Should I leave my little monkey Leo in someone else's care?

  • Опубликовано: 5 июл 2024
  • Should I leave my little monkey Leo in someone else's care?

Комментарии • 258

  • @lorenageri7709
    @lorenageri7709 9 дней назад +22

    Penso che dovresti dare via la piccolina, perché ancora non si è abituata ad una vita familiare. Tre scimmie per te sono troppe. Cresceranno e avranno sempre più bisogno di cibo per non parlare di visite mediche e medicinali se si ammalano. La piccolina si adatterà alla nuova famiglia e crescerà secondo la loro volontà. Credimi se le ami.... per il loro bene farai la felicità di una di loro andando a vivere in condizioni migliori. Guarda Bibi come è stato curato ed educato dal suo papà, adesso è una scimmietta adorabile, intelligente, amorosa, educata. Ma ci vuole del tempo ed anche disponibilità economiche che tu adesso non hai. Buona fortuna! Spero che questo consiglio ti sia di aiuto. ❤

    • @user-tr4ox2cy8k
      @user-tr4ox2cy8k 9 дней назад

      Маленькую обезьянку она взяла у своих родственников, в доме своей матери, где раньше жила обезьяна Ламбо. Вряд ли они заберут макашку обратно. Не для того они обезьянку пристроили к девушке.

    • @jasminstaubmann2363
      @jasminstaubmann2363 9 дней назад

      Bibi wurde zu einer Marionette gemacht er muss aufrichtig gehen was für einen Affen schmerzhaft ist, kann sich nicht frei bewegen ständig muss er dinge tun die im antrainiert wurden, glücklich ist er dabei nicht, was dängst du wie oft er bestraft wurde bis er das macht was sie von ihm verlangen, das ist kein glückliches Affen leben, ihr seht nur das was ihr sehen wollt,also mach keinen Vorschlag mit Bibi die machen alles nur um viel Geld zu verdienen🤨

  • @DebbieWilliams-wu7yh
    @DebbieWilliams-wu7yh 9 дней назад +16

    No you should not give baby LEO away he has a family now that would break my heart. ❤

  • @user-kat-sue
    @user-kat-sue 9 дней назад +17

    No, keep Leo, he loves you now, were your tears not real when he was missing?

    • @beatriz9376
      @beatriz9376 9 дней назад +3

      Obviously not real tears.

    • @user-kat-sue
      @user-kat-sue 8 дней назад +2

      @@beatriz9376 Yeah, I know they weren't.

  • @vanessaroellchen6896
    @vanessaroellchen6896 9 дней назад +11

    No, you should keep Leo. He chose you by coming back to you ❤

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад

      Vrátil se, protože měl hlad.😃

  • @user-rs2uh8hx4h
    @user-rs2uh8hx4h 9 дней назад +17

    The baby needs more milk but Leo keeps taking it!

  • @patriciabouhier5186
    @patriciabouhier5186 9 дней назад +40

    Vous aviez versé toutes les larmes de votre corps lorsque vous l'aviez perdu et maintenant vous vous voulez vous en débarrasser c'est du n'importe quoi

    • @beatriz9376
      @beatriz9376 9 дней назад +1

      All her tears are fake.

  • @GlynisGREY
    @GlynisGREY 9 дней назад +11

    AWW Don't give Leo away he's used to you now 😢😢😢

  • @LuellaM
    @LuellaM 9 дней назад +11

    No, keep Leo and give them the new baby you just found in the forest. If you have to give up any of them! Loe is home.

    • @s.h.3955
      @s.h.3955 9 дней назад +3

      what are you talking? They never "found" it in the wood. it is all fake

    • @s.h.3955
      @s.h.3955 9 дней назад +1

      they didn't "found" it in the wood. what a joke. you also belieave that santa claus is real or?

    • @user-tr4ox2cy8k
      @user-tr4ox2cy8k 9 дней назад

      Она мелкую взяла у своих родственников.

  • @lilianavillalba6267
    @lilianavillalba6267 9 дней назад +10


  • @poohbear1152000
    @poohbear1152000 9 дней назад +4

    Please don’t give Leo away… it’s evident he really loves you and he is use to being with you and also having his freedom. He needs both of those things and you give him those plus much Love!!

  • @jasminstaubmann2363
    @jasminstaubmann2363 9 дней назад +11

    Besser du gibst den letzten weg, warum Leo ??der hat bei dir mehr Freiheit wer weis wie die andere Familie ist zwingen ihm in Windel und Kleider herum zu laufen das wäre nicht gut

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад

      Pokud má opice v bytě a spí v posteli, plenky jsou nutností. Opice je divoké zvíře a vyčůrá se, kde jí napadne. Opici nezajímá, jestli se může vydělat, nebo ne. Ve videu se Leo vyčůral do nějakého hrnce nebo nádoby.Je to nechutné. Alespoň by mu mohla dát kalhoty, aby si mezi dřeva nepřirazil penis. 🐵

  • @nicoledruemmer6378
    @nicoledruemmer6378 9 дней назад +11

    Ich verstehe dich nicht ! Sorge dafür, dass Leo weiterhin keine Kleidung trägt, dass er weiterhin in den Bäumen klettern kann, und unterstütze ihn dabei Nahrung zu finden. Er wird von alleine ( wie Theo) in die Rockys gehen. Aber verstoße ihn nicht, oder gebe ihn weg. Du bist sein Stammesanführer, zu dem er Vertrauen hat und es seiner kleine Seele gut geht. Stell dir vor, man hätte dich weg gegeben. Kein noch so größter Luxus könnte seine verletzte Seele heilen. Du weißt nicht nicht, was er alles durchmachen musste, bevor du ihn gefunden hattest. Dann musst du auch Nahu weggeben. Es ist gemein und fies, ein Affenbaby zu sich zu nehmen, Vertrauen aufzubauen, und dann das Baby wegzugeben. Dann gebe alle Affen weg. Auch Lucy. Bringe sie in den Wald. Wenn dir das lieber ist ? Du musst auch über Konzequenzen nachdenken.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад +5

      Вы такие странные люди, а если девушке тяжело воспитывать троих обезьян? Вы подумали о том, что они растут, им надо полноценно питаться, а если заболеют... Много трудностей, здесь только на одной любви не уедешь далеко. В семьях где есть условия содержания макаши живут счастливо, у них все есть, здесь же у девушки не хватает средств на молоко, Люси очень слабенькая и ей нужна смесь молочная, а не пакетик , тем более, что кормит их она с одной бутылочки троих, у других макаши выпивают целую и им мало... Надо думать о будущем обезьян, как им будет лучше.

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад +1

      Nechápu, proč by musela dát pryč i Nahu. Tu měla jako první a oblíbila si jí. Lea někdo vyhodil a ona se ho ujala, poskytla mu jídlo a střechu. Důvěru Leo má, protože dostane jídlo. Je to opice, která se umí toulat.

    • @marikawolf5099
      @marikawolf5099 7 дней назад

      És és és és és

    • @sandrinehoue8384
      @sandrinehoue8384 6 дней назад +1


  • @patriciabouhier5186
    @patriciabouhier5186 9 дней назад +13

    Pourquoi Léo et pourquoi pas le dernier singe que vous avez recueilli et si ils avaient chacun leur biberon ça serait plus simple et plus sain

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад +3

      Leo k děvčeti moc nepřilnul, jako k ní přilnula Nahu. Leo je opravdu chamtivý a přijde tehdy, když chce nakrmit. O žádné lásce ze strany Lea se nedá hovořit. Bez Lea by se jí ulevilo.

    • @koshkamurka9374
      @koshkamurka9374 9 дней назад +4

      ​@@barboracejkaхвостатый намного меньше Лео,поэтому он цепляется за нее,а Лео не жадный он голодный,ему не хватает одного молока

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад +1

      @@koshkamurka9374 Máte pravdu. Lev je velký a žravý. Bude pro něho potřebovat více a více jídla. Zvládne to?

    • @koshkamurka9374
      @koshkamurka9374 9 дней назад +1

      ​​@@barboracejka и эти выростут и будут прожорливыми

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад +3

      @@koshkamurka9374 Ano. Proto by měla dobře zvážit své možnosti. Myslím, že tři opice je na ní náročné.

  • @nicoleborrallo5416
    @nicoleborrallo5416 9 дней назад +11

    Nous sommes bien mal placer pour donner des conseils. Elevés 3 singes coutent de l'argent et du temps. Vous ne pourrez pas aller travailler pour gagner votre vie. Les soins vétérinaires sont hors de prix. C'est à vous de peser le pour et le contre; Si vous confier l'un ou l'autre il faudra bien être certaine qu'il sera bien traité ...

    • @user-fd5hh2jm6g
      @user-fd5hh2jm6g 9 дней назад


  • @inesteixeira958
    @inesteixeira958 9 дней назад +11

    Não dê os macaquinhos. Peça um patrocinador q forneça leite e sumos como fazem os outro com videos.

  • @dorotakwasny6823
    @dorotakwasny6823 9 дней назад +7

    Leo jest taki słodki, przyzwyczaił się do Pani, nie wiadomo jakiej krzywdy doznał przedtem.Jak Pani musi , proszę oddać Lucy, ją Pani ma najkrócej.Ale może uda się zostawić wszystkie małpki.Serdecznie pozdrawiam.❤

  • @yokefonglam959
    @yokefonglam959 9 дней назад +4

    Please keep Leo. He managed to find his way home when he was lost, please don't abandon him. He will feel rejected. You can give Luci away to Lambo's family since she is still young and not attached to you yet.

  • @gregoriahidalgo7221
    @gregoriahidalgo7221 9 дней назад +13

    O no por favor no se lo des a nadie co jeria depresión, pobrecito es tan durces. Y ustedes son muy buenas personas, y él les quiere muncho. Un abrazo muymuy grade para toda la familia. ❤❤❤❤❤😢😢😢😢

  • @Celine-xl1qb
    @Celine-xl1qb 9 дней назад +5


  • @luzmarinahurtado2025
    @luzmarinahurtado2025 9 дней назад +6

    El criar a tres monos es una tarea ardua que requiere mucho tiempo y responsabilidad, de regalar a uno de ellos que sea Luci, aun está bebecita y se adaptaria con mayor facilidad a otra persona. Al final es tuya la decisión

  • @maryannecomment3302
    @maryannecomment3302 9 дней назад +24

    For Leo, it would be bad to go to another family. Nahu is also very attached to you. Luci could adjust to another family, but I would not recommend it. In your farm, the monkeys can be naked and free. Some people want the monkey to make cute videos for RUclips and dress them up like human children and also treat them like human children. Then the monkeys suffer because when it grows up, it cannot adjust anymore to human life, and is also not prepared to go back to the forest.

    • @MarthaFrame-fh6fd
      @MarthaFrame-fh6fd 9 дней назад +6

      I agree with you.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад +4

      И тем не менее Люси лучше будет в семье, где за ней будет нормальный уход и питание, здесь девушка при всей своей доброте не может обеспечить полноценный уход и питание, во многих семьях хоть и обезьянки одеты, тем не менее они счастливы, ухожены и сыты, их никто не собирается выкидывать... Бывают , конечно, исключения, а здесь они неухожены и питаются очень скудно

    • @user-pj1zr6yh5q
      @user-pj1zr6yh5q 9 дней назад +3


    • @marcyhumphrey7871
      @marcyhumphrey7871 9 дней назад +11

      If you cannot afford to feed them all, I would think Lucy would be the one to rehome because she has not gotten attached to you yet. Leo looks at you as family and depends on you and your love.

    • @user-pj1zr6yh5q
      @user-pj1zr6yh5q 9 дней назад +3


  • @kimgodfrey2121
    @kimgodfrey2121 9 дней назад +4

    I believe you should keep the older two monkey's and give the baby to someone who could care for it better than you are now. I know you have a big heart, you love them all and you want to take care of them all. But the little one needs more food and more care than you are providing it with. Your other Grandma would be a wonderful person to take care of the baby. Lambo would love it and help take care of it. That way, you would still be able to visit little Luci.

  • @heatherroach7817
    @heatherroach7817 9 дней назад +3

    Give Luci away to Grandma Ba Can. Twice you took Leo back to set him free, then you made several videos about how sad you were when he ran away. Now he's back and you are wondering about giving him away. Lucy would settle with Ba Can and Lambo. Luci looks to be the same breed as Lambo.

  • @vivianlee5851
    @vivianlee5851 9 дней назад +4

    This person Mr. Duong once said that he did not know Ba Can before, but now he said that he is the grandson of Ba Can. So do you think he is a big talker?

  • @aliciaafry
    @aliciaafry 9 дней назад +11

    Yes and the new one they can go to Grandma's. Lambo will love them both.

  • @ngriner12
    @ngriner12 9 дней назад +1

    That’s very odd someone would want Leo over the baby….

  • @kimosburn9852
    @kimosburn9852 9 дней назад +4

    Yes please give Leo to Grandmother Ba You don't seem to be able to take care of him. You also can't make up your own mind. You have too much on your plate and are not old enough for such responsibilities. Be sensible.

    • @ramonazaspel2929
      @ramonazaspel2929 9 дней назад

      Gib einen Affen zu einer anderen Person, wo er in guten Händen ist. 3 Affen sind zu viel für dich.

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 6 дней назад

      Ano. Dejte Lva babičce. Bude si rozumět s Lambo. Malou opici by Lambo utahal nebo jí ublížil. Lev a Lambo jsou takoví tuláci. Odejdou a až budou mít hlad, tak se vrátí.

  • @user-nh8pz2bo4h
    @user-nh8pz2bo4h 9 дней назад +3

    Olá eu penso que não deve dar o Leo ele é muito querido e está habituado a sí

  • @user-ox1uw6hv5t
    @user-ox1uw6hv5t 9 дней назад +6

    Você não vai dar Leo pra outra pessoa criar não né

  • @debrabowen9669
    @debrabowen9669 9 дней назад +1

    Don’t adopt out Leo. Luci is the third monkey. Give Luci to Lambo family. Grandma may be old but Dung and Huy are young and the owner of Lambo. Don’t just keep the cute little baby and get rid of Leo.

  • @user-oq2ir3zn4i
    @user-oq2ir3zn4i 9 дней назад +3

    もし譲るのなら一番小さい猿の方が 適応すると思います。

    • @imaculadasouzasanto3526
      @imaculadasouzasanto3526 9 дней назад +1

      Vc não percebe que ela não dá o amor que leu precisa seria melhor doar Léo para a vovó Ba Can

  • @patrobinson272
    @patrobinson272 2 дня назад +1

    Also you can give the monkeys water. Sometimes they drink the milk because they are thirsty. You never give them water.

  • @user-il6yu4jg8q
    @user-il6yu4jg8q 9 дней назад +1

    Miss, have you considered giving the baby monkey to the other people and keeping Leo? Leo is close to Nahu's age and they love to play together. Like you said, Leo likes his freedom and now Nahu loves his freedom.
    Leo drinks a lot of milk but if you give him food like porridge, rice, sweet potatoes, other potatoes, tofu, all types of fruits (grapes, water melon bananas, etc), he will not drink as much milk. Leo is very active and his species (stump tail Macaque) is greedy so you would have to be prepared to feed him about every 2 - 3 hours or give him fruits in between meals.
    Although Leo likes to eat, when the baby grows up, it will also eat a lot of food.
    Something to think about. Good Luck with your decision.

  • @miekeb.5783
    @miekeb.5783 9 дней назад +2

    I would say give Luci to your grandma and it’s also good for Lambo to take care of her.

  • @user-mf3hv7kf4h
    @user-mf3hv7kf4h 9 дней назад +5


    • @patrobinson272
      @patrobinson272 9 дней назад

      I totally agree with all you say, actually every word! I did not want to say but stump tails are my favorites that equates to keeping Leo.
      Most long tails are very aggressive and mean but since Nahu is running free and she has had him since VERY young infancy, he will likely be very docile.

  • @beatriz9376
    @beatriz9376 9 дней назад +1

    Poor Leo also known as Bambo and MewMew is always being tossed around and then they wonder why he is sad.
    Stupid nd evil people.

  • @pablozambrano5877
    @pablozambrano5877 9 дней назад +4

    Cuidale a leo ..recuerda el se fue y volvio y tu estabas llorando por leo ..o no eran lagrimas sinceras..? Cuidale a los tres bbs y te van agradeser a medida que van creciendo es lo mejor ellos estan acostumbrados a tí hagas algo por lo que despues te puedas arrepentir ..saludos cordiales ..mucho amor para los bbs..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Пока они вырастут у девушки не хватит сил и возможности их прокормить, вы думайте о том, как она будет справляться с ними и дальше, если сейчас понятно, что она не может их нормально кормить и ухаживать.

  • @EG26241
    @EG26241 9 дней назад +2

    He was probably with the
    people who want him now when he was missing and she knew it. How could she even think about giving him up. If she wants to give one away it should be Luci she hasn’t bonded with her yet.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Отдать Люси не решит ее проблемы. Она не сможет прокормить даже двоих, они растут и дальше , когда они привыкнут к ней больше, а она не сможет их содержать, отдавать будет хуже и в лес не отпустишь. Думать надо головой, а не эмоциями

  • @LuellaM
    @LuellaM 9 дней назад +4

    Don’t give up your baby you don’t know how he is going to be treated. He was not the last one to come.

    • @heatherroach7817
      @heatherroach7817 9 дней назад +1

      Baby Luci would be fine at Grandma Ba Can's farm.

  • @user-il6yu4jg8q
    @user-il6yu4jg8q 9 дней назад +1

    the tiny Luci misses her mother. She is trying to hold onto you as she would her mother and you keep holding her back as you worry about Leo who is probably not really hungry. Please let Luci hold onto you.
    You have not figured out Leo yet huh? 😂 😂😂😂😂😂 He will eat as long as you feed him. His species does this. Lucky you ran out of milk LOL!

  • @user-lf6in6sd4z
    @user-lf6in6sd4z 9 дней назад +12

    Il c’est habitué à vous ça ne serait pas bien du tout il vit libre et pourquoi Léo?pourquoi pas Lucile pauvre bébé et à qui voulez vous le donner ?je pense que luci est petite et qu’elle vous donne plus de travaille

    • @barboracejka
      @barboracejka 9 дней назад

      Malá opice k ní více přilne, když jí bude vychovávat od malička. Leo už je dost velký a také už v nějaké rodině žil. Zvykne si i malá opice. Leo začíná být agresivnější. Otázka je, jestli by Lea někdo chtěl.

    • @user-fd5hh2jm6g
      @user-fd5hh2jm6g 9 дней назад


    • @EleniBradshaw
      @EleniBradshaw 9 дней назад +1

      God has put all 4 animals in your path. The 3 monkey's and the puppy. This is a blessing in your life and in theirs. ❤❤❤❤
      Follow your heart. You could not live without Leo when he disappeared for days. You searched high and low in the rain looking for him. He came home ❤ With you is where he belongs. And your heart became whole again.
      We subscribers need to all chip in and help you with extra milk and food. A nice big furry bed for all 3 to sleep in. A warm furry bed for your puppy too. ❤
      Come on subscribers let's all help with this great cause to enable her to not stress daily in bringing up all 4 fur babies that love her and she in turn not only loves them but cares deeply for them ❤ 10:47

  • @silviaglinker-fg7kr
    @silviaglinker-fg7kr 9 дней назад +2

    Schau in dich rein und überlege ganz gut ob du auf Leo verzichten kannst. Damals wo Leo weg war, warst du jeden Tag traurig und wo dann Leo zurück kam hattest du vor Glück geweint. Ganz ehrlich behaute Leo du bekommst alle drei Affen auch satt.
    Wenn ich nicht so weit weg wohnen würde, ich würde auch einen Makakenaffen nehmen. Ich will mir auch mal einen Makakenaffen zulegen, aber keine öffentlichen Videos drehen.

  • @lauradavis2730
    @lauradavis2730 9 дней назад +1

    If three monkeys are too much for you you should adopt out the youngest Luci, it would be less traumatic for her because she is so young and not really attached to you Leo is already attached to you and his surroundings he would be traumatized if you let him go to someone else. Please keep Leo

  • @cindyminor7127
    @cindyminor7127 9 дней назад +3

    ,Dung is back home with Grandma. She is there for good now and Huy is making money in the city. So you can give Leo to Ba Can. He will be well cared for.

    • @aifeing8542
      @aifeing8542 9 дней назад +1


  • @halinadawidowska6149
    @halinadawidowska6149 9 дней назад +3

    Nie lubisz Leo, pomysł że to sierotka 😢 i potrzebuje opieki. To już Twoja decyzja czy go oddasz komuś odpowiedzialne u ale patrząc na Ciebie to wiem, że masz dobre serce i dziecko zatrzymasz 🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐒❤️❤️❤️🌹❤️❤️❤️

  • @user-bc6rz8kw5w
    @user-bc6rz8kw5w 9 дней назад +1

    I agree with many of the comments, Leo has the good life he likes with you, I think you should give Lucy up, she has not been with you long and can adapt easier, please keep Leo in is free life

  • @teresameadows7270
    @teresameadows7270 9 дней назад +4

    Give to your grandma she back to old house

  • @lilianavillalba6267
    @lilianavillalba6267 9 дней назад +3


  • @sylviepinon4636
    @sylviepinon4636 9 дней назад +1

    Oh no !!! Leo need Nahu and Nahu need Leo. Lucy is just comming in your housse, it Will be better to give her.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Потом Лео оприходует Наху и будет у них много Люси😅

  • @user-dq8jk5vy1x
    @user-dq8jk5vy1x 9 дней назад +1

    Hola, soy de Chile, América del Sur. Me llamo Sandra y creo que deberías dar en adopción a Luci, lleva poco tiempo contigo y se acostumbrara fácil con otra persona , es una bebé pequeña. Tu sigue cuidando a Leo y Nahu. Cariños

    • @Lisa-dn3es
      @Lisa-dn3es 8 дней назад

      Bien dit !
      Elle n'aime pas Léo, ça fait un moment qu'elle veut s'en débarrasser

  • @bouriachezoua-8686
    @bouriachezoua-8686 9 дней назад +1

    Don't give Léo , he suffered a lot . Keep him with you .

  • @silviaglinker-fg7kr
    @silviaglinker-fg7kr 6 дней назад +1

    Ich habe gerade deinen Besuch bei Lambo gesehen und du sprachst an Luci bei Lambo zu lassen, ich wäre auch auch dafür und behalte Leo. Leo ist schon in dein Herz gewachsen und Luci ist noch nicht so lange bei dir. Dazu kommt noch das Lambo kleine Affen sehr mag. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir weiterhelfen.

  • @koshkamurka9374
    @koshkamurka9374 9 дней назад +4

    Она дождется,что у нее конфискуют обезьян

    • @galaxytab5149
      @galaxytab5149 9 дней назад

      Кто? Кому они там нужны , эти макаки? Такого добра там хватает, взрослых особей отстреливают фермеры из воздушек, ставят капканы, ловушки на них, орда макак уничтожает у них весь урожай.

  • @TexasChiquita
    @TexasChiquita 9 дней назад +1

    Absolutely not. He knows his way around your farm and forrest. Left and came back. You should find a new home for Lucy!!

  • @user-re6vu4bo9c
    @user-re6vu4bo9c 9 дней назад +2


  • @beatrisaraujo4417
    @beatrisaraujo4417 9 дней назад +3

    Lasciare Leo a qualcun'altra?? Ma perché? Leo ti ama ed è libero e felice con te ...non dare ascolto alle cattive voce mamma!!!🥰🐒🐒🐒🥰💙🩷🌸🦋💯💯💯

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Где вы видели плохие советы, люди правильно пишут, надо думать о будущем обезьянок и о том, сможет ли девушка обеспечить им должный уход, пока видно, что она не справляется, Люси не доедает, Лео грязный... Они растут и дальше будет только хуже ... А если заболеют? У нее не хватит средств их лечить. Поэтому не надо ее напрягать, пусть она все взвесит и примет правильное решение, есть семьи, где все условия для содержания макашей и где реально хотят взять обезьянок

    • @Spider-ManV-hg7cg
      @Spider-ManV-hg7cg  3 дня назад +1

      Thank you❤️❤️❤️

  • @anjachristel4443
    @anjachristel4443 9 дней назад

    Please don`t give him away. Leo doesn`t need a better wealthy home. He needs your love and that you take care of him.
    To that he is very independent little monkey - he loves having trees around to play in and jump around.
    If you really want to get rid of him please ask Grandma and Dung if they want to take him back.

  • @brendabickers65
    @brendabickers65 9 дней назад +1

    Please, Please don't give Leo away and cause him unnecessary suffering. He has already endured the loss of his mother, why do that to him again. When you began to take care of him it should have been a promise to love and care for forever. Please don't break his heart. xx

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Вечно она не сможет, вы подумали о том, как ей дальше с ними? Она сейчас еле справляется и то они не доедают, а дальше??? Думать надо

    • @brendabickers65
      @brendabickers65 8 дней назад

      @@user-he3hw4bc2x She has the perfect place for them already.They have their freedom to leave the home any time they want and return when they want, There is nothing that she needs to do. These monkeys have the best living arrangements possible that they themselves have chosen. Perhaps it is you that needs to think and start looking at the bigger picture before having a go at me.

  • @imaculadasouzasanto3526
    @imaculadasouzasanto3526 9 дней назад +1

    Eu amo o Léo parece um bebê humano

  • @RickCoffey-en6bn
    @RickCoffey-en6bn 9 дней назад +1

    Leo has already been tossed around a good bit in his short life. It is obvious he loves you very much. You have such a beautiful heart. It is easy to see that you deeply love Leo, Nahu, Luci, and puppy Bay. Do not pay attention to all of the comments that criticize and try to put you down. Keep your family together. ❤️

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      А вы помогите девушке материально, а то советы плохие, люди правильно говорят, надо думать о будущем обезьян, о том, что им есть и что с ними делать, когда они вырастут, куда она с ними, в лес? Или что? Лео мальчик и две девочки, он будет к ним приставать, что тогда, чем дольше она их держит, тем больнее будет потом. Вот вам и совет

    • @user-tr4ox2cy8k
      @user-tr4ox2cy8k 9 дней назад +1

      Во-первых: одна девочка Люси, а Наху - мальчик.
      Во-вторых: надо уметь отвечать за свои поступки. Она уже не ребёнок. О чем думала когда взяла третью обезьянку. Ещё есть щенок маленький. Они ведь живые и должны что-то есть и где-то спать. А тут хорошее решение: двоих кормить нечем, возьму третьего. Какая разница, одним меньше или одним больше.

  • @angelaromeo3686
    @angelaromeo3686 9 дней назад +1

    Tienilo con te...L amore che provi vale più di ogni altra cosa...sarebbe un altra delusione x lui...un altra mamma che l abbandona..

  • @imaculadasouzasanto3526
    @imaculadasouzasanto3526 9 дней назад +2

    Seria bom se Léo ficasse com vovó Ba Can

  • @ngriner12
    @ngriner12 9 дней назад

    No. Leo doesn’t need any more trauma in his poor little life. Everyone else seems to agree that Lucy needs to go to a new home. While you love all of them and are doing your best, I just think three is too many monkeys for you to handle. I do believe Leo is your least favorite, but you brought him home and he loves you. Please give Lucy to grandma Ba. She, Lambo, and Dung have more people and resources to properly care for her and would love her so much. We hope you listen. It’s been said in so many videos.

  • @kimgerber7663
    @kimgerber7663 9 дней назад

    Not our problem! It is all based on your ability to be a responsible caretaker. If you can't then Leo will need a caretaker that is slowly transitioned to a new caretaker. But it is your decision,not ours.

  • @kimmedina8062
    @kimmedina8062 8 дней назад

    No I think you should do what your heart tells you to do! I think keeping Leo is the best for him and I can only speak for myself but I am willing to help you with the cost of milk and I am sure there are others that would love to help also ❤

  • @jackieprasek179
    @jackieprasek179 9 дней назад +4

    Lambo family are horrible people. She does stuff on purpose to aggravate Lambo.

  • @metrisstarlover4405
    @metrisstarlover4405 9 дней назад

    Although I don’t really care for Leo because he’s aggressive and will get worse if you don’t take the time to train him better. Which means, stop him when he tries to take a bottle from the babies. Don’t just let him take it. Stop him, grab his hand before he can complete hitting one of the babies. Don’t just sit there and let him do it like I’ve seen you do. He’s got to know that he’s not in charge. But I wouldn’t say give him away unless you want to. That’s up to you. If you want to give him away, do it. No matter what these people say. It’s up to you. A lot of the problem is that you only use one bottle. That never ends well. Never. The bottle for them is their mamas breast that they missed out on by being with humans. Each one needs their own. But, if I were you I’d give him up. Because he’s greedy he drinks all the milk from the babies and you give him the bottle while you’re feeding the baby, that’s not right. He’s always got the bottle in his mouth. And these people have you afraid because they talked so much 💩 to you because of him. That’s only because he’s blonde and cute. When he turns black with a red face they won’t be in love with him anymore. Also, you need to control Leo’s food. His type of monkeys eat until they get sick. Like you gave him all that milk. That’s a big No No and then banana and you said he had mango. See he won’t stop eating. I’ve watch other monkeys like him and they are a greedy breed that needs control over eating too much or you’ll be at the Vets.

  • @user-bj4fb2jf9t
    @user-bj4fb2jf9t 9 дней назад +1

    Hum Hola muchacha me parece que los tres monitos tienen que seguir a tu lado bajo tu cuidados y seguridad 🎉🎉🎉Leo como nahu estan muy apegados a ti *para ellos tu eres su madre hasta la pequeña Lucy te tomo como su madre y a tu lado vive segura pues tu eres una buena persona ** muchos diran az esto o aquello pero nadie es dueño de tus decisiones 🎉🎉🎉 tu cres que Leo esta feliz que lo aparten de su madre y ellos viven libre y a su manera pero a tu lado 🎉🎉🎉 dije que es la primera vez que me engancho en temas de monos y la verdad disfruto viendo el video 🎉🎉🎉amos a esos tres monitos y no quiero que sufran si tu lo dejas 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉???????

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Они будут страдать, девушка при всей своей доброте не сможет прокормить трех обезьян, вы подумали об этом?

  • @user-il6yu4jg8q
    @user-il6yu4jg8q 9 дней назад

    Oh, and you are more attached to Nahu and Leo than you are to the baby monkey. I love that your monkeys walk on 4 feet as they were born to do and that you do not put clothes on them. They live free and natural.

  • @user-fv9zf1tg1l
    @user-fv9zf1tg1l 9 дней назад +1

    ЛЕО те обича и е свободен.

  • @beatrizelenaortizcano8437
    @beatrizelenaortizcano8437 9 дней назад +1

    Si no le vas a prestar la suficiente atencion y amor es mejor en otras manos leo necesita mucho amor

  • @beatrizelenaortizcano8437
    @beatrizelenaortizcano8437 9 дней назад +1

    Daselo a una familia que lo cuide y le de mucho amor

  • @pattigee09
    @pattigee09 9 дней назад

    You're a great Mom to your babies. Being so close to the mountains and forest will be perfect for them to venture, and learn to find other monkeys to start their own troop. In a year or two they will reach maturity, In the meantime, you can take them to the forest and teach them how to find food. This is what's happened to Kaka, she was taken by the forest service and will be released to the forest, she and the baby Mit, don't know how to hunt for their own food. It makes me worry for them. Quite a challenge to have 3 baby monkeys, your love for them will get you through. You are still young and will have time for your life. Hang in there! ❤🐒🍌

  • @meleanorheymans8542
    @meleanorheymans8542 9 дней назад

    Luci is very weak because she doesn't get enough milk, as Leo keeps taking her milk. Don’t give Leo away, give Luci to your Grandmother Ba Can, she and Lambo will love it.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Ламбо ее замучает, а Лео вырастит и что с ним делать? Куда она его денет? Он самец, не забывайте об этом, а наху девочка, даже отдав Люси, девушке не прокормить двоих, а дальше только сложнее будет

  • @velhadorestelo
    @velhadorestelo 9 дней назад +1

    they all love you why you should do that? no please no! when they grow they play more by themself
    with you you know they all are safe
    I just continue say that you must talk to someone to recive donations in your name because you don't have paypal. The person filming who is? can help?

  • @aissalachabi2056
    @aissalachabi2056 9 дней назад +1

    العائلة بلا ليو معناها سنغادر القناة الى الابد

  • @gianniconcu5247
    @gianniconcu5247 9 дней назад +1

    hi, read this writing carefully if you need help to move forward with all three monkeys Leo nahu and Lucy reply to this writing and tell me how I can send you my help don't have difficulty writing I will gladly do it I will help you as I can

  • @aissalachabi2056
    @aissalachabi2056 9 дней назад +1

    اذن لم ذلك البكاء عليه... وأنت تريدين أن تعطيه لعائلة آخرى

    • @patrobinson272
      @patrobinson272 9 дней назад

      Is THAT what you got out of her message and question?????? 😡😡

  • @MollyHu-fv8dp
    @MollyHu-fv8dp 5 дней назад

    Monkeys aren't PETS!!!

  • @rebecasla7307
    @rebecasla7307 9 дней назад +2

    Todos os dois precisa deixa pra outra pessoa cuidar não eles sente e tem vida.horro fazer isso.

  • @reneemcdade1297
    @reneemcdade1297 9 дней назад

    There, you have your answer. Give the baby to the other grandmother. Lambo would love thatd!!

  • @murielversin4440
    @murielversin4440 6 дней назад

    Vous ne devriez pas donner Léo , il s’est habitué à vous il va souffrir. Pourquoi ne pas donner Lucie elle s’accrochera à ses futurs parents ❤

  • @user-ec5ug4xs2i
    @user-ec5ug4xs2i 7 дней назад

    You hunted night and day for Leo!! Why would you give him up now. The little guy loves you so much. If you truly cannot keep all of them why not give Luci to Grandma. Lambo would help her take care of Luci. If it is another person wanting to adopt, again Luci is the one that you should give up. PLEASE keep Leo!! I watch your videos every day and would be very sad if you do. Karen Phoenix, AZ USA❤❤

  • @reneemcdade1297
    @reneemcdade1297 9 дней назад

    They are happy just like they are. Well, off people don't have time for a monkey, he would get no love.

  • @catuyet808
    @catuyet808 9 дней назад +1

    Mình đã nuôi con vật nào quen với mình thì mình cứ để nuôi đừng đưa cho ai cho dù mình nghèo có gì cho nó ăn lấy k quan trọng chủ yếu là tấm lòng yêu động vật

  • @delmadede4721
    @delmadede4721 8 дней назад +1

    Não de forma algunha

  • @henaoaidasantamaria7590
    @henaoaidasantamaria7590 9 дней назад +1

    No lo regales, tú lo quieres como un hijo, y Dios te dará con criarlos, él siempre provee, no desconfíes, Dios te ama.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      На Бога надейся , но сам не плошай, вы думаете, что ее доброта поможет ей прокормить трех обезьян? Вы серьезно? Они растут и там одной бутылочкой не обойтись, потом лео мальчик, а те девочки... Что будет? Одной добротой не прокормить трех обезьян

  • @MichelleBarrows
    @MichelleBarrows 8 дней назад

    No you must not give Leo to someone else. He has become very attached to you. You should give up Lucy because she is new and not yet attached.

  • @MarthaFrame-fh6fd
    @MarthaFrame-fh6fd 9 дней назад

    No keep him he loves you and grandma.

  • @user-zk5nk1de1n
    @user-zk5nk1de1n 9 дней назад

    Lady at the end of the day it is your monkey and your choice. If you give Leo away make sure they leave him to be a wild monkey. Not to put him in nice clothes and wann him to walk on 2 feeds. Make sure they send you enough Milkpowder for your monkey nahu and lucy for the next 6 months. Or you get a good price for Leo.
    I guess it is Suki's Father who has some interests. Make your mind up but Leo has a huge price because He is nice, handsome, naughty and adorable.

  • @reneemcdade1297
    @reneemcdade1297 9 дней назад

    Wait, 1:09 what? Leo has been thru hell already. He loves you, why would you give him away. He would be so traumatized!! No, no, and no!

  • @oshauny
    @oshauny 9 дней назад +1

    Hello, Léo est libre avec vous et a de l' amour. Si il n' était pas heureux, il ne resterait pas ! écoutez votre cœur!

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      Слушай сердце, но думай головой, они растут, как она их прокормит???

  • @patrobinson272
    @patrobinson272 2 дня назад +1

    Today is July 13, 2024. I just watched a video where the monkeys have on clothes. What happened to you letting them live free and natural? Do they have on diapers too?

  • @kankanoksupakanjanapisut3733
    @kankanoksupakanjanapisut3733 7 дней назад

    ฉันว่าคุณควรมอบ luci ให้ผู้อื่นไปดูแลมากกว่า เพราะเค้ายังเล็กมากต้องการอาหารและการดูแลที่ดี ซึ่งตอนนี้คุณไม่พร้อม ลีโอกับนาฮู โตแล้วแข็งแรงดีแล้ว
    แต่luci เล็กมากเกินไป ควรให้ไปอยู่ที่ดีและพร้อมกว่านี้

  • @normajones2700
    @normajones2700 9 дней назад

    I think luci should be adopted she is still a baby and will adjust easily. I know it's hard to give up your pets but you must think about there happiness keep Leo he to attach to you

  • @patrobinson272
    @patrobinson272 9 дней назад

    Many talk about giving the baby to grandma Ba Can. I recall you saying that a neighbor and another person with money wants a monkey but you never mentioned grandma BaCan.
    I think an infant monkey is a lot for her to care for. She just got out of of the hospital and she just got her ducks and chickens back. She also has a dog and a bull. Lastly, Teo and Lambo are in and out as they desire. Technically Lambo is no help. He is a monkey and would only carry the baby around until his next adventure on the mountain. Huy is no longer there. And Dung is very busy helping Grandma BaCan.
    The infant is a lot for Grandma BaCan, in my opinion. I don't know where this suggestion came from but Little Miss did not suggest the infant go to BaCan.

  • @PrincessChris2008
    @PrincessChris2008 9 дней назад +1

    I am going to stop watching if you give Leo away. When Low was gone, you pretended like you cared so we see the truth. You should stay away from all monkeys if you are not willing to treat them the same.

    • @patrobinson272
      @patrobinson272 9 дней назад

      Odd you got that out of her presentation and question.

  • @marcyhumphrey7871
    @marcyhumphrey7871 9 дней назад

    I saw how very much you were affected when Leo was missing. You were getting sick because you love him so much. Keep Leo with you. You love him and he loves you. Family.

    • @user-he3hw4bc2x
      @user-he3hw4bc2x 9 дней назад

      А что дальше,???? Лео привыкнет сильнее, а она не справится с воспитанием и тогда одна дорога в лес или в другую семью, но большую обезьяну трудно пристроить, а в лес не отпустишь, что делать то?

  • @brancatorres4398
    @brancatorres4398 9 дней назад

    Ele já está apegado a ti. Vcs se amam.❤

  • @winniechan6936
    @winniechan6936 9 дней назад

    It would be better to give Leo to someone else to adopt. You can just monitor that one for a while. As I said before, you are still very young, going out to find a job is more important than staying around 3 monkeys all days. Otherwise, you are wasting your youth time 😢