SPOILER WARNING!!! I am watching all Star Wars in Chronological order; I have seen the Original Trilogy but nothing else beyond the Kenobi so please be careful of spoilers in the comments.
16:27 we knew this since the inquisitor intereogated kanan in season 1. In the Bad batch season 1 episode 1 it is also mentioned. Caleb Dume is the name of kanan when he was a padawan but change it to try to avoid imperials finding him
The painting in the wall the Loth-Wolf disappeared through was specifically a painting of the Lothal Jedi Temple. Speaking of which, the starry effect on the floor happened before, the same occurred when Ezra spoke to Yoda both times in the Temple, a room of stars.
Because Kanan is so good with the force now, he can orientate in every place easily without looking, so you could almost forget his handicap. But when he asks Ezra to describe the paintings on a wall, we get the reminder that he is actually blind.
10:43 "how have you people stayed alive so long?!" Ryder's comment had humorous disbelief. Loved it. 😂 I don't know how I never notice a Yoda- like creature on the walls. I wonder if it's actually him. That episode was weird, but trust me, it's about to get a whole lot weirder. 😅 I may not agree with Saw's level of extremism, but I get why he just likes going on the attack. Waiting is the worst thing you can do when something needs to be done ASAP. Sometimes it's too reckless though, like when Tech died because the explosion he created with thermal explosives caused a power surge on the rail line in The Bad Batch. 29:05 another "hello there". 😂😂 "Ohhhh, is that what I sound like?" That was way too funny. 🤣 Ezra's Trandosian impersonation I think was actually pretty good. I don't think it was on him. The guy on the other end was just too smart. 😅 Ezra's definitely still got some darkness in him, being like "watch out" as the lizard dude boiled to death. I think the reason why the Lothal plains are being burned is to expose the surface to see if there's any ores/minerals.
Yeah, Rukh's the one Thrawn sent to test Morgan back when he recruited her. Name-wise, Rukh's a callback to the Thrawn's bodyguard of the same name from the non-canon books he originated from.
The construction spheres aren't manufacturing TIE Defenders, we know they're made in a facility on the surface. My headcanon is that they process the ores gathered by the ore crawlers (who also cause most of the destruction we've seen on Lothal) which then go to the factories. This would be a smart move on Thrawn's part as the Rebels couldn't infiltrate his defenses by impersonating a cargo ship.
I don't think you got this in the video: The rebels discovered the empire has made this "new" protocol, "Protocol 13" which is where all imperial personal evacuate the planet. No doubt in preparation for use of the Death star later.
Alderaan hasn't been evacuated yet as the Death Star isn't fully complete, and there wasn't much of an Imperial prescence there to begin with. Protocol 13 is really just in case they blow up a planet or need to evacuate a planet for some other reason occupied by the Empire. But the Death Star was the main motivator behind its creation.
I just realized there should be a critical flaw in the fancy tie-fighter....remember how the empire can use a kill switch to make it's wings fall off? Just do that...create something that triggers their kill switch to activate and their wings will fall off lol. You just need to make something that sends a single that triggers the kill switch which each ship would have already.
Calleb Dume, AKA Kanan Jarrus for unexplained reason seem to be known to one of the Loth Wolfs... Whether or not this is because of the Force itself channeling it's will trough the Loth Wolfs or something, we have no idea. The force is always mysterious in it's abilities and what it does. Hell, it's like what Zeb said "This is good, when it gets weird like this, that's a good thing.". Other than that, the Mining guild is stripping the planet for resources to give to Sienar Fleet System so they can produce the TIE Defender on Lothal for the Imperial Navy. And fun fact, the harvester seen that the Mining guild operates here seem to reassemble an Imperial vehicle from Legends called a World Devastator, a Massive, Star Destroyer sized spaceship droid weapons factory that entered planets, stripping them of resources to build Starfighter and stuff for the Empire, while also simultaneously building on themselves to increase strength, power and effectiveness. Meaning they not only can vary somewhat in appearance, but they slowly grow bigger and more powerful with time. Though none ever grew to much more than around maybe 5 km in length I think... Still massive, but not like, a superweapon factory or something. Speaking of superweapon factory. Back before the time of the Galactic Republic, between 36'000 BBY and 25'000 BBY, the Rakata Infinite Empire ruled supreme, and THEY had made a superweapon called the Star Forge. Now, the Star Forge didn't operate as a superweapon in the traditional sense, it didn't destroy things itself, however, by sucking out the energy of a Star, a dark side force user could in essence control it to create an INFINITE supply of warship, weapons, war droids and other war materiel at quite a fast pace. After the Rakata eventually got defeated and the Republic was established, the Star Forge was forgotten about and left hidden for tens of thousands of years. by 3959 BBY, newly christened Sith, Darth Revan found the Star Forge and used it's power to establish a new Sith Empire that thanks to Revan's tactical genius, was able to bring the Republic to it's knees. Though after Revan suffered from Amnesia and were found by some surviving Jedi, Revan would returned to the light and helped defeat the very Empire he established, destroying the Star Forge in the process.
A fun fact about the the Ghost and construction sphere scene. Originally, the millennium falcon would escape the death star by flying through it going at light speed. There is a Ralph McQuarrie oil painting depicting that scene. 50 years later we see what could’ve been.
"Protocol 13: All Imperial Personnel must evacuate an occupied planet." Hmm, what could the Empire do to a planet that would require them leaving beforehand?
Let's start with Thrawn and his perspective. He knows that the Rebellion is beginning to actively operate on Lothal. He sees that Pryze has absolutely no control over the events. Conclusion: Pryze's incompetence may give or has already given the Rebellion a chance to organize, which may allow the destruction of the TIE defender factory. And we saw that Thrawn's observations were correct. Hera escaped to begin organizing an attack by the main Rebel forces and forces from Lothal. In response to this, Thrawn took an active step by sending Rukh. His goal is to eliminate rebel command on Lothal. However, from Thrawn's perspective, he is supposed to buy him time to prepare a defense and adapt to what the Rebellion has done. Because let's agree that instead of running around meadows and mountains, our heroes could have calmly started reconnaissance in these episodes. This is a good move, but I think it's not the best. In my opinion, the best thing would be to completely exclude Pryze now and add Thrawn's right-hand man, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, to the fight. Palleon is an excellent strategist, diplomat and administrator. In legends after Thrawn's death he was the one who finished his campaign and finally signed a peace treaty with the New Republic in which the galaxy was divided and not completely conquered by the Rebellion/New Republic. The reason why Thrawn didn't do it now and didn't get rid of Pryze is intriguing to me. On the one hand it suggests that Pryze has a very strong back, most likely has the protection of Tarkin himself or Thrawn needs her for political play which is also likely. On the other hand she shows many times that she is afraid of Thrawn after something doesn't work out for her, but here the question is whether this fear is justified and whether she herself is aware of her position or maybe Thrawn played too passively. As for Rukh In legends he is presented as Thrawn's silent bodygurd fully trained for combat and "dirty missions". This race are warriors and hunters who consider defeat a disgrace and unworthiness. We saw this in the example of when Morgan defeated him - At this point he would rather die than admit defeat but it was Pellaeon's order that ended the fight. What is worth noting is that in the legends it is he who kills Thrawn after Thrawn has suffered defeat. Well this was something that Thrawn did not foresee and had no right to foresee. Now the wolves. It's getting weird, I know. Here we have an example of teleportation, which confirms that these are materialized spiritual beings. If you look at the paintings, you will see history from the past, for example you noticed Yoda. There is one more thing that the paintings show: man turning into a wolf. And that is why many fans believe that these are spiritual beings that have already existed in another form. As I said earlier, I gave the example of "Jedi Mark" whose Force transformed into an independent new being after his death, a wolf. So the existence of these wolves does not come from the Force itself like Mortis Gods, but from the power of someone (person) - in this case, "Jedii Mark's power". (Plus I've seen theories that these wolves could be a result of the Je'daii were here - the de facto predecessor of the Jedi order. That would be an interesting connection)
I probably should have mentioned this before, but Rebels is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to re-using voice actors. For example, this (12:30) TIE Bomber pilot in the first episode is voiced by Hera's voice actress, Vanessa Marshall. And this (35:41) stormtrooper commander is voiced by Zeb's voice actor Steve Blum. If I had to guess, this would probably be down to budget. This would make sense seeing as Rebels in 2018 looks about the same in animation quality as Clone Wars in 2011.
Well, to be fair, Dee, Bradley Baker, probably outplayed all of his voice actors lol. But yeah, it was a budgetary problem. Star Wars rebels had less than a half of the budget of TCW per episode. For instance, Ashley Eckstein played A-Wing Pilot Dicer which helps because Ashoka was only in the very end of the episode.
The battle to free Lathol is being put together and you already know it's going to be intense. You've started thinking about the second reason why Palpatine is interested in Lathol, so you can feel that getting closer also. All I can say Ben is to hold on to your seat, because there's no more slowing down from this point forward.
Rukh uses an electrostaff. They were first seen being used by the Separatist MagnaGuards but have also been used by a ton of other factions like criminal syndicates, pirates and the Empire (other parts of the Empire).
Yeah Kanan's real name Caleb Dume was actually mentioned by Maul back in season 3 when he captured the Ghost Crew and wanted the Holocrons, and remember back in the season 2 premiere Minster Tua mentioned that Palpatine had personally ordered a mission be carried out on Lothal
8:48 Those things are called TX-225 Gavr "Occupier" theres another that is more faster its called TX-130 (it can possibly match a speeder speed) good against infantry and vehicle's it was mostly forgotten by the galactic republic while it was officially return in the canon video game Star wars rebels: Imperial Heist
So, the mining guild are a part of a much larger conglomerate called the Commerce Guild. The specifics dont really matter but they are indeed a sperate entity that has a seat in the Imperial Senate and serves the Empire refining fuel or in this case mining for ore directly on Lothal. If you think episode 7 was weird.... you just wait. It gets weirder (as you already since youve reacted to some of the weirdness. We also finally get confirmation: the Rebel attack on Lothal is happening. It was a major point throughout S3 before it got stalled by the Ambush on Attalon but its finally happening. How successful will it be? Only time shall tell...
You just answered your own question about the wolves😂 Pretty close to what's going on in mother nature fighting back. Force trying to find balance. Little more to it though
"...and it makes me think they're giving you something light and funny before this coming battle." "Just from the tone of this episode I don't think it's going to go well." Ehehehe... oh boi I'm not ready to experience this all over again...
I think the cave painting's resemblance to Yoda was just a coincidence. But the people coming from the sky probably represents the Empire. And these cave paintings were probably made thousands of years ago.
Remember the space whales that jumped to lightspeed? Well these wolves can trigger a similar thing lol. Lightspeed through a cave...cause why the heck not.
This episode marks the first appearance of Rukh, who alongside Thrawn first appeared in the original (now Legends) Thrawn trilogy from the 90s. He was also Thrawn's bodyguard/assassin there. Funnily enough Rukh was much more of a sympathetic character in those books, and actually ended up betraying and killing Thrawn (that doesn't end up happening here). He and by extension his species the Noghri have had a bit of a redesign here. In Legends they looked very dinosaur like (a bit like Trandoshans but gray) while here they look more like the stereotypical gray alien as you pointed out. This is probably because Rebels is a kids show and the old design looked like a Xenomorph quite a bit.
Yay, first!, I'm not entirely fond of Rukh's design. He's a Noghri a dinosaur-ish species from the original Thrawn novels. Think similar to Trandoshans. Rukh gere looks too... human. Noghri are a species of saurian humanoids which are very, and I mean VERY proficient at combat, espionage, assassination, sabotage and bodyguarding. They are loyal to the end and rarely outmatched. Edit 1: it has been a long debated subject whether or not Hyperspace is an aspect of the Force itself, seeing as it not only breaks the rules of physics but also seems to exist outside time and space to a degree. Rebels leans into this debate and points into that direction, it seems. First with the Purgil (whales) then with the Loth Wolves, and later on with... other stuff. It seems to indicate that Hyperspace is indeed part of the Force. In the new Thrawn Novels there's also indication of it, as there is a direct link between Hyperspace capabilities and the regular flow of the Force. That's why the Chiss (Thrawn's species) have far more hyperspace mobility than most other species, as it seems the Force behaves differently within Unknown Regions and Force Sensitives are far rarer there. Edit 2: the magnetically sealed door is a nod to the KotOR games that I LOVED. For gameplay mechanics, there are certain doors that are completely inaccessible, whenever this happens it is either because they are shielded or magnetically sealed. Whenever the latter happens in the KotOR games a message appears that reads "This door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened". So, now it is canon again haha.
Yeah, I agree completely. Their face is supposed to be elongated with a bunch of jagged sharp teeth. Maybe that was after another six years of radiation exposure on their home world.
You seriously cannot believe that was the first time they kissed. They’ve been together for nine years between one and three of those years they were alone together. She was 18 when they first met, and he is the only man she’s ever been with. If it wasn’t for his ungodly self control, (which I can’t believe he has considering where he started in the novel) the ship would’ve been full of kids.
Rebels Season 4 pretty much ends where Episode 4 begins ( or a few months prior). The original trilogy spans about 4 years. So not quite at the end of the Empire, but in the last quarter of its reign
Wouldn't say Rook is smart like Thrawn but he has been around Thrawn a lot and obviously Thrawn would inform Rook on all the information he would need to be effective.
As aforementioned in Season 3, Rukh is Thrawn's personal bodyguard/assasin. And he lives up to it too. And he IS the guy who fought Elsbeth in Tales of the Empire. Why he's unaware that Ezra Bridger is a Jedi is a mystery to me though. Zeb is strong AF. Just casually chucked a hyperdrive on his shoulder and lugged it around like a sack of rocks. Kanan and Hera are strongly suggested to have been together since before the events of this series. They just do a very poor job of hiding it, assuming they wanted to hide it. Hera's skills as a pilot go unmatched. Escaping Lothal past Thrawn's blockade in a slow-ahh U-Wing with a hyperdrive they just... shoved in it by jumping into hyperspace through a construction pod is ridiculous.😮 The Wolves have a sort of Semi-Hyperspace ability that allows them to take them anywhere on the planet, and appear and disappear at will. How it works- I have no idea. The crawler is used to burn the planets surface to extract materials to fuel the Empire's factories. It makes a great mobile base of sorts. Would've liked for Ezra and Zeb to pick up clean wins against their lizard-like opponents. Im sure if they somehow ran it back, Zeb and Ezra would wipe the floor with them though. Ezras way too big to be going though those vents now. Should've sent Sabine since Ezra should be taller than her now. The Battle of Lothal is next, can't wait.
I'm pretty sure other people already said this in the comments on the last video, but showrunner Dave Filoni has a weird obsession with wolves. I don't know if that makes him a furry, but it's definitely not healthy.
Hey just thought I’d clear up some confusion you had about the mortis gods. They don’t represent aspects of the force, but rather aspects of life. i.e. the daughter = selflessness, the son = selfishness. Because of this, the daughter was more prone to the light and the son was more prone to the dark. Not that the son is the dark and the daughter the light and the father the balance between them, because the force just doesn’t work that way. As stated numerous times in the arc itself, the son falls to the dark side in the arc, not that he was the dark side. You have the correct understanding about the force that the light is the force and the dark is a corruption/perversion. The mortis arc doesn’t contradict this, but unfortunately the arc itself struggles to make this clear, and often confuses people even more as it did you. On another note, once you are done all the Star Wars shows and movies, if you are willing,I would love for you to go into some of the games, especially Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. It is some of the best Star Wars out there and it’d be a shame if you didn’t experience it. If you have any more questions about the mortis gods and the force, I’d love to answer them.
Ben is the average SW fan for this episode. Totally just giving up on reasoning and trying to understand what is happening with the Loth-Wolves and just accepting he'll never understand them. My friend, you're not supposed to understand the Loth-Wolves, you just watch and embrace the weirdness. 38:39 That mining commander has to b the most absolute pathetic excuse of a fighter to die by a lightsaber without it being activated.
EP 7 has Ruhk make his first appearance since he was in legends with Thrawn in the same trilogy. he is a norgi who's Original appearance was similar to trandoshians but grey. here probably to try to show that he is a different species from boosk and to make it slightly more kid friendly since it is a kids show they went with a more classic alien design very much akin to the greys. in legends he was not just thrawn's assassin and bodyguard but was also the one who killed him. here however that doesn't happen here. his species had sworn loyalty to vader and by extension the empire thanks to a time when he had came and saved them as anakin. in legends he was a bit more sympathetic. after the death of vader and palpatine they were still loyal to the empire and thrawn until at some point Leia had come into contract with one of them and her relation to anakin was reveled. that moment eventually led to a domino effect taht eventually led to thranws death at teh hands of ruhk and them swearing loyalty to leia. she didn't like that and tried to get them to live without their obeying their oath while trying to help them join the new republic. we get the parents the agreeing that they are in fact a thing. with their kids being happy for them. one thing to remember is the fate that happens for a lot of the women to fall in love with jedi in Star wars as a whole. Padme dies of a broken heart while believing there is still good in anakin and satine gets stabbed in front her crush dying in his arms. though it could be that obi-wan is a bad luck as he was around both women when they died. we see the wolves again doing their thing. only the white wolf can speak as its more Intune with the force as the other ones are not in touch with the force and more akin to normal wolves. Caleb dume is something we've know as kanan's real name for sometime. mostly thanks to the grand inquisitor's integration of kanan in season 1. though no one else knows that until now. it unlikely that Hera even knows because if she was captured and vader or another inquisitor was interrogating her they could learn it from her mind. ep 8 ah yes the hesitation to commit another attack on lothal. remember they lost 90% of their fleet and forces along with some of leadership like with Sato. when thrawn found them. and that was them building a force to attack lothal. at this point they've only just rebuilt up enough forces to mirror what was lost. general dodona was there to see what was just short of a massacre and survived. he already has an idea that thrawn will likely beef up security just due to hera escaping which could mean they might not even have enough forces to just break the blockade never mind the ground forces probably ready to deal with their ground forces now that Rukh is there. the mining guild are much like the companies that build the empire warships are often under contracts. the mining guild are the ones who are responsible for why lothal is burning as we saw when the ghost crew arrived with visago. the ores they are mining might be what they need to make the tie defenders meaning it much harder for the rebels to sneak in via cargo ships bringing in supplies from off planet.
Things are getting pretty serious, now! Rukh is very annoying with his proficiency as an assassin, as if we didn't have enough in our plates as it is... Great reaction!
The first Canon appearance of Rukh. I Prefer the old look of the Nogri. They also had some pretty cool weapons as well that are not here either. Stick like weapon that shoots a powerful adhesive web. Their specifies is also known for their stealth. Much like Defels, Noghri skin can absorb light. The are practically invisible in shadows. But here’s they just gave him a holo shroud to spear invisible. Rukh was Thrawn’s bodyguard and enforcer. He almost never be sent out alone. He would have a whole team of Noghri with him. Also fun fact Noghri have a unique martial art and grappling style to fit their very strange physique. On multiple occasions Noghri hunting packs charged with kidnapping Leia so that her unborn children be given to an evils clone of a long dead Jedi Master would best Chewbacca in single hand to hand combat. A feat thought impossible. In other words, his use here is a shallow “hey remember this guy?” and not the compelling character he is in those novels from 1991. Here he is voiced by Warwick Davis “Wicket the Ewok” from The Return of the Jedi. The actor has made a come back to Star Wars and has been in almost every Disney era project so far.
I am watching all Star Wars in Chronological order; I have seen the Original Trilogy but nothing else beyond the Kenobi so please be careful of spoilers in the comments.
"Are they going to come out of the cat's mouth? Is the cat a doorway?"
The worker being locked in the closest and using the vent to escape, exactly what Ezra did the first time he was on The Ghost.
16:27 we knew this since the inquisitor intereogated kanan in season 1. In the Bad batch season 1 episode 1 it is also mentioned. Caleb Dume is the name of kanan when he was a padawan but change it to try to avoid imperials finding him
The painting in the wall the Loth-Wolf disappeared through was specifically a painting of the Lothal Jedi Temple.
Speaking of which, the starry effect on the floor happened before, the same occurred when Ezra spoke to Yoda both times in the Temple, a room of stars.
We saw that long before Rebels. Loth wolves too.
Because Kanan is so good with the force now, he can orientate in every place easily without looking, so you could almost forget his handicap.
But when he asks Ezra to describe the paintings on a wall, we get the reminder that he is actually blind.
Funny how everytime Ezra connects to a force-sensitive animal, his eyes go lightspeed.
10:43 "how have you people stayed alive so long?!"
Ryder's comment had humorous disbelief. Loved it. 😂
I don't know how I never notice a Yoda- like creature on the walls. I wonder if it's actually him.
That episode was weird, but trust me, it's about to get a whole lot weirder. 😅
I may not agree with Saw's level of extremism, but I get why he just likes going on the attack. Waiting is the worst thing you can do when something needs to be done ASAP. Sometimes it's too reckless though, like when Tech died because the explosion he created with thermal explosives caused a power surge on the rail line in The Bad Batch.
29:05 another "hello there". 😂😂
"Ohhhh, is that what I sound like?"
That was way too funny. 🤣
Ezra's Trandosian impersonation I think was actually pretty good. I don't think it was on him. The guy on the other end was just too smart. 😅
Ezra's definitely still got some darkness in him, being like "watch out" as the lizard dude boiled to death.
I think the reason why the Lothal plains are being burned is to expose the surface to see if there's any ores/minerals.
Yeah, Rukh's the one Thrawn sent to test Morgan back when he recruited her.
Name-wise, Rukh's a callback to the Thrawn's bodyguard of the same name from the non-canon books he originated from.
Kanan: "What about the future? What about the future?"
Hera: * kisses him to shut him up *
Kanan: * silent because he got the answer *
The construction spheres aren't manufacturing TIE Defenders, we know they're made in a facility on the surface. My headcanon is that they process the ores gathered by the ore crawlers (who also cause most of the destruction we've seen on Lothal) which then go to the factories. This would be a smart move on Thrawn's part as the Rebels couldn't infiltrate his defenses by impersonating a cargo ship.
I don't think you got this in the video:
The rebels discovered the empire has made this "new" protocol, "Protocol 13" which is where all imperial personal evacuate the planet. No doubt in preparation for use of the Death star later.
Alderaan hasn't been evacuated yet as the Death Star isn't fully complete, and there wasn't much of an Imperial prescence there to begin with. Protocol 13 is really just in case they blow up a planet or need to evacuate a planet for some other reason occupied by the Empire. But the Death Star was the main motivator behind its creation.
I imagine the hybrid plant-sarlac that bad batch showed was also a recent example mentioned when proposing the protocol…
I just realized there should be a critical flaw in the fancy tie-fighter....remember how the empire can use a kill switch to make it's wings fall off? Just do that...create something that triggers their kill switch to activate and their wings will fall off lol. You just need to make something that sends a single that triggers the kill switch which each ship would have already.
Since the Force comes from all life, you could almost look at the Wolves and Lothal as "what if mother nature had the force?".
Calleb Dume, AKA Kanan Jarrus for unexplained reason seem to be known to one of the Loth Wolfs... Whether or not this is because of the Force itself channeling it's will trough the Loth Wolfs or something, we have no idea. The force is always mysterious in it's abilities and what it does. Hell, it's like what Zeb said "This is good, when it gets weird like this, that's a good thing.".
Other than that, the Mining guild is stripping the planet for resources to give to Sienar Fleet System so they can produce the TIE Defender on Lothal for the Imperial Navy. And fun fact, the harvester seen that the Mining guild operates here seem to reassemble an Imperial vehicle from Legends called a World Devastator, a Massive, Star Destroyer sized spaceship droid weapons factory that entered planets, stripping them of resources to build Starfighter and stuff for the Empire, while also simultaneously building on themselves to increase strength, power and effectiveness. Meaning they not only can vary somewhat in appearance, but they slowly grow bigger and more powerful with time. Though none ever grew to much more than around maybe 5 km in length I think... Still massive, but not like, a superweapon factory or something.
Speaking of superweapon factory. Back before the time of the Galactic Republic, between 36'000 BBY and 25'000 BBY, the Rakata Infinite Empire ruled supreme, and THEY had made a superweapon called the Star Forge. Now, the Star Forge didn't operate as a superweapon in the traditional sense, it didn't destroy things itself, however, by sucking out the energy of a Star, a dark side force user could in essence control it to create an INFINITE supply of warship, weapons, war droids and other war materiel at quite a fast pace.
After the Rakata eventually got defeated and the Republic was established, the Star Forge was forgotten about and left hidden for tens of thousands of years. by 3959 BBY, newly christened Sith, Darth Revan found the Star Forge and used it's power to establish a new Sith Empire that thanks to Revan's tactical genius, was able to bring the Republic to it's knees. Though after Revan suffered from Amnesia and were found by some surviving Jedi, Revan would returned to the light and helped defeat the very Empire he established, destroying the Star Forge in the process.
A fun fact about the the Ghost and construction sphere scene. Originally, the millennium falcon would escape the death star by flying through it going at light speed. There is a Ralph McQuarrie oil painting depicting that scene. 50 years later we see what could’ve been.
Oh, I NEED to go look up that painting!
"Protocol 13: All Imperial Personnel must evacuate an occupied planet."
Hmm, what could the Empire do to a planet that would require them leaving beforehand?
Base Delta Zero
Let's start with Thrawn and his perspective.
He knows that the Rebellion is beginning to actively operate on Lothal. He sees that Pryze has absolutely no control over the events.
Conclusion: Pryze's incompetence may give or has already given the Rebellion a chance to organize, which may allow the destruction of the TIE defender factory.
And we saw that Thrawn's observations were correct. Hera escaped to begin organizing an attack by the main Rebel forces and forces from Lothal.
In response to this, Thrawn took an active step by sending Rukh. His goal is to eliminate rebel command on Lothal.
However, from Thrawn's perspective, he is supposed to buy him time to prepare a defense and adapt to what the Rebellion has done.
Because let's agree that instead of running around meadows and mountains, our heroes could have calmly started reconnaissance in these episodes.
This is a good move, but I think it's not the best. In my opinion, the best thing would be to completely exclude Pryze now and add Thrawn's right-hand man, Captain Gilad Pellaeon, to the fight.
Palleon is an excellent strategist, diplomat and administrator.
In legends after Thrawn's death he was the one who finished his campaign and finally signed a peace treaty with the New Republic in which the galaxy was divided and not completely conquered by the Rebellion/New Republic.
The reason why Thrawn didn't do it now and didn't get rid of Pryze is intriguing to me. On the one hand it suggests that Pryze has a very strong back, most likely has the protection of Tarkin himself or Thrawn needs her for political play which is also likely.
On the other hand she shows many times that she is afraid of Thrawn after something doesn't work out for her, but here the question is whether this fear is justified and whether she herself is aware of her position or maybe Thrawn played too passively.
As for Rukh
In legends he is presented as Thrawn's silent bodygurd fully trained for combat and "dirty missions".
This race are warriors and hunters who consider defeat a disgrace and unworthiness. We saw this in the example of when Morgan defeated him - At this point he would rather die than admit defeat but it was Pellaeon's order that ended the fight.
What is worth noting is that in the legends it is he who kills Thrawn after Thrawn has suffered defeat. Well this was something that Thrawn did not foresee and had no right to foresee.
Now the wolves.
It's getting weird, I know.
Here we have an example of teleportation, which confirms that these are materialized spiritual beings.
If you look at the paintings, you will see history from the past, for example you noticed Yoda.
There is one more thing that the paintings show: man turning into a wolf.
And that is why many fans believe that these are spiritual beings that have already existed in another form.
As I said earlier, I gave the example of "Jedi Mark" whose Force transformed into an independent new being after his death, a wolf. So the existence of these wolves does not come from the Force itself like Mortis Gods, but from the power of someone (person) - in this case, "Jedii Mark's power".
(Plus I've seen theories that these wolves could be a result of the Je'daii were here - the de facto predecessor of the Jedi order. That would be an interesting connection)
I probably should have mentioned this before, but Rebels is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to re-using voice actors. For example, this (12:30) TIE Bomber pilot in the first episode is voiced by Hera's voice actress, Vanessa Marshall. And this (35:41) stormtrooper commander is voiced by Zeb's voice actor Steve Blum. If I had to guess, this would probably be down to budget. This would make sense seeing as Rebels in 2018 looks about the same in animation quality as Clone Wars in 2011.
Well, to be fair, Dee, Bradley Baker, probably outplayed all of his voice actors lol. But yeah, it was a budgetary problem. Star Wars rebels had less than a half of the budget of TCW per episode. For instance, Ashley Eckstein played A-Wing Pilot Dicer which helps because Ashoka was only in the very end of the episode.
The battle to free Lathol is being put together and you already know it's going to be intense. You've started thinking about the second reason why Palpatine is interested in Lathol, so you can feel that getting closer also. All I can say Ben is to hold on to your seat, because there's no more slowing down from this point forward.
They remind me of how the space whales could use warp drives. So maybe the dogs can use wormholes/portals?
I like that animals could also use the force to get special abilities.
Also they remind me of Ahsoka owl. It’s force sensitive. N warps/appears anywhere/everywhere.
On re-watches, I started calling the Loth Wolves' mode of travel, interplanetary hyperspace.
i love that rukh returned, his species (the noghri) was definitley one of my favourite parts of the original novels
Rukh uses an electrostaff. They were first seen being used by the Separatist MagnaGuards but have also been used by a ton of other factions like criminal syndicates, pirates and the Empire (other parts of the Empire).
Lol the way the loth wolves are so freaky, they were so ctrange and mystical when i first wqtched these episodes
Yeah Kanan's real name Caleb Dume was actually mentioned by Maul back in season 3 when he captured the Ghost Crew and wanted the Holocrons, and remember back in the season 2 premiere Minster Tua mentioned that Palpatine had personally ordered a mission be carried out on Lothal
8:48 Those things are called TX-225 Gavr "Occupier" theres another that is more faster its called TX-130 (it can possibly match a speeder speed) good against infantry and vehicle's it was mostly forgotten by the galactic republic while it was officially return in the canon video game Star wars rebels: Imperial Heist
Now you understand why I don’t follow all the rules and why half measures can sometimes lead to disaster, especially fear.
The game is levelling up
6:52 His technically already nerf from his novel counterpart (no seriously his more a savage in the novels)
So, the mining guild are a part of a much larger conglomerate called the Commerce Guild.
The specifics dont really matter but they are indeed a sperate entity that has a seat in the Imperial Senate and serves the Empire refining fuel or in this case mining for ore directly on Lothal.
If you think episode 7 was weird.... you just wait. It gets weirder (as you already since youve reacted to some of the weirdness.
We also finally get confirmation: the Rebel attack on Lothal is happening. It was a major point throughout S3 before it got stalled by the Ambush on Attalon but its finally happening. How successful will it be? Only time shall tell...
26:32 The hemispheres are actually geographical. They’re the two halves of the Earth above and below its equator. Thus, all planets have hemispheres.
Rukh's main weapon is a customized version of Grievous' Magnaguard staffs.
You just answered your own question about the wolves😂 Pretty close to what's going on in mother nature fighting back.
Force trying to find balance.
Little more to it though
you have the most remarkable british accent i have ever heard and i find it very charming
"...and it makes me think they're giving you something light and funny before this coming battle."
"Just from the tone of this episode I don't think it's going to go well."
Ehehehe... oh boi I'm not ready to experience this all over again...
Always the weakness with Ezra's disguises, Zeb's scent and hair.
When you watch Episode 11 of Season 4, look closely at the cast during the episode credits.
I think the cave painting's resemblance to Yoda was just a coincidence. But the people coming from the sky probably represents the Empire. And these cave paintings were probably made thousands of years ago.
Remember the space whales that jumped to lightspeed? Well these wolves can trigger a similar thing lol. Lightspeed through a cave...cause why the heck not.
Yes, Rook was in Tales of the Empire.
This episode marks the first appearance of Rukh, who alongside Thrawn first appeared in the original (now Legends) Thrawn trilogy from the 90s. He was also Thrawn's bodyguard/assassin there. Funnily enough Rukh was much more of a sympathetic character in those books, and actually ended up betraying and killing Thrawn (that doesn't end up happening here). He and by extension his species the Noghri have had a bit of a redesign here. In Legends they looked very dinosaur like (a bit like Trandoshans but gray) while here they look more like the stereotypical gray alien as you pointed out. This is probably because Rebels is a kids show and the old design looked like a Xenomorph quite a bit.
Yay, first!, I'm not entirely fond of Rukh's design. He's a Noghri a dinosaur-ish species from the original Thrawn novels. Think similar to Trandoshans. Rukh gere looks too... human.
Noghri are a species of saurian humanoids which are very, and I mean VERY proficient at combat, espionage, assassination, sabotage and bodyguarding. They are loyal to the end and rarely outmatched.
Edit 1: it has been a long debated subject whether or not Hyperspace is an aspect of the Force itself, seeing as it not only breaks the rules of physics but also seems to exist outside time and space to a degree. Rebels leans into this debate and points into that direction, it seems. First with the Purgil (whales) then with the Loth Wolves, and later on with... other stuff. It seems to indicate that Hyperspace is indeed part of the Force. In the new Thrawn Novels there's also indication of it, as there is a direct link between Hyperspace capabilities and the regular flow of the Force. That's why the Chiss (Thrawn's species) have far more hyperspace mobility than most other species, as it seems the Force behaves differently within Unknown Regions and Force Sensitives are far rarer there.
Edit 2: the magnetically sealed door is a nod to the KotOR games that I LOVED. For gameplay mechanics, there are certain doors that are completely inaccessible, whenever this happens it is either because they are shielded or magnetically sealed. Whenever the latter happens in the KotOR games a message appears that reads "This door is magnetically sealed and cannot be opened". So, now it is canon again haha.
Yeah, I agree completely. Their face is supposed to be elongated with a bunch of jagged sharp teeth.
Maybe that was after another six years of radiation exposure on their home world.
You seriously cannot believe that was the first time they kissed. They’ve been together for nine years between one and three of those years they were alone together. She was 18 when they first met, and he is the only man she’s ever been with. If it wasn’t for his ungodly self control, (which I can’t believe he has considering where he started in the novel) the ship would’ve been full of kids.
I really liked how Kanan was smitten by Hera from the sound of her voice before he ever saw her for the first time in that New Dawn novel.
@ that was referenced in the episode he dies it to.
Have you connected the dots that the new Tie Defender is the weapon that Thrawn recruited Morgan Elsbeth to design?
He already knows
Rebels Season 4 pretty much ends where Episode 4 begins ( or a few months prior). The original trilogy spans about 4 years. So not quite at the end of the Empire, but in the last quarter of its reign
Wouldn't say Rook is smart like Thrawn but he has been around Thrawn a lot and obviously Thrawn would inform Rook on all the information he would need to be effective.
As aforementioned in Season 3, Rukh is Thrawn's personal bodyguard/assasin. And he lives up to it too. And he IS the guy who fought Elsbeth in Tales of the Empire. Why he's unaware that Ezra Bridger is a Jedi is a mystery to me though.
Zeb is strong AF. Just casually chucked a hyperdrive on his shoulder and lugged it around like a sack of rocks.
Kanan and Hera are strongly suggested to have been together since before the events of this series. They just do a very poor job of hiding it, assuming they wanted to hide it.
Hera's skills as a pilot go unmatched. Escaping Lothal past Thrawn's blockade in a slow-ahh U-Wing with a hyperdrive they just... shoved in it by jumping into hyperspace through a construction pod is ridiculous.😮
The Wolves have a sort of Semi-Hyperspace ability that allows them to take them anywhere on the planet, and appear and disappear at will. How it works- I have no idea.
The crawler is used to burn the planets surface to extract materials to fuel the Empire's factories. It makes a great mobile base of sorts.
Would've liked for Ezra and Zeb to pick up clean wins against their lizard-like opponents. Im sure if they somehow ran it back, Zeb and Ezra would wipe the floor with them though.
Ezras way too big to be going though those vents now. Should've sent Sabine since Ezra should be taller than her now.
The Battle of Lothal is next, can't wait.
Caleb Dume is Kanan's original name
I'm pretty sure other people already said this in the comments on the last video, but showrunner Dave Filoni has a weird obsession with wolves. I don't know if that makes him a furry, but it's definitely not healthy.
Oh...just realized which 2 epolisodes are next....uhh...🫢
Hey just thought I’d clear up some confusion you had about the mortis gods. They don’t represent aspects of the force, but rather aspects of life. i.e. the daughter = selflessness, the son = selfishness. Because of this, the daughter was more prone to the light and the son was more prone to the dark. Not that the son is the dark and the daughter the light and the father the balance between them, because the force just doesn’t work that way. As stated numerous times in the arc itself, the son falls to the dark side in the arc, not that he was the dark side. You have the correct understanding about the force that the light is the force and the dark is a corruption/perversion. The mortis arc doesn’t contradict this, but unfortunately the arc itself struggles to make this clear, and often confuses people even more as it did you.
On another note, once you are done all the Star Wars shows and movies, if you are willing,I would love for you to go into some of the games, especially Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. It is some of the best Star Wars out there and it’d be a shame if you didn’t experience it.
If you have any more questions about the mortis gods and the force, I’d love to answer them.
The bounty hunters weapons reminds me of Zebs.
Ben is the average SW fan for this episode. Totally just giving up on reasoning and trying to understand what is happening with the Loth-Wolves and just accepting he'll never understand them. My friend, you're not supposed to understand the Loth-Wolves, you just watch and embrace the weirdness.
38:39 That mining commander has to b the most absolute pathetic excuse of a fighter to die by a lightsaber without it being activated.
Had to delete a comment of mind, got confused with when an episode happens so you hadn't seen it yet lol.
You might wanna watch episodes 10 and 11 back to back
EP 7 has Ruhk make his first appearance since he was in legends with Thrawn in the same trilogy. he is a norgi who's Original appearance was similar to trandoshians but grey. here probably to try to show that he is a different species from boosk and to make it slightly more kid friendly since it is a kids show they went with a more classic alien design very much akin to the greys. in legends he was not just thrawn's assassin and bodyguard but was also the one who killed him. here however that doesn't happen here. his species had sworn loyalty to vader and by extension the empire thanks to a time when he had came and saved them as anakin. in legends he was a bit more sympathetic. after the death of vader and palpatine they were still loyal to the empire and thrawn until at some point Leia had come into contract with one of them and her relation to anakin was reveled. that moment eventually led to a domino effect taht eventually led to thranws death at teh hands of ruhk and them swearing loyalty to leia. she didn't like that and tried to get them to live without their obeying their oath while trying to help them join the new republic.
we get the parents the agreeing that they are in fact a thing. with their kids being happy for them. one thing to remember is the fate that happens for a lot of the women to fall in love with jedi in Star wars as a whole. Padme dies of a broken heart while believing there is still good in anakin and satine gets stabbed in front her crush dying in his arms. though it could be that obi-wan is a bad luck as he was around both women when they died.
we see the wolves again doing their thing. only the white wolf can speak as its more Intune with the force as the other ones are not in touch with the force and more akin to normal wolves. Caleb dume is something we've know as kanan's real name for sometime. mostly thanks to the grand inquisitor's integration of kanan in season 1. though no one else knows that until now. it unlikely that Hera even knows because if she was captured and vader or another inquisitor was interrogating her they could learn it from her mind.
ep 8 ah yes the hesitation to commit another attack on lothal. remember they lost 90% of their fleet and forces along with some of leadership like with Sato. when thrawn found them. and that was them building a force to attack lothal. at this point they've only just rebuilt up enough forces to mirror what was lost. general dodona was there to see what was just short of a massacre and survived. he already has an idea that thrawn will likely beef up security just due to hera escaping which could mean they might not even have enough forces to just break the blockade never mind the ground forces probably ready to deal with their ground forces now that Rukh is there.
the mining guild are much like the companies that build the empire warships are often under contracts. the mining guild are the ones who are responsible for why lothal is burning as we saw when the ghost crew arrived with visago. the ores they are mining might be what they need to make the tie defenders meaning it much harder for the rebels to sneak in via cargo ships bringing in supplies from off planet.
Rukh was Morgans test opponent before Thrawn recruited her, that's his personal assasin. And yeah in Tales of the Empire his design was way better.
Things are getting pretty serious, now! Rukh is very annoying with his proficiency as an assassin, as if we didn't have enough in our plates as it is... Great reaction!
The first Canon appearance of Rukh. I Prefer the old look of the Nogri. They also had some pretty cool weapons as well that are not here either. Stick like weapon that shoots a powerful adhesive web. Their specifies is also known for their stealth. Much like Defels, Noghri skin can absorb light. The are practically invisible in shadows. But here’s they just gave him a holo shroud to spear invisible. Rukh was Thrawn’s bodyguard and enforcer. He almost never be sent out alone. He would have a whole team of Noghri with him. Also fun fact Noghri have a unique martial art and grappling style to fit their very strange physique. On multiple occasions Noghri hunting packs charged with kidnapping Leia so that her unborn children be given to an evils clone of a long dead Jedi Master would best Chewbacca in single hand to hand combat. A feat thought impossible. In other words, his use here is a shallow “hey remember this guy?” and not the compelling character he is in those novels from 1991. Here he is voiced by Warwick Davis “Wicket the Ewok” from The Return of the Jedi. The actor has made a come back to Star Wars and has been in almost every Disney era project so far.
rukh kinda looks like the dover demon.
Don't think Price is one of Thrawns people...