FIDIC rules should be followed in all International Contracts.FIDIC National Members should arrange Trg.Workshops with Site/Plant/Factory/Field Visits at local afforadable fees to local Engineers;Contractors;Lawyers;Professors
Vous avez les moyens de réaliser un projet de construction, bien mais pas faire de baille et de beaux, vous construisez, vous prenez ce qui vous revient.
This is extremely valuable info!! Thank you! thank you!!
Thanks for very valuable information on construction contract.
Is construction CLE credit available for this ?
FIDIC rules should be followed in all International Contracts.FIDIC National Members should arrange Trg.Workshops with Site/Plant/Factory/Field Visits
at local afforadable fees to local Engineers;Contractors;Lawyers;Professors
Great! Thank you very much.
skip to'll never get that time back
Je suis propriétaire d'une superficie environ 15hectares lotis, je voudrais réaliser mon projet de construction maison préfabriquée.
How to claim EOT from client if he extend the completion date?
Indirect Costs, you can claim easily. Hope I am not that late to answer :)
Thanks.. great job
What about the consumer.? Do you represent them? Contractor are awe full people. The rob home owners
Vous avez les moyens de réaliser un projet de construction, bien mais pas faire de baille et de beaux, vous construisez, vous prenez ce qui vous revient.