BECOME MY PATRON! ONE-OFF DONATIONS JOIN MEMBERSHIPS MY MERCH or SUPER THANK me in the comments! FOLLOW ME: Facebook (Angela's Symposium), Instagram (angela_symposium), Twitter (@angelapuca11), TikTok (Angela's Symposium).
You're the only channel that presents these subjects in a objective but engaging way. Ive seen other that push their own interpretations and even politics into rhe mixture. 📚📖
You need to checkout the channel, Esoterica. Dr. Justin Sledge probably wouldn't cover a group as young as Dragon Rouge, but he does excellent work discussing and lecturing on the development and history of European occult beliefs, practices, historical figures, and philosophies. He is an academic and his work reflects that.
Dragon Rouge is no doubt a product of Thomas's cultural background and the sociocultural environment he grew up.... 'the era of 80s Black Metal and post Levayian Satanism'. He is well spoken and thought out, very dedicated to his projects and writings. It appears many here have become interested in Dragon Rouge from this video.... I would say by all means.... explore Dragon Rouge. Also have a look at Asenath Mason's literature and art, she is also a very prolific author and interesting LHP traveller. Thanks for this presentation Dr Puca 👏
Asenath Mason has her own offshoot of Dragon Rouge called the Temple of Ascending Flame. If you (whoever is reading this comment) are interested in joining Dragon Rouge, I recommend looking into/experimenting with ToAF first, simply because Dragon Rouge costs money to join whereas ToAF doesn't. But if you can swing the yearly membership (on top of the course + materials costs), then by all means, delve into Dragon Rouge. I'm sure there are things Dragon Rouge can/will teach/offer that ToAF can't/won't.
📖I could barely blink through this video🖤Even as you speak of this the energy is just fierce and powerful🖤This is my favorite! But that is only so far..You are truly appreciated🖤Shadow and light
I like the Dragon Rouge its system seems very well organized which have been a problem with past magikal organizations. Hopefully the occult will keep getting organized and someday it might become a powerhouse of knowledge to all humanity 🙏🏻
“…knock and it and it shall be opened.” I learned that knocking on those kind of doors is… risky. I think you need a very particular bloodline or psychology to safely invoke typhonic powers.
A Stunning More Contemporary / Avant-garde Appraisal of the Pursuits of the Great Left Hand Path - Deeply Indebted to You The Good Dr Angela Puca, namestw 🙏
📖 Dr. Puca, this hit the spot! I'd never heard of Dragon Rouge before today, so thank you. The last cool dark magickal order I researched was Fraternitas Saturni. Not really for me to join or practice, but I'm still very interested in the ritual, symbolism, and techniques of these types of orders. Have a great week, Angela! ✨
I found this video interesting and informative. But my disposition toward the topic presented is similar to Mark's. While this order is not for me to join, I consider its study, from an academic standpoint, valuable. JPB
📖 Hi, Dr. Puca! This is the first video of yours that I have watched. Very interesting and engaging. I was drawn to this video because I've read about Dragon Rouge as a kind of esthetic and conceptual influence on the band Therion, of which I'm a fan.
📕📕📕 I find it interesting that self deification is considered LHP in modern occult circles. Mormons believe in self deification as well as certain right hand path traditional tantric groups from India.
Amazing video as always! And I love the fact that I go into meditation, get ideas about my magick, thinking they're my own, and then I see one of your many fantastic videos and realize I have no original thoughts. Fingers crossed on my metaphysical machines, lol
Haha... That's what's interesting about the later work. Making one's "own" magical system is highly challenging because of that very fact. There's nothing new under the flaming orb that is Sol!
@@will-love-lvx we are living in a closed system (earth) there are bound to recycling, lol. I don't veiw it as a bad thing, just a good indication that my intuition is getting a little better
@@roguewolf128 Very true! I think the main thing is to aspire crafting sets of symbols and rites that work for the individual to it's maximum effectiveness. If results are attained and others are able to utilize it for growth in their path, so much the better! 😸
📖 Thanks a lot for a video, Dr Puca! I had first learned about Dragon Rouge through the music of Swedish symphonic metal band Therion (Thomas Karlsson is their close associate and wrote some lyrics for them. I recommend everyone interested in the occult to check Therion out, especially "Theli", "Vovin" and "Secret of the Runes" albums). I joined Dragon Rouge as a member for a few years back in late 2000 - early 2010s. At the time I had only superficial knowledge about the occult and Dragon Rouge correspondence courses helped me to deepen my understanding and introduced me to a lot of different traditions and concepts. I left for various reasons without advancing to the Inner order, but I think it was nevertheless a valuable experience. I still have my paper correspondence courses and quarterly "Dracontias" order letters and occasionally re-read them. As for "self-deification", I think that it is another formulation of "becoming one with God/Absolute" which is the goal of many different esoteric philosophical traditions.
the outer dragon is much like the Tonal in mesoamerican philosofy, and the inner dragon, as the Nahual. It is amazing that esoteric tradition come to the same conclusions. We are in touch with the outer web of knowledge and at the same time, with our inner knowledge. We are a bridge that can achieve the highest possible realization for humans. great video Angela, as always your explanaition is clear and it follows a order that is easy to follow thank you so much!!
The qliphoth and the sephiroth, in my opinion, represent the core of the difference between a left hand path and a right hand path approach to spiritual development: separation and Unity. As one descents the qliphoth greater degrees of separateness are achieved, while ascending the tree of life, the illusion of separation is dropped and a progressively greater degree of unity is realized.
Love it! I have been a practicing Thelemite (at least in part) for many years and have found myself drawn to the Temple of Set for the past few years through authors such as Kenneth Grant, Stephen Flowers, and Don Webb. This video provided a lot of clarity and new avenues of understanding. Thanks!🌟 I believe there is a visitor from the Temple of Set attending the next Gnostic Mass and I’m so excited to meet her. I have always been drawn to the Left-hand path. It represents for me a spiritual autonomy and liberation that seems a natural course for my development.
@@drangelapuca Nice conversation ❤. Have you considered covering quareia magical system/ training by Josephine Mccarthy. It takes one from Neophyte to Master , really well researched.
I now see why I had some moments of frustration with the system they have. I was brought up LDS Mormon and I am use to that temple structure. The first rite I ever did with my parents was in 1975 at age four in Canada. From age 12 on I did Baptism for the Dead as a proxy for my ancestors that had departed ( ie necromancy). If you are well seasoned as a magician, it's a real challenge to switch gears and work opposite what you have been taught for decades. I am an Ex Mormon now and have been freelance from then on. My interest in the order came out of wanting to meet others striving to the one goal exaltation/Godhood. That's why after some research in this order, I just got turned off . Thanks for the video. It was very good as usual. Your a real gem!
I'm one of the people for whom Dragon Rouge has captured the interest of. I'm reading Karlsson's Qlippoth book right now and I am about to read his Rune book. The books are expensive and I'm wondering whether or not I should get some books by Asenath Mason because she was a member.
Dr. Puca, I really am learning a lot from your vids. A while back- ago I screen- shot a pic of you. I put it side- by- side a picture of Radha ( Krishna.) It's just remarkable and auspicious... you two share the same features !!
📖 The book emoji is because you said to leave one if I watched the video clear to that ending point. Of which I did so thus the book emoji 📖 Very informative, I've always loved educational videos. Between Yours, Esoterica, Mythvision, & Gnostic Informant, those are my 4 main RUclips channels I like watching. Anyway, great video, learned lots and have an awesome day. 📖
Thank you always, Doctor! I appreciate all of the work you put into everything you do! I attest to the fact that Dragon Currents are quite useful in both left and right hand path workings. I created an Egregore using a Masculine and Feminine Dragon fusion which allows Kundalini to be raised and directed. So it's very similar to this system. It was called "Dachtaphemn" which "Dachta" was the male/solar Dragon and "Phemn" was the female/lunar Dragon. I was in the process of channeling the Dragon Gospels but I had to switch gears to create the system: "The Garden of Luminous Orchids". I'll eventually incorporate the former into the latter. Much love and peace to everyone! Thank you again, Doctor! ❤
A curated copy of the transcript will be made available to the Inner Symposium (Patreon supporters) after the video goes public and after that to the members of the Symposium here 📖
Therion is one of my all time favorite bands and their lyrics have a lot of references to Dragon Rouge, since they were written by Thomas Karlson himself. I wish to understand and feel the lyrics as much as I feel the music.
Very interesting, resonating with most of it. Most interesting is the idea of the qlippoth to exit the egregore for personal apotheosis. After doing all my personal work in magic in the past 5 decades, I am still not interested in being tested out and initiated over and into a group. If you have had equivalent magical/spiritual experiences, initiations can be a bit empty. Sounds pretty interesting, than you for presenting that group.
The infrastructure of darkness was established by a module of principles, dedication, and persistency. The "Queen of Heaven" is the head goddess of the Cosmic kingdom which is the second heaven. This World has different realms, and has 12 palaces; each having 12 king Demons which are the 12 false Christs- [12 anti-Christs]. Paul spoke of one of these Demons when he said, 2 Corinthians 11:4, "For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received" These Demons are responsible for the false miracles, signs and wonders being performed in churches by false prophets. In this realm there are also 12 Prince Fallen Angels who sits around the throne of this Queen; they are of the ranks of: "PRINCIPALITIES", "POWERS", "RULERS OF DARKNESS" and "SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS". These four sects of angels make up the Government Order of Lucifer called the "Satanic"; under them are the satanists and demons. Within this kingdom you will find the demons with Macrocephalic heads, long arms etc. and these are of the Kingdom of Persia. There are also have the sects of demons called the "Prayer hunters", the "Destiny hunters", the "Star hunters". In the Second Heaven there is also what I call the "Terminal of Transition". This is the gate through which the spirits of humans pass from the heavenly realm to the human womb. It's through this gate they steal and replace the masterplan of people before they enter their mother's womb. 6 (SIX) LEVELS OF THE SECOND HEAVEN 1st LEVEL - Domain Of Queen Of The South The Queen of the South rules the first domain of the Cosmic kingdom. She is the Sovereign ruler and goddess of Fecundation and Destruction and rules at 12:00 AM and PM. The Queen of the South send "Terrors" and "Pestilence" at 12 midnight and sends Arrows and Destruction at 12 midday - (Psalms 91) 2ND LEVEL - Domain Of Queen Of Heaven The Queen of Heaven is the first Siren, also called the Queen of Space. The Queen of Heaven, [Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19, 25)] was originally known as the Goddess Astarte. Astarte is a Canaanite goddess who was a consort of Baal, [the popular Canaanite god of storms and fertility. Astarte is referred to in the Bible as Ashtoreth. However she is the goddess of Idolatry and false Religions and is known by different names throughout different cultures. She is known as "Virgin Mary" in the catholic church and her weekly sabbath is Wednesday. Weekly, false pastors, prophets and delegates attend the weekly gathering in the second heaven; they would be anointed with dark powers to perform miracles, signs and wonders etc. She also rules over 12 high demons which are represented by 12 stars around her head in the image of the Virgin Mary. Her imprint is also on the Medal called the “Miraculous Medal”. [Those who wear her medals in their necks or on their person automatically becomes her slaves; they are cursed by carrying an accursed thing of this devil. The 12 stars seen around her are 12 fallen angels who give revelations and mysteries to false pastors and prophets and those in Cult and Occult churches. The Cult of Personalities are also established by this kingdom. This Cult allows the people to worship the leader, even to the point of kneeling and bowing, or even kissing the shoes of that leader. She signs packs with those who would open new cult churches on earth, and is also the entity who establishes False prophets and leaders, and is responsible for false spirituality, False religions, Secular Cults and Christians Cults and false revelations. Whenever people attend these churches, they would be stamped with the number of the name (666), and would be marked for death. The queen would wait for their death, where their souls would be captured by the dwarf demons of the Prince of Persia. Spiritual wickedness in high places function under this entity, and are in charge of spirituality and executes all bad, vile, malevolent, vicious, impious, and malignant schemes against the holiness of the church. They also concoct strategies against the Christian churches by building labyrinths. The Labyrinths have cells which represents all the churches that are under manipulation. These churches are subjected to divisions and misunderstanding, criticism, adultery, pride and all manner of confusions etc. She rules over the kingdom of the Vatican, the headquarters of the Catholic religion. In many cases, they would use black dust in the churches to cause division and remove holiness, and would shoot arrows at the Christians who have open doors. This kingdom infiltrates the churches with Jezebel and Ahab spirits, and all manner of false spirits and gifts. 3rd Level - Domain Of Prince Of Persia This is the domain of the Prince of Persia and the army of dwarf demons who capture souls marked with Lucifer's mark. 4th Level - Facility of Imprisonment 5th Level - Domain of Lucifer Realm of the throne of Lucifer. This is the Pandemonium kingdom. 6th Level - Domain of the Dragon. It is said to be part of the Satanic trinity and is positioned to battle angelic movements and operations.
📖 This was absolutely fascinating! Interesting to hear about a dark order, working with dragon/kundalini energy and chaos. Highly structured though, which seems to go with that balance of chaos and order. Very interesting to contemplate.
📖 loved the video. self-deification to me seems a little much, I prefer to ask for assistance from the beings that control the forces I need to use, right or left hand. if you have a flat tire on the side of the road you can't manifest the tire to fix itself you can only manifest a person to come along and help you fix it, or you can fix your own tire.
@@drangelapuca Denwen, Apep & Set? Apep was associated with chaos and evil, Denwen was a personification of the concept of "viciousness" or "cruelty" in Egyptian literature. Denwen was typically portrayed as a mythical creature with the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion, and the tail of a serpent. In Egyptian texts, Denwen possessed power over fire, and he could generate a fiery conflagration so powerful that it would destroy even the gods. The dragon attempted this feat, but he failed to slaughter the deities. Apep, on the other hand, was a powerful serpent or snake that represented chaos and darkness in Egyptian mythology. Apep was seen as a malevolent force that threatened to disrupt order. Set would help Ra slay Apep nightly or help kill Chaos. I'll play devils advocate & we will assume that Apep & Denwen are real beings. Could they evolve though time? Could they trick mortals into thinking they will be God's, secretly acting to destroy. Clever Chess move for a ancient being. Pyramid Texts (circa 2400 BC) for Denwen
📖. Great video! I am a new viewer and very much enjoyed this video. Many of us on the LHP are familiar with this group so a back story was very pleasant to watch.
Wow. I had no idea this was a thing until my friend told me about it. I have heard of Dragon Magic before but in more of a Wiccan sense. I consider myself an Occultist, though I am quite a beginner and would love to learn more! This does seem a little confusing however, so I will have to watch more videos about Dragon Rouge ❤
I personally find the system very logical. I'm still just scratching the surface with these kinds of studies so my perspective is still very open to possibilities
Funny- I've never heard of Dragon Rouge, and this morning I watched a video from someone I've never heard of before- Adam Nox who, according to the website is an initiate and Adept.
📒Spiral bound notebook...I guess I'm at least a little Left Hand Path as darkness is just fine by me. Compassion also rides high, and was the part of me hooked by political delusions that fear the dark as the thralls get more and more beastial and tantrum oriented. Then there's the everything is love and light people, sorry but that's not the whole equation. I train in martial arts for one thing, self care, nutrition; to focus on the needs of oneself like that is considered too egotistical to some 'spiritual' types. Sensual reality is one of the main things I incarnated to experience, shown in my birth pattern as Mars in Taurus, 8th house and Sun Mercury in 4th house Capricorn. The drive to taste and feel the pleasures of the flesh shouldn't be tossed aside in my worldview, but embraced as the gift of embodiment.
Very interesting. I will have to investigate.📖 -- just an off handed though, but anything that is truly limitless is also inconsequential. If it is limitless it is both sides to any discussion.
From Crowley to Karlsson and many others... I always wonder what motivates them to come up with all these practices and theories and if these are even practical ?
You and Foolish FIsh are my go-to for Occult infos when I'm too lazy to read through every single articles. 😂 Thank you for video, it was well informative. 📖
All work is inner work. Self education is self initiation. Unless you "need" a club or social gathering to drain your pockets then i suggest finding your own personal divine inspiration. Remember everyone of us is connected to the same source. Dig and you shall find. Shine a light upon your own darkness hidden within and revelation will there be found.!.
🤘🏻 Very informative, and I find myself drawn to certain portions of that information. I’m interested in Typhonian Thelema, but the reference to ‘Varg’ tipped me towards thinking it’s Varg Vikernes, and the Julius Evola mention is a BRIGHT red flag, so thanks for that inclusion.
That's what I thought as well, Thomas Karlsson was related to the Scandinavian metal scene, which we can see by his involvement with Therion (he wrote almost all the lyrics for them between 1996 and 2010), and that scene wasn't so big back then in the early 90s so it's likely that he could have encountered Varg before he went to jail in 1994. The Odinic Runosophy is something Varg would likely engage into, since later on he openly promoted Odinism, which was also a cover for esoteric nazism and later "Odalism", which is not nazi but is Völkisch. Varg is also known to have produced a couple of pseudo-historical books about ancient Germanic peoples and their religion, so it wouldn't be surprising at all if he also helped to develop some phantasmagorical runic practices like runic system based on debunked Uthark theory. Evola and LaVey are clearly bright red flags. Same as Temple of Set influence. Kenneth Grant is also a red flag to me, he was expelled from OTO for a reason, his extraterrestrial themes seem just exactly like madness so easily contracted by overly prideful and unwary individuals in the occult. "You will know them by their fruits.", what good have Grant's works brought?
@@Darth-Mariner I’ve been interested in Grant for a bit, but haven’t made my way to his work yet. Thank you for the overall substantiation, the Left Hand Path has some interesting themes, but seems thoroughly shot through with terrible conclusions and individuals.
@@kcnightfang On the other hand, Varg Vikernes was definitely too young to possess enough knowledge to impress Karlsson, so maybe it was different Varg and Vikernes was only learning from him as well, hence all the similarities. The Varg then, whoever he was, would have sought disciples among black metal related people in Norway and Sweden.
Excellent video, Angela! Thank you so much for the academic knowledge you provide us practitioners. I would love to see a video about the appropriation of pagan and nordic symbols by fascists in Europe; the fascist origins of Ostara, etc. I would love to know more about it and some academic sources about it. I think this topic is not explored enough and it's a very problematic thing in pagan circles. I'm scared of accidentally using a nazi or fascist related symbol without knowing T_T
Ironic how so many Left-hand/ Chaos Magick groups swiftly run into the hardest of all inner battles - problems with institutional structure and admin. Whatever one thinks of the morality/ theology of Dante's model of hell, it had magnificently tight organisation... and it was perfectly rational compared to University management :) Many thanks for these presentations!
or SUPER THANK me in the comments!
FOLLOW ME: Facebook (Angela's Symposium), Instagram (angela_symposium), Twitter (@angelapuca11), TikTok (Angela's Symposium).
You're the only channel that presents these subjects in a objective but engaging way. Ive seen other that push their own interpretations and even politics into rhe mixture.
You need to checkout the channel, Esoterica. Dr. Justin Sledge probably wouldn't cover a group as young as Dragon Rouge, but he does excellent work discussing and lecturing on the development and history of European occult beliefs, practices, historical figures, and philosophies. He is an academic and his work reflects that.
Dragon Rouge is no doubt a product of Thomas's cultural background and the sociocultural environment he grew up.... 'the era of 80s Black Metal and post Levayian Satanism'. He is well spoken and thought out, very dedicated to his projects and writings. It appears many here have become interested in Dragon Rouge from this video.... I would say by all means.... explore Dragon Rouge. Also have a look at Asenath Mason's literature and art, she is also a very prolific author and interesting LHP traveller.
Thanks for this presentation Dr Puca 👏
Asenath Mason has her own offshoot of Dragon Rouge called the Temple of Ascending Flame. If you (whoever is reading this comment) are interested in joining Dragon Rouge, I recommend looking into/experimenting with ToAF first, simply because Dragon Rouge costs money to join whereas ToAF doesn't. But if you can swing the yearly membership (on top of the course + materials costs), then by all means, delve into Dragon Rouge. I'm sure there are things Dragon Rouge can/will teach/offer that ToAF can't/won't.
Bring on the dark. Thank you for covering this Dr Puca.
📖I could barely blink through this video🖤Even as you speak of this the energy is just fierce and powerful🖤This is my favorite! But that is only so far..You are truly appreciated🖤Shadow and light
Wow, thank you
I like the Dragon Rouge its system seems very well organized which have been a problem with past magikal organizations. Hopefully the occult will keep getting organized and someday it might become a powerhouse of knowledge to all humanity 🙏🏻
thank you for such in-depth research & explanation of such esoteric topics! 📚
“…knock and it and it shall be opened.”
I learned that knocking on those kind of doors is… risky. I think you need a very particular bloodline or psychology to safely invoke typhonic powers.
Definitely psychology, each path is related to a person's personal psychology
This was a great over vies of the Dragon Rouge and ma inspired to delve deeper into it. Thanks for this 😎
Thanks for the explanation, is the best video that I've seen about how Dragon Rouge works.
Awesome, thank you!
thank you so much!
Karlsson is a man knowing most things occult. One of his books have helped me alot.
A Stunning More Contemporary / Avant-garde Appraisal of the Pursuits of the Great Left Hand Path - Deeply Indebted to You The Good Dr Angela Puca, namestw 🙏
📖 Dr. Puca, this hit the spot! I'd never heard of Dragon Rouge before today, so thank you. The last cool dark magickal order I researched was Fraternitas Saturni. Not really for me to join or practice, but I'm still very interested in the ritual, symbolism, and techniques of these types of orders. Have a great week, Angela! ✨
I found this video interesting and informative. But my disposition toward the topic presented is similar to Mark's. While this order is not for me to join, I consider its study, from an academic standpoint, valuable.
📖 Hi, Dr. Puca! This is the first video of yours that I have watched. Very interesting and engaging. I was drawn to this video because I've read about Dragon Rouge as a kind of esthetic and conceptual influence on the band Therion, of which I'm a fan.
📕📕📕 I find it interesting that self deification is considered LHP in modern occult circles. Mormons believe in self deification as well as certain right hand path traditional tantric groups from India.
Thank you for another great analysis! 📖
The Doctor delivers another first class video. Keep on keeping on.
Amazing video as always! And I love the fact that I go into meditation, get ideas about my magick, thinking they're my own, and then I see one of your many fantastic videos and realize I have no original thoughts. Fingers crossed on my metaphysical machines, lol
Haha... That's what's interesting about the later work. Making one's "own" magical system is highly challenging because of that very fact. There's nothing new under the flaming orb that is Sol!
@@will-love-lvx we are living in a closed system (earth) there are bound to recycling, lol. I don't veiw it as a bad thing, just a good indication that my intuition is getting a little better
@@roguewolf128 Very true! I think the main thing is to aspire crafting sets of symbols and rites that work for the individual to it's maximum effectiveness. If results are attained and others are able to utilize it for growth in their path, so much the better! 😸
📖 Thanks a lot for a video, Dr Puca! I had first learned about Dragon Rouge through the music of Swedish symphonic metal band Therion (Thomas Karlsson is their close associate and wrote some lyrics for them. I recommend everyone interested in the occult to check Therion out, especially "Theli", "Vovin" and "Secret of the Runes" albums). I joined Dragon Rouge as a member for a few years back in late 2000 - early 2010s. At the time I had only superficial knowledge about the occult and Dragon Rouge correspondence courses helped me to deepen my understanding and introduced me to a lot of different traditions and concepts. I left for various reasons without advancing to the Inner order, but I think it was nevertheless a valuable experience. I still have my paper correspondence courses and quarterly "Dracontias" order letters and occasionally re-read them.
As for "self-deification", I think that it is another formulation of "becoming one with God/Absolute" which is the goal of many different esoteric philosophical traditions.
the outer dragon is much like the Tonal in mesoamerican philosofy, and the inner dragon, as the Nahual. It is amazing that esoteric tradition come to the same conclusions. We are in touch with the outer web of knowledge and at the same time, with our inner knowledge. We are a bridge that can achieve the highest possible realization for humans.
great video Angela, as always your explanaition is clear and it follows a order that is easy to follow
thank you so much!!
Thank you for all you do 📚
📚📚📚adore your work, thank you!
Wow that information is very interesting. Thank you 🙏🏻
So nice of you
Superb episode. Most interesting. Thank you.
This was a fascinating episode. Keep it up
The qliphoth and the sephiroth, in my opinion, represent the core of the difference between a left hand path and a right hand path approach to spiritual development: separation and Unity. As one descents the qliphoth greater degrees of separateness are achieved, while ascending the tree of life, the illusion of separation is dropped and a progressively greater degree of unity is realized.
Love it! I have been a practicing Thelemite (at least in part) for many years and have found myself drawn to the Temple of Set for the past few years through authors such as Kenneth Grant, Stephen Flowers, and Don Webb. This video provided a lot of clarity and new avenues of understanding. Thanks!🌟 I believe there is a visitor from the Temple of Set attending the next Gnostic Mass and I’m so excited to meet her. I have always been drawn to the Left-hand path. It represents for me a spiritual autonomy and liberation that seems a natural course for my development.
📓 Thanks for another informative video!
Great work really enjoyed this episode Angela!!
Thank you, Paige!
Nice conversation ❤. Have you considered covering quareia magical system/ training by Josephine Mccarthy. It takes one from Neophyte to Master , really well researched.
I now see why I had some moments of frustration with the system they have. I was brought up LDS Mormon and I am use to that temple structure. The first rite I ever did with my parents was in 1975 at age four in Canada. From age 12 on I did Baptism for the Dead as a proxy for my ancestors that had departed ( ie necromancy).
If you are well seasoned as a magician, it's a real challenge to switch gears and work opposite what you have been taught for decades. I am an Ex Mormon now and have been freelance from then on. My interest in the order came out of wanting to meet others striving to the one goal exaltation/Godhood. That's why after some research in this order, I just got turned off .
Thanks for the video. It was very good as usual. Your a real gem!
😊 Continue to enlighten us from the shadows, Please!🎉
It could be great if you have the opportunity to interview Dr. Karlsson.
Really great work on these left hand path videos.
I'm one of the people for whom Dragon Rouge has captured the interest of. I'm reading Karlsson's Qlippoth book right now and I am about to read his Rune book. The books are expensive and I'm wondering whether or not I should get some books by Asenath Mason because she was a member.
Dr. Puca, I really am learning a lot from your vids. A while back- ago I screen- shot a pic of you. I put it side- by- side a picture of Radha ( Krishna.) It's just remarkable and auspicious... you two share the same features !!
I believe Angels is more like goddess Kali than Radha
📖 The book emoji is because you said to leave one if I watched the video clear to that ending point. Of which I did so thus the book emoji 📖 Very informative, I've always loved educational videos. Between Yours, Esoterica, Mythvision, & Gnostic Informant, those are my 4 main RUclips channels I like watching. Anyway, great video, learned lots and have an awesome day. 📖
Thank you always, Doctor! I appreciate all of the work you put into everything you do!
I attest to the fact that Dragon Currents are quite useful in both left and right hand path workings. I created an Egregore using a Masculine and Feminine Dragon fusion which allows Kundalini to be raised and directed. So it's very similar to this system. It was called "Dachtaphemn" which "Dachta" was the male/solar Dragon and "Phemn" was the female/lunar Dragon. I was in the process of channeling the Dragon Gospels but I had to switch gears to create the system: "The Garden of Luminous Orchids". I'll eventually incorporate the former into the latter. Much love and peace to everyone! Thank you again, Doctor! ❤
You should cover the Order of the Nine Angles
📚 very interesting. Thank you
Therion fan reporting in.
What is your opinion on Uthark theory?
Thank you for your work as always! 📖
A curated copy of the transcript will be made available to the Inner Symposium (Patreon supporters) after the video goes public and after that to the members of the Symposium here 📖
📚📖📕 Can't believe it took me this long to watch this one and the one on Rosaleen Norton, fantastic videos!
Therion is one of my all time favorite bands and their lyrics have a lot of references to Dragon Rouge, since they were written by Thomas Karlson himself. I wish to understand and feel the lyrics as much as I feel the music.
📖 I love your videos, so enlighting!
Thank you Dr Puca.
Very interesting, resonating with most of it. Most interesting is the idea of the qlippoth to exit the egregore for personal apotheosis. After doing all my personal work in magic in the past 5 decades, I am still not interested in being tested out and initiated over and into a group. If you have had equivalent magical/spiritual experiences, initiations can be a bit empty.
Sounds pretty interesting, than you for presenting that group.
Very interesting, Great vid, as always. Do you sing the outro song? Love it! 📖📚
yes, that's me!
Loved the Video! Have you done anything on the Order of Nine Angles? They're an interesting bunch.
not yet
The infrastructure of darkness was established by a module of principles, dedication, and persistency.
The "Queen of Heaven" is the head goddess of the Cosmic kingdom which is the second heaven. This World has different realms, and has 12 palaces; each having 12 king Demons which are the 12 false Christs- [12 anti-Christs].
Paul spoke of one of these Demons when he said, 2 Corinthians 11:4, "For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received"
These Demons are responsible for the false miracles, signs and wonders being performed in churches by false prophets.
In this realm there are also 12 Prince Fallen Angels who sits around the throne of this Queen; they are of the ranks of: "PRINCIPALITIES", "POWERS", "RULERS OF DARKNESS" and "SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS".
These four sects of angels make up the Government Order of Lucifer called the "Satanic"; under them are the satanists and demons.
Within this kingdom you will find the demons with Macrocephalic heads, long arms etc. and these are of the Kingdom of Persia. There are also have the sects of demons called the "Prayer hunters", the "Destiny hunters", the "Star hunters".
In the Second Heaven there is also what I call the "Terminal of Transition". This is the gate through which the spirits of humans pass from the heavenly realm to the human womb. It's through this gate they steal and replace the masterplan of people before they enter their mother's womb.
1st LEVEL - Domain Of Queen Of The South
The Queen of the South rules the first domain of the Cosmic kingdom. She is the Sovereign ruler and goddess of Fecundation and Destruction and rules at 12:00 AM and PM.
The Queen of the South send "Terrors" and "Pestilence" at 12 midnight and sends Arrows and Destruction at 12 midday - (Psalms 91)
2ND LEVEL - Domain Of Queen Of Heaven
The Queen of Heaven is the first Siren, also called the Queen of Space. The Queen of Heaven, [Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19, 25)] was originally known as the Goddess Astarte. Astarte is a Canaanite goddess who was a consort of Baal, [the popular Canaanite god of storms and fertility. Astarte is referred to in the Bible as Ashtoreth.
However she is the goddess of Idolatry and false Religions and is known by different names throughout different cultures.
She is known as "Virgin Mary" in the catholic church and her weekly sabbath is Wednesday. Weekly, false pastors, prophets and delegates attend the weekly gathering in the second heaven; they would be anointed with dark powers to perform miracles, signs and wonders etc.
She also rules over 12 high demons which are represented by 12 stars around her head in the image of the Virgin Mary. Her imprint is also on the Medal called the “Miraculous Medal”. [Those who wear her medals in their necks or on their person automatically becomes her slaves; they are cursed by carrying an accursed thing of this devil.
The 12 stars seen around her are 12 fallen angels who give revelations and mysteries to false pastors and prophets and those in Cult and Occult churches.
The Cult of Personalities are also established by this kingdom. This Cult allows the people to worship the leader, even to the point of kneeling and bowing, or even kissing the shoes of that leader.
She signs packs with those who would open new cult churches on earth, and is also the entity who establishes False prophets and leaders, and is responsible for false spirituality, False religions, Secular Cults and Christians Cults and false revelations.
Whenever people attend these churches, they would be stamped with the number of the name (666), and would be marked for death. The queen would wait for their death, where their souls would be captured by the dwarf demons of the Prince of Persia.
Spiritual wickedness in high places function under this entity, and are in charge of spirituality and executes all bad, vile, malevolent, vicious, impious, and malignant schemes against the holiness of the church.
They also concoct strategies against the Christian churches by building labyrinths. The Labyrinths have cells which represents all the churches that are under manipulation. These churches are subjected to divisions and misunderstanding, criticism, adultery, pride and all manner of confusions etc.
She rules over the kingdom of the Vatican, the headquarters of the Catholic religion.
In many cases, they would use black dust in the churches to cause division and remove holiness, and would shoot arrows at the Christians who have open doors.
This kingdom infiltrates the churches with Jezebel and Ahab spirits, and all manner of false spirits and gifts.
3rd Level - Domain Of Prince Of Persia
This is the domain of the Prince of Persia and the army of dwarf demons who capture souls marked with Lucifer's mark.
4th Level - Facility of Imprisonment
5th Level - Domain of Lucifer
Realm of the throne of Lucifer. This is the Pandemonium kingdom.
6th Level - Domain of the Dragon.
It is said to be part of the Satanic trinity and is positioned to battle angelic movements and operations.
📖 This was absolutely fascinating! Interesting to hear about a dark order, working with dragon/kundalini energy and chaos. Highly structured though, which seems to go with that balance of chaos and order. Very interesting to contemplate.
Another informative and entertaining video.📔📖
Dr Puca PhD . Nice insight. Makes so much sense to me and brings understanding to the confusion. ❤
Thank you for the video 🤘📚
📖 Never heard of this group before, but I'm deeply intrigued and would like to know more. I'm gonna check out karlsson's books for sure.
📖 loved the video. self-deification to me seems a little much, I prefer to ask for assistance from the beings that control the forces I need to use, right or left hand.
if you have a flat tire on the side of the road you can't manifest the tire to fix itself you can only manifest a person to come along and help you fix it, or you can fix your own tire.
Truly fascinating. Great stuff 📖
📕🖤✴ You should have your own academy if you don't already.
maybe I will
I want in!
Denwen, Apep & Set? Apep was associated with chaos and evil, Denwen was a personification of the concept of "viciousness" or "cruelty" in Egyptian literature. Denwen was typically portrayed as a mythical creature with the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion, and the tail of a serpent. In Egyptian texts, Denwen possessed power over fire, and he could generate a fiery conflagration so powerful that it would destroy even the gods. The dragon attempted this feat, but he failed to slaughter the deities.
Apep, on the other hand, was a powerful serpent or snake that represented chaos and darkness in Egyptian mythology. Apep was seen as a malevolent force that threatened to disrupt order. Set would help Ra slay Apep nightly or help kill Chaos.
I'll play devils advocate & we will assume that Apep & Denwen are real beings. Could they evolve though time? Could they trick mortals into thinking they will be God's, secretly acting to destroy. Clever Chess move for a ancient being.
Pyramid Texts (circa 2400 BC) for Denwen
📖. Great video! I am a new viewer and very much enjoyed this video. Many of us on the LHP are familiar with this group so a back story was very pleasant to watch.
📖📚Thanks for the video. Do you have a video of the philosophy that you practice?
Wow. I had no idea this was a thing until my friend told me about it. I have heard of Dragon Magic before but in more of a Wiccan sense. I consider myself an Occultist, though I am quite a beginner and would love to learn more! This does seem a little confusing however, so I will have to watch more videos about Dragon Rouge ❤
I have pathworked the entire system following Asenath Mason books. I acquired the ability to astral project as a quasi physically Dragon everywhere.
I personally find the system very logical. I'm still just scratching the surface with these kinds of studies so my perspective is still very open to possibilities
Funny- I've never heard of Dragon Rouge, and this morning I watched a video from someone I've never heard of before- Adam Nox who, according to the website is an initiate and Adept.
Nice Vídeo, Thank you.
📒Spiral bound notebook...I guess I'm at least a little Left Hand Path as darkness is just fine by me. Compassion also rides high, and was the part of me hooked by political delusions that fear the dark as the thralls get more and more beastial and tantrum oriented. Then there's the everything is love and light people, sorry but that's not the whole equation. I train in martial arts for one thing, self care, nutrition; to focus on the needs of oneself like that is considered too egotistical to some 'spiritual' types. Sensual reality is one of the main things I incarnated to experience, shown in my birth pattern as Mars in Taurus, 8th house and Sun Mercury in 4th house Capricorn. The drive to taste and feel the pleasures of the flesh shouldn't be tossed aside in my worldview, but embraced as the gift of embodiment.
Very interesting. I will have to investigate.📖 -- just an off handed though, but anything that is truly limitless is also inconsequential. If it is limitless it is both sides to any discussion.
Very interesting 📙
I'm not really too much into orders. Thanks for the content.
📖 excellent video, learned a lot I did not know
Wow! I am interested.
Every time you say varg burzum pops into my head 😂.
📕 Thanks for the great video
📖Very informative
Do you know why their website has become inaccessible?
From Crowley to Karlsson and many others... I always wonder what motivates them to come up with all these practices and theories and if these are even practical ?
Why wonder when you can test it yourself?
As any magician, they sought knowledge and power beyond the average human level
📚📚📚 🤔...not a word about Tom Harris influence or research for his book(s). Oh well.. guess it would have been too easy a find. The search continues.
fascinating, very interesting, this Typhonian Alchemy sounds intriguing.
A catch22; I am Coalcrystal. Thank you for your work. I hope someday to be able to help support you through it.
Not sure what a book emoji is but….🎉😅❤
Ho Drakon ho Megas !
Looved it!
😊ñ l. 😊 L😊. 😊😊 😊. 😊 😊. 😊. 😊😊😊😊
😮. 😊o:-)o:-)
📚 This is interesting
Angela, you are just... so cool
You and Foolish FIsh are my go-to for Occult infos when I'm too lazy to read through every single articles. 😂
Thank you for video, it was well informative. 📖
Happy to help!
All work is inner work. Self education is self initiation. Unless you "need" a club or social gathering to drain your pockets then i suggest finding your own personal divine inspiration. Remember everyone of us is connected to the same source. Dig and you shall find. Shine a light upon your own darkness hidden within and revelation will there be found.!.
Love it
I resonate ❤️🔥
I studied the book of Lucifer, I think dragon Magick might be different than what I studied.thank you for this beautiful knowledge❤🔥✡
By accident my first occult book was Thomas Karlsson's that I bought randomly from an experimental music shop.
Where can I find Dragon Rouge chapters near my area in the US?
📕blessed be
What a beautiful accent 😍
🤘🏻 Very informative, and I find myself drawn to certain portions of that information. I’m interested in Typhonian Thelema, but the reference to ‘Varg’ tipped me towards thinking it’s Varg Vikernes, and the Julius Evola mention is a BRIGHT red flag, so thanks for that inclusion.
That's what I thought as well, Thomas Karlsson was related to the Scandinavian metal scene, which we can see by his involvement with Therion (he wrote almost all the lyrics for them between 1996 and 2010), and that scene wasn't so big back then in the early 90s so it's likely that he could have encountered Varg before he went to jail in 1994. The Odinic Runosophy is something Varg would likely engage into, since later on he openly promoted Odinism, which was also a cover for esoteric nazism and later "Odalism", which is not nazi but is Völkisch. Varg is also known to have produced a couple of pseudo-historical books about ancient Germanic peoples and their religion, so it wouldn't be surprising at all if he also helped to develop some phantasmagorical runic practices like runic system based on debunked Uthark theory.
Evola and LaVey are clearly bright red flags. Same as Temple of Set influence.
Kenneth Grant is also a red flag to me, he was expelled from OTO for a reason, his extraterrestrial themes seem just exactly like madness so easily contracted by overly prideful and unwary individuals in the occult. "You will know them by their fruits.", what good have Grant's works brought?
@@Darth-Mariner I’ve been interested in Grant for a bit, but haven’t made my way to his work yet. Thank you for the overall substantiation, the Left Hand Path has some interesting themes, but seems thoroughly shot through with terrible conclusions and individuals.
@@kcnightfang On the other hand, Varg Vikernes was definitely too young to possess enough knowledge to impress Karlsson, so maybe it was different Varg and Vikernes was only learning from him as well, hence all the similarities. The Varg then, whoever he was, would have sought disciples among black metal related people in Norway and Sweden.
@@Darth-MarinerIs there anything in occult circles that ISNT a red flag? The Baptist church seems like the right place for you.
Excellent video, Angela! Thank you so much for the academic knowledge you provide us practitioners. I would love to see a video about the appropriation of pagan and nordic symbols by fascists in Europe; the fascist origins of Ostara, etc. I would love to know more about it and some academic sources about it. I think this topic is not explored enough and it's a very problematic thing in pagan circles. I'm scared of accidentally using a nazi or fascist related symbol without knowing T_T
Ironic how so many Left-hand/ Chaos Magick groups swiftly run into the hardest of all inner battles - problems with institutional structure and admin. Whatever one thinks of the morality/ theology of Dante's model of hell, it had magnificently tight organisation... and it was perfectly rational compared to University management :) Many thanks for these presentations!
anar-kiddies who join edgy contrarian cults are petulant cringelords, obviously they won't even stand each other
📖I enjoyed this one a lot
What is your recommendation if you want to start researching dragon magick?📖