If you know someone's been baptized the morning I need prayer I'm trying to get off drugs and it's been a difficult things for me it's okay cuz you need something but it is okay so please send a prayer up thank you
I know this is a sacred moment, and it's controversial to post, but as a current investigator to the church, it help a lot seeing what a real baptism looks like not through the propaganda well-produced videos the church puts out
@@valuecalc Unfortunately Christ did say that He came to separate families that would not all hearken unto His teachings. Matthew 10:37 teaches that anyone who loves their own family more than the Lord is not worthy of having he Lord. as unfortunate as it is, our mortal families decisions cannot dictate or determine what our choices are, and we should not stick with the traditions of our fathers just because that is what our families have done. Luke 12:52 also talks about those within the same families will be divided about gospel teachings, and what to believe. Joining the LDS church is not an abandonment of all Catholic teachings, but an expounded and more detailed understanding of them. If I'm being honest Catholicism and Mormonism have a lot more in common than most people would care to admit, and most certainly a lot more in common than they have with the rest of Christendom, on many levels. for instance the doctrine of baptism being important, and communion/sacrament, and line of authority in priesthood ordinations, and the doctrine of deification (That man can become as God is), and that certain leaders are rightfully honored for their work in God's kingdom, Purgatory/spirit world, etc. And there are even some points that we might agree on if we discussed them thoroughly, like the godhead, and the divinity of Christ and the reality of the resurrection, and the need and importance of prayer, and ritual ordinances and practices. The only reason that being baptized into the LDS church would be disappointing to their Catholic family members is because those Catholic family members do not understand LDS doctrine. LDS doctrine teaches the same types of progression and spiritual growth through many of the same types of rituals and practices. it is a clean lifestyle, and wholesome living with devotion to Christ, and the gospel. I get that Catholicism views dissenters as deserters and apostates and therefore should be disowned or shunned for their decision to leave, but leaving Catholicism for Mormonism really is a step sideways rather than backward, and if you ask the LDS people it is most definitely a step forward. and baptism is an outward expression of an inward desire to follow the gospel of Christ, and as such it should be viewed as a good thing no matter who does it or in which church it is done in. the only difference is that the LDS church believes that they alone have been given the proper authority and commission to perform those baptisms properly, in God's appointed way. Catholics would say the same about themselves, but it is clear that Catholics are not performing baptism in God's appointed way, because it is being performed on children who need not the cleaning ordinance of baptism because they are not of age to know what they are doing, nor understand the need to repent. as well as it not being done by immersion which is what the very word baptism means. so while any baptism is a step in the right direction, a baptism done by the proper authority in the proper way, as the right step in the best direction.
@@scottb4509 , "proper authority," you say? Where in the Bible did you find that? Show me the scripture. You guys read from a telemarketing script. Both churches are flawed, anyway. Sexual abuse got worse...
I am being baptized with the LDS church this Saturday as a new start to life to leave the old me behind, But sometimes missionaries or members of a ward really care about the person. Like the missionaries who decided to contact me, they knew and still know my worldview of nothing can be proven. But when the times have gotten hard, they have offered me a way to escape the world of pain and suffering in church. They invited me, a skeptic into their church to help me get the world off of my mind. NOT ALL MORMONS ARE FUCKING CULTEST! Some give up on converting the people and offering them help, and a way to escape the pain in the earth even if for only 2 hours on a Sunday.
"In the name of" means for the sake of, or by the authority of. This baptism was done for the sake of and by the authority of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. You're looking at the "name" part too literally.
Acts 2:37-38 "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
I can see the way this woman feels. Because I have felt that way too. My heart being filled with great peace, joy, and excitement for the journey i'm about to embark on. The journey of discipleship to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Her new life, being a friend to everyone who she sees. being a light in the community, learning to trust God, receiving callings and fulfilling them with great joy and excitement!! This Church is truly the work of the one who sits on high. From where I sit, being a member of the church since i was 8, It is beautiful to say the least. I left the church when i was 13 and rejoined when i was 18 and now i'm 23, and I have never seen anything cult-like about it... People who actually experience the church know that. There are problems in the church, but spooky cult feelings are not one of them... more like, common school-type bullying, and judgmental people... But the GOOD of the church far outweighs the BAD!!!! :) anyways... Baptism is beautiful, and the Church is true!!
Good for you, Destiny I am so proud of you for not just making a commitment to a higher calling but honoring it with the follow through anybody could say that they’re going to do something but what we’re all judged by and defined by is our actions and our deeds it’s Eddie by the way
We don't clap to avoid inequality in someone receiving a louder clap than someone else , we take into consideration some people are sensitive so it's done to keep people comfortable, but we do congratulations etc after and usually we can't help but smile as we're happy for another brother or sister to be following Jesus Christ
Baptisms in the Bible required very little preparation and were not done in secret. In Acts 8 we are told of how after one biblical passage is explained he was ready for baptism. "36. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” [37] [c] 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. "
This seems so “unjoyus” (I couldn’t think of a better word). I’m a Baptist and when I was baptized it was celebrated and people clapped and cheered and it was a joyous occasion because it is and outward expression of my inward beliefs. This just seems so cold and lifeless
Alissa, A baptism comes in 4 segments and are done all on the same day. Segment 4 is the gathering of friends, families, the Bishop, etc. to be joyous, gathering inside the church recreational court where food is served, pictures are taken, people laughing, etc. You mentioned "people clapped and cheered" for you and that is really good for everyone. In an LDS baptism in the first part is the actual baptism by immersion as you watched in the video. This is a very sacred, life saving ordinance. People that get baptised can pick out where they want to have it done and the priesthood holder of their choice to do the baptizing. People can choose the place as in the ocean, a river, a sacred spot that is owned by the family. After, the celebration begins and all of the food is made, cooked and served according to the wishes of the family. Most children are 8 yr old and so there may be several done at the same time. This is a really big, fun time and there are often times that there're several hundred people involved in the celebrations.
@@danelda47 You must have had a amazing baptism cause mine was all the above accept for the food, choosing the spot and all. I mean after i was baptized we had cheese cake thats about it.
When the actual baptism is happening people are very quiet and extremely reverent.there are tons of stuff done afterwards to celebrate then reaching this milestone after the baptism is finished.
You should be more respectful of other people's beliefs. For Baptists, a baptism is just a public display of your faith, like you said, but for other churches like Mormons or Catholics, baptism is a sacred ordinance (Mormons) or sacrament (Catholics) and they treat it as something profound that enables them to begin their path to Salvation, basically, so you won't see clapping or people cheering in there.
They were harassing me several times about my Baptism. There is something here that is not quite right about the Mormons. Why can't you just look for another individual that they can baptize and can get ten percent off their salary ? ?
Mormons baptized just like trinitarian. ALLLLLLLL MORMONS needs to REPENT and be RE-BAPTIZED every ONE of you in the NAME NAME NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin. If you were baptized father, son and holy ghost. YOU WERE BAPTIZED WRONG.
@Hannah Gibson Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@@cammy944 Where does it say "only" in the name of Jesus Christ? When you baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you're including Jesus by default and also complying with Matthew 28:19 which tells us to do it that way, so it is more correct than doing it only in the name of Jesus.
@@Dan_Capone And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. colossians 3:17 Please show me one place where anyone was baptised in the name of the father son and holy ghost please? thanks
I pray to God thank you for her baptism and that I was well was baptized with her I know more minutes to baptize people to keep them from going to hell thank you holy spirit thank you heavenly father thank you Jesus who sits at the right hand of Father God knowing that I'm a sitter to come into my life and to change Mia's of
@@hunterraven250 , even the temples shouldn't be hush-hush. Consider this passage: Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret.
@@saffronhammer7714 it is not a matter of needing to be so secretive about it that they are not allowed to video or take pictures. it is more so that it is the dedicated house of the Lord. and it is a sacred and personal experience, that doesn't need to be flaunted to all the world. we don't perform ordinances to show the world how righteous we are, we perform them to show our commitment to the Lord's commandments and teachings, and therefore, we believe that the experience is a sacred one to be shared privately between you and the Lord. The Temple especially is a building where no photos or video are allowed. again not because something nefarious is taking place, But because the ordinances performed therein are sacred and are to be taken very seriously and reverently. only those who are in good faithful standing with the church, and have a recommendation from the leaders of your area are permitted to enter the temples. therefore, those ordinances are not open to the viewing or participation of the world. Again it is not a secrecy thing, but a sacred thing. it is to preserve the sanctity and spirituality of those ordinances. I believe that it is also because much of the world would not understand what is going on, or what is being taught, and therefore would easily misconstrue and misrepresent and misunderstand those practices. it goes back to the Biblical principle of learning line upon line and precept upon precept. those members of the church that have learned the requisite doctrines and teachings are permitted to then learn he continuing teachings and doctrines taught in the temples, but those that have not learned the prerequisite teachings, wouldn't understand them anyway, and in an attempt to try to make sense of it misrepresents it as either anti-god, because it doesn't fit their preconceived beliefs. or they make it out to be something that it is not to make it sound more controversial or mystical than it really is. it also helps to keep many who would simply mock or degrade our beliefs and teachings, because of their ignorance or blindness of the legitimacy of those beliefs, from being able to do so. I'm happen to discuss what I can if you have any questions about the temple. and there are books on the topic written by LDS leaders.
I find this interesting, my daughter was recently baptized in the Mormon church. I asked to videorecord the event so my wife, in Colorado taking care of her dying father, could at some point view her daughters event. I was told no by 3 elders andsome guy who travels with them. Then I go on youtube and see 15,900 videos not only taken but uploaded onto the internet. Anger hardly touches the way I feel right now. To say I feel they dishonored my wife would be an understatement. But they got another convert, which is all they seem interested in. We were very supportive of our daughters move toward the faith. Now having second thoughts and wishing I had asked more questions and challenged a few things. In the past few months, I've heard the word conversion more than glitches in Obamacare. hmmm
Sir I completely understand why your upset, but please don't be angry with the Church bc someone snuck and filmed it with a cell phone. I'm very sad you feel so hurt I promise you they told you the truth! I'm the mom of the kid that taped this, we were at another baptism just this last weekend and they even announced it because they knew it happened the last time he was at a Baptism! Members of the Church are aware it's not allowed my son isn't a member, he actually found out he wasn't supposed to have after he posted it! I promise Sir from the bottom of my heart your daughter is in the most loving Church I've been a member since Aug and I've never felt the Spirit and love the way I do! I pray this somehow makes a difference she needs your support, there's so much persecution from other Christians! May the Lord bless and keep you
Mormons (and other religious people) love the "church" and it's silly made up rules more than humanity. They will always put it before the feelings of others. They feel justified in discriminating because they are "special" and they are "loved" so much more than other people that are not mormons. Somehow magically, only they know what "love" feels like. What a horrible joke their own minds are playing on themselves. No one needs religion to have a happy loving life. Religion is designed to divide humanity. I wish more people could see things more clearly and just love others because they are human. No other criteria need be applied. True unconditional love is only possible when we see each other as humans first and foremost.
Shawna Crandell Baker I was born into and raised by mormon parents that have ancestry that go back to the founding of the church in New York etc. I'm the product of polygamous ancestors. So please don't lecture me about "love" or pretend like love is the defining character/nature of the LDS/mormon church because I know that to be a lie from experience as well as tons of evidence I can show you if you are willing to consider it. Individual humans within mormonism and every religion and culture do show the unifying power of goodness/common moral compasses, in SPITE of religious dogma that seeks conformity and obedience over thinking and questioning EVERYTHING in smart ways. To continue my story: I resigned from the LDS/mormon church as an act of conscience and integrity once I discovered how many lies and whitewashing of history they are guilty of. That means I had to face the facts about the horrible deeds and beliefs that even my own family members had. I decided I could no longer support an organization that divides families and discriminates against certain people it feels are too "different." The history of misogyny, racism, deceptive stories, emotional manipulation and just batshit crazy, etc. that the church (leaders and regular members) is guilty of, would boggle your mind if you studied it all. Hatred or contempt/disgust of ALL people on the outside of the cult is plain to see if you have been both on the inside and on the outside like I am now. (I know that most of the humans that are mormon right now, don't always act hateful to outsiders but that is mainly because human goodness and love usually transcends religious/belief differences) Religion is about power and mind control for profit under the disguise of "love" or "salvation." It is a con-game like when mafia guys will give someone "protection" if they pay them to not beat them up. Nobody would need "protection/salvation" if the assholes weren't threatening them with harm (hell, etc.) in the first place. The pyramid scams of religions enrich the few at the top and exploit gullible, intellectually lazy or apathetic and/or desperate-minded people. If you ever have the courage to "investigate" the real story behind the mormon church, I suggest you start here with these websites: mormonthink.com/personalstories/Letter-to-a-CES-Director.pdf wordtreefoundation.github.io/thelatewar/ 20truths.info/ Obviously you can google many more sources about the church and I hope you do. The main thing I would hope is that more people THINK about these issues seriously because just saying you "love" someone over the Internet (and you don't even really mean it, but say it out of "religious" feelings of obligation) is pretty much as useless as praying is when it comes to reality. One person thinking and doing good and smart things, outweighs a billion prayers or wishful thinking. I'm a freethinker and humanist now and invite any and all people to take that sovereign right back. It is your sacred brain, use it wisely please? I truly hope we can all be better humans and COME ALIVE in the here and NOW. :)
Im myla antonio i remember the day 2014 i remember my baptism 💗and niw km 20 yesrs old 7 years later iknow thst profet joseph smit is true i thus chruch is true the church of later day saints is true💗
I'm a convert to the church and I was baptized in my ward that's where it's done because you're not able to go to the temple yet when you come up from the water you have just joined the church.
Baptisms are done in the wards, not the temples. You have to have been LDS for awhile to be considered worthy to go in the temple. And you also have to be an adult to participate in temple ceremonies and a lot of baptisms are done on children (of course, there are converts to the church who get baptized as adults, but children who are raised in LDS families typically get baptized when they're 8 years old).
Lucky to have witnessed Mormon baptism in person ( thx to d Elders). I should've agreed to be baptised , but was unsure.. been told I've been baptised back in Kuwait ( no pictures or any trace of it) 👎🏻
I was somehow baptised in a Mormon church through my mistake and as soon as I got home I knew something wasn't right. Soon after I heard a scary cackling witch-like noise coming through the walls of the unit I lived in and a few other things. As soon as I denounced the baptism in the following days, things changed for me completely in a positive way. Thank you Jesus and holy ghost for staying by me and saving me again and again.
The devil knows how to tempt you when you become one with Christ! So baptizing in the name of Christ won’t let everything easy goes your way! You become the victim of the devils eyes, he will steal you back and scare you that our lord said, “Have no fear!”
When I got baptized I was wearing shorts and tee-shirt from camp and it was in a lake at camp by some random pastor. After it was over the pastor was smiling with joy and everyone around me was clapping and shouting. Looking at this just seems odd and the mirror just creeps me out including the white rompers. I am not Morman but this just seems a bit fishy but hey it’s how they do their thing
Church member here, it's quiet and cold feeling because the baptism itself is very sacred so we don't celebrate while it's happening, afterwards and beforehand it is very celebrated with food and family
@@poshmalosh14 that's awesome! You do you! Everyone has there own thing and that's them. I just find things odd a bit but that's me who is a Christian but like I said you do you.
@@poshmalosh14 do the dead show up at their celebrations? So Josh do you baptize anyone who wishes to be baptized in the name of FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT or do you withhold water to only the ones who accept Mormonism and the BoM?
@@somethingcleverrrr ummm.... Not really. They are MORMON just like someone is CATHOLIC it's two different things. Christians believe in the three in one while Mormons believe that Jesus and God are separate things dude.
Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of "the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit". while some churches only baptize in the name of Jesus Christ, the LDS church follows the teachings of the Bible which says that we are to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. sticking to what scripture says is important.
@@scottb4509 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
You are welcome to believe the teachings of Paul or of Peter, But as for me in my house we will serve and follow the Lord. It was the Lord who specifically said in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. if it were not necessary or important than the Lord would not have added those other names to the list. and for all we know it very well could have been that Peter and Paul were merely summarizing or paraphrasing the Lord's own teachings, which specifically say it must be in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. those apostles taught the things that Christ taught to them, and I for one will Take Christ's teachings as a resurrected being full of grace and truth as more authoritative and more complete and correct than those mortal men to whom He taught. Prophets and apostles make mistakes and are not perfect. Christ on the other hand is. not saying that they were making a mistake or teaching wrong doctrine in these instances, but just that they were not being as detailed or saying things as perfectly worded as they could or likely should have done. Christ has a more eternal perspective and is more likely to teaching things more accurately and more completely than those whom He calls as His mortal servants. If you are interested I could go into one reason as to why I believe that the Lord and the apostles were using different words in those teachings. it has to do with the audience hearing them and the spiritual level of that audience. It also has to do with the degrees of glory and those who preside over each degree of glory. let me know if you want more detail on that.
Plus why did he say Amen! And second where in the book of Acts is anyone baptized in the name of titles. Everyone in the book of Acts baptized in the name of the true living GOD Jesus Christ of Nazareth or in his name. Peter and the disciples were told to go to Jerusalem and wait and they did and GOD gave them the revelation that we should all follow. Acts 2:38
Everyone has different ways of believing in God or Jesus christ some may be similar to other religions and others won't don't overthink it that's just question you just have to pray for ans wait and just have faith ans you'll hear a whisper and your answer will come to your mind.
Mormons baptized just like trinitarian. ALLLLLLLL MORMONS needs to REPENT and be RE-BAPTIZED every ONE of you in the NAME NAME NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin. If you were baptized father, son and holy ghost. YOU WERE BAPTIZED WRONG.
Thank you for this that that I found the truth I want to really be baptized when I was young they baptized me in the Catholic when I was a teenager they baptized me on the mormon Church but I really want to do the real baptized thank you for sharing your thoughts no more confident that I'm going the right way
That baptism is wrong there no scripture in the Bible the disciple baptized father son holy spirit Acts 2 38 is the right way to be baptized Acts 2 38 Acts 8 12) Acts 19 ) Roma 6 2) there is no other name given under heaven we shall be saved by the name of Jesus Christ whatsoever u do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the name above all name and every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is Lord God the Father raise him up from the dead Jesus Christ is the name of the father son holy my beloved when u baptized someone do it in the name of Jesus Christ
@@poshmalosh14atthew 28:19 was fulfilled in Acts 2:38. The NAME of The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost is Jesus Christ. Jesus was referring to his own name.
Wrong baptism she need to go back and get baptized again in the NAME of Jesus Christ, or Lord Jesus and Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is a titles of God who's name is Jesus.
+sugabaybee22 What the hell is "cult-like" about being baptized? That is one of the most ignorant statements I think I have ever read... You want to know what a cult is like? I will tell you... First of all... The modern definition of a mind control cult is any group which employs mind control and deceptive recruiting techniques. In other words cults trick people into joining and coerce them into staying. This is the definition that most people would agree with. Except the cults themselves of course! Cults that use a belief system as their base are very common. Their belief system could be standard Christianity, Hinduism, Islam or any other of the world religions, or they may have invented their own belief system. What makes them a cult is the fact that they use mind control, not what they believe.
+H McNorton This is a common mistake people make thinking that cults are purely religious groups. The modern definition of a mind control cult refers to all groups that use mind control and the devious recruiting techniques that this article exposes. The belief system of a religion is often warped to become a container for these techniques, but it is the techniques themselves that make it a cult. In a free society people can believe what they want, but most people would agree that it is wrong for anyone to try to trick and control people. Cults, wonderful on the outside but on the inside are very manipulating. Cult leaders are desperate to trick you into joining. They are after your obedience, your time and your money.Cults use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time.Cult leaders will tell you can only be “saved” (or can only be successful) in their organization alone. No other organization has the truth, all others miss the mark. So it is not the belief system that decides your future, but it the belief system AND your membership with that particular group.The cult leaders need to make you believe that there is no where else you can go and still be saved, and if you ever leave the “one true church” then you are going to hell. This is a fear based control mechanism designed to keep you in the cult. It also gives the cult leaders tremendous power over you. If you really believe that leaving the group equals leaving God (or means you are leaving your only chance to succeed in life), then you will obey the cult leaders even when you disagree with them instead of risking being kicked out of the group. Exclusivism is used as a threat, it controls your behavior through fear.Guilt, Character Assassination and Breaking Sessions. Guilt will be used to control you. Maybe the reason you’re not making money is because you’re not “with the programme”. Maybe the reason you’re not able to convert new recruits is because “your heart is prideful and full of sin”. It could never be that the programme isn’t working, or those new recruits have valid reasons for not joining. It’s always your fault, you are always wrong, and so you must try harder! You will also be made to feel very guilty for disobeying any of the cult’s written or unwritten rules.
+H McNorton Character Assassination is used to help create the guilt in you. Character Assassination is a type of false reasoning used by people and groups who have no real arguments. The technical name for Character Assassination is “The Ad hominem Fallacy”. This is how it works. Imagine if you will a conversation between two men, Ford and Arthur…“One plus one equals three”, says Ford.“No I don’t think so. You see when I have one thing, and I have another thing, then I have two things not three”, replies Arthur.“I see your point, but what you must realize is that one plus one when calculated in relation to this complex number domain, which I just invented, and then squared by the sum of the ninth tangent in the sequence of the Fibonacci series results in three!”, stated Ford triumphantly.Ok, Ford is wrong, but that is not the point. The point is that Ford tried to answer Arthur’s reasoning with more reasoning of his own. This is the healthy way people and groups debate subjects. Now lets see what would have happened if Ford had used Character Assassination…“Arthur I have been a mathematician longer than you. How dare you disagree with me! You are obviously a very smug and prideful person. I think you are disagreeing with me because you are jealous of me, and to be honest with you Arthur your rebellion has really hurt me and a lot of other people too”, stated Ford his face intimidatingly close to Arthur’s.You see Ford didn’t answer Arthur’s argument, instead he attacked his character. If you are not aware of how Character Assassination works then it is a powerful way to exert control over you.
+H McNorton Breaking sessions are when one, two or more cult members and leaders attack the character of another person, sometimes for hours on end. Some cults will not stop these sessions until their victim is crying uncontrollably.People in a mind control cult will also hide their true thoughts and feelings, and instead wear a mask which presents them as a perfect cult member. This mask is a defense against being reported to leadership and being punished for not measuring up (cult members never feel like they measure up to the cult’s ideals, and yet often believe the other members around them do, when in reality the others feel the same as them). Hence cult members are trained not only to deceive outsiders, but also to deceive their fellow cult members. Rarely can close friendships form in cults, and if they do the cult’s leaders may see them as a threat and move those people away from each other. Nothing is allowed that can be more powerful than the cult members’ allegiance to the group and it’s leaders.In a mind control cult like in Nazi Germany or Communist Russia you must be careful of what you say and do; “The walls have ears”. Everyone is encouraged to watch out for “struggling” brothers and sisters and report what they see to leadership. Often information given in deepest confidence is automatically reported to leadership. Cult leaders will then use this information to convince their members that they have a supernatural link, the trusting member does not suspect the very natural mechanism behind the supernatural revelations they are given.Common sense tells us that a person who does not consider all information may make an unbalanced decision. Filtering the information available or trying to discredit it not on the basis of how true it is, but rather on the basis of how it supports the party line, is a common control method used throughout history.Those who control the information control the person. In a mind control cult any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it. Only information supplied by the cult is true. One cult labels any information against it as “persecution” or “spiritual pornography”, another cult calls it “apostate literature” and will expel you from the group if you are caught with it. Cults train their members to instantly destroy any critical information given to them, and to not even entertain the thought that the information could be true.Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to influence you. A mind control cult will seek to manoeuvre your life so as to maximize your contact with cult members and minimize your contact with people outside the group, especially those who oppose your involvement.Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you. Whether we like it or not we are all profoundly affected by those around us. When you first go to a cult they will practice “love bombing”, where they arrange instant friends for you. It will seem wonderful, how could such a loving group be wrong! But you soon learn that if you ever disagree with them, or ever leave the cult then you will lose all your new “friends”. This unspoken threat influences your actions in the cult. Things that normally would have made you complain will pass by silently because you don’t want to be ostracized. Like in an unhealthy relationship love is turned on and off to control.Here you can read more about cults so you don't go around saying ignorant things www.cultwatch.com/howcultswork.htmlThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not a cult... and look here... in case you don't know the difference between a cult and a church. KNOW wtf you are talking about before you go talking crap about something when you know nothing about it. fldsmormons.com/
are you a mormon? LOL...don't get your panties in a bunch for a religion you may or may not even follow. MY opinion is mines. Didn't personally attack you or any individual. I I think Mormonism has cult like behaviour. NOT A FAN.
Yea true its odd the fact someone would come into the church and just record a video of the church baptizing a new member into the church its Honestly weird guess he'll probably get ex-communicated
John 10:27-28-- "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." You say sheep for the masses, but Christ says devout follower whom He will grant eternal life.
you must be baptized in the name of "Jesus Christ " not the father or the Holy Ghost it's one name and that is Jesus Christ .so sad that all the people you've baptized will not enter into the kingdom of god because of this.
+roberto galindo um, are you dumb? Matthew 28:19King James Version (KJV)19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Idk why people do shit like this honestly people do shit like this and look at the bad side of the church of Jesus of latter day saints if you don't like them just leave them be you focus on too much of the bad side of the religion when you should also look at the bright side of this religion if you ask what good side I can show you guys videos of the church of Jesus christ volunteering to help with floods and even providing resources and food supplies and also place to sleep honestly if your a hater of the lds church honestly grow tf up your not a kid anymore your a grown man or woman you should be acting like it and to those who keep sending out false information about the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints be sure to know exactly what your sending because your not the only one who sees it members of the lds see this too and for you to say this and that and lying about what the church does is such disgusting behavior grow up and move on if the church did something to you then deal with it your not a kid your a grown man or woman who have better things to do instead of saying bs about the latter day saints religion if you have kids and you dislike the church then cool that's good for you but Don't involve your hatred or dislikes to your kids that's how you influence kids these days into doing stupid things. The links are down below. ruclips.net/video/SrMnd0Y-S74/видео.html ruclips.net/video/sMkUEuKQ6FY/видео.html ruclips.net/video/sN1jST7ya_Q/видео.html ruclips.net/video/XTN-0v9vyZU/видео.html ruclips.net/video/Z6mm1U00weU/видео.html
If you know someone's been baptized the morning I need prayer I'm trying to get off drugs and it's been a difficult things for me it's okay cuz you need something but it is okay so please send a prayer up thank you
I was baptised in 1988, left the church in 1995 and returned in 2024. I returned with my wife, daughter and two grandchildren.
Why did you leave?
I know this is a sacred moment, and it's controversial to post, but as a current investigator to the church, it help a lot seeing what a real baptism looks like not through the propaganda well-produced videos the church puts out
You can always attend one to see what it is like.
Just, or you could stay with your Catholic church and not disappoint your family.
@@valuecalc Unfortunately Christ did say that He came to separate families that would not all hearken unto His teachings. Matthew 10:37 teaches that anyone who loves their own family more than the Lord is not worthy of having he Lord. as unfortunate as it is, our mortal families decisions cannot dictate or determine what our choices are, and we should not stick with the traditions of our fathers just because that is what our families have done. Luke 12:52 also talks about those within the same families will be divided about gospel teachings, and what to believe. Joining the LDS church is not an abandonment of all Catholic teachings, but an expounded and more detailed understanding of them. If I'm being honest Catholicism and Mormonism have a lot more in common than most people would care to admit, and most certainly a lot more in common than they have with the rest of Christendom, on many levels. for instance the doctrine of baptism being important, and communion/sacrament, and line of authority in priesthood ordinations, and the doctrine of deification (That man can become as God is), and that certain leaders are rightfully honored for their work in God's kingdom, Purgatory/spirit world, etc.
And there are even some points that we might agree on if we discussed them thoroughly, like the godhead, and the divinity of Christ and the reality of the resurrection, and the need and importance of prayer, and ritual ordinances and practices.
The only reason that being baptized into the LDS church would be disappointing to their Catholic family members is because those Catholic family members do not understand LDS doctrine. LDS doctrine teaches the same types of progression and spiritual growth through many of the same types of rituals and practices. it is a clean lifestyle, and wholesome living with devotion to Christ, and the gospel. I get that Catholicism views dissenters as deserters and apostates and therefore should be disowned or shunned for their decision to leave, but leaving Catholicism for Mormonism really is a step sideways rather than backward, and if you ask the LDS people it is most definitely a step forward. and baptism is an outward expression of an inward desire to follow the gospel of Christ, and as such it should be viewed as a good thing no matter who does it or in which church it is done in. the only difference is that the LDS church believes that they alone have been given the proper authority and commission to perform those baptisms properly, in God's appointed way. Catholics would say the same about themselves, but it is clear that Catholics are not performing baptism in God's appointed way, because it is being performed on children who need not the cleaning ordinance of baptism because they are not of age to know what they are doing, nor understand the need to repent. as well as it not being done by immersion which is what the very word baptism means. so while any baptism is a step in the right direction, a baptism done by the proper authority in the proper way, as the right step in the best direction.
@@scottb4509 , "proper authority," you say? Where in the Bible did you find that? Show me the scripture. You guys read from a telemarketing script.
Both churches are flawed, anyway. Sexual abuse got worse...
Why would a baptism be a controversial post? The bapstisms in the bible were all public.
I am being baptized with the LDS church this Saturday as a new start to life to leave the old me behind, But sometimes missionaries or members of a ward really care about the person. Like the missionaries who decided to contact me, they knew and still know my worldview of nothing can be proven. But when the times have gotten hard, they have offered me a way to escape the world of pain and suffering in church. They invited me, a skeptic into their church to help me get the world off of my mind. NOT ALL MORMONS ARE FUCKING CULTEST! Some give up on converting the people and offering them help, and a way to escape the pain in the earth even if for only 2 hours on a Sunday.
How are things now? I was Baptized in May 2020. Endowed, Temple going to this day, I hope you are well.
My breath stopped for a minute there. Amazing stuff.
For those who say baptism should be done in the name of Jesus Christ only, read Matthew 28:19. Thanks.
+Vanessa Unkeless-Perez Thank you! Very good scripture and an excellent point.
What, is the name of the Father, of the son, and of the Holy Ghost? Jesus
"In the name of" means for the sake of, or by the authority of. This baptism was done for the sake of and by the authority of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. You're looking at the "name" part too literally.
Be for you talk bad about people do reach on a cults
@@Taketheheat73 incorrect
Acts 2:37-38 "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Must be in JESUS name or it doesn't count.
@@brianjackson5147 must be in the name of Jesus christ or Lord Jesus.
Theres a few named Jesus in the bible
I can see the way this woman feels. Because I have felt that way too. My heart being filled with great peace, joy, and excitement for the journey i'm about to embark on. The journey of discipleship to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Her new life, being a friend to everyone who she sees. being a light in the community, learning to trust God, receiving callings and fulfilling them with great joy and excitement!! This Church is truly the work of the one who sits on high. From where I sit, being a member of the church since i was 8, It is beautiful to say the least. I left the church when i was 13 and rejoined when i was 18 and now i'm 23, and I have never seen anything cult-like about it... People who actually experience the church know that. There are problems in the church, but spooky cult feelings are not one of them... more like, common school-type bullying, and judgmental people... But the GOOD of the church far outweighs the BAD!!!! :) anyways... Baptism is beautiful, and the Church is true!!
Cameron Emery Amen brother Cameron
This took me back to when I got baptized 1yr ago
Mine baptism was march 23rd 2024 and I will always remember that day and cherish it forever ❤
Good for you, Destiny I am so proud of you for not just making a commitment to a higher calling but honoring it with the follow through anybody could say that they’re going to do something but what we’re all judged by and defined by is our actions and our deeds it’s Eddie by the way
Why did I have the urge to clap, yet all the spectators remained silent?
clapping isnt allowed in mormon churches, if needed to agree on something we all raise a right hand but generally its an awkward silence lol
We don't clap to avoid inequality in someone receiving a louder clap than someone else , we take into consideration some people are sensitive so it's done to keep people comfortable, but we do congratulations etc after and usually we can't help but smile as we're happy for another brother or sister to be following Jesus Christ
Baptisms in the Bible required very little preparation and were not done in secret. In Acts 8 we are told of how after one biblical passage is explained he was ready for baptism. "36. As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” [37] [c] 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. "
This seems so “unjoyus” (I couldn’t think of a better word). I’m a Baptist and when I was baptized it was celebrated and people clapped and cheered and it was a joyous occasion because it is and outward expression of my inward beliefs. This just seems so cold and lifeless
Alissa, A baptism comes in 4 segments and are done all on the same day. Segment 4 is the gathering of friends, families, the Bishop, etc. to be joyous, gathering inside the church recreational court where food is served, pictures are taken, people laughing, etc. You mentioned "people clapped and cheered" for you and that is really good for everyone. In an LDS baptism in the first part is the actual baptism by immersion as you watched in the video. This is a very sacred, life saving ordinance. People that get baptised can pick out where they want to have it done and the priesthood holder of their choice to do the baptizing. People can choose the place as in the ocean, a river, a sacred spot that is owned by the family. After, the celebration begins and all of the food is made, cooked and served according to the wishes of the family. Most children are 8 yr old and so there may be several done at the same time. This is a really big, fun time and there are often times that there're several hundred people involved in the celebrations.
@@danelda47 You must have had a amazing baptism cause mine was all the above accept for the food, choosing the spot and all. I mean after i was baptized we had cheese cake thats about it.
People can choose to forgo all the fanfare.
When the actual baptism is happening people are very quiet and extremely reverent.there are tons of stuff done afterwards to celebrate then reaching this milestone after the baptism is finished.
You should be more respectful of other people's beliefs. For Baptists, a baptism is just a public display of your faith, like you said, but for other churches like Mormons or Catholics, baptism is a sacred ordinance (Mormons) or sacrament (Catholics) and they treat it as something profound that enables them to begin their path to Salvation, basically, so you won't see clapping or people cheering in there.
They were harassing me several times about my Baptism. There is something here that is not quite right about the Mormons. Why can't you just look for another individual that they can baptize and can get ten percent off their salary ? ?
Aw, they don't do it in a river like the old days?
Mormons baptized just like trinitarian.
ALLLLLLLL MORMONS needs to REPENT and be RE-BAPTIZED every ONE of you in the NAME NAME NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin.
If you were baptized father, son and holy ghost. YOU WERE BAPTIZED WRONG.
@Hannah Gibson Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
@@cammy944 Where does it say "only" in the name of Jesus Christ? When you baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you're including Jesus by default and also complying with Matthew 28:19 which tells us to do it that way, so it is more correct than doing it only in the name of Jesus.
@@Dan_Capone And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. colossians 3:17
Please show me one place where anyone was baptised in the name of the father son and holy ghost please? thanks
I rember mine it was wonderful
I pray to God thank you for her baptism and that I was well was baptized with her I know more minutes to baptize people to keep them from going to hell thank you holy spirit thank you heavenly father thank you Jesus who sits at the right hand of Father God knowing that I'm a sitter to come into my life and to change Mia's of
I thought you weren't allowed to even take pictures
Anyone who conceals baptism is up to something.
That's in the Temples. There are several families who will record the baptism and keep it to remember it.
@@hunterraven250 , even the temples shouldn't be hush-hush. Consider this passage: Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret.
@@hunterraven250 why would it not be allowed in the temple?
@@saffronhammer7714 it is not a matter of needing to be so secretive about it that they are not allowed to video or take pictures. it is more so that it is the dedicated house of the Lord. and it is a sacred and personal experience, that doesn't need to be flaunted to all the world. we don't perform ordinances to show the world how righteous we are, we perform them to show our commitment to the Lord's commandments and teachings, and therefore, we believe that the experience is a sacred one to be shared privately between you and the Lord.
The Temple especially is a building where no photos or video are allowed. again not because something nefarious is taking place, But because the ordinances performed therein are sacred and are to be taken very seriously and reverently. only those who are in good faithful standing with the church, and have a recommendation from the leaders of your area are permitted to enter the temples. therefore, those ordinances are not open to the viewing or participation of the world. Again it is not a secrecy thing, but a sacred thing. it is to preserve the sanctity and spirituality of those ordinances. I believe that it is also because much of the world would not understand what is going on, or what is being taught, and therefore would easily misconstrue and misrepresent and misunderstand those practices. it goes back to the Biblical principle of learning line upon line and precept upon precept. those members of the church that have learned the requisite doctrines and teachings are permitted to then learn he continuing teachings and doctrines taught in the temples, but those that have not learned the prerequisite teachings, wouldn't understand them anyway, and in an attempt to try to make sense of it misrepresents it as either anti-god, because it doesn't fit their preconceived beliefs. or they make it out to be something that it is not to make it sound more controversial or mystical than it really is. it also helps to keep many who would simply mock or degrade our beliefs and teachings, because of their ignorance or blindness of the legitimacy of those beliefs, from being able to do so.
I'm happen to discuss what I can if you have any questions about the temple. and there are books on the topic written by LDS leaders.
I find this interesting, my daughter was recently baptized in the Mormon church. I asked to videorecord the event so my wife, in Colorado taking care of her dying father, could at some point view her daughters event. I was told no by 3 elders andsome guy who travels with them. Then I go on youtube and see 15,900 videos not only taken but uploaded onto the internet. Anger hardly touches the way I feel right now. To say I feel they dishonored my wife would be an understatement. But they got another convert, which is all they seem interested in. We were very supportive of our daughters move toward the faith. Now having second thoughts and wishing I had asked more questions and challenged a few things. In the past few months, I've heard the word conversion more than glitches in Obamacare. hmmm
The person filmed this without permission, it isn't allowed, I'm sorry
Sir I completely understand why your upset, but please don't be angry with the Church bc someone snuck and filmed it with a cell phone. I'm very sad you feel so hurt I promise you they told you the truth! I'm the mom of the kid that taped this, we were at another baptism just this last weekend and they even announced it because they knew it happened the last time he was at a Baptism! Members of the Church are aware it's not allowed my son isn't a member, he actually found out he wasn't supposed to have after he posted it! I promise Sir from the bottom of my heart your daughter is in the most loving Church I've been a member since Aug and I've never felt the Spirit and love the way I do! I pray this somehow makes a difference she needs your support, there's so much persecution from other Christians! May the Lord bless and keep you
Mormons (and other religious people) love the "church" and it's silly made up rules more than humanity. They will always put it before the feelings of others. They feel justified in discriminating because they are "special" and they are "loved" so much more than other people that are not mormons. Somehow magically, only they know what "love" feels like. What a horrible joke their own minds are playing on themselves. No one needs religion to have a happy loving life. Religion is designed to divide humanity. I wish more people could see things more clearly and just love others because they are human. No other criteria need be applied. True unconditional love is only possible when we see each other as humans first and foremost.
***** we love you
Shawna Crandell Baker I was born into and raised by mormon parents that have ancestry that go back to the founding of the church in New York etc. I'm the product of polygamous ancestors. So please don't lecture me about "love" or pretend like love is the defining character/nature of the LDS/mormon church because I know that to be a lie from experience as well as tons of evidence I can show you if you are willing to consider it.
Individual humans within mormonism and every religion and culture do show the unifying power of goodness/common moral compasses, in SPITE of religious dogma that seeks conformity and obedience over thinking and questioning EVERYTHING in smart ways. To continue my story:
I resigned from the LDS/mormon church as an act of conscience and integrity once I discovered how many lies and whitewashing of history they are guilty of. That means I had to face the facts about the horrible deeds and beliefs that even my own family members had.
I decided I could no longer support an organization that divides families and discriminates against certain people it feels are too "different." The history of misogyny, racism, deceptive stories, emotional manipulation and just batshit crazy, etc. that the church (leaders and regular members) is guilty of, would boggle your mind if you studied it all.
Hatred or contempt/disgust of ALL people on the outside of the cult is plain to see if you have been both on the inside and on the outside like I am now. (I know that most of the humans that are mormon right now, don't always act hateful to outsiders but that is mainly because human goodness and love usually transcends religious/belief differences)
Religion is about power and mind control for profit under the disguise of "love" or "salvation." It is a con-game like when mafia guys will give someone "protection" if they pay them to not beat them up. Nobody would need "protection/salvation" if the assholes weren't threatening them with harm (hell, etc.) in the first place. The pyramid scams of religions enrich the few at the top and exploit gullible, intellectually lazy or apathetic and/or desperate-minded people. If you ever have the courage to "investigate" the real story behind the mormon church, I suggest you start here with these websites:
Obviously you can google many more sources about the church and I hope you do. The main thing I would hope is that more people THINK about these issues seriously because just saying you "love" someone over the Internet (and you don't even really mean it, but say it out of "religious" feelings of obligation) is pretty much as useless as praying is when it comes to reality. One person thinking and doing good and smart things, outweighs a billion prayers or wishful thinking.
I'm a freethinker and humanist now and invite any and all people to take that sovereign right back. It is your sacred brain, use it wisely please? I truly hope we can all be better humans and COME ALIVE in the here and NOW. :)
Why did this man say that he was baptizing her in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost...and then not do so?
Your dead wrong and you know it! He did say it 0:31
what country is there¿¿ i see it like somewhere in England
Im myla antonio i remember the day 2014 i remember my baptism 💗and niw km 20 yesrs old 7 years later iknow thst profet joseph smit is true i thus chruch is true the church of later day saints is true💗
Why was this baptism not done at a temple instead of a ward?
Pete Rojas when you are baptised for yourself it is done at your ward not the temple.
Baptisms for the dead are done in the Temple.
When it your own baptism it done at your ward/ branch. When it's for the dead it's done at the Temple.
I'm a convert to the church and I was baptized in my ward that's where it's done because you're not able to go to the temple yet when you come up from the water you have just joined the church.
Baptisms are done in the wards, not the temples. You have to have been LDS for awhile to be considered worthy to go in the temple. And you also have to be an adult to participate in temple ceremonies and a lot of baptisms are done on children (of course, there are converts to the church who get baptized as adults, but children who are raised in LDS families typically get baptized when they're 8 years old).
Siempre que presenciamos un bautismo nos dicen que no se pueden sacar fotos ni hacer videos.
Bless the Mormon church
Lucky to have witnessed Mormon baptism in person ( thx to d Elders).
I should've agreed to be baptised , but was unsure.. been told I've been baptised back in Kuwait ( no pictures or any trace of it) 👎🏻
BBW BelliK, now it is 6 months later... I want to hear about "the rest of the story".
Very interesting video on Mormon baptisms
They prefer latter day saints instead of Mormons.
I was somehow baptised in a Mormon church through my mistake and as soon as I got home I knew something wasn't right. Soon after I heard a scary cackling witch-like noise coming through the walls of the unit I lived in and a few other things. As soon as I denounced the baptism in the following days, things changed for me completely in a positive way. Thank you Jesus and holy ghost for staying by me and saving me again and again.
lol maybe your house was just haunted smh
Same feeling I had after Mormons were at my house for a couple hours. I knew it was not Holy.
The devil knows how to tempt you when you become one with Christ! So baptizing in the name of Christ won’t let everything easy goes your way! You become the victim of the devils eyes, he will steal you back and scare you that our lord said, “Have no fear!”
Bitch I know you lying LMAO
Um... this is sacred, does the woman getting baptized know that you videoed this sacred ordinance and posted it on you tube?
H McNorton, nothing about baptism should be a secret.
sacred, not secret!
I wonder how many people who were baptized before this woman had pissed in that tank? Just thinking about this gives me the heebie Jeebies
Y’all are not gonna be Gods, God has said he is the only God in the world
quero se batizado ai na igrejs
When I got baptized I was wearing shorts and tee-shirt from camp and it was in a lake at camp by some random pastor. After it was over the pastor was smiling with joy and everyone around me was clapping and shouting. Looking at this just seems odd and the mirror just creeps me out including the white rompers. I am not Morman but this just seems a bit fishy but hey it’s how they do their thing
Church member here, it's quiet and cold feeling because the baptism itself is very sacred so we don't celebrate while it's happening, afterwards and beforehand it is very celebrated with food and family
@@poshmalosh14 that's awesome! You do you! Everyone has there own thing and that's them. I just find things odd a bit but that's me who is a Christian but like I said you do you.
@@poshmalosh14 do the dead show up at their celebrations? So Josh do you baptize anyone who wishes to be baptized in the name of FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT or do you withhold water to only the ones who accept Mormonism and the BoM?
@@b3cp0_ you do know Mormons are Christians, right?
@@somethingcleverrrr ummm.... Not really. They are MORMON just like someone is CATHOLIC it's two different things. Christians believe in the three in one while Mormons believe that Jesus and God are separate things dude.
Shouldnt it have to be in flowing waters like the bibile says so for example a river or a lake and not in a little bathtub like she is doing
Not necessarily.
Regina Pacis, o Theotokos, ora pro nobis!
Name; ______ having been commissioned of JESUS CHRIST I baptise you, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.
A tie?
Supposed to baptize in the name of Jesus Christ
Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of "the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit". while some churches only baptize in the name of Jesus Christ, the LDS church follows the teachings of the Bible which says that we are to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. sticking to what scripture says is important.
scott banta you suppose to baptize in the name of Jesus Christ apostle Paul said you have to
@@scottb4509 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
You are welcome to believe the teachings of Paul or of Peter, But as for me in my house we will serve and follow the Lord. It was the Lord who specifically said in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. if it were not necessary or important than the Lord would not have added those other names to the list. and for all we know it very well could have been that Peter and Paul were merely summarizing or paraphrasing the Lord's own teachings, which specifically say it must be in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. those apostles taught the things that Christ taught to them, and I for one will Take Christ's teachings as a resurrected being full of grace and truth as more authoritative and more complete and correct than those mortal men to whom He taught. Prophets and apostles make mistakes and are not perfect. Christ on the other hand is. not saying that they were making a mistake or teaching wrong doctrine in these instances, but just that they were not being as detailed or saying things as perfectly worded as they could or likely should have done. Christ has a more eternal perspective and is more likely to teaching things more accurately and more completely than those whom He calls as His mortal servants.
If you are interested I could go into one reason as to why I believe that the Lord and the apostles were using different words in those teachings. it has to do with the audience hearing them and the spiritual level of that audience. It also has to do with the degrees of glory and those who preside over each degree of glory. let me know if you want more detail on that.
scott banta the father is Jesus Christ
Plus why did he say Amen! And second where in the book of Acts is anyone baptized in the name of titles. Everyone in the book of Acts baptized in the name of the true living GOD Jesus Christ of Nazareth or in his name. Peter and the disciples were told to go to Jerusalem and wait and they did and GOD gave them the revelation that we should all follow. Acts 2:38
Everyone has different ways of believing in God or Jesus christ some may be similar to other religions and others won't don't overthink it that's just question you just have to pray for ans wait and just have faith ans you'll hear a whisper and your answer will come to your mind.
I was thinking that myself. ?
We say holy spirit from the Latin word "spiritus"
Mormons baptized just like trinitarian.
ALLLLLLLL MORMONS needs to REPENT and be RE-BAPTIZED every ONE of you in the NAME NAME NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin.
If you were baptized father, son and holy ghost. YOU WERE BAPTIZED WRONG.
You’re saying what Jesus didn’t say! So I won’t listen to you! But you should baptize in the name of the father son and the Holy Ghost amen
Thank you for this that that I found the truth I want to really be baptized when I was young they baptized me in the Catholic when I was a teenager they baptized me on the mormon Church but I really want to do the real baptized thank you for sharing your thoughts no more confident that I'm going the right way
@@guadalupelomeli6463 Your Catholic baptism was valid. Stay Catholic.
Damm looks like you were cursed no wonder why you speak of such hatred what was it?
In the name I too am baptized so is lyton
My mom makes me be Christian and do this and I’m pan so this is sad
That baptism is wrong there no scripture in the Bible the disciple baptized father son holy spirit Acts 2 38 is the right way to be baptized Acts 2 38 Acts 8 12) Acts 19 ) Roma 6 2) there is no other name given under heaven we shall be saved by the name of Jesus Christ whatsoever u do in word or deed do all in the name of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the name above all name and every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is Lord God the Father raise him up from the dead Jesus Christ is the name of the father son holy my beloved when u baptized someone do it in the name of Jesus Christ
Matthew 28:19 sir
@@poshmalosh14atthew 28:19 was fulfilled in Acts 2:38. The NAME of The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost is Jesus Christ. Jesus was referring to his own name.
look like in hk wanchai church
This is dawn breaking🎁
Mormon baptism is not a valid Christian baptism.
I'm sorry you feel that way. We believe that no other baptism is valid either since it isn't done with the proper authority.
@@summershymanski6901 why do you believe that the Mormon church has the authority?
Shames it the wrong Jesus
Wrong baptism she need to go back and get baptized again in the NAME of Jesus Christ, or Lord Jesus and Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is a titles of God who's name is Jesus.
money religion, oh wait, that's all of them
cult-like behaviour
+sugabaybee22 What the hell is "cult-like" about being baptized? That is one of the most ignorant statements I think I have ever read... You want to know what a cult is like? I will tell you... First of all...
The modern definition of a mind control cult is any group which employs mind control and deceptive recruiting techniques. In other words cults trick people into joining and coerce them into staying. This is the definition that most people would agree with. Except the cults themselves of course!
Cults that use a belief system as their base are very common. Their belief system could be standard Christianity, Hinduism, Islam or any other of the world religions, or they may have invented their own belief system. What makes them a cult is the fact that they use mind control, not what they believe.
+H McNorton This is a common mistake people make thinking that cults are purely religious groups. The modern definition of a mind control cult refers to all groups that use mind control and the devious recruiting techniques that this article exposes. The belief system of a religion is often warped to become a container for these techniques, but it is the techniques themselves that make it a cult. In a free society people can believe what they want, but most people would agree that it is wrong for anyone to try to trick and control people. Cults, wonderful on the outside but on the inside are very manipulating. Cult leaders are desperate to trick you into joining. They are after your obedience, your time and your money.Cults use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time.Cult leaders will tell you can only be “saved” (or can only be successful) in their organization alone. No other organization has the truth, all others miss the mark. So it is not the belief system that decides your future, but it the belief system AND your membership with that particular group.The cult leaders need to make you believe that there is no where else you can go and still be saved, and if you ever leave the “one true church” then you are going to hell. This is a fear based control mechanism designed to keep you in the cult. It also gives the cult leaders tremendous power over you. If you really believe that leaving the group equals leaving God (or means you are leaving your only chance to succeed in life), then you will obey the cult leaders even when you disagree with them instead of risking being kicked out of the group. Exclusivism is used as a threat, it controls your behavior through fear.Guilt, Character Assassination and Breaking Sessions. Guilt will be used to control you. Maybe the reason you’re not making money is because you’re not “with the programme”. Maybe the reason you’re not able to convert new recruits is because “your heart is prideful and full of sin”. It could never be that the programme isn’t working, or those new recruits have valid reasons for not joining. It’s always your fault, you are always wrong, and so you must try harder! You will also be made to feel very guilty for disobeying any of the cult’s written or unwritten rules.
+H McNorton Character Assassination is used to help create the guilt in you. Character Assassination is a type of false reasoning used by people and groups who have no real arguments. The technical name for Character Assassination is “The Ad hominem Fallacy”. This is how it works. Imagine if you will a conversation between two men, Ford and Arthur…“One plus one equals three”, says Ford.“No I don’t think so. You see when I have one thing, and I have another thing, then I have two things not three”, replies Arthur.“I see your point, but what you must realize is that one plus one when calculated in relation to this complex number domain, which I just invented, and then squared by the sum of the ninth tangent in the sequence of the Fibonacci series results in three!”, stated Ford triumphantly.Ok, Ford is wrong, but that is not the point. The point is that Ford tried to answer Arthur’s reasoning with more reasoning of his own. This is the healthy way people and groups debate subjects. Now lets see what would have happened if Ford had used Character Assassination…“Arthur I have been a mathematician longer than you. How dare you disagree with me! You are obviously a very smug and prideful person. I think you are disagreeing with me because you are jealous of me, and to be honest with you Arthur your rebellion has really hurt me and a lot of other people too”, stated Ford his face intimidatingly close to Arthur’s.You see Ford didn’t answer Arthur’s argument, instead he attacked his character. If you are not aware of how Character Assassination works then it is a powerful way to exert control over you.
+H McNorton Breaking sessions are when one, two or more cult members and leaders attack the character of another person, sometimes for hours on end. Some cults will not stop these sessions until their victim is crying uncontrollably.People in a mind control cult will also hide their true thoughts and feelings, and instead wear a mask which presents them as a perfect cult member. This mask is a defense against being reported to leadership and being punished for not measuring up (cult members never feel like they measure up to the cult’s ideals, and yet often believe the other members around them do, when in reality the others feel the same as them). Hence cult members are trained not only to deceive outsiders, but also to deceive their fellow cult members. Rarely can close friendships form in cults, and if they do the cult’s leaders may see them as a threat and move those people away from each other. Nothing is allowed that can be more powerful than the cult members’ allegiance to the group and it’s leaders.In a mind control cult like in Nazi Germany or Communist Russia you must be careful of what you say and do; “The walls have ears”. Everyone is encouraged to watch out for “struggling” brothers and sisters and report what they see to leadership. Often information given in deepest confidence is automatically reported to leadership. Cult leaders will then use this information to convince their members that they have a supernatural link, the trusting member does not suspect the very natural mechanism behind the supernatural revelations they are given.Common sense tells us that a person who does not consider all information may make an unbalanced decision. Filtering the information available or trying to discredit it not on the basis of how true it is, but rather on the basis of how it supports the party line, is a common control method used throughout history.Those who control the information control the person. In a mind control cult any information from outside the cult is considered evil, especially if it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it. Only information supplied by the cult is true. One cult labels any information against it as “persecution” or “spiritual pornography”, another cult calls it “apostate literature” and will expel you from the group if you are caught with it. Cults train their members to instantly destroy any critical information given to them, and to not even entertain the thought that the information could be true.Cults also try to cut you off from your friends and family because they hate others being able to influence you. A mind control cult will seek to manoeuvre your life so as to maximize your contact with cult members and minimize your contact with people outside the group, especially those who oppose your involvement.Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you. Whether we like it or not we are all profoundly affected by those around us. When you first go to a cult they will practice “love bombing”, where they arrange instant friends for you. It will seem wonderful, how could such a loving group be wrong! But you soon learn that if you ever disagree with them, or ever leave the cult then you will lose all your new “friends”. This unspoken threat influences your actions in the cult. Things that normally would have made you complain will pass by silently because you don’t want to be ostracized. Like in an unhealthy relationship love is turned on and off to control.Here you can read more about cults so you don't go around saying ignorant things www.cultwatch.com/howcultswork.htmlThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not a cult... and look here... in case you don't know the difference between a cult and a church. KNOW wtf you are talking about before you go talking crap about something when you know nothing about it.
are you a mormon? LOL...don't get your panties in a bunch for a religion you may or may not even follow. MY opinion is mines. Didn't personally attack you or any individual. I I think Mormonism has cult like behaviour. NOT A FAN.
Hello Jason Lamb, Please delete this video from RUclips there are some things that should remain personal Thank you.
No. Hiding it is not good.
are you the one getting baptized in this video?
Yea true its odd the fact someone would come into the church and just record a video of the church baptizing a new member into the church its Honestly weird guess he'll probably get ex-communicated
Just another sheep for the masses...
rice, What is the masses? You mean a sacrifice?
John 10:27-28-- "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."
You say sheep for the masses, but Christ says devout follower whom He will grant eternal life.
you must be baptized in the name of "Jesus Christ " not the father or the Holy Ghost it's one name and that is Jesus Christ .so sad that all the people you've baptized will not enter into the kingdom of god because of this.
+roberto galindo um, are you dumb? Matthew 28:19King James Version (KJV)19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
So your Mormon? *****
You do know that the person who founded your " religion " was a con man *****
And you start by insulting me , how pure of you . You must believe there are 3 gods *****
+roberto galindo what are you, a Jehovah's witness or something?
Idk why people do shit like this honestly people do shit like this and look at the bad side of the church of Jesus of latter day saints if you don't like them just leave them be you focus on too much of the bad side of the religion when you should also look at the bright side of this religion if you ask what good side I can show you guys videos of the church of Jesus christ volunteering to help with floods and even providing resources and food supplies and also place to sleep honestly if your a hater of the lds church honestly grow tf up your not a kid anymore your a grown man or woman you should be acting like it and to those who keep sending out false information about the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints be sure to know exactly what your sending because your not the only one who sees it members of the lds see this too and for you to say this and that and lying about what the church does is such disgusting behavior grow up and move on if the church did something to you then deal with it your not a kid your a grown man or woman who have better things to do instead of saying bs about the latter day saints religion if you have kids and you dislike the church then cool that's good for you but Don't involve your hatred or dislikes to your kids that's how you influence kids these days into doing stupid things.
The links are down below.
I been to this building