Thank you so much for your continued wisdom Dr. Yasir Qadhi! May Allah bless you. I will pray you and your family for a long, healthy and peaceful life in Hajj. May Allah grant you jannatul ferdous. Ameen
As-Salaamu-Alaykum Alhamdulilah Alhamdulila, went Hajj this year. Had an amazing time. May Allah swt forgive our shortcomings and accept our Hajj and all efforts purely for His sake. Allahuma Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen ❤
Thank you so much for your continued wisdom Dr. Yasir Qadhi! May Allah bless you. I will pray you and your family for a long, healthy and peaceful life in Hajj. May Allah grant you jannatul ferdous. Ameen
As-Salaamu-Alaykum Alhamdulilah Alhamdulila, went Hajj this year.
Had an amazing time.
May Allah swt forgive our shortcomings and accept our Hajj and all efforts purely for His sake. Allahuma Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen ❤
Very helpful
2023 Alhamdulilah
Thanks and JazakAllah
Jazakullah ❤
Jazakallah khairun DR ❤🌹
thank you
Is it my Internet connection, or is the video a little PROBLEMATIC?