I am a Muslim and as a Muslim I find great joy and peace in listening to Christian hymns. I listen to Gregorian chants all the time. Thank you very much.
@usamestowersكن مثل إيمانك، لكننا نحن المسيحيين الأرثوذكس نحبك. متى 5 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ⁴⁴-⁴⁵ ولكن أقول لكم: لكي تكونوا أبناء أبيكم الذي في السموات، تحبون أعداءكم، وباركوا لاعنيكم، وأحسنوا إلى مبغضيكم، وصلوا لأجل الذين يضطهدونكم؛ يشرق الشمس على الأشرار والصالحين، ويمطر على الأبرار والأشرار. ⁴⁶ إذا أحببت من يحبك فما قيمتك؟ ألا يفعل جباة الضرائب الشيء نفسه؟ ⁴⁷ لو أن إخوتك رفعوا أيديهم فماذا ستفعل أكثر من ذلك؟ أليس الأمميون يفعلون نفس الشيء؟ ⁴⁸ فكونوا أنتم كاملين كما أن أباكم السماوي هو كامل.
@usamestowers qur'an 2,225 this is wrong doing. Qur'an 16,106 this is wrong doing. Qur'an 4,24 this is also etc... Qur'an 2,42-43 Qur'an 2,147 Qur'an 5,43-48 Qur'an 5,68 Qur'an 17,104 Qur'an 9,31 worship Mashiah. According to these scriptures, I prove to you not only we are doing what is right, but you are doing wrong.
@@aliusama1550 "The angel Gabriel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called *Son* of God." Luke 1:35 "She said to Jesus, 'Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the *Son* of God, the one coming into the world.'" John 11:27 "Jesus said to them, 'And who do you say that I am?' Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Messiah, the *Son* of the living God.' And Jesus answered him, 'You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven!'" Matthew 16:15-17 Quran 23:91 "Allah has no *Son* nor is there any god besides him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what he created, and they would have tried to dominate one another. Glorified is Allah above what they claim!"
Ey bütün uluslar, RAB'be övgüler sunun! Ey bütün halklar, O'nu yüceltin! Çünkü bize beslediği sevgi büyüktür, RAB'bin sadakati sonsuza dek sürer. RAB'be övgüler sunun! ✝ Haleluya Psalm 119; (ALEF) Ne mutlu yolları temiz olanlara, RAB'bin yasasına göre yaşayanlara. Ne mutlu onun öğütlerine uyanlara, bütün yüreği ile O'na yönelenlere. Hiç haksızlık etmezler, O'nun yolunda yürürler. Koyduğun koşullara dikkatle uyulmasını buyurdun. Keşke kararlı olsam Senin kurallarına uymakta! Hiç utanmayacağım, bütün buyruklarını izledikçe. Şükredeceğim sana temiz yürekle, Adil hükümlerini öğrendikçe. Kurallarını yerine getireceğim, Bırakma beni hiç bir zaman! ✝Şükürler olsun Lordumuz İsa Mesihe! Kutsansın Rab'bin adıyla gelen! Kutsuyoruz sizi RAB'bin evinden. AmeN
Greetings from the Antiochian Syriac MARONITES ✝️ to our ORTHODOX brothers and sisters ☦️ LONG LIVE CHRIST OUR KING 👑 For Him we live, for Him we suffer, for Him we embrace the honor of martyrdom ❤️ Amin
"Suffering is an Indication of another kingdom to come, If being a Christian meant being happy in this life we wouldn't need the Kingdom of Heaven." -Father Seraphin Rose
Διαβαζω συχνα σε σχολια να αναρωτιουνται γιατι δακρυζουν οταν ακουν,ψελνουν ή και προσεύχονται.Αυτος ειναι ενας απο τους πολλους τροπους που μας επισκέπτεται ο Κύριος!Άλλωστε ο ιδιος ποτε δεν γέλασε όσο ζουσε αναμεσα μας,αντιθέτως εκλαψε!
Ribale esti unica ,cu vocea ta divina sunt fericita cand vii si in Romania te ascult mult traiesc o alta lume Bunul Dumnezeu sa te ocrotrasca in veci 🙏
Being stuck in the hospital while listening to this beautiful hymn and your beautiful, amazing voice definitely gives me hope. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you always. My regards to you from Toronto, Canada
This is an ancient hymn of praise to God, who provides security and life to all who trust in Him. You can look it up, Psalm 117 in Catholic or Orthodox bible, or Psalm 118 in a Protestant one. The words are the same, it’s just the chapter divisions follow two systems developed at different times.
@@Pantherattigris bro? allah means god. ribale just said allah and ilah a hundred times in the hymn lmao allah is just arabic for god. they believe jesus is the messiah and the spirit of god but they do not believe he IS god, they believe he will return in the revelations
@@karlfreiha4745 I'm sure they know that, given that they watched this video too. In this context, they are speaking to a muslim and using the term "slave of Allah" to designate how Jesus is not as Islam portrays him to be; only a simple human (who is not God) that follows the directions of God. They use it in contrast to "Son of God", to portray His Divinity. edit: Also, it is not enough that they believe that Jesus is the Messiah. That doesn't really count for anything, if they don't even know the message He gave when He came. They must also know of the Messiah's message, the Good news, and must worship Him.
I'm a Christian from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 listening to this praise heals me from the things i went through all day , your voice is angelic God gave you such a gift ♥️ And God bless to everyone praise our lord Jesus ✨
Mashallah !!! I am an observant muslim, and I love Psam 117 in Arabic, captivating. Ribale, you are wonderful, chore is wonderful. Performance is great
@@karellolo6760 Jesus is not the God. Mathew7-:(Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’) You’re lucky ur country is the biggest Muslim country in the world… pls look and look for the truth .. n truth will free u. Search the book… these r Jesus orders
I am very happy to see many new brothers in Christ. God bless you. I was an atheist and my life was extremely depressing and one day God touched my heart. I hope more people can convert.
May you have an encounter with God our Heavenly Father. May the peace of the Lord that is like no other, come upon you and the blood of Jesus Christ our mediator, which speaks better things than that of Abel, wash away your sins, iniquities and transgressions and bring you into the presence of His love and glory. You are loved ❤
Când o ascult pe aceasta fata frumoasa si talentată mi se face pielea de găină practic!ce as putea adăuga în plus?totul este perfect, interpretarea e excepțională!❤❤❤❤
I listen to Ribale especially during work when I need to be focused (I write a lot). Her voice gives me such peace and comfort. Thank you for sharing our beautiful Orthodox faith and liturgical hymns. Love from Serbs and Serbia! 🇷🇸♥️☦️
Christ is King now and forever and unto the ages of ages and every tongue will confess him as Lord. Do it while you can on earth before it’s too late. May God grant us love, wisdom and the soul, heart and mind of repentance
Dumnezeu Tatăl Atotțiitorul așteaptă prin Fiul ca toți să fie mântuiți prin El ca toți să fie una întru dragostea Sa desăvârșită una adevărată , și viată veșnică ! Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze toate popoarele lumii. Domnul Isus Hristos fie lăudat întru toți vecii. AMIN!
God bless you abundantly, sister! You offer the gifts that He has given you, back to Him in praise, to Him Who holds us all in His hands. Absolutely beautiful.
One Spiritual Call to many lost Souls - REPENT BELIEVE ETERNITY - In Christ Jesus Name - The Only Saviour - King of Kings and Lord of Lords - HALLELUJAH !!! Blessings
Glory be too God for without him I won’t be able to type this , hallelujah Please pray for me 🙏. For I am a sinner and I need help too stop backsliding
Repent, God is with you. You're a child of God, get back up and let go of sin. Jesus said sin no more, we cannot be perfect but we must be holy for He is holy
احمَدوا الرَّبَ لأنهُ صالحٌ ،لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا ليَقُلّْ خائفُ الربِ جميعا ،إنّهُ صالحٌ لأن إلى الأبد رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا مِنْ وسطَ الضيقِ دعوتُ الربَ فاستجابني و رحمَ بي، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا الاتكالُ على الربْ، خيرٌ من الاتكالِ على الانسان، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا الربُ قوتي و تسبيحتي هو الذي خلّصني، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا افتحوا لي أبوابَ البرّ ف ادخلها و احمِدَ الرب، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا اياكَ احمَدُ لأنكَ استجبتَ لي و صرتَ لي مخلصا، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا من طيبَ للربِ كانَ هذا و هو عجيبٌ في أعينِنا ، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا هذا هو اليومُ الذي صنعهُ الربْ، فلنفرح و نتهلّل بهِ يا ربُ خلّص يا ربُ وفّق انتَ هو الهي ف اياكَ احمدْ انتَ هو الهي ف اياك اعظّمْ إياكَ احمدُ لانكَ استجبتَ لي و صرتَ لي مخلصا احمدوا الربَ لأنّهُ صالحٌ، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
@karlfreiha4745 Reoent of what idiot. It is you who need to resent of your heresy and unbelief. Come to The Powerful Ever-Living God Jesus Christ Bless and He will never reject you. Come before it is too. In The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit The Only One True God as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end Amen ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why I'm crying? I'm Christian Orthodox, very used to this kind of chant, but I have tears in my eyes.
Que Dieu vous benisse 😊
I am Turkish and have tears in my eyes too and also feel as if my heart is wrinkled while I am listening to...
I'm an Christian Orthodox,...you're right...the tears flow by themselves
I am a Muslim and as a Muslim I find great joy and peace in listening to Christian hymns. I listen to Gregorian chants all the time. Thank you very much.
Thank you and God bless you.
@@blackhawk8793 God bless you too.
Türkçe altyazısını bulabileceğim bir yer var mı acaba ? Arapçalarının yazdığı kitap ta olur
@@ramazanaydina52 Hiç bir bilgim yok ve açıkçası ben de merak ediyorum. Şirk içeren sözler olmamasını umuyorum.
@@ibrahimtuna_trChristianity is not politheistic,don't worry 😊 !
انا مسلمة ويعجبني سماع الترانيم هذه بصوت رزين واحساس صادق اخوتنا المسيحيين لكم كل الحب والاحترام في قلوبنا
Voi sunteți păgâni,nu sunteți frații noștri.....nu îl iubiți pe Dumnezeul cel adevărat.....@usamestowers
@usamestowersكن مثل إيمانك، لكننا نحن المسيحيين الأرثوذكس نحبك.
متى 5
⁴⁴-⁴⁵ ولكن أقول لكم: لكي تكونوا أبناء أبيكم الذي في السموات، تحبون أعداءكم، وباركوا لاعنيكم، وأحسنوا إلى مبغضيكم، وصلوا لأجل الذين يضطهدونكم؛ يشرق الشمس على الأشرار والصالحين، ويمطر على الأبرار والأشرار.
⁴⁶ إذا أحببت من يحبك فما قيمتك؟ ألا يفعل جباة الضرائب الشيء نفسه؟
⁴⁷ لو أن إخوتك رفعوا أيديهم فماذا ستفعل أكثر من ذلك؟ أليس الأمميون يفعلون نفس الشيء؟
⁴⁸ فكونوا أنتم كاملين كما أن أباكم السماوي هو كامل.
@usamestowers qur'an 53,49 al-lah is the lord of sirius. Egyptian sobdet and greek sothis. Evil idol.
@usamestowers qur'an 2,225 this is wrong doing.
Qur'an 16,106 this is wrong doing. Qur'an 4,24 this is also etc...
Qur'an 2,42-43
Qur'an 2,147
Qur'an 5,43-48
Qur'an 5,68 Qur'an 17,104
Qur'an 9,31 worship Mashiah.
According to these scriptures, I prove to you not only we are doing what is right, but you are doing wrong.
@usamestowers qur'an 3,53-54 al-lah is the best of deceivers. Qur'an 3,55 we follow Messiah.
This girl is a treasure! May she be well!
Thessakoniki, Greece
With all respect, she’s a woman.
Nobody attains eternal life or enters heaven without Jesus Christ.
That's Muslim believe too
God grants and takes not you and not you
@@aliusama1550 "The angel Gabriel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called *Son* of God." Luke 1:35
"She said to Jesus, 'Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the *Son* of God, the one coming into the world.'" John 11:27
"Jesus said to them, 'And who do you say that I am?' Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Messiah, the *Son* of the living God.' And Jesus answered him, 'You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father in heaven!'" Matthew 16:15-17
Quran 23:91 "Allah has no *Son* nor is there any god besides him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what he created, and they would have tried to dominate one another. Glorified is Allah above what they claim!"
عند سماع صوتك أشعر أن الملائكة ترتّل معك و كأنني في السماء بحضرة الرب يسوع المسيح ❤☦
تحية محبة من أورثوذوكسي سوري 🇸🇾 إلى كل أورثوذوكس العالم☦🙏
Bog te blagoslovio brate u Hristu❤
I'm not a Christian and I fell in love with these chants. I can't stop listening to these chants. This voice is really magical.😢☪️❤️✝️☦️
Mon frère crois tu que tu es venu ici par hasard, il n'y a pas de hasard, il te guide et tu trouveras le chemin
May Christ guide you.
please come back to the the way, the truth, and the life.
May the Lord Jesus bless u my friend
Nimic nu te opreste sa fii crestin ,gandeste ptr tine
لان للابد رحمته هليلويا ❤️❤️
اورثوذوكسي من مصر ❤️😍🙏
Ey bütün uluslar, RAB'be övgüler sunun! Ey bütün halklar, O'nu yüceltin! Çünkü bize beslediği sevgi büyüktür, RAB'bin sadakati sonsuza dek sürer. RAB'be övgüler sunun! ✝ Haleluya
Psalm 119; (ALEF)
Ne mutlu yolları temiz olanlara, RAB'bin yasasına göre yaşayanlara. Ne mutlu onun öğütlerine uyanlara, bütün yüreği ile O'na yönelenlere. Hiç haksızlık etmezler, O'nun yolunda yürürler. Koyduğun koşullara dikkatle uyulmasını buyurdun. Keşke kararlı olsam Senin kurallarına uymakta! Hiç utanmayacağım, bütün buyruklarını izledikçe. Şükredeceğim sana temiz yürekle, Adil hükümlerini öğrendikçe. Kurallarını yerine getireceğim, Bırakma beni hiç bir zaman! ✝Şükürler olsun Lordumuz İsa Mesihe! Kutsansın Rab'bin adıyla gelen! Kutsuyoruz sizi RAB'bin evinden. AmeN
Greetings from the Antiochian Syriac MARONITES ✝️ to our ORTHODOX brothers and sisters ☦️ LONG LIVE CHRIST OUR KING 👑 For Him we live, for Him we suffer, for Him we embrace the honor of martyrdom ❤️ Amin
repent catholic
În Numele Domnului Iisus Hristos vom răbda, vom lupta și vom zdrobi puterea iadului !!!
Mântuirea vieții mele și Dumnezeul meu !
no monophizite, glory to true orthodox christian, all respect the canons of all 7 ecoumenical councils
@@briciugheorghe9328 they are catholics, even worse
Greetings brother and sisters in Christ. I was suicidal 5 yers ago then Jesus Christ saved my life from evil 🙏.
Me too, please dnt surrender, Jesus will always be there for us please with Christ we r so strong and healthy ☦️ Jesu Christi Rex universorum
Christos Anesti! ☦️
الاتكال على الرب هو معنى الحياة❤
as a muslim, i literally find peace in this chant. loves to all christian people and of course to jesus.❤
Convert to Catholicism, my friend.
Christianity is certainly the One, True Faith❤😊❤
@@stlouisix3 Eastern Orthodoxy
dont convert to Catholicism, ever.
orthodoxy or nestorianism is better
As long you have faith in God, and do good and love all your brothers and sisters. God bless! ☦️☪️
Orthodox @@stlouisix3
I'm a Muslim and i really feel harmony and love within, bless u
God bless you!
@@sorinpopescu1139bless u too dear
"Suffering is an Indication of another kingdom to come, If being a Christian meant being happy in this life we wouldn't need the Kingdom of Heaven."
-Father Seraphin Rose
Δεν έχω λόγια να πω πάρα μόνο όταν ακούς αυτούς τους ύμνους σε οδηγούν λες και είσαι στον παράδεισο, ευλογημένη να είσαι πάντα
Διαβαζω συχνα σε σχολια να αναρωτιουνται γιατι δακρυζουν οταν ακουν,ψελνουν ή και προσεύχονται.Αυτος ειναι ενας απο τους πολλους τροπους που μας επισκέπτεται ο Κύριος!Άλλωστε ο ιδιος ποτε δεν γέλασε όσο ζουσε αναμεσα μας,αντιθέτως εκλαψε!
Ribale esti unica ,cu vocea ta divina sunt fericita cand vii si in Romania te ascult mult traiesc o alta lume Bunul Dumnezeu sa te ocrotrasca in veci 🙏
Amén 🙏
God gave her a gift and she is using it for the good of the world.Amasing.she sounds like heaven itself. Αμήν.
Being stuck in the hospital while listening to this beautiful hymn and your beautiful, amazing voice definitely gives me hope. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you always. My regards to you from Toronto, Canada
May God heal you!! ✝️🙏
May God be with you
May God grant you health
May god heal you..be strong
اسم يسوع على صوتك الملائكي ❤
You are wonderful. Thank you for publishing our Orthodox hymns. I am a Greek residing in Sofia Bulgaria
I am a Muslim, may my rab make us neighbors with our Christian brothers and our prophet, Jesus Christ in heaven, amen.
yeah Lord Jesus Christ watches over us. amen
Иисус не пророк, он сын Божьей 🪽🙏 он наш Господь! Слава ему 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@Alina-sb7jb Jesus is not the son of God. He is God's servant and messenger. La ilahe illallah .
@@adnancatalc6538 according to quran which we don't take as final authority.
@@adnancatalc6538La ila Illallah.
Please pray for me. I am such an unworthy and unclean sinner!
I will pray for you
This is an ancient hymn of praise to God, who provides security and life to all who trust in Him. You can look it up, Psalm 117 in Catholic or Orthodox bible, or Psalm 118 in a Protestant one. The words are the same, it’s just the chapter divisions follow two systems developed at different times.
I am a Muslim but I am writing a book about Christianity. I have great respect for all religions and this hymn touched me deeply. May God protect you.
I hope you'd acknowledge that for us Christ isn't just a slave of Allah but the SON OF GOD❤
@@Pantherattigris bro? allah means god. ribale just said allah and ilah a hundred times in the hymn lmao allah is just arabic for god. they believe jesus is the messiah and the spirit of god but they do not believe he IS god, they believe he will return in the revelations
@@karlfreiha4745 I'm sure they know that, given that they watched this video too. In this context, they are speaking to a muslim and using the term "slave of Allah" to designate how Jesus is not as Islam portrays him to be; only a simple human (who is not God) that follows the directions of God. They use it in contrast to "Son of God", to portray His Divinity.
edit: Also, it is not enough that they believe that Jesus is the Messiah. That doesn't really count for anything, if they don't even know the message He gave when He came. They must also know of the Messiah's message, the Good news, and must worship Him.
From Lebanon i love u Mrs. Ribale Jesus is our life ☦️❤
أنا هو الطريق و الحق و الحياة ❤
أنا البداية و النهاية ❤
انا الألف و الياء 🔥💦
من رآني فقد رأى الآب ❤
آمين آمين آمين ✝️💜🌹
I'm a Christian from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 listening to this praise heals me from the things i went through all day , your voice is angelic God gave you such a gift ♥️ And God bless to everyone praise our lord Jesus ✨
Mashallah !!! I am an observant muslim, and I love Psam 117 in Arabic, captivating. Ribale, you are wonderful, chore is wonderful. Performance is great
okuduğu ilahi mi yoksa incilden ayetler mi
@@samet_torun zeburun 117. ayetinden esinlenilmiş bir ilahi hocam
I'm a Indonesian Christian, i like Arabic Christian songs. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ.
Aspiring Orthodox Christian here . 🇵🇭
@@karellolo6760 Jesus is not the God.
Mathew7-:(Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’)
You’re lucky ur country is the biggest Muslim country in the world… pls look and look for the truth .. n truth will free u. Search the book… these r Jesus orders
Благодарю❤❤❤! Слушаю и Сердце радуется, Душа трепещет и слёзы очищают! Дары Всевышнего безграничны и Ваш голос несет собой один из таких Даров!❤❤❤
I love you 😊
صوت ملائكي مبارك رائع المجد لك يا يسوع رب المجد صوتك رائع اختي ريبيل✝️🙏🏻 الرب يحميك ويوفقك
المجد للأب والابن والروح القدس ❤
صوتك ياخدنا الى عالم تاني
@@HamadHanko-tt9sj انت مسلم!!!
🕯️🛐كل الخشوع والسجود للرب الإله مخلصنا ونور حياتنا ، ربنا يحفظك ويحفظلك صوتك السماوي 🙏🏻
You are a DOCTOR. I don’t feel any pain in me. Thank you doctor from JESUS you came to us.🙏y’a rabbi.
He is the physician of our SOULS
Rab İsa sizi korusun . Çok güzel söylüyorsunuz.
Голос от Господа нашего Иисуса Христа ( братья и сестры, я бывший мусульманин ) Слава Господу ❤☀️
Слава Господу❤я тоже родилась в мусульманской семье,но верую в Господа Иисуса Христа,и очень рада,что он наставил нас на правильный путь🥰🤗
@@aishadeutschland4862 Прекрасно, это чудо Христа , Сказал Иисус « блаженны не видевшие , но уверовавшие « ☀️Храни вас Господь 😊
I am very happy to see many new brothers in Christ. God bless you. I was an atheist and my life was extremely depressing and one day God touched my heart. I hope more people can convert.
Jesus is not the son of God. He is God's servant and messenger. La İlahe İllallah .
Pls Pray for me a sinner!!
May you have an encounter with God our Heavenly Father. May the peace of the Lord that is like no other, come upon you and the blood of Jesus Christ our mediator, which speaks better things than that of Abel, wash away your sins, iniquities and transgressions and bring you into the presence of His love and glory. You are loved ❤
Allah ve resulüne inanmayanlar yanacak.. Kelime_i şehadet getir ve kurtuluşa er
@@burhan3341 get out of here.... We don't want you promoting Islam
@@anneukoh2747 Alleluia 🌹🌹I'm glad you're looking into Orthodoxy ❤
@@burhan3341Read the life of St. Nikolai the Turk of Optina
Felicitări pentru această nouă sublimă psalmodie ce mângâie sufletul. Sublim.
صوت ملا ئكي يحلق في السماء
AMIN 🫶🏼🇫🇷☦
عندا سماعها يدخل السلام الى قلبنا❤
Când o ascult pe aceasta fata frumoasa si talentată mi se face pielea de găină practic!ce as putea adăuga în plus?totul este perfect, interpretarea e excepțională!❤❤❤❤
اجمل حاجه في الدنيا انى اتولت مسيحى ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I listen to Ribale especially during work when I need to be focused (I write a lot). Her voice gives me such peace and comfort. Thank you for sharing our beautiful Orthodox faith and liturgical hymns. Love from Serbs and Serbia! 🇷🇸♥️☦️
Everytime when i hear im crying in this ,im Muslim but my tears I can stop GOD BLESS EVERYONE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Thank you for blessing our ears and souls
Pravoslavlje iz srca najcistija vjera ❤
Christ is King now and forever and unto the ages of ages and every tongue will confess him as Lord. Do it while you can on earth before it’s too late. May God grant us love, wisdom and the soul, heart and mind of repentance
آمين 💜✝️🌹
Inner peace ☦️🇸🇾
الاتكال على الرب خير من الاتكال على الإنسان
Dumnezeu Tatăl Atotțiitorul așteaptă prin Fiul ca toți să fie mântuiți prin El ca toți să fie una întru dragostea Sa desăvârșită una adevărată , și viată veșnică ! Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze toate popoarele lumii. Domnul Isus Hristos fie lăudat întru toți vecii. AMIN!
This wonderful voice with beautiful chants guides us to a different universe,make us feel closer to God,ready to cry from hapiness!
صوت جميل، بارك الله فيك، تحية من ريو دي جانيرو البرازيل
مسلمة امارتية واقول واو ❤ كل الحب لكم الاخوة المسيحيين ❤❤
So beautiful and so calming
ايه الصوت ده انا بقيت بعشق صوتك في الترانيم صوت ملايكي ❤❤
Ruhtaki güzelliğin dışa yansıması😍❤️☦️
God give us mercy all
سفيرة السماء إلى الارض
ദൈവമേ നിൻ്റെ കൃപ ഞങ്ങളുടെ കൂടെ ഉണ്ടാകണമേ
God bless you abundantly, sister! You offer the gifts that He has given you, back to Him in praise, to Him Who holds us all in His hands. Absolutely beautiful.
One Spiritual Call to many lost Souls - REPENT BELIEVE ETERNITY - In Christ Jesus Name - The Only Saviour - King of Kings and Lord of Lords - HALLELUJAH !!! Blessings
Me too ❤ we feel his glory through her voice! Glory be to God !!!
Most beautiful voice I am listening everyday God bless you dear.
الله يحميكي عل هل الصوت بتمنى ترتلي كل المزامير
God bless you and bless your amazing voice!✝🤍
Glory be too God for without him I won’t be able to type this , hallelujah
Please pray for me 🙏. For I am a sinner and I need help too stop backsliding
God be with you trust him will never let u ❤
Repent, God is with you. You're a child of God, get back up and let go of sin. Jesus said sin no more, we cannot be perfect but we must be holy for He is holy
لان إلى الابد رحمته هاليلوبا ✝️✝️✝️ بركة الرب عليكم ، عليكم و على بنيكم ، مباركون انتم للرب ..
الله يباركك ياريبال عصوتك الملائكي كل يوم بسمعها وكتير بحس بالراحة بحبك كتير ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Very gorgeous ❤
لا تتخلى عنا يارب 🙏
احمَدوا الرَّبَ لأنهُ صالحٌ ،لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
ليَقُلّْ خائفُ الربِ جميعا ،إنّهُ صالحٌ لأن إلى الأبد رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
مِنْ وسطَ الضيقِ دعوتُ الربَ فاستجابني و رحمَ بي، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
الاتكالُ على الربْ، خيرٌ من الاتكالِ على الانسان، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
الربُ قوتي و تسبيحتي هو الذي خلّصني، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
افتحوا لي أبوابَ البرّ ف ادخلها و احمِدَ الرب، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
اياكَ احمَدُ لأنكَ استجبتَ لي و صرتَ لي مخلصا، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
من طيبَ للربِ كانَ هذا و هو عجيبٌ في أعينِنا ، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
هذا هو اليومُ الذي صنعهُ الربْ، فلنفرح و نتهلّل بهِ
يا ربُ خلّص يا ربُ وفّق
انتَ هو الهي ف اياكَ احمدْ
انتَ هو الهي ف اياك اعظّمْ
إياكَ احمدُ لانكَ استجبتَ لي و صرتَ لي مخلصا
احمدوا الربَ لأنّهُ صالحٌ، لأنَّ إلى الأبدِ رحمتَهُ .. هاللويا
هذه كلمات الترتيلة
الرب يبارك الجميع
Дай Господи тебе здоровья 🙏☝️☦️
I thank you Jesus Christ love you!! Help me !! Pray for me !! This is beautiful!! Thank you 🙏 for this ❤❤❤
وكأنو ملاك اللي عم يرتل، دخيل هالصوت يا حبيبتي... يسوع يحميكي...
يا رب دخيل اسمك..
لأن إلى الأبد رحمته، هللويا...🙏🏻☦️🤍
This is heavenly :))🕊️☦️💜
إلى الأبد هللويا ❤🙏☦️✝️
«الْمَجْدُ للهِ فِي الأَعَالِي، وَعَلَى الأَرْضِ السَّلاَمُ، وَبِالنَّاسِ الْمَسَرَّةُ».
(لو 2: 14).
This lady’s voice…. Something else…
Im not religious kinda guy, but listening to this voice i might have another thought. Absolute pure.
I'm not religious either but byzantine chants rank among my top genres of music to listen to.
I would love to watch a mass while having her in the choir!
After Psalm I raised my eyes to heaven, I want it with your beautiful voice
Come to Toronto. I don't understand Arabic but I love your voice. ❤❤✝️❤
Yes, Toronto would really benefit from your beautiful praise!
Ο Θεός να την ευλογη
كل يوم بسمعا الف مرة عظيمة انت بالبيزنطي
Psalm 117
Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden.
Preised ihn , alle Völker.
Denn seine Gnade und Wahrheit waltet über uns in Ewigkeit.
ماشاالله اللهم يحفظكم ويحميلك هالصوت كل يوم بسمعك أيام مجيدة وميلاد مجيد يارب للجميع 🙏🙏
This young lady has no idea how her voice and her music takes out my anger in my soul
بتاخديني عالسما بصوتك الملائكي
يارب حمينا بسوريا ✝️ ادعولنا ❤️✝️
آمين الرب يقف مع سوريا صلاتنا من اجلكم يا اخواننا الرب يقف معكم ويسندكم على اعدائكم ☦️✝️🙏
Many, many thanks for sharing. Your voice is exceptionnal and speak to the soul. Congratulations.
She is sent from god, God bless our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏✝️
Our Lord and God Jesus Christ is God Himself. Wake up
@@Hany-fu1vc repent
@karlfreiha4745 Reoent of what idiot. It is you who need to resent of your heresy and unbelief. Come to The Powerful Ever-Living God Jesus Christ Bless and He will never reject you. Come before it is too. In The Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit The Only One True God as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end Amen ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
As a Muslim her voice is just MAGICAL 💗💗💗
I am a Bosnian Muslim and I feel the same love when I hear this prayer chant! we are cousins ❤
Predji Brate u Pravoslavlje vidi kako je to cista vjera iz srca ❤poz Republike Srpske komsija ..
Γαληνευει η ψυχή μου...αγγελοs επί γηs...
Bas je lijepo i ona The time has come je super
Amin amin amin
You're right to be here my friend 🐦⚪
الصوت ده مش طبيعي ايه العظمه اللي انا حسيت بيها ديه😮❤
مبارك اسم رب المجد يسوع المسيح المخلص الشافي الماحي خطايانا وامراض امين وصادق هو 🙏🕯️🕊️🇺🇲✝️✝️✝️✝️
Bog vas blagoslovio gospodjo ribele
🇦🇱 Albanian Roman Catholic ⛪️ ✝️ love y'all
Živija Skenderbeg!
Ilirska braća
@@MrXamanX Nisu oni iliri
سبحان الذي خلق هذه الحنجرة