Excellent suggestion, although I'm sure he'd come up with some lame excuse like "new body, new brain", uh, "you don't understand how memory works", or maybe "I haven't spoken it for 2,000 years - it's no longer relevant". His kind of delusional illness is well understood, but it scary to see how easily many people can be indoctrinated by a lunatic.
Agreed. Also ask him about specific day to day rituals from Biblical times. He'll only know what he's Googled or as already mentioned, will make some excuse as to why he doesn't know specifics.
Exactly. There is a video of I believe Carl Sagan taking on another cult leader who made claims of being alive 2000+ years ago in a similar way. He asked her about languages at the time, political structure, what types of things people ate and did in that region, etc and of course they couldn't answer any of it.
I get what you are saying, and i don´t believe the man from this video, but if the second messiah came how would we know? and how would you decide which one is saying the truth?
I hate kings. I also hate queens and that royal blood line none sense. Jesus belongs in the same trash can as these royal blood line junk. In case some of you haven't noticed, it is the same sort of crap (a descendant of David).
There’s always a fundamental lack of cultural knowledge with people who fall into believing they’re Jesus lol never mind the fact that there was centuries of human life before Jesus was even a concept lmao
@@Nitaijonjoedasa He also could've backpedaled after being confronted with it publicly. We weren't there for the original conversation. Would you believe someone that is very possibly lying to others on a regular basis or one of the victims just out of hand, without knowing the details?
This is a totally uncharitable summary of what is expressed in the video. Also, the father may actually have been responsible in some way. And coming to terms with grief is not about denying responsibility.
Last time I spoke to someone who thought he was Jesus was in mental ward when I was admitted for opiates detox. That was years ago but I remember him well.
Yep that's exactly where this Jesus girl ended up (and belonged!) when I had my first manic episode and had these similar delusions. I met at least two other Jesus's there. 😅 Scary times but thank God I came back to sanity and even found my faith through it all.
OkinawaDrag0n you have to think about the process it is mostly pride. They rejected and beat and crucified Jesus the Christ because they were expecting a king not a savior. They will not go back on that now, yet many Jewish individuals come to Christ. There is more to it than that of course, but that is the foundation of it.
@Revelations Truth actually it says only God knows that not even the son knows. It also states that when Jesus comes back it will be like lightning flashing across the sky when he comes to get his bride. He's not coming back it's just a man again. He's coming back as the Lord of Lord in the king of kings. You really should know the Bible better . I hope you come to know Jesus before it's too late. I hope you have a visitation from him
The fact that his man manipulated a vulnerable couple who went through the trauma of a lost child into thinking their still birth was their fault is evil! I hope that that lovely couple are free from this cult
@@libreverdaderamente4450 Exactly, no different. It's funny reading all of the insulted comments from people who probably listen to pedophiliac priests spewing the same garbage.
Hi all, just wanted to say hi, I'm the donkey that Jesus rode on, I live on a farm now... All is well. Just waiting for this guy to use me in a celebration again, I've had zero work since.
How many of the men who claim they are Jesus would be willing to take a Lie Detector Test, agree to be put under hypnosis , and be willing to congregate together for the purpose of expressing why they believe they are the authentic Jesus. ? The claim of these men is very serious and Jesus Christ is worthy of His genuine followers protection . ANYONE claiming to be Lord of Lords, The Pearl of Great Price, The Rose of Sharon , The King of Kings. The Lily of the Valley must be held accountable for any and all false claims and be ORDERED to undergo tests , and interrogation . Furthermore the attempt to steal another persons identity is a crime . To attempt to steal the identity of Jesus Christ ought to be punishable by death.
Especially while the "Roman soldier" told him about his interesting... memories with old hags and men r***ing him and cutting his p off. The poor guy is suffering and I feel sorry for him - but listening to that felt just like some weird BDSM fantasy I really didn't want to hear about.
@Gnostic Sabaton Actually there WAS (Hebrew name was different) and your ignorant cussing just proves you're angry, filled with hatred, you thrive on negativity, love to gossip and slander and live EVERY day in complete misery. Hope you can get RIGHT ! True story !
@@TynanCreations He did both. Google it. He only claimed he was Jesus privately to the band and a few others in a meeting, or so the firsthand reports go. I got the sense this was a short term episode but not really sure.
I'd be interested in seeing him interviewed by a historian who specializes in Roman Judea during the First Century CE. Watching for where the historical inaccuracies pull his lie apart would be pretty entertaining tbh.
Luke 14:26 "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Jizzus the narcissist...
I can attest he is but you will not like the other Truth because he is also hard to knock on it even in his documentary.It is very simple yet people complicate it non-sensely. The Real Living Light is litteraly The Light, the facto The Eternal God, no one else...Come to The Light not Jesus and understand the broader sense of things and the absolute love.
Also where does it say in the bible Jesus would return and lose his body/powers! we’ve all been taught and it’s pretty much factual that He will return in his existing body and form so this guy can stick it when the sun don’t shine
“And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” - Matthew 24:4-5
@@seamusblack5876 I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you are meaning, the true Jesus is known from the bible, false prophets are many, satan fist want us to know Jesus satan disnt even want us to believe in him, we must pray fir the Holy Spirit, to help us through Jesus, the truth is found from your heart , there cannot be a true religion as Satan runs the earth, Jesus saves us from what is in our hearts and by grace, their us only one God and his begotten son, no one gets to the father but through Jesus, I can’t speak fir others but my faith feels carved in my heart, others have different ways to explain how they feel
Fascinating . He is telling people they are hung up because of their need to be liked , loved, in control etc . I would definitely call that psychological projection 😂
Imagine being the son of the One True God, and waking up to your next incarnation as a middle-aged divorced Queenslander with terrible shirts and a late 80's mullet. The ultimate dad joke.
Not a mullet that. Mullets are short on top and long at the back. Also they are mid eighties. I know Australia is always a few years behind, so just trying to help out.
Now I get it. He is not a con man. He experienced childhood trauma which triggered some form of psychosis. When he discusses his own past there are hints of that. The amazing thing is that he was able to make a career out of his own psychosis.
@Rusty Howe wow, would love to know more. lol it is so fascinating, this human condition. Just a handful of photos with famous musicians and all the sudden he is everyone’s your manager! Hahahaha Hope your mum got out safe and sound. And, no not your mum. Is your dad Sam?
@Rusty Howe ya, haha my ex didn’t have a pot to piss in. He learned that you can’t own anything if you want to live off of others and transport Peruvian Coke to England. He got out of a very long sentence, only serving 7 years in an open prison, because they couldn’t find him owing anything. But, they over looked in Ibiza where the cash was hidden. lol
Except that psychopaths are usually smarter than this, and he doesn't really fit sociopath either. I think _Delusional Narcissist_ is a good compromise!
Common technique of the chronic liar and masked persona. Keep the chatter incessant, intentionally distractive and incredulous. It boggles the audience as it barely allows them a chance to sift through the muck because there's so much of it... and then more bullsh!t ramblings are offered up. These two remind me of the self important sellouts hired for commercials , infomercials and for crisis actor roles. Ridiculous in a pitiful way, but not funny.
Right... just like when everyone claims they were a king or a conquistador in their past life, but where are all the peasants and servants that vastly outnumbered them???
This is no joke, because innocent people get caught up with this. People in vulnerable situations where they unfortunately feeling discontent with their lives looking for something to make them whole become targets for people like this. This Mum and his wife are beyond disgusting.
This guy indicates he has fear remembering some of the past events....The one true Jesus knows NO FEAR, none. As a matter of fact it's indicated 365 times in the Bible Fear Not....so how is he to say he fears remembering past events. Is he contradicting his own word. This guy is a false teacher and he will have to answer to God one day for claiming he's Jesus.
That's what the Romans sold you. 2000 years ago healing beggars AND making an income with it, did not go down so well in the Jewish community. So he was constantly on the run from his own people. But yes, when the army got him, he had no fear, because he already decided he wanted to die.
@@SusanneWuthrich actually no he didn’t fear anything that’s true. He had a conversation with Satan and didn’t fear him. He didn’t fear Romans or anyone he only left those places because it wasn’t his time. People who were possessed feared Jesus though.
@@TALEOFA I can agree to that because I don’t fear anyone either. On the other hand, why did he choose to ignore me? And why could he not look into my eyes on our first absolute truth meeting on the Gold Coast? And why did he do the same to Judas 2000 years ago? 2000 years ago he said on his last supper: someone is going to betray me. And on the 25.04.2010 he said: something is going to happen but I don’t know what. He taped it……I walked out early because what I saw and heard triggered my emotions to the extend of absolute disbelief….how could someone be so clever and so stupid at the same time?
@@SusanneWuthrich so God is stupid? Why didn’t he say who will betray him? One because he didn’t want his other apostles to stop Judas and see Judas any different than as their brother and friend in that moment, it had to happen. Why didn’t he speak when the Roman or others told him to speak? Because Jesus only speaks truth so if he would have spoken he would have been freed reason why he stood silent. Also with Judas when Judas came with that group to take Jesus what did Jesus do? He still called him a friend and he had no hate for Judas or anything like that. He even healed the solider Peter cut the ear off instead of leaving him without a ear, he even went without a fight. God doesn’t ignore anyone, people ignore God.
I don't think he is unstable. He is just living off naïve people or living for free. He knows he isn't Jesus not that Jesus ever existed which he certainly did not. He is probably has some sort of disorder which means he likes to have his flock worship him or hold him in very high esteem.
It's narcissism. I used to know this dude who thought he was this master and semi god and here on a special mission, he demanded total worship. Worse than this "Jesus"! He was insane and in and out of mental hospitals. It was heartbreaking really but there was nothing I could do to help him. I had to walk away coz he was so abusive.
I see why someone would get into this. Not me personally, but I almost envy someone who could believe this. Imagine believing whole heartedly that you are friends with Jesus, you're going to an after life, you've basically figured out life and the universe. Even if it's a delusion, that must be a very comforting way to live.
You still stand a chance for the Real Jesus to forgive you if you repent though you have blasphemed by impersonating Him ; but if you don't you will have blasphemed the Holy Spirit with consequences of not receiving forgiveness from God and suffering the consequences of it.
@@dorcasolangh2179 Plus being a bad teacher. False teaching leads ppl astray now they will frown at the truth. The Bible says these ppl will be judged for deceiving others.
Sorry to tell you but based on how people look physically in the middle east, I dont think Jesus looked how he is pictured in movies and images. That's a European creation.
He says that his mother Mary from the 1st century thought he had mental issues? Wow...how could the mother of Jesus think he has mental issues when she got pregnant while still being a Virgin, or how an angel told her that her baby is the son of God and to name him Jesus? I don't believe that Mary would ever think Jesus ever had a mental illness, that would be denying he is the son of God. I can't believe people believe this BS.
"As a Christian, watching this video has reminded me of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:5, where he warns, 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, "I am the Christ," and will deceive many.' It's surprising to see how easily people can be deceived and the extent to which falsehoods can be propagated."
Wow. Just imagine what kind of monster that shyster is, to have convinced a grieving father that he is responsible for his son's death. That's a whole new level of evil.
"Disease is caused by a lack of love." A stupid thing to say, but exceptionally cruel too. A philosophy that if he ever got followers to really believe would drive people insane.
@Terry Martin yes, I'm simply saying plenty of totally happy and loving people get breast cancer. Preaching that disease is caused by lack of love is a total statement which is a different claim than lack of love causes disease. If women get that genetic test that determines they have that BRAC gene, or whatever, it would be unethical to argue a preventative mastectomy isn't necessary because our cult gives you love which prevents disease.
Amen nobody knows more than the true believers that he is nowhere near Jesus Christ it's actually angering to me even though he is mentally sick he is saying he is God ! And disregards truth of the word.
As someone who is blessed enough to say they escaped a cult before losing all sanity. I came to realize that everyone who had come into it had been hurt or traumatized before. The members would often say Jehovah Witnesses usually attract hurt people, everyone here is a little off.
Congratulations on getting away from a cult, you must be proud of your sthrenght inside! I almost got into a cult years ago, after the death of my mother, because I was in pain, but I realized about it before getting too involved. It's true that when you are suffering you are vulnerable to those things. I can also see how the followers are suffering a lot. The fact that those Jesus and Mary got so angry at this documentary, makes me feel something in not right in them also. I see in his eyes, a huge hunger for power, and I believe the biggest truth about somebody is written on their face, not in the words they say. Something doesn't feel right about them even if I agree on what this guy says about the root of sickness and all that.
I recently came to the realization I grew up in a religious cult. It’s been so eye opening better understanding my childhood and realizing why I struggle with the things I do because of how I was raised. Unfortunately they environment was the cause of my trauma and I’m just now scratching the surface of how to heal from it.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am soooo fascinated by those who followed these leaders...be it the children of followers, or the adult converts. Were you born into this cult? Because for me, that seems logical. But for an adult convert, it must be psychology that drives individuals to join an obviously stigmatized group? It has to be, because its bananas if a mentally stable individual joins a cult. Right? What am I missing? Thank you for reading.
@@TheBub26 OMG! THAT'S who I was thinking. Thank you! For the life of me I could not connect that in my head, but that's it! That was driving me crazy. 😜
@@darken3150 because everyone need JESUS JAHUSZUA HE IS the MESSAJAH GOD in the flesh and REDIMER. This guy is blashemous and he will pay the price for it
You know he's lying because he said "they broke my legs" when scripture clearly teaches otherwise. Breaking the legs of victims on the cross was a common practice by the Romans to speed up death. Soldiers would use the steel shaft of a short Roman spear to shatter the person’s lower leg bones. This would prevent the individual from pushing up with his legs so he could breathe, and death by asphyxiation would result in a matter of minutes. When the soldiers approached Jesus, they determined that he was already dead, and one used his spear to pierce Jesus’ side to confirm it (see John 19:34). This fulfilled another Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah: his bones would remain unbroken (see Psalm 34:19-20).
@Koron Mays yeah he should see a Christian Psychiatrist that will show him science and scripture simultaneously. He'll know he's not Jesus soon enough when he has a health complication but I suppose he could just say "Time to be reincarnated" or something stupid like that lol
No he didn't! He said: “The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. … How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”
When Jesus comes back the whole world will know. “For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:27)
Jasmin I could tell you the criteria but understanding it would require the Holy Spirit. Only faith in the true Jesus could allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.
Jasmin Jesus was the long prophesied messiah, he fulfilled over 300 scriptures about Himself that were written hundreds and some thousands of years before He walked the earth. Not once did he teach about enlightenment and or anything to do with modern eastern mysticism. Christians believe in the Jewish messiah, because the messiah came through the Jewish lineage (tribe) of Judah. Through faith in Jesus Christ as messiah, anyone (Jewish or not) can be grafted into the promise of God saving them from His imminent wrath coming to the earth. But when someone gives their lives to God through faith, they don’t worship Him as the pagans do. They worship Him by truth and spirit. God is not an “It” He has identified Himself as a masculine omnipresent, omnipotent, and, omnibenevolent being above all things He created and He manifested Himself in Human flesh as Jesus. He didn’t teach people to do whatever their hearts desired, he taught them how to truly worship God, and that was extremely different than the pagan nations (Egyptian, Canaanites, etc.) worshipped their gods. God is absolute, not relative to our own ideas.
Jesus died but rose again and was seen by over 500 people during a 40 day period after His resurrection. Jesus didn’t die again after that, He ascended back to where He came but will return in a descending fashion. Therefore, reincarnation isn’t necessary.
I’m waiting to hear someone say “I am the reincarnation of a fruit and vegetable peddler”. Or “I was the Shlump in accounting”. I guess that people with boring jobs or menial jobs don’t get reincarnated.
Well said. But then again, there are ppl who’ve claimed to be very normal individuals in a previous life. Nonetheless, as a Christian, I do not believe those accounts.
Both equally. I mean you can't have a cult leader without followers. Without a following it's just some crazy dude claiming to be God rather than a crazy dude and his crazy followers.
@@Christycheri92479 I would say he’s crazy, because the people have a choice to decide whether or not he is true or just plain crazy. Edit: I am one of them that says that he’s crazy
@@rebornhel6738 It`s quite simple. Like any other parent, he exposed the child to all the risks life implies. Like it or not, not all children are born healthy, not all survive to reach at least adolescence, not all die peacefully. It`s a sad fact, but still a fact. He is guilty!
This man is not Jesus, but he is on the right track about loving your neighbor as yourself, Jesus did turn water into wine, and it has much deeper meaning than just turning water into wine.
If he is Jesus ask him to read ancient hebrew scriptures, speak in Aramaic, show us where his original body is buried, tell us what happened to the ark of the covenant, oh and take a couple of steps across water!!!!!
sharms888 / Satan is as old as the Creation, is spiritually present in the entire Creation and has power of magic, and since every puppet of Satan is possessed by Satan, any puppet of Satan has access to Satan’s knowledge and powers. In other words, if a false Jesus is a puppet of Satan, he can quote ancient scriptures, speak Aramaic, locate the tomb of Jesus, tell what happened to the ark, walk on water, turn water into wine... (if you want to see what magicians are capable of doing, check my channel’s playlist ‘Miracles, spiritual experiences & scientists that refute Evolution’ ). A false Jesus is usually a puppet of Satan, hence if you want to unveil a false Jesus, you have to ask him to do something that Satan cannot do. For instance, Satan cannot for 24 hours stop the earth from spinning, cannot make a living person out of a skeleton and cannot miraculously separate complicatedly conjoined twins so that their bodies are perfectly restored to normal.
Yes and before he was born, Jesus was before even the foundation of the world. He is a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek spoken of throughout old testament.
@@nadominhoca Pick your battles. If a christian, someone who actually believes in Jesus and the divine is also doubting this person and agrees with you then why are you still so compelled to personally attack them?
"Before Abraham was, I am". This dude don't look or sound like he existed even before the first did in his genealogy. But the real Jesus owned the fact. Although not physically alive, He was destined before even Adam and Eve.
The more i listen to him claiming that he's Jesus.. and now i started to feel that i am Dr Phil in my past life and my wife is Oprah.. you know what I'm sayin'...
@@daytonasayswhat9333 How does that matter, really? This guy basically says "lack of love" causes (various) diseases, which is complete nonsense. Unless I completely misunderstood what he was saying...
@@natashaeverafter6464 that's my point. I'm pretty sure this personally commented because it's an issue relevant to them. Everybody makes these videos about themselves
Gotta feel sorry for the guy whose baby died. He seems like a genuine guy who has become completely confused and lost. It's a shame people feel so emotional about these kinds of things that they can't see it for what it simply is. A biological anomaly. A certain percentage of conceptions are spontaneously aborted and a certain percentage of babies are still born. It's just biology, it's just how nature works. It's either the result of a major chromosomal abnormality or it's just bad luck. It has absolutely nothing to do with whatever 'feelings' you may have unresolved in your mind or something nasty you did in your past. It just happens sometimes. I feel that it would probably be better for victims of this kind of horrible experience to simply come to terms with this, really understand this, move on and try for another child, rather than spending years looking for some kind of spiritual explanation, and ending up completely lost in space.
I can completely agree. He was emotionally manipulated by a fraud that told him he should blame himself for something that happened completely by chance. I hope he realises one day that Alan Miller is a fake and will get emotional help from an actual professional, and to know that the the death of his baby was nothing to do with him or the mother.
sbarnett37tiger Barnes It's awful beyond description to lead someone to believe that they're somehow personally responsible for such a tragedy as that. This guy is horrendous😪
Just ask him to speak in Aramaic. Surely if he remembers being Jesus he would know the language he spoke all his life.
Excellent suggestion, although I'm sure he'd come up with some lame excuse like "new body, new brain", uh, "you don't understand how memory works", or maybe "I haven't spoken it for 2,000 years - it's no longer relevant". His kind of delusional illness is well understood, but it scary to see how easily many people can be indoctrinated by a lunatic.
Agreed. Also ask him about specific day to day rituals from Biblical times. He'll only know what he's Googled or as already mentioned, will make some excuse as to why he doesn't know specifics.
@@anhedonianepiphany5588Exactly! But really wondering if he's full on deluded or a massive con artist, or both lol
I'd rather see him walk on water lol
Exactly. There is a video of I believe Carl Sagan taking on another cult leader who made claims of being alive 2000+ years ago in a similar way. He asked her about languages at the time, political structure, what types of things people ate and did in that region, etc and of course they couldn't answer any of it.
An ad for people with schizophrenia interrupted the video, as I was watching.
Touché, RUclips.
This dude is nuts
Yeah, I thought that was well played
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
This is only mentally sick. The dangerous ones are the ones who believe him
I get what you are saying, and i don´t believe the man from this video, but if the second messiah came how would we know? and how would you decide which one is saying the truth?
@@sperantagaina5473 we will meet Him in the clouds when we see Jesus we wont be guessing❤
@@sperantagaina5473 it's easy. Jesus returns the same way he left. on a cloud. you won't miss His return. trust me.
yes... im here because the video just popped up.. I'm just absolutely flabbergasted when he describes cancer causes like what????
"is it possible that I have a mental illness?" EXTREMELY POSSIBLE 🤣😂
Hahahaha on point!!!
He must have a mental illness
No,just looking for a way to exploit people to make money.
Anything is possible. This is 2024 and men can get pregnant and women have penis's so ya no more reality so this could be real.
Very much so😂
Bring all the jesus's together and let them fight it out.
DroneXFun Royal Rumble....
Get it Royal bc Jesus is the king of kings, lol
I hate kings. I also hate queens and that royal blood line none sense. Jesus belongs in the same trash can as these royal blood line junk. In case some of you haven't noticed, it is the same sort of crap (a descendant of David).
DroneXFun ahahaha 😂 great idea
LOL Mexican wrestler Jesus is true Jesus
“What a wanker” is the most truthful part of this documentary
Couldn't have put that better myself!!! 😂😂😂
The truth, right off the rip.
This reeks of Wankerism, true dat, bruhh!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
I had to rewind it just to hear him say it again. Brilliant 😂😂😂😂😂
Except the wanker who said it ends up falling for the wanker’s bullshit.
It'll be a bad day when he meets a guy who thinks he's Judas.
LMAO!!! Funniest comment I think I've ever read!! Really LOL.
Funny 😂😂😂😂😂 better yet “Peter”
Neelkumarsingh Ramyead 😂 I volunteer to be Judas in this situation
@@krazyoldkatlady192 sure go ahead make my day 👹👹👹
How interesting that Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and a Roman solider that helped Jesus all ended up in Australia...
That's what I thought. So he moved from the Middle East and ended up a white man
Yeah exactly what I was thinking about.
The best advice Jesus ever gave was, "Don't disturb the roos!"
There’s always a fundamental lack of cultural knowledge with people who fall into believing they’re Jesus lol never mind the fact that there was centuries of human life before Jesus was even a concept lmao
As an Australian I apologies on behalf of my country
edit: ya'll this a joke, just being sarcastic
It's okay, my country America is worse off. I don't hold it against you. 💙
Don't worry you did not do it
So long as you don’t join into this it’s all cool
No need to apologise we have unwell people in UK too.
A lot of people struggle with narcissism. This guy embraces it.
Yea it's not good eather.
Pfffff 🤣
Why he doesn´t proove? He is not even able to walk over water
Your comment on the spot.
Lol lol lol 😆 🤣 😂
12:09: My heart broke. To make a father believe he is responsible for the death of his son. How horrible; how despicable.
That makes me so angry for that man.
It's awful beyond description to lead someone to think they're somehow personally responsible for such a tragedy as losing their child. Horrendous😪
Poor guy hey?
He also could've backpedaled after being confronted with it publicly. We weren't there for the original conversation. Would you believe someone that is very possibly lying to others on a regular basis or one of the victims just out of hand, without knowing the details?
This is a totally uncharitable summary of what is expressed in the video. Also, the father may actually have been responsible in some way. And coming to terms with grief is not about denying responsibility.
Last time I spoke to someone who thought he was Jesus was in mental ward when I was admitted for opiates detox. That was years ago but I remember him well.
Yep that's exactly where this Jesus girl ended up (and belonged!) when I had my first manic episode and had these similar delusions. I met at least two other Jesus's there. 😅 Scary times but thank God I came back to sanity and even found my faith through it all.
There’s one of those at every detox/mental health unit.
@@LeahIsHereNow 😂😂😂 im shocked but shouldnt be
was he Jesus-y?
Jesus warned us-" many will come in my name"- Don't give him your time or money!!
But how do you know? The Jews didn’t believe Jesus was the messiah too
Because there were ALREADY “many”!
OkinawaDrag0n you have to think about the process it is mostly pride. They rejected and beat and crucified Jesus the Christ because they were expecting a king not a savior. They will not go back on that now, yet many Jewish individuals come to Christ. There is more to it than that of course, but that is the foundation of it.
Smithaw27 “The basis for it” is, “my make-believe is better than your MAKE-BELIEVE”!🙄
The comment section is more entertaining than the documentary.
😂 its funny that some dont realize that believing in the real jesus makes them the same as those cult members in the video
“All people need to do is read the bible to find out the truth, smh.
You took the words out my mouth 😂
Hahahaha I agree with you hahahaha
Matthew 24:24
"For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
quoting the bible, what a joke
What a creepy creep!!
Yes true, and the man claim he is Jesus and a girl claim also she's maria that came back.they not afraid to GOD the real one that in Heaven.
Can't wait to see the great signs this clown performs
@Revelations Truth actually it says only God knows that not even the son knows. It also states that when Jesus comes back it will be like lightning flashing across the sky when he comes to get his bride. He's not coming back it's just a man again. He's coming back as the Lord of Lord in the king of kings. You really should know the Bible better . I hope you come to know Jesus before it's too late. I hope you have a visitation from him
The fact that his man manipulated a vulnerable couple who went through the trauma of a lost child into thinking their still birth was their fault is evil! I hope that that lovely couple are free from this cult
Some people are beyond delusional. But we say bad about this cult as support the rainbow cult as gods
I agree. There should be some legal support for victims of these cults
Notice how we heard from the Father in this video but not the mother? I hope she had the clear mind to realize that message blaming them is hogwash
how about know what ur talking about b4 commenting- ignorant
Not only he is a liar but committing the sin of blasphemy.
Yeah, blasphemy, that's his biggest problem. Religious idiot.
Yes, he need help and prayers
@Dazza W right because its already the same thing
@Dazza W He's Been religious idiot. Jesus is much more than religion will ever be.
Right! He’s done for.
i respect the reporter for keeping a staight face through the interview.
Fenan Weldeab , I agree ☝🏼
Lol yes I'm watching this reporter hes like are you kidding?what nut cases
Its like when non believers listen to the christians fairy tales
the inside of his mouth would be torn apart...
@@libreverdaderamente4450 Exactly, no different.
It's funny reading all of the insulted comments from people who probably listen to pedophiliac priests spewing the same garbage.
Hi all, just wanted to say hi, I'm the donkey that Jesus rode on, I live on a farm now... All is well. Just waiting for this guy to use me in a celebration again, I've had zero work since.
This comments f**kin GOLD
How many of the men who claim they are Jesus would be willing to take a Lie Detector Test, agree to be put under hypnosis , and be willing to congregate together for the purpose of expressing why they believe they are the authentic Jesus. ? The claim of these men is very serious and Jesus Christ is worthy of His genuine followers protection . ANYONE claiming to be Lord of Lords, The Pearl of Great Price, The Rose of Sharon , The King of Kings. The Lily of the Valley must be held accountable for any and all false claims and be ORDERED to undergo tests , and interrogation . Furthermore the attempt to steal another persons identity is a crime . To attempt to steal the identity of Jesus Christ ought to be punishable by death.
No clue how the interviewer kept a straight face during this entire thing… 😂
I wondered this too 😄 😂😆
Especially while the "Roman soldier" told him about his interesting... memories with old hags and men r***ing him and cutting his p off. The poor guy is suffering and I feel sorry for him - but listening to that felt just like some weird BDSM fantasy I really didn't want to hear about.
No kidding 😂
SHOWS how BIASED the interviewers are.
I feel like someone told him he resembled Jesus and then he started to believe he actually is Jesus.
No one knows what jesus really looks like.. Given where jesus was from he most probably had jet black hair and dark skin.
@@cherryvictoriaciccone9334 Of course he did Jerusalem was full of people from Sudan Ethiopia & Asia at the time.
@Gnostic Sabaton Actually there WAS (Hebrew name was different) and your ignorant cussing just proves you're angry, filled with hatred, you thrive on negativity, love to gossip and slander and live EVERY day in complete misery. Hope you can get RIGHT ! True story !
I cracked up akekekee
Harun Daniel 😭😂😂😂
They should have interviewed the first wife. I feel like there is quite a bit we are missing.
The doco maker at 45:52 is Thomas Leader, So It is the same Documentary.
@beverly ledbetter No he thought they were more popular than Jesus. . and statistically he was correct.
@@TynanCreations He did both. Google it. He only claimed he was Jesus privately to the band and a few others in a meeting, or so the firsthand reports go. I got the sense this was a short term episode but not really sure.
@@TynanCreations I don't think so.
@@bigalexg 👍 "All you need is love" period. A "love week" in bed with Yoko Ono.
I'd be interested in seeing him interviewed by a historian who specializes in Roman Judea during the First Century CE. Watching for where the historical inaccuracies pull his lie apart would be pretty entertaining tbh.
Lee Swab yeah I would watch that.
Coolio , wot a wazzock , got to laugh , he would be good at stand up comedy I reckon , should he feel like a career change ...
That would be funny.
I'd love to see that!! Lol
Frank O'Collins Explains Western Roman Law ruclips.net/video/zUDCagYFyhI/видео.html
"It's not right that people value me (Jesus) more than themselves". That's a giveaway right there. (Philippians 3:7).
Luke 14:26
"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."
Jizzus the narcissist...
I spotted that immediately too. I love Christ more than myself, my life is nothing without Him. Total con job.
The only people crazier than these two are those who believe them
Well said!!!
Yes indeed. He’s crazy, but they are definitely crazier. If it wasn’t for them he wouldn’t have a platform and would just be a random dumbass.
He needs a reality check
They're under his spell and are all possessed. They should have not started listening to his speech in the first place.
"If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit." --Matthew 15:14
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.
I can attest he is but you will not like the other Truth because he is also hard to knock on it even in his documentary.It is very simple yet people complicate it non-sensely. The Real Living Light is litteraly The Light, the facto The Eternal God, no one else...Come to The Light not Jesus and understand the broader sense of things and the absolute love.
And this is the pit
@@NihilIslands "no man comes to the Father but by Me."
~Jesus(God) roughly 33AD
Don't tell kids they can become anything they want
Elder Maxson 😂 exactly!!! Well said (& very funny!) 😂😂😂
Elder Maxson hilarious😂
Elder Maxson right lol
That actually made me laugh a little.
"The problem with the world is that it is full of fools and fanatics, and the fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves."
Bertrand Russel
Im going with overpopulation. Not that there are fools and fanatics, but just so many of them. 😆
Good one.
Wow so crazy how everyone was reincarnated and ended up in Australia! Better yet, they all knew each other? I can't even.
Hahaha!! Maybe they moved from one point to the next, let's wait for them to reincarnate to Africa ..the heart of many false prophets 😂😂
@@lexxbrown2075 🙄🙄🙄
Fr though 😩😵🤣🤣🤣‼
Reincarnation has never been a Christian doctrine for what I know.
Reincarnation is literally a deception from the devil Christianity is the only way
Strange that the one who healed the blind wears spectacles.
I thought the SAME thing!
Also where does it say in the bible Jesus would return and lose his body/powers! we’ve all been taught and it’s pretty much factual that He will return in his existing body and form so this guy can stick it when the sun don’t shine
The blind have no need for glasses.....
“And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” - Matthew 24:4-5
That's powerful 👏
Thank you, I don’t think these men realize they are run by Satan,
So when will you know it's the true jesus? Praise Allah
@@seamusblack5876 I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you are meaning, the true Jesus is known from the bible, false prophets are many, satan fist want us to know Jesus satan disnt even want us to believe in him, we must pray fir the Holy Spirit, to help us through Jesus, the truth is found from your heart , there cannot be a true religion as Satan runs the earth, Jesus saves us from what is in our hearts and by grace, their us only one God and his begotten son, no one gets to the father but through Jesus, I can’t speak fir others but my faith feels carved in my heart, others have different ways to explain how they feel
You realize if there was no Bible this man would have no voice. Religion is the greatest evil in the world today.
Fascinating . He is telling people they are hung up because of their need to be liked , loved, in control etc . I would definitely call that psychological projection 😂
Yes. For sure.
Hats off to the host for keeping a straight face thruoghout the whole documentry🙏😇👍
Well, when the truth does come, they're both going to wish they hadn't spun untruths. Like many in this world....lol
Very cute-looking too.
@D K oh, like the Eucharist? haha
Oh well. It's his job. He got paid for it.
Apparently Jesus likes awful graphic t-shirts
Loot crate looks like a suit in comparison
And mullets.
I thought Jesus like white robes
He likes worse things
Bigby Wolf and he likes his rubber tinnies
Dude says he has some FEAR associated around remembering some memories. Yeah, you make a pathetic Jesus. The real Jesus says to fear not.
Just my, thought Jesus was no sissy when he came to earth and surely he’s not now, our Lord!
I think he would have fear yes.
How can there have been anyone taking direct notes on what he said then putting it into books?
The real Jesus hahahahaha your just as brainwashed
Imagine being the son of the One True God, and waking up to your next incarnation as a middle-aged divorced Queenslander with terrible shirts and a late 80's mullet. The ultimate dad joke.
Not a mullet that. Mullets are short on top and long at the back. Also they are mid eighties. I know Australia is always a few years behind, so just trying to help out.
You have the same name as my husband!
@@keithbentley6081 I look forward to reading your comment in a few years time. I bet it's a ripper.
@@diggermcginty870 I'm sure Australia will still be trying to find a successor to AcDC as the second half decent band to come out of Oz.
Yeah, and I know that I am the Easter bunny. I was reincarnated and remember my life hopping around before I was born in this world
You are a liar. I am the real eastern bunny 😁😂
Sounds legit
where is my chocolate egg??? It was there and then it disappeared.... into my belly..
Very sad moment...
Wester bunny rep
Wow! So did you and AJ coordinate in the spirit world and decide that eating Cadbury Eggs is how we'd celebrate the resurrection?
Instead of having extensive courses in school about why drugs are bad, they should just show this video.
Simon Zimon it’d prob convert some tho lol
Is that supposed to b funny? Drug addiction is no joke & actually they should have former addicts speak at schools.
Or just listen to any christian about hes believes
@@libreverdaderamente4450 my instincts tell me you haven't had a good relationship with a christian
Definitely. Keep away from mushrooms
Who else watched this whole video without skipping it………
Yeah didn’t think so 😂
The interviewer has the worlds best straight face record 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....
troot hahahhaha
Just give him an Oscar,Emmy and a Grammy
2000 years later, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the 12 Apostles magically appeared ALL in Australia. 😂 😂 😂
America will feel left out here
They will soon come and claim them😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
When looking at this bunch.... being left out might be a god-given wunderfull thing.
😂 I didn't think of it. I mean they were all at the same location at once before too... Maybe Australia is the new holy land who knows
They confused wallabies with wannabes!😂😂😂
America has more than its fair share of messiahs. Every major city has atleast a bakers dozen...
I feel so sorry for the parents whose child was stillborn and this man has made them think its partly their fault.
Yes, that is truly heartbreaking...
Spiritual toxicity!
It's the very opposite of the Christ mission as the comforter.
Satan is REAL people!!!
Shelly if you like it or not, God makes no mistakes only we humans do. So why do you feel sorry for someone else’s Law of attraction?
This is so sickening. The blasphemy is overwhelming.
Now I get it. He is not a con man. He experienced childhood trauma which triggered some form of psychosis. When he discusses his own past there are hints of that. The amazing thing is that he was able to make a career out of his own psychosis.
Yeah right I meant psychotic not manic
I agree
My ex-husband made a career out of his also. Con man extraordinaire . Never really having to work, living off the kindness of others.
@Rusty Howe wow, would love to know more. lol it is so fascinating, this human condition. Just a handful of photos with famous musicians and all the sudden he is everyone’s your manager! Hahahaha Hope your mum got out safe and sound. And, no not your mum. Is your dad Sam?
@Rusty Howe ya, haha my ex didn’t have a pot to piss in. He learned that you can’t own anything if you want to live off of others and transport Peruvian Coke to England. He got out of a very long sentence, only serving 7 years in an open prison, because they couldn’t find him owing anything. But, they over looked in Ibiza where the cash was hidden. lol
Psychopathic and narcissistic pretty much sums this up.
Professional Commenter / good summation
Except that psychopaths are usually smarter than this, and he doesn't really fit sociopath either. I think _Delusional Narcissist_ is a good compromise!
@@anhedonianepiphany5588 intelligence has nothing to do with psychopathy, that's just a stereotype
Lol..... Jesus was a psychopathic narcissist? Interesting perspective...... Maybe don't go saying that in the bible belt aye?
I don't get that from them. They seem like decent people.
Wow! He always has an answer for everything.
Common technique of the chronic liar and masked persona. Keep the chatter incessant, intentionally distractive and incredulous. It boggles the audience as it barely allows them a chance to sift through the muck because there's so much of it... and then more bullsh!t ramblings are offered up.
These two remind me of the self important sellouts hired for commercials , infomercials and for crisis actor roles.
Ridiculous in a pitiful way, but not funny.
Weird so many people remember being Jesus...but no one remembers being Pontius Pilate
I was Judas. fuckers didn’t let me join the party, because of one *litte* mistake. 🙄
Anna Louise May i remember very well.
Anna Louise May. Good point everyone wants to be Jesus no one wants or claims to Pontious Pliot or Hitler or someone like that.
Right... just like when everyone claims they were a king or a conquistador in their past life, but where are all the peasants and servants that vastly outnumbered them???
This is no joke, because innocent people get caught up with this. People in vulnerable situations where they unfortunately feeling discontent with their lives looking for something to make them whole become targets for people like this. This Mum and his wife are beyond disgusting.
Thus we have all religions
Im disconected from life. Not sure i could ever go in public saying im jesus or trans. Rather stay away from people then act a fool
@@gowdsake7103 shhh, they don't want to here THAT part lol
This guy indicates he has fear remembering some of the past events....The one true Jesus knows NO FEAR, none. As a matter of fact it's indicated 365 times in the Bible Fear Not....so how is he to say he fears remembering past events. Is he contradicting his own word. This guy is a false teacher and he will have to answer to God one day for claiming he's Jesus.
That's what the Romans sold you. 2000 years ago healing beggars AND making an income with it, did not go down so well in the Jewish community. So he was constantly on the run from his own people. But yes, when the army got him, he had no fear, because he already decided he wanted to die.
@@abellanetta Thank you Sunshine ☀️
@@SusanneWuthrich actually no he didn’t fear anything that’s true. He had a conversation with Satan and didn’t fear him. He didn’t fear Romans or anyone he only left those places because it wasn’t his time. People who were possessed feared Jesus though.
@@TALEOFA I can agree to that because I don’t fear anyone either. On the other hand, why did he choose to ignore me? And why could he not look into my eyes on our first absolute truth meeting on the Gold Coast? And why did he do the same to Judas 2000 years ago? 2000 years ago he said on his last supper: someone is going to betray me. And on the 25.04.2010 he said: something is going to happen but I don’t know what. He taped it……I walked out early because what I saw and heard triggered my emotions to the extend of absolute disbelief….how could someone be so clever and so stupid at the same time?
@@SusanneWuthrich so God is stupid? Why didn’t he say who will betray him? One because he didn’t want his other apostles to stop Judas and see Judas any different than as their brother and friend in that moment, it had to happen. Why didn’t he speak when the Roman or others told him to speak? Because Jesus only speaks truth so if he would have spoken he would have been freed reason why he stood silent. Also with Judas when Judas came with that group to take Jesus what did Jesus do? He still called him a friend and he had no hate for Judas or anything like that. He even healed the solider Peter cut the ear off instead of leaving him without a ear, he even went without a fight. God doesn’t ignore anyone, people ignore God.
I somehow feel Mary is more delusional than Jesus
You should read the meaning folie a deux
They're both equally delusional
Me too, you can see it in her smiles, the way she faxes off when she stares at you she just likes to believe she’s Mary.
They are the definition of codependency.
I guess pretending to be jesus is easier than working for a living
You can be marry
@@maryjanehaney6400 married me I'm Mohammed
MSC Channel I’m already married 😂
@@maryjanehaney6400 don't worried Mohammed not jealous
The guy at the beginning summed it up perfectly, ' What a wanker.'
' Oi mate!' Is simply something I never imagined Jesus would say.
I feel 1% dumber having watched this...
Had to watch how ludacris and deceptive evil can be evil comes in different forms
Me too.... lol
Same here
hunnie... Jesus wouldn't be caught dead in that shirt
literally ! lol
Haha 😆
Jesus wouldn't be caught dead at all.
... Good Friday?
“Is it possible I have a mental illness?”. Oh yes.
I don't think he is unstable. He is just living off naïve people or living for free. He knows he isn't Jesus not that Jesus ever existed which he certainly did not. He is probably has some sort of disorder which means he likes to have his flock worship him or hold him in very high esteem.
@@MICKEYISLOWD Or maybe he's having delusions?
It's narcissism. I used to know this dude who thought he was this master and semi god and here on a special mission, he demanded total worship. Worse than this "Jesus"! He was insane and in and out of mental hospitals. It was heartbreaking really but there was nothing I could do to help him. I had to walk away coz he was so abusive.
I see why someone would get into this. Not me personally, but I almost envy someone who could believe this. Imagine believing whole heartedly that you are friends with Jesus, you're going to an after life, you've basically figured out life and the universe. Even if it's a delusion, that must be a very comforting way to live.
I feel like someone said to him, "man, you know, you look a little bit like Jesus" and boom!.....he said, "you know what? I am Jesus!"😂
You still stand a chance for the Real Jesus to forgive you if you repent though you have blasphemed by impersonating Him ; but if you don't you will have blasphemed the Holy Spirit with consequences of not receiving forgiveness from God and suffering the consequences of it.
@@dorcasolangh2179 Plus being a bad teacher. False teaching leads ppl astray now they will frown at the truth. The Bible says these ppl will be judged for deceiving others.
Where's Judas? Someone find Judas and get this over with.
I saw Judas yesterday. He’s a chef in an Italian restaurant.
@Rick AGREE!
Royal omg I think you're right!! His eggplant parmesan was awful!
Sorry to tell you but based on how people look physically in the middle east, I dont think Jesus looked how he is pictured in movies and images. That's a European creation.
Santiago exactly Jesus never had blue eyes or long blond hair
He says that his mother Mary from the 1st century thought he had mental issues? Wow...how could the mother of Jesus think he has mental issues when she got pregnant while still being a Virgin, or how an angel told her that her baby is the son of God and to name him Jesus? I don't believe that Mary would ever think Jesus ever had a mental illness, that would be denying he is the son of God. I can't believe people believe this BS.
Good point thanks
@@llbaebae147 For real....
I can't believe that people believe his BS as people are stupid and gullible because they want to believe.
@gerard lales Do you have any evidence of that?
"As a Christian, watching this video has reminded me of the words of Jesus in Matthew 24:5, where he warns, 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, "I am the Christ," and will deceive many.' It's surprising to see how easily people can be deceived and the extent to which falsehoods can be propagated."
If he Jesus why he wearing glasses?
Jesus is a healer.
he is just bored
Omg!! I saw that and asked myself the same thing!!!!
Lol good one!
And I’m Mark Zukerburg of Facebook!
He is not jesus.. In the bible jesus will not come back like that... Some more he got wife.... Lie... Lie... Iie
Sounds like he never read the Bible. Jesus’ return is not a reincarnation.
@Revelations Truth can I ask you a question: Did Yeshua come in the flesh??
@Revelations Truth THIS ONE'S FOR YOU ruclips.net/video/1YZs2Pt4UCI/видео.html
You are correct!
Jesus would know how to spell. LMAO
Brilliant ! Well done.
Wow. Just imagine what kind of monster that shyster is, to have convinced a grieving father that he is responsible for his son's death. That's a whole new level of evil.
Scientology does this even harder
Yeah that is evil. This Jesus is an idiot
That was my thought.
Actually, he never suggested that.
Omg I’m with you, I actually deleted my comments I realised I’m wasting my breath. This guy is Evil.
Now I'd like to see a documentary on the Bible Belt of Australia. Cool doc. Thanks for producing/creating and sharing!
"Disease is caused by a lack of love." A stupid thing to say, but exceptionally cruel too. A philosophy that if he ever got followers to really believe would drive people insane.
@Terry Martin yes. I could agree isolation causes disease, but that is not the same as disease is caused by isolation.
@Terry Martin yes, I'm simply saying plenty of totally happy and loving people get breast cancer.
Preaching that disease is caused by lack of love is a total statement which is a different claim than lack of love causes disease.
If women get that genetic test that determines they have that BRAC gene, or whatever, it would be unethical to argue a preventative mastectomy isn't necessary because our cult gives you love which prevents disease.
Fr total b.s. I killed my parents 40 years ago and the only thing killing me is father time
contactkeithstack Disease is from the fall of man.
@@giftedandblack494 that's like your opinion, man.
I laughed so hard at this.Seriously he should take his meds .
Happy girl رمانه I’m not laughing. I think it’s sad that people are being so deceived.
@@juliefincham4636 You are right .
Right !
Too sad to laugh!!!
how many times does He have to come back to end up with a crib in San Diego
He said the soldiers broke his legs when he as crucified. The bible says none of his bones were broken. This man is a deceiver and liar.
Amen nobody knows more than the true believers that he is nowhere near Jesus Christ it's actually angering to me even though he is mentally sick he is saying he is God ! And disregards truth of the word.
Glen Newnum- AMEN!!!!!
This man is obviously nuts, but the bible is a load of nonsense also.
@@NibbleITvery incorrect the bible is totally accurate and is proving that especially now with so many prophecies being fulfilled
That is right !!!! Thats exactly right .... false prophets ....i was about ti say he slipped
2000 years from now: even Santa 🎅 could be the new "Jesus"....
As someone who is blessed enough to say they escaped a cult before losing all sanity. I came to realize that everyone who had come into it had been hurt or traumatized before. The members would often say Jehovah Witnesses usually attract hurt people, everyone here is a little off.
Congratulations on getting away from a cult, you must be proud of your sthrenght inside!
I almost got into a cult years ago, after the death of my mother, because I was in pain, but I realized about it before getting too involved.
It's true that when you are suffering you are vulnerable to those things.
I can also see how the followers are suffering a lot.
The fact that those Jesus and Mary got so angry at this documentary, makes me feel something in not right in them also.
I see in his eyes, a huge hunger for power, and I believe the biggest truth about somebody is written on their face, not in the words they say.
Something doesn't feel right about them even if I agree on what this guy says about the root of sickness and all that.
Congrats! I am an ExJw too
That’s awesome you are brave! I'm happy you are out of the cult
I recently came to the realization I grew up in a religious cult. It’s been so eye opening better understanding my childhood and realizing why I struggle with the things I do because of how I was raised. Unfortunately they environment was the cause of my trauma and I’m just now scratching the surface of how to heal from it.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am soooo fascinated by those who followed these leaders...be it the children of followers, or the adult converts.
Were you born into this cult? Because for me, that seems logical. But for an adult convert, it must be psychology that drives individuals to join an obviously stigmatized group? It has to be, because its bananas if a mentally stable individual joins a cult. Right? What am I missing? Thank you for reading.
Jesus told us we would see many false prophets.
11:01 OH god.... there it is the beginning of the end of his life. Oh wow listening to his whole story that was just terribly sad 😢
Right...but the thing here is he is not even a false apostle...he is just a junkie high on some kind of drug😂😂😂😂
Lie.. Lie... Lie... I think they just want to become famous & making money... I don't believe them.
Unlimited Perseverance and false Christs
Did you talk to him personally about it?
I had no idea Keith Urban is the Messiah
he looks more like jonathan cheban
@@TheBub26 OMG! THAT'S who I was thinking. Thank you! For the life of me I could not connect that in my head, but that's it! That was driving me crazy. 😜
He looks more like Viggo Mortensen lol
I'd join if the cult leader was Keith Urban 🤣😏 haha but this guy is seriously disturbing!
That's because you're not Nicole ! 🙂
It's ridiculous when someone believes they are Jesus, it's just terrifying when other's start believing them that they are Jesus.
Finally found someone to turn all these bottle water to wine for the weekend
Abiodun Oyetomi lmao!
Don't get the wrong order or you'll get a bunch of bread & fish...
and a huge tidal wave....
Abiodun Oyetomi
Abiodun Oyetomi
Come in greece bro wine is more cheap then water
He should be riding a donkey or camel
Not a car polluting his father's creation..
What a lousy ungrateful son!
Exactly!! He's not very busy sorting things on his Father's creation because I'd never heard of him before this!
Fear is not of Jesus. If he was Jesus he would not fear “remembering”. 🙄
I caught that too.. but because I have met the real jesus and live for him.. these APOSTATES are very easy to spot! Stay in the truth til the end!
@@Heseesyou exactly
I've met a number of Jesus in my life, some are actual carpenters.
he really needs Jesus
for what reason?
@@darken3150 because everyone need JESUS JAHUSZUA HE IS the MESSAJAH GOD in the flesh and REDIMER. This guy is blashemous and he will pay the price for it
CzysteSerce7 JAHinmyheart oh really what’s going to happen to me?
@Joseph separation from GOD is EGO
Or a shrink
He had a previous marriage and two sons, how utterly modern of him.
Well jesus mother married after being pregnant to some other man
And he uses a whiteboard.
Sandra Kelly 😭😭
Libre verdaderamente that’s Jesus mother not Jesus lol
He's the Mormon Jesus
You know he's lying because he said "they broke my legs" when scripture clearly teaches otherwise. Breaking the legs of victims on the cross was a common practice by the Romans to speed up death. Soldiers would use the steel shaft of a short Roman spear to shatter the person’s lower leg bones. This would prevent the individual from pushing up with his legs so he could breathe, and death by asphyxiation would result in a matter of minutes.
When the soldiers approached Jesus, they determined that he was already dead, and one used his spear to pierce Jesus’ side to confirm it (see John 19:34). This fulfilled another Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah: his bones would remain unbroken (see Psalm 34:19-20).
Amen to that. Well said.
@Koron Mays yeah he should see a Christian Psychiatrist that will show him science and scripture simultaneously. He'll know he's not Jesus soon enough when he has a health complication but I suppose he could just say "Time to be reincarnated" or something stupid like that lol
Sure that’s how we know he’s lying hahaha
He's the Mormon Jesus
The beauty of life is that you can be whatever you want to be.
Yeah these days. I can identify as whatever or whoever I want. LOL
@@dizilizid8281 Very good. You get the idea
sure....just don t ask people for money to be who you want to be.......
Mark Twain: It's easier to fool a man than try to confinnce him he was fooled.
No he didn't! He said: “The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. … How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”
This guy is dumbass 🤣🤣
When Jesus comes back the whole world will know.
“For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:27)
Jasmin I could tell you the criteria but understanding it would require the Holy Spirit. Only faith in the true Jesus could allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.
Enlightenment isn’t why Jesus was who He was.
Jasmin Jesus was the long prophesied messiah, he fulfilled over 300 scriptures about Himself that were written hundreds and some thousands of years before He walked the earth. Not once did he teach about enlightenment and or anything to do with modern eastern mysticism. Christians believe in the Jewish messiah, because the messiah came through the Jewish lineage (tribe) of Judah. Through faith in Jesus Christ as messiah, anyone (Jewish or not) can be grafted into the promise of God saving them from His imminent wrath coming to the earth. But when someone gives their lives to God through faith, they don’t worship Him as the pagans do. They worship Him by truth and spirit. God is not an “It” He has identified Himself as a masculine omnipresent, omnipotent, and, omnibenevolent being above all things He created and He manifested Himself in Human flesh as Jesus. He didn’t teach people to do whatever their hearts desired, he taught them how to truly worship God, and that was extremely different than the pagan nations (Egyptian, Canaanites, etc.) worshipped their gods. God is absolute, not relative to our own ideas.
Jesus died but rose again and was seen by over 500 people during a 40 day period after His resurrection. Jesus didn’t die again after that, He ascended back to where He came but will return in a descending fashion. Therefore, reincarnation isn’t necessary.
I’m waiting to hear someone say “I am the reincarnation of a fruit and vegetable peddler”. Or “I was the Shlump in accounting”. I guess that people with boring jobs or menial jobs don’t get reincarnated.
Well said. But then again, there are ppl who’ve claimed to be very normal individuals in a previous life. Nonetheless, as a Christian, I do not believe those accounts.
Yeah, and I'm Julius Ceasar, obey me slaves! (I'm joking haha!)
Well I went to hypnotherapy, and I saw I was an indian nurse, with a conpletely normal life😂
I was the Shlump in accounting. You know…that shlump. You’re welcome and your wait is over. 😂
I sped up the decomposition of my body by harnessing my own vibrating energy. Yeah. He just said that. JESUS said that. 😂
I 'll love to introduce my self to him: "Pleased to meet you, I am Pontius Pilate..."
Titus bitus your servant. By the way, what about the nails ? Bad qualité as you may see. The guy escapt in the bush.
@@georgesmajerus3272 😅🤣😂🤣😅😂😄😁
I don’t know what’s more crazy a cult leader or the followers.
The followers
😂😂😂 good one!
We have the same thing in America. Trump followers .
Both 😭
Both equally. I mean you can't have a cult leader without followers. Without a following it's just some crazy dude claiming to be God rather than a crazy dude and his crazy followers.
I'm wondering who is the craziest , him claiming that he's jesus ??? or those who think he's jesus ???? maybe both of them huh
The people. He’s a con artist but they’re just lost and crazy.
@@Christycheri92479 I would say he’s crazy, because the people have a choice to decide whether or not he is true or just plain crazy.
Edit: I am one of them that says that he’s crazy
@@basquehound1999 absolutely LOL
Or those who worship the other jesus
Instead of uncovering a cult, it seems more like the interviewer is starting to believe this insanity.
How do you find out if an organization is a cult? Apparently by asking the cult leader and taking him 100% at his word for it, like an idiot.
He’s just being polite lol..
I'm not watching the video I'm here for the comments 🤣😂🤣
Wes Tuck There always better
I'm doing both
Apocalypse by John 21:9 22:17 he with Mary his wife/half/soulmate shout Come!
I feel so sorry for Jason, he blames himself for his son's death and having to find this jesus guy at such a time only made him more vulnerable 💔
Well, with or without Jesus, he is guilty for his son`s death.
His interview was super sketchy lol
Alexandru Varga Why is he guilty?
@@rebornhel6738 It`s quite simple. Like any other parent, he exposed the child to all the risks life implies. Like it or not, not all children are born healthy, not all survive to reach at least adolescence, not all die peacefully. It`s a sad fact, but still a fact. He is guilty!
He said it was a home birth. Big problem right there.
"Met this bloke who reckons he's jesus"
"What a wanker"
This wasn't the opening I expected 🤣
So true. I was giggling.
@@evam5589 🤣😅
Lol I'm a 32 yr old man and had the giggles. Hilarious opening
So Australian 😂
You are liar
This man is not Jesus, but he is on the right track about loving your neighbor as yourself, Jesus did turn water into wine, and it has much deeper meaning than just turning water into wine.
If he is Jesus ask him to read ancient hebrew scriptures, speak in Aramaic, show us where his original body is buried, tell us what happened to the ark of the covenant, oh and take a couple of steps across water!!!!!
He must know all of Torah..
sharms888 Aren't you being a little picky?
You forgot the most important miracle! Water to Wine!!!
sharms888 /
Satan is as old as the Creation, is spiritually present in the entire Creation and has power of magic, and since every puppet of Satan is possessed by Satan, any puppet of Satan has access to Satan’s knowledge and powers. In other words, if a false Jesus is a puppet of Satan, he can quote ancient scriptures, speak Aramaic, locate the tomb of Jesus, tell what happened to the ark, walk on water, turn water into wine... (if you want to see what magicians are capable of doing, check my channel’s playlist ‘Miracles, spiritual experiences & scientists that refute Evolution’ ).
A false Jesus is usually a puppet of Satan, hence if you want to unveil a false Jesus, you have to ask him to do something that Satan cannot do. For instance, Satan cannot for 24 hours stop the earth from spinning, cannot make a living person out of a skeleton and cannot miraculously separate complicatedly conjoined twins so that their bodies are perfectly restored to normal.
Meh, he'd start making things up like how his Father wouldn't allow him to keep that memory or whatever bullshit he could think of.
He needs help, very quickly. And all this people around him, too..
He doesn’t need help. He’s purposely deceiving people
Help him to go to jail.
Why would Jesus suddenly realise that he is Jesus? The Jesus from the Bible has been owning that as a fact since he was born
Yes and before he was born, Jesus was before even the foundation of the world. He is a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek spoken of throughout old testament.
Damn... you more wacko than this new jesus guy
@@nadominhoca Pick your battles. If a christian, someone who actually believes in Jesus and the divine is also doubting this person and agrees with you then why are you still so compelled to personally attack them?
Only because that person believes in Jesus and is a Christian, she doesn’t deserve to be criticized?
"Before Abraham was, I am". This dude don't look or sound like he existed even before the first did in his genealogy. But the real Jesus owned the fact. Although not physically alive, He was destined before even Adam and Eve.
The more i listen to him claiming that he's Jesus.. and now i started to feel that i am Dr Phil in my past life and my wife is Oprah.. you know what I'm sayin'...
What he said about cancer makes me extremely angry
Why, because you or someone you love has cancer?
Steven Anita Smith Same here, I'm sure we're not the only ones.
@@daytonasayswhat9333 How does that matter, really? This guy basically says "lack of love" causes (various) diseases, which is complete nonsense. Unless I completely misunderstood what he was saying...
@@natashaeverafter6464 that's my point. I'm pretty sure this personally commented because it's an issue relevant to them. Everybody makes these videos about themselves
Yeah, one cannot put into a tight box the reason for breast cancer on the left breast
Hes smiling constantly it’s un Nerving. This whole cult is disturbing
indeed - as is the christian faith
My advice to a j is please come back to sense God still loves you.
Gotta feel sorry for the guy whose baby died. He seems like a genuine guy who has become completely confused and lost. It's a shame people feel so emotional about these kinds of things that they can't see it for what it simply is. A biological anomaly. A certain percentage of conceptions are spontaneously aborted and a certain percentage of babies are still born. It's just biology, it's just how nature works. It's either the result of a major chromosomal abnormality or it's just bad luck. It has absolutely nothing to do with whatever 'feelings' you may have unresolved in your mind or something nasty you did in your past. It just happens sometimes. I feel that it would probably be better for victims of this kind of horrible experience to simply come to terms with this, really understand this, move on and try for another child, rather than spending years looking for some kind of spiritual explanation, and ending up completely lost in space.
I can completely agree. He was emotionally manipulated by a fraud that told him he should blame himself for something that happened completely by chance. I hope he realises one day that Alan Miller is a fake and will get emotional help from an actual professional, and to know that the the death of his baby was nothing to do with him or the mother.
sbarnett37tiger Barnes It's awful beyond description to lead someone to believe that they're somehow personally responsible for such a tragedy as that. This guy is horrendous😪
It is a shame he met up with these two crackpots. It is criminally tragic, actually.