D&D Monster Makeover - Zombie Lord

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 114

  • @duanebradway1627
    @duanebradway1627 7 месяцев назад +34

    For what it's worth, I don't find your videos to be long at all. I find that anything under 15-20 minutes isn't really enough to spark creativity in my brain (unless it is intentionally supposed to be a short. In which case I usually rapid fire several on a similar topic allowing me to see several view point on something all at once.) I like to dig deep and build on the things I learn.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +8

      This is definitely his strength. For length, you need depth and creativity. He has both. Not just eye candy. But I find the more I listen to his videos the 2nd and 3rd time there are more ideas in it every time. Sometimes just glimpses.
      But he took the boring zombie, which has ALWAYS been a sore spot with me in DnD from every era, and put more than grey pictures in it. This got us back to horror, medieval terror. It is terribly hard to swing your sword at the enemy who just dragged you under the ground. And there are 3 of them....

    • @duanebradway1627
      @duanebradway1627 7 месяцев назад +6

      @redfaux74 I agree. Zombies in many RPGs are watered down to minimize the imposing danger they inherently bring. This saddens me. That imposing danger is why they were created in the first place. If you can't tie a feeling to or invoke a reaction from the use of a creature, why are you using that creature? I have always suped up my zombies, specters, skeletons, and other "lowly" undead to fit the theme and threat level of my campaigns. One of my favorites was the use of Oger zombies that had small cages implanted in their chest cavity. The cages were filled with a variety of small dark horror creatures (inspired by Lord Krang from TMNT) in a magical sleep state that would wake up and be released from their cages when the zombies took damage.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +4

      I can't say it's necessary to implant living hand grenades in the chests of zombies but the natural danger of DnD monsters and even common sense events sometimes NEEDS to overwhelm a party.
      I'm never one to make an adventure sterile or fair. If in a campaign the characters hear a hint of a Lich and they immediately go after it instead of looking for information.... then they could likely get killed. They might be warned. If they ignore the warnings they get killed. There were times I told my party "You need to know there are times you might get captured". If they fight to the death instead of surrendering to a greater threat.... they get killed. If they surrender their gear they might live. If they give the enemy resources they might live. But I've never dumbed down a dragon in the spirit of fairness. If you spit in the Kings face... you likely go to prison and end your character in that game. That IS the definition of fairness.
      If you cannot see in the dark.... you don't go far at night, in dungeons or caves. That's fair. Get smart or get killed. That's fair.

  • @uzunaruMelonness
    @uzunaruMelonness 7 месяцев назад +10

    I like the long format. This given ample time to flesh out a few details with the creature.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      99% of the time I despise videos over 10 minutes. Too much repetition.
      But not in his videos. The art, background audio, homebrew ideas (especially those), come together perfectly to bind you to the seat with tendrils. I missed the acting in this video with the darker voice in a few locations like he did in the Death Knight. I would've loved to hear Goresoil say something like "Aaaaahhhh.... finally.... someone gave me.... respect. Finally.... I'm first. Now.... I have family."

  • @daleortt4874
    @daleortt4874 7 месяцев назад +5

    Really cool idea. I am tired of throwing 30 and 40 zombies at my 5th level party!

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      As per 5E.....I can see why. They're like dumb slow humans who can't do hardly anything.
      I've always believed if Zombies were done right in DnD that orcs, goblins, ogres would be terrified of them. If a bite was contagious.... 😢 their clans would be wiped out and the realms would be in deep trouble. Talk about a world changing scenario. A necromancers dream.

  • @LucrataNexarii
    @LucrataNexarii 7 месяцев назад +5

    I do enjoy the longer videos, as they are not only more complex and expansive, they offer an uninterrupted listening experience. Along with a cup of tea (or two) and a session with my sketchbook at the side while watching, it makes for a great experience. Thank you for the time it takes to create works like this.
    As a person working on their own book design (I need a new sketchbook), I definitely enjoy the many images of fantastic and dark libraries.

  • @SnoDog2112
    @SnoDog2112 7 месяцев назад +6

    I really liked this video. I have a player that has stated they are interested in creating a necromancer that wants to go for lichdom. This failed lich BBEG gives a great hook for the "Lich to Be" to reach out too, maybe destroy the failed lich and steal their materials, books, notes, etc. to further their own research. The Zombie Underlord is a great addition as a servant. I will definitely download the pack from Paetreon. Keep up the great work Rich!!!

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      I love this idea too.
      30th level Necromancer, Intel 22 who is ready for his Lich ceremony. He has everything planned. Every "i" dotted. Every "t" crossed. He has been hoarding parchment, pens, potions, books, creating new wands and even has a few willing minions who are dedicated to serve him into the transition. And he has thoroughly charmed them to insure they cannot betray him.
      When it is all done.... something is terribly wrong. He is awake. His minions are dead. Eaten? Torn apart? His library, most of it is demolished, scattered and things broken everywhere. "Did I do this?"
      It is months later. That's bad. He's having trouble concentrating. He knows, after looking at his tomes, that he can cast 5th level spells without trouble.... but 6th? He's not sure about. Something is definitely wrong.
      After 6 months of examining the situation he knows things get better and worse. In the full moon he can cast 8th level spells but only two of them. In Oct he could cast one 9th level spell. But most of the time he is maybe 15th level with a 16 Int. "The cravings.... I'm not supposed to have cravings like this...."
      Every month roll 1d6 for his level and add 12... and 1d6 for his Int and add 12. "Everything was perfect. Somehow.... some way.... I was betrayed. 😡 I must find out who and how. Until then.... I'm hungry. I need flesh. Hot, fresh flesh and blood. But until then.... I do have those pieces. Servants."

  • @kellennitz1116
    @kellennitz1116 7 месяцев назад +3

    The stories behind the monsters are the best part!!!

  • @Lucius_Tenebri
    @Lucius_Tenebri 7 месяцев назад +6

    Hello Rich, regarding the length of your videos... Length=strength (in my humble opinion), but also requires a lot of creativity and deep understanding and you have proven many times that you poses both of those qualities as many of us already stated countless times. Furthermore this video plus the corresponding pdf is a really wonderful crative statement, taking a plain old zombie a turning it into something more.... Just amazing work, I salute you my friend, your imagination soars like a mighty dragon over the D&D landscape making it even more wonderful than before through every interaction it has with it. You are a true creator. Keep up the splendid work.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      I agree. I love the idea of the Zombie Lord.
      Not a super powered villian and yet incredibly dangerous if used properly. Just enough intelligence to avoid fights, lingering in the background practically invisible on the edges of his minions. A party who avoids death multiple times might think "Something is wrong. These are Zombies but they almost seem to be working together. Trying to encircle us. Trying to pull us down or.... herd us.... Some of them just stand back and fill the holes in their ranks. I think we're in trouble."
      And every once in a while, when a party member DOES fall.... the Zombies part and he walks thru the unnatural fog to feed first. After all.... he is a Zombie and he must fulfill that craving. Finally, Goresoil is first in line. "Finally, I get respect." And a Zombie smiles.
      This is horror restored to the "mere" Zombies. This is what I feel in a good Zombie movie.

  • @Marcus-ki1en
    @Marcus-ki1en 7 месяцев назад +9

    Can't use it whole, but happy to pick over the corpse and steal many parts. Fine with the longer format, love the level of detail and comprehensive coverage. It is like getting a whole supplement in one shot. Thanks for covering it all at once, rather than dividing it into two or three parts. I have heard tell of the Brothers of Decayvus that wander dark places and gather followers after midnight.

  • @majinsole8554
    @majinsole8554 7 месяцев назад +3

    I love this idea for a series, and I absolutely don’t mind the extended video length at all!
    Also, PHENOMENAL art man!
    I had no idea you did most of this art on your own!

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I don't think he does 99% of this art himself. Some, yes. The tattooed guy with the beard I'm convinced is him. I think that's his art. He buys the rest from somewhere. I don't think it was cheap either. It's incredible and adds tons to the video.

  • @scotmcpherson
    @scotmcpherson 7 месяцев назад +6

    Riches and liches rocks

  • @HR_404
    @HR_404 7 месяцев назад +4

    I prefer longer-form content, especially for lore or homebrew D&D/TTRPG content. If anything, I personally prefer longer, but the content you produce is very good and worth it, so I'll take what I can get!

  • @tonyromasco1735
    @tonyromasco1735 7 месяцев назад +4

    I kit-bashed augmented zombies. Imagine an Artificer and a necromancer teaming up.
    Players never looked at zombies the same way again!

  • @redfaux74
    @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +5

    That was awesome. ❤ This is terror. This is medieval horror! No one has done this.
    I just watched Dawn of the Dead this week again for likely the 40th time. The first 20 minutes of the movie where civilization is falling apart.... it still gets me. DnD has always poo poo-ed the terror of the Zombie, dumbed it down. Rich just put the ¹/⁴ hit dice monster back on the top of terror lists. So many home brew ideas to make them terrifying. Arrows almost useless? Yep.... almost completely to a zombie. Pokey swords useless? Yep.... almost completely useless to a zombie.
    5 zombies coming at you ALL with a +5 to hit because they're swarming you? And there are 5 in front of you that will be there next round? That's horror. That is the fear of the zombie.
    I think Decayvus will like his new promotion... given time. That's all he has now... time. And hunger. Hunger for that light that he can now see in the living. Crave. He craves that light. Mmm...

  • @bradwalls8656
    @bradwalls8656 5 месяцев назад +3

    I think the "Gelatinous Cube", "The Owlbear" & "The Mimic" would be a good subjects for future "Monster Makeover" video. Aside from the liches & dragons, these three monsters are what me and many others think of when the subject of D&D monsters come up.

  • @shaboom420
    @shaboom420 7 месяцев назад +6

    “So give me the credit if you love it, and if you don’t…I know a couple of guys that can take the fall”. ….Ahh sweet sweet Subversion….

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +3

      🤣🤣🤣 He danced around that very well. 😅
      But he sure delivered. That's horror. That's medieval. That's an adventure every group can use with adventure hooks for many more. I almost think Decayvus will learn to enjoy the perks of his new career.

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  7 месяцев назад +2


  • @josephpurdy8390
    @josephpurdy8390 7 месяцев назад +6

    A cumulative chance for a player character becomming a zombie. This causes the loss of player agency, and potential threat to the other players. This will cause players to find it necessary to destroy them, and avoid all close contact with them. This will extend to even more experienced adventures whom shall seek to limit their contact with them.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +4

      That indeed is the terror. Not just combat anymore. But corruption from within.
      This is an adventure where players find out how much clerics, priests and paladins are worth. You're cursed, contaminated by the bite. You need a remove curse or cure disease or heal today. This wound is spreading quick. I usually regenerate 1hp per hour because of my high Con. It's not happening now. I can't sleep and regain my spells. My potion of healing barely worked (1hp) and the second one did absolutely nothing. Something is wrong....
      This takes a 1 to 2 hit dice creature and brings back horror into the game. This is the definition of medieval horror, Halloween terror. This is what undead should be. A poison to the very land itself.

  • @ashvandal5697
    @ashvandal5697 7 месяцев назад +4

    Started watching two days ago and have watched a couple episodes now. Your content is amazing. I don’t really play anymore except the game forever playing in my head. Always like getting new ideas. 😊

  • @nikkiev1662
    @nikkiev1662 4 месяца назад +4

    Hello all! New to the channel! I've watched several videos and just wanted to say. As a D&D player, baby Dungeon Master, and lover of fantasy and horror in general; I love your content! I just finished the 9 hells series and I also will watch the entire Lich series! Just adore your deep lore dives and homebrew styles! Keep up the amazing work! Love from West Virginia!❤

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  4 месяца назад +1

      These types of comments are so rewarding personally. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

  • @AnonymousAlcoholic772
    @AnonymousAlcoholic772 7 месяцев назад +8

    When I was a nurses aide, I had to help treat a burn victim, who had second and third-degree burns on 60% of his body. He had no eyes, no nose, no tongue, mostly no lips and couldn’t talk but could only scream. I can tell you the zombie has lost absolutely none of its fear factor.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      Not if done properly. That's the problem.
      Turn what you saw into something that craves flesh!?! Horror x's terror. 😢

    • @benpressly200
      @benpressly200 7 месяцев назад

      Damn dude that’s rough I hope you’re doing ok

    • @Sylar2332
      @Sylar2332 6 месяцев назад

      Jeez man that’s rough

  • @user-qr6dx3lp2s
    @user-qr6dx3lp2s 7 месяцев назад +4

    while i watch on my tv i skip over to leave comments..
    still doing it well
    love the plot hooks
    story and the make over..
    i personal like the idea of the hord lg..as a attack on ten towns..pushing the party to save others and be the lead in the defense of ten towns..id love running it and i will...thanks for the inspiration

  • @AGS363
    @AGS363 7 месяцев назад +6

    One thing about Zombies: The most horrifying ability of them is the ability to turn everyone into another Zombie. If every encounter means that you can lose even a victorious character, the players will start to respect the Zombie more.
    However, I would not go so far as make every wound contagious and uncurable. "Borrowing" the curse mechanic of the Vargouille should be sufficient.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      I agree. The bite should be precious.
      But he didn't cover that. I would also like to see the differences between animated, the contagious (biting), maybe cursed? What caused the Zombies in the first place? Fresh and fast vs old decayed and slow? There are so many options. It is something that is SO popular that it is a cult classic yet no one covers this in DnD. What do Zombies see? Do they see life energy? Can they smell the living? Do those that are simply animated only obey commands? Do they hunger or is that only the biting contagious?
      So much that isn't covered and yet Zombies movies are SO popular. Good ones are instantly cult classics. This definitely brought back horror into the ¹/⁴ hit dice monster. Everyone should fear being surrounded by 30 Zombies after this.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      I do think not having a Paladin, priest or cleric in a Zombie bite situation would or should be incurable. It simply is every single movie terror point. Claw, no. There simply must be a cure disease or 4th level spell like remove curse with some healing of some kind. I can't see a potion of minor healing fixing this. You are infected. That is the terror.

    • @mammonclarke
      @mammonclarke 3 месяца назад

      I totally agree.

  • @therealestpiccolofan
    @therealestpiccolofan 7 месяцев назад +4

    I’m number 1 I love your videos 👍🏾

  • @TheFattdragon
    @TheFattdragon 7 месяцев назад +8

    Awesome homebrew. For added terror I'd add just enough intelligence so the zombros and zambees can whisper to people from the dark. Where do you get music and art from?

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      "I smell them. So hungry...."
      "Wait. Master is first to eat."
      "Yes. Master IS first. Master causes pain if not first."
      "Yes, master gives us pieces."

  • @Restributordevill
    @Restributordevill 7 месяцев назад +5

    The art is great, but I personally listen to the video more than I watch. Although the evocative nature of the generated art does help you immerse yourself into the narrative

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I don't require sprinkles on my Sundae but a little hot fudge melted with whip creme so not be rejected. I listen with headphones. The combo is a superb video. I would've loved a little groaning, a little breathing, just faintly in the background of this audio. ❤

  • @matthewmorgan8513
    @matthewmorgan8513 7 месяцев назад +3

    Love the content, I also agree, I don't feel like your videos are to long. Great for listening to on my way to work. I would love to see a video with all the homebrew ideas for the zombie makeover

  • @mattstackhouse6292
    @mattstackhouse6292 5 месяцев назад +2

    Love it. Personally i think more could be done about the goblin/hobgoblin/bugbear relationship, so a leader for them would be ace

  • @Restributordevill
    @Restributordevill 7 месяцев назад +4

    That’s a treat right for my afternoon tea!

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      You sick-o.... 🤣🤣🤣

  • @Pacific-NW-Native
    @Pacific-NW-Native 7 месяцев назад +5

    NO APOLOGIES for your long form productions! It's what makes you unique and an absolute enjoyment when you release a new product... especially if it's about undead or devils! I had plans this evening and then completely put them on the back burner when I saw a new video was out. I told the wife to grab her book because I was gonna nerd out before we watched our program together. Priorities!

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      Especially zombies. It is a cult classic but DnD does them injustice. This brought them into movie horror category finally.

    • @mammonclarke
      @mammonclarke 3 месяца назад

      Yeah, don't ever apologize for giving us more. Your videos may be long, but they are never boring. Giving us more inspiration, more creative ideas and more options for our table is never a bad thing. Please keep it up. Ever since you started this channel, it has jumped to the upper tier of D&D content.

  • @fukkami6204
    @fukkami6204 7 месяцев назад +3

    Love the format. Really inspiring. Also, let the videos be as long as they need to be.

  • @TheBeasttakadeagle
    @TheBeasttakadeagle 7 месяцев назад +3

    Please do a follow-up video 🙏🏾 your videos have been helping me prepare for my first campaign that features an undead army. I'll take all the inspiration I can get 😂
    PS I gravitate towards longer content more than I do shorter content. It takes a certain level of charisma and personality to keep people hooked for long periods and you have both. Make your videos as long as you wish, I'll watch them all.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      Army?!? 🥴 Start small. Build it up. The Grand Canyon is a huge monster. Start with one area and grasp it bit by bit. You can always grow into more. Falling into the Grand Canyon is only fun visually for 8 seconds tho. 😢 Then it's over....

  • @johntheherbalistg8756
    @johntheherbalistg8756 4 месяца назад +3

    Honestly, I prefer your content in the longer form. I'm not sore you could do this little badass justice in a shorter time, anyway

  • @abiggs4828
    @abiggs4828 7 месяцев назад +2

    Dude this was awesome :) I would LOVE to see you cover Grimlocks. Out of all the under dark nasties, I feel like these are tragically underused and under explored.
    Either way, this video convinced me to subscribe and dive head first into your content :)

  • @CommunistGuerrilla
    @CommunistGuerrilla 7 месяцев назад +3

    I perfer longer form just as others have pointed out it helps sparks more creativity.

  • @arcaniswithertree4284
    @arcaniswithertree4284 3 месяца назад

    Any amount of time to get your ideas across is good with me. Thank you for inspiring some new campaigns.

  • @johnquach8821
    @johnquach8821 7 месяцев назад +4

    Very nice video! I'm a big Plants vs. Zombies fan, so making a Dr. Zomboss esque figure in Dungeons and Dragons is interesting.
    Maybe a video on metallic dragons?

  • @user-tz9gf8gn6i
    @user-tz9gf8gn6i 7 месяцев назад +3

    I love your videos no matter what the time length is

  • @basementmadetapes
    @basementmadetapes 7 месяцев назад +4

    Excellent stuff

  • @My2CentsYall
    @My2CentsYall 7 месяцев назад +5

    If they are a dead lord i would go religious like a follower of Mrykul or Bahal(cleric, or other divine caster)if they are not truly undead i would go wizard or sorcerer. Why for obvious reason for undead dead lord it would need divine intervention. Living Licht lords have a living pool of magic.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I'm not sure a Zombie Lord would need to be officially a servant of anything.
      He's basically just a Zombie with retained intellect and a few powers. His greatest ability would be to be able to command the undead he raises. Just a few tweaks changes the dynamics of the game tremendously.
      I love the idea that the Zombie Lord might still crave flesh. He might regenerate his dead flesh slowly and even almost look fully living when his hunger is completely satisfied over a week. Of course it would be cold to the touch. But it might look living enough to be able to deceive the adventurers that it is a plantation owner, hiring the party for deeds.
      But occasionally when the Zombies are about to close in on a victim.... they all mysteriously stop.... back up and part like the pages of a book. This is when the Zombie Lord comes in to eat his chosen, hand picked victim himself. Like a pride of lions, the King eats first. Maybe they hold the victims arms and legs for it.... violently pulling the victims hair back and exposing the victims soft neck and chest. 😬

  • @dso4594
    @dso4594 7 месяцев назад +3

    That tunneler zombie would be scary as hell.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I agree. 😢 They don't tire. And there's no way a normal person could outrun one in the tunnels.
      Imagine they can smell the living..... 😐

  • @gab.americano
    @gab.americano 7 месяцев назад +4

    Beautiful content!

  • @OnigoroshiZero
    @OnigoroshiZero 7 месяцев назад +3

    Amazing video, and I love the long format.
    Great ideas for the zombies in my own system and setting that I am about to start running for a few friends (they are my test subjects...)
    Btw, I love the art and music, like a lot of other people have said.
    From the looks of it most of the art if not all is AI generated (Midjourney or DALL-E 3?). If true, it just shows that art is the result and not the process. Art has nothing to do with how it was made or what made it, it's about what feelings the end result evokes.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      Yes.... Back to horror basics.

  • @dragonturtle2703
    @dragonturtle2703 7 месяцев назад +4

    If you are taking suggestions, things like the White and maybe the spectral dead (I forget how potent the Wraith is) could use a boosted version. Especially the white. Always thought that someone who could will themselves back from death deserved to be up there with vampires, mummy lords, death knights, etc.
    For some non-undead ones, maybe the dracohydra. Have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't at least comparable to a normal dragon (age categories and everything), if not like Tiamat's younger siblings. Perhaps the work of mad wizards magically gene splicing dragons, or a cautionary tale about dragon mixed breeding, because rarely you get a dracohydra, with one head for each dragon it's descendant from. Maybe it's a blessing of Tiamat, only for the most loyal so they are less of a threat to her, or even a sort of draconic parasite which hunts down dragons, regurgitates their blood on the eggs, and the eggs hatch with the heads and traits of each dragon they had collected (maybe even bargaining for it sometimes).
    Either way, if it isn't a set amount of heads, might need to be some sort of modular stat block, or at least something like with the normal hydra.
    I don't know, just ideas. Hope at least some of them are good, and regardless, let me know if you would like suggestions/ideas in the future or not.

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  7 месяцев назад +3

      I have a Skeletal "Bonewraith" fusion in the works, along with some interesting Drow, Kobold and Goblin makeovers... plus a Vampire "reverse uno" :)
      Thanks for the feedback... and YES... always love the suggestions and ideas!

    • @dragonturtle2703
      @dragonturtle2703 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@RichesandLichesThanks. Will try to make sure to include them in future videos then (moderating to avoid too many of course).

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@dragonturtle2703 - It's "wight" but, yes, I agree.
      I like the idea of the Ghoul and Ghast. Like fast Zombies who can paralyze their victims? That's got to be frightening in the extreme. I like the idea they CAN survive on rotting flesh in times of famine. I hate the idea they PREFER dead flesh. I've always thought of undead NEEDING to sustain themselves on the positive, living energies of the living.
      In my old game Ghouls could cause zombies, killing the living and re-animating them by their bite, contagion. These Zombies would be a little faster than normal Zombies but not runners. The Ghouls were clever also. They didn't run boldly into groups of armed people. They would ambush individuals in the dark.
      A group in my campaign saw one, not knowing what it was. The pinpricks of blue-ish light in its eyes and the way it quickly moved told them this was no Zombie. It's stomach was grossly bloated, and it quickly came out of the forest shadows to a fallen NPC that was being ignored by Zombies for some bizarre reason.
      The group was low level so 20 Zombies, especially hungry, faster zombies was scary to them. They seemed to be working together. Occasionally herding the players. Interposing themselves? The Ghoul straddled the NPC who was paralyzed and bleeding but not nearly dead. It grabbed the head of the NPC with its very long, clawed fingers. The Ghoul opened its mouth unnaturally wide and began undulating its stomach and back strangely.
      The players could see terror in the bulging eyes of the paralyzed NPC as the Ghoul opened the NPCs mouth fully and vomited black putrid ooze into his mouth. It began pushing the stomach of the NPC harshly, continuing to pump vile, thick chunks and ooze into his mouth with its fingers. Forcing the NPC to accept it, choke on it.... for at least one full minute.
      The Ghoul, smiling, staring at the NPCs face, seemingly satisfied, gets up. The NPC stops choking, his face covered in black, chunky, oil. The group was wide eyed. 😬 In about 10 rounds the NPC screamed loudly, high pitched and piercingly... and stood up. All the Zombies briefly stop, look at it, and continue banging on the doors and windows like nothing happened. But the NPC, now fully another Ghoul, looks around with the same blue-ish pinpricks of negative energy as its creator. It's eyes move into the direction of the Ghoul that ran away and it quickly follows. The Zombies follow in that direction. All but 5 of them.
      Things have just gotten much more difficult for the party. Now.... there are two of these things. Can they both control and create these Zombies? 😢 How did it know what direction the original Ghoul went? That house next door will not be able to fight the Zombies and two of these things.

    • @dragonturtle2703
      @dragonturtle2703 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@redfaux74 Thanks for the spelling correction.
      Interesting idea for Ghouls. And god, that is gross body horror (in a good way).
      Why would they make zombies and not just more ghouls though? Are they worried about overpopulating, or selective on who they want to be an equal (if junior) to them?

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +2

      @dragonturtle2703 - In my game Ghouls making Zombies would be a little accidental. Their bite would cause it, being very full of negative contagion. But the only reason a Zombie would be made would be an interruption in their feeding. "Bubba's missing.... Bubba's never late for dinner. He was in the corner of his field hunting up some deer. Let's go see if he's Ok. He would never be out there in this fog in the dark."
      Since the Ghouls are slightly intelligent, if they sense they are outnumbered or out gunned, they can intentionally make another Ghoul. But they'll make a few Zombies first for strength in numbers. But being intelligent, they're also not sharing. They'll kill a much weaker Ghoul. When a Ghoul kills another Ghoul (consuming it) there's a 25% chance it becomes a Ghast. Add 5% per additional Ghoul killed and consumed. I add 10 to 25% more for intensely evil areas. Only when food is plenteous is there uneasy peace in Ghouls.
      Ghouls CAN sustain on dead flesh, CAN work together but they don't like to. And their intense negative energies have a bad effect on the area and the dead. They tend to taint things. They LIKE to keep things paralyzed, biting the ankles, wrists and vocal chords so their prey, even if they do awaken, cannot escape. They like a living meal. But they usually don't destroy their Zombies. Those are the front lines, dinner bell ringers, distractions. Ghouls always send a few Zombies in while they wait in the dark.... in the fog.... looking for stragglers... and weak spots in a building
      Starvation hurts them big time. They don't decay unless they're starving. Starving they are penalty -4 to AC and +2 to all damage dice. Sunlight makes them blind temporarily but doesn't "hurt" them. But they think it burns. They hide in cemeteries as per the book, digging tunnels under stone. They need 1 human sized victim a week to be content and strong. In 13 weeks they die without one.

  • @screwedupcivic2285
    @screwedupcivic2285 6 месяцев назад +2

    Awesome bro!!! Keeping coming

  • @devifoxe
    @devifoxe 7 месяцев назад +4

    the zombie brainding problems..

  • @wangatrocious
    @wangatrocious 7 месяцев назад +3

    didn’t notice the art change

  • @akaroth7542
    @akaroth7542 5 месяцев назад +2

    Good video. I recommend Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead from 3rd edition Ravenloft for additional ideas and campaign theme.

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  5 месяцев назад

      Great book! I believe i have nearly every Van Richten's book, they are exceptional!

  • @sirloin869
    @sirloin869 7 месяцев назад +3

    It's a common thing to take from good content for custom stuff: warhammer, wow, warcraft - it's all fair game...

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      With a twist... no one will know. But Rich always gives credit. That's good of him.

  • @axelthouin4389
    @axelthouin4389 7 месяцев назад +4


  • @U.S.CyberSoldier50
    @U.S.CyberSoldier50 7 месяцев назад +4

    I allways enjoy your videos. As for me personally i really like & prefer longer videos. !!

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      When they are THIS good.... yes. 😊

  • @user-th8bn5mk4q
    @user-th8bn5mk4q 7 месяцев назад +4

    hey rich love the videos and quick question do you do the art in your videos

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      He buys it. Expensive. Like having rights to something I think.

  • @user-tz9gf8gn6i
    @user-tz9gf8gn6i 7 месяцев назад +3

    I'd love to be in one of your campaigns

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I love his descriptions and the way he sculpts the mood.... the creativity is off the charts.

  • @lulassist95
    @lulassist95 7 месяцев назад +3

    Hello Mr Riches. Or should I call you Liches? Anyways. I humbly request a series on Demons and the Abyss. Allthough a series might be a bit too much to ask. Perhaps 1 video maybe? pretty please? :)

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +2

      You must be new to the channel. He has some of that already.
      Sub and watch his previous stuff. It's really good. ❤

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  7 месяцев назад +1

      Definiltey on the production radar! The Nine Hells are six volumes deep and then once I wrap on the hells... we will start on the abyss!

    • @lulassist95
      @lulassist95 7 месяцев назад

      Oh boy! Can't wait! :)

  • @danielkearney3295
    @danielkearney3295 7 месяцев назад +3

    longer vids are cool

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      When they are this detailed and jam packed full of multiple adventures? Yes! 🎈🥳🎈

  • @Brian2Taiwan
    @Brian2Taiwan 7 месяцев назад +2

    Kobold press…. Say it again

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  7 месяцев назад +1

      Dangit... got me. Old habits learned as a child as STILL hard to break! :)

  • @user-qr6dx3lp2s
    @user-qr6dx3lp2s 7 месяцев назад +4

    ok.we have all guessed
    from the art but i think its time..
    can we see for serton the man behind this voice..what does rich look like..the lantetn wants to know...the face behind this DM scren of awsome lore,art,and story telling..

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I think you can see him in the bearded muscle bound guy with mega tattoos. Usually red, blue and purple highlights. I think that is his personal art. It certainly recurs often. The baby with the beard...

  • @onisinn1
    @onisinn1 3 месяца назад +1

  • @hyrkanian66
    @hyrkanian66 7 месяцев назад +1

    Acererak (ah-sarah-rak)... why is this so hard for people to pronounce?

    • @RichesandLiches
      @RichesandLiches  7 месяцев назад +3

      You are not wrong but its also pronounced "officially" two ways:
      Acererak (pronounced: /ɑːˈsɛrɜːræk/ a-SER-ur-æk or: /ɑːˈsɛərɑːk/ ah-SAIR-ak).
      I first read the original tomb of horrors as a kid, so it is what I have always called him.

  • @AncientRylanor69
    @AncientRylanor69 Месяц назад


  • @AGS363
    @AGS363 7 месяцев назад +4

    Oh, I know that a hassle Art can be for a creator...in multiple layers!
    I do not need that man pictures to enjoy the video and would be happy with less.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад +1

      I think what you are talking about (the guy with the beard and tattoos) is HIS actual art. I like them. They're sparse and the subject is always the focus.

  • @MenschWerdeWesentlich
    @MenschWerdeWesentlich 7 месяцев назад +4

    App crashed before I could send my long comment. 🫠
    Abridged version:
    Don’t worry about runtime.
    Depending on what I‘m doing while listening/watching I‘ll not even click on a 10 minute video, because I know I’ll get distracted by having to pick another interesting video in 10.
    For driving, housework, manual labour etc. longform mainly audio content is ideal.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 7 месяцев назад

      I definitely wouldn't say "Don't WORRY about it". Every video is different.
      I'm one to almost exclusively not even consider a 45 minute video unless I'm specifically looking for something and it fits my exact needs. But this video is like a complete adventure module. This has at minimum 10 adventures in it, not to mention side adventures.
      You can start this at low levels and immediately jump in. Literally every group, even mid level campaigns can immediately jump into this. Higher level campaigns can jump into this. Add your own tweaks to make it more dangerous for those higher levels? Contagious bites that need a cure disease or cure curse? Freshly turned undead are faster and have 3 attacks per round with +2 to attack and damage each attack.
      But the grapple idea is awesome. No armor bonus because they're not trying penetrate your armor, just grab, take you down and bite you? That's the danger of the Zombie. Numbers, swarms. This brings back terror with a ¹/⁴ hit dice creature. Add fog and large holes in the ground while being swarmed? Now you're prone with 5 to 7 Zombies looming over you and coming down on top of you!

  • @Dlabelmard
    @Dlabelmard 7 месяцев назад +5

    This wont cure my crippling BG3 addiction anytime soon but I'm fine with that

  • @andrew-jamesbergin856
    @andrew-jamesbergin856 5 месяцев назад +1