brilliant tech! Light rail/metro is over 150yo technology... concreting steel rails in the ground, fixed, expensive and more intrusive to residents. This is cheaper (significantly), less intrusive, flexible (change the route!), easier and faster to implement. Sydney needed to look at this instead of the billions wasted on the lightrail disaster that just keeps on happening. Im not a great fan of Brisbane planning and infrastruture decisions, but this is one they got right!
brilliant tech! Light rail/metro is over 150yo technology... concreting steel rails in the ground, fixed, expensive and more intrusive to residents. This is cheaper (significantly), less intrusive, flexible (change the route!), easier and faster to implement. Sydney needed to look at this instead of the billions wasted on the lightrail disaster that just keeps on happening. Im not a great fan of Brisbane planning and infrastruture decisions, but this is one they got right!
The design of metro is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
great swiss product
It's no metro it's a bus 🤨