How do you like Ólafsson 's interpretations of Bach's famous Organ Sonata? Discover more about Ólafsson on our website (find the link in the video description)
Deutsche Grammophon this work is the future of classical music. Everything is so fresh! Amazing video, amazing music, great pianist 🎹❤️! Keep walking guys and change the way we know classical music ❤️👏👏
DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON does not need you to promote him. In a few years you will need him to promote you. A truly great pianist and musician. He does credit to DG after being contaminated by an ex-nazi conductor
Vikingur Olafsson doesn't need this cinegraphic shit to accompany his piano playing. In this performance there are wonder after wonder of piano playing and musicianship. Just pay attention to the pedaling. And the trills going downward in an inner line just before the end (all done with the 3rd and 4th finger I presume). Electrifying. A couple of years ago, I heard the first ten minutes of this on a BBC recordings program. I still fall off my chair when I listen to it. PS Dear Magnús Leifsson, my advice is keep your day job. Foret the cine stuff..
I have an acquaintance who is a music scholar and he likes to say (tongue in cheek, of course) that there are 5 tiers of composers in the Western world: Bach sits (alone) in tier no.1; there is no one on tier no. 2; Beethoven and Mozart sit on tier no. 3; and most others sit on tier no. 4. Tier no. 5 is for transcribers. Quite over the top, really, but I do agree that Bach is the most important Western composer ever in terms of the influence he's had on those who followed and in terms of the sheer scope and size of his musical production. It is, in itself, an entire universe.
@@Nickauboutte , though I agree with you in thinking that your music scholar is a bit over the top on this one, what he or she gets right is that no one will ever dislodge him from the summit of Western music. John Eliot Gardiner has rightly said that Bach, through incredible industry, had achieved "the habit of excellence". I mean, he wrote BWV 4 at age 22, and never looked back. Dear God...
Johann Sebastian Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik. Ich war 10 Jahre, mein Lehrer sagte, wenn du Bach spielen kannst, dann kann dich nichts überraschen. Jetzt spiele ich Bachs Musik weil es eine ganze Welt ist.
Das Ende der Musik? Das ist ausgesprochen traurig. Für mich ist Bach ein Urvater der Musik, aber er hat große und großartige Nachfahren. Doch jedem das seine.
No, the mystery is that, 300 years after a cultural apex, we postmodern know-it-alls have any appreciation at all for music created by a master, who understood its true nature and purpose.
It's impossible to dislike Bach. Those who say they dislike Bach are either utterly stupid and ignorant or they are just trying to be special in the most stupid and ignorant way possible.
@Janna Maglinao You are right, Bach pieces were considered like exercices, and still are too often. I think that the beauty inside Bach is better feeled when you age. I am lucky, I understood Bach when I was young yet. Fortunately, we can listen to Richter, or Schiff, or to some organists, to see many performers completely in love with Bach.
The piano transcription causes this piece to blossom into a fresh burst of unutterable beauty. Vikingur makes himself humbly transparent in his interpretation. I can’t stop listening to this.
Some people don't hear anything when they hear elevator music. But others hear much more. Amazing how there are such differences between people and what they are capable of appreciating.
Your comment throws me back on the section of the story I've been writing. Hope you don't mind my writing it all out here. The narrator is a hoopoe (bird). I couldn't format the three quotations as I wanted to, so have just put them in quotations. What you say is exactly it: everyone's trying to get to the endings, but "There are no ends but new beginnings." Ah ! And just now, us, we hearing Glenn Gould-this time him not just performing but explaining some point about Bach, nay, illustrating it by alternating between speaking and playing the keys of the instrument before which he is sitting-just now are we brought to startle: "By the way, this little gadget upon which I just played that fugue is, in case you are wondering, not exactly a piano and not exactly a harpsicord: it’s a neurotic piano that thinks it’s a harpsicord, and I’m going to close it now because it’s also too noisy."
Whereupon he retakes his seat at the odd piano he is at and continues on in explanation of the music he is in the process of discussing: going into how Bach’s contemporaries, including his very sons, were in great disagreement with Bach as to what constituted harmonic thinking. "That same theme, by the way, of the Brandenburg shows, clearly, I think, the great differences in harmonic thinking that existed between Bach and his more progressive colleagues, theme wanders constantly back and forth across the key center axis of D major, which is the key, as it were, and each time we feel a conclusion coming on, something else happens to delay it." (And, us, we absolutely must draw attention to the manner in which Gould composes the above single sentence of his: its musicality, its compositional metrics and estrangement from all common speech-the sustainment of-in the passage we just quoted, the sustained holding-onto the word theme, Gould never losing track of one phoneme of the theme[’s] sound, he catching the word up again twenty-six words later-we have counted them !-his language, his speech so akin-to, so like his playing of Bach; the import of each note, each sound.) "This is the sort of harmonic plan that Bach’s sons wouldn’t have been caught dead adopting. For them the satisfaction of the musical structure was in getting through to the end, in termination and achieving finality. For Bach, it wasn’t finality that mattered to music, not really. It was simply the joyous essence of being." (Ah, yes: always the pressured idea of reaching, of getting to the end that critics criticize one for not getting to. It, nay, enough to drive one mad ! We be most glad that we may be considered as company with him, Bach, the father-not the sons-in what we do, in how we carry out our own work: giving ourself patience in allowing ourself to patiently wend our way through our tale, unregardful of the need to get-on with it, to arrive-at, to conclude.)
Die Idee der Komposition, von Meister Bach war wohl.... Alle Stimmen wollen zu Gott..Also aufsteigend... Dann manchmal ruhend im Hier....Dann aufsteigend zu Gott und laut....Und überhaupt 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
There are many composers but Bach is out of reach,it´s like he´s been on earth since the very beginning and captured the essence of life and transcibed it into music.
I always like to think that some superior alien race somewhere is confused because on the radio waves from earth, they are getting all the madness, hatred, tyranny, inhumanity and stupidity pouring forth endlessly, but at the same time, they are hearing the music of Bach and wondering how the same species can produce both.
I was listening to Olaffsons "Bach Variationen" last night 10/17/2023 live at the Berlin Philharmonie. Amazing. I feel blessed. It was a magical joyful athmoshere. Addicted to Bach 🎼 🫠🎹 ♥️
I could watch this a million times and it would still make me cry like a baby every time. Bach's incomparable genius matched with Vikingur's amazing skill and intelligence. That there is such beauty in the world....
I agree at totum with you ":Bach's incomparable genius matched with Vikingur's amazing skill and intelligence." This is brilliant and definitive! I want to make a special colaboration with this timeless masterpiece : Hi sirs from venerable and indispensable DG Give me the necessary and indispensable; permission to transform your excelent video from this masterpiece the: Organ Sonata No. 4, BWV 528: II. Andante from Bach yn a true movie format 21 9 ratio. I did it for Cliburn org preservering the historical final were Yum cham Lim was the with justice the great winner.of the demanding competion Just watch : "ENHANCED Video&Audio by Yan AYRTON Yunchan Lim’s Rach 3rd Concerto Winner Competition final June2022" Just compare it with the original video provided in 16 9 ratio by the Cliburn org and you easely will understand what I am capable of through technological skill devoted to the Art of Music. Awairing your ansewer I will post this your video today on my channel and you import it here. Sincerely, the young Komponist Yan Ayrton
I concede that it is difficult to accept that Bach's music has been conceived by a mere mortal, but it isn't conclusive proof for the existence of a god. Perhaps humanity is underrated?
@@pjmvdbroek Humanity is underrated without God. Humanism actually lowered the status of humanity by depriving him of the quasi "divine" status religion gave him. The fact we now only revel in the worst aspects of humanity is probably a consequence of that, because once you cut off man from that which is above him everything about him becomes "hypocrisy" after which you can only be "honest" and "real" by focusing on what is below him.
I can't remember where this quote comes from but here it is anyway : '' God should be grateful to Bach because the music of Bach proves the existence of God '' .
In this Vikingur's interpretation this composition really bursts into life. Indeed there's somethin prayer-like in the composition. I have listened to this numerous times yet not a single time without tears. This really penetrates through all defences. Thank you for this.
Your comment💯🌞 bursts my heart 💔💛💙 Thank you for this👍♥️, you found the words what I was thinking when listening to this super interpretation of an Iceland 🇮🇸pianist
The build-up, the rising tension, the dragging heartbeat with every measure, with the predictable but unresolved ending, leaving us where we started, mesmerised but haunted. What drama, what glory!
I am a devoted Wagnerian. I attend the Bayreuth festival almost every year, and cannot get enough of his music. Still, I always say that Bach was the greatest composer who has ever lived. No one compares, not even close.
The climax section in this version is different from the original score. A faster part in the right hand. But I like it: I think it adds to the climax, and it also sound "Bachian" to me.
Люди! Те, которые не вникают, или не понимают эту музыку! Неужели вы не слышите, как капли, потоки и струи воды благословенного РУЧЬЯ, льются и звенят, колокольчиками по камушкам, перетекая всё дальше и дальше, падая с высоты, и затихая среди глыб?! Вслушайтесь! Это вечная музыка, родившаяся благодаря гению великого Иоганна! Как прекрасно звучит это совершенство, написанное для органа, как оно звучит на фортепиано! А ведь некоторые слушатели даже и не подозревают, что великий композитор, даже если и попробовал сыграть тогда на первых, ещё несовершенных инструментах под названием фортепиано, даже, если и осознал замечательное их звучащее будущее, но ведь к тому времени, большая часть его произведений уже создана для других инструментов! А как звучит! Величие музыкального гения....
Every time I hear him play this movement, I can't turn it off. The accompanying "music video" is a bit odd but extremely apropos for the strange world we find ourselves living in today, living in New Jersey, USA we have been on lockdown for over a week with no end in the near future. It is almost as if these people in the video have been shuttered inside for days, months even. And now they are free to walk outside and actually SEE the new world around them... I probably am making too much out of it BUT this is most certainly worth 5 1/2 minutes of your day. Listen, reflect, relax, and let Bach do what he does best; connect us to some higher being.
@@displaychicken Vive le Seskatchewan libre! (Omg. Vivent mes USA libres! I hope against hope I/we can walk out our door some fine Monday morning, free as Iceland to renew ourselves and rebuild what already has been destroyed. Bach is my witness!!
I had the privilege of seeing and listening to this piece played by Vikingur Wednesday evening, here in Los Angeles at the WDCH, as his encore. Tears flowed. Transcendence. Beauty. Joy. This man with the music of Bach flowing through him to the world is to experience the ineffable made manifest.
This is one of the most beautifully filmed music videos I’ve ever seen. What a perfect compliment to Bach’s music. The mystery of each person walking is a novel in itself. I’m truly overwhelmed by the power and majesty of the performance and of course the brilliance of Bach.
I'm glad *you* liked it. I thought it distinctly odd. By contrast, I liked the piece - not one I'm familiar with, but I really enjoyed the interplay between the left- and right-hand melodies, and it was beautifully played. I'll be back to hear it again before long.
Mystery? What mystery? There is no mystery here. It is plain and simple that each person stands in awe of Bach's music and of the brilliance of its interpretation by the pianist, Olafsson. However, let's give credit to where credit is due and that is to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who created Bach in His own image and placed in his soul the inspiration and ability to create beautiful music that glorified Him so that all of humanity would know that nothing can be created apart from what God has placed in each of us. To God be the glory now and forever more!!
Cet arrangement est un pure merveille, un instant de grâce, un moment d'une profondeur, d'une intensité, sans égal. Seul Bach et tous ceux qui par leurs transcriptions l'ont comprit, est capable de générer autant d'émotions. Merci et bravos.
Музыка Баха- это вселенная! Она объединяет людей,она жизнеутверждающа и дает надежду на добро и свет ! Очень понравилось исполнение своей глубиной и мощью звучания! Очень интересное видео, оно завораживает своей необычностью! Благодарю за это наслаждение!
One of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. I had never heard it before, and I am truly touched by it. The highest praise goes to Vikingur for his musicality. This piece makes me feel like people in the video, incredibly moved.. Thank you to everyone involved in creating this gem.
You haven't heard of it because it was originally written for Organ and the organ repertoire is the most unrecognised in the world of music, now that you have heard this one you may check the other trio sonatas and Bach's complete organ works, he's the greatest to ever exist
@@tahaouhabi3520 More of Bach's great organ pieces should be performed on the piano, or even by an orchestra. Organ music is an acquired taste, and many people don't care for it.
@@davehshs651 I completely agree, years ago when I started listening to classical/baroque music I obviously liked the piano the violin and then I stumbled upon a Video of Wolfgang Stockmeier's recording of Bach's organ work, the title was bach complete organ works by Wolfgang Stockmeier, couple of minutes into the video I was like "why did nobody tell me about this before" it was like I found my treasure, without exaggeration I think the day I discovered that recording is the best day of my life
Wow You are quite right! Brilliant wise and amazing analisys yours.Bravo for this..Go to my channel in the section } latest videos | posted and see what I done with this Bach short and dense eloquent masterpiece.Pure transcendental. This gem will shinne as never before.All the best for you . Yan Ayrton a young composer from Germany. expressing his technological unique skills to the love to Art.
Несомненно - Бах велик! Это гений на все времена! Это мысли, эмоции и чувства, достигающие каждого, самого затаенного уголка сознания! Это и ветер, и восход солнца, и звёздное небо, и поле и море, и РУЧЕЙ, но ... но только на другой планете, в другой Вселенной....
Les œuvres de Bach sont une expression de l'âme, une représentation de ce que l'espèce humaine peut créer de plus absolu, une résonance dans l'éternité.
I've been listening to it for years now, but I can't forget the shock I felt when I first heard it. I was reminded of the greatness of Bach along with his wonderful performance.
Очень Люблю Баха, и очень давно... Вашу композицию слушаю довольно часто,и не по разу за день, и не могу наслушаться... Как то так. 10 00 Благодарностей от всей Души!!! 🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹😇😇😇👋👋👋
I just lost my spouse a few days ago This video helps me everyday Bach is so beautiful here The video gives me a sense of all of us journeying toward a far better and profound place Thank you Gary
@@Eleutherarch Hello Thank you, I still miss him very much, but trying to make myself carry on. I've gone back to work at my home improvement store which is helping a lot. Thanks for your very kind reply. I still listen to this beautiful piece most days and it still helps as well. Gary
@@garyhinks9635 I'm very glad to read that you're getting back to your feet. I don't think it will ever become easy. Work can be good and if it's helping you, that's great. Do you play piano or an instrument? If not, it'd be an excellent hobby to pursue. Occupies time, distracts, sharpens the mind, etc. You're never too old and perhaps with every Bach piece you tackle, you could dedicate it privately to his memory. Just a thought. Best wishes - pulling for ya.
So sorry to hear that. To me, this music is sadness redeemed by beauty. It can heal. It helps us accept the pain that cannot be separated from life. Give yourself to the music and you will see.
@@markharder3676 Hi Mark. Thanks so much for your reply. This is indeed a very special piece of music. It is always a joy to hear every time I come back to listen. As I am getting older I realize just how important the music we listen to can be to take us away to our happy place. It is especially so wonderful how it can bring back memories with just a few notes. Thanks again for replying-it was nice to see this after all this time. Take care, Gary
I had long lasting goose bumps, walking streets those days, seeing just covered faces, 1/100 people on streets, invisible fear in the air... and my headphones were articulating this pristine music with a lot of hope inside...
Víkingur Ólafsson has total control of his instrument and of the spirit with which Bach wrote this piece. It is an absolutely amazing performance. Ég er sannarlega hrifinn af hæfileikum þínum, Víkingur. Ísland, svo lítið land með svo mikla hæfileika! Kveðja af Ástralíu.
I’ve listened to a number of performances of Víkingur Ólafsson playing the wonderful piano transcription by Stradal of the Andante from Bach’s Organ Sonata No 4, BWV 528. This one I find intensely moving at many levels. Víkingur’s playing is perfect and he brings out the various voices so very well. I cannot identify the piano, not Steinway, but it is so well suited for this piece, the base register has a wonderful quality. This is definitely one of those times when I love the transcription better than the organ original! This small piece, in addition to the outstanding quality of the playing, is so filled with beauty and emotion that set against the video can reduce me to tears. Truly a deeply moving experience. Many thanks Víkingur
What a great composition, only Bach can compose a piece that sounds so simple yet complex, so minimalist yet full of life. Not forget to mention Vikingur's interpretation really brings out every Bach's characteristics.
I'm tearing up! Watching these strange people with similar clothing in the beautiful vast Icelandic landscape, then to watch them watch and experience Vikingur... we are no longer watching them, we are with them, thanks to this incredible music and artist... Chills!!! Thank you so much for this, please do more music videos!!!
This is one of my favourite videos on You Tube. The music has so much emotion and is exceptional. The videography is so beautifully done on so many levels, close ups, blurres scenes, the models and actors. Everything about this is so beautiful. I get lost in this everytime I see and hear it. ❤
Touched by God....there is nothing more than Bach before you reach the divine. This interpretation by Vikingur is magisterial and marvellous...building and building, lifting higher and higher…
This video captures completely my feeling, listening to this piece. It pulls you into an awakening. It draws out the heart and challenges it to beat along.
I can not thank u as much as u deserved: This brought me back to the piano, after 10 years of absence, after playing and studying piano since I was 6 years old. Now I am 41 and have rediscovered it and it's bringing a lot of joy for my wife and me (and hopefully for the neighbours, though practising isnt always a joy to hear😅) Thank you, Mr. Ólafsson!!
Heard this for the first time yesterday evening when he played this for his encore at The Proms. Absolutely extraordinary, have played it 7 times already.
I also heard this for the first time when listening to the Prom. At first, I couldn't believe it was Bach it felt so modern. I've listened to this recording and also again to the live performance on BBC Sounds and I think the live performance surpasses this recording. If it's still available, try to catch the live version.
@@keithwilkinson7761 I made a DVD of the prom concert. I got a copy of the sheet music for this piece but I'm going to have to get help with the fingering. I don't care how many months practice it takes, I am determined to be eable to enjoy playing it.
@@pippawall1875 Good luck with this. Further to my earlier post, I find someone has had the foresight to post a video of the live Proms performance here,видео.html. Compare the two and see if you agree with me that the live performace is better than the recorded one.
@@keithwilkinson7761 I've now compared the 2 videos and the recording on the CD I just bought, and I do much prefer the Proms version. It was just one of those moments and performances that has something extra.
This video is absolutely fantastic. Olafsson interpretation of Bach is beautiful and the video it self, color of the clothing the choice of faces And every detail the march towards the piano is a masterpiece of interpretation and understanding Bach I have no idea how many times I heard an saw it
One of the most powerful, beautiful things I've heard in a long time. It reminds me what great music does: it brings us together. And the question isn't why do we love music, but why does it love us? Who can fail to feel this emotion here, be overwhelmed by it even, as i feel so privileged to be.
Once again proof that Bach is the greatest composer that ever lived. I had never heard of these organ pieces transcribed for piano. I have once commented here on a glorious cantata sung by die Bach Stiftung from Switzerland. And now these transcriptions. The glory of his music is endless and timeless!
masterfully done! I don't think I've heard anyone that has a touch like this young man does. He gets so many different tone colors at the same time he controls the dynamics even for each individual voice and brings it all together. He takes such a great approach to the music and he's not copying anyone. He's like a new comment on Bach which is really nice to have in spite of the fact that I am already happy with what we have. I think it means that Bach wonders will never cease.
Coeli enarant gloriam Dei. Les cieux racontent la gloire de Dieu. Ce mouvement introductif de cantate, devenu 1er mvt de la 4éme sonate en trio, sonne magnifiquement sous vos doigts au piano. Le crescendo nous entraine. Il est impressionnant. Demain je l’emporte pour mes vacances bretonnes. Merci. Bonjour
This reminds me of covid lock down when I first discovered this piece. It reminds me of the stillness and the refocus of my life that I much needed at that time. It's such a beautiful and powerful piece.
Olafsson is a genius, he truly captures the mood of the music while building on the beautiful melody of Bach's music. Each repetition is different, such a beautiful performance. ❤️💙❤️
I found myself become one of them... watching you. I listened this music for the first time today... and keep watching this... more than 10 times. I fall in love with Bach’s music💕
How do you like Ólafsson 's interpretations of Bach's famous Organ Sonata? Discover more about Ólafsson on our website (find the link in the video description)
Deutsche Grammophon this work is the future of classical music. Everything is so fresh!
Amazing video, amazing music, great pianist 🎹❤️! Keep walking guys and change the way we know classical music ❤️👏👏
DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON does not need you to promote him. In a few years you will need him to promote you. A truly great pianist and musician. He does credit to DG after being contaminated by an ex-nazi conductor
Vikingur Olafsson doesn't need this cinegraphic shit to accompany his piano playing. In this performance there are wonder after wonder of piano playing and musicianship. Just pay attention to the pedaling. And the trills going downward in an inner line just before the end (all done with the 3rd and 4th finger I presume). Electrifying. A couple of years ago, I heard the first ten minutes of this on a BBC recordings program. I still fall off my chair when I listen to it. PS Dear Magnús Leifsson, my advice is keep your day job. Foret the cine stuff..
Magnificent play!
THE sound is wonderful. the approach, timing, dynamics, articulation. To me ideal
Thank you for listening ❤
You are playing unbelievable with your heart. Thank you for this extraordinary interpretation.
So beautiful 😍
Very well done!
Thank you, everyone! Very much appreciated!
We are the ones who should be thankful, Vikingur!
Thank you so so so much ❤❤ every night before I get sleep I hear this awesome piece you play so wonderful ❤❤❤
I love your modern interpretations, your music eases me every single day.
I am going to try to play this myself. Thanks for the inspiration!
Vikingur, this is profoundly beautiful thank you
A world without Bach would not be worth it
Totalmente de acuerdo
I agree 100%
This is like a prayer that I need to hear daily.
Hello ... do not hesitate to subscribe to my youtube channel, I play the piano thank you ...
A sage said, "The angels pray with Bach, laugh with Mozart, and cry with Beethoven."
Christ, what a world Bach is. There is nothing else like him.
I have an acquaintance who is a music scholar and he likes to say (tongue in cheek, of course) that there are 5 tiers of composers in the Western world: Bach sits (alone) in tier no.1; there is no one on tier no. 2; Beethoven and Mozart sit on tier no. 3; and most others sit on tier no. 4. Tier no. 5 is for transcribers. Quite over the top, really, but I do agree that Bach is the most important Western composer ever in terms of the influence he's had on those who followed and in terms of the sheer scope and size of his musical production. It is, in itself, an entire universe.
@@Nickauboutte I think your music scholar is on the money!
Check out Jan Dismas Zelenka. I recommend The Trio Sonatas, Missa Omnium Sanctorum and Missa Divi Xaverii.
@@Nickauboutte , though I agree with you in thinking that your music scholar is a bit over the top on this one, what he or she gets right is that no one will ever dislodge him from the summit of Western music. John Eliot Gardiner has rightly said that Bach, through incredible industry, had achieved "the habit of excellence". I mean, he wrote BWV 4 at age 22, and never looked back. Dear God...
Eric Hodge You are so right - there is nothing like the music of JS Bach!
Johann Sebastian Bach ist Anfang und Ende aller Musik. Ich war 10 Jahre, mein Lehrer sagte, wenn du Bach spielen kannst, dann kann dich nichts überraschen. Jetzt spiele ich Bachs Musik weil es eine ganze Welt ist.
Danke ✌️
Das Ende der Musik? Das ist ausgesprochen traurig.
Für mich ist Bach ein Urvater der Musik, aber er hat große und großartige Nachfahren.
Doch jedem das seine.
Wann ich alter werden, Bach ist mein zehnsucht fur den Friede und ein verhoffnung um heimkommen nach dir Ruhe
JS Bach wrote the most beautiful music in the history of humanity.
Please don´t forget Händel, who was a great admirer of Bach.....and great himself.
If mankind exists in 1000 years, this music will still be heard.
I do love the both of them, with room for Telemann as well; surpassed by none.
Bach - totally timeless. It will forever remain a mystery how he got there 300 years ago.
You are right. Like I said above, I wonder if Bach has not said everything in music, in a way...
The answer to your question is in Luther’s theology, especially his theology of beauty.
No, the mystery is that, 300 years after a cultural apex, we postmodern know-it-alls have any appreciation at all for music created by a master, who understood its true nature and purpose.
Exacto!!! Bach es EL MAESTRO. 👏👏👏Saludos desde México
Mystery is why people ignored him for 150 years before recognizing his genius.
I will never understand those who dislike the music of JS Bach.
Maybe the ones who don't like his music be used for climate propaganda. Otherwise, I would not understand either.
What you call climate propaganda is real. Get real, dude!
It's impossible to dislike Bach. Those who say they dislike Bach are either utterly stupid and ignorant or they are just trying to be special in the most stupid and ignorant way possible.
Rafael Pérez Rubio Climate change is real
@Janna Maglinao You are right, Bach pieces were considered like exercices, and still are too often. I think that the beauty inside Bach is better feeled when you age. I am lucky, I understood Bach when I was young yet. Fortunately, we can listen to Richter, or Schiff, or to some organists, to see many performers completely in love with Bach.
The piano transcription causes this piece to blossom into a fresh burst of unutterable beauty. Vikingur makes himself humbly transparent in his interpretation. I can’t stop listening to this.
Unglaublich schöne Musik, gespielt von einem grandiosen und einfühlsamen Künstler. Man nur staunend hören und sich still verneigen.
I don't think one can live a truly full life without hearing and enjoying Bach's music. Bravo Olafsson
Be grateful for your hearing abilities then.
Some people don't hear anything when they hear elevator music. But others hear much more. Amazing how there are such differences between people and what they are capable of appreciating.
@@liveyourbestlife1513 St. John Passionвидео.html&ab_channel=DWClassicalMusic
@@liveyourbestlife1513 For me, there are quite a few good composers, a handful are really good, a few are amazing. And then there is Bach.
Bach's music is about continuation. There are no ends but new beginnings. Beautiful!
beatifully said 😉
It all about the flow, the change of the tide, never ending spiral of rhythm.
Your comment throws me back on the section of the story I've been writing. Hope you don't mind my writing it all out here. The narrator is a hoopoe (bird). I couldn't format the three quotations as I wanted to, so have just put them in quotations. What you say is exactly it: everyone's trying to get to the endings, but "There are no ends but new beginnings."
Ah ! And just now, us, we hearing Glenn Gould-this time him not just performing but explaining some point about Bach, nay, illustrating it by alternating between speaking and playing the keys of the instrument before which he is sitting-just now are we brought to startle:
"By the way, this little gadget upon which I just played that fugue is, in case you are wondering, not exactly a piano and not exactly a harpsicord: it’s a neurotic piano that thinks it’s a harpsicord, and I’m going to close it now because it’s also too noisy."
Whereupon he retakes his seat at the odd piano he is at and continues on in explanation of the music he is in the process of discussing: going into how Bach’s contemporaries, including his very sons, were in great disagreement with Bach as to what constituted harmonic thinking.
"That same theme, by the way, of the Brandenburg shows, clearly, I think, the great differences in harmonic thinking that existed between Bach and his more progressive colleagues, theme wanders constantly back and forth across the key center axis of D major, which is the key, as it were, and each time we feel a conclusion coming on, something else happens to delay it."
(And, us, we absolutely must draw attention to the manner in which Gould composes the above single sentence of his: its musicality, its compositional metrics and estrangement from all common speech-the sustainment of-in the passage we just quoted, the sustained holding-onto the word theme, Gould never losing track of one phoneme of the theme[’s] sound, he catching the word up again twenty-six words later-we have counted them !-his language, his speech so akin-to, so like his playing of Bach; the import of each note, each sound.)
"This is the sort of harmonic plan that Bach’s sons wouldn’t have been caught dead adopting. For them the satisfaction of the musical structure was in getting through to the end, in termination and achieving finality. For Bach, it wasn’t finality that mattered to music, not really. It was simply the joyous essence of being."
(Ah, yes: always the pressured idea of reaching, of getting to the end that critics criticize one for not getting to. It, nay, enough to drive one mad ! We be most glad that we may be considered as company with him, Bach, the father-not the sons-in what we do, in how we carry out our own work: giving ourself patience in allowing ourself to patiently wend our way through our tale, unregardful of the need to get-on with it, to arrive-at, to conclude.)
Beautiful piece of music and wonderfully interpreted.
Oh God! I listen to Bach all my life but with this one I came to tears. Beautiful!
I cry all my life listening to Bach! I feel like his music is purifying for one’s soul!
So true! Bach brings us to the very essence of the human soul.
Im a bachaholic.... luckily there are no harmful side effects or withdrawal pains. Not even illegal, immoral or fattening.
Die Idee der Komposition, von Meister Bach war wohl....
Alle Stimmen wollen zu Gott..Also aufsteigend...
Dann manchmal ruhend im Hier....Dann aufsteigend zu Gott und laut....Und überhaupt 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
Gebannt und ergriffen lausche ich der x-ten Wiederholung und werde innerlich ganz still. Dankedankedanke. ♥️
So geht es mir auch!
There are many composers but Bach is out of reach,it´s like he´s been on earth since the very beginning and captured the essence of life and transcibed it into music.
I always like to think that some superior alien race somewhere is confused because on the radio waves from earth, they are getting all the madness, hatred, tyranny, inhumanity and stupidity pouring forth endlessly, but at the same time, they are hearing the music of Bach and wondering how the same species can produce both.
As once said Wynton Marsalis: " Bach is more than music. Is the voice of God ".
From Argentina
Bach is God.
@@josecanale7055Bach is God.
I was listening to Olaffsons "Bach Variationen" last night 10/17/2023 live at the Berlin Philharmonie. Amazing.
I feel blessed. It was a magical joyful athmoshere. Addicted to Bach 🎼 🫠🎹 ♥️
I could watch this a million times and it would still make me cry like a baby every time. Bach's incomparable genius matched with Vikingur's amazing skill and intelligence. That there is such beauty in the world....
I agree at totum with you ":Bach's incomparable genius matched with Vikingur's amazing skill and intelligence." This is brilliant and definitive! I want to make a special colaboration with this timeless masterpiece :
Hi sirs from venerable and indispensable DG
Give me the necessary and indispensable; permission to transform your excelent video from this masterpiece
the: Organ Sonata No. 4, BWV 528: II. Andante from Bach yn a true movie format 21 9 ratio.
I did it for Cliburn org preservering the historical final were Yum cham Lim was the with justice the great winner.of the demanding competion
Just watch :
"ENHANCED Video&Audio by Yan AYRTON Yunchan Lim’s Rach 3rd Concerto Winner Competition final June2022"
Just compare it with the original video provided in 16 9 ratio by the Cliburn org and you easely will understand what I am capable of through technological skill devoted to the Art of Music.
Awairing your ansewer I will post this your video today on my channel and you import it here. Sincerely, the young Komponist Yan Ayrton
Vielen ❤ dank 🙏🔯🕎♾️💟⚛️🛐✡️✡️✝️☮️☯️☪️
Bach's music is an endless reflection and an infinite tribute to the beauty of God.
Absolutely beautifully put.
I concede that it is difficult to accept that Bach's music has been conceived by a mere mortal, but it isn't conclusive proof for the existence of a god. Perhaps humanity is underrated?
@@pjmvdbroek Humanity is underrated without God. Humanism actually lowered the status of humanity by depriving him of the quasi "divine" status religion gave him. The fact we now only revel in the worst aspects of humanity is probably a consequence of that, because once you cut off man from that which is above him everything about him becomes "hypocrisy" after which you can only be "honest" and "real" by focusing on what is below him.
@@sophiaperennis2360 Spot on.
I am in awe with Olafsson's control of individual notes in a chord, such that he can express the melody out of he overall score. Absolutely amazing!
It's the same for me.
One of the most difficult things to get right which most people who know how to play the piano even don't know about basically.
Inarguably one of the greatest pieces of music ever written.
"The aim and final purpose of all music shall be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul"
-- Johann Sebastian Bach
I consider Bach to be a major refreshment of my pitiful soul! And that it should be..
Mission accomplished.
I can't remember where this quote comes from but here it is anyway : '' God should be grateful to Bach because the music of Bach proves the existence of God '' .
@@sizzlinglizzi1345 Nice quote, but it´s not true.
@@thomasakerberg6765 Well it should be !
Once you have listened to Bach, nothing else matters (in terms of music).
Bach shows us that there is another world somewhere.
Heaven, and this is a foretaste.
Bach, Lizst, Alkan, Prokofiev, Beethoven - greatest composer's ever
@@chezbe who is Alkan?
@@alexandercoates8317 check his works, Concerto for solo piano for example
J. S. Bach always delivers.
So does UPS
So does UPS.
So does UPS
Hello ... do not hesitate to subscribe to my youtube channel, I play the piano thank you ...
Bach's music is a ray of light that pierces the darkness of our age...
Saw it yesterday as an encore in Brussels. Stunning. The entire concert hall was in awe.
lucky you!
I heard him in Manchester in September. Everyone just seemed to hold their breath. Wonderful
In this Vikingur's interpretation this composition really bursts into life. Indeed there's somethin prayer-like in the composition. I have listened to this numerous times yet not a single time without tears. This really penetrates through all defences. Thank you for this.
I'm tearing up as I read your comment!
Your comments over dramatic but this song definitely fills the church and it shows the level of power Bach possessed
Not "over dramatic" comment whatsoever. Lovely 🌹 comment actually.
Your comment💯🌞 bursts my heart 💔💛💙 Thank you for this👍♥️, you found the words what I was thinking when listening to this super interpretation of an Iceland 🇮🇸pianist
...penetrating through all defences... it couldn't be expressed better.
The build-up, the rising tension, the dragging heartbeat with every measure, with the predictable but unresolved ending, leaving us where we started, mesmerised but haunted. What drama, what glory!
잊고 살아왔던 본연의 빛을 신의 음성같은 소리로 깨닫게 해주는것 같습니다. 지금 그대로 우리 모두는 온전한 존재라고.
Spent all day listening to this piece over and over again. So clear, imaginative and delicate. Thank you so much.
I am a devoted Wagnerian. I attend the Bayreuth festival almost every year, and cannot get enough of his music. Still, I always say that Bach was the greatest composer who has ever lived. No one compares, not even close.
Ich stimme zu. Bach, Beethoven und Wagner waren die größten Komponisten.
아이슬란드의 자연도 아름답고, 바흐의 음악도 아름답고, Vikingur의 연주도 아름답다.. All is perfact!!!👍👍👍
バッハの信仰 深遠な世界 澄んだ音に息をのんだ 何度も聴き入った 素晴らしい
The steps to heaven, forever climbing.
I am sitting in my backyard listening to this with tears of joy. Nothing compares to Bach and this is a wonderful interpretation.
The piano version transfers this masterpiece on an other level.
The climax section in this version is different from the original score. A faster part in the right hand. But I like it: I think it adds to the climax, and it also sound "Bachian" to me.
Люди! Те, которые не вникают, или не понимают эту музыку! Неужели вы не слышите, как капли, потоки и струи воды благословенного РУЧЬЯ, льются и звенят, колокольчиками по камушкам, перетекая всё дальше и дальше, падая с высоты, и затихая среди глыб?! Вслушайтесь! Это вечная музыка, родившаяся благодаря гению великого Иоганна! Как прекрасно звучит это совершенство, написанное для органа, как оно звучит на фортепиано! А ведь некоторые слушатели даже и не подозревают, что великий композитор, даже если и попробовал сыграть тогда на первых, ещё несовершенных инструментах под названием фортепиано, даже, если и осознал замечательное их звучащее будущее, но ведь к тому времени, большая часть его произведений уже создана для других инструментов! А как звучит! Величие музыкального гения....
Every time I hear him play this movement, I can't turn it off. The accompanying "music video" is a bit odd but extremely apropos for the strange world we find ourselves living in today, living in New Jersey, USA we have been on lockdown for over a week with no end in the near future. It is almost as if these people in the video have been shuttered inside for days, months even. And now they are free to walk outside and actually SEE the new world around them... I probably am making too much out of it BUT this is most certainly worth 5 1/2 minutes of your day. Listen, reflect, relax, and let Bach do what he does best; connect us to some higher being.
Ian Hoblitzell I am completely agree with you, Bach had linked us with our soul.
I’m addicted to this movement also. It just blows me away. Greetings from Saskatchewan Canada, stay safe!
would be better with the Bach-Marcello adagio for harpsichord concerto (but just the piano solo version)
@@displaychicken Vive le Seskatchewan libre! (Omg. Vivent mes USA libres! I hope against hope I/we can walk out our door some fine Monday morning, free as Iceland to renew ourselves and rebuild what already has been destroyed. Bach is my witness!!
I keep listening to this recording and others he has done. Deutsche Grammaphone is making interesting recordings of him.
Ich liebe diesen Vikingur 😍
Als Oma kann ich das mal unverdächtig schreiben !
Er ist ein begnadeter Interpret meines Lieblingskomponisten !
Perfect tempo and cantabile. Andante walk. Procession to the lamp of Bach' s incandescent Beauty.
Hello ... do not hesitate to subscribe to my youtube channel, I play the piano thank you ...
I had the privilege of seeing and listening to this piece played by Vikingur Wednesday evening, here in Los Angeles at the WDCH, as his encore. Tears flowed. Transcendence. Beauty. Joy. This man with the music of Bach flowing through him to the world is to experience the ineffable made manifest.
This is one of the most beautifully filmed music videos I’ve ever seen. What a perfect compliment to Bach’s music. The mystery of each person walking is a novel in itself. I’m truly overwhelmed by the power and majesty of the performance and of course the brilliance of Bach.
What? I think it's horrendous.
Ah, Bach speaks to us from that other place.
I'm glad *you* liked it. I thought it distinctly odd.
By contrast, I liked the piece - not one I'm familiar with, but I really enjoyed the interplay between the left- and right-hand melodies, and it was beautifully played. I'll be back to hear it again before long.
Mystery? What mystery? There is no mystery here. It is plain and simple that each person stands in awe of Bach's music and of the brilliance of its interpretation by the pianist, Olafsson. However, let's give credit to where credit is due and that is to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ who created Bach in His own image and placed in his soul the inspiration and ability to create beautiful music that glorified Him so that all of humanity would know that nothing can be created apart from what God has placed in each of us. To God be the glory now and forever more!!
It's a bunch of scruffs walking about
Cet arrangement est un pure merveille, un instant de grâce, un moment d'une profondeur, d'une intensité, sans égal. Seul Bach et tous ceux qui par leurs transcriptions l'ont comprit, est capable de générer autant d'émotions. Merci et bravos.
Музыка Баха- это вселенная! Она объединяет людей,она жизнеутверждающа и дает надежду на добро и свет !
Очень понравилось исполнение своей глубиной и мощью звучания! Очень интересное видео, оно завораживает своей необычностью! Благодарю за это наслаждение!
One of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. I had never heard it before, and I am truly touched by it. The highest praise goes to Vikingur for his musicality. This piece makes me feel like people in the video, incredibly moved.. Thank you to everyone involved in creating this gem.
You haven't heard of it because it was originally written for Organ and the organ repertoire is the most unrecognised in the world of music, now that you have heard this one you may check the other trio sonatas and Bach's complete organ works, he's the greatest to ever exist
@@tahaouhabi3520 More of Bach's great organ pieces should be performed on the piano, or even by an orchestra. Organ music is an acquired taste, and many people don't care for it.
@@davehshs651 I completely agree, years ago when I started listening to classical/baroque music I obviously liked the piano the violin and then I stumbled upon a Video of Wolfgang Stockmeier's recording of Bach's organ work, the title was bach complete organ works by Wolfgang Stockmeier, couple of minutes into the video I was like "why did nobody tell me about this before" it was like I found my treasure, without exaggeration I think the day I discovered that recording is the best day of my life
Wow You are quite right! Brilliant wise and amazing analisys yours.Bravo for this..Go to my channel in the section } latest videos | posted and see what I done with this Bach short and dense eloquent masterpiece.Pure transcendental. This gem will shinne as never before.All the best for you . Yan Ayrton a young composer from Germany. expressing his technological unique skills to the love to Art.
people who are driven by the soul-ringing sound
The melody of the organ sonata is so beautiful
Lovely playing by Vikingur! His hands are so soft on the keys, like the morning sun kissing the flowers.
I love this performance. Very contemporary, very smooth.
Несомненно - Бах велик! Это гений на все времена! Это мысли, эмоции и чувства, достигающие каждого, самого затаенного уголка сознания! Это и ветер, и восход солнца, и звёздное небо, и поле и море, и РУЧЕЙ, но ... но только на другой планете, в другой Вселенной....
Les œuvres de Bach sont une expression de l'âme, une représentation de ce que l'espèce humaine peut créer de plus absolu, une résonance dans l'éternité.
WOW coincido con usted!!!👏👏👏
I've been listening to it for years now, but I can't forget the shock I felt when I first heard it. I was reminded of the greatness of Bach along with his wonderful performance.
Очень Люблю Баха, и очень давно... Вашу композицию слушаю довольно часто,и не по разу за день, и не могу наслушаться... Как то так. 10 00 Благодарностей от всей Души!!! 🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹😇😇😇👋👋👋
I just lost my spouse a few days ago This video helps me everyday Bach is so beautiful here The video gives me a sense of all of us journeying toward a far better and profound place Thank you Gary
Hope you're managing ok my man. I'm so sorry.
@@Eleutherarch Hello Thank you, I still miss him very much, but trying to make myself carry on. I've gone back to work at my home improvement store which is helping a lot. Thanks for your very kind reply. I still listen to this beautiful piece most days and it still helps as well. Gary
@@garyhinks9635 I'm very glad to read that you're getting back to your feet. I don't think it will ever become easy.
Work can be good and if it's helping you, that's great. Do you play piano or an instrument? If not, it'd be an excellent hobby to pursue. Occupies time, distracts, sharpens the mind, etc. You're never too old and perhaps with every Bach piece you tackle, you could dedicate it privately to his memory. Just a thought.
Best wishes - pulling for ya.
So sorry to hear that. To me, this music is sadness redeemed by beauty. It can heal. It helps us accept the pain that cannot be separated from life. Give yourself to the music and you will see.
@@markharder3676 Hi Mark. Thanks so much for your reply. This is indeed a very special piece of music. It is always a joy to hear every time I come back to listen. As I am getting older I realize just how important the music we listen to can be to take us away to our happy place. It is especially so wonderful how it can bring back memories with just a few notes. Thanks again for replying-it was nice to see this after all this time. Take care, Gary
I keep listening to this over and over. I just can't get enough. I speaks to me on some very deep level.
Աստվածային, շնորհակալություն
I had long lasting goose bumps, walking streets those days, seeing just covered faces, 1/100 people on streets, invisible fear in the air... and my headphones were articulating this pristine music with a lot of hope inside...
What incredible music! Thank you God for giving us Bach.🙏🙂🙏
Evolution gave us Bach.
So beautiful. You can listen to it over and over again
A spirit more than a song. Shadows of sound, where the divine abounds. Breathtaking.
Here is the Beloved God of Music : Johann Sebastian Bach....Thank you God for this wonderful gift
This music comes from humanity.
Víkingur Ólafsson has total control of his instrument and of the spirit with which Bach wrote this piece. It is an absolutely amazing performance. Ég er sannarlega hrifinn af hæfileikum þínum, Víkingur. Ísland, svo lítið land með svo mikla hæfileika! Kveðja af Ástralíu.
I’ve listened to a number of performances of Víkingur Ólafsson playing the wonderful piano transcription by Stradal of the Andante from Bach’s Organ Sonata No 4, BWV 528. This one I find intensely moving at many levels. Víkingur’s playing is perfect and he brings out the various voices so very well. I cannot identify the piano, not Steinway, but it is so well suited for this piece, the base register has a wonderful quality. This is definitely one of those times when I love the transcription better than the organ original! This small piece, in addition to the outstanding quality of the playing, is so filled with beauty and emotion that set against the video can reduce me to tears. Truly a deeply moving experience. Many thanks Víkingur
What a great composition, only Bach can compose a piece that sounds so simple yet complex, so minimalist yet full of life. Not forget to mention Vikingur's interpretation really brings out every Bach's characteristics.
I heard this on BBC Radio 4's Front Row and it's absolutely sublime. So beautiful.
Me too - it brought tears to my eyes. I just had to hear him play it again.
@@stevebayliss6812 Same here too. Very glad I caught that particular Front Row, and this gets even better with further listening.
@@hilarymarchant4537 That's how I came to it, and have listened many times to it since the broadcast. Sublime.
Like moths to a flame, the profound beauty of the music of J S Bach mesmerizes all
I thought I had already heard all the masterpieces. Where has this been all my life?
Have you heard Bach's BWV721? it's sublime!
I'm tearing up! Watching these strange people with similar clothing in the beautiful vast Icelandic landscape, then to watch them watch and experience Vikingur... we are no longer watching them, we are with them, thanks to this incredible music and artist... Chills!!! Thank you so much for this, please do more music videos!!!
This is one of my favourite videos on You Tube. The music has so much emotion and is exceptional. The videography is so beautifully done on so many levels, close ups, blurres scenes, the models and actors. Everything about this is so beautiful. I get lost in this everytime I see and hear it. ❤
Touched by God....there is nothing more than Bach before you reach the divine. This interpretation by Vikingur is magisterial and marvellous...building and building, lifting higher and higher…
No. Created by Bach.
Vikingur Òlafsson interpretation of this wonderful organ sonata is probably the best one I ever heard
Addicted to Bach. His music says everything I want to say but can't put into words 💛
This video captures completely my feeling, listening to this piece. It pulls you into an awakening. It draws out the heart and challenges it to beat along.
this music transcends time. Bach is alive in his music.
The directing, the editing, the lighting, the story, the place, the pianist, the piece.............. Everything's perfect !
I can not thank u as much as u deserved: This brought me back to the piano, after 10 years of absence, after playing and studying piano since I was 6 years old. Now I am 41 and have rediscovered it and it's bringing a lot of joy for my wife and me (and hopefully for the neighbours, though practising isnt always a joy to hear😅)
Thank you, Mr. Ólafsson!!
Sigue estudiando y siempre disfrutando con cada nota.
What a lovely story... from one pianist to another
Cette petite ritournelle est prodigieuse. Des motifs musicaux répétés qui dégagent une vraie force. Bravo pour cette interprétation.
What a very beautiful transcription, and Olafsson's performance is maginificent.
Heard this for the first time yesterday evening when he played this for his encore at The Proms. Absolutely extraordinary, have played it 7 times already.
I also heard this for the first time when listening to the Prom. At first, I couldn't believe it was Bach it felt so modern. I've listened to this recording and also again to the live performance on BBC Sounds and I think the live performance surpasses this recording. If it's still available, try to catch the live version.
@@keithwilkinson7761 I made a DVD of the prom concert. I got a copy of the sheet music for this piece but I'm going to have to get help with the fingering. I don't care how many months practice it takes, I am determined to be eable to enjoy playing it.
@@pippawall1875 Good luck with this. Further to my earlier post, I find someone has had the foresight to post a video of the live Proms performance here,видео.html. Compare the two and see if you agree with me that the live performace is better than the recorded one.
@@keithwilkinson7761 I've now compared the 2 videos and the recording on the CD I just bought, and I do much prefer the Proms version. It was just one of those moments and performances that has something extra.
This, just for the perfection of it, brings tears to my eyes.
This video is absolutely fantastic. Olafsson interpretation of Bach is beautiful and the video it self, color of the clothing the choice of faces
And every detail the march towards the piano is a masterpiece of interpretation and understanding Bach
I have no idea how many times I heard an saw it
La grandezza di un musicista si vede da come suona Bach... Bravo ragazzo! Non fermarti mai!! Ascoltarti é essere un attimo in Paradiso..💜
One of the most powerful, beautiful things I've heard in a long time. It reminds me what great music does: it brings us together. And the question isn't why do we love music, but why does it love us? Who can fail to feel this emotion here, be overwhelmed by it even, as i feel so privileged to be.
Once again proof that Bach is the greatest composer that ever lived. I had never heard of these organ pieces transcribed for piano. I have once commented here on a glorious cantata sung by die Bach Stiftung from Switzerland. And now these transcriptions. The glory of his music is endless and timeless!
Wow, stunning. I have listened to Bach pretty much all my life, but I hadn’t heard this one before. Another testament of utter beauty.
BWV 528 is quite famous. What did you listen to I wonder.
This guy is superior. I didn't need the people walking around. I want to watch him play.
Go watch him play then. This is a music video.
I had the pleasure of seeing him play and it was a wonderful and breathtaking experience. 😮 I wished I had 1000 ears.
@@JohannSebastianWainwright oh, it's a music video! How insightful of you. You must all sorts of wise observations.
How it’s possible a music which have 300 years seems still modern ?
Bach is a wizard which travel the times
masterfully done! I don't think I've heard anyone that has a touch like this young man does. He gets so many different tone colors at the same time he controls the dynamics even for each individual voice and brings it all together. He takes such a great approach to the music and he's not copying anyone. He's like a new comment on Bach which is really nice to have in spite of the fact that I am already happy with what we have. I think it means that Bach wonders will never cease.
Let's also admire the beautiful work Magnús Leifsson did. What a captivating video!
the beginning and the end of all music, that is what bach is ...
Coeli enarant gloriam Dei. Les cieux racontent la gloire de Dieu. Ce mouvement introductif de cantate, devenu 1er mvt de la 4éme sonate en trio, sonne magnifiquement sous vos doigts au piano. Le crescendo nous entraine. Il est impressionnant. Demain je l’emporte pour mes vacances bretonnes. Merci. Bonjour
The master of Baroque ,Classic and Romantic ,all together. BACH THE GREAT
That interpretation is for the history books, unmatched. Father Bach lifts us up from darkness and depression, thanks for this video.
This reminds me of covid lock down when I first discovered this piece. It reminds me of the stillness and the refocus of my life that I much needed at that time. It's such a beautiful and powerful piece.
Olafsson is a genius, he truly captures the mood of the music while building on the beautiful melody of Bach's music. Each repetition is different, such a beautiful performance. ❤️💙❤️
I found myself become one of them... watching you. I listened this music for the first time today... and keep watching this... more than 10 times. I fall in love with Bach’s music💕