Word Stress Summary part 7: Suffixes

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
  • Word Stress Summary part 7 - Suffix: word ending
    DO NOT change the stress of the root word with these word endings:
    Suffix Example
    -er TEACHer
    -en LENGTHen
    -ful GRATEful
    -hood PARENThood
    -ish TICKELish
    -less ENDless
    -ly LOVEly
    -ship FRIENDship
    -able LIKEable
    -dom KINGdom
    -ess WAItress
    -ling DUCKling
    -some HANDsome
    -wise LIKEwise
    -y STICKy
    -or CONtractor
    -ing COMing
    Stress falls 1 syllable before these word endings:
    Suffix Example Ruden Phonetics
    -ic geoGRAPHic /jee'uj'graf'ik/
    -ical ecoLOgical /ekulojikul/
    -ify SPECify /spesifI/
    -omy eCONomy /eekonumee/
    -ogy biOLogy /bIolujee/
    -edy REMedy /remudee/
    -istry CHEMistry /kemustree/
    -metry geOmetry /jeeomutree/
    -ive reSPONsive /responsiv/
    -ity comMUNity /kumyoonidee/
    -tion creAtion /kreeAshun/
    -ion tuItion /tooishun/
    -ious conTAGious /kuntAjus/
    -ily HAPPily /hapulee/
    -eous couRAGeous /kerAjus/
    -able dePENDable /deependubul/
    -ible forMIDable /fOrmidubul/
    -ophy ATrophy /atrufee/
    -graphy geOgraphy /jeeogrufee/
    -ogist biOLogist /bIolujist/
    -cian phySIcian /fizishun/
    -meter speeDOmeter /spudomider/
    -ogist psyCHOLogist /sIkolujist/
    -man SALESman /sAlzmin/
    ***Exceptions: COMfortable, VEGetable, IRritable, comPETitive, conSEcutive, maNIpulative.
    see Word Stress Summary 7a: Suffixes and sentences
    • Word Stress Summary 7a...

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