplish in buddhism is done by satan. I recommend the book "The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios."
@@Maria-Ortodoxa It's interesting that you clearly don't realise that you are actually in the realm of demons.
@@hayaowennaga You're inspired by satan.