The Harker-mobile! 28 shots for only 110pts! | Astra Militarum | Warhammer 40,000

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 85

  • @NorthernKnightsGaming
    @NorthernKnightsGaming 6 месяцев назад +22

    I have in fact, found the funny. Thanks for sharing it!

  • @IlanMuskat
    @IlanMuskat 6 месяцев назад +39

    This is 100% President Camacho approved

    • @BloodBuffalo
      @BloodBuffalo 6 месяцев назад +3

      I was thinking similar. Very lore acccurate

    • @seanstastny7468
      @seanstastny7468 6 месяцев назад +4

      I know shits bad right now, we runnin out of corpse starch and burrito coverings

  • @davidthomas2870
    @davidthomas2870 6 месяцев назад +14

    One of my favorite ways to run chimeras as a light tank is to toss a command squad inside and use it as a command vehicle for sentinels, giving out take aim for a squad of 3 sentinels with lascannon+HK so they hit on 3s reroll 1s. As a sort of pseudo squadron of vehicles they bring some decent anti tank, anti infantry and support other stuff

    • @davidthomas2870
      @davidthomas2870 6 месяцев назад

      @percymacdonald6657 can you have 2 HWTs? I thought they could only have 1 this edition? Can take a heavy flamer, but i usually go boltgun, master vox, plasma and mortar so the chimera has at least 1 indirect fire weapon so nothing in range can fully hide

    • @percymacdonald6657
      @percymacdonald6657 6 месяцев назад

      @davidthomas2870 my bad only 1. Could still chuck a lascannon and a plasma gun in there though

    • @davidthomas2870
      @davidthomas2870 6 месяцев назад +1

      @percymacdonald6657 sure could, but i have lascannons and HK missiles on the unit of 3 sentinels running along side. I need the chimera to sweep infantry up that the sentinels dont have the volume fire to deal with. Hence boltgun, plasma and mortar; or else boltgun, plasma gun, heavy flamer and melta. Ive been tempted to try running flamer+heavy flamer on a twin flamer chimera for a slightly more expensive hellhound that can give an order instead of removing cover but havent tried it yet. A chimera with 2 heavy flamers, command squad with heavy flamer, regular flamer, melta and plasma pistol seems like the way to do that. Only 5pts more expensive than a hellhound right now.

  • @ThKiller458
    @ThKiller458 6 месяцев назад +9

    I was joking about shoving heavy weapons squads in a doomhammer, you can fit like 13 of them in to firing deck lol, imagine 13 mortars launching out of a friggin Doomhammer! like a nuclear submarine

    • @jameskurth3560
      @jameskurth3560 3 месяца назад +2

      I've considered this with 3 teams

    • @ThKiller458
      @ThKiller458 3 месяца назад

      @@jameskurth3560 hehe

  • @themightybbb5417
    @themightybbb5417 6 месяцев назад +3

    Seems pretty legit to bring it along a catachan first wave into the midfield. Also very memy that everyone has to walk but rthe seargeant is surfing on a chimera 😂.

  • @Jaybirderino
    @Jaybirderino 6 месяцев назад +21

    I like this idea, but it feels a bit wasteful to not put 10 Catachans into the chimera as well. Can leave them unattached and just drop them into the center early to contest objectives.

    • @stuartbanana5083
      @stuartbanana5083 6 месяцев назад

      Options for both this way! On foot C Chans or loaded up in the scoutmira if necessary.
      I’m in!

  • @cesarsotillo784
    @cesarsotillo784 6 месяцев назад +5

    Caught this as it came out. Fun combo

  • @paulclifton9488
    @paulclifton9488 6 месяцев назад +1

    One thing you forgot to mention is that Harker can jump out and activate his special rule - significantly increasing the output of the Harkmeira. 6 shots at sustained 3 for 1 turn means that if he then dies and you lose the 3 HB shots - it was a good trade, since 7 HB hits (on average) in an earlier turn, is usually better than a continued 3 HB shots for a 2-3 more turns.

  • @caboose759
    @caboose759 6 месяцев назад +1

    This reminds me of my favorite way to play Noise Marines in 10th.
    As of right now they are a surprisingly bad unit given how strong they were in 9th. The best things about them involve their Blast Masters and Doom Sirens but since they're locked to SLAANESH, they only get melee buffs. Chainswords are ok, but CSM has much better melee options.
    The solution, put them in Rhinos. Two units of 5 to be exact so you can have two Blast Masters and Doom Sirens firing out at any given moment.
    With the BM's you can switch between single and varied frequencies. Single is only 3 shots and hits on 4+ but has Heavy, the strength is 9, AP -2 and the damage is 3 so a very nice Terminator killer when you have 6 shots total.
    Then the Doomsirens are just heavy flamers. Sadly don't ignore cover, but that's a 2D6 overwatch at S6 and AP-1 so very spicy.
    The meat tho is the varied frequency. BS 3+, Strength 6 so it wounds guardsmen on 2's and even terminators on 3+, AP-1, 1 damage and 6 shots. That's 12 shots total and could get sustained hits or Lethals whenever it wants. Coupled with the 2 Combi-bolters and Havoc launcher then now your humble Rhino is a very enticing pillbox.
    The cherries ontop, you have 8 space marine crack heads, two of which have Power Fists, ready to jump out on a moment's notice to shred something up. AND you can give the champions in each a Sonic Blaster. The Sonic Blaster is essentially just a bolter with an extra strength, but it also has Assault. So NOW your rhino is eligible to advance and do an action if you need it to because of Firing Deck.
    Incredible tactic and I love seeing the various factions make use of the Firing Deck ability in wacky ways.

  • @akodotain
    @akodotain 6 месяцев назад +7

    I initially had similar thoughts earlier in 10th. The hidden cost is it's a squishy concentration of a vehicle a character and 2 units for your opponent to score points on. There's not enough upside for the risk imo.

    • @stuartbanana5083
      @stuartbanana5083 6 месяцев назад

      Excellent observation!
      Could be brutal to loose in some scenarios or if your opponent drew the right cards.
      I like the way Askari looks at his Beast Pack. Run them up and purposely sac the beastmaster to deny assassinate early. Depends on the use case I suppose. Lots to think about

  • @joshuacollins5860
    @joshuacollins5860 6 месяцев назад

    Scoutmerias with Kasrkin and dual flamers are one of my new favorite point efficient points combo for early objective stealing, 6" scout plus 10" the first turn, they get a built in order (not paying 45 for a Castellan), 4 special weapons plus melta mine, sniper, and plasma pistol on the Sgt., firing deck 2 (Melta and Plasma), and you get 2D6 heavy flamers, HKM, heavy stubber and the las-gun array to tear through enemy infantry. If they get wiped out by the clap back, 2CP and you've got 10 more heavy infantry back with 4 special weapons again. That's pretty cheap for 170 points. Three of those plus Sentinels will wipe out wave 1 flankers and force the fight onto those middle objectives, which by that point you should have some nice firing angles for your tanks.

  • @Ericgoestowar
    @Ericgoestowar 6 месяцев назад +3

    I’ve been putting heavy weapon squads in my chimeras, granted I don’t get scout, but it’s been fun regardless. 2 auto cannons and 1 mortar per chimera lets me either double up on the direct fire by using both auto cannons, or I can split fire the mortar at some random infantry if I feel like harassing something.
    It’s not great, but fairly cheap. 50 pts less than an exterminator, but granted not nearly as durable.

    • @wildfire211
      @wildfire211 6 месяцев назад

      I thought you couldn’t fire a mortar out of a chimera?

    • @dudebromanguy
      @dudebromanguy 6 месяцев назад

      rules as written, pretty sure you can. firing deck 2, each heavy weapon squad counts as a model, so two heavy weapons can fire. weapons fired by embarked units count as being equipped by the transport. i don't think there's a clause anywhere that says it can't fire indirect. it DOES say it cant transport artillery, which is what you might be thinking of, but mortars don't have artillery keyword@@wildfire211

    • @Ericgoestowar
      @Ericgoestowar 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@wildfire211 why wouldn't you be able to? The heavy weapon squad doesn't have the artillery keyword. unless theres something else I'm not aware of.

    • @wildfire211
      @wildfire211 5 месяцев назад

      @@Ericgoestowar you know, I have no idea why I think that. I just thought I heard it somewhere once, but with no evidence to support that thought, I’m probably wrong

  • @brudbjorne8341
    @brudbjorne8341 6 месяцев назад +2

    Its effective enough for its cost, the ability can be both swingy and spike the moon so hard to leave a crater

  • @htidDeano
    @htidDeano 6 месяцев назад +2

    It's strange I just added harker to a list yesterday

  • @davedowns6987
    @davedowns6987 6 месяцев назад

    Also in a Stormlord 3 heavy weapon teams (heavy bolters), Harkin, 6 ogryn is 63 shots at 18 inches (48 of which have sustain) plus the other 20 shots from Vulcan mega bolter also sustained. Throw withering Hail on the target as well, and don't move for born soldiers. Yes it's an 810 point commitment, but OMG potential.

  • @Lorddacenshadowind
    @Lorddacenshadowind 6 месяцев назад +1

    Ive had the idea(havent tried it yet) of running a psyker inside the chimera and have 3 psymeras running around(5 actually lol because i am also thinking 2 more with Inquisitiors lol) the chimera can eat the hazardous

    • @karlnygren
      @karlnygren 6 месяцев назад +1

      I've had a psyker with an infantry squad (lascannon) and castellan running around. The opponent actually feared them and they were a lot of fun, even after disembarking. Psykers are pricey though

  • @gumgum921
    @gumgum921 6 месяцев назад

    I converted a Harker for my guard and enjoy him riding around in his chimera with 10 catachan that just jump out to flood an objective, score, or run up the board

  • @pabloalonsolasagabaster658
    @pabloalonsolasagabaster658 6 месяцев назад

    This thursday Im gonna try a new list concept. The shooting in combat list:
    3 demolishers, 2 hellhounds, one punisher. 3 sentinels, 6 bullgryn, 80 infantry, 2 five scion squads, Harker and straken

  • @neilkay152
    @neilkay152 5 месяцев назад

    Its an interesting idea, but I think putting 3 Ogryns in is a better version of the same type of output. 2 can shoot out for 6 shots, and that goes up to 12 within 9”. They also have the advantage of AP2 if targeting the closest enemy unit.

    • @TreefireX
      @TreefireX 5 месяцев назад

      Embarked units don't get their own datasheet abilities for that. Firing deck lets the vehicle fire the weapon, not the embarked unit.

  • @LokiLaughs2
    @LokiLaughs2 6 месяцев назад +1

    Would a double heavy flamer Marbomobile work?

  • @NoName-lo9ym
    @NoName-lo9ym 6 месяцев назад

    If you have Harker in the Chimera you may as well give him a 10 man Catachan squad to run around with after he's had his fun shooting Payback. He gives a unit -1 to hit which could make a unit in the opponents backfield difficult to shift.

    • @dudebromanguy
      @dudebromanguy 6 месяцев назад +1

      point was to keep the chimera cheap as possible. catachan are super cheap tho, so I think its still worth adding the squad

    • @NoName-lo9ym
      @NoName-lo9ym 6 месяцев назад

      @@dudebromanguy Its possibly the most points efficient / throwaway backfield harrassment unit there is. Apart from maybe Gaunts Ghosts.

  • @mighty4234
    @mighty4234 6 месяцев назад +5

    Dont you have to use the profile of the vehicle you are inside? so harker would be hitting on 4+

    • @jameskillbot2867
      @jameskillbot2867 6 месяцев назад +2

      No you use the datasheet of the model with the weapon. You just don’t get abilities.

    • @quincykunz3481
      @quincykunz3481 6 месяцев назад +9

      Units dont have BS anymore. Individual weapons have BS.

  • @hillbillygeek6964
    @hillbillygeek6964 2 месяца назад

    If I'm already including the Harkermobile and a unit of Kasrkin in my list, would it be worth it to embark the Kasrkin with Harker and drop them off at the first stop near cover or an objective? Have I missed something obvious here?

  • @MrDaveyboy1985
    @MrDaveyboy1985 6 месяцев назад +1

    Could someone be a gent/gentess and explain something please? I played a lot of 8th, no 9th and thinking about getting into 10th with the emperor's foot sloggers, when he says about Harker firing his heavy bolter, does he mean Harker disembarks and fires it or that he can fire while in the transport? As I couldn't see it on the old battlescribe that you can do that, and just wanting to picture how it would all work and was wondering if I had missed something 😊

    • @desitri2956
      @desitri2956 6 месяцев назад +1

      the chimera allows you to have 2 models to shoot out of it without disembarking

    • @patykaarplegos6282
      @patykaarplegos6282 6 месяцев назад +2

      Chimeras have a rule called firing deck that allows 2 models to shoot out of the chimera. Very helpful.

    • @MrDaveyboy1985
      @MrDaveyboy1985 6 месяцев назад

      @@patykaarplegos6282 thank you

    • @MrDaveyboy1985
      @MrDaveyboy1985 6 месяцев назад

      @@desitri2956 great thanks that makes sense now

  • @Torthrownuntez
    @Torthrownuntez 6 месяцев назад +1

    I'm going to put 3 heavy weapons squads and a unit of 20 guard with 2 heavy weapons team in my storm lord. A tank commander will give the orders. It's a fun build for a friendly game😅

    • @palin1016
      @palin1016 6 месяцев назад +2

      Unless the Stormlord is different from the rest of the Superheavies, it doesn't have the Squadron keyword.

    • @Torthrownuntez
      @Torthrownuntez 6 месяцев назад

      @@palin1016 I see thx

  • @maxawsometheguy2870
    @maxawsometheguy2870 5 месяцев назад

    Can you deepstrike a baneblade round 3 with rapid ingress? And not have it count as advanced on your next turn?

  • @christophermelvin9148
    @christophermelvin9148 6 месяцев назад

    I put Ogryn in and use em as an infantry killer

  • @discourses3
    @discourses3 6 месяцев назад +1

    double primaris psycher in chimera is still better. Twice d6+3 blast shots, hazardous, dev wounds, str 6, ap -2, d2.

    • @brudbjorne8341
      @brudbjorne8341 6 месяцев назад +2

      They are also like, 3 or 4x the cost of harker

    • @discourses3
      @discourses3 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@brudbjorne8341 It's 20 points more for one primaris for signficantly higher utility. You basically get better than the firepower of a Land Raider Redeemer for just 190 points.

  • @eddavies5443
    @eddavies5443 6 месяцев назад +1

    If you put a heavy weapons team in chimera, can they fire out of it?

    • @ThePungljung
      @ThePungljung 6 месяцев назад

      Two of the weapons can as the chimera has fire deck 2

    • @denisloebner4882
      @denisloebner4882 6 месяцев назад

      and only on 4+ as they cant get ordered making this a famous nonbo

    • @CatharsisChaser
      @CatharsisChaser 6 месяцев назад

      @@denisloebner4882technically you can, you order the transport since it uses the heavy weapons but they still only go up to 4+ unless you remain stationary since they are base 5+ heavy

  • @nickolasturner
    @nickolasturner 6 месяцев назад

    Simple but great idea. Slightly disappointed that there was power rangers theme with harkers face pasted over the face - it’s harker time

  • @nimric3348
    @nimric3348 6 месяцев назад

    Unless you got a spare vehicle order or really need 10-15 points it seems wasteful.
    That's competes with alot of things.
    Without orders hellhound is tanker, buff-ier, and probably damagier.
    2 scout sentinels have similar role, and similar dakka with plasma cannons while giving better buffs.
    Unless you need 10-15points they are probably more efficient.
    Catachan same points, same roll.
    Kasarkin similar roll, less durable, more damage, less points.

  • @DocWhat
    @DocWhat 6 месяцев назад

    Could you put a squad and harker in it, then deploy the squad and keep harker in it?

  • @julienvicini5191
    @julienvicini5191 6 месяцев назад

    Hello I dont understand the 28 shot in the title. 6 for BL, 3/6 for heavy stubber, 1 for hunter missile and 3 for harler (no capacitif un a transport). 16 in the best case. 19 with a 6 on a heavy flamer. There is a combo that I don t have Seen?

    • @MordianGlory
      @MordianGlory  6 месяцев назад +2

      3 Harker
      6 Chimera heavy bolter
      6 heavy stubber
      12 lasgun arrays
      1 hunter killer

    • @julienvicini5191
      @julienvicini5191 6 месяцев назад +1

      Lasgun array!!!

    • @cmccoy793
      @cmccoy793 6 месяцев назад

      Don't forget the 1x per game +3 attacks that Harker gets from Payback Time @@MordianGlory Can actually go up to 31 shots!

    • @CatharsisChaser
      @CatharsisChaser 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@cmccoy793can’t use abilities while embarked in a transport sadly (check rules commentary section on embarked units)
      weirdest part if the game imho since abilities work in reserve for some reason

    • @cmccoy793
      @cmccoy793 6 месяцев назад

      Makes sense. I guess it would just be too OP. Or so GW thinks@@CatharsisChaser

  • @operator9858
    @operator9858 6 месяцев назад

    Wait, so the chimera gets scout from him?

    • @giantninja9173
      @giantninja9173 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes. In 10th edition, if all the units embarked in a dedicated transport have scout, the dedicated transport can do the scout move. So chimeras and taurox are good but you can’t scout move a stormlord or valkyrie.

  • @itsamemarko494
    @itsamemarko494 6 месяцев назад +1

    Coming from the guy that's been poopooing Harker for a while haha

    • @CatharsisChaser
      @CatharsisChaser 6 месяцев назад +1

      Sadly harker is pretty meh atm though… very squishy and essentially a 40pt heavy bolter with a once per game ability to turn into a slightly better heavy weapons team
      If we get an enhancement/strat in the dex that gives crits on 5’s though…

    • @itsamemarko494
      @itsamemarko494 6 месяцев назад

      @CatharsisChaser he's a cheap character that can give out orders, has a heavy bolter, gives his squad Stealth, and doesn't remove Scout from the squad as well. For 40 points, that's pretty decent in my book

  • @glennmccleary5424
    @glennmccleary5424 6 месяцев назад

    Quick question Can a bullgryn squad of 3 be in a chimera transport ?

    • @user-sk1zd4xv3e
      @user-sk1zd4xv3e 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes each bullgryn counts as 3 models so 9 spots will be taken leaving you with 3 Open spots left

  • @Damnedlegion40k
    @Damnedlegion40k 6 месяцев назад +1

    Add a comment...1

  • @joelwashere5382
    @joelwashere5382 5 месяцев назад

    Obligatory Comment o7

  • @sebastianmarcet9484
    @sebastianmarcet9484 6 месяцев назад

    but it'll use the chimera's ballistic skill

    • @karlnygren
      @karlnygren 6 месяцев назад +1

      No, only guns have BS in 10th, not models. So it's the gun profile from the data card of the embarked that counts

    @MARStheFORSAKEN 6 месяцев назад +1

    "Chimera" not "kaymera" ,this as bad as people who call arkansas "arcansaw" XD

    • @ericmumper6821
      @ericmumper6821 6 месяцев назад +3

      🎶Chim chimera, chim chimera, chim chim cheroo. 🎵

    • @liamholt5623
      @liamholt5623 6 месяцев назад

      "Ar Kansas'"
      I am Norwegian so I am forever doomed to never get it right I suspect

  • @jubelu3347
    @jubelu3347 5 месяцев назад

    And tomorrow we get an errata to stop this.

  • @janehrahan5116
    @janehrahan5116 6 месяцев назад +1

    Its neat, I still think id rather spend 20 more points, maybe have a slightly worse gun, but have a 10 wound squad with more firepower when the chimera dies.