
  • Опубликовано: 29 янв 2025

Комментарии • 37

  • @yokoyolanda882
    @yokoyolanda882 День назад +1

    Thank you for the explanation of the material presented regarding bankruptcy. The material explained is clear and can be understood how we can know the meaning, causes, and laws of bankruptcy, and how to avoid bankruptcy. The appearance of this group is also good!
    Yoko Yolanda

  • @TriaShuciamanda
    @TriaShuciamanda День назад +1

    Thank you, you speak very well and convincingly. You also convey important points clearly and logically.
    -Tria shuci Amanda

  • @mdcvxsq
    @mdcvxsq 2 дня назад +1

    interesting material explained to Zahran Hasbi and friends, so I can find out what bankruptcy is and I also get knowledge on how to overcome bankruptcy
    -Ahmad Maulana Ibrahim

  • @mutiaraadila593
    @mutiaraadila593 4 часа назад

    In my opinion, the material presented by this group is quite complete, and the way it is delivered is quite clear. From the material presented I can draw conclusions about the meaning of bankruptcy, the law in Indonesia about bankruptcy, etc. good job guys!!
    - Mutiara Adila

  • @ibnukhaldun_project6408
    @ibnukhaldun_project6408 День назад

    The material presented is easy to understand, the pronunciation and intonation in delivering it are also very clear. Thank you and continue to be enthusiastic about developing yourself
    -Muhammad zahran

  • @valentinorichard5303
    @valentinorichard5303 2 дня назад +1

    Well, the responses and suggestions that can be conveyed in this discussion are that the discussion in this video can be understood well, and also to the speaker who has conveyed well in detail at each point. We hope that the speaker can be better in the future and the knowledge conveyed can be useful for many people. Thank you.
    - Valentino Richard

  • @christiano193
    @christiano193 2 дня назад +2

    From my opinion, the material has been explained clearly. The group is explaining about causes, process, impact and laws of bankruptcy. From the video, i can learn about the meaning and the laws of bankruptcy so, i can learn how to avoid bankruptcy. Anyway, good job and i proud of you, bestiesssss 🥰😍😍
    Name: Christiano Anggria

  • @ameliaafifa7786
    @ameliaafifa7786 2 дня назад

    The videos are very informative and easy to understand, the delivery of the material is clear and structured. I really appreciate the efforts of my friends in explaining complicated concepts into simple. The animations and visuals used are also very helpful in understanding the material. Thank you for providing quality educational content, this is very helpful for students like me.
    Nama : Amelia Afifa

  • @fiolaagista
    @fiolaagista День назад

    After watching this video, I gained a better understanding of bankruptcy in Indonesia and its legal process. The explanation of the term "bankruptcy" and the framework of Law No. 37 of 2004 was really helpful. I also learned that bankruptcy can be filed by the debtor, creditors, or certain institutions, and it involves the commercial court. The presenter did an excellent job explaining everything in a clear and structured way, making it easy to understand even though the topic is quite complex. The explanation really made everything easier to grasp. Good Job guys!
    -Fiola Agista

  • @bungapermatasari-ir5yf
    @bungapermatasari-ir5yf День назад

    Thank you for the explanation of the material presented on bankruptcy. I learnt a lot, starting from the laws governing bankruptcy in Indonesia, who are the parties involved, how is the bankruptcy filing process, and so on. In addition, the delivery was very clear and easy to understand🙌.
    - Bunga Permata Sari

  • @annisafitri4457
    @annisafitri4457 2 дня назад

    The material explained in this video really helped me understand about bankruptcy. I now understand more about bankruptcy, the conditions for bankruptcy, who can file for bankruptcy, the procedure for filing for bankruptcy, and the legal consequences of bankruptcy and I am also very impressed with the explanation that is easy to understand. Thankyou
    Nama:Annisa Fitri

  • @deapermaata
    @deapermaata 2 дня назад

    This video provides a comprehensive overview of bankruptcy. The presenter explained very well, including the conditions for filing bankruptcy and the parties involved. The discussion about PKPU and its procedures was very insightful. I appreciated the clear and concise presentation from this group.
    Name : Dea Permata Evanza

  • @RifqahSaidahIzdihar
    @RifqahSaidahIzdihar 2 дня назад

    Materi yang dijelaskan sudah jelas dan dapat dipahami bagaimana kita dapat mengetahui pengertian, penyebab, dan hukum kebangrutan, serta bagaimana cara menghindari terjadinya kebangkrutan. Penampilan kelompok juga bagus good job🤩
    Nama : Rifqah Saidah Izdihar

  • @tiaradarza5525
    @tiaradarza5525 2 дня назад

    Menurut saya materi yang sampaikan dan ditampilkan oleh pemateri sudah sangat jelas, karena pemateri menjelaskan tentang penyebab, proses, dampak, dll dari kebangkrutan.
    Penampilan kelompok sudah bagus dan harus di pertahankan.
    Good job guyss
    Nama: Tiara D. Arza

  • @anggararobyy-6
    @anggararobyy-6 2 дня назад

    The material presented by the speaker was very good and clear, so that I could understand the material presented. The ppt presented was also interesting so I was interested in paying attention to the material presented.
    (Roby Anggara)

  • @karinamutiasaid8020
    @karinamutiasaid8020 2 дня назад

    The material is very informative! The explanation is easy to understand, especially for beginners who want to know more about the causes and process of bankruptcy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
    name : Karina Mutia Said

  • @FadilAhmadi.
    @FadilAhmadi. 2 дня назад

    Menurut saya materi yang ditampilkan jelas dan mudah dipahami sehingga yang menonton akan mudah memahami materi tersebut. materi yang disampaikan sangat bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan penonton serta penanmpilan kelompoknya sangat bagus
    Nama : Fadil Ahmadi

  • @putrialifiaramadhani2937
    @putrialifiaramadhani2937 2 дня назад

    Thank you very much for this video. The explanation is very clear and systematic, making it easier for me to understand the material which was initially quite difficult. I feel very helped
    (Putri Alifia Ramadhani)

  • @ika-mg4xk
    @ika-mg4xk 2 дня назад

    Menurut saya pembahasan tentang bankruptcy dan PKPU sangat bermanfaat, terutama bagi yang baru belajar tentang hukum bisnis. Saya berharap ada sesi tanya jawab lebih interaktif di kesempatan berikutnya!
    Nama:Tika Yulita

  • @ZahraMufida-p7x
    @ZahraMufida-p7x 2 дня назад

    Penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh pemateri sudah sangat bagus dan jelas, materi yang disampaikan mudah dipahami. Hanya saja pemateri bisa menambahkan sedikit contoh
    (Zahra Mufida)

  • @alikhsan0993
    @alikhsan0993 2 дня назад

    Materi yang disampaikan oleh penyaji cukup jelas dan saya dapat memahaminya dengan baik tentang materi bankruptcy
    Nama : Al Ikhsan

  • @gentanovianra4622
    @gentanovianra4622 2 дня назад

    the material explained can be understood well, the presenter can convey it to the audience well, so that the audience can understand the material
    Nama : Genta Novianra Putra

  • @fitkadinda
    @fitkadinda 2 дня назад

    Materi yang disampaikan jelas dan dapat kita lihat langsung di layar, sedikit perbaikan jika vidio nya lebih di rapikan untuk bagian awal ny bisa di cut sedikit
    Nama : Fitka Dinda

  • @RiskaWitriZulkarnain
    @RiskaWitriZulkarnain 2 дня назад

    Menurut saya materi mengenai explanation bankruptcy yang di sampaikan jelas dan mudah di pahami dan cara menjelaskan nya juga sudah baik
    Nama : Riska witri Zulkarnain

  • @Sarahalfadhilla-s9h
    @Sarahalfadhilla-s9h 2 дня назад

    Thanks for the video, the explanation is very clear, I can easily understand it about bankruptcy and what it covers.
    Name : Sarah Alfadhilla

  • @RimaMarkus
    @RimaMarkus 2 дня назад

    Materi yang di sampaikan sudah bagus dan jelas secara detailnya, tapi mungkin lebih baik di next presentasi ada contoh yang bisa menggambarkannya sehingga lebih bisa di fahami dengan sangat baik.
    (Rima Markus)

  • @fauziahputriperdana2512
    @fauziahputriperdana2512 2 дня назад

    menurut saya,materi yang disampaikan pemateri mudah dipahami dan jelas tetapi lebih baik di tambahkan dengan contoh
    Nama :Fauziah Putri Perdana

  • @fahrulraziq2476
    @fahrulraziq2476 2 дня назад

    Presentasinya menurut saya sudah jelas banget dan aku jadi paham soal bankruptcy, tapi mungkin next time bisa ditambahkan contoh signifikan
    (Fahrul Raziq)

  • @ameliadebora4318
    @ameliadebora4318 2 дня назад

    Menurut saya pemateri udah menyampaikan materi dengan baik dan jelas cuman akan lebih mudah dipahami jika contoh dari kasus nyata
    Nama :Amelia debora

  • @aisyahfazhiraamiadi6950
    @aisyahfazhiraamiadi6950 2 дня назад

    Well, in my opinion, the speaker has delivered and provided a fairly good explanation, it's just that it would be better if the speaker provides detailed examples.
    Nama : Aisyah fazhira Amiadi

  • 2 дня назад

    Halo .
    Terima kasih untuk penjelasan nya .Sedikit membantu memberikan wawasan dan penjelasan yang baik.saya tertarik dengen penyampaian materinya .BIsa dipahami dan bisa disaksikan dengan baik.
    Kanisius Sudarwanto Sakaliou_