Maryland is 31% afro-american. It is not Idaho or Maine with 1%-2% afro-american. It is a medium blue state, not a red state like Idaho. Yep, I am Honduran-American but I am pleased, Maryland has given a black Johns Hopkins Graduate a chance to occupy one of the 50 Governor Seats in the United States.
The people ARE powerful. Don’t you ever forget it
Its good that Maryland has it's first Indian Moor as governor.
Maryland is 31% afro-american. It is not Idaho or Maine with 1%-2% afro-american. It is a medium blue state, not a red state like Idaho.
Yep, I am Honduran-American but I am pleased, Maryland has given a black Johns Hopkins Graduate a chance to occupy one of the 50 Governor Seats in the United States.
Whoops there it is
these people take advance of people by creating a bible that its said no lawsuit and drug people