We watched this video in my university lecture today. I'm a urban planning student from Adelaide. The ideas are very inspirational and I think they should be implemented in cities worldwide!
The best Mayor of our Beloved Curitiba he changed our capital, literally he put our city on the map ! He made us proud of our city when no one knew that Curitiba exist, 30 years ago he was already an envisionary, working towards sustainability
Really inspiring example of what can be done with honesty, good ideas and ecological mindset, as opposed to politicians seeking their own financial benefit. Congrats to Curutibans!
Porque não temos mais governantes como o lerner 😢… é tão triste… o Brasil tem uma possibilidade tão grande de ser um país incrível… mas nossos líderes precisam de mansões 😢
Rest in Peace Jaime Lerner, the best urban architect of the Brazil, for create a new modal of transport and revolutionary ways of turn anyone city in her best, R.I.P. my dear Jaime Lerner 😔😔😟😟😢😢
Tenho Curitiba como grande exemplo e inspiração! Uma das poucas cidades, e unica capital brasileira que podemos dizer que é exemplo em inovaçao, principalmente em transporte! abraços de Sampa
I Live in Curitiba, the city is beautiful and well-planned. The only problem is the violence, it's growing faster, many people are dying. Congratulations Jorney Man Pictures, It's a great Video!
I hope that Curitiba can be always an conceitual city in Brazil and the World. Congratulations to the people makes this city the best place to live forever!
Com certeza quem fala mal de Curitiba nunca morou aqui para ver aquele solzinho de manha, com aquele ventinho de nostalgia, nunca viu os amigos pra vida inteira, o quanto agente se ajuda, inacreditável...
Sou paulistana e estou morando em Curitiba há um ano. Eu sinto que devia ter nascido aqui, rs. Me identifiquei logo com a cidade, é MUITO BOM morar em Curitiba. Já morei na Vila Maria, em Guarulhos e na zona norte de SP, já atravessei SP pra trabalhar (até Cotia), já tive de suportar o bairro do Brás e, sinceramente, não volto pra SP se depender de mim.
Great planner! Great city! I am flattered with the way the city has been designed, and I wish my Country could absolutely buy this idea so that the city of SouthSudan would be built like Curitiba City.
Se procura sobre são paulo digite "sao Paulo" oras.. Realmente o Sul é extremamente diferente do resto do país. Maringá, Cascavel, Londrina, Foz, Guarapuava.. todas muito boas cidades para morar..
Esqueceram de mostrar o outro lado da cidade. Já morei em Curitiba por 3 anos e como na maioria das grandes capitais brasileiras a cidade tem muitos problemas de infraestrutura. Possui favelas e muita violência. Cidade dos sonhos só neste vídeo, pois a realidade é outra.
É só não ir se aventurar lá onde Judas perdeu as meia.. Chegou no capão raso pra frente já tá além da minha visão de Curitiba.. (moro no Santa Cândida)
There are great cities in US but most of them adopted the urban sprawl design that makes the traffic so much worse and it's terrible for the enviroment. Your country is rich, it wasnt suppose to have such a bad urban planning
O saudoso Jaime Lerner era um cara muito inteligente, revolucionou Curitiba pela questão da qualidade de vida e da mobilidade urbana. Ele chamava os ônibus de Curitiba de "metrô sobre rodas". Quando ele foi governador do Paraná de 1995 a 2003, ele urbanizou as favelas para as pessoas carentes. Ele seria digno do meu voto em 1998 se eu fosse jovem e tivesse nascido. O meu estado de São Paulo precisa de políticos como ele.
Cielos!! Hay esperanza para la humanidad!! Q fabulosa la idea de este alcalde! Son un ejemplo para el mundo. Si muchos mas gobiernos tuvieran esa filosofia de vida estariamos mucho mejor y nuestro ambiente lo agradeceria! Thumbs up Curitiba!!
Brazilians! Please come to the US and see our beautiful strip malls and our giant parking lots. Come dine at our McDonalds and Applebees. Come see the roads that take up half our cities and our sidewalks that are a hazard to walk in. When you see the average American city you will agree we are a stupendously cultured people.
isdo odsi Ha, but the size of your rain forest is nothing compared to our asses. And our fat is a sign of nobility for we are not meager-sized peasants living off scraps. We eat the food of nobles like bacon wrapped, deep fried twinkies a la mode. That is why we must drive everywhere (for we cannot walk) and consequently our cities are designed for the automobile, not the person. It is all originates out of our greatness, you see! Apply for your visa now!
curitiba in 2024 still is a remarkable city, not only thriving it’s being recognized till today for its great social and economical movements. Even winning an award for being the most intelligent city in modern today. (after being nominated 3 years in a row) so yes, cities grow, infrastructure change and more issues arise but it doesn’t neglect the amazing work the city has done and continue to do. so much that it’s still a reference 10 years later
And this is very much a general problem with the picture of much of the world that we get here in the States. The first time I went to Brasil was in 1987... everywhere I went I was totally blown away by the feeling of warmth, energy and excitement as well as the obvious signs of economic strength. I haven't been able to go back for many years, but after seeing this video (and others about Jaime Lerner) Curitiba is going to be near the top of our travel list.
Sou filho de Curitibana, e posso dizer, escuto isso todos os dias! Melhor capital do Brasil, e a mais bela capital brasileira não-litorânea! Parabéns Curitiba, te vejo na copa do mundo em 2014!
Essa cidade aqui é boa pra caramba! Nunca quero sair daqui, alem de o clima ser muito frio no inverno chega a menos de zero graus e muito agradavel, a cidade é a capital mais arborizada do brasil
Gosto de ver o meu Brasil se desenvolvendo em boa qualidade qd vi este video, e nao para imitar cidades do primeiro mundo, onde existe maiores problemas de trafico, moradia, conforto., etc...De um paulista morando no Japao.
Os que acham que a melhor capital do Brasil é outra cidade, eu pergunto: Por que outra capital do Brasil não tem no RUclips um vído internacional como este ? Sou catarinense e frequentemente estou em Curitiba. É simplesmente demais. Gente bonita, culta, educada. Não vi outra capital brasileira que tenha modernidade e estrutura de capital com qualidade de vida que tem Curitiba. Parques comparados somente às cidades americanas. Só quem conhece bem a cidade pode falar. Leandro-SC
Very well done video. It told a lot of information in a very short amount of time. There are two inaccuracies though: Nakamura is not the one who came up with the idea of building the parks to contain floods. It was Nicolau Kluppel. And Jaime Lerner did not come up with the program Cambio Verde (food for trash). I believe that was Rafael Greca. Jaime Lerner's team came up with the idea to exchange trash for bus tokens. But anyways, small details. Overall very good and true.
Eu sei que é polêmico, mas Lerner foi prefeito indicado pelos militares. Não sei se dependesse de eleições ele teria condições de fazer as reformas que fez.
Em outubro visitei Curitiba e achei uma maravilha de cidade, moro no Japao e vi que muitas coisas estao bem mais proximos ao primeiro mundo, tudo e' mais limpo e confortavel de andar por todos lugares. So' achei pouco incomodo andar em algumas ruas onde as calcadas de azulejos(?) haviam 凸凹, todavia comparando as outras grandes cidades, achei melhor e muito bonito.
parabéns curitiba! Sou carioca, e tenho ORGULHO desta cidade do sul ser tão organizada. Só precisavam ter um pouco mais de respeito pelo restante do país^^. Fora isso curitiba é perfeita!^^
20000shredder Geometria de rua só dá a sensação de organização mesmo, porém não prova algo. Aqui na Bélgica é horrível a organização das ruas, porém um excelente lugar para viver. Já conheci Curitiba e me encantei, é realmente maravilhosa a cidade.
The first Utopian society that doesn't have a nasty secret! And if it does, then the people will do all they can to fix it! The people on the wetlands, for example, turned out great! This is amazing! This is epicoolawesome
nem vou dizer tudo q gostaria pra uns pq n vou gastar tempo da minha vida com isso... mas só digo uma coisa São Paulo não é METADE de curitiba em organização e segurança.... onde n tem asfaltos e calçadas como dito abaixo, é região metropolitana e lugares afastados que nem fazem parte do municipio de curitiba, são municipios diferentes com seus faturamentos e prefeitos separados.
London is a melting pot, clogged with traffic and pollution with everyone running around in a rush. Best advice there is to stay chilled and calm, and don't be too polite to people. There is a large Brazilian community there and you will find them in the Brazilian restaurants and bars. They will know what's what in London better than me! As for Amsterdam, I'm going there at the end of the month for the first time! Now there's a coincidence!! I'll let you know more when I get back:-)
One of few videos you can watch over & over again. Bravo Mr. Lerner! Excellent BRT system. I think a monorail system in between the BRT system would be really beneficial. A not-your-normal 3rd World City showing the 1st World how it's done! ;-)
That is the best place to live in Brazil. Jaime Lerner was a great mayor, than makes this city a better place, he brings world eyes and attention to the public transportation alternative methods, without train and metro builds. But now, curitiba has a new problem, it's the city with most cars per habitant, a consequence of quality curitiban life style. But the new mayor Beto Richa will build new roads, how the new green line, new buses like the new line "ligeirao" the world biggest bus.
Hi. I from the UK too and I am planning a trip to Brazil in September, state of Bahia, but I may extend it and look around a bit. Any recommendations? What's your home city by the way?
I live in Maringá, the same state of Curitiba. Actually, Curitiba is a great place if have money, I mean there is no difference between Batel in Curitiba and Kensigton in London, but if you don't, you'll live in a third word neighborhood. That's sad, but true.
Revolutionized urban planning? The center of the city is inhospitable for cyclists, speed limits of 60Kmph, crappy sidewalks, lots of intersections where the pedestrian NEVER has the right of way to cross the street. The bus rapid transit? Effective system, but effectively turned the beautiful main plazas into bus stations--does not create but rather destroys place, unlike a subway which creates desired places around its stopped. The pedestrian street? A tourist attraction that shuts down when the sun goes down and becomes a dangerous place to be. A lot of talk here (not that every city in the world doesn't do this), but let's call it for what it is. Also, like today, the city streets become clogged when it rains or when there is transport strike (because everyone just drives instead of walking or biking). Paraná, the state Curitiba is capital of, has the highest amount of cars per capita. Watch a documentary called "O veículo fantástico", and live there a year, like me, and you'll see. All that said, it's a great place and I had a great time there. Sadly, it's the most organized city in Brazil and is better than most U.S.A. cities in transport as well. Not a reason to copy what it's doing, though!
I believe you are speaking about the nowadays politics on traffic and not about the man who is the focus of this doc. Had the administration continued his politics (he was mayor more than 30 years ago I guess), the city would not be the chaos it became in the present time. So don't allow your anger about the city's system to project over this big man, if it would not be by Lerner, the city would be just another overcrowded unorganized dirty Brazilian capital
Sounds wonderful but the pedestrian malls here in Calgary started around the same decade however by the late 80's and 90's, it proved necessary to introduce some vehicle traffic at least after business hours just to discourage drug trade and crime. I certainly believe they are on the right track by emphasizing public transit and pedestrian traffic but I would like to see how they handled the security issues that came with the pedestrian malls. Maybe their police were just more willing to leave their patrol cars than ours. The -30 Celsius winter weather here might have something to do with that. Interestingly, there's a company here that leases goats to the city to trim down the lawns, dogs are used to heard the goats so we use goats too to mow the lawns too. Those inner city parks could also have been vegetable gardens perhaps even producing more jobs. How well did the Favela relocation worked? In India where the developers built new residences for the displaced poor only moved them further from the work centers thereby marginalizing them more and the poorly constructed structures were not maintained leaving sewage to leak onto the sidewalks and streets. Somehow, I think integration would have to be the approach for the poor, something like what they do in Massachusetts where a certain percentage of each development must be for public housing and such housing must be distributed throughout the development and be indistinguishable from the other housing, they need not have the granite counter tiles or wood floors but they must be comparable. I'm not so certain that he has cracked the problem but he is trying a few good ideas.
What a great man and a genius. We need more city politicians like him.
"Commitment with simplicity"
Thank you Mr. Lerner.
We watched this video in my university lecture today. I'm a urban planning student from Adelaide. The ideas are very inspirational and I think they should be implemented in cities worldwide!
I hope you are ok!!!
have you implemented them already working as an urbanist??
The best Mayor of our Beloved Curitiba he changed our capital, literally he put our city on the map !
He made us proud of our city when no one knew that Curitiba exist, 30 years ago he was already an envisionary, working towards sustainability
Really inspiring example of what can be done with honesty, good ideas and ecological mindset, as opposed to politicians seeking their own financial benefit. Congrats to Curutibans!
I´m really proud of Curitiba, the city where I was born and raised!
My heart belongs there..
And Jaime Lerner is truely someone to be respected!
Porque não temos mais governantes como o lerner 😢… é tão triste… o Brasil tem uma possibilidade tão grande de ser um país incrível… mas nossos líderes precisam de mansões 😢
Como eu amo "minha Curitiba"! "Nossa Curitiba!" E como admiro e respeito este grande homem que é Jaime Lerner!
I was there once for 2 months and it stunned me. I did not want to leave. I wish I could stay there for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Com on lets Share a Place there !
In those days, it won the award for the smartest city in the world. Ganhou nesses dias o prêmio de cidade mais inteligente do mundo.
This motivated me to think bigger about how to make life better for people.
Inspirational video. What a shame we do not have more civic leaders like Jaime Lerner. He is decades ahead of the game in his thinking.
Rest in peace Jaime Lerner. 05/27/21
Rest in Peace Jaime Lerner, the best urban architect of the Brazil, for create a new modal of transport and revolutionary ways of turn anyone city in her best, R.I.P. my dear Jaime Lerner 😔😔😟😟😢😢
Tenho Curitiba como grande exemplo e inspiração! Uma das poucas cidades, e unica capital brasileira que podemos dizer que é exemplo em inovaçao, principalmente em transporte! abraços de Sampa
I Live in Curitiba, the city is beautiful and well-planned.
The only problem is the violence, it's growing faster, many people are dying.
Congratulations Jorney Man Pictures, It's a great Video!
Brazil is a beautiful country. It is making great strides. I hope the best for y'all.
Remember seeing this exact documentary when I was a kid doing year 9 geography 12 years ago!
I hope that Curitiba can be always an conceitual city in Brazil and the World. Congratulations to the people makes this city the best place to live forever!
Como só agora pude ver esse video? Parabens curitiba ..obs: sou paulista
Com certeza quem fala mal de Curitiba nunca morou aqui para ver aquele solzinho de manha, com aquele ventinho de nostalgia, nunca viu os amigos pra vida inteira, o quanto agente se ajuda, inacreditável...
amo curitiba, i love Curitiba....
Sou paulistana e estou morando em Curitiba há um ano. Eu sinto que devia ter nascido aqui, rs. Me identifiquei logo com a cidade, é MUITO BOM morar em Curitiba. Já morei na Vila Maria, em Guarulhos e na zona norte de SP, já atravessei SP pra trabalhar (até Cotia), já tive de suportar o bairro do Brás e, sinceramente, não volto pra SP se depender de mim.
Great planner! Great city! I am flattered with the way the city has been designed, and I wish my Country could absolutely buy this idea so that the city of SouthSudan would be built like Curitiba City.
He makes me proud of being brazilian!
Curitiba is beautiful
Se procura sobre são paulo digite "sao Paulo" oras..
Realmente o Sul é extremamente diferente do resto do país. Maringá, Cascavel, Londrina, Foz, Guarapuava.. todas muito boas cidades para morar..
Esqueceram de mostrar o outro lado da cidade. Já morei em Curitiba por 3 anos e como na maioria das grandes capitais brasileiras a cidade tem muitos problemas de infraestrutura. Possui favelas e muita violência. Cidade dos sonhos só neste vídeo, pois a realidade é outra.
Mostraram as favelas e o cara disse que gostaria de dizer, mas não pode, que Curitiba é o paraíso. Nem viu o video todo não é?
É só não ir se aventurar lá onde Judas perdeu as meia.. Chegou no capão raso pra frente já tá além da minha visão de Curitiba.. (moro no Santa Cândida)
the bus stations are so brilliant! and the park network is too! i'm so amazed at how we are so behind in the u.s. this doc was made 12 years ago smh
There are great cities in US but most of them adopted the urban sprawl design that makes the traffic so much worse and it's terrible for the enviroment. Your country is rich, it wasnt suppose to have such a bad urban planning
O saudoso Jaime Lerner era um cara muito inteligente, revolucionou Curitiba pela questão da qualidade de vida e da mobilidade urbana. Ele chamava os ônibus de Curitiba de "metrô sobre rodas". Quando ele foi governador do Paraná de 1995 a 2003, ele urbanizou as favelas para as pessoas carentes. Ele seria digno do meu voto em 1998 se eu fosse jovem e tivesse nascido.
O meu estado de São Paulo precisa de políticos como ele.
Cielos!! Hay esperanza para la humanidad!! Q fabulosa la idea de este alcalde! Son un ejemplo para el mundo. Si muchos mas gobiernos tuvieran esa filosofia de vida estariamos mucho mejor y nuestro ambiente lo agradeceria! Thumbs up Curitiba!!
Jaime Lerner you are awesome!
This is awesome - what vision and willpower :)
A lot can be learnt and applied to almost all walks of life. I say bravo to the man.
Brazilians! Please come to the US and see our beautiful strip malls and our giant parking lots. Come dine at our McDonalds and Applebees. Come see the roads that take up half our cities and our sidewalks that are a hazard to walk in. When you see the average American city you will agree we are a stupendously cultured people.
isdo odsi Ha, but the size of your rain forest is nothing compared to our asses. And our fat is a sign of nobility for we are not meager-sized peasants living off scraps. We eat the food of nobles like bacon wrapped, deep fried twinkies a la mode. That is why we must drive everywhere (for we cannot walk) and consequently our cities are designed for the automobile, not the person. It is all originates out of our greatness, you see! Apply for your visa now!
mak2675 this guy is not American... Americans don't invite people from others countrys to go there... They don't like foreign people...
André Catharino You're right, but sadly America no longer exists. For the majority of us, it's 'Murica now. World of difference.
I love Curitiba
What a fantastic, practical idea. Central cities are gridlocked anyway. This street views make one think of life in ancient cities.
This documentary would probably have a very different perspective if it were to be filmed today.
? What do you mean?
@@iamcleaver6854 the city filled up w people, got way more violent, lots of car, the education is garbage, even some favelas growed up...
curitiba in 2024 still is a remarkable city, not only thriving it’s being recognized till today for its great social and economical movements. Even winning an award for being the most intelligent city in modern today. (after being nominated 3 years in a row) so yes, cities grow, infrastructure change and more issues arise but it doesn’t neglect the amazing work the city has done and continue to do. so much that it’s still a reference 10 years later
And this is very much a general problem with the picture of much of the world that we get here in the States. The first time I went to Brasil was in 1987... everywhere I went I was totally blown away by the feeling of warmth, energy and excitement as well as the obvious signs of economic strength. I haven't been able to go back for many years, but after seeing this video (and others about Jaime Lerner) Curitiba is going to be near the top of our travel list.
Curitiba would make a great blueprint for my city Kinshasa in the Dr Congo.
Sou filho de Curitibana, e posso dizer, escuto isso todos os dias! Melhor capital do Brasil, e a mais bela capital brasileira não-litorânea!
Parabéns Curitiba, te vejo na copa do mundo em 2014!
E daí, como foi?
@@alexjr.5890se eu te falar que a Argentina ganhou a copa e Israel foi atacado pelo Irã a poucos dias você não acreditava
Sir, would you please help my hometown jakarta to be a better place to live?
ahhh, se o brasil todo fosse assim...
Jaime Lerner por 3 mandatos foi sem dúvida o melhor prefeito de Curitiba
I was mugged in this city. Beaten and dragged through the streets for not riding their bus system. Hatred comes from everywhere.
great city, greater Jaime Lerner. um abraco.
Essa cidade aqui é boa pra caramba! Nunca quero sair daqui, alem de o clima ser muito frio no inverno chega a menos de zero graus e muito agradavel, a cidade é a capital mais arborizada do brasil
this is real urban planning
Planejamento Urbano devia ser um assunto de prioridade em QUALQUER cidade .
Esta é a minha cidade, só sendo vivendo esta poesia para saber o que é morar aqui.
linda curitiba, sou curitibano e moro perto de boston.... saudades
Gosto de ver o meu Brasil se desenvolvendo em boa qualidade qd vi este video, e nao para imitar cidades do primeiro mundo, onde existe maiores problemas de trafico, moradia, conforto., etc...De um paulista morando no Japao.
Linda cidade. Exmplo pra ser seguido. Parabens Curitiba.
Só acho que Curitiba e mais filosófico que qualquer cidade do Brasil, começa pelo jeito de pensar!!!
eu so brasileiro e agradeço a conssideraçao
parabens good movie!
I loved Curitiba! I spent some wonderful time there and love it.
Os que acham que a melhor capital do Brasil é outra cidade, eu pergunto:
Por que outra capital do Brasil não tem no RUclips um vído internacional como este ?
Sou catarinense e frequentemente estou em Curitiba.
É simplesmente demais. Gente bonita, culta, educada.
Não vi outra capital brasileira que tenha modernidade e estrutura de capital com qualidade de vida que tem Curitiba.
Parques comparados somente às cidades americanas.
Só quem conhece bem a cidade pode falar.
very inspiring.. love to recommend as model for cities in india...Good job Sir!!
hi 13 years later
this is so wonderful.
Very well done video. It told a lot of information in a very short amount of time. There are two inaccuracies though: Nakamura is not the one who came up with the idea of building the parks to contain floods. It was Nicolau Kluppel. And Jaime Lerner did not come up with the program Cambio Verde (food for trash). I believe that was Rafael Greca. Jaime Lerner's team came up with the idea to exchange trash for bus tokens.
But anyways, small details. Overall very good and true.
Isso mesmo... não venham para Curitiba. Fiquem onde estão... não venham para cá.
I would love to meet that guy. I love city planning and its secrets. a cool afternoon with biscuits and tee with that architect would be a dream
Eu sei que é polêmico, mas Lerner foi prefeito indicado pelos militares. Não sei se dependesse de eleições ele teria condições de fazer as reformas que fez.
Orgulho de ser Curitibano.
muito bom curitiba e uma cidade linda
Em breve teremos um RATO como prefeito. FANTÁSTICO!
Em outubro visitei Curitiba e achei uma maravilha de cidade, moro no Japao e vi que muitas coisas estao bem mais proximos ao primeiro mundo, tudo e' mais limpo e confortavel de andar por todos lugares. So' achei pouco incomodo andar em algumas ruas onde as calcadas de azulejos(?) haviam 凸凹, todavia comparando as outras grandes cidades, achei melhor e muito bonito.
the triple rode was a system this guys took from Lima, Peru in the 60's. check the info. It was called Via expresa.
parabéns curitiba! Sou carioca, e tenho ORGULHO desta cidade do sul ser tão organizada.
Só precisavam ter um pouco mais de respeito pelo restante do país^^. Fora isso curitiba é perfeita!^^
aah, essa cidade é lendária.
20000shredder Geometria de rua só dá a sensação de organização mesmo, porém não prova algo. Aqui na Bélgica é horrível a organização das ruas, porém um excelente lugar para viver. Já conheci Curitiba e me encantei, é realmente maravilhosa a cidade.
The first Utopian society that doesn't have a nasty secret! And if it does, then the people will do all they can to fix it! The people on the wetlands, for example, turned out great! This is amazing! This is epicoolawesome
O problema com Brasileiro é que só sabe focar no negativo. Parabens em representar o nosso povo.
Aquela música portuguesa de fundo hahaha, se encaixa perfeitamente
Well done Curitiba!!! Parabens Curitiba!!!
nem vou dizer tudo q gostaria pra uns pq n vou gastar tempo da minha vida com isso... mas só digo uma coisa São Paulo não é METADE de curitiba em organização e segurança.... onde n tem asfaltos e calçadas como dito abaixo, é região metropolitana e lugares afastados que nem fazem parte do municipio de curitiba, são municipios diferentes com seus faturamentos e prefeitos separados.
Is it me or the timeline bar is mariokart?
London is a melting pot, clogged with traffic and pollution with everyone running around in a rush. Best advice there is to stay chilled and calm, and don't be too polite to people. There is a large Brazilian community there and you will find them in the Brazilian restaurants and bars. They will know what's what in London better than me! As for Amsterdam, I'm going there at the end of the month for the first time! Now there's a coincidence!! I'll let you know more when I get back:-)
One of few videos you can watch over & over again. Bravo Mr. Lerner!
Excellent BRT system. I think a monorail system in between the BRT system would be really beneficial.
A not-your-normal 3rd World City showing the 1st World how it's done! ;-)
Hi , 13 years later.
The music is composed by french composer Satie.
It is estimated that there are 1 million Brazilians of French descent today.[
Yet most part of the country still does not have proper sewage system
Thanks. I shall keep that in mind:-)
Cidade muito boa mesmooooooooooooooo!
very interesting, lot of good and heap ideas
BrotherTV City of Dreams
very beautiful place
a melhor cidade é aquele que atende ao que voce precisa!
City of dreams is Altônia, in Paraná. Wonderful
That is the best place to live in Brazil. Jaime Lerner was a great mayor, than makes this city a better place, he brings world eyes and attention to the public transportation alternative methods, without train and metro builds. But now, curitiba has a new problem, it's the city with most cars per habitant, a consequence of quality curitiban life style. But the new mayor Beto Richa will build new roads, how the new green line, new buses like the new line "ligeirao" the world biggest bus.
They should take him to Brasilia so he care share his visions with Paulistas,Cariocas,Mineiros and the rest of Brazilians. Parabens !!
good video, ótimo video, i live in this city and i love this city
thank you. I love this piece of music
very impressive.
Hi there. The song playing is Gnossienne let by Erik Satie. One of my favourites piece of classical
MR-JAMIE nice planner & few good men .
Hi. I from the UK too and I am planning a trip to Brazil in September, state of Bahia, but I may extend it and look around a bit. Any recommendations? What's your home city by the way?
I live in Maringá, the same state of Curitiba.
Actually, Curitiba is a great place if have money, I mean there is no difference between Batel in Curitiba and Kensigton in London, but if you don't, you'll live in a third word neighborhood.
That's sad, but true.
Revolutionized urban planning? The center of the city is inhospitable for cyclists, speed limits of 60Kmph, crappy sidewalks, lots of intersections where the pedestrian NEVER has the right of way to cross the street. The bus rapid transit? Effective system, but effectively turned the beautiful main plazas into bus stations--does not create but rather destroys place, unlike a subway which creates desired places around its stopped. The pedestrian street? A tourist attraction that shuts down when the sun goes down and becomes a dangerous place to be. A lot of talk here (not that every city in the world doesn't do this), but let's call it for what it is.
Also, like today, the city streets become clogged when it rains or when there is transport strike (because everyone just drives instead of walking or biking). Paraná, the state Curitiba is capital of, has the highest amount of cars per capita. Watch a documentary called "O veículo fantástico", and live there a year, like me, and you'll see.
All that said, it's a great place and I had a great time there. Sadly, it's the most organized city in Brazil and is better than most U.S.A. cities in transport as well. Not a reason to copy what it's doing, though!
A vontade de falar mal e expor as mazelas é tão grande que para dar visibilidade aos gringos vc ainda traduz o comentário ?
Nathan Rhodes I think for Brazil it's very good
I believe you are speaking about the nowadays politics on traffic and not about the man who is the focus of this doc. Had the administration continued his politics (he was mayor more than 30 years ago I guess), the city would not be the chaos it became in the present time. So don't allow your anger about the city's system to project over this big man, if it would not be by Lerner, the city would be just another overcrowded unorganized dirty Brazilian capital
Kkkkkkkkk Google tradutor????
I was wondering how this genius would do playing Simcity, Caesar IV, et al.
Sounds wonderful but the pedestrian malls here in Calgary started around the same decade however by the late 80's and 90's, it proved necessary to introduce some vehicle traffic at least after business hours just to discourage drug trade and crime. I certainly believe they are on the right track by emphasizing public transit and pedestrian traffic but I would like to see how they handled the security issues that came with the pedestrian malls. Maybe their police were just more willing to leave their patrol cars than ours. The -30 Celsius winter weather here might have something to do with that. Interestingly, there's a company here that leases goats to the city to trim down the lawns, dogs are used to heard the goats so we use goats too to mow the lawns too. Those inner city parks could also have been vegetable gardens perhaps even producing more jobs. How well did the Favela relocation worked? In India where the developers built new residences for the displaced poor only moved them further from the work centers thereby marginalizing them more and the poorly constructed structures were not maintained leaving sewage to leak onto the sidewalks and streets. Somehow, I think integration would have to be the approach for the poor, something like what they do in Massachusetts where a certain percentage of each development must be for public housing and such housing must be distributed throughout the development and be indistinguishable from the other housing, they need not have the granite counter tiles or wood floors but they must be comparable. I'm not so certain that he has cracked the problem but he is trying a few good ideas.