The cimbalom player was very professional, much much better than I've seen so far in foreign (non-hungarian) orchestra performances of this piece. Also the horn players were surprisingly good. The whole orchestra performed the piece professionally and also seemingly enjoyed doing it.
Taking into account that it's not an easy piece, and that the french horn part is difficult in terms of dynamics (going pp while watching your tuning, I've seen seasoned pros flunk right there), these young musicians really shone here. Amazing.
Csodaszép,tündöklő,páratlan,csillogó,mű! Én azt mondom, életem egyik legszebb műve Kodály Zoltánnak... Árpi a bölcs 😊
I’ve loved this music since 1970 when I first heard it.
És Isten áldja a mi Fölvidékünket és minden magyar testvért! Büszke vagyok, hogy magyar lehetek!
Beautiful performance! Thank you for your music, ladies and gentlemen!
Kedvenc Kodály művem. Nagyon szépen játszották. Gratulálok a Művészeknek!
Really fantastic performance! Bravo
Szerintem vagy eleget ittam már,vagy ez tényleg a legközelebb áll az elvárhatóhoz,azok közül a zenekarok közül,amiket eddig meghallgattam.
Bár a cimbalmos még mindig vérszegény.
Ezek románok, és nagyon is értik a mi zenénket.
The cimbalom player was very professional, much much better than I've seen so far in foreign (non-hungarian) orchestra performances of this piece.
Also the horn players were surprisingly good.
The whole orchestra performed the piece professionally and also seemingly enjoyed doing it.
Taking into account that it's not an easy piece, and that the french horn part is difficult in terms of dynamics (going pp while watching your tuning, I've seen seasoned pros flunk right there), these young musicians really shone here. Amazing.
Istenem de csodas ez a muremek es remekul eloadva termeszetesen!
A funny, lovely company. You have more than enough talent to interpret hungarian music with perfection, but the conductor didn't use it, I think.